Montana vs Brady | Greatest NFL Debate Ever!

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the number one reason tom brady can never be that is because he is not undefeated in the biggest moments i've never seen anything like this i concede i have nothing to say it's the greatest performance i've ever seen let's look at this in its proper perspective i was waiting for what i believed was a joe montana moment from tom brady to eclipse him over joe montana three things that will survive a nuclear holocaust cockroaches the earth and the montana versus brady goat argument in order to do it justice we had to break it into parts we start with criteria to even begin to talk about why someone is the goat i need to establish with you the criteria for being the goat the most annoying things i've seen is the common mistake people make when they say rings aren't everything if brady is the greatest because of rings then autogram is greater than all of them or robert orry is greater than jordan many people use this logic as if it's accurate and believe it or not i have heard this most profoundly from talking heads on the biggest sports networks i will not say that brady is the greatest quarterback of all time i will not i'm not going to make it just about rings up first off no rings is not the only criteria to determine how someone is the goat the way a goat is determined is done the same way in any sport is jordan the greatest of all time well a jordan fan will say he has six rings and lebron only has three the lebron fan will annoyingly say well with that logic that bill russell is greater than jordan because he has 11. and the lebron fan is only saying this because he doesn't have the rings to back it up so instead of saying lebron needs to win six rings they'll just try to trivialize the idea of winning championships at all and then begins the never-ending loop of idiocy over logic close-mindedness over common sense the jordan fan would then explain that no bill russell can't be because he's not in the argument and just like that the jordan fans spoke the truest most accurate thing that can be said russell is not in the conversation but how did russell a man with so much winning get put outside the circle of the best of the best here's how because to even qualify a player for top five goat status rings do not apply until all other criteria has been satisfied [Music] moving back to football we can get a short list that's consisting of guys like peyton breeze farve montana moreno moon unitas brady and so on you get the idea this is not an official list just an example all these dudes are certifiable badasses they set the league on fire during their years in the nfl we know joe and tom will make it past this category like tom has 44 game winning drives joe has 28. fourth quarter comebacks i love this stat in general actually it really shows a quarterback's ability to get it done when things are at the most difficult thomas 35 joe has 26 regular season passer rating tom 97.6 joe 92.3 regular season yards per game tom 262 per game joe 211 but keep in mind tom played in a passing era so we will call this one a wash and we'll just do that the same with touchdown passes let's talk about interceptions tom throws 0.6 interceptions per game joe throws a bit more 0.7 but still great this one however i cannot say is a wash because tom has almost double the pass attempts but only 32 more interceptions this is a big advantage to tom on this one uh completion percentage tom 64 joe 63.2 well tom has more attempts like i said the playoffs playoffs don't talk about playoffs you kidding me any quarterback can have a good regular season even carson wentz once looked like a relevant quarterback but playoffs is where legends are made so clearly we know both tom and joe are the real deal in the stats department no one is questioning that tom has more games raising the level of difficulty to maintain good averages but for the sake of simplicity we'll say even if you want more stats the best site on the planet earth is pro football reference now i'm not endorsed to say that it's just that website is essential now let's get to the really good stuff personal awards now come into focus personal awards is a guaranteed way to gauge a player's value from a guy who played in let's say the 70s versus the guy who played in the 2000s personal awards show how that quarterback performed against his peers his own competition in his own time surely if you deserve to be in the greatest debate you are one of the best of your era this is a perfect way to be fair to the old guys and it corrects discrepancies throughout the generations due to changes in rules and developments and innovations in the game itself so here you can see all the awards they both have just ridiculous accolades pro bowls joe 8 out of 12 seasons that is really good it means he was quality for at least 66 of the seasons he played tom 14 pro bowls out of 17 seasons 82 of the time tom is the best of the best both great first team all pro tom has three joe has three first team usually will coincide with an mvp and they both have three as well player of the week player of the month etc tom's got a lot here's the stats i like the most how often are you one of the best in the league each year against your peers pass is completed joe was in the top 10 nine times tom 14 times passing yards passing touchdowns they usually work in unison with completions also they have a similar passer rating as well interceptions joe spent three seasons where he was in the top ten of throwing picks not very good tom only one time so let's say that leaves us now with the few elite peyton brady montana mourinho unites breeze and fart [Music] winning the only thing that could separate these guys now has to be winning winning is a team accomplishment of course but quarterback is the only position where winning is applied to them as if it were a personal stat the quarterback affects everything in a football game it's greater than any position even the head coach a quarterback can control the clock or field position battle for special teams he's the only guy on the field that wields so much power in determining the outcome of the game this is why out of millions and billions and billions and millions and millions of kids who play football the nfl can't even find enough great quarterbacks in order for at least all 32 teams to have an elite guy think about that there's only about 9 or 10 guys who are truly elite for any one football generation that's insane it's a rare thing to have and when you have it it's precious this is why they are highly paid and highly sought after this is why a team will give up multiple years of draft picks just to move up a few spots to get the next peyton manning and a team will give 20 of their salary cap to one guy you know what that means it's the top spot kid it's the guy takes the fall it's the guy everybody's looking at first the leader of a team that's quarterback we all know about tom owning every playoff record that involves winning games starting games most statistics it's obvious now that eliminates guys like breeze moon and so on and that leaves us with brady manning varve and montana for now [Music] now it's time for the rings to come in now remember rings were never even brought up and our current group made it this far in the contest well that eliminates peyton and farv let's see that leaves us with montana's four rings to brady's sixth but wait you say red shawl has four rings yeah he couldn't qualify for the first set of criteria so his rings aren't a factor in this discussion we have our final two and now it's time to debate over everything about them intangibles like leadership motivation competitiveness football iq we have to look at appearances in the super bowl why are appearances in the super bowl important because it shows that that quarterback got to the final round many times and wasn't eliminated earlier in the playoffs i refer back to the jordan lebron debate lebron has played in more nba finals than jordan true but lebron only has three rings but if lebron captured six rings lebron's more final appearances would be the tiebreaker and it would declare lebron james the greatest of all time but until he can get six the discussion is moot this is all a move point a move point yeah it's like a cow's opinion it doesn't matter it's move besides lebron has even passed kobe who has five rings and seven appearances but back in 2013 many patriots fans used this exact thinking to declare brady the goat even though he only had three rings to montana's sport their argument was brady had a better career bulk numbers and more super bowl appearances well i immediately stopped the presses on that one no brady has to have four joe got four so brady has to get four i don't care if tom played in the next 10 super bowls and lost them all three rings won't cut it you have to get four when tom got his fourth he surpassed montana in my opinion but then there were the naysayers well it took brady more tries to get to four fair enough so i backed off that and i told myself then i will just wait until brady gets his fifth and then that will shut everyone up surely if he gets one more than joe that ends it case closed but no we still have this issue why the 4-0 thing and if you go to the game and never lose i don't think there's a higher calling than that never lost the super bowl i'd rather win them all i'd rather be perfect okay good for him and that's also one of the reasons why he's in this discussion isn't it you know who else was undefeated terry bradshaw troy aikman and eli freaking manning and so is joe flacco trent dover and brad johnson okay come on i'm just trying to point out how ridiculous this is in our minds that's going to elevate you no matter how many times brady gets the super bowl you were 4-0 is that a fair is that a fair gauge of talking about greatest quarterbacks of all time i don't i don't think it's a fair gauge but what this really means the 4-0 thing means that he lost all the other times and brady didn't he couldn't get there this is basic math and very very simple logic montana had what is considered one of the top 10 worst playoff performances in history guess who's not on that list tom brady you can find a tom brady playoff game where he didn't set the box score on fire okay but you're not going to find a game where he was just atrocious either and even his average games in the playoffs are rare but somehow montana is being rewarded for failing to win his conference 8 times out of 12 qualifiable seasons so joe won the nfc 33.3 percent of the time he was responsible for the team out of tom's 17 qualifiable seasons he won the afc nine times nine times nine times nine freaking times in a salary cap league more than doubled montana's that means tom has won his conference 53 percent of the time that is insane and seems almost impossible but there's something just as crazy as that championship game appearances brady has played in a staggering 13 times out of 17 i honestly can barely comprehend that a bad year for brady is not going to the afc championship game think about that a good year for anyone else is getting his team just to a wild card spot but brady would feel like a failure if he didn't get to the afc championship game both joe and tom have only missed the playoffs one time in control of their team let's also not forget in all the average categories the longer you play the more passes you throw the more difficult it becomes to maintain a high average more chances for failure means the level of difficulty increases if anyone told a player his rookie year that you would play in the super bowl half the time they would say what am i only getting to play three seasons no tell them they'll play almost two decades that's nuts well i think i made my point on that the notion that going to less super bowls but being perfect is somehow better completely baffles me alright so we got the rings thing out of the way what's next [Music] so let's look at level of difficulty in the big game let's compare each guy's performance in the super bowl the quality of the defenses he faced and how many moments was the pressure at its greatest but montana never threw a pick no interceptions joe montana didn't throw a single interception in any of his four super bowl games well that's great it is it's phenomenal and that's why i hold joe in such high regard he was the man on the big stage but having that as one of the main reasons to say he's better than brady is flawed logic if your point is that it means joe didn't make a mistake that's just simply not true montana made several bad throws that should have been picked off if they were just caught that means he did make the mistake and he was just lucky enough that it was dropped but people make it sound like joe was perfect on every throw no he wasn't in fact the biggest time his perfect interception record would have been ruined just happened to be that it would have ruined his perfect record in the super bowl as well leaving him with a three and one mark missed opportunity for louis phillips he gets the read here taylor driving inside and phillips with good anticipation knows where that pattern's gonna be thrown he had it he had it you can't drop that one that's your ball out on the 20 and you shut down the drive but let me ask you this why can't brady's mistakes his interceptions be actually a positive thing but how could that be well hear me out if brady made the bad play and got picked off he dug himself into a huge hole if he digs himself out of it and makes up for it surely his level of difficulty is greater now if he threw some picks and lost the game of course that wouldn't work but what if he threw a pick or two but then balled out and won the game because of his elevated level of play is that not the highest level of difficulty you can think of course i'm not saying it's better to throw picks i'm just saying that you can't completely trash brady for throwing pics in the super bowl because he did dig himself out of it now a quarterback's interception ratio is a stat that is poorly managed in my opinion so many times a pick is caused by the wide receiver running the wrong route or not catching the ball properly and letting it bounce up in the air despite the pass being perfect i think the stat itself should have considerations like these like quarterback interceptions by fault of the quarterback and quarterback interceptions in general and this is exactly why i think brett favre gets too much crap for his interception statistics i wonder if you go back and look how many were his fault well i'm sure a lot but it would at least take his number down a bit but how many times did taking those risks win his team the game so some recklessness can be a positive attribute that all comes out in the wash right or how about aaron rodgers low interception ratio that actually doesn't impress me aaron does not take risks he cares about stats and looking good more than getting the victory wants to look good first win second that is the most ridiculous philosophical i have ever heard if his primary reads aren't open and there's nothing there that he thinks he can't roll out and bullet something in he throws it away he'd rather have an incompletion without an interception on his stats but to take the risk and maybe it gets intercepted but maybe also he gets that third and long and converted and his drive continues so the interception thing overall when it comes to joe and tom in the super bowl to me is a give and take for both sides of the coin but i of course will still give montana the edge on that one joe you are the man no picks excellent no question now let's talk about how everything else works around them [Music] system oh that word system it's like a dirty word when you say this regarding a quarterback okay joe like tom came into the league underdeveloped and underestimated both really had their wake-up call on the road to greatness once they started their first season and what i mean by that is some guys come into the league on day one firing and their game is clean and crisp like dan moreno or andrew luck both brady and montana saw the value of working hard and intellect as a way to get better of course these guys had the basic physical tools to be a quarterback that's why they were drafted but it takes more much more and they knew it for montana he looked into the greatest situation a quarterback has ever been put into his coach bill walsh who many consider the greatest coach of all time changed the nfl forever he is the inventor of the west coast offense just to give you a basic understanding of it now if you want to learn more i highly recommend the documentary of football live with bill walsh but what walsh created was unprecedented he built an offense around step based instructions it literally was designed down to every last detail to where all the quarterback had to do was follow the steps exactly and you could be an efficient quarterback this style of offense back then could make mediocre quarterbacks seem very very good and very good quarterbacks seem excellent and excellent guys like montana and young become elite people like to talk about system quarterbacks if there ever was a quarterback that fits the description of a system quarterback it's joe montana it's just a fact bill walsh brought art to the game of football they created a system that three decades later all day other teams are winning super bowls with the 49ers were a philosophy as much as they were a team took a guy like joe montana and made him a perfect system quarterback he was the ultimate instrument but walsh was the virtuoso people use this phrase like it's an insult all the great quarterbacks are part of a system but they themselves are also the system interwoven there's only been one guy really in the modern game who is the entire system and that is the great peyton manning and that is something that i give peyton huge props on and why i give him a high rating on my top 10 quarterbacks of all time which we will reveal in the off season but even though montana was in this system he still had to have the iq to get the steps correct and the mindfulness to see the open guy and the physical ability to get the ball there accurately this isn't some secret or crazy hot take or accusation out of nowhere okay this isn't even opinion it's a fact walsh's offense guaranteed certain receivers would be open walsh even knew when the wide receiver would be opened based on the amount of steps the quarterback had taken during his drop back this is how mathematic and orchestrated walsh's offense was if you don't believe me take it from the three most famous 49ers of all time jerry joe and steve and so defenses couldn't respond montana looking for the quick throw throws completed to right the ball was coming out so much faster than it happened in the past in the passing game the defenses it did take 15-20 years to catch up i think bill walsh was from another planet to be honest with you he was so far ahead simplified everything for the quarterback they gave the quarterback options he knows where his primary his secondary his third receiver so it was very very simple for the quarterback people like to say well brady has had the same coach and montana won with different coaches okay that's true one of the things that tom brady's been the beneficiary of too is having the same coaching staff his entire career montana did win a super bowl with george seifert but seifert might have been coaching that last montana super bowl team but it was walsh's team i think the best team the 49ers had is 1989 we'd won the super bowl a year before and george seifert took over the 49ers when i retired but that team was the same that was the best that was the best 49ers one of the greatest all-time teams i i don't know who would have ever beaten that team additionally if you use that argument you are indirectly discounting secret as a head coach that means i should remind you that he won a super bowl when wash really was out of the picture and he did it with steve young in a blowout of the san diego chargers and his 49ers team disrupted the powerful cowboys dynasty from getting four straight talk about level of difficulty let's not also discount marty schottenheimer who joe had in kansas city it's not like joe was working under jeff fisher or something come on people [Music] walsh is so legendary that every nfl coach calls his book the coaches bible think about that it's a must read for every nfl coach to have that's how insanely awesome walsh's innovation was that's even used today it's not just about the x's and o's it's comprehensive but it's also about how to run your franchise i am familiar with the book i've read it this is an amazing book practice schedules off-season programs draft evaluation everything is in this book right here what i learned from reading this book would be some of the things behind the scenes that you know i would have no way of knowing unless they were explained to me as close to scripture as you can get for a coach right it's the bible of uh football coaching it's a great book it's it's it should be required reading for every football coach this book by bill walsh is the greatest football book ever written i swear to you and it can be utilized in any type of work environment and any leadership role if you command or manage people whether it's the military whether it's a sports team of any kind or an office a construction crew whatever it is this is a must-have after reading it you will wish you had found it a long time ago i promise it definitely gives you an edge against others a major edge actually i would say however it's extremely hard to get your hands on a hard copy will set you back all the way up to 450 bucks even getting a digital copy of the book is extremely hard to find even if you're willing to pay for it however we did all that work for you and you can have your very own digital copy of the winning edge by bill walsh all you have to do is subscribe to this channel first and then join our group on facebook simply comment that you would like to receive a copy of the book and you will receive it from one of our admins within 24 hours but usually it happens much much faster than that now the link to the facebook group is in this video's description below but don't forget to subscribe first okay let's continue montana hit the jackpot he had the right coach at the right time look at this ridiculous bill walsh coaching tree no one in those days could hardly stop it defenses didn't know what to do walsh's offense put to bed the idea of a must-have steel curtain defense to win a lot and that was unprecedented and even somewhat blasphemous to think that offense could be finesse and still win championships back then you had to run the ball and play defense and that was the way to win championships well then comes walsh and he says not anymore and walsh found the perfect guy to run that offense joe montana it was a match made in greatness but not in heaven but why do i say not heaven because [Music] firstly the guy that played before montana walsh was actually higher on but more to the point walsh was never fully satisfied with montana bill was convinced that joe needed to be pushed and he needed to have his job threatened in order to get the best out of him but our problem is we have two and there's a quarterback controversy developing we're going to have to select between steve young and joe montana bill was thinking what i'm going to get out of this is the best of joe montana and steve young and i'm not so sure that he wasn't right tom brady never needed this type of convincing tom is the same crazy psycho cyborg tom during training camp during the playoffs or even playing ping-pong this point here would be a major negative on joe in comparison to tom so walsh brought over a very good player in his own right steve young to basically be a thorn in montana's side walsh lied to steve young and told him he would have joe's job pretty quickly and that joe was really banged up when steve arrived he saw that joe was perfectly healthy and playing well and then he realized he had been hoodwinked seen joe run out on the field the first time in 1987 in mini camp pretty pretty my first thought is he's not hurt at all bill said he's had second back surgery steve and he will not recover from it but this was to create a fierce competition and to get the best out of joe but the real truth was that bill was of the belief that his offense was everything and that any capable quarterback could run it now i'm not saying these guys are mediocre that would be just stupid i'm simply saying that walsh apparently to him didn't see an issue with changing quarterbacks and still believe the 49ers could win championships montana was in his prime when this was all going on now i know what you're thinking well belichick wanted to keep jimmy g instead of brady okay i read ian o'connor's book about belichick and i can tell you that the majority of it is like a long wikipedia page of quotes and stories that avid patriots fans already knew from documentaries and other articles over time the parts regarding jimmy g in the book was entirely speculation assumptions and a major major lack of sources one coach supposedly said something bad about brady saying that they thought they could win a ring with any top 15 quarterback but the problem with that is that it doesn't say who said it well great we can file that under complete and utter bullcrap without a real source it's just fantasy are we supposed to just take the word of a guy who authored this article and now suddenly he's kissing bill's butt in order to sell books and remain relevant the biggest most controversial chapter in his book has no sources however even if it was true okay let's just say it was true it doesn't matter as far as the walsh montana point i just made goes because brady is old as dirt in football years moving on from tom to jimmy isn't some crazy thing to speak of in a football way what i mean by this is that it's not like brady was in his prime coming off his 2010 mvp season and then suddenly cast aside but that's exactly what happened to montana additionally we heard rumblings of jimmy g taking over for brady all the way back in 2014 after that kansas city debacle for the quarterback how did brady respond by winning his team the super bowl in 2016 more calls to trade brady and start jimmy g partly because of brady's deflategate suspension what happens if jimmy plays better look i told you what's going to happen so there's no there's this first how did brady respond another super bowl victory in 2017 the whole brady versus jimmy thing was going on and jimmy was sent to the 49ers would you trade us tom brady and belichick said what did you just ask me did you just ask if i created the greatest quarterback of all time and john said so was that a no is it true that when you talked to bill you said what about brady is that true yeah yeah i'm not gonna deny that that did happen i mean he did shoot me down real quick and okay if you're not gonna give him up what about brady and he nearly stepped through the phone man you know it was it was uh it was a pretty visceral reaction from him so and tom responded with regular season mvp and another super bowl appearance and he even broke the record for the most yards in a super bowl but montana he was benched once montana's ride was coming to an end he never returned to his previous form after he was traded to kansas city he did perform admirably for them in the playoffs by taking them to the afc championship game but they ultimately lost to the powerhouse buffalo bills and that is a credit to joe absolutely but come on that's nothing in comparison to what tom has done after doubts about him started do i believe that steve young wins those last two super bowls montana did maybe maybe one of two yeah but but let's move on to another aspect the quality of their own teams [Music] joe montana was in the super bowl with some amazing 49er defenses san francisco owned the 1980s it felt like sprinkled with a brief period of the bears 46 defense and bill parcells giants flexing their muscles you can also sprinkle in some redskins there but for the most part it was the 49ers and it certainly wasn't all about the offense montana never made it to the super bowl without a top defense brady he's done it many times over people like to talk about brady's defense being so great and they like to bring up points aloud now the fallacy in this is that it's not the entire pitcher there's a reason the nfl uses yards allowed as their main stat to determine the best defenses the points allowed thing didn't really start being talked about until people needed to fit their narrative that brady had good defenses when there were times he didn't yards allowed is important because football is a field position game yards can tell the story of how much a quarterback can benefit from the team's defense overall hence why it's used so often and in this regard brady has taken some atrocious teams to the super bowl and afc championship games what about turnovers is the defense getting brady enough turnovers and more chances with the ball but i'll tell you what what i'll do is this i will combine both yards allowed ranking and points allowed ranking and we can create an average numerical value to give us some sort of idea of the difference and compare those side by side make sense i hope so i think this is fair brady has played on average with a defense that's ranked 7th in points against and 17th in yards allowed giving him a defense numerical value of 12. the lower the number the better the defense is montana has played on average with the defense ranked sixth and points against and eighth in yards allowed giving him a defense numerical value of 7. so no matter what category you want to look at for defense montana has always had the better defenses however you want to slice it montana benefited from the better defense and a stacked team now let's move to offensive players each quarterback is played with montana had much better players on his side of the ball than brady we obviously know montana had jerry rice and we know that rice wasn't a product of montana only because he had his best years in the 90s with steve young montana had john taylor who if it wasn't for rice overshadowing him would have been considered an even higher regard now brady's early patriots teams had good role players on defense and some really good elite talent like ty law willie mcginnis guys like that but on offense it just wasn't there he had grinders like troy brown who often played two ways and david patton good strong core players but nothing that stands out like what montana had in my opinion one of brady's greatest achievements was taking that atrocious team of offensive players to the 2006 afc championship game that team had absolutely no business being in the playoffs much less only a few points away from reaching another super bowl it took peyton manning's cult at their very best to stop brady with a group of guys only the most serious patriots fans could name you i bet you can't name one i'll help you reshay caldwell jabbar gaffney and a very old troy brown come on now peyton he was throwing to reggie wayne hall of famer marvin harrison dallas clark and even had joseph a die in the backfield brady's receiving core was so bad that's what prompted belichick to go out and get brady someone he could really utilize now i have a riddle for you if tom brady wins three super bowls and reaches four afc championship games with zero elite players on offense what would happen if you gave him just one generational talent player the answer to this riddle is randy moss the very first year you give tom a guy like moss they shattered the record books and set the league on fire and don't even think about bringing up welker or stallworth they were very good players but they did what they were needed for but the patriots made them welker was an afterthought he was a guy who was brought in with hope that he could contribute some tom and josh turned him into a household name the same with stalwart dante played on other teams and didn't even come close to what he was on the patriots it took welker having to go play for one of the greatest of all time in peyton manning in order to keep up his play randy moss is the only time brady has been given a legit receiver on the level that peyton got or that montana got and so on but he only got randy for basically two seasons what if moss had been on the patriots all of those years what could have been right you give brady jerry rice what do you think would happen be honest now to be fair to the brady haters i would like to give you that brady had gronk rob is clearly talented and would have been a good tight end anywhere in the league i am certain of that but as we know tom spent a lot of time without rob due to injuries tom even won a super bowl without having him which is insane to think about rob is a generational talent and we're not going to dismiss him but when it seemed that brady was getting some nice gifts on offense with the duo of gronk and hernandez it turns out that dude was a psychopath another what could have been there was a time where i couldn't decide who i liked better aaron or gronk that's how good things were for brady and it was all taken away so quickly luckily julian edelman stepped up his game and after the departure of welker and hernandez it was awesome edelman is a gamer and the toughest grinded out type of player i have ever seen in my lifetime but he's not antonio brown is he amendola danny turned out to be a big game clutch moment's gone but even he will tell you he's a product of tom listen to this you made that you made a great point that if if tom brady can win with mediocre scrubs like danny dola i mean what if he what if he had a what if he had a good receiver but colin i'll be i'm going in my 12th year in the league and i i promise you uh i'm a system guy so one season stands out to me like 2006 and that was 2013. that offensive group was another atrocious group of players that was the year brady pulled out that crazy comeback against the saints and browns and went all the way to the afc championship game but it took the best offense in nfl history to vanquish tom that is just nuts so many times brady has done his job only for the defense to unravel in the end ask any patriots fan they will testify it's the most frustrating thing about being a patriots fan is the defense doing idiotic things of course it wasn't always like that but since the group of the early 2000s got dismantled from just elapsed years it's just never been the same the last nine years has been much more mediocre defense than good defense and thank god for guys like hightower van noy butler ninkovic and other guys like that who really made their mark when they had to let's talk about eras of football because so many like to bring this up a huge many of you including montana himself makes the statement that the nfl is watered down defensively and back in his day a total al bundy thing by the way a quarterback knew he would get hit of course joe is going to throw this out there it strengthens his argument the the better you are the longer you play the more susceptible you are to getting hurt so um before i throw the ball and the biggest thing is as i know guy behind the camera right there is not very far away but he can hit me still after i throw it now you can't you can't touch him it allows you not to take those big old hits that really uh make a difference in your play and and your ability to to last alone i mean i retired at 39 i probably even as bad as i had many injuries i had i could have played another two years if i had one for one concussion you know people talk about toughness first do you truly believe that somehow montana is physically tougher than tom brady a guy who is actually much bigger than joe and a guy who rarely misses a game due to injury with the only exception being 2008 when a cheap shot took his knee out yeah bernard pollard it was a cheap shot you piece of garbage when i watch the most famous hits on joe montana the one thing i constantly see is montana laying on the ground he's like vince vaughn and wedding crashers come on pepe how many fingers i got oh come on i got four brady has taken hits like this and some even harder but tom gets back up has it ever occurred to anyone that joe was just much more fragile than brady if you truly believe that brady can take hits now but somehow couldn't back then it's it's absurd just because you want to glorify your past like so many others doesn't make it accurate the average size of players is way different now also players are learning how to tackle cleanly the hits are still there they just do it properly that hit by lt that hit would be legal even today let's not forget the fact that just because it's a penalty to hit the quarterback in a certain manner doesn't mean it doesn't happen guys are willing to take the penalties to get a big shot on a quarterback it still happens either way but the biggest thing that will hurt your narrative that it's wussified is this first guys were saying things like the nfl was getting too soft when montana was coming into the league think about that they were saying almost the same crap you guys say now but that was nearly 40 years ago what this proves is that the accuracy of a person's opinion or how they see things is extremely flawed but the biggest point here is that the amount of penalties for roughing the passer or holding or defensive pass interference unnecessary roughness it was all called almost just as often as back then weird right they were protecting quarterbacks during montana's era a lot more than they protected bradshaw in fact it opened up the doors for the west coast offense and guys like dan marino and warren moon to just put up crazy numbers that wouldn't have happened in the early super bowl era so pump the brakes on the whole the nfl was tougher back in your day it's not as good of an argument as you think and leaving the pocket is also a bad idea look at how many quarterbacks get injured outside the pocket it's absurd but everyone is afraid to even utter the words that montana just might not be as tough as other quarterbacks but if i still haven't convinced you let's try this let's look at joe montana's contemporaries as far as getting injured is concerned the 80s when everyone seems to think it was a bloody massacre somehow dan marino only missed four games and that was in 1987 but it was due to his own fumbling of a snap and he dislocated his ring finger on his throwing hand it had nothing to do with the so-called violent 1980s nfl so basically mourinho never missed a game where he was named a starter in the 1980s due to how violent the game supposedly was but take a look at the career injury reports for the entire careers of montana's peers compared to him they somehow were able to compete in the exact same era hell even elway played his entire career without an acl how crazy is that elway of 256 possible starts for his entire career this is not just the 80s the entire career he played nearly 90 of his games dan marino for his entire career out of 270 possible starts he played 89 percent of his games now we have joe for his entire career out of 217 possible starts he only played in 75 of his games the dude missed 25 of his career due to injury while mourinho and elway were only missing around 10 guys this is a huge difference so why is it that montana is hurt so often but his contemporaries aren't huh that kind of kind of strange right i mean if the arrow was so bad and that's your argument to use for montana against brady then what about these other guys mourinho stayed in the pocket but he would take the hit in order to get the pass off elway he'd leave the pocket just like joe but he still managed to play more games brett favre he played almost through the entire 90s and he never missed during the era of head hunting he still didn't miss and neither did drew brees tom brady or peyton manning enough with the toughness thing okay past interference was also called nearly as often back in those days this notion that it's weak in today's nfl is one of the biggest misconceptions there is about nfl football but every time i watch a montana game it seems like it's only a matter of time before he's laying on the ground again [Music] both played really good defenses and some weren't outstanding but they were still okay like joe played against a really good broncos defense and destroyed them hanging 55 up on elway's boys but he also won against mediocre defenses like both bengals teams and even the dolphins weren't considered great or anything like that they were pretty good though uh brady's defensive opponents well he has that one bad defense that he played which was the atlanta falcons but that's the average defenses tom's faced his was slightly better than the ones joe did joe never faced the defense that was number one in the league across the board but tom did the seattle defense in 2014 and remember this was also the legion of boom the greatest by far greatest secondary group in nfl history let's not forget that tom also faced the greatest show on turf offense considered one of the greatest offenses ever joe never defeated a team that had either won a super bowl recently or went on to win one shortly after tom did it twice the rams were champions just two seasons prior to when tom played them and the seahawks were the defending champions who by the way destroyed the greatest offense in nfl history peyton manning's broncos but tom got that victory there's something i want to talk to you about it's what we call the van allen sports total team value score and what we do is we add up three categories to get the average so we take the sum of defensive points against and defensive yards against now the reason we combine both defensive yards and points allowed is due to the nfl's usage of yards over points which yards also contribute of course to build position for the offense but also we want to include how many points the defense gives up because about half the nfl fan base believe that is what's most important although it is worth noting that no one even argued for points against until the patriots started winning it was used as an indictment against brady but next we take their team ranking a team's overall record says a lot about a team like bill parcells used to say you are what your record says you are and finally offensive points scored the offense has one job the score points based on the field position that defense and special teams provide to them so let's get started let's take montana's super bowl opponents that he defeated the 1981 bengals they were 12th in defensive points against 12th and yards against second in the team standings they had a quarterback who was mvp that year ken anderson they were ranked third in offensive points all this combined gives them a von allen sports total team value of 5.66 now remember the lower the number the better the team the 1984 dolphins joe faced these guys they were seventh and points against and 19th in yards against they were second in the standings however they also had the mvp that year in quarterback dan marino they ranked first in offensive points that gives them a team value score of 5.33 so they're slightly better than the bengals team and montana played the bengals again in 1988 they were 16th in points against 15th in yards against third in the standings they had another quarterback in vp boomer assassin and they ranked again first in offensive points and this gave them of course a vaughn allen sports total team value of 6.5 this is probably the team that gave the 49ers out of all of joe's four probably gave him the biggest fight and now moving on to joe's final super bowl the 1989 denver broncos joe completely crushed these dudes the broncos were first in points against in third in yards against awesome defense they were third in the standings they ranked eighth in offensive points that gave him a total team value of 4.3 so strangely enough this team this broncos team that the 49ers blew out of the water we're technically the best overall team that joe faced now if we combine all four of joe's opponents to get a final score joe played on average a team with a value of 5.45 so let's remember that number now brady's super bowl opponents defeated the 2001 rams greatest show on turf they were seventh and points against third and yards against they were first in the standings they had a quarterback mvp kurt warner they of course ranked first in offensive points giving them a team value of 2.33 this of course will be by far the best team out of all the teams faced then brady played the old three panthers they weren't really a huge standout during the regular season but in the playoffs they seemed to just turn it on but they were 10th in points against 8th in yards against 7th in the standings and only ranked 15 in offensive points their total team value 10.33 the 2004 eagles led by donovan mcnabb and andy reed second in points against 10th in yards against third in the standings and ranked 8th in offensive points this gave their total team value of 5.66 the 2014 seattle seahawks and legion of boom number one in points against number one in yards against number one in the standings defending super bowl champs and they were ranked tenth in offensive points their total team value four and even four the 2016 atlanta falcons their defense rankings wow i didn't even realize they were this bad 27th in points against and 25th in yards against but somehow they still found a way to be fourth in the standings they had the mvp that year quarterback matt ryan and his offense ranked first in offensive points giving him a total team value of 10.33 just like the panthers the 2018 los angeles rams 20th and points against 19th and yards against number one in the standings they were ranked second in offensive points and their total team value 7.5 to get the total overall value of all of tom brady's opponents that he defeated in the super bowl it gives us a 6.69 joe 5.45 pretty dang even right now unfortunately joe couldn't make it to more than four super bowls otherwise we could be more accurate comparing game by game but since brady has more than doubled joe's appearances and completely eclipsed his super bowl wins mark what happens if we choose from tom's four toughest opponents defeated if we did that grady's toughest four opponents has a score of 4.87 one point better than joe's of all the opponents brady and montana defeated tom faced the toughest the 2001 st louis rams greatest show on turf they weren't just offense they were a solid team all the way around the patriots were two touchdown underdogs in that game two touchdowns in a super bowl tom also faced the best defense of all opponents defeated the 2014 seattle seahawks legion of boom the lowest his team has ever scored in a playoff game is 13 points and that was only just recently when he was old as dirt and faced wade phillips one of the best defensive coordinators in nfl history keep in mind that tom was 3-0 to start his career in super bowls which is only one game short of montana and it took the most miraculous catch of all time to take out brady in his fourth one one i should point out where brady had to go ahead touchdown drive only for his defense to give it up to eli freaking manning you people act like not throwing a pic in four super bowls is some type of super human feat that's just impossible well i've got some bad news for you brady can match all of joe's performances and still have room to spare why because he didn't let his team down in the playoffs before getting to the super bowl he's never been blown out in a championship game like montana has tom left himself room to pick from this is a positive not a negative [Music] so this is what we're gonna do we're going to show that what montana did isn't as crazy as you think so for every montana game i will match it with a brady super bowl game that has a similar type performance i have lots to pick out from from all of brady super bowls but unfortunately joe only has four appearances to tom's nine but let's get started montana's first super bowl 49ers versus bengals joe had a very average performance he wasn't exactly slinging the ball around the field joe had only 14 completions a very low 157 passing yards one touchdown pass and a one yard quarterback dive something brady is also famous for grady's first super bowl is actually very similar to montana's first tom had a very average performance as well 16 completions two more than joe but 145 yards only 12 yards less than joe one touchdown pass and orchestrated a game-winning drive with only a minute left neither of them had an interception and at this point both are perfect but if i really want to help tom's case i have a backup to spare i can go ahead and slide in tom's performance against the eagles in super bowl 39 when he had 23 completions 236 yards no interceptions and two passing touchdowns which would even the touchdowns joe had so take your pick which game you want to match with joe because either one works joe's second super bowl against the dolphins he had 24 completions for 331 yards three passing touchdowns one rushing touchdown and no interceptions this one i think was probably his best performance overall i'm going to match this with brady's second super bowl against the panthers brady had 32 completions for 354 yards three passing touchdowns with only one interception now that interception gives montana the edge but if we consider that he had more completions in yarns than joe and then he had the clutch game-winning drive i think that helps they also both had similar defenses these two games are really close joe's third super bowl again against the bengals this is the one famous with a long drive at the end of the game capped off with a touchdown pass to john taylor now on this day joe completed 23 passes for 357 yards and two touchdowns no picks even though the bagels dropped an easy one in the end zone joe threw a horrible ball into heavy coverage but we already talked about that let's go ahead and match tom's super bowl against the falcons the famous come from behind game but the reason i included this one is because with tom's one interception that was a pick six i thought it was a reasonable balance brady had 43 completions for 466 yards two touchdowns but then he orchestrated the greatest comeback in nfl history down by 28-3 near to the fourth quarter and he had the game-winning drive in overtime but tom got more points on the board in this game so overall i like the pairing here montana sports super bowl against the denver broncos he took with him into that game a fantastic defense with a 3.5 overall value this game was never really competitive joe blew the broncos out his overall stats weren't gaudy but what sticks out is his five touchdown passes joe threw for only 297 yards on only 22 completions but he had no interceptions now i want to match tom's game against the seahawks in this one tom faced about a thousand times better team than joe did this seahawks team known for the moniker legion of boom was one of the best defenses we've ever seen although brady threw two picks in this game he passed 50 times increasing the odds keep in mind that all of joe's super bowls his attempts are much lower than tom's which lowers the likelihood of throwing an interception tom had 37 completions for 328 yards and four touchdowns with all factors involved i think these two performances match up well so we've established that brady has a game for each of montana's and even has one performance that outshines all of these however his defense was completely putrid and gave the game away tom lost to the philadelphia eagles in 2017 despite throwing 28 completions a record setting 505 passing yards three touchdowns and no interceptions huh so how was brady on the losing side of this game with a stat line like that that's a major indictment on belichick's decision making in 2017 it's fair to say walsh or seifert would have never benched one of their players on defense a few minutes before the game tom can claim four games without throwing a pick proving it's not that crazy or insane to do it brady showed winning several straight isn't that unique either by winning his first three only one shot of montana's four and people act like joe was the first person to get four he wasn't terry bradshaw was 4-0 and did it in the 70s but the point here is that montana's 4-0 record with no picks isn't some type of god-like performance that no man can touch brady has done it just with more games to spare the more games she played the greater the difficulty if joe played in nine super bowls he would have thrown a lot of picks and he would have lost a few of them you know how we know because the giants bullied him in the playoffs on two different occasions so they were beatable and for the giants sometimes easily beatable thomas never taken the kind of embarrassing losses joe has in the playoffs not throwing picks has proven to be an overrated stat in regards to winning or losing in the super bowl brady has two super bowls where he didn't throw a pick at all but he lost the game both times and both due to brady getting his team the lead with a fourth quarter go ahead touchdown only for the defense to give it up brady did his job but it still wasn't enough but the point here is that he didn't throw any picks there's been so many instances where tom would risk the interception in order to get the pass completed and it turned out to be an amazing important first down or touchdown so with those risks you get rewarded as well let's also talk about salary cap now this is a big point here in the 80s if you had an owner who was willing to spend the cash you could have an all-madden type team seriously you could stack the deck with your pocketbook you could guarantee you don't lose any of these awesome guys if there was a salary cap back in those days a huge chunk of those guys get traded or signed somewhere else in free agency you don't think after the 49ers third super bowl that teams wouldn't have been willing to pull back the brinks truck to get them this was proven in the 90s when the salary cap was first introduced and the 49ers pride dion sanders away from the atlanta falcons and they won a championship but then jerry jones comes and he wants dion at any cost and dion helps the cowboys get another ring as well in the 80s dion never would have left atlanta brady winning in a salary cap era versus montana is a point that cannot be overstated the salary cap was introduced so bad teams could compete it was designed to not allow dynasties anymore they basically wanted to participation trophy the league what brady and the pats have done is absurd a dynasty in a time where the deck is stacked against anyone going for a dynasty and not just one brady has been a part of two separate eras it's absolutely unthinkable and when roger goodell came in in 2006 his sole mission was to create more parody in the league so he doubled down on that whole thing why do you think it was spygate was such a big deal the patriots pick in the bottom of the draft every season they never get top draft picks and don't give me that brady has an easy division first that's a myth and second because the patriots in the season as the division winner the schedule calls for them to play all the other division winners every season so every year for the last 10 years the patriots had to play the best the afc had to offer hardly a cakewalk [Music] big number here montana zero scandals that's true zero controversies cheating scandals montana won a super bowls without a single cheating scandal oh really for the patriots were caught spygating in 2007. only in 2015 at espn publisher report where 40 former patriots players coaches and employees admitted that they were spying on other teams all the way back to the days of their first super bowl championship and your fake news you have an agenda sportscenter incorrectly cited a 2002 report regarding the new england patriots in super bowl 36. that story was found to be false and should not have been part of our reporting we apologize to the patriots organization super bowl number four came at the hands of the infamous deflategate incident u.s district judge richard berman ruled nfl commissioner roger goodell went too far the bottom line essentially the nfl commissioner roger goodell is full of hot air and here we go get this associated press now reports tom brady has beaten the league that's four unearned championships didn't montana win his four without cheating yep the cleaner the better montana wins so you want to blame brady for spygate guilty by association or benefit is that it okay well first i just want to say that as far as spygate and definitely deflategate i will discuss those in later videos and will show the truth about just how absurd they were but for now i just want to focus on the working theory that brady's career has cheating and scandals and montana is clean right because after all and i'm talking to all of you haters out there it's all about purity of the game right the game must be clean integrity of the game the greater glory of the nfl ra ra well yeah okay well if you are that self-righteous and you can't possibly support or enjoy any athlete or team whose integrity has been called into question you will want to hum some nursery rhymes or something to yourself while i do this next part that way you can remain in your fairy tale world instead of the real world with the rest of us in this world here's the truth bill walsh not only did whatever he could to gain an edge and an advantage he reveled in it who do you think made famous the manipulation of headsets for the opposing team ask bill parcells we knew they scripted plays well we lost the toss in 85 and we knew they were going to get the ball and then all of a sudden their phones went out now you know the league man said you you got to put your phones down when the other team's phones go out so it was just a coincidence that they got these plays scripted they know what they're going to do and then their phones go out we were kind of i don't want to say caught off guard by that but we had to make some very quick adjustments i kind of thought that that was a little bit calculated on their part getting ready to play them the next year in the playoffs and i said to bill these phones go out again to start the game i said i'm gonna expose you okay he looked at me with a little wink and he says just a little gamesmanship and i said i understand now i wonder if this gave montana a competitive advantage guilty by association and benefit right remember we have to keep the same standard you applied to brady and belichick but what else how about montana's offensive linemen greasing themselves down so the defense couldn't grab and push off them to get to joe i'm sure joe appreciated not being sacked as often was this cheating uh yes absolutely and way more beneficial than a tick less of air in a football are you at all suspect of what the patriots have done over the years and is it wrong to question what they've done well they always say if you ain't if you ain't cheating you ain't trying so and so they're trying hard or that you guys ever step outside the rulebook i mean jerry has said hey you stick him every now and then everybody like i said if you ain't cheating you're trying you know everybody does everything they can to possibly get a little bit of an edge i mean back then was illegal if you had like our guys used to spray silicone on their jerseys the linemen so that the defensive lineman couldn't get a hold of them and the defensive lineman did it so the offensive line it's it's just the didn't montana win his four without cheating it's a game everybody wants to win and so you do whatever you can to make it happen [Music] but there's more spygate guess what everyone was doing that and walsh was one of the biggest users of this technique which i will quickly tell you wasn't even illegal until the year 2007. so montana benefited from this no more or less than brady would have but there's even more now for you 49ers fans and nfl purists i guess this one is going to hurt hall of fame wide receiver jerry rice who played in the nfl from 85 to 2004 admitted on saturday that he used stigm during his playing career which is a small problem because stikum and other adhesives have been banned by the nfl since 1981. rice tweeted the following saturday night i apologize people after doing my research about stikum the nfl banned this in 1981 all players did it equal playing field for hall of fame receiver chris carter our colleague who played from 87 to 2002 sent out several tweets over the past few days indicating that he strongly disagreed with rice's accusation that all players used it i never used stick'm gate and jerry rice isn't speaking about me or for me god made my hands he put stick'm gate on them never a need to use anything but my god giving my god-given talent and perfect it with a jugs machine if you use stickum j.r referring to jerry rice is cheating jerry rice using illegal stickum on his gloved hands gave the san francisco 49ers at least as much of an advantage as allegedly the patriots have gotten from slightly underinflated footballs at least as much advantage since he was by all accounts the greatest receiver of all time and the driving force behind two of joe montana's super bowl victories and then he went on obviously with with steve young so i wonder how many catches he had from joe that he cheated to get don't talk to me about cheating when it comes to brittany versus montana it's a joke montana and his teams get a pass because it was done in a different era an era when champions in greatness was put up on a pedestal [Music] okay let's talk personal montana knows brady has surpassed him okay you can see it in the change he's made in his attitude towards brady when brady was stuck at three montana sang his praises because he didn't feel that his status as the goat was at risk yeah i think the thing i like about him is they've been able to do it with uh different teams uh the thing with him is he's still got enough uh age on him that he can probably get back here another time or two so it'd be fun to watch him he's always hammering you man oh yeah he didn't have to yeah long before this i mean you got guys who done not anywhere near what he's accomplished that made it in the hall of fame so obviously he's long past that do you think brady feels like he's better than you well they all if he doesn't he if he doesn't he should i like that though that you respect them if they feel that way that they should feel that way oh yeah i mean every time you walk on the field it's more impressive you're four or the fact he's been to six well i think getting getting there is hard i mean no matter what i mean the unfortunate thing is people forgot that jim kelly went the fourth straight you know and and so getting there winning is is important but getting there is just as hard uh i mean winning is is difficult too as tom will tell you or anybody who's been there but uh i don't know i don't really look at the way after brady got his sports and tied him montana started to change a little after the fifth montana really really did a disservice to himself in his interviews he changed his approach to the question about who's the goat and it became this bizarre philosophical thing about guys previous to him winning a bunch of championships this is disingenuous to say the least and embarrassing at most he uses the same quote over and over saying even before you know he got five you look back to some of the guys like and some people don't even know sammy ball or otto graham yeah yeah i can't remember which one but one of them won like seven or nine championships one before and so far ahead of their time and it's hard to compare guys from then to now really joe really you go back and look at i always say go back and watch sammy bob and otto graham i can't remember which one of them won like nine or ten championships yeah you never bothered to look up and find out which one you're talking about it's otto graham by the way and it's seven championships but he knows it's graham already he says that because it sounds nonchalant and it's dismissive to the notion of goat in the first place by saying that he's got five rings going verse six as i mentioned you you have four i'll ask this with all due respect is tom brady is he the goat well i always i've said this for many many years i mean it's hard to beat tom uh or say that he isn't but when you go back and you look at guys like that i was forced to look at because i went up against a couple times for uh some awards a guy named otto graham there's a guy who won 10 11 championships and before the super bowl came around it makes him seem humble and above it all but he knows better this ridiculous attempt at humility was completely destroyed by his wife when after him saying this exact thing for the millionth time his wife spoke off the cup and said i still can't say that of my even though people say and i appreciate it i still can't say that to myself because i mean just what i said it's hard to that's not what you at home you're saying now i love you that was fabulous and don't you forget it we are reminded constantly wait well then uh what just happened joe's reaction was priceless he was embarrassed his wife clearly didn't understand the nuances and subtleties of his bull crap that he was doing and though she just thought she made a cute joke but it revealed a whole lot and made her husband look just as petty and ego maniacal as every other professional athlete that's well it means he knows brady's the goat otherwise he wouldn't feel the need to resort to such ridiculous statements after all he wasn't mentioning these old guys nor did he commit to all this double talk until brady passed him oh dear [Music] what you think there's someone else [Music] one guy utilized the system as in he had to have the guys around him bill walsh orchestrated that called those plays the other guy started out a little more in a conventional offense as in brady i played against brady but then it changed to where it was about brady but spread them out randy moss came into town and let's throw it 40 times a game joe montana could not do that if you enjoy any of the music in all our videos check the description it will have a link to the artist and most importantly thank you guys so much and if you have a video you would like us to do just put it in the comment section if we use it we'll make sure to give you absolute credit for the suggestion also guys if you would like to argue more and and get more of an immediate back and forth go to our facebook group von allen sports join that group there you can post whatever you want tell me what you think i'm there all the time mixing it up give us your best shot you think you can debate better than max kellerman or skip bayless or stephen a smith you think you're better than them practice it show us what you got bring it always kick the field goal to 40. you're good on the field goal yeah we'll get into 40 yarder game's over yeah all right let's go go stephen [Music] vaughn allen sports you
Channel: VonAllen Sports
Views: 230,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOM BRADY, MONTANA VS BRADY, BRADY VS MONTANA, is joe montana better than tom brady, is tom brady better than joe montana, joe montana vs tom brady, tom brady vs joe montana, tom brady system qb, joe montana goat, who is the greatest quarterback of all time, is tom brady the goat, is tom brady the greatest of all time, is tom brady the best qb in nfl history, who is better tom brady or joe montana, joe montana or tom brady, is tom brady a system qb, JOE MONTANA, 49ers, Patriots
Id: cfhRLOIbEqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 53sec (4793 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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