Moodle 2019-Make your design and layout more professional #moodle2019 #designinMoodle

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hi this is Russell stone art from teacher training videos calm this video was gonna be about Moodle it's about designing Moodle I'm gonna just show you a couple of tips and how you can make your Moodle courses look a lot more professional what I'm gonna do is I'm going to draw on some real courses that I've produced and show you examples and these couple of tips will really help you to make your courses clearer easier to navigate and look a lot more professional now hopefully you're watching these videos either on Facebook or on YouTube so if you've got any questions please leave questions and comments in the comment section below and if you can please like the videos as well and thank you very much one of the biggest problems with designing courses in Moodle is that you off the way end up with loads and loads of links so if we for example look at this section of the course we can see here there's masses and masses of links now we could have added a description I was obviously trying to exaggerate a little bit how it works but you can see the point that there's really nothing visual on the screen now I want to contrast that with just a simple example here of a course that I've run or I created for an organisation called quality language services and here immediately you can see that we've got a nice title we've got some text and then we got some visual elements on the screen so we can simply change it so that actually the access in the content doesn't require you all always to click on the link but rather some of the content might actually be directly on the screen and I'm going to focus on two simple techniques that I use to make that possible let's get straight into it so if we look at this course here there's one obvious thing that we could do immediately that would improve this if we was to come up here onto the section where the title is and just simply click on edit and click on the edit section and what we're gonna do here is just take away the default title come down underneath and I'm just gonna grab a picture so I'm gonna click here and then I'm gonna sort of prepare browse my repositories in fact I should be able to find this image here in recent images so I'm just gonna click on this image and then I'm going to select that file and click on save image now immediately that means that there's kind of think now at the top of the screen so instead of it just been loads and loads of links I've actually added up an image okay now what I'm also going to do is just click on that image and just bring that into the center so by using the kind of text align tool I can do that click on Save Changes and immediately now that's going to mean is the top of that section has at least a title that would be a good idea as well to actually add some description underneath so I can easily go back to that title okay click again on add section and just underneath in our stop the video from you so I'll just come back again and added in some text and I'm doing a little trick here where I kind of use in Moodle you normally have very specific sizes that you can use medium heading and I like use nice because it means that everything is consistent so I've already used medium head in here and I'm going to use it here so all I've done really is just put you know added some text underneath and hopefully this will start to look a little bit more professional okay so instead of just Navin having those loads and links now we kind of got something visual on the screen now what's the problem here let me try to explain what the problem here the problem here is the use of labels and that's what I want to focus on next now the problem with Moodle when you add what we call either activities or resources here okay so if we click on this button here and we add a lot of these resources or buttons sorry resources or activities the result of that is that they create a link and sometimes you don't want that now it's impossible to avoid not having links on the page there are certainly going to be times when you're going to need links but you may want to visualize things on the screen rather than always just have links so what you can see at the moment here is that these are all links so these are various things like for example we've got here you know chats and of course pages etc but the one that will actually visualize on the screen so will actually appear on the screen rather than simply be a link is if we use a label and I'm going to demonstrate that by clicking here and add a label so I'm going to come down to label I'm going to add a label onto the screen and immediately you'll see that labels work in a different way because when you click on add a label it immediately says well what content you want on that label so immediately when you create a label and you place the content in that content is visualized now the label could include video it could include pictures etc now I'm going to add up some video content because it might be nice after or at the top of the unit to have a quick video explanation of what is going to happen in this particular unit of the course now I'm going to show you a couple of tricks in with the labels all right so the first thing I'm going to do here is write video introduction so we're going to have a video introduction onto the screen I'm going to do the same thing as I did earlier select that and I'm gonna use this consistent idea of making sure that everything is medium heading I'm gonna paste some text near so I've just copied some text I'm just gonna paste that text in and then underneath that text I'm now gonna add a video so I'm gonna click here remember anything that we do in this format will actually appear on the screen now this is not gonna look very good at the moment because we need to do quite a lot of work to tidy up the whole unit but hopefully it'll give you a bit of an idea of what I mean so now we've got a kind of title and we've got a video and we're just gonna save that now and once we say that we'll be able to see what that starts to look like on the screens I'm just going to click here and see what we have produced now coming to this particular section we've now got a kind of label here at the top which we use by editing what I call what was basically the actual title section at the top and then the first content we've added onto the screen now is actually in the form of a label with an explanation and in a video underneath now of course all these labels are still here unfortunately and we need to tidy those up there could be lots of different tricks and that's really another video but I'm going to just show you one simple thing that you could do that would help to make this look a little bit more professional so what I'm gonna do just gonna switch back to my principal role because I'm logged in now as a participant to actually just look and see what that was gonna look like I'm gonna come down here and just show you a quick improvement that you could make to this course so you need to turn the editor back on again and we're going to add a label again and I'm just gonna show a little trick that we can do here and I'm gonna come to labels and I will come down here choose label click on ads and simply I'm going to put here chat okay so I'm just going to put here chat okay and then I'm gonna select that and choose again to make that consistent so I'm going to use the medium and say this is the chat to the unit on distribution okay I'm gonna save that as a label remember that's gonna be visualized on the screen this is just a simple technique that could improve the way your course looks now if I move that up to here okay and put that underneath whatever section it's meant to mean we've got the chat here in fact so it won't put the chat underneath and what you can immediately see is that I could begin to do that to every section so I could have a label plus the link a label plus the link a label plus a link and we could begin to add more and more labels to make the content look a bit more organized okay so rather than simply just having a link we've now got a quick discreet I title plus a description then the link title so I would add more and more labels and that would immediately tidy this up and make it look a visually more appealing now those were just two really simple techniques that I'm using there one is how you can go to the actual what you might call the section header at the top of each section of your course and edit that and adding an image there because that will also visualize on the screen and then the other thing I've done is that I began to use labels to visualize some of the content on the screen and by doing that you begin to create a bit of a valance and you don't always have masses and masses of links and then the third thing that I've suggested is where you have got links add a label above each link with a title with a description always using the same size and eventually you'll make that course look a lot more attractive visually easier and clearer to navigate I hope you found that video useful if you were accessed it on Facebook or on YouTube as I said please leave any calm whence any questions and if you can like the video if you want more content in a good place to come is to teacher training videos calm there's a whole section here a free content at the top including lots more videos on using moodle and also on the front page here there's a few different topics if you're interested in things like the flipped classroom or blended learning etc if you really want to keep up with what I'm doing then I suggest also that you sign up to my newsletter because that way you'll always know of any new videos type onto YouTube or put onto Facebook or any new videos that have gone up onto the website but also you'll know about any webinars that I'm running or any short courses that I'm currently running and really hope you found that video useful and thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 60,081
Rating: 4.9110289 out of 5
Keywords: Moodle 2019, Layout and design of Moodle in 2019, Make your Moodle course more interactive, Adding more interactivity to Moodle, Design in Moodle, Good Moodle Layout, Good navigation in Moodle, russell stannard moodle, russell stannard youtube, russell stannard teacher training videos, moodle tutorial for beginners, moodle tutorial for teachers, moodle app, moodle layout design, teach online without a degree, teach online classes, elearning, lms, moodle, good design in moodle
Id: FYyzfROhygQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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