The GENIUS reason everyone's buying black PVC pipes for their porch

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let's head down to our local hardware store and grab a three inch pipe that's two foot long what I need to do is cut this in half easy to do since it's two foot long we're just going to make a mark at the 12 inch line I can use any type of Saw skill saw or anything like that I have a Sawzall and it works great just cuts right through now the ends of these might be a little rough from the cut just take a little bit of 80 grit sandpaper rub it all the way around and it'll smooth it right out now we're going to need three different sizes of drill bits large medium and small start with the small drill bit we are going to go randomly around the pipe and drill holes you will see from here what kind of pattern you're looking for and that pattern is no pattern pattern is bad random is good we're just going to go all up and down drilling holes don't cross the halfway mark though once you get a good amount of holes in there it's time we're going to switch over to the medium drill bit starting in the middle you hit the medium drill bit we're going to go ahead and drill out the holes a little larger it's easier to do because we've already drilled it with the smaller drill bit switch to the largest and drill out a few of the small holes on the bottom so as you can see as we start to paint we got small medium and large now with the paint it covers pretty good you want to go small little burst if it takes two or three coats that's better because then you won't get too many runs with the paint once you get it all covered up it's going to look really good make sure you get the inside too let's let that dry and now I grab some little Jenga pieces from the dollar store go ahead and get some wood glue and put it on the bottom use this scrap piece of wood that I have and I'm going to glue these down now these scrap piece of wood are a little bit longer than the pipe and it's going to do great as a spacer once we get it all glued up I'm going to take some black spray paint and paint this wood I'm only going to go though with one coat because I want the grain of the wood to kind of come through a little bit when it dries up you'll see that it doesn't give it a complete coverage my only problem though is the solar lights that I'm going to use they're actually a little bit too small but I've got a solution take some hot glue and again I got some rope from the dollar store I'm going to go ahead and glue that on the inside of the pipe at the top now just keep wrapping that string all the way around and it's going to glue in there great that's going to be our little barrier that's going to hold our light in as you can see it holds firm all we have to do is drop the light in and look at that it fits perfect and it's flush with the top now it's time to take that board we painted turn it around and we're just going to put a mounting hook on the back just one simple one will work since it's lightweight now once everything is dry we're going to take some hot glue put a good amount on both of those little Jenga pieces that are sticking up we're going to take our pipe center it and go ahead and push it down firmly it's going to hold up really nice this is not going to be a problem now with the solar lights you click the button and watch this when it's dark the light comes on as you can see from this example Mount the light drop in the solar light and it looks great just sitting on the wall but when Night Comes look at that light up just amazing how the light goes down the wall and it also shines through the holes it does a great job welcoming our guests and family as they arrive at our house late at night I love how these solar lights turned out and I hope it inspires you to build your own DIY pipe solar lights my wife has a cozy little spot outside that she likes to sit and I think I can enhance the area so I headed down to local Dollar Tree and the whole goal of this project is everything has to come off the shelves so grab some rope some clear bottles and some cool little lights that are actually have a little light bulb but they're fairy lights first thing I want to do is take the hook off the top of the light we need that for later so we're just going to set that aside next we're going to take the bowl buff this is something we don't need but be careful taking it out we don't want to damage the light next we need to take the actual light mechanism and pop it out it's real easy to do just give it a push and out it comes again be careful with the fairy lights what we need to do is paint this cover and I'm going to paint it the same color as the chairs that are outside remember it's always good to give it a little bit of a light coat first if you need to add a second go ahead now on the bottle we have a cork here we can go ahead and just remove move that the clips come out we don't need that anymore so let's toss that away next I grabbed off of Amazon a bottle cutter it's only twenty dollars it's got a little score mechanism on there so what we're gonna do is you put the bottle on the rollers and you go ahead and start turning it it's going to score the bottle which is give it a little line now what you want to do is hear this noise that means you're cutting right through the bottle but it won't cut all the way through so what it's going to do it's going to show you a little cut line on there but next what we have to do is get some water boiling and then right next to the water we're going to stick some in cold water and we need it super cold this is how we separate the bottom of the bottle now stick the bottle in the boiling water for a good 30 seconds once you've got it in there and it's heated up immediately go ahead and put it in the icy cold water what happens next is amazing it's going to separate along the score line and look at that perfect takes off the bottom and you've got a nice flat smooth line the next thing we've got to do is go ahead and put the lights back through our painted cover and clip it back on add a little glue if you need to it should go right on now grab a mason jar and that's going to hold our bottle upside down what we got to do is take some E6000 glue and place it around the edge now I'm not going to put it all the way just in four areas because what I want to do is take some hot glue and put it in the areas I didn't put the E6000 on that's going to hold the cover in place while the glue is drying so once we've got the hot glue on there kind of hurriedly we're going to stick the lights inside the bottle set the cover on top hold it nice and steady while the hot glue dries then the other glue will dry at the same time then we're going to take that rope and the cool thing about this rope is it's got a little bit of a metal in that holds its shape so stick some hot glue on the neck of the bottle let that hold and then we're going to start wrapping it all the way around the neck this is going to give it a nice cool design go up the neck as far as you want once you get to the end go ahead and stick some more hot glue on there this will hold it in place and then you can go ahead and trim the excess off once it holds in place and then take this extra twine that you have left over and we're going to put it through the hook on the light go ahead and just put it through have a little bit of extra laying over and kind of like we did with the neck of the bottle we're going to just twist it right around give it a kind of nice cool little look now it's time to go back outside I went ahead and added a second chair grabbed a stump for a side table grab some of her favorite homemade lemonade and started hanging the lights I made three of these and we put them up and what I did was light number one light number two and Light number three and it made a perfect Summer Afternoon go ahead and pour you guys some lemonade it was a great wonderful night and a high five from the puppy proved that I did a good job I scored some points on this one I hope you guys enjoyed this project I sure did and we can't wait to see you again on home talk [Music] thank you
Channel: Hometalk
Views: 3,575,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hometalk, how to, do it yourself, diy, home, garden, tutorial, instructions, craft, decor
Id: 5yvv6_V6Cr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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