MORBIUS MOVIE REVIEW 2022 | Double Toasted

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this ain't nothing but an argument between two people yeah most of this movie is just an argument between two dudes who just happen to be vampires and one is being a [ __ ] about it just throwing a hissy fit you know i like being a vampire that's it exactly you're not taking us away from me oh so you get to prance around being a vampire but i can't that's not fair wait why don't you leave him alone he's except that he's a vampire and stop acting like he's not yeah [Music] hey everyone before we start the review i need to let you know that this video is sponsored by bespoke post and one of the things i love most about going out and meeting all utosis is seeing all the cool and stylish people that we have in our community you want to make that lifestyle that you live look even more cooler of course you do and that is why you need to check out bespoke post bespoke post is a monthly membership club that delivers top shelf goods right to your home to fit any kind of lifestyle that you have 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it right y'all let him live let morbids live can he live can he live i hope so because it's in his name morbius the living vampire you see my man over here in the comics you've also probably in the comics seen him hanging out with spiderman or you might have eaten and i did this last night for another marvel person apparently everybody likes to hang out with spider-man yeah spider-man's the guy to go to oh no no yeah yeah he is the go-to guy you ain't [ __ ] if you ain't hanging out with me you ain't spending that with spider-man so morbid said let me get some that spider-man over there so some of the kids out there you probably seen the uh the gentler side of morbius the living vampire [Music] what do you think you're up to crete leave me alone stay away damn [ __ ] he's he's the living [ __ ] wow he got kicked one time like okay i give up leave me alone he's a badass out there justice for mobius justice for morbius do with the with a movie brain oh they say hey you know and you know some things are better better left off dead yeah quit while you're ahead yeah there's all there's already there's already a lot of controversy going on is that right with this movie and the controversy that's going on with this is i mean it's nothing too deep it's just that you know there's been some word of mouth that has not been too good and then there's people talking about how the director he ain't even got faith in this he oh really he went out there and well they they're saying that i don't know but he went out there and just spoiled a bunch of things marvel would never let him get away with that marvel he you would never see him again marvel would pull some mafia [ __ ] on and he'd be dead yeah the only reason why tom holland's still alive because he is spider-man they need him for now but now yeah you keep running your jibs i think wait let them let them find another spider-man i'll make a cg tomahawk right but as far as this movie i mean listen you know i don't know too many morbius fans out there but yeah that's the thing man i it's one of those where just when it was announced i was like um who's this movie for yeah you know i don't know too many i've never really heard anybody who's like damn i can't wait for more of this movie i've never heard that i'm not saying i'm not out there but if you are that person and those people out there i'm sure that they would say well you know jared leto is great casting this is pretty awesome i i he's got the features for it and also you know vampires always cool man and it's about time one way or another one way or another we try to bring some horror into the marvel universe even if even if it's through sony let's go ahead and take a look at your boy morbius the living vampire just accept who you are the bad guy these days i appreciate any movie that's under two hours true and and gives me my life back but when this ended and it's under two hours it's about an hour and if you take the credits about 40 minutes but when this ended i looked at the person next to me and scared the shadows i was like that's it what i was like man i mean i was i was like you to a degree where i was like oh okay but now we we get to the real climb accident and it was just like morbius black screen start over and i had that confused feeling of oh where's the rest of my movie yeah but but the other side of like i get to go home people let me tell you something i wasn't asking for more morbius i want to ask for but morbid's come out doing encore and [ __ ] i want to ask him for more morbius right there but this is this movie is so underwhelming i said surely there's got to be something more than this right here because people when i said when when i looked over and i said are y'all serious is it is it over y'all seeing what i'm saying the movie said nah nah man more busy morbis looked up at this he looked right at this he looked right at the people he looked up from the screen right to people like what y'all still doing here this big letter m this big ass m came up on the screen [Music] and then it said directed by stay for the stingers though we'll talk about that in a minute it's it's like that old joke ah the food that restaurant is so horrible i know and they give you so little yeah like uh that [ __ ] except for those stupid-ass stingers that movie said nah that was that i'm confused i've never seen a movie like this where i didn't want more but felt like i needed more you know what i'm saying like what is this feeling i've never had this yeah well now the reasons why i thought that there was surely more going on with this let me explain it's because for all this talk about vampires and spiderman and multiverses and tragic characters it's just really for all that stuff right there you think that you would have a full movie you think you would have a fully loaded movie just chock full of goodness but for all that stuff right there this ain't nothing but an argument between two people yeah most of this movie is just an argument between two dudes who just happen to be vampires and one is being a [ __ ] about it just throwing a hissy finger you know i like being a vampire that's it exactly you're not taking us away from me oh so you get to prance around being a vampire but i can't that's not fair wait why don't you leave him alone he needs to accept that he's a vampire and stop acting like he's not yeah it's like are you talking about a vampire gang you know this is like he just needs to accept who he is man you need you need to calm down tell me but that's when you come down to it that's the plot right there i mean that's the crux that's the crux of it yes uh dr michael morbius he wants to find a cure for a rare blood disease that he's had since he's a since he's been a child he also hopes to find uh he also hopes to find a uh a cure for his best friend uh milo who the adult milo is played by matt matt smith but as uh you know they have the same disease they suck together so therefore they they become very close they even say you know we got nobody else but each other we're brothers uh so he hopes to find a cure for milo himself and with that uh now i'm talking about them being friends as children you know what a coincidence milo grows up to be rich michael morbis grows up to be smart hey man i'm smart you rich give me some money for research and milo's not just rich he's like with russian goons on his payroll around him all the time rich like we don't even know what he does we don't he's like a gangster or something but we don't we don't know always this movie is allergic to character development it really is because i don't know i don't know what the hell milo does they never talk about what he does for a living but i mean you know they they insinuate that it might be shady because he might be in some gangster [ __ ] and since morbius is doing some uh kind of irresponsible research we can all keep this on the down low i'm doing dirty things you got dirty money hey we're brothers you know let's let's find a cure together yeah yes so when when you got dr michael morbius who irresponsibly injects himself with vampire bat blood which according to science turns you into a vampire i have to believe he he messed around with it but you gotta admit they they give you a whole lot of bat facts right before they get to that party to try to sell you on this pseudoscience yeah this should come with a pamphlet about bats but hey according to the size of the world you just get some good dna some bad dna and inject yourself instant vampire yeah so all you got kids out there if you get a hold of some bat dna you can live your dreams your twilight dreams is [ __ ] that's right you get to become a vampire without dying the living vampire the living vampire yes so there you go people oh what an education you getting here today that dna turns into a vampire and you still get you still get to live it's like i went to school today and learned some stuff but the real story here the real story here is that old buddy milo just he steals some of the dna i guess he drinks it and he becomes a vampire the difference is between him and morbius morbius says oh this is such a curse and a burden i'll only drink the artificial blood yeah artificial blood like art like like like sativa for blood stevia whatever you know and milo's like that the world the world was mean to me so i beat everybody stupid ass and i tell you what i ain't gonna lie i i kinda i kind of understand why i ain't saying this right but i kind of understand where milo's coming from because when milo was a kid boy he got an ass whooping he got the kind of ass whooping as a kid that sticks with you for life sure they beat the they beat the [ __ ] out this kid they viciously beat him they knocked this knocked those crutches out from under his ass and when i got on the ground they gang kicked him man this is the second superhero movie we've seen where bullies beat up a [ __ ] kid hell yeah crutches yeah it was shazam the first time yeah by the way so the bright side is at least they couldn't drive i don't think that this is a terrible movie i've seen believe me as much as many bad movies as i've watched i've seen worse i've seen much much worse and i say this because it showed promise at the beginning it's just that it's a very flat movie it is excuse me up until adult matt smith shows up when you know milo and all that it's a b movie yeah i was just watching i was like this has all the sensibilities of a b movie it's just running through these plot points quickly uh with exposition and no character development and like you say it's flat and i felt the same way i was like you know for all i heard about this it's not good but i've seen worse i've seen hey man it's flat it's flat you people you have it's flat soda and beer you know how flat soda and beer is the first you drinking it and got that fizz on it and it got all that flavor but you let it sit there long enough it is flattest yeah the ones that you open and get you like oh [ __ ] and then by the time it's almost like between the time you lifted it up and got it to your lips all the carbonation was yeah well no actually it sat there too damn long because at first it was kind of flavorful at first i was like damn he got martin when they when the movie opened up you know that first five minutes was and i was like all right you know and i had some good sips and i'm gonna tell you the reason why because i think it starts out cool as long as you don't ask questions you know as long as you don't question science here it's our it's it's all right uh because it's a comic book movie so you let you let stupid science slide we know that i mean [ __ ] they ain't no you know i ain't gonna criticize morbius for that dna turning him into a batman the real batman you know and for the spider but a spider oh but we're gonna cheer on peter parker but getting bit by radioactive spider and now he got webs coming out of his hands or he can build webs too you know i'm criticizing we all know how this works but uh you know with this the reason why this is cool is because the beginning of this is and we talked about this with another movie or another show the beginning of this is this is a horror movie it's a nice you know it's it's a light pg-13 horror movie but it's it is definitely a horror movie it's not like it ain't like the moon night which we talked about last night which that has horror elements in it but it's not really a hard show this is a horror movie in the beginning and and uh and it doesn't actually it's not too bad because i mean when they go in i didn't i it caught me off guard i did not expect morbius to go off this hard on these people and just have this kind of body count this early in the movie pile up like it did oh damn killed him so fast he had his ass i know he thought the worst he was going to get is just what he got at first with the pipe and all but no no [ __ ] he and he sliced his ass so bad at him looking like michael jackson [Laughter] nah man oh but anybody's worried about all these these people that he's taking out right here hey don't worry uh they most of them were probably bad people yes yeah they say they say hey you know don't worry about this the movie lets us know that they might be bad guys maybe the movie is less likely they said these they say these these [ __ ] probably had it coming we don't know for sure but they were mercenaries you know what you did sure because we got to make because we got to make sure that we don't we we don't feel uncomfortable with morbius but we got to still like him yeah we got to still root for it yeah if the movie starts out him murdering children or old ladies or something you know we checking out but nah man he killed dude with dudes with guns we probably had some dirt somewhere you know because i think they had guns first so as mercenaries always do because apparently that's just racist all mercenaries are [ __ ] that's not right not all mercenaries uh i tell you this has the usual entertaining stuff in it uh you know there's a because it's an origin movie so this has morbius you know discovering his powers you know the you know they got the uh uh they got moments with good special effects where he's testing out his powers even though there's one scene that they didn't have the time so he just got got into a tape record and just describing all his powers that he had and i was like damn you know be real cool if you could just show it yeah that's money though we can just tell you and as i said trust this yeah exactly some of the some of the special effects are cool um there's a there's a there's a there's a lot of the uh with the special effects you know some of it looks cool but outdated techniques like they do a lot of the uh the fast and then the slow-mo thing you know there's a lot of that in there which is just pretty much like they're posing you know like don't just look cool they do a lot of that in this and it feels a little outdated right there but you know i was i was interested i really was interested in the beginning the movie with the way it was set up as a horror film i was interested to see how they have a character that starts out as pretty much a savage beast this monster i want to see how he would transition into hero status but as the movie eases into superhero stuff it just that's when it turns into just two dudes just bickering at each other you know the whole thing of you and it really is this thing of like you know i i i'm gonna stay a vampire oh the hell you will oh you gonna stop me you know this is like all right you know what uh that is it felt like pretty much filler when they couldn't really do anything clever with the rest of the ideas that they had yeah it's filler that takes up half the movie it's an argument with special effects that's all it is and i mean that's just my perception of it because i was just looking i was like i wasn't saying i was bored by it because at the time i thought like all right after they're done fighting we're going to get into something more characterization what would this lead to yeah not only you know yeah it didn't let the credits the movies so you know in the movie so focused on this that the characters become dull i think the exception is matt smith you know matt smith he's having he's having fun with this you know he he he has like he really does act like a handicapped guy that got his legs back and it's an [ __ ] yeah yeah he's first thing he do he's in his room just dancing he goes out to the bar looking for chicks you know i mean and of course he eats people and that's not a good thing but you know but you don't want to overlook that yeah let's not forget one little flaw come in yeah he's only human or at least he was before all this my problem with this is that milo played by matt smith it just turns evil almost for no reason i mean they give a reason but it's extreme he's extremely evil like that like quick super quick because it's like at that point we're like all right you stole the dna and you're a vampire go about your business yeah ain't listening to reason you know it really is it really did turn into like he just turned into a brat it's like why you get to drink it and why can't i be a vampire and that was like in five minutes and the reason i had that in five minutes is because well we need a villain yeah yeah hey and we need one quick we need one quick because all right michael has killed people how can we make him a hero exactly to have someone so much worse yes exactly but matt smith is having a lot of fun with it and i had fun watching him uh you know he's doing what he can with the material and fortunately he's given like the juiciest part in the movie too you know because it's y'all saying wow there ain't given to the title character no no it is not uh i'm gonna tell you jared leto jared leto jared leto is uh he he's he's not bad and everybody knows he's a great actor guy's got an academy award he transforms himself in a lot of movies that he's in you know you got to give him credit that he is a completely different character in every movie yeah i a lot of respect to jared leto as an actor nothing that i'm criticizing him about is his acting ability this is this is the writing here um the thing is is that he's so he's so sullen in this movie you know he's got that he's got that quiet torment going on that you know i got it when you would look i got it when you were sick man you know i understand you would you know you were weak but you would vampire now wake your ass up have some fun with it i actually think that uh the character they try to make him so conflicted that the character just needed to be infused with a little bit of humor yeah he had a he cracked a couple of jokes here and there yeah but he cried but they were all correct hey martin knock knock you know you're right and they were very dry and it was like oh that was a joke oh yeah it was a joke yeah knock knock who's there hold on i don't know joke ain't even funny no more you know jesus bro when you tell a joke have some life yeah you know he did some one-liners yeah some one-liners but yeah you know something you hit it somebody said hey he's no venom no i tell you that venom at least had fun bennie at least knew how to take a joke and tell one it wasn't funny all the time but at least he had fun but you know it's a it's appropriate that you know he's acting solid most of the movie even when he's a vampire it is appropriate but it doesn't make the character interesting why is tyrese in this movie i was gonna ask you cause yeah him and al madrigal are they detectives or fbi or whatever they are they are way out of place in this i don't know what the again nothing against these two actors right here but especially tyrese tyrese just walking through this movie looking lost i gotta ask you something too because i i don't want to come across as callous to somebody's uh physical appearance but and tyra's not to worry about it he's handsome as hell but does tyrese have an actual did somebody cut him on his throat or something does he have an actual scar on his throat oh i just assumed that was yeah i noticed that i was like is that part of the movie i just thought that was part of the character but but that but they didn't get no backstory yeah you know i mean look you see the way this movie's chopped up it could easily be a subplot that's on the cutting room floor yeah or i guess in the deleted and into the trash yeah i don't understand why they got this man in here just just walking around yeah they're doing nothing no these these two dudes serve no purpose no that's their purpose take up everybody's goddamn time the thing is if you're the average movie goer this you know this might it might be all right and i can see that it might be okay if you're a marvel fan though chances are you could be very pissed with the way things are going they got these two stingers in this movie we ain't spoiling enough for nobody because they already put it in the trailer yeah in fact they cut those stingers up to make you think something is going down that is not going down people they they already put it they already put it in the trailer so we ain't don't sit up here and talk about man y'all spoiling everything ain't nobody spawn a goddamn thing they put it right here front and center [ __ ] michael keaton came out even to see he pretty much said stinger in his trailer right here boy these dumbass but that trailer your show made it look like he is a part of this story yeah well that's one of the things that people mad about too they're like damn you made it look like he was a major character in here which people are saying damn well the way this movie's going he should have been i don't really like it but he could have brought some life to this goddamn movie right here sony with with with one simple michael keaton sony's making this multiverse stuff stuff is it's they're making it stupid it's stupid they making it not confusing not convoluted they make it it is those but they're making it stupid y'all this is the kind of [ __ ] that makes you ask disney was spider-man worth it right should i master myself man i love the spider-man we got i wanted that spider-man i was thankful for it but i look at i look at this [ __ ] and i'm like damn maybe i should be careful what i wish for exactly monkey's paw yeah the monkey's paw somebody got monkey hands up people who know michael keaton from the spider-man movies are spider-man the homecoming spider-man homecoming you know he played the the the the vulture adrian toomey tombs tonight i'm sorry adrian toombs he plays the vulture in that so again this is not a spoiler y'all know you look at the trail and guess what happened after all the multiverse shenanigans that we had with uh uh doctor strange uh when i say this i'm not lying with all that stuff they had michael keaton literally popped up in this movie [ __ ] even michael keaton when he probably like what the [ __ ] am i doing yeah he's like um like okay okay i guess yeah he's like what the hell he's like really what the hell am i doing in this film just like everybody else and he's like well [ __ ] i'm here i'm just gonna roll with it and where we roll is is is into a very very very stupid place with this you know this this thing that they're doing with this multiverse but anybody even said you know what man look yeah calm your ass down you know they you knew what was gonna happen you knew this is how it was gonna be hey mama came you know they can't be on a successful run forever but this is something that could be easily avoided this is something that y'all just took your time but this is where we are we're at the place where we uh we where we were afraid we would be where uh marvel and disney have given sony so much leverage that they are coming in and just kind of just tainting all the stuff that they built and i say tainting lightly ruining it [ __ ] on it is what they're doing uh because it doesn't if i made just can i just tell y'all about these stingers this might be now this is where it'd be a little bit spoilerish but i'll wait till we're done with the right with everything let's say i was never a fan of the multiverse to begin with because of things like this because it's like this opens the door for this kind of thing well that's what i was always afraid of too man i complained about this for the longest time i said once they start doing this once you open that crack that dimension that portal that door you ain't bringing in three spider-man you are but you also bringing in the devil and that is what's going on right now i'll tell you about these stingers after we're done with our our ratings because we're about to wrap this up but i'll let you go ahead and run with it man well um i like you i in the beginning i was like well it's you know it's just a it's a it's an expensive b movie and maybe there's nothing wrong with that can roll with it uh but a thing you said you talked about the effects being outdated and that's what i realized by the time we get to the second act it's like this entire movie is outdated uh the the the characters are all flat uh in the beginning it see it had the potential what it's set up with with uh with michael and everything but everything goes flat real quickly it's all about just moving moving moving moving and even trying to build on a romance uh they don't they don't do the work so you don't feel it yeah there's major characters who die and you just kind of like shrug you know like well bailey got to know you it doesn't mean anything what so what would you give it so i was i was totally on the low rental train until those stingers i was like this has really crossed over into some [ __ ] and it's not just me like i'm punishing you for that i was like it just it just setting me at a point where i was like you know what yeah i can't yeah that this is how i feel about it i think the setup is good i think the whole hard part is good uh even the part with his with his friend as silly as it is the intro introduction of that with matt smith uh and them having a disagreement that's a little bit compelling but you know just goes to a point this movie doesn't go anywhere at all um yeah you know i'll i'll give it a rental leaning on a low rental because i'm not i'm not there there are rentals where i'm like oh man it's fun you know it's a high rental go check it out i'm not really recommending anybody saying this now if you catch it there'll probably be some things that'll be fine with it for you let me tell y'all about these stingers here and why this don't make any sense and why this needs to stop right now i'm sure kevin feige is somewhere throwing chairs and talking about what the [ __ ] about done we got it what we got to figure this out cause this is getting out of hand because it's ruining continuity now it's not isn't it no we're not doing this thing anymore we're just kind of like oh we have the flexibility of the multiverse to do whatever we like no that mult that you know what that flexibility is is is is doesn't mean that you can't still follow rules that you set up and they have set up rules and spider-man no way home what they set up was that okay for anybody who hasn't seen the movie you know you have then i'm sorry i'm spawning for you right now but doctor strange opens up a multiverse where trying to help peter parker where villains from other spider-man movies over at sony are brought over okay and that's the only thing that's happening people who know spider-man and villains that crossed over so in this movie the vulture never crossed over so why the crossing back yeah it's like an exchange program yeah exactly or maybe now to be honest with you if they want to i'm not going to nerd out too much on this and harp on it too bad because they can always make up rules where well there was an error that caused another vulture from another dimension to come over and whatnot oh that's true so i just figured it was one like hey portal's open here portal's open there there's uh something we got some of your guys uh they got some of ours and yeah you know i mean all of it is kind of nonsense anyway it is i mean even even in homelessness there's another stinger where he comes down and he has his wings you know he's got his vulture wings and whatnot uh but he built all that with tony stark tech yeah and this dimension there i don't know uh maybe there's a yeah because he comes over just wearing nothing but a prison uniform yeah so how he gets all his tech again yeah i don't know the director said well you know funny thing about that old vulture he's a resourceful guy which means he can just go to the you know to the jungle home depot the junkyard and pick pick up some [ __ ] and make it make those things i again it can be it can be explained away but the real problem with this is that it's so blatant that now if we could sit up here and really make excuses like that all day long because this is comic book stuff it's open to that but they didn't really it just seems like they really did not try to hide that we are forcing this whole spider-man thing on our end especially now that we know how valuable spider-man is and how much money he made and not just that little little tom holland spider-man that y'all got over there [ __ ] i spider-man make money too andrew garfield yeah toby oh gee toby maguire they're like [ __ ] they still making bank too so they're about to make uh mcguires just some more movies and and with what they're doing right here they're talking about bringing andrew garfield that's right and this is going to be his world yeah and that's cool but man if y'all don't stop kind of cramming this and forcing it like it feels like right now all of this is gonna still be a mess you tried to do it before and it fell apart because you're forcing it and it's gonna happen here if you don't do that it is so fortunate in that yeah the vulture coming out and a big scene to get him and morbius to meet up and you're going what circumstances put the two of you together yes and you go like well it could be this is like yeah it could be anything they don't even allude to any of it you know why they're together because we put them together that's why now sit down and shut up it is and it's the same lazy ass dog that we always see they ain't got nothing they're just trying to have any kind of quick scene that they can shoot with a little amount a little the littlest amount of dialogue uh you called what do you need oh i've had plans i'm interested you know and all that kind of [ __ ] yeah plans involving spider-man i gotta make sure i say the name yeah once you look at the cameras yeah i got plans about spider-man y'all know what's up with that right man it's it's i could make a lot of a lot of excuses but when it seemed like y'all just doing this and throwing it together just to get something out there quick yeah just a just a quick cast grab and these movies now are associated with they're associated with the with the marvel universe and then when they keep forcing this stuff and making them bad they inching up slowly on all the all the best laid plans that marvelism has put out there so i that's the only thing i'm saying i'm not even saying this as a comic book fan or comic book movie fan i'm just saying damn that was a great business plan y'all had going on no there just might be a point where they have to sit spider-man down and give him his papers yeah and it's you know we gotta let you it's not your fault but this is business yeah and that ain't happening because they playing out like nine more movies now you know what get that black spider-man exactly yeah it's only like yeah yeah go ahead son in there yeah you want it gonna cost you though if it sounds like slavery it's because it is hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts [Music] you
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 97,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morbius, Morbius review, Morbius movie review, Morbius reaction, Morbius trailer, Morbius explained, Morbius Spider-man, Morbius vulture, Morbius ending, Morbius post credit scenes, Morbius end credit scenes, Morbius Spiderman, Marvel, MCU, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Spider-man, Vulture, Funny video, Doubletoasted,, Double toasted
Id: N67SOXQ64dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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