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hello there everybody welcome to a very very exciting video this is one that i've been looking forward to for a little bit today we're checking out the binding of isaac fiend folio mod uh this is a a huge and when i say huge i'm gonna really get the scale for you here in a second this is a huge mod uh that has been in the works for for almost three years uh that's how long it's been uh in the making the the people that have made this there's so many people that have helped out with it but i don't have an actual list uh so i i'm thanking you all as a collective team uh but they they've worked on a lot of great mods that you guys know about revelations alphabet uh retribution community remix devil's harvest um all kinds of mods um and there's there's some stuff from devil's harvest in here apparently uh but here's what it adds right it adds over 200 new enemies over 200 new enemies which is absurd there's huge overhauls to the game's floors uh 12 new bosses are you kidding me 12 new bosses over 000 new rooms a new character from devil's harvest fiend uh new items pickups and trinkets um and some other other tweaks and changes as well it's absurd uh it's such a huge mod that that dropped uh they've given me a little early access look at it here um even though by the time you're seeing this happy olyximus right um if you don't know about aleximus then then go check out the the first couple videos on that on the channel but um i'm gonna hop in as even i'm gonna hop in as eden um and we're gonna we're gonna explore we're gonna explore the mod as eaton first i will play as fiend uh in the future though so jumper cable sharp straw is a horrible start it's a horrible start k-a-w-l h-1 j-d uh damage is horrific tears are are close to horrific as well um what can i say it's the exact start that we all wanted right it's the exact start we wanted um complete torture and chaos uh all in one little nice uh package bundle let's do it daddy long legs daddy long legs so i'm look we're gonna pay attention we're gonna keep our eyes peeled we know that there's gonna be uh some some new enemies there's new enemies okay jumpy boys jumpy little boys jumpy little boys i like them i like them they're extremely cute i want to name them i want to name them immediately dude it's so exciting every time there's this is the they're large jumpy boys large jumpy boys the having daddy long legs is going to make my life such a nice breeze such an eye don't do that what's your problem okay oh new enemies oh my god dude okay so daddy longlegs is going to take away a tiny bit of the fun right because he's going to be wrecking enemies uh immediately upon seeing them but let's be real we're going to see a whole slew of new stuff look at the unique floor design look at the hole in the ground dude it looks it looks so fancy it looks so fancy what are you they're the pog machines oh i love it dude oh my god it's it's like my birthday it's like my birthday this is this is awesome this is awesome uh so i mean look you guys know me at this point i i've been i've been shying away from the isaac content because the the the content machine has run dry a little bit uh hell by the time you're watching this then there's there's all kinds of stupid little isaac things coming but um the the isaac content machine is run dry a lot of the major mods you know haven't been haven't been updating haven't been uh there's been no real big uh new major ones and now out of nowhere with the left hand this drops uh and that it's super exciting to have uh more new isaac content chilling now i'm gonna pop the strength card it's probably it was stupid too it was stupid too uh probably should have saved it for the devil deal on the next floor uh so i could have stolen one we knew that daddy longlegs was gonna make quick work out of these guys a tears up you're uh you're a beautiful beautiful human being and soul uh i'm gonna go right i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna send it i'm just gonna send it let's go let's go burning basement looks like the walls are slightly different that might be my oh my okay this is different okay that was extremely poor on my part i was extremely poor i love the way that looks dude can i i can't do anything with it but i do like the way that it looks uh so those are the little little tweaks that they're talking about in terms of you know graphical changes i think it looks phenomenal oh those are those are new new fire fireflies it's not i mean look it's a strange way to word them right as a firefly is a legitimate bug um but interesting nonetheless what do you think the button does what do you think the button does ah you got me are there still spikes there i don't think so okay that's pretty cool um say goodbye to sharpstraw my new best friend is crystal ball um and i i think that it's going to do significantly more for us on this run than uh sharps draw was ever going to do sharp straw is a fine item right but it kind of relies on you having a a good chunk of damage built up initially because i i'm like 95 sure that the item scales with your damage oh my okay okay so stay out of the padding of the oil they put on the ground okay there's gonna be a learning process right there's gonna be a learning process new new spider new spider new spider fire spider fire spider fire spider there's a fire spider okay we're chilling we're chilling i would like to do the curse what is going on dude what's going on okay he's a he's a little fireball looking thing this room looks amazing i want the entire floor to be it though because that just looks incredible okay please a soul heart thank you i want to keep my devil deal alive i feel like i'm going to need it right i feel like i need the devil deal so what is your deal what is your deal you guys just okay when you die you explode which lights the stuff on fire there's so many new enemies man there's so many new enemies for my my brain to keep track of it's it's absurd it's absurd oh it's a new boss okay yeah he's okay dude this is actually crazy oh they're bombs they're bombs okay they're bombs i can't believe that this has been i mean look they've they've uh they've discussed that the mod exists but for the most part a lot of this has been kept i lost my devil deal a lot of this has been kept under wraps dude and it's oh my god i should have i should have known he would explode i should have known okay damage went up tears went down i'm gonna risk it for the friggin biscuit dude uh and i'm gonna go to the curse room because i think that that could be useful what was that though what was that because i don't really think that was all that fun for me okay um well suppose there's no reason not to do this you son of a freaking i'm angry i'm angry okay shake it off a little bit shake it off a little bit we are in two start room whatever that means um i'm with it i'm with it that's that's the stage api look at the spikes in the floor of this room it looks amazing it actually looks so good these are all like little tiny graphical changes that um are they're just making the game feel so much more alive right i kind of want some of these in in repentance man i'm just letting you know right now because it looks just absurdly good looks absurdly good um but we'll let let's let's full clear floors i don't know they fire homing shots okay okay okay okay um how much do i trust myself not nearly enough here um i will instead open you the old-fashioned way thank you okay give me a bomb back i i all of my uh praise goes to you young bomb a young bomb uh okay what did what did they do what did they do he fires one large shot okay being on one heart and having to fight new enemies is is so scary it's so scary infested okay it's a good pill in the rotation hard to be upset about it yoink hey yoink beautiful give me that hp back i look we would love a devil deal on this floor i think that we will go the entire run that's just a horrific hit i think we'll go the entire run without a double deal though uh which is i mean that's not good it's not good but it's also a little bit of a uh nature of the situation right and i'm not talking about the pro wrestler in the wwe which i suppose is that pro wrestling what what qualifies is pro wrestling because that's that's fake wrestling right okay so you run around you shoot homing tears at me to which i say good day sir i have no interest in you uh okay okay uh goofy boys goofy boys goopy boys goopy boys goofy boys they're they're they're extremely goofy they're goofy and then they leave creep okay i got you daddy long legs is making my life uh so much easier than what could be right now we also still are sitting that in a hundred percent chance of a deal so don't uh don't be don't be too upset this is a good room to be honest i both of those items were intriguing to me i have to go for the one that that is better both for us and for this run uh but i do enjoy piercing tears they can be very very uh useful i don't know what that enemy was i don't hello sir you think that's a tinted rock it has an x on it dude it is a tinted rock okay i will never see that ever again so i'm glad that i saw it once it was mainly because it was just a very different rock from the other ones i'll never see it again so i probably already missed it elsewhere let's pop it let's pop it i'm i'm not a coward i'll take the pills are you a wizard do i care what about this one retro vision i'll keep popping them you think i'm afraid of pills i'm afraid no pills it's a ghostbusters reference you're probably not old enough to understand the ghostbusters were uh they were a thing in the the not my generation okay beautiful oh hello good dodges good dodgers what's going on with with rolly over here huh there's also a a small dude what's he doing you you float around a bunch of enemy oh infamy you mvp and for me he fires a lot of shots okay he was he was a little diarrhea popper everywhere okay these guys just go across the room i see you i see you i do it not a problem not a problem easy enemies the easiest enemies it's sustained i can fight the stain i'm gonna try to do my best to not um not skip through the boss animations so if there's a new boss we can see who they are um that's entirely my bad i kind of forgot that there were 12 new bosses in the game so i i need to be a little bit more diligent with showing them off that's my bed that's my bad that's my bad you're dead you're dead okay the stain fight makes me extremely happy for the record because this this pretty much guarantees my double deal unless i have a stroke at the keyboard here momentarily um i will have no issues defeating him we could have farmed him for hp in a lot of ways um because of jumper cables yikes dude oh my god that is that is not very good that's not very good we go down we go down okay what are we looking at here caves 2 well caves 2 electric boogaloo icu is very dark it's very dark um let's play this a lot and i'm looking for blood bag i'm just going to tell you right now i'm all my eggs in the blood bag basket um i do want to tell you that none of my none of my eggs ended up completing in that scenario probably should have played that before i bombed it um at least a little bit because now i'm back to a hit away from death which is pretty bad um let's quick peek right oh my god why does this room look like something out of a uh horror hospital it's terrifying uh we're gonna do it obviously um i'm trying to think so boss trap room on caves 2 this is going to be uh is it going to be big fatty mega fatty and uh maw right which means i should be able to stand in the middle at the beginning here we're basically banking on qriket's head coming out of one of these or else i'm screwed please please please i see the joker i see the joker i kind of i kind of want to go for it kind of want to go for it should i go for it 33 chance of a deal on the floor i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go for it uh it's great okay it's great it's great you take it you run you take it you run this is this is the ideal situation we now have ourselves a run we have ourselves a run sack dagger mother void uh is is spicy it's good it's both spicy and good and it makes me happy and it's renewable hp if you think about it like that which i don't like thinking of maw as renewable hp because it's it's hard right it's hard to get the hp from it uh it's a lower chance than something like a theme that troll bomb i have no uses for okay there's there's dudes walking around and they're swinging their fists at me okay okay okay okay okay i see you i see you thank you sir thank you as well sack dagger yeah up and it's a library okay um i will spend legitimately three three keys to get ourselves um bookworm i think it's a fine trade i'm also gonna then let's let's hop into the secret room here and i'm not using necronomicon in this room what i am gonna do is i'm gonna grab satanic bible and we're gonna go yoink yoink okay now i'm gonna stick with crystal ball because i think it's better um but let me i'm gonna get the charge in this room get the charge in this room he's gonna blow dude he's gonna blow okay and he explodes into an array of shots the problem is there is legitimately so many enemies that i i'm forgetting them as soon as we see him dude it's gonna take several playthroughs for me to learn all of these enemies there's just so many new enemies uh so it's a lot to take in right now i let don't let that be twisted though uh because i do love having this many new enemies because it makes the game so much more fun right all kinds of new things to explore but i uh i also i just want to i just want to survive my first run right it would be so disappointing they they the kind kind mod devs give me the key to show off the mod and i die on the caves too what kind of person would i be i'd be such a terrible person there's there's a very small jumpy lad and there's a bat who looks a little he looks a little like he might have got put in the locker in high school but that's okay look at this scary ass room okay and what are the little skulls okay very tiny very tiny moths and they make the the cutest farting sound what is this shop okay that's new i need a key dude i need so many keys on this floor i used all my keys to get bookworm which is now biting me in the butt a little bit okay let's go for super secret room here give me keys yike okay um do we have plays to get ourselves some some keys i don't think we do i don't think we do latchkey not latchkey we also got a deal which is super unfortunate um that was a pretty low chance to get 133 uh and we got it anyway which sucks that sucks um tinted rocks maybe there's there's weird stick figures on these but i i don't see i don't really see any any x's on them uh we can hit the cursed room and at least see if there there's maybe something of value in here there i mean there's a freaking value in here oh my god there's so much value the value is through the freaking roof okay let's let's go to the shop first because i think that this gives us the best opportunity to get another key we can get a ton of keys we can get a ton of keys okay uh reroll the compass is fine i don't care about it though blank card is hot it's hot um it's hot buy it buy it why did you almost just not buy it you dummy okay honestly buy the battery as well i know i'm making i'm making these decisions extremely last minute um there's two keys now let's do one more bombing i'll take black candle god said let there be light and there was light okay so i have the two keys that i need now um i'm gonna leave now we say goodbye to crystal ball in the hopes that blank card is going to provide us with something uh extraordinarily good on this run and i have no reason to believe that it won't be good on this run because blank card is oh my lordy blank card is a great item what are what are these these step by them you step by them and they turn into blue fires i mean look i have to be the one to test it right just okay that was pretty bad oh dude look at this this is incredible well i'm a huge fan uh little tiny pop-up shop okay well i mean you have to you have to you have to try right pop-up chop turns into a little bit of a death situation um we now so we're now polyphemus um i mean look it's a great run right it's a great run all of a sudden we've got all the damage in the universe we're gonna be we're gonna be smacking we're gonna be smacking yeah we're we're smacking we don't be smacking saku sacks very good very good we'll just keep our keep our game going that dude just split his face in half and now he is chasing me around that was terrifying that was absolutely terrifying okay let's let's come back to that room once we have a key i have no doubt that we will get one because of the sacks now we're gonna be getting keys like crazy uh hello man made out of stone um why why why is a good question tell me why do you wanna stomp on my face tell me why must you be another nut case tell me why okay that got deep for a second there i don't think the backstreet boys ever actually got that deep in any of their music okay with the perthro what do you do right there's also there's there's a lot going on on this floor um you you just saw the oh look at this dude okay i get it you hit the hit the brains orbiting them very cool enemy very cool enemy i'm a fan it's just the the thing with these enemies right um they're they're extremely realistic and i say realistic not in the sense that uh oh this enemy would take my lunch money in real life it's more like i could see all of these enemies being in repentance like they just feel isaacy um you kind of you look at them you can figure out their patterns pretty fast now i keep in mind that i am i am in a position where my run is really good right so i i can simply just kind of walk in and kill them before they have a huge chance of getting me i think that on a harder run we'd be having a worse time but i know that there there's been other mods that add you know new enemies to the game uh and i i have a lot of difficulty kind of tracking what i expect them to do or the rooms are just kind of built where it it doesn't feel fair um things like that right so this is this is actually really nice because it just feels it just feels like more content and it just feels fun instead of it being uh you know a hog to do new content so major props to the dev team for for mastering mastering new content while not making it tedious either it's it's a really i think that's one of the hardest things to do with isaac mods you know it is and i'm basically like it's just the balance right it's just the balance um balancing isaac mods is difficult because it's also a game where balance what is this floating butthole oh wow i really just oh i really i really really strongly dislike this [Laughter] okay yeah i don't i don't have a lot of words to describe that one besides besides pure fear um [Laughter] it's good it's good i probably should have rerolled in there i just realized i have perthro uh blank card which is obviously extremely good it's extremely good let's go to the shop why would we go to the shop let's just open this instead we we have so much reroll potential with these these last items on this floor you know our boss item and then our our possible bevel deal item we're also this is only the depths one uh so we we theoretically have a little bit more time to work with our our building up of our run right you want you want to have your run in a stable point by the time you're getting we're going to go for the extra double deal chance here um you want to have your run in a pretty stable point by the time you're getting to mom right so we kind of have another floor to get to the point where i'm like yeah this feels good there is oh no i skipped the thing again and now there's a weird okay what if i kill your okay i can't what is what is the intestine in the top left or top right i don't know my cardinal directions those aren't even cardinal what is that intestine in the northeast sect and what is this guy and why does he have a small heart in him and why is he chasing me as well okay as the fight goes on do more more of these dudes turn into certain things okay now he's now he's involved okay i killed him and these guys just turned into random guts on the board i actually don't understand what really happened in this fight but that could be a me problem that could be a me problem uh all right that will deal i took pageant boy because i actually wanted money now i will per throw uh because i have no interest in those items uh and i'm gonna be the one to tell you i also have no interest in those and i kind of have no interest in these and you're probably like why why take uh why take the the book of belial there and it's because i want to get rid of my red hearts now it's the same reason and take the um tinted rock right there you can see it i'm actually just so good i know that you're you're struggling with uh how good i am at the game but i uh i just want to inform you that uh you don't be intimidated by my intense intense ability okay go in here this is just the coolest shop ever i i just want to tell you it's the coolest shop ever it looks so good i mean it actually just looks so good and this is another mini shop in the corner it's so cool dude it's actually just so cool um i kind of do want to bomb in here just to see like if so there's not really anything special going on with it but like it just looks amazing it looks so good it's incredible did i i probably missed a tinted rock somewhere else on the floor and then you guys are gonna be like he was bragging but in reality he was the idiot the entire time and i'm gonna smile and nod and go yes indeed yes indeed you got me i was the idiot the entire time no devil deal still available just go down just go down this is a great run this is a great run i'm happy to have presented a beautiful beautiful display of of this mod maybe it's not as beautiful as i think though since i'm kind of annihilating the enemies uh pretty pretty easily i do apologize to the mod devs i mean i suppose it's not really my fault because i i got gifted the items on the run but this looks so cool in here i you guys got to give me an entire floor of it looking like this though because it actually looks amazing like this is some incredible art you got to give me a floor that looks like this like how how can you how can you put in such a beautiful texture and then not make it an entire floor that's that's all i'm saying is my disappointment is immeasurable and i need to have these funky tile floors they they look so good that's my only complaint about the mod so far is that how dare you give me something so beautiful so get fricked get freaked that's right he said it he freaking said it okay this is this is a very very vanilla floor right now haven't really faced a lot of uh difficult new enemies he says upon immediately coming into a room that has some orbiting orbiting little flies what what are they doing i mean see this is this is where i actually didn't want to get hit right there i also do want to go to the double double key room um okay i just wanna some of these dudes i just wanna see what they do so these guys just kind of float around and then they run after me which is chill is fine uh you know what let's let's get weird and this is definitely a do as i say not as i do kind of situation um don't don't throw away all of your health when your run is going fine just to try to get um some some wacky ass mega satan plays pulled off let's do it let's do it give me the show me the money that's not the money um let's let's wait for right now but i i will be back i will be back okay what's the what was that dude what was that that was horrifying it was extremely horrifying there were all of a sudden like 400 little tiny justice little tiny little tiny boyos in the room little eyes didn't nobody else see that was it just me okay that's fair i hated it so thanks scaring the poop out of me uh so there's taurus i i'm gonna be real i i don't want taurus like even if i even if i didn't have a re-roll i probably still don't want taurus so i'm gonna die if i get hit in rooms with base enemies i just pushed me down a well to be honest okay so we're on mom floor which means that i got to do all the things i'll do all the things before i can feel good about leaving um let's start with the shop it's hot it's hot give me this and then we're gonna we're gonna snag this mystical red chest no comment from me uh we're gonna increase our double deal chance thank you uh we're gonna buy the soul heart and then we're gonna bomb and we're looking for uh some some stuff right so the three cent card for two of clubs for for a lot of bombs is fine give me this this is this is actually just an incredibly good value for us because now our keys are are kind of irrelevant um i don't think i want to rock crooked penny on this one what is this ace of spades no could get one step closer to the seraphim transformation i suppose that's not a terrible idea for seven cents you know we'll probably end up this thing will bomb and be dead before we can get value um yeah so it's now dead we can take night light but night light actually doesn't affect us either on this run it's another two of clubs okay um night light doesn't really affect us because we have curse of uh black candle which isn't a curse actually but black handle just prevents us from uh prevents us from having curse of darkness ever anyway it kind of doesn't matter i do think that a re-roll in the shop is a decent strat here though so i'm just going to go back now pop the the perth row blank card in there and go yoink we'll take 9 volt um which is good i'll reroll again and dude frankly this is this is brilliant this is brilliant i i think that that's that's about as well as you can play that shop um i have zero complaints and then we'll also have a charge ready for what was there what was what what the hell dude i actually felt something in my chest kind of jolt up on that one they kind of scared the hell out of me that was that was a maniacal laughter what is this i collected the key i put it in the thing and now these guys are free uh what are they doing though what are what are they doing though okay they they run around the room i get it i have to hit the button so i have to hit the buttons though and i didn't i didn't hit the buttons there we go dude what a cool room what a cool room i enjoyed that immensely give me hp that's fine as well uh it's not that good right it's not that good because we're pretty much always going to have a charge with a blank card but if i happen to get rid of blank card which it's really difficult for me to think that i'm going to do that oh that was just a little sack of spiders okay dude look at this look at this dude who do you think you are okay a little psycho there's a tinted rock in the top left you're like how does he see it and the answer is uh my eyes are just too good you can't handle how good my eyes are okay just leave we we could be bombing all of the the skulls and rocks and things like that look i we don't need to right i'll go to the secret room because that's at least uh one of those things that's useful fool's gold cursed pennies can drop on room clear higher replacement chance i have no idea what that means um but i feel like fool's gold is not exactly something why would i spend keys to get in here man when i could have just bombed in with infinite bombs that's a pretty poor play by me okay you know what take it man take it let's see let's see what it's all about dim bulb while oh okay so that was a a cursed penny and that cursed penny provided me with i mean it basically just gave me a luck upgrade sure so we want seven soul hearts oh okay i don't know what these curse pennies are i'm with them but i don't know what they are if i knew what they were it'd be a different story but i i am a wee bit confused and that's okay dude i could have perth rode the key pieces which would have been a very unique and interesting play but i'm also kind of pro uh pro fighting mega satan on this run just because why not right see what the hell is going on with them uh do we want to per throw this yeah because we're not going to per throw anything anywhere else that's horrible so kind of uh kind of useless kind of useless is that a tinted rock no it's not i i saw it ever so slightly wrong i'm far away from the kia monitor give me give me okay mom's dead devil deal is alive it's my shadow i i couldn't care less i should re-roll it it's succubus i'm gonna take it um look look i know you're you're looking at the situation going my poison on half of a soul heart right now do you think i have a little bit of fear in that myself especially going into a floor with a bunch of enemies i don't know the answer is absolutely i'm horrified thanks okay of course the tinted rock had to not be had to not be a uh soul heart oh no dude oh no oh no oh we have invincibility get in there get in there get in there okay we're chilling there's like 15 battery chargers in this room that'll happen okay we have fun here we have fun here give me give me that secret room once you've got a little grief fight who do you think you are okay thank you for the money it's a disturbing amount of money thank you for the luck upgrades my luck is through the roof okay it's good it's good ow ow you hate to see it i hate to see it okay new enemy get rid of new enemies go first new enemies go first because i don't understand them not new enemies thus we don't care the boss fight new enemy though new enemy thus fear is immeasurable [Music] i am horrified super secret room thank you black hearts ah it's hard for me to take that here don't be a new don't be a new boss okay it's not it's just skull x i'm trapped i'm freaking trapped i'm not trapped it's just skull accident it's just skull x why are you so afraid of skull x you also have invincibility now okay kill him he's dead beautiful give me this look i really really really do not need growth hormones um this is one of those like extremely big brain plays where i'm going to re-roll it it's it's actually good though like it is good um it's just we're we're living life we're living life so on the edge that you can cut yourself on it the edge is extremely sharp sharp this is look this is where you just prove that you're a better isaac player than what people give you credit for also known as uh just get good right this is where you just have to get good i will prove it i will prove it i was scared though i was scared i will i will not deny i was scared new enemies new new enemies okay okay okay okay i'm playing with fire dude i'm playing with fire i should just go down hope for a curse room or something immediately except that's a dangerous game too i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'm gonna go thank god it wasn't the matriarch man we we should all be thankful of that yep we're dead i had absolutely no idea what the hell was going to happen in that room and my fight or flight response went just hit all the buttons [Laughter] so that's my bad that's my bad i got a little i got a little greedy i got a little greedy what can i say uh i'm excited to hop back in in the next one i think we're gonna try the the character in the mod fiend but we're gonna do we're gonna do couple episodes of uh this mod and then you know we'll see if it shows up somewhere else later during alexa miss thank you guys so much for watching thank you to the mod devs as well for the the early early key so that i can actually you know record this and have it ready for the release when i'm ready to release it um thanks again check out this awesome mod because now that you're watching it you can see it uh you could see it for yourself and play it for yourself link in the description down below for that uh thanks again thanks again i'll see you in the next one have a grass your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 28,025
Rating: 4.9373665 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, random streaks, random streak, isaac, lets play binding of isaac, stream, the binding of isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, eden, binding of isaac, eden streaking, isaac stream, new isaac content, rebirth streak, new binding of isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth, isaac afterbirth, repentance, isaac repentance, antibirth, antibirth eden streak, repentance eden streak
Id: 5l8JbWid6wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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