MonsterQuest: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH BIGFOOT (S3, E8) | Full Episode | History

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across america frightening beasts  are growing more aggressive   it was most terrified i've ever been in my life  the creatures seem to be stalking humans i've   never seen anything that could chew a car  up like this it was huge it was on two feet   and it was huge i just sat there for a  second because i had no idea what it was   we're getting more and more violent interactions  and confrontations interactions that may have left   behind the strongest evidence yet of the legendary  monster that is sasquatch the creature was hit   right over here right on the edge of proper land  whatever it was was really really really vicious   witnesses around the world report seeing monsters   are they real or imaginary science  searches for answers on monster quest in once rural america the expansion of residential  developments is pushing further and further into   what has been wilderness and people are reporting  growing numbers of close encounters with creatures   that could be unknown to science there's a print  here and here and it rolled across and made a dent   here and then left one here when it grabbed me  you know this hand was huge i mean you can see   my hand does not go around my arm witnesses  describe a variety of creatures including a   beast that walks on two legs and is said to  be part man and part bear it is thought to   be up to nine feet tall with frightening red  eyes some say it is the legendary sasquatch the earliest known written documentation of  the creature came in an 1883 article in the   newark daily advocate of ohio it reported  an attack by a wild man eight feet high   and covered in hair the report tells of a  beast lurking in the woods near ontario canada   the creature emerged from a thick on the warpath in one hand a tomahawk made of  stone and in the other a bludgeon   his appearance struck such terror into the  hearts of the men that they made tracks with   their boat which was moored by the beach the  giant followed them uttering demonical yells only the sound of the gunfire managed  to ward off the menacing creature this is not the only tale of apparently aggressive  encounters with sasquatch so there's a consistent   uh telling of these tales of violent interactions  lauren coleman is a renowned cryptozoologist   so those kinds of stories are very intriguing  as opposed to the general kind of rural myth   that sasquatch is out there kidnapping  indian maidens what i found in my research   in various stories down through the years that it  was males that were being kidnapped and there's   stories here and there of you know one guy saying  he was thrown over the shoulder of a bigfoot in 1924 albert ostman had just such an encounter   albert ostman was an individual who was  a prospector in british columbia in 1924   he was uh going up to the tobit inlet  and looking for various minerals and he was in his sleeping bag and all of  a sudden he was swooped up by a bigfoot   he threw him over his shoulder  and ran back to his canyon home today these reports seem to be  surfacing with greater frequency   so we indeed have reports of bigfoot getting in  conflicts with humans getting into fights with   humans punching human beings through their windows  of their cars throwing rocks at their cabins and   also the big black thing just rolled across my  vehicle because i had no idea what it was amanda   schlutner is a resident of staples minnesota  a remote town miles northwest of minneapolis   she was driving home one night when she  says she hit an enormous hairy creature the skin dark and i was driving down the road  and i was going about 35 and also the big   black thing just rolled across my vehicle her  car struck the animal head-on and the impact   threw the animal into a ditch as the collision  happened schlittner got a good look at it it was   probably like seven feet tall like a lot of fur um  darks kind of looked like a bear on two legs but   bigger and almost look like person at the same  time she was pretty big and it was moving pretty   quick on two legs the incident occurred just  a few hundred feet from her boyfriend's home   her boyfriend kirk orr and his brother matt  witnessed the collision from the front yard   it was confusing at first it did kind of look like  a bear but the way it moved and the way it twisted   it looked kind of like a person but it was too  tall and too broad like you like it when you   see a football player wearing his gear yeah it  was like eighty and a half feet tall so that's   pretty pretty good they grabbed a 410 shotgun and  a 30-30 rifle before chasing it into the woods   they feared the animal was wounded and still  very aggressive kind of leaned its hand down on   this lake and grabbed a branch and started pulling  himself back up right after that's when i unjammed   my gun and shot it and that's when i stumbled  back and started to come forward i shot again   kirk believes he hit it in the chest but the  wounded beast disappeared into the woods we   were both pretty accurate shots at what we  could see of the figure and they're pretty   powerful rifles so it should have took it  down we know for a fact we hit what we shot the two men are hunters and say this was no  bear it was far too big and walked on two legs schlittner and the ore brothers remain  afraid of whatever is still out there   i've never seen anything like this so it really  kind of scared me i didn't know what to think   or what it was and it's one weird bear the  only thing it could be then would be a bear david garcialis is a bear research biologist with  the minnesota department of natural resources   he has examined photos of the damage to the hood  of the car and says that this was simply a bear   sighting and nothing more the only thing that  could explain a black creature in that area that   could walk on on two feet and that would be big  enough to match approximately what they said you   know maybe maybe it's seven feet tall or something  like that at the biggest or really big there   every year there's i don't know 50 to 100 bears  that are hit by cars in minnesota and in fact you   know the conservation officer did the proper  thing where he comes out and investigates it   if he found a dead bear there we  would have gotten a report on it   now monster quest travels to minnesota to  investigate the schlittener sighting and the story   has remained the same with no changes so i have to  believe that what they encountered is a real deal   because if something is hoaxed or people are lying  stories change and the story has never changed   bob olson has worked as an auto  body specialist for 40 years   and has seen damage caused by everything  from wild animal collisions to vandalism   he's convinced that whatever amanda  schlittner hit it was walking on two feet   as you can see down here this all broken  up so it hit something very heavy in fact   and i believe when this thing was came out  it was hit the hand hit the elbow hit here   swung around the butt hit the fender and off  to the woods and you can see literally where it rolled off so what i've seen here is  consistent with what they said happened the team searches for forensic  trace evidence tiny pieces of hair   blood or tissue could reveal  the identity of the creature   that amanda hit here's a whole section of the  mouth panel that fell right in after the impact there might be some hair on that yeah the whole  thing shattered and fell right down so there could   be other evidence down in here it almost looks  like there could be another hair lying down on the   bottom down here if you can see that guess what i  see right underneath this hornet see it right here   if i could get this piece off  this might have something on it oh look at that look look at that look  at that a double here there's two right   that is a good hair the expedition team will  send the strands of hair to the monster quest   science team for testing dna testing  could reveal exactly what hit the car olson and researcher don sherman will lead an  expedition heading into the woods to try to find   more evidence the creature i believe is is dead  or died back in the woods and is still back there   the team is joined by gene hagen a professional  animal trapper with 30 years experience just about   anything that's in the woods we catch it we're  pretty consistent with knowing the different   varieties of animals that are here jean bob and  don believe the creature could have been wounded   or may be lying dead just a few yards  or miles from the accident scene   so they begin their search at the edge of the  property the creature was hit right over here   right on the edge of the proper land okay the  creature went in about here and uh it grabbed sort   of busted this branch as it went in or something  here so here's something and their search will   yield a promising clue i can see the bullet  hole over there in the tree where it entered   there still should be some evidence inside  there being that it's sealed up inside this wood monster quest has traveled across america to  investigate close encounters with monsters   the amount of these type of run-ins are  far too numerous to examine case by case   however the most violent encounters  provide the greatest insight   into the growing conflict between man and these  creatures whose habitats are being encroached on this was a creature this was not a man terry  reams was traveling along a busy interstate   with his wife and parents near yakima washington  and we're headed east back down i-84 and it was   approximately seven o'clock it was raining  suddenly the traffic slowed from 70 to about   35 miles per hour and we've seen all these brake  lights coming on and cars moving back and forth   as rheem's car got closer to the cause of the  traffic jam they noticed an upright shadowy figure   in the road my first thought was somebody running  down the road with a black jacket on and it was   fur i mean i looked up at it trying to figure out  what was this guy doing running down the middle of   the highway going to get himself killed rheem says  that the creature suddenly darted through traffic   and ran to the passenger side of their car  it managed to keep pace despite the fact   that the car was moving at 35 miles per hour  its face was just inches from the side window   and then when i looked up at it and it looked  down at me it was a an instant kind of a mellow   shock that this was no guy and i look right  into the face of this thing and i could tell   that uh it was definitely had fear in its eyes  apparently confused and agitated the creature   turned abruptly and ran directly into merging  traffic it actually turned and ran right into   the rear quarter panel of this truck camper  it kept on going never even phased this thing   and went up approximately a 60 degree angle  into the tree area and was gone my mother   just turns to us and and we all seen this and  she says oh my goodness we just seen a bigfoot   reems reported the incident of the local sheriff  and found that so had dozens of other people   he says if it makes you feel any better we've  had over a dozen sightings of the same thing   you just turned in and if it makes you feel any  better yet four of them were police officers in minnesota the monster quest expedition  team is attempting to pick up the trail of   a mysterious creature that was hit by a car the  team is hoping the animal still lies dead nearby   you know this is all pretty nice dark  black dirt this should show tracks pretty   good if we happen to find any even with the  vegetation on the ground it still might be   feasible to see some prints when you're  looking for tracks and vegetation it's   it's good to get down so you can see the path  through the vegetation if you look right down   here i can see a path where the trees have  all been folded one direction showing movement   of travel and it looks like it continues that  way so we must be on somewhat of a right path   the team finds the location where the  ore brothers say they shot the beast   i can see the bullet hole over  there in the tree where it entered   now that was the 30 30 shell right yeah i'm not  sure if that's a 30 30 or the slug but there's   also you can see a bullet hole where it hit the  branch right up there from where this bullet hole   here landed to where that branch was snapped is  probably about nine feet gene hagen believes that   one of the bullets could have passed through the  creature before becoming wedged in a tree trunk   the bullet's probably still lodged right in  this piece so i suppose we should i'll take   that chop it down and cut that section off yeah  we'll just chop it off like here and up here there still should be some evidence inside  there being that it's sealed up inside this wood   the expedition team takes a piece of the tree   just in case the bullet did pass through the  animal and blood or tissue is preserved inside the   limb will be sent out for a preliminary x-ray to  determine if the bullet is lodged within meanwhile   the researchers moved deeper into the forest they  are now searching for the victim if it's out here   and it's dead chances are we're gonna have to look  in the deepest thickest stuff for where he's gonna   hide because even a barrel run to the thickest  cover and try to hide why he's mortally wounded   let's be careful where we walk even though  the sign is old we still may miss something hagen brought along his dog trapper a labrador  retriever that is known to have exceptional   scent tracking abilities dogs are often  used in police searches a dog can sense a   lot more than a human nose can and especially  under these wet conditions now this is a well   used game trail here you may have used  it as an escape route to get out of here   how fast do you think you can run down this trail  this one here yeah oh pretty fast fast how much   sign do you think you're gonna leave running that  fast hell i don't know not much after four hours   searching the trail grows cold we probably walked  for two miles back in there we saw a lot of sign   of heavy creatures moving through the woods if  there would have been any kind of a cadaver back   there or any kind of a dead body chances are he  would have picked up that scent i'm hoping we'll   find some hair in that bullet you know at least  we found that kind of evidence the science team is   starting its tests with the tree limb containing  the bullet which passed through the beast so here are two tree limbs  uh we've got the bark side   and we've got the mossy side so that tells me that  these should line up in this fashion jay epping a   veterinarian x-rays the branch to determine  if the bullet is still lodged in the wood   we have an entry wound here and an exit wound  definitely from uh most likely a bullet as you   can see the wood has actually come out then we  have a second entry wound in this tree limb here   which would tell me that the bullet particle  should be somewhere in this general vicinity wow look at that there's actually a bullet  in here you can see the entry point here   you can actually see a trail of bullet  fragment all the way through that limb the   fragment trail continuing into the second limb  and right there is your actual bullet particle   epping will now send the entire log  to a dna lab the lab will extract the   bullet and with it any genetic material  that may have adhered to the projectile and there were actually two tree limbs that had  come in one that the bullet had passed completely   through and the second in which the projectile was  lodged dr bruce mccord is a professor of forensic   science at florida international university  the department conducts evidence examinations   for law enforcement agencies and provides  expert testimony in state and federal courts   finding dna on a bullet after it is passed through  a victim presents a unique challenge from accord   it's reasonable to expect that there would be  very little dna present on the bullet particularly   after it had lodged and passed through one tree  and lodged in another the process begins by   swabbing the entrance hole to collect any dna that  may have been scraped off the bullet as it entered   the wood if you look at the x-ray which is here  you can see that it never exited but it actually   is lodged somewhere in the back of this log first  the log is sawn below the point of bullet entry and then split along the grain there's the bullet right there you can see how the  split was perfect and we get it out quite easily   the bullet is extracted   next the projectile is swabbed to remove any  residual biological material mccord's lab will   use real-time pcr a process that enables them  to extract dna from the smallest of samples if   we have just a single cell left remaining with  dna equivalent of that left remaining on that   bullet we might be able to detect it and to  determine if it's human or an upper primate monster quest is in america's heartland  where witnesses report violent encounters   with strange beasts cryptozoologist lauren  coleman has studied these reports for years   and believes that these  encounters may be increasing   well some of the more frequent interactions  that turn very violent with humans and bigfoot   are these reports we get of individuals their cars  being attacked and them being scared in their cars   really sending a message to the humans that  you're not welcome here could you move on one such account dates back to a dark night  when a 17 year old woman was the victim of a   frightening and violent attack christine  van aker and her mother were in a car   driving along in a rural area of near monroe  michigan von acker claims a large upright   hairy creature stepped out in front of  their car and the girl hit the brakes   causing the car to stall their car was stopped the  bigfoot came up stuck its arm through the window so the next day all over the media there were  these photographs of her with her black eye   and her mother of course being eyewitness too  confirmed that this actually had taken place there continues to be numerous reports of  encounters but while most lack physical   evidence others have clues that morning when we  come out and saw the car it was covered with blood   late one night something menacing  paid a visit to dixie rawson's home   in bishopville south carolina a typical  small town 40 miles from columbia   something was able to move  through the backyard undetected   making its way to the patio where rawson had  built cat shelters all the blankets were out of   their boxes they were all up and down the driveway  like somebody went in there and picked them out   there was nothing wrong with the patio nothing  was moved and um the newspaper was in shreds something had destroyed the cat shelters  and most of dixie's cats were missing there were some that if i called them by  name they would come and they were gone and   haven't seen him since the monster had turned its focus  to the van parked in the driveway claw marks and puncture holes were found all along  the side in front of the vehicle destroying the   grill the fender was pulled out of shape by  the teeth of the attacker when we come out   and saw the car it was covered with blood these  pictures were shot the morning after the attack   looks like whatever it was had  been there a while none away at it dixie called the police to report this wild attack   hoping to warn others she was not prepared  for what came next and all hell broke loose bob rosson looks down at the blood on his van  all the claw marks and check out the hood he   literally bit and you can feel it underneath  where he spit right straight through here   who he is a point of renewed debate in these  parts some sure they know the only creature   capable of this kind of damage they say it's  the lizard man rawson's incident was linked   to an eerily similar attack that occurred just  a few miles from their home 10 years earlier   i went on the computer and from then on in  it was lizard man lizard man had come back the lizard man was blamed for another  attack which damaged a vehicle in 1988   we were investigating a car that would have been  mauled and they told us at that time something had   been working in this area about  seven to eight foot tall and   big red eyes liston truesdale was sheriff at the  time of the original lizardman sighting over 20   years ago so we immediately started questioning  people about what about what this was and so   we were trying to find out people that saw this  thing truesdale received a report by a 17 year   old boy claiming to have had an encounter  with a creature while repairing a flat tire   on the side of the road he'd had fixed his  tire he looked around and he saw this huge creature coming toward him with big red  eyes and uh three fingers on his hand so   i couldn't believe what the kid was  telling me so i said draw it so he drew it   cryptozoologist lauren coleman believes that  lizardman and sasquatch may be one and the same   in south carolina there have been reports of  what seemed to be called locally lizard men   but sometimes if we get closer to the reports we  find are more bigfoot like creatures but you know   we oftentimes hear from the south bigfoot  type creatures that have algae on their skin   and they can look green the fact remains something  destroyed the rawson's vehicle i've never seen   anything that could chew a car up like this um you  couldn't do it with a hammer and a pair of pliers   i know the cops tried doing it terrified dixie  insisted that blood samples be taken from the car   and tested well then a month later they come back  and they said that it come back contaminated the   department of natural resources which performed  the first test came back again i was actually   called by the lee county sheriff's department to  try to get the test conducted on the blood sample   sam stokes is a biologist with the department  of natural resources i finally located a lab it   was at the university of california at davis the  veterinary genetics lab there they conducted a dna   test and it did come back as a domestic dog dixie  disagrees with the dnr's analysis and i looked   right at them right on television and i went i  don't believe it i don't believe a dog can do this and then here's the worst damage i believe tony  carpenter is an auto body specialist and john van   root is a biologist trained in wildlife tracking  and identification they'll test the car again it   looks like as the teeth were dragging down he  was getting his bottom teeth in on this lip and   finally managed to straighten it all the  way out you see the most of the damage is   right here where he's he got a hold of  it yep and it looks like from the marks   of it his upper teeth were here bottom  teeth there let's go look at the front in the front they have punctures through here  and you see this is urethane here this is metal   but it was really rusty we have seen a lot of  animal damage of like wiring eaten and different   items like that but we've never seen a van where  an animal's actually built bit through still   ripped it off that kind of stuff  then there's some bite marks   some bite marks over from this side where it looks  like possibly it was clamping around this area yeah and the teeth are sliding off after they  penetrate yep they will gather evidence so they   can use it to build a scaled model of the beast's  jaw and test it on an identical car to the rosten   vehicle so it looks like this is probably  the bite mark area right here right here   it will be used to compare to local  wildlife the spread of the canine   teeth gives an indication of the skull  size and therefore the size of the animal   the height at which it attacked this vehicle the  idea of this being the result of a black bear is   very unlikely the teeth are too close together  the skull would have been much bigger a bear   would have had the strength to rip the hood right  off this van to get to whatever it was going after   we'll perform some tests and see what we can  determine what kind of force it took to uh   straighten out that wheel well the way it did  and see what we can come up with there you know   yeah whatever it was it was angry yep no doubt the  reconstruction of the creature's jaw is underway monster quest is investigating eyewitness  reports of close encounters with monsters   throughout america's heartland it  was running straight towards me   david griffin had an encounter just 40  miles outside of indianapolis indiana he was deer hunting with his brother peering  through the sights of his scope locked in on   something large moving in the brush i had the  gun up too my cheek the safety pulled off ready   to fire and what came out of the brush wasn't a  deer it was some kind of a creature that looked   between a half half man and half monkey or ape or  whatever you want to call and it was gray in color   showing his teeth i never heard a sound  but it was running straight towards me   it had this massive chest and the hair was very  thin on its front side next to the chest very   well-built strong-built creature and it's seen me  and like i said it showed his teeth his eyes were   bugged out from fright it made a u-turn  and and hit it back towards my brother   when it went through that brush i was going to  get it i was going to shoot it i started to go   up the hill in the woods to go after and i  felt very uneasy by myself so something i   never do i sit down to wait on him i never do  that and it was cold it's probably 20 degrees   damn near froze to death david never  told anyone about what happened that day   something that wasn't supposed to be there and  i probably just wanted to forget it you know   because i loved hunting and loved  the woods and i didn't want anything   to get in my way there so i think  i really wanted to block it out   many eyewitnesses like david griffin never come  forward because there is no evidence of what they   saw just six miles from david griffin's encounter  aaron wheeler says something attacked him me and a couple of my friends were you know  out driving around east of rockville indiana   about five miles out in the country and we were  out spotlighting deer and not poaching but just   you know just counting how many deer we could  see you know at night with the spotlight the   door was open because the window didn't roll  down in this little beater of a truck he had   and i just reached out to shut  the door and when i did i was crap so i started screaming and and i tried to pull my  arm back in and you know it just kind of started   pulling me out so andrew he grabbed me around  the waist because he seen me going out and he was   screaming too and my friend lee that was driving  he was screaming to wear all three screaming   and he you know he just throws the car in or  the truck and first and you know he's he's   ready to get out of there well as soon as he did  that you know it seemed like it let go you know   almost immediately only had me for probably two  seconds it let go and i you know i quickly shut   the door and i'm looking at andrew you know did  you see that what grabbed me this hand was huge   i mean you can see my hand does not go around my  arm and i've got pretty large hands so whatever   this is had to be huge and had to be powerful  because i'm about 260 pounds and i'm not weak   at all aaron says that due to the darkness and  the fact he was not facing the creature he never   got a good look at what grabbed him this shouldn't  have happened and it did so you know i don't know   um you know i don't know how to explain it just  it was most terrified i've ever been in my life   using galvanic skin response you're going to  go on the palms your hand along the stick on   due to the lack of physical evidence david  griffin and aaron wheeler have agreed to take   a polygraph test to substantiate their stories a  polygraph examination is at least a two hour to   three hour process that measures the physiological  responses of the human body brad kelly is a former   sheriff's detective who has administered countless  polygraph tests during the polygraph examination   you will see two pneumographs one placed on  the upper chest one place in the lower chest   and that measured inhalation exhalation the  chest cavity attached to the left arm would   be the cardio cuff which measures mean blood  pressure you'd have a component attached to   the palms of the hands which is the galvanic skin  response as it measures like dermal activity in   the skin and there's a thyssen graph on the  thumb which measures blood constriction in   foam did you lie about seeing a five foot hair  covered animal in 1972 at the downing farm no well it looks like of the areas were straightened  out auto mechanic tony carpenter is at work trying   to measure the bite force required to pull  the fender up and out just as an angry unknown   creature in south carolina did well let's see if  we can clamp through here a torque wrench reads   how much force it's taking to clamp down  on something in foot pounds of torque   okay and that took 5.2 foot pounds of  torque to do that which would be about 60 four inch pounds to bite through that's reading about 20 foot pounds  right now through the rusty area and we're through many animals would be able  to generate enough bite force to penetrate   the rusty hood however bending a solid  steel fender would require much more force carpenter connects a hanging strain gauge to  the jaws then attaches the jaws to the fender   we used a tool to pull on a strain gauge which  tells you how many pounds of force it's taking   to move an object 60 pounds of force 200 250 300. and i think we're about 350 when it let loose  okay so let's clamp in another spot up here   as the animal did that's what looks like exactly  what it did let's hook up again to our equipment   and let's tighten it up and it has not punctured  through we did break a tooth   so one tooth is gone and that's still  okay now here we are at 250 pounds and there we go the reading on the strain gauge  when the fender was pulled straight out and the   tooth broke off was 306 foot-pounds of force this  thing was really going after this vehicle hard   and you know whatever it was i wouldn't have  wanted to come across at all i mean that's   done damage that would break a tool made out of  steel and it was an incredible amount of force   and whatever it was it had a lot of rage in it  monster quest is searching america's midwest   and investigating close encounters with monsters  these men say they shot at a large hairy creature   and hid it this woman says something large and  fierce chewed up the hood and fender of her van   while this hunter claims he saw the  creature while out in the forest   and this man says a creature  tried to pull him out of his car aaron wheeler and david griffin  have been undergoing polygraph tests   to determine the validity of their encounters  in indiana my findings with aaron willer is that   he's deceptive to the question about being grabbed  out of his truck by what he describes as bigfoot   polygraph tests have an accuracy rate of 87 to  95 wheeler says the results are incorrect it's   unfortunate i wish i hadn't you know i wish i had  passed but you know fact i didn't doesn't change   my story griffin's test provided much different  results as far as david griffin concerning the   question posed to him about seeing a five-foot  hairy animal he's non-deceptive that question so   it's my professional opinion that's telling the  truth i saw what i saw and i know what i saw john vinroot doesn't believe an ape-like creature  inflicted the damage to the car a large primate   would have basically used his hands like a gorilla  would and pounded he would have destroyed the hood   of this vehicle they're not likely to get down on  all fours if they're bipeds the bite force tests   tony carpenter performed indicated it would have  taken 306 pounds of force to bend the steel fender this is consistent with a canine's bite force  experts suspect that a dog is responsible for   the damage and a wild animal is just not going  to risk breaking uh one of their canine teeth off   canine teeth especially with wild cannons   or the way they make a living that's how they  catch prey so losing a canine tooth is usually   death for them it was probably like seven  feet tall like a lot of fur um dark kinda   looked like a bear on two legs but bigger  and almost look like person at the same time   the dents on this vehicle seemed to support  her claim two hairs were found trapped behind   the grill of her car and was sent to a lab for a  morphology examination the results cat and human i   grew up in this area i've been hunting and fishing  my whole life i've never seen anything like this   while the hair samples do not corroborate  this the bullet fired by her boyfriend and   his brother may support the claim right after  that's when i unjammed my gun and shot it   and that's when it stumbled back and  started to come forward i shot again they believe one of the bullets passed  through the beast and lodged in a nearby tree   in an effort to determine if trace evidence  remains on the bullet or within the limb   professor bruce mccord of the international  forensic research institute is searching for   residual biological material the initial  results of the dna extraction process   are encouraging some genomic  dna was recovered from this law   we immediately took some of that dna prepared it  for this extremely sensitive quantitative study   unfortunately we also ran some blanks and the dna  recovered from the bullet showed up at the same   place as the blanks did indicating essentially  that no dna was recovered that was human   or from a larger primate it's quite  possible that any dna that was left behind   or that any dna that had stayed on that projectile  as it passed through the body may have been lost   due to heat due to passing through the up  the couple of trees that it hit before it   was recovered so we can't be sure about that the  monster quest team's investigation of these close   encounters has turned up some interesting  results the team was able to gather some   of the best physical evidence of any expedition  including hair samples dna and eyewitness reports   in some of these cases a known local animal was  likely the perpetrator however the polygraph of   david griffin an experienced hunter proves that  he got a good look at a creature he cannot explain   and that he is not lying i truly believe  there's some kind of creature out there   we still sleep with a gun at our bedside  there's a gun next to bob in the den   so if we hear a noise out here at night his  glock is loaded it's changed my patterns   i don't go outside alone anymore it's  totally changed everything that i do   as far as night goes and being outside the  level of tension seems to be on the increase   we're getting more and more violent interactions  and confrontations and i predict that probably   within the next 25 years we're going to hear  about and document somebody being killed you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, monster quest, history monster quest, monster quest show, monster quest full episodes, monster quest clips, full episodes, monsterquest specials, monsterquest specials full episodes, monsterquest specials clips, monsters, legends, creatures, MonsterQuest season 3 episode 8, MonsterQuest se3 e8, MonsterQuest se03 e8, monsterQuest 3X8, history channel full episodes, season 3, episode 8, close encounters with bigfoot
Id: p8xGffaPt8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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