Grubby | WC3 | [SUPERFIGHT] vs KraV

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I remember chats strategy dissertation on this map hymn playing Lich first me headhunters having a bad start losing a game breaking the 46 game win streak me switching to grants winning by canceling my hat headhunters chat saying heads up this can still work just try it and I was like it it kind they're like just try it you had a bad start hi hunter I don't know what's wrong with my pronunciation here headhunters can still work I was like okay I'll prove you wrong go ahead hunters again Lich first again three games in a row in Amazonia we won with hair tattoos chat was right do you just play hurt on this every game now yep orc is now troll race they met at the hospital after the big battle of Minas Tirith they were both helping patients headhunter it's a new Pokemon headhunter hunter head ghastly and then you upgrade the materia heads gangers what does highlight your awesomeness dude you let everyone in the chat know just how awesome you are you don't even care about the hundred thousand points merely that you lose you already were awesome but it's just showing it to chat and if I am lucky enough to see it you're lucky enough I see it you get VIP in this channel for one minute you can also have a lifetime VIP if you teach me a walker 3 trick hack Bret Joe earned his that way one minute yep a lot of good things lasts for a very short time in this life what it's like it's symbolic it's very deliberately standing on blight of course this is like a strap now he wants to go to Nova blow-ups that's right he doesn't bring any units I won't bring her taunted either the weakest link he's gonna get that very quickly now the expansion in fact I think he gets it so quickly that there's almost no point for me to try and stop it he already has it practically so instead we'll get this one and then we'll try to catch him before he gets the red spot I mean it's on the mercado de Mer comp [Music] funny thing about Google stick and every creep the grenades : you get thunderclouds it's a death but with Raider heads out there it's exceedingly easy oh I should have scouted I think that was scary but we are over the moon now because we survived he's only level 3 - like he didn't creep much he didn't even create this I gotta go get more clarity cc5 okay we can actually try shockwave freescale might be good like well there's no other army that could have made it that close all things considering I don't like shockwave too much though I got some surgeries on knickers but they never died he didn't get to get the Hill scroll I think yeah Nick rose and wagons in France yes that was doubt that doubt it will move doubtful there is a unit cap from stroke where if you can only hit 12 units so if you have to go through skeletons to get to necrose he won't hurt the necros 6 3 times 3 is 189 plus 63 - five - one more win over 80% how about scroll protection you had the gold or too little value he has noticed well yeah I think too little value questionable yes questionable what did I say down table and questionable shockwave rescale I think was questionable well if you hit twelve plus units with shocker is still really good yeah but I would have had four stomps now I have three shock waves three short wave is six hundred damage for stomp is 360 so it's a little like almost double damage thanks to shockwave for three hundred gold but none of the stunts it stops there army it stopped summoning it stops coiling no vying when you were kiting away from your base did you have a spots on the map in mind where you wanted to engage it looked that's why no I was aimless I just didn't want to be right there I think maybe you could just go for his heroes with them being so low level with stone yeah I tried to go for the decay for a bit but he survived I didn't kick him for items Kirby which aspects if the game is more difficult knowing what to do and when or the physical actions and executing said things in a precise way I think the execution and I think an age of empires it's the opposite there's way more knowledge required of strategies and units and races in Age of Empires 2 and I find the control difficult there too but I think war car 3 is a little faster and so it must be that execution is probably the more difficult part [Music] in theory shockwave is better with which dr. stasis trap because you already have stun that's like the one thing I haven't thought of yet it's when the one thing like I thought of everything else no that's a thing that I haven't thought of yet that if you are stunning them all the time with stasis which is a big if a big assumption then were stumped loses a lot of value then you could want to have shockwave instead but the thing is were stumped also sets up good stasis you can have overlapping stunts in no mobile ever that people say too many stunts although there are deprecating stunt values consecutive stunt value right in some games didn't they implement that in world of warcraft anyway it's not like that in worker 3 i am Logan the white and I come back to you now at the turn of the tide time to Rio watch Return of the King good night last really you're gonna watch now I've found it shine diminishing returns yes the fight I find it so weird in Age of Empires and not in a good way that you can't attack move you have to like constantly click on the opponent or just let your units do whatever and the fact that villagers automatically attack back when they get attacked I find that really really weird these are like AI interactions that I don't want the AI to do that to my units you can attack move o with patrol that's a big loss isn't it I try to do a click and it doesn't work there's both attack move and similar patrol patrol and the definitive edition also has a new one for attack move only oh I see I see wow I was just going to cancel and try to be - we found a one-on-one and villagers don't attack back by themselves I really just did its crown again ok did he watch the replay alright did not press rock but did you nurse mountain giants keepo feel shy yeah I think you had necros because he was in about sports I really should have scouted that they were at the front of the temples just get some discipline hi he went for his smoke I see I see grubby there's a level 5 hero steal XP from a little too hero when creeping yes I think in the next two days we might have my XP guys as I'll explain there as well but I will also just say yes there I think he should go for a drifter if Expo but I don't think he will because I was watching him back to work off gas today and they said he doesn't usually go dribbler to Expo but that was in a different matter aren't we wait did he make it new account again I thought yeah he did he did wait this guy keeps buying reforge cigars no but I feel like his craft main accounts had more losses already I beat him four times on craft wait are all these losses me but I beat him like three times a few days ago maybe it was an Aussie he's keeping the classic team alive times okay he was an Aussie yeah it is after all Crippler Oh Carl tickets level two from that ah so close and yet so far I almost kill the acolyte all those that are there L forgot my tank forgot my shell osmosis it's merely a setback I think we lose her angle on if we lose this smell essence take a bit of a risk to speed scrolling it does not pay off so I love it now over like three and a half I didn't even check what item he goes which would be valuable info of a four [Music] oh my god I just lost it no cancel GG underestimated the damage I think he has an OTP he's gonna consult I go to your three and I try to kill some stuff here we want just to pee now okay yes did you know make sense watch out go anyway at some point I made way too many peels I don't need endurance I think oh we had a most atrocious start and now the wagons I do it now it sucks if you can't keep your wagons alive no earthquakes no reincarnation I think the five acolytes were killed when he went to use his whole army to cancel our our thing you really messed up there I think we got too much out of those acolytes this one to get results kill TCG shockwave and we actually tried that just now I don't like it I don't think it's worth it it's pretty cool when we killed the sacrificial face even though we were being heavily attacked because we killed all the shades for beads idli and then the fit left him blind no nerubians here by the way finally we have someone one upgraded head aunties he's also making mass destroyers now luckily I just switched the double barracks with 1:1 upgrades let's get to one I made an obscene amount of peons because I was really low on lumber for this it's all different now he's like on his Hill nari pay it's not BM terrorists it's just the best investment while not going over 50 nice comeback from a terrible start terrible terrible terrible start it does have shade again we can go deal with it what the hell we've got make 15 bills of lumber bruh hyper bruh he's gonna have so many destroyers guys how many so many means my army is absolutely tiny remove that place he knew when they saw earthquake it was over there's no getting away from that here was TC level seven seven we go TP we got ah this start seven seven verses 4 to 1 yeah we're all 42 actually I think it was hey we're 80% from that game who would have known that 63 times 4 is 2 5 2 and we're only 24 rank points away from 11 K points noise was he too passive after your early game so I think the mistake he made was I took his turtle he walked through centuries to cancel my base with TP he'll scroll in Ville and all of his army and his cryptid for he could have just send like for beetles again or like three goals if he if he knew that my whole army was there but maybe he was afraid I would send some reinforcements to my Expo which I guess is fair but then he killed the Great Hall and he like stuck around for the p.m. and I killed all five of his acolytes so I think his mistake was he started Moss repairing the spirit tower and then I killed all the echoes when instead he could just let my headhunters kill the spirit our save all the acolytes then TP and start mining again cinema says there was like this really big gap in his production capabilities we killed acolytes all five was weird and he didn't he didn't creep Jack me on the turtle seven either even though he has crippled level four I think you should love to creep Jack me there I know that I had the better army but I think he wants to start a fight that is not ideal just to make sure that I never get my expo back because if I take that creep and then I kill his acolytes or I take that creep then I can go expand but if he engages me in the fight even if he loses it's like skirmish scaramouche scaramouche skirmish then he can buy stuff fight again skirmish Jeremy skirmish and then it will be tougher for me to to get my Expo a hundred percent I should have killed my pills like I don't know what the hell happened there I got like 12/14 fields and lumber never had that mission but yeah I was gonna use those six towers to kill like 11 POS but then I got busy I don't know why I remember why he moved his DK too far forward that's why I decided to take the fight because I wasn't originally going to take that fight considering I was still waiting for Mozart waiting for ya to kill my feelings because I only had like nine headhunters for 3:1 upgrades but if I kill like six fields I can fit in another three hunter without paying upkeep tax price andhe's kept slamming acolytes into mass caster's no he was not attacking with acolytes new Ingalls he was sending goals for creating bodies for necromancer's his main the main thing is he might burn pretty badly that game he is meat wagons who were always in France of course it's easy for me to pick a fight where he's in a bad position because of century world but still you know just make sure they're never in France he's like not controlling it at all which means I don't need to worry much about it either Beatle papa again why is he killing his own acolytes law you'd like it I wanted to do I'm expanding that was definitely a misclick you thought he was killing the troll what did that acolyte ever do to him nothing just in case I could immediately until surrounded again what Oh I didn't see any beetles how tall is grubby right now I feel like I should sink through the floor so 0 feet at least I made myself early in just such a happenstance I didn't see beetles of course it's impale I know this I knew this on another day law Logan just sighed at my new penis Stingo and you buy item stop a 30 food I can't keep getting lucky like this where I have a terrible start and then I end up winning I need to get punished can I get a shredder yes [Music] [Music] mother trucker Aaron I forgot this one has no I Grove you don't need to grow it for him to webview for girls such a troll No okay first of all holy crap level five there's coupling nothing laughs in this cup no TP is insane [Music] mask arks this Adie crap get out of patient [Music] next is still going marks yeah it's good adaptation of my place I messed up pretty bad this game rank two again feel strong man not checking beetle and getting him pills surrounded one minor bat against them I didn't have an expansion you can't go five unit production buildings and then he got the other base so yeah I needed another base to [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 23,618
Rating: 4.8600583 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, krav, superfight, super, fight, reforged, ladder, rank
Id: Y-HLvUWHl60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 42sec (4122 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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