More Bins? Most Definitely!!

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back at it all right we just got to the field combines are right here so we're gonna go ahead put some grease in them fuel them up clean them check them just kind of do that sort of thing and then uh hit the field start rolling so chad's ready to go i'm taking over dad's position today he's busy he's got some things to do so uh i get to run combine interesting when you change something it's amazing how sometimes that leads into finding more problems well i changed that secondary filter which was throwing a code in there because i didn't know it had a secondary fuel filter there's this one here that we've changed all the time we always thought there was one there's a second one it's on the engine in a really ridiculous housing that's a pain to get off i got it off i got swapped but i was trying to re-prime that bowl took the plug on top and i'm like why isn't it priming itself with the key on came down here fuel pump wasn't running this is the lift pump just helps get it up to the engine the ground wire was ripped off who knows how long it hasn't been running i don't know how it's coming they're running like that which makes me nervous going the engine was having to do all the work to suck all that fuel from down here up there so i stripped the insulation off the wire i wrapped it around the old lead tighten it up tight gorilla taped the snot out of it so we can get back to the farm yard and solder it back together again but it'll run it's running right now it just that makes me nervous i don't know anyways so found out the fuel pump wasn't running it's running now all right back to work okay grease fuel cleaning the windows and we're good to go let's go cut some peas i can't have everything go perfect uh it's not yielding as well as the other stuff we were in i think it's averaging according to my monitor around 30 bushels an acre that's still a lot better than last year if we had that last year we'd be thrilled so not complaining just inserting that this land which was planted not far from the other stuff is yielding 10 15 bushels less hard to say what that could be could just be conditions this is a couple miles away from the other area so maybe i didn't get the rain this year i don't know um but it's okay we'll get her cut and maybe the other field which is down here a little ways will surprise us when we get into it but so far it's good we'll get through this one thing you got to think about is how do you tackle a field during harvest if you've got one combine it's not a big deal because well he's got the whole field to himself if you got two combines you got to start thinking about where is the unloading auger going to be where the truck's got to dump or the grain cart where the combine is going to be how do you split the field because so what we usually do is we come in we figure out so far distance in the field where we feel there's enough to carve us open it up so one combine goes down cuts back and then the other one goes up and then you slowly work from the inside out and spread out so one goes this way one goes that way and the field slowly gets harvested to center or what we're gonna try right now is we go together so he goes up behind me i go over i skip two suaves possibly three and then i come down and then he does the same thing and he just picks up basically the swath that i leave behind every time only work the gps sometimes the gps isn't working real great it doesn't work so we're give our shot see what happens take a close look at the pro 700 right here you can see how i'm one two three swaths over so i'm going down this one he's coming up this one and it leaves one between us and then he'll turn around and he'll catch this one as you can see that's him right there in b spine that's chad so he's on that swath then there's two swath then three and i'm on three right here makes sense all right we'll smell it and make it complicated and try to do this oh no there's i'm not gonna get to the end in time it's just about to go over the top oh slow movements i'm gonna have to pull out of the field there's no way i'm gonna make it yeah pulling out not happening all right well we'll just see if i can carefully maneuver my way to the truck without spilling everywhere that oh that is full that is not good oh no no no no no no it's trickling over oh i don't know it's gonna make a mess whatever let's just deal with it i don't care plug my ears okay we're going uphill which means it's kind of holding it in the hopper um getting to the truck it's right there now i'm going to go real slow and hopefully get this out without dumping a pile in the cab did i get you on the cab you guys tell me is it is it bad is it really bad but we made it let's dump this thing all right park combines go get the pick up go back and eat some food i guess we're not having food out in the field today so that's fine drive back but i think we're gonna finish over here today no we're not really pushing 100 like you think we would but that's not up bad because we do know that we have a good forecast ahead of us and uh we're gonna have a couple days between spring wheat when spring restarts we'll have some down time to golf sleep sleep golf play with kids sleep golf and then maybe do a little maintenance and then start spring wheat this bin right here is full of peas the other one's starting to be full of peas and we have a spot over here for the third bin well the con concrete truck is just about to show up in fact there he is right there just about turn the corner so one of the things they have to do is they have to wet down the surface because when you pour the concrete on top all that dry soil is actually going to suck the moisture out of the concrete and it will change the way it sets up so you wet it down so that way it sets up more evenly at least that's what i'm told i could be wrong which i often am but that's the idea right yeah we learn a couple things here and there right foreign awesome first trucks down here comes the second one hey i can count amazing they're making quick work for this and this is probably the wettest one i've seen in a long time which means it's going to finish really really well at least that's the idea so there we have it the third truck they'll pour that in there figure out what they need order another truck and uh then it's just a lot of flat work that looks nice looks really nice i'm happy i hope they're happy too if you ask me this is like plato for men you asked me i answered so we're finishing up yellow peas it should be tomorrow hopefully but we also laid concrete this week and uh the bin guys are here to erect the bin they are i think this is our last stop before they head home so they're trying to get it done because they're talking a little bit of wind in the next couple days and they want to make sure that bin's secure and done so i've been around taking the skid steer helping them out a little bit moving some stuff around but let's watch them do their thing and like they did on these two they made it look very easy and thanks guys really appreciate it it's amazing how hard i work i wish i was getting rewarded by you know not working oh you thought i didn't share i already gave him some i'm serious i did give him some roll it again and my auto steer does not look like it's working i'm just cutting off at an odd angle what is going on here i know i turned it on i know i did maybe i got distracted and i reached up to grab my camera to make a video that's never happened ever it's okay the best part about harvest is my mistake right here yeah it's gonna be gone in about 10 minutes no it'll know not even you guys right right you won't re-watch this point with you right you won't you won't share the video don't share the video please thank you okay keep this between us here we have it trucks coming they're gonna be uh pouring the slab over here and um then we can put these wonderful smooth walls on that slop and i'm gonna sit here and drink coffee while they work just finished this field now i gotta drive it across the two big coolies we call them draws but the header it's really big and it's not a very very wide road pretty small so it's gonna be kind of fun chad's already took off a beast but i'm gonna follow him shortly i might go and take the pickup down there too and then that way take him back to grab these trucks but either way i got a little road trip to make it fun so uh let's go finally get to drive him kind of move like a half mile that way but it's still awesome let's go take it for a drive about three quarter loaded but we're gonna use every space we got because right now uh we need all the trucks over there as mean as we can get all right let's see here it's not a combo oh yeah that's right steering wheel okay let's go all right let's get combining as you can tell it's basically dark out these guys are still working on the bin yep oh there we go and they need a light so i put lights on the skid steer even in the dark that thing works see how nifty that is you don't even know where you're at when you're driving the truck forward but when that kicks on you know nifty got my trusty headset on yeah i know i wear this thing on and off it's awesome you're jealous i know it's great okay anyways yeah it's uh what is it past uh 10 o'clock dark out a little bit of horizon for the sunset not much we're getting acres knocked out things are going well machines running great uh there's a thunderstorm coming and it's over there and it's headed right this way and all the predictions have just shot up from some rain a little bigger so bring it rained out we'll see how far we can get but um we gotta just try to get as much of these pieces because we can so we'll keep pushing hard wish you sluck you guys are awesome thanks for support use the pad on the back right now or you know maybe like a cool comment or something like that get it done nick even though it's already happened you want to see the vanilla's cool look at my spotlight yeah i think the the cover the light fell off or something so now it's just a meme it works so you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 220,198
Rating: 4.9835596 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: sTIbWesSL4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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