Moodle Lesson Activity Design

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in this lesson I will demonstrate how to create a lesson activity in Moodle so by now you know how to get to this course if you don't know let's go over it again so when you're logged in you are presented with your dashboard again on your dashboard you'll see system technologies let's click on it and it will take you straight to your course okay so what we are going to do now is we are going to set up a lesson activity in this course okay and the lesson activity is all about types of computers now first we need to turn editing on and it's just next to the gear icon we click on it and click on turn editing on the pencil icons is an indication that editing is turned on so now we need to decide where we want to add the lesson activity so we are going to add it here on the types of computers so let's click on add an activity or resource and it opens up the add activity or resource window and let's find the lesson activity so here you can see the lesson activity let's click on it and let's just read through the description the lesson activity module enables a teacher to deliver content and/or practice activities in interesting and flexible ways a teacher can use the lesson to create a linear set of content pages or instructional activities that offer a variety of paths or options for learners ok and here the lessons may be for self-directed learning of a new topic for scenarios simulations decision-making for differentiated revision so let's click on add and lesson activity window opens ok in the name field you need to provide a name for your lesson okay let's call this systems technology listen we can add a description but for now we leave it out click on appearance and here you'll see you can activate the progress bar just leave it on its default now you can display a menu leave it on no availability you can choose if you want to enable it from a certain date and you can enable the deadline of the lesson again you can set the time limit as well just leave it on its default flow control are you going to allow students to review the lesson or are you going to allow them to provide options to try a question again and the maximum number of attempts you are providing the students okay let's leave it at its default click on grade it's currently on point and the maximum grade is 100 leave it on that practice lesson no retakes allowed no common module settings leave it on its default and then restrict access leave it on its default okay click on activity completion next to completion tracking click on the drop down menu and click on show activity as completed when conditions are met and what conditions the student must view this activity to complete it and the student has reached the end of the lesson page to complete this activity leave the tags and the competencies as is and now you can click on save and return to course and here you'll see that the lesson activity was added to my topic on types of computers a lot of planning needs to go into the lesson activity okay this is the topics in my lesson activity there are eight topics and for each topic there is a knowledge check when they are done going through the topic they are presented with a knowledge check the answers on the knowledge check whether it's correct or wrong will take them on another path so when the answers are correct they move forward to the next topic but when the answers are incorrect they are presented with an intervention about the same topic and after the intervention they are provided with another knowledge check to see whether they've mastered the content and only when they have mastered the content they continue to the next topic the second topic is the same you master the second topic there's a knowledge check the knowledge check is incorrect you are presented with intervention if the intervention is mastered you go to the next topic and so forth and so forth okay so this is the progression of each topic a topic a knowledge check when it when they answer the knowledge check wrong they are presented with an intervention if they master the intervention they move on to the next topic if they don't master the intervention there is another knowledge check until they master the content so let's set it up in Moodle so let's click on systems technology lesson and here you are presented with the systems technology lesson ok it asks you what would you like to do first okay so I have prepared slides on system technology so they are currently 31 slides that I want to use so I have an introduction and then on each topic in my lesson layout on each topic I have different slides and the content that the learners need to master okay so here it is so now I want to add this to my lesson so first we need to create a Content page so let's click on add a Content page so now I have to complete the page title so what will the page title be and let's look at my PowerPoint slides the first slide is my introduction slide so I'll name this page title introduction okay and here I can add my page contents okay so what I want to do is I want to use the slide in the space as this page content I want to use it as display its content so I have my sniper Tullier from windows I click on new and it's just dragged from the top left corner right up to the bottom right I release my mouse and I click on file save as and I have a folder on my desktop and let's call it intro and I click on save okay so let's add that content to my page contents so in Moodle I click on this insert or edit image then I click on browse repositories then I click on choose file I move to my desktop and here's my PowerPoint slides there is my intro plates click open and I click upload this file here is a little preview of the slide and let's give it a description so just call it introduction and I'll leave the settings as is and I'll leave it the alignment as is let's click on save image and there's my first slide on my first content page okay now let's move down you'll see here arranged content buttons horizontally let's leave it at that display in menu let's leave later then in my content one the description yeah okay from my introduction I want to move to supercomputers okay so this will become my next button so yen Moodle description we call this supercomputers jump to this page and we'll name it after we've created this page on supercomputers okay let's click on save page and yeah our first page was created and it's a Content page and it should jump to this page okay let's click on the place to view it and yeah you see here is my introduction and it's a Content page so here it is and there's my little button on supercomputers so if I if we design the next page on supercomputers when I click here it will jump to supercomputers so let's click on edit now we back here now we need to add a page and other content page so let's click the drop-down last year and we will add a content page let's click on add a content page and we'll call this super computers okay so let's add some content to supercomputers and yeah I have my information on supercomputers let's click my snippet oh yeah let's just click the new menu and let's drag it again and release the mouse and we save it let's call it supercomputers when it's the text let's click on save let's go back to Moodle let's click on our insert or edit image click on browse repository click on choose file and now here's our text that we want to include let's click on it and click on open and then click on upload this file ok let's give it a description we'll leave the size as is and believe the alignment disease and yeah we can have a little preview of it let's click on save image and yeah the image is saved okay now you'll see in your PowerPoint that they are other slides that also discusses supercomputers there's some examples of supercomputers so we want to add this to our text okay so let's click on the slide that we want to add use our snippet tool click on new just drag it from top to the bottom let's save it let's call this supercomputer and this is image one let's click Save let's click on the second one again Neal just select it let's click on file and save as this is also super computer image 2 let's click on save okay let's upload it to Moodle so yeah it's our first slide the text let's click Next to the slide and yea you'll see your mouse just press ENTER on your keyboard and you'll see your mouse is flickering at the bottom and we'll add the slide at the bottom so let's click insert again browse choose file and we want to add the image one open upload this file let's give it a name if you don't want to add the name now you can just click on this description not necessary okay so let's click there and click on save image we can add this at a later stage click on save image and now I have my first slide with the text my second slide with the images and let's add the third slide so I click Next to the second slide press ENTER on my keyboard click insert or edit image click browse repositories click on choose file select the second image click on open click on upload this file let's clear let's check this box again description of necessary let's leave the sizes as is and the alignment click on save image and now I have my first slide my second slide and my third slide let's leave the content let's leave this arrange content buttons horizontally displaying menu and now I need to go back to my to my layout after supercomputers there's a knowledge check okay so I've done this now there's a knowledge check so let's there will be knowledge check one okay and it should jump to that page let's leave it as is let's click on save let's preview this and see what happens okay so I have my introduction then I have supercomputers okay let's click on supercomputers and you'll see nothing happens it jumps right back to introduction why let's look at it when you want to edit this let's click on the gear icon and we're back to our first slide okay now remember we add the description supercomputers but the jump should be to supercomputers so I have mice my content page here supercomputer so I click on it I save it so now when I preview it let's click on now this is my introduction page supercomputers let's click on it and now it should jump to super computers here's my text here's my image here's another image and there's my knowledge check if I click here nothing will happen because we haven't created the knowledge check yet so let's create the knowledge check so from here I click on edit now I'm back here now I want to add a knowledge check so let's click on the drop down menu and here you'll see add a question page let's click on it now we can select a question type so we can either choose an essay a matching MultiChoice numerical sort answer or two or false let's choose it through a false question type click on through a false and click on add a question page now we need to add a page title let's say choose true or false okay and now for my page content now we can add a question in here let's type a question super computers fastest and most expensive computers some now I can maybe modify this a bit let's look at that I can put it in a box okay let's let's just sent it now let's look at our responses the correct response would be it's true and I can type in a response well done and it will take me to the next place when I answer this question correctly it will take me to the next place and i will score a mark of 1 but if i get the answer wrong so let's say it's false no say please try again ok and it will not jump to the spades it will jump to supercomputers ok and we don't get any marks for that wrong answer let's click on save page you can now there's my question pads choose true or false let's click on it to test it and yes my question this will be shown to the learners supercomputers are the fastest and most expensive computers in the world is it true or false let's preview this so I have my introduction supercomputers they and then the knowledge check so let's edit this so in my super computers content page I need to edit the jump so let's go down the knowledge check should take me to choose true or false let's click on save page and now let's preview it I've made reduction go to supercomputers I have my supercomputers and I understand it correctly I go to my knowledge check and here's my question supercomputers are the fastest and most expensive computers in the world is it true or false let's test what happens when I choose false submit oh it says your ownself false response now please dragon so let's continue and look what happens it takes me right back to super computers and now I can familiarize myself with the content again so let's look at what we have so far we have our introduction content page and then we have our super computers content page and then we have our choose to or false as is the question type page then we have our jumps from the introduction to the super computers and from the super computers to the choose true or false and from choose true or false there's a jump either back to super computers or to the next page but let's change something here okay so currently let's look at how it currently works so we have our introduction slide when they done familiarizing themselves with the information they click on supercomputers here's some information for them and some images and ones they're know this they can click on the knowledge check and here's the knowledge check there is our question and when they click through and submit it they will be taken to the next slide but when they click false or when they choose false and submit and click on continue they are taken back to the slides on supercomputers but I want to change this let's say we want to use a YouTube video for some intervention strategy okay so let's change that let's click on edit and we're back here and we need to change a jump on this page okay so let's click on update page and here's our question page and years I'll jump the supercomputers let's click your next page and click on save okay so now let's create that page that new weights so click on the drop-down list and click on add content page ok from here let's call this intervention 1 and here we are going to add a YouTube video ok so let's find our YouTube video and a for YouTube video here of supercomputers the race for the world's fastest supercomputer is on China had the lead for the last 5 years but the ok so what I need to do is I need to embed this in yeah ok so what we do is another video there's a link called share let's click on that link and now you see they are different icons here let's click on embed and now it gives us an embedding code here let's select this embedding code and click copy let's move back to our Moodle page and here in this window let's click the arrow that's pointing down says here's so height advance buttons ok now we're here and now we need to click on the HTML icon so let's click on the HTML icon and now it provides us with HTML tags you can remove these tags and then you can paste the code that we've just copied from YouTube so right click and paste and the airs our code so this is the code that allows Moodle to embed that video from YouTube in here okay let's click on our HTML icon again and you will see now that the video is embedded in this page contents okay now let's provide a description for this page so this is intervention one and next we are going to create another question page so this will be knowledge check knowledge check - okay so let's save it save page okay so here we have our intervention 1 and we want when the learners answer the question incorrect then the jump needs to be to the intervention 1 okay so here we need to change the jump from next page to intervention so let's change that click on the gear icon and yeah you know jump so the correct answer if they answer it correctly they need to jump to the next topic let's leave that but if the answer is wrong they need to jump to intervention 1 let's click on save page and let's test it let's click on preview click now okay so here's our introduction super computers ok yes super computers our knowledge check 1 okay here's our knowledge check click on false submit it's wrong I need to try again click on continue and here's my video so now I can watch the video the race for the world's fastest supercomputer is odds China had the lead for the last 5 years but the United States has surged ahead with summit it's a 200 million dollar government-funded supercomputer the probe ok let's pause it there now when they done watching this I want them to do another knowledge check so we need to create one more question page ok so let's go to edit so we have our supercomputers content page then after that after that information they need to do a knowledge check after the knowledge check if they answer the question correctly they can go to the next slide and that's the next topic but when they answer the question incorrectly they need to go to the intervention what's the video the YouTube video and then answer next question so here we need to create another question page so let's click on the top down list and click on question page let's choose short answer and click on add question page ok type the correct answer to the question ok so yes my question what is the name of the super computer of America ok so yes my page title and yes my page content the answer will be summit and that's correct well done and the score one mark and they are taken to the next page and this page we will create later on answer to can be let's spell somewhat in a different way sumit and that's also 1 so we have capital letter s and here we have all small caps okay and then the third answer we leave blank and that's that click on save page ok and there our question page was created okay so let's see from super computers to now let's check one if knowledge check one is incorrect it takes us to the intervention if the intervention is done we are provided with another knowledge check and if this is done we move to the next topic so the jump F on the intervention PI it should be to the knowledge check - ok so let's change this so my jumps would be to intervention tap the correct answer okay save page okay now let's preview it okay so here we have our introduction let's click on supercomputers yes supercomputers now let's check one let's choose false submit click on continue we have our video here and our knowledge check - here's our knowledge check - what is the name of the supercomputer of America let's call it summit and we click on submit and that's that your answer summit responds well done let's click on continue and there's no new page and it will be the end of the lesson so here's an overview of our lesson layout again after supercomputer slide or information they had a knowledge check after the knowledge check depending on the answer year they were taken to the intervention after the intervention they had another knowledge check and then it was the end of this topic so they've mastered this topic and now they moved to the next topic on main friends and this will be conducted in the same manner first the content then the knowledge check depending on the answer here they will be provided with an intervention after the intervention another knowledge check and then move to the next topic and at the end of the eighth topic they get to the end of the lesson then they would have mastered systems technologies types of computers you can now ever make it much easier for yourself you can change these topics to the topics here on your layout so after supercomputers you have knowledge check one intervention and then knowledge check two let's do that so we'll change this to knowledge check one let's click on the gear icon and let's change this to knowledge check one one okay the jump will be the same click on save okay so now we have supercomputers and then knowledge check one intervention one is correct but that's one yeas knowledge check - let's change that this will be knowledge check - and save page now it's easier for you to follow so let's test it preview No introduction supercomputers supercomputers knowledge check one there's my knowledge check false submit continue my intervention knowledge check two there is my knowledge check the summit submit there's my answers correct then at the end of the lesson and that is that you'll notice one mistake that we've made and that was on the intervention page or the knowledge check page the knowledge check page we made one mistake let's correct that mistake click on the gear icon it asks us what is the name of the supercomputer of America says yes summit has a double M the second answer will be somewhat with a mm click on save page and that is how you create a lesson activity in Moodle remember this is only the first topic we still need to create 7 more topics on types of computers
Channel: ELearning Portal
Views: 28,921
Rating: 4.8627453 out of 5
Keywords: lesson activity, moodle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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