MonsterQuest: REAL HOBBIT REVEALED ON CAMERA (S1, E12) | Full Episode | History

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in the remote jungles of southeast asia frightened  locals claim to see a prehistoric throwback they   come out of the edge of the forest plantations  said to be half man half ape locals called   orang pandeck or little man of the woods  this is an animal which is on the brink   of extinction in this area fossil evidence says  a unique human species did live here thousands of   years ago but has it survived i think probably  there are small relic populations surviving   monster quest launches an intrepid search up  the slopes of an ancient volcano this is a   movement detector here and finds evidence i  see the shape yeah fantastic well done that   may lead science to uncover the mystery well  this is interesting there clearly are some toes witnesses around the world report seeing monsters are they real or imaginary science  searches for answers on monster quest the republic of indonesia a country made up of  more than 17 500 separate islands in southeast   asia a diverse and dangerous place of active  volcanoes dense rainforests tigers poisonous   snakes and rhinos but there may be something  else hiding here a creature that locals have   reported for centuries and scientists are only  now examining said to be half man half ape   mostly referred to as orang  pendek which in indonesian means   short person i turned to the guy and said you know  what is this and his hand was shaking like this he   said i don't i don't know hair covered his entire  body as i could see it it was a very pretty color   um sort of tawny gold color the last time when  we were here we saw it turn over a log yeah   and eat the bugs underneath it described  as about three feet tall reddish in color   with a slender orangutan-like body the orang pen  deck is always seen walking on two feet with an   erect posture and most disturbing it has a human  looking face a description that fits a real being   in 2004 scientists revealed that they had  found partial skeletons of a very small   species of human that grew no larger than  a three-year-old child of average height   named homo florcienzis a florist man after  the indonesian island where it was found   it became known as the real hobbit after the  tiny creatures from the movie lord of the rings   flora's man may have been small but he was also  formidable stone tools and fossilized remains   of elephants and komodo dragons were also found  at the dig site suggesting flores was a skilled   hunter while these fossils are believed to be  about 18 000 years old experts believe that the   florist man likely lived alongside humans until  about thirteen thousand years ago before dying out   the question is is there a link between flora's  man the real hobbit and recent sightings of the   orion pen deck the possibility certainly exists  and and should be considered that a rank pen deck   and homo floresiensis are one in the same jeff  meldrum is a paleoanthropologist at idaho state   university homo floresiensis may lie at the root  of the stories of the small people of the forest   the orang pendek maybe this is a different species  altogether but where is the evidence this monster   quest expedition travels to the island of sumatra  only fourteen hundred miles from flores where   the homo flor ciences fossils were discovered and  where locals claimed to still see the orang pendek   two veteran orang pendek researchers will lead a  search into a remote jungle it is here that they   will deploy an array of high-tech camera systems  pheromone chips and professional trackers go down   the bank however everybody here is aware of  the story there's nothing else that could be   mistaken for that's why that's why it's so  interesting that's why i keep coming back   a decade before the flora's man's skeleton was  found another researcher was investigating the   orang pendek i knew the national park  rather well i'd been here since 1994.   debbie martyr a former journalist was  one of the first to examine the mystery   it started off looking trying to validate an  animal that was here an animal called orange in 1994 in the karinshi national park in sumatra  debbie mortar claims she spotted the orang pendek i saw a bipedal primate which was moving very  bipedally martyr who was carrying a camera   never got a photograph once the animal had gone  and once i'd stopped swearing quite dreadfully   because i hadn't taken a photograph bang went the  front cover of time magazine she never got a good   look at the creature's face but from what she  did see it was not like any animal she had seen   martyr claims it looked a little like an orangutan   but different very very broad shoulders so that  the small the head was very small in relation to   the breath of the shoulder orangutans do  live in sumatra and skeptics say it is most   likely the animal eyewitnesses are really  seeing but martyr disagrees it was like   seeing something from the wrong side of time  the word orangutan is derived from the melee and   indonesian words meaning man of the forest adults  stand between four and five and a half feet tall   and have reddish hair but there is a problem with  the orangutan theory officially orangutans have   never been spotted in this part of sumatra new  researchers have continued the hunt jeremy holden   is a professional wildlife photographer who has  caught images of rare animals like the sumatran   tiger an asian elephant i photographed many many  species that have never been photographed before   many many things probably  something like 60 or 70 species now   including birds holden has teamed up  with experienced tracker adam davies   in this monster quest expedition if ever  you were sort of having a fantasy island   moment and you wanted a monster to hide i  always thought this would just be the place the team is deep within the epicenter of the  sightings in the remote karinshi semblot national   park this park is where debbie martyr saw the  orang pendek and where locals continue to see the   creature located two degrees south of the equator  in the heart of the island of sumatra karinchi   park covers almost 1.4 million hectares over four  provinces and is located within the bukit barasan   mountain range one of the most remote rainforests  in the world the search destination is near mount   carinchi the tallest peak on the island rising  to more than 12 000 feet above the indian ocean   it is also where in 2001 adam davies found what  he believes as the footprint of the aurang pendek   if you were to put that print  next to all known species here   you would clearly see that there's a massive  difference the cast of the print reveals a   strange anatomy an opposable thumb similar to an  orangutan but with short broad toes like a human davy sent a copy of the print cast to dr  jeff meldrum for examination these pads are   impressively stout suggesting that maybe this is a  different species altogether that has adaptations   to walking on the ground davies also sent the cast  to dr david chivers a university reader in primate   biology and conservation at selwyn college at  the university of cambridge england so these   footprints were very exciting very unusual because  they were mixed characters from all the different   apes and humans to chivers the most fascinating  detail about the orang pendek is its ability   to walk upright or bipedally there is only one  other primate in the world that walks like this   humans they've got the toes that are shorter  more like human the heel is like nothing   in that it's curved we call it banana foot khaki  pizzang the print davies cast in 2001 seems to   support the orang pendek descriptions the short  broad toes would be better for walking bipedally   rather than grasping limbs like  the mostly tree-bound orangutan   however skeptics say the print could be from  a deformed or mutilated orangutan meldrum   and chivers say davies must obtain corroborating  evidence like similar prints photographs or a body   this 10-day monster quest search reaches the  shadow of the active volcano mount karinshi   on the dorman slopes of mount gunung tujuru it's a  beautiful place but i would not live here because   there's earthquakes to a slapbang in the middle  of two volcanoes it'll all be gone in an instant   and i love it but give me the heebie-jeebies with  ten porters and hundreds of pounds of equipment   it is a physically demanding hike up  the slick and unstable muddy slope   seven thousand feet above sea level to the rim of  the volcano going up the trail's a bit deceptive   because you see light through the trees you  always feel like you're nearly over the lip   but i have to remind myself  i'm actually only halfway up   the team knows that one misstep could compromise  the expedition we're at the top of the volcano's   edge and we're going to descend now down  the lip of the volcano actually to the lake this is the bit that i've been waiting for  because the views are just awesome you won't   have seen anything like it it takes my breath  away i've been here four times and there's no   there's not a week goes by but in my mind i  don't think about how beautiful this place is located inside the volcano is the gunang tujalek  they must traverse the lake to the base camp set   up near many game trails where there have been  numerous orang pendek sightings one of the guides   for the expedition has seen the creature holden  translates his story yes yes it wasn't much taller   than a meter but again he's talking about this big  big body it was covered in in um grayish yellowish   hair it was walking on two legs not four  when they saw it it did this put its arms up which is like a classic ape defense to make  itself look much much bigger and i've heard   this story many many times for many many people  and when it was walking there again on two legs   but it was reaching for branches as  it was as it was traveling the guide   also found prince then he's saying the the  the gem pole that thumb is actually far back   jaudy black hand so he's saying it's far back on  the on the heel it's not like with a human or a   bear whether the the thumb is is just part  of the foot this description is encouraging   as it seems to validate davey's 2001 print but  there is more he's saying yet when we saw it we   were very very surprised fear of the creature is  a common theme among locals they say this ape man   is intelligent able to remain undetected  while watching them from the dark jungle davies and holden are now just an hour away  from their final destination but first they must   traverse the deep lake the only way possible  in primitive dugout canoes called sampans this is where we were camped  with debbie this uh headland here   when we when she saw the first door appendix the  men and their equipment weigh the sam pans deep   into the water for their final push into what  the guides say is the land of the orang pendek southeast asia may have a monster the orang  pen deck is said to be a race of mystery   apes that lurk deep in the jungle more than 30  years before the discovery of a strange skull   a similar creature was seen by unlikely visitors  american i flew the heelys we had the uh-1h models   larry wilson is a retired army helicopter pilot   in july of 1970 wilson was sent to  vietnam assigned to the air cavalry it was during a mission to replace a faulty  communications device that wilson saw something   that even today he still can't explain i  would say november to december of 70 probably it was kind of crazy it was early  in the morning we took off real   early because we knew we had to go quite a ways we were flying down a stream valley kind of like  and the stream made a u around this ridge line   that came down and kind of pushed the stream out  of the way rather than follow the stream around   we just hopped up over this ridge line and as  we were climbing up to get over this ridge line   ahead of us we could see this scraggly old tree  it must have been one that had been defoliated   it looked like it was dead and we saw the thing  wiggling at first and then we saw what it was it   was wiggling it was this like ape-like creature  but it looked like a man we thought at first it   was a bad guy we almost killed it wilson believes  he startled the creature but it didn't move   and continued to shake the tree that it was  in as wilson moved the huey in for a closer   look his face was kind of round you know he  didn't have what i would call a human skull   it was more flat on top and and almost like  a soccer ball kind of shape to the head but   short hair there was no tail i mean its  facial features look very much like a man stories like wilson's are common throughout  the area but the epicenter of the most recent   sightings is the island of sumatra in indonesia  jeremy holden and adam davies are now just an   hour's canoe ride from where locals claim  to have seen the orang pen deck this always   occurs to me when i travel in these that this is  probably the first ever type of transport that was   made by human beings just a hollowed log because  that's what these are nothing more than a whole with the last obstacle behind them the  team set up their expedition base camp   now the hunt begins we finally arrived at base  camp we've spent days traveling here we've climbed   that mountain we're covered in sweat and now  finally we're here one of the good things about   being here is that a couple of days ago the guides  built our shelter now we're going to be spending   most of the time here um obviously when we're  resting we're going to be eating and sleeping here   and also cooking here all the lovely dried  fish we bought and all the other things what i know about the orange pen deck is from  people who've done a lot of detail research here   like jeremy um it's it's obviously bipedal it  varies in size and colour it's an opportunist   feeder and it seems extremely intelligent it's um  it's a unique and obviously a very rare species as the search is about to begin   the rain forest lives up to its name it  rains non-stop for almost two full days   the expedition is halted most animals hunker down  in storms so a search now would be futile anyway   if the storm doesn't break soon the entire trip  will be in jeopardy this rain i've never ever seen   anything like here i've been up to gunan karinshi  this is my fourth time here and it's absolutely   chucking it down the rain is awesome place  is beautiful but it's just so frustrating finally a break in the clouds  the expedition is back in action well the principal aim of projector appendix was  to validate the claims we made about our sightings either some dna evidence hairs bones some kind of  skin matter or in my case a good clear photograph   and that's the one thing that up until now neither  myself nor anyone else has managed to photograph   hey donnie bague but getting a photograph  of orang pendek will not be easy the one   problem with our impender is it it seems to be  highly mobile so it's not living in a territory   or not certainly not living in a very small  territory and also it's not following a set route   there's always going to be die-hard skeptics  that are they're not going to not be convinced   unless you dump a body on their desk turn the  camera on while the heavy rains have washed all   the game trails clean of old tracks it also  provides the team with a unique opportunity   just like the research team the animals of the  forest are on the move and the signs are fresh   there's our first sign of  wild animals here you can see   wild pigs have been turning up this  ground here looking for roots or   reptiles or insects to eat so i came in  here to have a look if there was any sign   it doesn't seem to be any sign of our impending  but what we have got is a mound of tapia dung it's not just animal tracks that give hold  in hope this area also has good food sources   so to my mind for op this is an absolute classic  location nice and open plenty of things to eat   one of the things we found it's quite commonly  eating are these these gingers and what it does   is break use it quite high like this and  then again quite low and then twist this stem   so what we're after is this white pith inside it's not bad more freshly minted animal tracks  are a good sign the animals of the forest are on   the move again we've chosen a spot here for  the camera there's a small trail coming up   this is what i call a topographic channeling is  happening here it's likely any animals coming   down from the mountain here wanting to cross  over into this valley are going to use this   it's not particularly pleasant to walk through  this forest here and it's it's it's very steep   this side rain clouds can be seen in the distance  time is running out because our appendix are biped   is still going to be taller than most animals  we'd usually photo trap so we have to have   the camera far enough back so we don't end  up with a picture of a chest with no head while holden works on setting up the  traps adam davies gathers his gear to   head in another direction the two have decided  to split up to cover as much ground as possible   now behind camp two is an area of the greatest  concentration of those sightings where i found   a number of trails in different years if we  do find something i have scalpels tweezers   and ethereal samples so hopefully we can get  some hairs and that can lead to dna analysis i love tracking and these these animals yeah  especially as i'm firmly convinced that one's   around this area it's a massive rush yeah so if  we see something you know it's going to be wild adam davies is working with the most experienced  guide in the region a local by the name of sahar   we've found our first animal print of the day um  which is obviously good news um because it means   the ground isn't so wet and we can get prince this  one here this small print is an asian golden cat just a few hundred yards from camp davies  makes an even more ominous discovery evidence that another animal is in the area  a potentially dangerous predator what sahar's   saying is this this is the bones of a deer  that's been killed by a tiger around here just a few hundred yards from the base camp adam  davies has found several carcasses and signs that   this is a fresh feeding site for a tiger at  over seven feet long and up to 300 pounds the   sumatran tiger is the top predator here it feeds  on deer boar and even primates like orangutans   and occasionally humans i'm no anatomist but my  initial um uneducated view about these things   was it would fit quite neatly there we go pig it's  not it obviously wasn't a an around pandemic we're   not going to be that lucky davies estimates the  carcass is only days old the bones rot a lot in   the jungle yeah can you see the fungus on there  on the tip of it already yeah finding an orang   pendak carcass would be a rare find indeed as  these bones show it takes the jungle little time   to break down remains just past the trail from  the pig and deer bones are signs of more animals think he might be up there now no skeptics say the moon jab or sun bear  is one likely animal that people could   mistake for the orang pendek at only four  feet tall it is the smallest bear species   it can walk briefly on its hind legs and is an  excellent climber so here we've just found some   claw marks from malay sun bear this is probably  the the biggest culprit in confusion with our   impending similar kind of size similar kind of  habits but probably the the most damning thing   is that the the footprint that a bear leaves  looks much more like a small human footprint   than that left by oran pendek the true identity  of the orang pendek has long been a mystery   when venetian explorer marco polo was  visiting the island of sumatra in 1295   islanders allegedly presented him with a small  ape-like man they had seen exactly the same thing   the local people were reporting there's a wreck  by pete late gliding in and out of the forest they   come out of the edge of the forest into  plantations that's where they've been seen   most by people at dawn and dusk jeremy holden  also claims to have seen the orang pendek   and says that it is not a sun  bear or any other known animal the first thing i thought was it was  it was much bigger than i'd expected   at a lower elevation near the parks entrance  jeremy holden first noticed the unusual footprint   in a potato field i called my guide over and said  you know what's this and he immediately said this   is our own pen deck holden followed the trail into  the forest and as i made my way in i saw a banana   palm sway like this so i just ducked down and then  no more than seven meters away i saw the animal   pass in front of me so it was it was very close i  had a camera around my neck i was very close to it   but i just kept quiet and watched it just briefly  pass although he never saw the face holden did get   a good profile view of the creature i saw the side  of the head and the huge arms which were moving   like a human when that walks and down to  the waist but something that's very erect   it wasn't stooped over it wasn't shuffling  or stumbling like i've seen orangutans do   when they're on the ground this was something  that was clearly at home walking on two legs   with this it was a clear pelt of what appeared  to be quite short hair and the the color of the   animal i saw was like a yellowish almost like  dried grass even now the sighting haunts holden   with a camera around his neck he never took  a photo seeing our impending was probably   the greatest achievement the greatest victory in  my whole life not photographing it is certainly   is my greatest failure davies shares holden's  frustration when you know something's there   you know something's tangible um i just want  to do my best to try and prove it adam davies   is now near the same spot where he found his  best track in 2001 the heavy rain has washed   these trails clean of any animal sign they have  found nothing but that is about to change what prince oh yeah what'd you make  about have a look no i think it's a   long fender footprint around that footprint  brilliant yeah i think so why i see the shape yeah   you can see the opposable thumb yeah it's the same  size as the prince that we found last time near   here yes fantastic well done at about six inches  in diameter with short toes and an opposable thumb   the print appears to be similar to the track he  found here in 2001. well what i want you to do   right what would you do is if you go up go up the  trail yeah and have a look to see if you can see   any more okay because i don't want to corrupt the  ground by two of us walking on it if you see any   hairs don't touch them just just tell me where  they are so you can have a look now yeah and   i'll stay here if you see anything we'll come  back and discuss them again yeah and we'll make   a plaster of paris cast to this one yeah right in  a bit for this guy it's adam for his guide cheers one good print could be enough to  prove this is the same animal from 2001   additional prints could reveal a resident  population adam come here what have you got sir   you can see uh one more footprint oh yeah it  is around the deck yeah i don't know maybe   it's the same size as the other one yeah yeah  see so the animals come through here on a trail oh that's brilliant i've got another one oh that's fantastic that's really good work sahar   i can't believe it this is in the same place  it's the same shape as the one we found last   time in all they find four distinct prints spread  out over 200 yards before the trail goes cold but there is another important clue  here one that leads navies to conclude   this animal is walking on two legs the creature has come down here walking  bipedally in other words on two legs and   because this section's difficult you've got the  tree trunk there it's put his hand there the grip and this moss here has come off  it so sheared off it like that   as it's gone through these sort  of clues are really important a   to determine what type of creature it is  and b to actually picking up its trail the dab conditions make the casts  fragile and davey's nervous it's almost   in these sort of situations for me because i  can feel the adrenaline pumping it's almost like   waiting for somebody to give birth because i've  had prince before and they've crumbled away oh   yeah that's a really good one and you can see the  toes and the opposable thumb um so we need to get   it cleaned up back in camp but at least we've got  one print that's working i'm really really pleased oh it's in one piece oh yeah and you can yep you can see again you can  see the print on here and the toes on it fantastic   three in a row that's awesome but before they  can cast the final print the sky opens up again   cover this one over and we'll go back to camp and  we'll leave this one for jeremy to have a look at   fresh tracks means something is in the area and  they want to lure it back within range of the   camera traps davies brought pheromone  ships made from ape sexual secretions   i kind of think that this is an unknown  species so nothing ventured nothing gay   but it's been chemically composed  apparently to attract um primos i hope i hope you're around  panda alexa men smelling strong with the casts firm enough to transport they   head back to camp to share the  find with the rest of the team jeremy jeremy we've got some prints  to uh get them out to show you   okay i think we need to give these a clean  now so that we can properly see the definition in the remote jungle of sumatra an island of  indonesia monster quest researchers jeremy   holden and adam davies are hot on the trail  of what they believe is an ourang pendek   or op as they call it i am a field  researcher i am not a scientist   but i understand the importance of getting  anything credibly and independently analyzed this is where um i found the first print here  we've got at least four good ones and it's the   last one i especially want to show you because  with the wet weather it could take days before   the casts are dry enough to examine so adam  brings jeremy back to the location where it   was found to search for other evidence like hair  or droppings okay mate it's right up here clearly   got the four i think oh maybe one toe it's good  but that's that root yep clearly four toes and   i guess this is corresponds to the helix  or the thumb what do you think jeremy it's   certainly not tiger it's not tapia and it's with  a spacing here and this toe down here is certainly   not bare either which gives us really not much  choice it seems to be print of a large primate unfortunately just as we put the plaster   into the print it started to pour  with rain so we've covered it up it's now a day and a half later because the rain  just didn't stop at all yesterday i don't know   what state this is going to be in whether it's  going to be usable or not we just have to hope not sure it's going to convince any skeptics with the pheromone chips in place they  want to position another camera trap   directly over this location so we're going to put  a camera here because this is where adam found   the first footprints and also where he's left the  pheromones so there's perhaps some likelihood the   animal is going to come back this way check those  out so if it does we need to have a camera here   to catch that with all the camera traps set they  return to camp to clean up and examine the prince that's just over 16 centimeters which is about six  inches the prints we found over the other side of   the mountain were all usually about 21 centimeters  but the print side found last time were about 16.   comparable evidence is important if these new  prints are a match to the mystery prince davies   found in 2001 then they believe a case  can be made that this is the same animal   or animal species the shortness of it could  well be because these toes always seem to be   pointing i mean look at the depth of this for  instance yeah and here also it seems almost the   toes of dig was this found on a slope yes  it was anything with a 16 centimeter foot   you've got that's usually about the size of a  bears footprint they use about 16 centimeters   for a tiger that's big it's also about the the  same size as the tapia with the tapia obviously   you've got one big toe two toes coming out  the side here a tiger four big pads a bear   the toes are very very close together and it's  more like a actually like a small human foot   but here with this obvious hallux this can only  be a primate something with an opposable thumb   the only non-human primate large enough to  make this print is the sumatran orangutan   which has never been seen in this area  furthermore while both have an opposable thumb   the length of the toes are no match and  as there are no large terrestrial primates   known from quincy sublet national park it's  an unknown species of of terrestrial primate   and probably oran pendek the animal we're  looking for fantastic the team packs up the cast   to be sent on to dr jeff meldrum professor of  anatomy and anthropology at idaho state university well this is interesting meldrum is  an expert on mystery eight footprints   he houses one of the largest collections  of bigfoot yeti and other mystery eight   footprints in the world so footprint casts  have continued to accumulate here in my lab   not only does meldrum have davey's new  casts but a copy of the mystery print   from davey's expedition in 2001. adam's  original print from several years ago has some interesting comparisons  and contrasts to the new ones   i mean if if this is perhaps a divergent big toe  then we would we see that it's it's disposed much   further up the foot than is suggested here  of the four prints cast by davies and holden   two appear to have enough detail for further  examination we actually have adam's original   print already scanned into our virtual museum  our virtual collection so i'd like to take these   over to the idaho virtualization lab and have  these two scanned and get some 3d renderings for more than a century stories of a small  human-like creature have drifted out of indonesia   with the island of sumatra at the epicenter  a creature that some say is very similar to   skeletal remains found in neighboring flores  a miniature man dubbed the real hobbit this   woman says that a sighting changed her life it was  like seeing something from the wrong side of time locals claim it walks on two  feet and has a human looking face   this man cast a print in 2001 that experts  say is unlike any primate known to man   and monster quest launched an expedition in  an effort to uncover the mystery we've got   um at least four good ones jeremy holden and  adam davies have found four footprints that   they believe belong to a mystery ape most  call the aurang pendek what's been special   is we've got an animal actually following a  trail continually when we've actually been able   to market off some distance they have been in  the forest now for seven days with camera traps   snapping away it is time to leave and he is hoping  at least one camera has captured what they seek   yeah there's always a great sense of  anticipation when it whenever you collect film whenever i was collecting  films from here for instance   you always think this could be the time the  first camera trap reveals there are photos because of the high humidity especially  this week where it's rained every single day   the cameras still worked we all we caught  with pictures of adam and sahar coming   back from from one of their tracks but it  still shows the the cameras are working   and that's that's an important thing as  they check each trap the story is the same tiny pictures of us again   only one camera trap remains to be checked  but it is also the most anticipated   so this is the last camera trap set where the  pheromones were placed and also where we found   the first prince so it's the  one most likely to have anything no nothing once again a photograph  of the orang pen deck has eluded   both men well i've disappointed you but  not surprised it will still be several days   before they can make it out of the jungle and  contact dr meldrum but nothing can overshadow   their excitement about the possible results of  the footprint analysis robert here are those   casts from sumatra that we were anticipating  we'd like to get a three-dimensional scan of the prints are scanned using two lasers of  different size and speed the resulting images are   not only in 3d but minute details mostly invisible  to the naked eye are now revealed it allows us to   analyze these structures quantitatively in three  dimensions we can make very precise measurements   very precise comparisons between specimens  the three-dimensional images offer us ways   not only to visualize but also to analyze the  specimen in ways that simple photography or even   holding the original specimen in hand  don't afford what we will be looking   for are characteristic features that would  distinguish a possible hominoid an ape or   some sort of primate from another human or from  other common forms of wildlife that might have   a track that could be mistaken for presumed  to rank penn deck once the images are scanned   belgium moves in for a closer look actually  can you tip it just a hair more this way   well this is interesting now things are a little  more apparent to me than they were previously   meldrum is optimistic four fresh prints and  older prints for comparison likely mean answers   they have a prominent pad right here that will  sometimes register in the track and then we have   the four outer toes but a closer look tells him  a much different story and what i was trying to   uh infer as a as a hallux is actually  the ulnar pad uh of a bear it appears to   be the four paw of the bear the evidence  seems to point pretty conclusively that   that this is a bear track i think you'd have be  hard-pressed to make a case for this being the the   track of a plantagrade primate and when compared  to the older mystery aprints he finds they are not   a match there's a certain degree of disappointment  that we didn't have the definitive footprint   evidence for an unrecognized primate despite the  results of their expedition davies and holden   have not lost faith in their belief that the  orang pen deck is real and will someday be found   there comes a point when you say look there's  been so much evidence here we've really got to   do something about this before this area is gone  and if there is a primate here as appears to   be the case then it's time to sort of sit up and  take notice and put some money here and have a go   because if when it's gone it's gone forever  and now's the time to take some action
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, monster quest, history monster quest, monster quest show, monster quest full episodes, monster quest clips, full episodes, monsterquest specials, monsterquest specials full episodes, monsterquest specials clips, MonsterQuest season 1 episode 12, MonsterQuest se1 e12, MonsterQuest se01 e12, monsterQuest 1X12, history channel full episodes, REAL HOBBIT REVEALED ON CAMERA, interior of Sumatra, historical fiction
Id: f02F50lFy3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.