NFL Players on Tom Brady (Montana, Peyton, Rodgers..)

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[Music] in uh his greatness on display one more time i mean he didn't need to to win that to prove that he's the goat but uh just another part of his legacy there tom brady's old team whole team hit the whole attitude i consider him one of if not the best of all time put it in another one right we we played the um the saints this is a funny one don't kill me tom this is funny right so they beat us twice that year you know what i'm saying beat this [ __ ] out of us right they sweep us so we get in the playoffs everybody know that drew brees he's retiring he won the same arm on the same right so something like oh man have you seen this snap all that great right we beat him right time out there throwing with the kids him and his son they throwing uh the breeze son right kissing baby locker room oh god is it now let's go sit his ass down teammate slash competitor and leader i've ever seen in my life explain this every like he's the only player i've ever been around quarterback coach like what he says you you believe it yo go out there and walk in water you gonna believe it because he ain't telling you something he's not gonna do this dude yo he trained all day first of all we practice right 42 still at 42. he's 44. though he older than you anyway look he get worked on his body right we go to practice after that you know everybody else hey we're gonna get some drinks not drinks but like water retired gatorade not him he's gonna go get some more treatment some more treatment yeah my friend sam we had like the playoffs right oh he get the sprinting he slows him up and the playoffs no no i'm sorry championship yo this dude so we you know you get the extra week off so coach gave us like a nice like three days to rest not this dude he's sending the offense like a group chat on a text message bro he going he had video you can see him at home video the left uh d-back quarterback yo bad feet doesn't turn his hips whatever whatever next video this dude he's great at ball scales he's this he's that going to the safety he went through the whole defense the linebackers we want to side chat like me mike every other like yo this dude is really locked in i've never seen that like that like he want to win he was like i ain't chasing these quarterbacks i'm chasing mj like his mind he said that yeah i'm chasing i'm chasing greatness he's chasing greatness like i think he got him jake the other hand ali and frazier were trying to beat each other's brains out so how did that relationship go how is it different now than 10 years ago yeah i mean i think there was always just great respect kind of on the perception of things i could tell tom brady was a guy that i said he's got to watch a lot of film i can tell he spends time with his receivers working on timing after practice i didn't really know that i just assumed that and then you play in a pro bowl together right and you spend time in hawaii together you play in a charity golf tournament together you spend time with them you have dinner together and you realize that he is doing those things the next thing you know we're kind of talking about ideas and how we watch film and sort of not giving away all the secrets but you know trying to improve each other's craft and so it's been a special friendship and i think it's important to have respect for the opponent you want to beat them you want to do the best you can for your team but you know respect the guys you're playing against that's an important part of it retired from the game but guess why he came back to play with tom brady antonio brown everything that he's been through he wanted to come back to the game to play with who tom brady and them not the only two i wanted to go up there in 2007 to play with tom brady i studied this man i know what he stands for his work in the everything that we just said up here is all the positive things that says about tom brady being able to still uh adapt with tom brady or him adapting with them it's a good thing because you see the game changing and evolving right before our eyes and tom brady is still able to perform at a high level in our game today going into the 21st century man the sky's the limit for time i don't know how many years he has left give me about five more is there a goat in the nfl was it you has brady replaced you well i think tom has you know taken his place on the top up there a long time ago so he's had a tremendous career it's fun to watch and um yeah there's always everybody always contests over that but i think what would you look what tom's been able to accomplish in his time that he's played i think he's you know puts him definitely up there in the top of the list there's a lot of great guys as i said before me even you know you go back to otto graham we won 10 or 11 championships so um it's hard to compare him but you know if you're looking at it yeah definitely tom but you know obviously tom's a great talent and you who would people ask me about what i thought was gonna happen when he got to tampa and i said well i don't expect to see anything any different i mean look what they've done for him down there they've given him some opportunity that he was looking for to have more say in what he's doing he added that knucklehead right there to his team and he seems to be getting going right now uh and then the weapons around him are crazy and and if you get if you get gronk and him going again when they're in the red zone which they love to do until it starts happening on the field and you start seeing it and tom has to teach it and what he's looking for to those guys and so now look out you know i agree i think they're they're headed to the super bowl it would i'm sorry i got a little strong surprise were you surprised that the patriots came back against this defense because no problem the patriots never feel as though they're out of the game but did you no because brady always tell my friends never pick against brady ask anybody who knows me don't pick against brady you're never out of it it's a reason why the head coach is arguably the greatest ever in any sports organization or franchise the offensive coordinator is up for a head coaching job the defensive coordinator is up for the head coaching job and the owner one day mr kraft is going to be a hall of famer how do you feel about tom's ranks now is it cemented over is he better than either of your guys you know i'm being asked that a lot but you know i think it's a whole different era i i think i would have loved to see tom brady play in the era that we did uh you know at that time i don't think uh uh quarterbacks they were protected as much but you cannot you know you cannot deny that uh he's one of the greatest and he's uh putting up outstanding numbers uh this would be ring number six for him and he makes everybody better around him your thoughts on tom brady in the super bowl a fantastic super bowl uh felt bad for matt you know getting to know him over the years he's a fantastic guy he had an incredible mvp season and uh sitting there at 28.3 i think everybody's watching and probably at the game was thinking atlanta is going to going to get their their ring sized up here pretty soon so that was disappointing but from a fans perspective what a great game to watch and to see tom in his greatness on display one more time i mean he didn't need to to win that to prove that he's the goat but uh just another part of his legacy there you didn't have to be told to take somebody out no no no no no i never wanted to take anybody out i just wanted to play hard but dude you guys have a bounty no as far as incentive not the word bounty but would you say all right whoever gets this guy uh we're all buying dinner no no no we our guys were too cheap would you tell me if you actually had incentive to take somebody else yeah but i don't think we we never we weren't that kind of team we weren't taking that one to play hard and you want to be respected and i was never one i never wanted to take anybody out i want to beat you with your best players i don't want any excuses but i don't we didn't have bounties like that but as many times you guys hit brady in the super bowl you did try to take brady out no we just we just tried to win the game we were hitting him so often and so fast from the beginning of that game we're looking around like okay they sometimes they're tricking us like they're tricking us this is not maybe they're setting us up so they we can rush so fast and they'll throw a screen over our head or something but then we realize once he was cursing out the line this is real he's not cursing his guy out for nothing he's kind of pissed that we're getting to him that's a big advantage for you guys oh yeah because now all of a sudden you're starting to see cracks in the armor with the undefeated team and yeah but one thing about him as opposed to a lot of other quarterbacks because one thing when it's no better feeling as as an athlete when you know you're dominating a team or some guy so much that you can look in his eye you can tell he's like i don't want to be here and and brady never had that look some of his guys but he never had that look and that's the one thing i respect about him this guy's he's a competitor man and as pretty as he is as beautiful as his family is his pretty wife you know quarterbacking all the pretty women um he is a fierce competitor and i think we all walked out of that game win as winners of course but with a lot more respect for him in that in that aspect rate brady is but just what you put me i don't know how you put one sound by his career what he's done and how much he's meant to the league in that organization it doesn't seem like he's stopping anytime soon um i don't know if there's a guy who is more diligent or disciplined in regards to his recovery and his preparation and you know his mindset and um one of the greatest of all time if not the greatest and certainly the championships will tell you the greatest i've got a ton of respect for him i've been playing against him since college and have a lot of respect for admiration and new england was the bill over the top tb12 i would say tb12 that was a steal for bill bella checking the patriots to draft him in the sixth round nobody never knew that tom was going to win these many uh these championships but you got to look at the hustle with tom tom is one of the most competitive you know players on that field he knows he knows how to move chess pieces on the board to answer the question is tv 12 100 okay number 12 is i want to get there when i'm 40. i'm going to keep myself up like that does that inspire you yeah for sure i mean he's done an unbelievable job i heard you guys laughing earlier about the avocado thing it's crazy but what he's done with his body um really from kind of where i'm at now 34 to where he's at 40 the last six years he's transformed his game i tease him from time to time i think he's more athletic in and out of the pocket now he's running more yeah you know he's moving up in the pocket he's getting out to throw uh he's extending plays which he really didn't do a lot early in his career uh it's a testament to his work ethic and the way he takes care of himself which obviously with his new book out you know it's he's kind of letting some of the secrets out a little bit but uh he knows you know he's played a long time and i think he wants to keep playing you know 43 44 45 now with jimmy g out in san fran i think you know it's kind of paved the way for him to keep on going if you're doing a show about greatness and it's about football well guess what you can't do it without tom brady the greatest of all time in his 10th super bowl appearance he's done the unthinkable he transitioned to a new team and he's brought them within one game of the lombardi trophy in their home stadium which no one's ever done before ever since i can remember i've been watching tom brady he's one of my biggest idols somebody who i look up to who's inspired me throughout my life and it's just been this waste for as long as i can remember this has been the team to beat it's been the team that everybody you know it has their eyes on because they are the best and um billy check has just done a phenomenal job over there and running it and getting the team exactly how he wants them so you're gonna have to bring your a plus game is the goat and i know you know we've done some goat cloning so i think that he's i think there's something going on i don't he's not human to be you know playing the way he's still playing mentally prepared every single game um decisive decisions knows how to manage a game um plays offense and defense with the way that he plays he's just very smart he's the best ever do it i don't think anybody can really argue it he's just the greatest so i definitely want some of the water that he's drinking um hopefully you know that that's that's where everyone uh i know for me as well we all are inspired to be like brady's still hanging around at 40. you were probably thinking about hey by the time i get to 36 years old brady will be retired and i'll have a clean shot right at the afc title do you ever think about how this rivalry has just sustained itself for so long all right i'd rather play against the greatest you know however you would never ask for another player's jersey first off did you get the jersey yet and why was it so important for you to have toms i consider him one of if not the best of all time and i did get it played the new england patriots the other night and just so happened i was there i had a front row seat right but tom brady came to you and tom brady said to you i want to know what was your emotions because i heard you earlier in the week talking about preparing for the goat you called him the goat he had six rings he's on but what was that moment like for lamar jackson uh when when i was on the field you know it didn't it wouldn't hit me you know um i'm i was i'm trying to compete you know when i touch that field my goal is to come out with victories and that's what i wanted to do i really like i said before i didn't care who i was playing against you know tom brady the goat of all goats six super bowls 20 years doing it the guy still he's still playing like he's a second year player third you're playing like he's a you know a young guy in the league still can't take nothing from him it was just it was crazy you know um i know we'll see him again so you just gotta prepare your sack of quarterback do you say anything to him do you say i'm coming back no no because you know you know some quarterbacks feed off of that stuff i know they don't oh you mean now you don't hear that you know tom brady you know you start talking trash to him you know he'll put 21 up on you fast you know so i just try to you know you talk trash to brady he's got 21 points on it he's gonna put it up fast so i just try to do my job and i just try to get it out i try to get in and out before they even know what happened before let's see that's it before they even get in and out before you know what happened to the legacy of tom brady on the day that you were born but really what is the first memory you have of tb12 throwing the ball i remember i think the first one i remember is when he's he's grabbing the trophy he's throwing it up and he's screaming he's yelling just the excitement um i mean it's been forever and uh like we were talking about a little bit before i mean it seems like every single year he's just getting better um and it truly is amazing to watch and uh it's amazing to go up against because you know it's uh you're going up against the bed okay close friend um he currently leads the league in passing attempts completions passing yards and touchdown passes only drew brees and peyton manning have been able to do that over the last 31 years so he's got a chance to close that thing out this weekend i know he said a lot of records already this season but what would it be like for you to see him have yet another one uh it's just cool to be part of history you know it's just unbelievable it just shows that you know what his work ethic is how dedicated he is to the game of football um and just how talented he is and uh just his determination week in and week out is just unbelievable and uh it's it's just so real how he's just pulling it off um at age 44 and just coming out here like he's in his 20s still and just winging that ball zipping it where it needs to be making fantastic throws week in and week out but it's just an honor to be a part of and uh to contribute as much as i can to it rob do you do you think he's the mvp and can you make a case for him to be the mvp i mean tom z mvp every year and speaking of tom you went from being a guy that he hated to face and who enjoyed trash talking him to getting recruited by him and playing alongside him so what has that experience been like and what have you learned about him having played alongside him here now well i mean we've stayed in communication over the years you know i think that's every great rival um you know you gotta you gotta keep your friends close and your enemies closer apparently um but uh we've had we've had a pretty solid relationship and uh it's been really cool to be a part of his team and and to see the way he prepares the way he how seriously he takes it how great of a teammate he is how much he cares about his teammates how much he goes out of his way to really connect with everyone that's been really refreshing back to the other side with tom i mean tom earned those things and you saw that for 20 years so like you know i like you said it's like a marriage a 20-year marriage it's a long time that's a long time and you know they're both the goats the goat ones go call a coach and one's the goat quarterbacks you mad bro it's funnier every time i see it i think wow man you don't look that's what happens man that's what happens tell us how what what was the scenario that led to that picture your conversations what was going on well tom brady is a little more talkative on the field than a lot of people may be allowed to believe everybody up here is like yeah yeah he is he's just competitive right he's incredibly competitive he's a great leader he's a fantastic leader and a fantastic ball player i'll tell you right here but he does have his fair share of him you know he came up to me and earl we you know during tv timeouts that's when the tv isn't on anybody nobody sees anything and we're standing there talking about you know i think we're game planning talking about route concepts and he comes up like so who are you guys what you mean who are we who are you and he's like you know we go back and forth for a little while and he looks up at the scoreboard and looks back at us he's like come see me after this win so after the game they didn't win but i still came and saw him as i promised and everybody got mad at me it's your fault that's my fault he invited you and then he was mad so you asked him you mad bro oh man i want to ask you about this brady guy you played him before super bowl 53 you hit him once but he didn't get a chance to sack him what'd you learn about playing brady in a playoff game that can help you today um you know we've been there a lot of a bunch of times so he got that experience you know obviously you know he's going to study and find ways to you know slow the rush down and not let us get them opportunities to get to him and that's all quick passes and things he'd do and try to establish a run game um you know but one of the things we talked about as a group as a d-line is um not to get frustrated you know if he's getting the ball out quick bang bang get your hands up but continue to rush continue to fly around because he can't do it every single day gonna be plays where you don't have to hold the ball and that's the place that we're going to get him down to the ground or put the pressure on him and make him feel uncomfortable to the point he can't step up in the pocket you know because we're playing against a great quarterback you know um and and just like any other quarterback in this league you get to him you hit him enough and you and he feel you around them you can you know make them feel uncomfortable and that's what we got to do to have success in this game who has a hall of fame heart stomach passion chip on the shoulder okay brady can you put in perspective what we see from him in fourth quarters so long in his career here he is now 40 years old in that building what does it take can for mere mortals who may not have that you had it and he has it what is the it so i i'll go out and say it you know we talked you said set me up perfectly saying evaluate and all that stuff hey i'll be a guy to say it i would have loved to play with him to play football with brady you you see what he's done with guys look at chris hogan what he's done for his career his opportunity i'm not saying that chris hogan isn't a a good wide receiver but it sure helps when you have tom brady throwing you the ball your ability to increase your short career of playing wide receiver because he didn't play wide receiver in college he played lacrosse look what he's done danny and mendola people were talking about danny amendola as if they forgotten how he played in st louis he was a good receiver but he was injury prone yet in the playoffs in the super bowl he's a guy that's consistently scoring points you know so what tom brady brings to the table is greatness he is he's transcended in way people look and evaluate quarterbacks um the mind is something that you cannot um the mind in the heart you can't outweigh there's no combine that could measure and stick for that he's done what people wish they can do wish they could be a part of he is he's like winning the lotto man you know you get on that team you that you're that wide receiver he makes you better your friend tom brady is a big part of that and and i hear people use the phrase frequently not just with him but with a lot of players that he creates a culture that tom brady it sets a culture how would you describe what that actually means what does that look like how did he come to tampa and create a culture i would say the you know the you know the manner of of how he carries himself when he steps on the field the tone that he brings uh to the team uh you know to the meetings the tone that he brings uh out to the practice field i would say that's where it truly all begins is that you know he's not just going out to the practice field to practice he's going out you know to perfect what we gotta we got uh on our table on the table that day uh to perfect the plays uh to go out there with a purpose and with the tone that he brings it just sets the mood off for everyone else to get better at the same time suspension do you think do you think that what's happened to him with deflategate tarnished his legacy do you think i mean that's a good bait question i like it i like it but uh i don't think you can i mean the guy the guy's a winner you know he's won whatever kind of personnel he's had so i don't think it really turns you you mentioned tom brady earlier tom brady is 43 playing in his 10th super bowl um he said about four or five years ago he said he'd like to play the 45 they asked him the other day he said yeah i might be interested in playing beyond 45. does that give you hope that tom brady thinks about playing to 45 maybe beyond does that give you that you know what 40 might not be out of the possibility but that's a long ways away that's that's five years that's five years from you for you yeah yeah but it does you know it does like when i look at guys like tom brady you know drew brees you replayed yeah 42 you know i'm just like that's for me that's mother even though i understand that we play different positions you know based on how i know my body feels like that's still is motivation for me it's like you know what these guys are you know doing the impossible you know so why why can't i why do you believe uh tom has been so successful for so long to be able to play at this level it doesn't matter the system it doesn't matter the players around them it seems it doesn't matter the coach that he's able to maintain and perform at a very high level what do you think of some of the keys to his success uh i would say number one is his is his mental you know um his his mindset you know um just you just hear them talk to guys and like for instance after they won the nfc championship game i heard one of the linebackers he was saying that uh you know it was some guys crying or he was saying a couple tears and tom brady was like you know what what the [ __ ] you're crying for you know you know right so just like having that type of mindset a lot of guys don't have it you know and um it's clear that his work ethic has allowed him to play to 43 and i would say that's like that's a b you know i'm saying i mean one 1b um as far as the work that you put in because anything you do i've always been a firm believer in this is you get out what you put in you know so you can tell that not only is he a student of the game but he works his mechanics um and he's still been doing it for a long time you know so if it ain't broke don't fix it okay yes all right so outside of the 60s packers who was the best dynasty football yeah or these patriots the 90s cowboys are unbelievable but it has to be the brady era man it's the brady era you can't get no better than that man he goes it's a regular season game the super bowl is a regular season game for new england look all i know is this is that when the nfl network started uh our we were 11 weeks old when we went to our first super bowl and the patriots beat an nfc south champion team in houston and then next year beat the eagles to go back to back for three and four eagles and they're about to do it again potentially after winning in houston against an nfc south winner and now they can try and go back to back in three out of four with unbelievable against the same team and the only constant is that quarterback that owner and that coach that's the best thing tom came in you know tom brady came in you know you know him you call him tom i'm joking but um but tom brady came in and added another level to it all and tom is talk about the ultimate driven guy i'm amazed at what he does because i realize physically you can do something but when you don't have that motivation internally it's so hard and i can imagine i know the motivation i have for 15. i can imagine having the motivation he had has now to this day it's amazing to me and he brings that same motivation to what he wants to do off the field and tom's been very particular about what he wants to do he only wants to be a part of the best and we've sat down and had this conversation about religion and sports and what we do the content everything we do has to be the best it has to exemplify the people who are involved and none of us are involved in anything that we don't want to be the best at we're like everybody you grew up a football fan what are your memories of watching someone like tom brady over the years and then seeing him and then playing against him today you know what i'm just i'm just so surprised you know for a guy his age you know just i'm just just watching him play over the years you know um how great he is you know i've always been a fan of tom like i'm always calling to go i mean even though i play with pat he's the goat too but tom he's he's obviously the goat of our sport you know um but yeah so yeah i'm just just so glad to be able to play against tom hopefully i can get a jersey swap you know so yeah i'm speechless you know i think i don't think it's never happened obviously uh in our game and there's no question that the tampa bay buccaneers have a very very good team and i i you know i mean no disrespect to any of the other players but the missing piece to that puzzle was tom brady now if you have plugged in a different quarterback uh of of his stature and you know brees you know someone who's who is rogers rogers would that that magical season still would have happened i don't know i don't i you know i don't know but i think tom brady his leadership his competitiveness you know is he is he the most talented quarterback i don't think anyone would say that but he's got that it factor that you hear people talk about um he just he makes everyone around him so much better his competitive nature is is as good now as it's ever been and i've said that all season long that's that's one of the things that sets him apart i think and and i use uh and i can't remember if i talked about this on a show when they went to halftime against atlanta you know several years ago one of the d-linemen for atlanta was jawing with with brady and of course at that point atlanta was pretty much crushing them and they were getting after tom really well and and you could tell that he provoked or pissed tom off and i said way too early to do that and so i was thinking the same thing last night when honey badger was sticking his finger in tom's face now the the the crazy thing was tampa had their number already so it was like why incite this guy any more than you need to and i mean that's just he feeds off of any and every little thing that he can to uh motivate him to be the best and like how impressed you were you were with with brady was that your first kind of in the playoffs moment with brady where you saw like this guy is dialed in this guy is fully committed and knows what's going on to the point where he's telling you guys what's going on yeah i mean he's the greatest football man we've ever seen and we we definitely saw it last year from the start i mean we saw it from week one uh in the postseason obviously it heightens a little bit but he didn't do nothing like extra crazy he was doing it the whole season ain't no better better than brady ain't nobody greater than brady no bar i agree so is he the best football player before we get it we got to finish it before we get to the best athlete so tom brady is he the greatest football player because now that quarterback is almost like a skill it's the difference between football players is he the greatest football player ever lt dion i'm gonna tell you what you ready for this jerry rice no matter who the quarterback is you want me ninety percent catch that ball right right you can you're gonna make that play but you're not gonna change the whole team tom brake change the whole team whole team get the whole attitude different from dudes just like walking past it's all right who who walked past you tom brady and i tell you why he only do that he only do that to offensive players because for defensive players you do the opposite rookies yeah rookie we would have to we would have to tell them don't don't talk to tom you don't get any bond yeah thomas is a nice guy don't talk to tom he did it to me hey dj man listen having an amazing season you know you tackling and you get up on some like whatever yeah you know your name he started talking to you he's like damn it's time for a cool ass dude you take a little bit off the pedal you're right right so we had to start telling young dudes and rookies like bro if tom talk to you don't knock but yo yo tom no no no no hold on cause he'll hit you up he's gonna hit you with he did something dirty or something or something like that and tom oh this one happened amy caught the touchdown and tom was like yeah you know because sometimes he gets he gets you something about a b but so he's like he's great you know greg and it was on matthew so matthews felt like you know like you know me type of thing so tom camera was like yo i ain't nothing but it so now you said nah man [ __ ] that tom said well [ __ ] you the whole silence was like oh look the difference the difference between tom i feel that tom and peyton is the same situation that happened they'll congratulate you peyton oh man good good job blah blah blah listen that [ __ ] nothing tom good job man whatever he gonna wait till he get home laying in bed with gizelle i got another one baby he asked for his jersey after that he wanted to sign i got another one baby like his gangsta he smug with it but he can hold it in
Channel: BornLegend
Views: 318,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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