MonsterQuest: SWAMP STALKER IN ARKANSAS (S3, E3) | Full Episode | History

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the residents of texarkana are being stalked by  a legendary beast after it screamed i screamed   and hollered back it ran off in the woods toward  the creek it hunts its human prey methodically   before violently attacking the guy was in shock  he had marks all over him this nocturnal creature   slips away into the night leaving behind only  its tracks there were 16 inch tracks pretty   deeply impressed in the mud now recent sightings  are used to pinpoint a triangular search area   the turkey hunter sighting was about five  miles west of here monster quest launches an   expedition in this remote region to find new  evidence of the swamp stalker of boggy creek   if it touches the tree it's going to touch  this reagent and we're going to be able to   see the hand print well i've seen my monster  and actually i don't want to see it no more   witnesses around the world report seeing monsters  are they real or imaginary science searches on   monster quest falc arkansas a small sleepy little  town with a church a school and a local store falc is also home to a nightmare  at times so real and so terrifying   that some residents packed up and  left in the middle of the night falc is the birthplace of the  swamp stalker of boggy creek   i could see the muscles in its back then i  heard something walking up on me from behind   he was in a state of uh near hysteria very  aggressive i mean it sounded like it was just   feet away eyewitnesses report seeing a creature  seven to eight feet tall and up to 300 pounds   it's very muscular with a chest approximately  three feet across its body is covered with   a coat of long reddish brown or black  hair and it moves quite fast on two feet   in 1972 the movie the legend of boggy  creek was made depicting actual events   they unfolded at a rural home near falc  on saturday night may 1st 1971. the film   features a three-toed man-like ape over eight  feet tall that terrorizes local residents   in the movie law enforcement officials and  local hunters track the beast but to no avail the boggy creek monster seems to  be a swamp monster that's ape-like   renowned cryptozoologist lauren coleman describes  the real terror that gripped the area it really   stirred up people it became very enraging but  also very frightening it was in the newspapers   we thought it'd be a two to three day story and it  would go away and then it made the wire services dave hall a local newsman drove to falc to  investigate i got a call one morning from a   doctor at the emergency  room that i knew and he said   i've got a guy down here that  says he was attacked by a monster the man's name was bobby ford he'd been  visiting his brother don at his rural home just   north of folk and so we went off down  to falcon by the time we got there   the ford family had a u-haul trailer backed  up to the front porch and they were putting   furniture in as fast as they could get it in and  they said we're getting out of here before dark   earlier don's wife elizabeth had been  threatened by the creature while home alone late that night the beast would return  this time attacking bobby in the yard   just east of the house they heard a  noise outside and bobby ford went outside his family then brought him to the hospital  and he was most definitely in shock don ford and a friend charles taylor chased  the creature and shortly after midnight they   shot at it seven times with shotguns it's been a  long time since i've seen someone that's scared it wasn't long before terror would again grip the  community in july just two months after the ford   incident strange tracks were found in a bean field  just outside falc we got a call that some some   people in that area had seen some unusual tracks  h.l phillips was the deputy sheriff of miller   county and responded to the scene i took several  plaster casts of the tracks there and i recall   it seemed to be three large toes on the foot which  was quite a bit different from the normal five   monster quest has obtained the photos and they  will be re-examined for the first time in decades   this analysis may allow us to identify a link  to the forward attack there is no precedent for   a flat-footed animal to have a reduced  number of digits particularly three   dr jeff meldrum is a professor of anatomy  and anthropology at idaho state university 1976 a discovery was made in tanzania africa  that has greatly advanced the understanding   of how early man evolved to walking on two feet  meldrum will use it as the basis for his research   the study of footprints has only matured here in  the past couple of decades with the discovery of   the layatollah tracks from tanzania the african  tracks were found to be over 3.7 million years old   and allowed scientists to question the evolution  of feet now there have been occasions where due   to inbreeding a mutant feature may take hold as  exemplified in this photograph of an individual   with a condition that results in essentially two  large digits with a prominent cleft between them   in africa there's a group of natives  in which this trait has become so   fixed in the population that they're  referred to as the ostrich people the science of determining tracks is not simple  and dr meldrum will need time to analyze these   any animal that has a plantar grade foot or a foot  that is flat on the ground with the heel touching   the ground will have five digits in contact with  the ground a bear is a good example for that   reason bear tracks are often confused with human  tracks or sometimes even attributed to sasquatch there are some who believe that confusion  and misidentification with known animals   may be responsible for the strange  creature sightings anytime that you're   hunting or fishing you know you there's a  chance that you can misidentify something   mike harris is a wildlife specialist with  the arkansas game and fish commission   he has lived in this area his entire life and  says lack of evidence is an argument against the   creature i've hunted and fished in and around the  sulphur river wildlife management area ever since   i was you know big enough to hunt and i've never  seen anything that that couldn't be explained   some type of physical evidence would be required  to substantiate that it was here such as tracks   hair samples etc the arkansas game  fish commission's official stance   concerning any type of creature like  this is that it just doesn't exist this man needs no convincing  that something is out there   he believes he came face to face with a monster something was walking up behind me and  as i could see it it was big and black   in october 2000 stacy hudson an avid bowhunter  had set a deer stand in the sulphur river wildlife   area less than 10 miles from falc i had hung  my climbing stand up the day before on a tree   down by the river the next morning i walked  in found my tree stand turned around backwards   hudson repositioned it 12 feet above ground  and began to hunt after just half an hour   something approached him as it got under my stand  i felt something touch my leg it was very large   it was black when i bow hunt i'm  camouflaged from head to toe my bow   my errors are camouflaged only thing  that's not camouflaged is my broad head hudson was terrified by this broad daylight  encounter i've never experienced anything   like that before i think the broadhead cut  him because he screamed really really loud   and i started cussing eyewitnesses  often report loud wild animal-like   sounds during their encounters but hudson says  he heard a completely different kind of sound   it let out a very loud yell and it ran back  toward the river breaking limbs trees everything   stacy hudson has periodically returned to the area  in an attempt to gather evidence of what he saw   recently he found some unidentified scat that  will be analyzed by a dna and parasite expert   i walked in the woods where i had my siding to see  if i could find the same tree i was hunting out of   and i run across some large sized scat you  know i've never seen any out in the woods   that big especially a area where there's  no cows or horses or anything like that   scat or animal feces can be tested for parasites  and dna material to try and determine its origin monster quest will launch its own  expedition to search for more clues   about the possible existence of the swamp stalker  boggy creek is part of the sulphur river basin   the sulphur river flows into the red river which  meanders south across arkansas and louisiana   before finally joining the great mississippi  sulphur river wildlife management area is a   largest intact wetlands ecosystem that's still  associated with the red river drainage it's very   narrow in places but i would say it's probably  14 15 miles long something like that the team   has chosen this maze of creeks and trails because  it will give them their best chance at finding   the swamp stalker if there is such a creature it's  most likely a primate of some sort that is adapted   to the area rick noel will lead the expedition  he is a field researcher and photographer   who specializes in cryptids or unknown  creatures his team is made up of mark porter   ken stewart and stacy hudson field investigators  from the texas bigfoot research conservancy   but it won whitetail deer wild turkey and small  game animals all inhabit the sulphur river area   and another team member jerry  hestan says there are perils as well there could be some dangerous  animals in here there's all sorts of   venomous snakes and occasional alligators the team is preparing to search the rivers and  bayous they will perform both day and night   reconnaissance all right guys we need to descent  this okay you know a lot of hunters use this   camo when they go hunting but the animals can  smell us also so this should help a little bit   hestan's kayak is specially equipped  with a remote controlled video camera the kayak provides him the perfect vantage  point to record any unusual activity along   the river roughly 250 miles northwest lie the  watcher to mountains together with the ozarks   they are the only major mountain regions  between the rockies and the appalachians   the other half of the expedition is already  targeting another hot spot of reported   sightings yeah it'd be nice to check both those  cameras today outdoor wildlife specialist mark   peterson and expedition member daryl collier have  positioned cameras at likely trail crossings when   they come across a dramatic find it's well it's  not there what do you mean camera's on the ground monster quest is investigating reports of a  large hairy creature said to terrorize locals   outside of falc arkansas native american  legend tells of a large hairy wild man   that roamed northeast arkansas as early as 1834.  in 1851 the memphis inquirer reported that a wild   man stampeded a herd of cattle in the same  area eyewitnesses described the creature   as huge in stature it ran with long strides  and had footprints that measured 13 inches the reports were relatively infrequent until the  late 20th century when activity intensified near   boggy creek arkansas soon sightings spread  to an area covering the corners of three   additional states louisiana texas and oklahoma  these reports spread across the region eventually   reaching the watchuter mountains which span the  arkansas oklahoma border the rugged terrain here   is home to some of the most recent encounters  2004 spring i was turkey hunting that morning terry davis came across the  beast as it walked on two feet   i set my blind up and settled  down to hunt i blew a locator call and i noticed something coming off the side of  the mountain it was walking upright looking for   that sound that i had made it was maybe  a foot foot and a half taller than i was   and just massive just big and it stood  there and i smelt a smell like in a fox den   or if you like been to the zoo that  just have strong strong wild smell   davis watched the beast for five minutes before  it turned and headed back up the mountain   i hunt every year hard harder  than most and whatever i seen   was uh something that i had never seen before  and i haven't seen anything like that since we're in this particular  area because there have been   a number of reported sightings that  we deem to be reliable and credible   daryl colyer was in air force intelligence for six  years and has extensive survival skills training   he is part of the monsta quest expedition  searching for evidence of this beast hey   come on he is joined by professional tracker  mark peterson it's a nice little trail head here   peterson played several reconyx camera traps in  the area several weeks earlier now the two have   returned to an area just a few miles from where  davis originally saw the beast hey go daryl why   don't you take the camera now they're installing  a new series of advanced buckeye cameras   these long range wireless camera systems are  designed to take video and still photos we've   got to get our antenna the camera transmits color  images by day and infrared images at night to a   computer base located up to two miles away should  anything unusual trigger their cameras they   will be able to respond immediately up about  nine to ten feet pointed right towards camp   peterson returns to base camp to help  collier position the cameras correctly   once we've set the buckeye cameras out then you  can change the settings i can change the controls   on this camera any of the settings from three  megapixel picture all the way up to video simply   by changing them on the computer even though  they're out a mile and a half in the woods   we've set the camera now to video and  we want to make sure that the camera   is pointed in the right direction the  sweet scent of apple oil is used as a   lure to attract animals to the area on the  top of that trail head by that pine tree the buckeye camera works perfectly sending a video  signal in real time back to peterson's computer   simply go to that video and see what we've done we've got our camera set up there on a dry  creek bottom the team discusses where to   start the search this trail here goes all  the way almost to blue bouncer mountain   yeah it's going to be tough to get there  with anything but horses or on foot while mark saddles up the horses daryl  prepares his backpack for the journey   two set out to check one of the cameras that  has not responded to commands from home base   you guys got a lot of bear in this  area too many too many bears yeah   speaking of bears bear track right there  yeah it's great good area very nice good area   one of the theories of the swamp stalker is  that it might be misidentified black bears   once relatively scarce they have  made a strong comeback in the area   the bears grow to be five to six feet tall  and can weigh up to four hundred pounds   normally they walk on all fours but occasionally  will stand upright to get a better scent or view peterson was able to videotape this  bear while scouting the area earlier when they reached the first camera  they realized there is a problem   the camera's right on that tree i don't see it  it's well it's not there camera's on the ground   when he scratches tooth marks on it  yeah oh wow yeah it seems to be a lot   the camera is cracked and something seems  to have attacked it your card reader yeah okay so what knocked it down what is it there we are there it's hard to see it looks  like a brick it looks like a bear   here's our third yeah that's a bear yeah   bear knocked it down they munch on these cameras  they're just drawn to the petroleum in the plastic 200 miles away near boggy creek jerry  hestand and ricknoll's kayak team apply   small particle reagent or spr  to foliage along the riverbank   what it does is it reacts to ultraviolet light  so at night time you'll be able to go along that   riverbank again and use an ultraviolet source and  see if anything touched one of those surfaces or   disturbs some of the areas where you set those  camera traps spr is often used in crime scene   investigations sprayed as a mist small particles  adhere to fatty substances left by body residue   null demonstrated how the reagent can  give an indication of an animal's presence   the laser is a powerful beam of ultraviolet light  i'd like to show you what it does to a balloon the expedition team returns to the area where they  sprayed the reagent chemical earlier in the day and their search may be about to shed  light on the swamp stalker of boggy creek hey guys think i hear something  over there on the bank monster quest has launched a search for a  large ape-like beast near falc arkansas the   swamp stalker of boggy creek has been spotted in  the area for decades and a 1972 movie based on   real events told of the monster's attacks on  local residents today the sightings continue   the team search has brought them to a  waterway near falc called mercer bayou   the network of channels is like a spaghetti bowl   people get lost in the middle of the day but  at night you'd be crazy not to have a gps and other dangers lurk beneath the water submerged  tree stumps could easily capsize the kayaks   and these waters hold  venomous snakes and alligators the team sprayed a reagent chemical  on foliage along the banks earlier   at night it can be seen with an ultraviolet  light if an animal brushed against a bush   or leaned against a tree it would  be detected by the beam of light   witnesses who have encountered the monster say  they've heard loud wild sounds researchers often   use the technique of call blastings where recorded  vocalizations are broadcast hoping to draw   animals rick knoll prepares the team so we  play these calls on these expeditions to try   and elicit response from any of the animals that  are in the general area knoll is using a series   of primate vocalizations in an attempt to raise  animal curiosity they hope the sounds will draw   animals towards the team it does generate some  interest sometimes so let's see what this one does i bury the volume it sounds more like a live animal because animals move around the crew is prepared  to record any responses to the call blasting   rick this is a bayou team we're ready  for call blast so go ahead ten four   the primate calls echo over the bayou as a similar  exercise takes place 250 miles to the northwest   than the wachita mountains sounds of children  laughing daryl collier is demonstrating a   different approach to call blasting to biology  professor alton higgins maybe just the sounds   of children laughing and playing everyone i  had my encounter i could hear the children   across the river and i've got some sounds that  are pretty close to that they're pretty cool the laughing and giggling is  reminiscent of what colyer heard in 2004   when he encountered an unknown  creature in southeast texas   his theory that the sound of children  may have attracted the legendary monster my wife and i had gone to a baseball  game down in houston on the way back we   decided to detour to this area where this  couple had recently reported the sighting   the colliers had just crossed the trinity river  when they saw a trail they decided to explore on the river's banks a short distance away a  family with young children was having a picnic   you could hear these children  faintly laughing and playing   i was looking ahead of me and i see  this figure that is the size of a man   jump across the trail and then take a small  hop into the woods and we both took off and   immediately ran to the spot where it crossed  the trail and we could hear it running off   into the woods you know just chomp chomp  chomp chomp chomp running off and the only   way i can describe the smell was just a very  strong exotic musky smell similar to a sweaty horse since that initial sighting collier has  scoured eastern texas in search of evidence of   the creature and in 2006 his diligence paid off we  did encounter what appeared to be two large tracks   side by side in the sand and off to the  left a hand print on a small berm of sand   the footprints were like this and the  edge of the creek ran right where the   toes were so the toes were washed out  but they were clearly two foot prints collier preserved the prints by  photographing them and pouring a plaster cast the evidence has been sent to anthropology  professor jeff meldrum for analysis   he will analyze the prince to attempt to identify  what made them we would expect to find repeat   appearances of the same fate so repetition is one  important feature meldrum looks for a print that   indicates dynamics or movement his hope is that  he can then determine the foot's biomechanics   and finally he looks for latent features such as  skin ridge detail or dermatoglyphics the cast has   the appearance at first glance of being very  similar to that of a human track it has a   large big toe unfortunately the lateral digits  have been washed away at the edge of a stream   it has a relatively narrow heel the prints measure  approximately 12 inches and appears similar to a   human footprint making them unremarkable in  themselves but the unusual circumstance in   which they were found raised questions the  tracks were made in such a way that would be   outside the behavioral profiles of humans i mean  who walks around in the woods when it's 26 degrees   barefooted with their feet  at the edge of a cold creek   and then can squat down with flat feet and hold  themselves up with one hand in the dirt it just   doesn't make sense to me meldrum  decides the footprint isn't unusual   but the handprint intrigues him one interesting  feature though is the thumb and that is you can   see as i put my hand in place here my thumb  is turned inward towards the other fingers   to a greater degree than what is seen here on  the cast here the pad of the thumb seems to be   facing more or less the same direction as the  other fingers now that rotation of the thumb   is a very human characteristic that allows us to  oppose our digits to the thumb more readily this   suggests a more ape-like condition which we see  in other examples of hand prints such as this one   these mismatched prints seem to  pose more questions than answers monster quest is searching for  an unknown beast that is said to   roam the swamps and riverbanks near falc arkansas   eyewitness accounts of the beast became  the basis for the legend of boggy creek   a movie that played in drive-in  theaters in the early 1970s   tourists continue to visit the area in  hopes of catching a glimpse of the creature   the monster quest expedition to the area  extends to the wachetta mountains in oklahoma   where biologist alton higgins  discovered a large set of tracks we'd been in there for days  and never saw anybody else and   uh we just stopped again like we had  done you know dozens of times before   and i saw a little kind of a concentration of  leaves in this kind of flat muddy area and i   bent down and picked out the leaves and as  i picked out the leaves a track was revealed there were 16 inch tracks pretty deeply impressed  in the in the mud parallel in the track were some   bear tracks an adult and a young bear so you  know you can make a side-by-side comparison   higgins and investigator jeff davidson  are contending with the heavy underbrush   in search of physical evidence man out look at  all this green briar yeah that stuff is nasty   i've already got some cuts on my arm from it  they come across some well-defined bear tracks   yeah this is a pretty good-sized bear pretty  clear impressions if this rearfoot had come   down into this four paw impression the bear prints  show how they can often be mistaken track in the   absence of clear claw marks you see how that  would look clearly like a humanoid footprint the team including mark peterson and daryl  collier meet at base camp to review the photos   from their camera traps on the pond we've  got coons and we got one [ __ ] real close   and then he climbed a tree and pulled the  whole tree right in front of the camera   it's kind of neat in the tree here oh okay  just pull it down i think the two cameras   transmit photos in real time around the clock to  a computer at home base even when the group is   on reconnaissance and then the next night we've  got this bobcat look at the clarity very crisp   in bogey creek rick knoll sets up a separate  camera trap that employs different technology   a camera with a larger angle of view i'm really excited about this 360 degree lens that  when it's attached to a regular digital camera   and with an eyepiece trip will actually act as a  camera trap the camera allows the team to see the   entire area allowing them to have a better vantage  point on anything that might trip it the computer   software allows the photo to be unwrapped  for viewing noel quickly finds the amount   of information from one photo can be overwhelming  wow this one picture by the swamp we'll have to   hone down our way of determining what trip these  cameras for future use just so much data in here the team has found some unusual tracks oh  interesting hey guys come take a look at this   well it definitely looks like  a track the footprint measures   13 inches long with the heel approximately five  inches the ball of the foot is even wider wow   five and a half it's difficult to determine  just what could have made the tracks   black bear are ruled out here as  they are not indigenous to this area   and it is not likely a human blueprint  as the impression clearly has digits   unfortunately the group realizes the  track is too old for further analysis the team is still hopeful that  the scat they gathered earlier   will offer some clue to the swamp stalker  scat is a pretty commonly used sample for   animal identification dr vessel takach studies  parasitology at the university of north dakota   his analysis will include checking for parasites  as well as dna analysis first thing that you look   is the freshness of the sample in which dna  would not be degraded so the older the sample   the more degraded dna is and it creates  difficulties in its extraction and processing a variety of things including  ultraviolet rays may cause degradation   as well as growth of bacteria and fungi from  the very beginning look at the potential age   of the sample i decided that i will go with  the mitochondrial dna i've chosen two genes   as targets and both have been heavily sequenced by  zoologists biologists fish and wildlife biologists   so there's a lot of these sequences available  for different mammals so the major steps are   first extraction of dna out of your sample  second step is amplification of your target gene   the amplification process increases the  number of copies of the gene sequence   selected the dna sample is placed  in a machine called a thermocycler   increased heat causes a reaction called a polymer  chain reaction or pcr throughout the process   the sample undergoes a series of cleanup and  purification finally the last step for final   analysis is obtaining a dna sequence when  you want to identify an animal so you prefer   a region that has been already sequenced  and is known for all other potential animals   dna analysis may finally prove to be concrete  evidence of the swamp stalker of boggy creek monster quest has traveled to falc  arkansas where people claim to have   seen a huge creature with a barrel chest  and measuring seven to eight feet tall they call it the swamp stalker of boggy creek this man says the creature  stalked his hunting blind   this hunter says the creature grabbed his  arrowhead before running off into the forest   and this bigfoot researcher claims  it suddenly left across his path the expedition is attempting to uncover new  evidence while also using modern signs to   re-examine some old clues anatomy and anthropology  professor jeff meldrum has examined the gathered   evidence including this photo of a three-toed  footprint cast taken near falc in 1971.   i'm not familiar with any recognized  genetic mutation that could   be fixed in a population that would  produce a consistent three-toed tract   his conclusion the very real possibility  that there's simply hulks to footprints meldrum has also analyzed some additional  recent hand and footprint tracks found by the   monsterquest team in texas there are features  which are interesting but are not conclusive   in differentiating this track and  hand print associated handprint   from a human source meldrum says that the print  and tracks can be explained as likely coming from   a human what he can't explain is how it got  near a cold riverbank in the middle of winter it's hard to imagine a population of feral humans  just living out in the woods of arkansas or   oklahoma or east texas and walking around barefoot  in a flowing stream in sub-freezing temperatures   but on the other hand it's also unpalatable  position or proposition for many people that   there's a feral population of unrecognized  primates in the woods of east texas as well the reports of this unknown beast have  circulated in texas arkansas louisiana   and oklahoma for decades the eyewitness reports  became the basis for the movie the legend of   buggy creek over three decades ago and our  expedition team is still looking for answers rick knoll led a team of investigators in the  boggy creek area and feels the expedition was a   positive step towards revealing the swamp stalker  first they used a criminal investigations tactic   and sprayed the riverbanks with  a small particle reagent chemical   knoll feels further use of the procedure will  have results i'm glad to finally get the spr   reagent out in the field and to test it on this  type of research with the ultraviolet laser   we got mixed results because  it was a new technology   and the crew really needs to work with it more  in the field before they perfect the methodology   next knoll set camera traps in the area but this  time with a unique technological twist the 360   camera is still in its infancy noel uses a special  software program to unwrap the extreme angle   lens we did get some pictures with the 360 lens  although i think it's all inconclusive right now   i plan on using the 360 lens in the field  a lot more there's some different ways of   using it and we just barely scratched the  surface first and use this memory card the   team also placed camera traps which reveal  some activity that may explain why they   were unable to find the swamp stalker pitchers  are starting to come up now oh what's that one well that's one of the hunters that are part down  the road looks like a girl hunter walking through   your camp got her gun with her this means  the expedition's best chance for evidence   of the creature from boggy creek still lies in  the lab parasite expert doctor vassel takach   performed extensive dna testing on the scat  the team gathered to determine the identity   of the animal that left it although the sample  was old he succeeded in obtaining amplified dna   after three attempts then using a high powered  compound microscope to catch analyze the specimen   for parasites there were numerous acts of around  worms belonging to the ascarit family very common   parasites of pigs and humans although they're  totally different species and they cannot be   transmitted from pigs to humans and vice versa  the dna analysis will likely confirm the identity   this is a so-called alignment anyway it's a  comparison of sequences of many different pigs   and wild boars from various parts of the united  states with two sequences that are obtained from   this particular sample they are imagined very  well dna analysis confirms to catch a suspicion   the scat is from a wild boar or feral hog   the team identified another hot spot  in the watchita mountains of oklahoma   using special cameras that transmitted  photos and video back to base camp   they were able to capture various species of  wildlife and then the following morning we have   this bobcat that's a cool picture the cameras that  transmit photos allowed them to be more stealth   in their approach because the cameras  do not require as much maintenance   animals are undisturbed allowing  more activity to be photographed the abundance of wildlife living in these  mountains woods and bios means there is a lot of   prey available and confirms this is a likely home  for the swamp stalker and those who have seen this   large hairy animal that walks upright on two legs  believe visual sightings offer proof of its own   we have different kinds of footprints  some with five toes some with three toes   we have as far as we can see not very  much physical evidence of these creatures   so we really have to rely on the history the  traditions and the eyewitness accounts we had   a number of vocalizations that were that were  around our campsite and they were pretty dramatic   vocalizations close and that was one of the most  memorable experiences i think that any of us   had i used to ride my four-wheeler and  stuff like that down through the mountains   without any protection at all no i don't it has  changed my whole way of life in the mountains   it's not going to impede our work it's not going  to uh to keep us from doing what we've been doing   and that is to continue to go out in the field to  continue to attempt to gather conclusive evidence   that there is a species in north  america that remains undocumented you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 320,209
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, monster quest, history monster quest, monster quest show, monster quest full episodes, monster quest clips, full episodes, monsters, legends, creatures, MonsterQuest Monsters, Beasts, Investigation, Paranormal, MonsterQuest season 3 episode 3, MonsterQuest se3 e3, MonsterQuest se03 e3, MonsterQuest 3X3, season 3, Swamp Stalker, Episode 3, SWAMP STALKER IN ARKANSAS, Arkansas town, Texarkana, marshy swamp, immortalized
Id: Lvpb7w-pss8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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