Monitoring Emergency Radio Frequencies and Scanning

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there we go we got it everybody we made it alright man that was fun all right well I want to say a big thank you to Kalyn for throwing the show over the DX commander we got the link in the description so check him out gentlemen on zoom' I'm gonna hop out here and get this thing going but thank you everybody for the chat and uh maybe you'll join our discord and we'll talk there later after the show well that was fun oh boy that's what happens when software gets updated and you can't really test it until you go live and they've been busy obviously with the current Larry so we got it sorted out so thank you everybody for waiting getting a little later start but we'll have a full show in fact we'll probably run long again because it's the coronavirus and why not all right so let's flip her on over here how's it going everybody I'm Josh ki6 n AZ thanks for waiting thanks for watching the ham radio crash course today we're gonna be talking about emergency frequencies and how you might go about scanning them and it's not just gonna be VHF UHF which is like police frequencies we're going to talk a little bit about HF or shortwave frequencies as well so hopefully that will be interesting for some of you I hope everybody's doing all right with the Cova Denine teen or I shouldn't even said that I should have said the human malware virus so that YouTube doesn't get upset but yeah I'm pretty much staying at home on the weekends and trying to not spend too much time at work but like many of you I still have to go to work and do all that fun stuff so you know that's what happens and we'll just deal with it so I'm stressed out enough trying to get that jumping around let's open my beer which today is the Santa Monica brew works Beach brewed blonde ale my wife picked this up for me she traveled out into the world to fetch me a beer on her way back home from work so I appreciate that and today I've got a different cup I have a Portillo's chalice for any of you that are chicago-based I'm pretty sure Portillo's is from Chicago we also have one in Buena Park California makers of the fine Italian beep beef dip sandwich really really good anyway cheers to everybody oh look at that that's cool cheers everybody and thanks for waiting I appreciate it mmm all right so just a couple of news items and this is probably a bad idea that mug actually it doesn't even sit on my coaster right I'm gonna have a spill if I do that so we're gonna move it anyway yeah Chicago everybody if you got it thank you they're uh they're beef dip sandwiches are fantastic so very good all right so a couple of news items on Cal's stream I think the name was Paul maybe the doctor or medical professional who was on he made a really really good point I'm gonna say this right up front since this is kind of all front of mind we're staying at home where ham radio operators we were designed we were designed to self quarantine and inevitably you're thinking about different projects you want to work on almost all of our projects very safe projects we can work in the shack we remain nice and safe we're fine but consider not climbing up on your roof this weekend or while we're dealing with very large influx of people in the emergency room maybe don't climb the tower maybe try to keep it flat and level and and not you know hoist up big antennas or anything like that because and really it's because the the medical system is being taxed and there's nothing that would be worse than you having an elective situation that might lead to you going to the hospital and then having to wait for someone to take care of you having to wait in a in an area where people might be infected with the virus so you know just maybe keep it ground-based throw a wire in a tree enjoy yourself that way just to stay out of the system right stay out of the system stay at home that would be great and I think that a lot of people would appreciate that so cheers to that for sure and thank you all for for hopping on I appreciate it again so what is the hammer ego crash course oh I'll give you a rundown really quick hamburger crash course was designed because we got a lot of new people particularly after doing that field craft survival podcast and videos the hamburger crash courses goal is to be a welcoming environment for ham radio questions and it's not for just new people it's for every little aspect or niche of ham radio every time you go to something new and ham radio you're gonna be looking for a crash course you're gonna be looking for an entry way into that and we try to do that on the live stream we try to talk about different aspects of radio from a point of you going in for the first time or maybe with a bit more experience to it so the idea is that there's a starting point and then there's a kind of road for advancement so that's kind of what we're doing and what we're always pushing for is inclusivity in radio meaning be welcoming be a good steward of radio recommend radio show radio and the best lights that it can be portrayed and so that's what we try to do and part of that is our Facebook page and our discord our discord server that we have and the links to both of those are in the description after the show tonight we're gonna go over to discord and we'll do our after chat which is a voice after chat and there's also text chat as well but we have a lot of fun and that's all voice related super cool so you get to ask your questions I will also most likely have Collins later depending on how long this all takes but I'm aiming for a little bit longer show tonight and this is a reminder I'm probably going to be doing a giveaway next next Saturday for the live stream and it will be done via discord so the easiest way to get in on a on the giveaway is to be a member of the discord and we have a contest room and you'll see some posts there hopefully this weekend as they go up so keep that in mind if you're interested in a giveaway okay what are their news on let's see we have the HRC dot link webpage HR CC dot link is where you can go to get access to our DMR yaesu system fusion and wires X talk groups and rooms so for those of you that are staying at home want something to do with radio consider joining us out there there's a lot of people out there and we do a Thursday net at 6:30 p.m. or I believe it's 0 to 30 UTC so keep that in mind too I got a lot of people in the chat I'll get to the chat in a second let me just pull through the news and then we'll say Hanna and Emily have left the building says DX command are very good Hanna and Emily hopped into the zoom chat on DX commanders livestream just now and that was fun there was a lot of people on that zoom call that he had that was very cool ham radio Adventures is a new ham radio Club that has gotten started up by some people Matt being one of them one of our admins over on discord and so if you're thinking about doing something once this whole quarantine self quarantine thing blows over you might want to do a D expedition or a vacation with radio so if you're curious the link is in the description for ham radio adventures comm and I believe their first trip that they're gonna be making is to the Dry Tortugas in Florida so that would be very cool as well so yeah check that out I will have an update on remote ve sessions it's still a little bit too early but behind the scenes there's a lot of work going on I happen to be in some of the groups where some of the discussions are happening and there are a lot of amazing work that's happening so big thank you to everybody that's in that process I know that I have been all my inboxes on Instagram and Facebook and email everybody's asking where they go get tested where they go get license the answer is there's not a lot of places to go right now the testing sessions have kind of been waylaid until we can get this whole thing sorted out but there is multiple becs that are looking into online testing or remote testing and then there are groups of people who are trying to create software and some logistics solutions for how they can do testing remotely so that is very much and everybody thank you for doing that keep doing what you're doing I think that's the the best thing we could be doing right now regardless of the situation we're in but where we should be as amateur radio moves forward again moving forward with ham radio so thank you for that and let's see yes and just try yeah it's okay we can cover that later so what are we talking about today all right one piece of news before we jump off actually CQ worldwide wpx contest is I believe just ended right I think it just ended shoot I never checked my calendar or times right but it just ended so if you happen to enjoy yourself on that contest or on the band's that's why the activity was so high was that the contest was going on so anyway I hope you enjoyed it I should have showed that one up earlier let's see what was the other thing I wanted to show let's go it's okay we'll do it later all right so let's talk about the let's run through the chat - sorry I got a little flustered from that getting a stream going and trying to jump in between streams that's difficult that was like the second time I've done it and today was a more involved process so let's go through the chat really quick make sure I didn't miss anything man a lot of people Wow we've got 657 people watching I think that's accurate holy smokes thank you thank you for watching that's whoa it's almost seven hundred Wow thank you very much that is definitely a record I think that's the most we've had so thank you very very much I appreciate that and let's make sure I've got that chat room up so I can keep tabs on all of that all right man there's there's almost too much for me to keep track of all right well I will hopefully have the call ins in a little bit but let's get started okay so what's the what's the point of all this so as I mentioned when I started the show and just a ton of questions that I've received because we obviously are in an emergency situation so the question came up of what free Quincy should you monitor during an emergency and there's really kind of two ways to look at it there's your VHF UHF or your line of sight frequencies that's gonna be stuff like your police radios your public service your firefighters all that somebody's outside the house that is one set of frequencies that you're gonna need to monitor and there are digital modes that go along without that we're gonna talk about like p25 which is a voice digital mode Philip muth w0r HP thank you very much thank you for the five five six I appreciate that I'm more of a seven six two guys I've mentioned before but I appreciate it very good thank you all right and then the second is shortwave frequencies so FEMA has a whole list of shortwave frequencies that we'll talk about and they are on the shortwave bands the HF radio frequencies if you will and so we'll talk a little bit about that as we get rolling but that means that there are multiple kind of radios that you would use for a streaming type situation and so we'll start it off with the VHF UHF stuff because most of you have like a bow Fang or something along those lines I'm going to cover that to a degree and I'll cover why if you do have a bow Fang well it is workable you may want to look to other solutions if you are going down this road so the first step and most scanners if you were to go by like a digital scanner or an analog scanner a lot of them pull from radio reference comm as the database and the database is something that you can be a member of you can have a membership where you can query the frequencies off and it's based off of like what zip code you live in and I'm going to show you example of that but the good news is you don't have to be a member to just look at the website and get the frequencies it's when you want to pull them in to programming software like chirp or your scanner applications or whatever so menu moo-moo you set two to three doe thank you very much I appreciate that 7:6 - there's dawn there you go wb-3 be Ju Thank You Hector Marchant said thank you for the super chat I appreciate that Daniel Warren thanks for what you do for the community kf5 PCV thank you for the support I appreciate that okay so radio reference comm everybody can go to this everybody should go to this the link is in the description to check this out but basically go to the databases you want to go to frequency database right on the top there and you get a map couldn't be simple than this I'm in California I'm gonna show you what I do so you know and then these are the counties this is all broken up by state and then county and then it goes down from there so I'm gonna pick Los Angeles and basically you're gonna get a list of your County Sheriff it auto jumps I forgot about that you can do sheriff fire or County Fire EMS County services and then every different group or entity of the government has frequencies on here that you can pull up and add to a radio and I will show you where is the county okay let's go straight to the sheriff so under here all these frequencies there we go you can see that excellent you can't see that though so this is gonna be your dispatches right and so LA County has dispatches that are actually in the clear a quick note on that there are some areas and some law enforcement agencies that have encrypted channels I don't have a solution for that there's not really a solution for that so keep in mind that we're aiming for stuff that you can listen to so before you go out and drop big dollars on a scanner and you maybe have a bow Fang hop on to Radio reference comm and pull up the frequencies there and make sure that it's not encrypted channels because that's not gonna work for you at all you're not gonna be able to understand it good news is LA County the dispatches are in the open this one where is it Norwalk Pico Rivera Lakewood Cerritos those are right by my house I definitely always have those programmed in my bow Fang and if you go check out my video that I did last week of the week before and I did that I walked through the programming you would want to set that duplex to off if you're modifying an inch or so that you're not gonna transmit on that because you definitely don't want to transmit on any of these frequencies Claire Durgan thanks for being there thank you ham radio dude thank you very much I appreciate it Jeremiah Graham burg I need a beret oh I don't have a beret all right I'll get a beret thank you Richard for the Richard Vincent thank you and I appreciate the comment thank you very much so Joel be KB for Jay AC they there are trunk systems and actually that's what you're listening to is you're listening to the dispatch but yeah their trunk systems that are coming in to the dispatch you can listen to the dispatch in the clear and you can sometimes hear some of their simplex frequencies but a lot of their stuff is trunked so already much of what you start reading as you look at this database is not gonna work for a bough thing however like I said these ones will these are all FM and pretty much in the open as you start going down though let's see if we can find one that's that's broken up a little bit these are all FM FM these are clear voice so here's a p25 which is a testing frequency so okay county services here's another p 25 and FM n for Public Works so yeah you should be able to pick those up now let me go back up to the dispatches and see if I can explain this a little bit better so they're going you're going to be able to pick up the dispatch on the frequency of let's use mycerritos example four eight three one three seven five zero you'll be able to listen to that but you're not necessarily going to be able to hear the other frequencies that are adjacent to it in the trunk system unless you have pre-programmed those frequencies and you're quickly scanning through them there are ways to do that that's a little brute force ish and so a lot of times just having a a regular scanner a digital scanner would be nice in this day and age but yeah that will work so for the question that came in the chat okay all right so what do what does this all look like well let me let me flip over to some of this stuff we're gonna be working with today so that's kind of the idea the first place to start is go ahead and go to radio reference comm and look at the frequencies that are available in your County and a lot of the times they'll be broken up by the city for instance and I'll show you a different look of this as I pull up my scanner software and you'll be able to see it on the screen but this is just start right so okay yeah I know I do need a bigger glass so here we go alright so flipping this over a little bit let me slide over here we talked about the baofeng programming in one of the last videos I will make a shout out since we are dealing with kind of emergency times the mere kit Romare kit the radio programming Universal kit that has five of these leads on it will program like so many different radios and it works and the last time I checked it was twenty dollars the link is in the description to that to my amazon store whoa hey / Ragnar pink van sorry if I murdered your name thank you very much from la 7d H a I'm not sure what a knock is somebody will have to tell me and Thomas right thanks for something to do on Saturday night well I appreciate that thank you very much so I've already shown you how to program your Bao Fang I do want to point something out though so this is programmed with a couple of frequencies and a lot of amateur radio frequencies I have it connected to the the VHF antenna VHF UHF antenna on my roof I'm gonna do a scan and I want you to kind of see how quickly the names are going by there [Applause] okay so you get the idea okay so there's the dispatch that's Alta Dena so that's Alta Dena probably with some interoperable frequency so yeah it's all fm but your mileage is gonna vary right now as a comparison this is my ft 3dr which I don't have the programming software for yet so I'm just hand hand programming it I do want to show though if I go off of memory mode so I'm just here and I start the scanning where's my scan there it is I may have to change the squelch but yeah yeah hold on me change the squad so it's see how much faster it goes through the frequencies the problem with the Bell Fang and I've mentioned this before in other videos that it doesn't scan very quickly it's kind of slow so you're you're gonna be better off in some cases going with a devoted scanner either a handheld or even something that's more like this because the BAL fangs like kind of slow but of course these are way more expensive so I do appreciate that let's see ft 2 dr we don't need to talk about and the other radio that we're gonna be talking about or using is gonna be my secret which we've we've covered in the field craft video and then the probably the major thing that you may want to think about is an SDR of some kind and this is an SDR play receiver it's just a small box with an antenna feed in and a USB we'll be using this on the display in a second and we'll walk we'll walk through how to use that a bit and what to set up Eric Eggers got interested in ham thanks to you and bought a UV five are really excited to learn thought I could listen to local police Greenville South Carolina didn't reference before buying they use p25 ooh okay yeah so that that can make things a little bit difficult I appreciate that so that's kind of like getting started you can use a bow Fang but you got to check radio reference and make sure they have FM if they use p25 you're gonna be kind of dead in the water because that's not gonna get you where you need to be but I did get a scanner a little while ago and I'm gonna show you it and hopefully have it it seems like there's activity there's always activity on a scanner particularly if you can listen to it and we'll we'll cover the programming of this pretty quickly here so oh boy where did my video go of course right [Laughter] it was working before the stream why did it stop I gotta love that let me pull the cable on it real quick I gotta say when you have multiple cameras multiple USB multiple things that are feeding into your computer that is always fun that is always just a lot of fun thanks for there it is hey there's my scanner okay so this is a pretty top-of-the-line scanner I'm not telling you guys to go out and buy that but the reason I did was so that I could actually demonstrate it for you and so this is an SDS 200 buy uniden the reason why I got it is that you can interoperate with software and basically function as a scanning server more specifically though I can connect it on my screen so this is a cool radio but I'm not pointing everybody to it because it's gonna get you it's gonna get you kind of expensive but here's some of the output that you might expect on it and I'll put my cans on so that we don't get blasted well if we could pick something up that'd be great have a nice week before and do you want to cancel at be 162 okay that wasn't too loud accepted Roger and so the advice I'm 31900 Carl Street incident 3 to 6 there RT 16 so fast any foothill unit a TW suspect here now 1 1 5 1 0 sprawl Avenue no suspect description kochu incident 3 3 5 6 RT 17 0 to 15 domestic violence 5 go through to Navarro streets coaching's at 3 3 5 4 tau so the thing to remember about a scanner like this is the scanners a devoted scanner this one may be the top-of-the-line but even an inexpensive scanner although I would point people to ones that do digital and trunking is that they usually have a much broader frequency range that they support they work with VHF and UHF and I'm sorry then HTS the BAL thing is only VHF and uhf the kind of 2 meter area that's equivalent to ham radio bands and the 70 centimeter area the scanners are go they go much higher than that they go lower and then much higher in frequency so you get a much wider brain range of frequencies and if I show you my desktop I can demonstrate that so this is the app that runs on my scanner let's see if I can blow this up a bit I'm using Pro scan for the STS 200 and if I sort this by frequency this list of so the lowest frequency that we've been picking up hey stop it that I why am i fighting this thing is 39 megahertz 42 megahertz 45 megahertz and then the highest has gone all the way up to 935 and then it tells you the different modes of operation that was on NF FM this is on narrow FM there's been some p25 in there as well which I believe is the narrow frequency so anyway Evan Hartman over 800 people watching whoa 800 this is probably the biggest show I've ever done so thank you everybody for watching I appreciate it so this is the computer GUI display for that scanner I just showed you this is called Pro scan proscan works with multiple scanners but I since I have the STS 200 it works with that very well and Edward Griffin says proscan is good software but a beginner can get by with the free unit and Sentinel software well though while the wallet recovers great point Sentinel is another great app the advantage of using Pro scan is that you can do remote scanner over IP you can actually create a web server which creates its own web page and if you were so inclined you could you could pop a port open on your home network and you could get to it when you are out and about out so you only would need like your iPad or whatever to connect back to your to your scanner to be able to receive frequencies out and about alright so I'm gonna flip this over to the favorites editor since I was talking about what frequencies you might want to monitor I'll show you what I monitor and give you an idea of what what I'm looking at so I made a favorites page here for this scanner and all I have to do usually is just USB connect the scanner into the computer and I can just load these in as I change them but I'm generally listening for let's see the common federal frequencies the wide area use federal frequencies and by the way these are all coming off a radio reference and actually your scanner will likely have a database that it comes with or that you can get through whichever company you get it from so just keep that in mind you're not completely stranded when it comes to getting your scanner one second here alright the disaster frequencies i have the fema frequencies those are the ones I keep on emergency medical disaster medical I have it there I don't really pay much attention to because I most the time these are not gonna be in use FEMA sometimes is though you'd be surprised I do leave the gmrs frequencies and actually mr FRS is supposed to be on here too but it's not right now the knifehog I don't really use public safety and we can skip that so los angeles again this is gonna be specific to you but the Los Angeles City police I have all the dispatch on there the County Sheriff's the local tacticals countywide tacticals and the dispatch there as well and then the El a disaster communications these are for emergency frequencies Long Beach you can get racis which I've mentioned races before races is your radio emergency response that runs through FEMA it's an amateur radio group you can join there's usually areas and say in your own area as well as and now I can't think of it Aires that is run by the a double RL and I leave the fire on there as well but these are cert frequencies you may have different cert frequencies again consult radio reference so that you know which ones you're supposed to be on and that's not a needed one operations these are operation repeaters yeah because you've got Lukens here so Lukens is a mountain so is oak mountain red red mountain Tejon you get the idea though it all came from radio reference and to do that if I remember how to do this correctly we go to file import radio reference it's gonna show you really didn't remember any of that alright one second I just had this up okay good all right so when you get this set up if you're gonna use radio reference you do require the subscription at this point this is where you can actually go in here and say okay I'm in the units in the United States I'm in California is already selected I want to select a specific County note I live on the border of Orange County Orange County has gone like almost entirely encrypted and actually I'll show you that right now so if we go to Orange County which is kind of a pain and you notice there's nothing in here the reason is I have this box check that says don't import encrypted channels yeah cuz it's there's nothing there so that doesn't leave you a lot which is kind of a bummer so if you're on radio reference and you go to your County and there's like nothing there you might not want to mess around with with the kind of VHF line-of-sight radio frequencies you might not want to mess with that because there's not much you can do with it however I do always recommend whatever radio you plug in is that you always have one 46.5 to zero which is the two meter simplex frequency national call simplex frequency and that's good in Canada as well I believe I just saw a super chat flyby let me make sure I get that hey what's up it's Lee great stream don't trust China without getting too political I find it odd that Taiwan and Hong Kong are both saying that they have new cases of the virus but China says that they have no new cases I find that a bit dubious that's just me though so for a let's see and you got w-2 CMP new Joisey here's another five dollars in it if you don't get a break okay I won't get a beret now I won't get a beret I was on Team beret but now I'm not gonna get a beret okay so that gives you some ideas on pulling in what you'd want to listen to radio reference is going to be the thing and I know a lot of you like hey can't you be a little bit more specific what should I listen to so no question you should listen to national simplex frequencies one for 6.5 to zero and four for six zero zero you should have those programmed in all your radios it does it doesn't matter if it's a Bao Fang or a very expensive FT 3d R does not matter those should be programmed if you are so inclined you can also do the FRS channels and the GM RS channels I will leave that up to you an adult to the side if you want to load those on your bow Fang or other radio because that's technically not legal to transmit there however I don't feel that there's gonna be anyone coming after you per se as long as you aren't malicious in its use w2 CMP the no beret a premium okay all right thanks so your mileage will vary there you have to decide what you want to do and then what else did you put on there I leave Noah like I said I put the Noah frequencies on in fact I did have chirp open so chirp is my weapon of choice for programming bow fangs first to call my first two calls is always to metre simplex and 70 centimeter simplex and then I follow that up with the weather frequencies and since I have you here I didn't have this in my video this is something that came later in chirp since the last time I really taught myself chirp if you select a whole list of frequencies and right-click on it and go to properties you can kind of do like a mass change so if you wanted to add skip you just what you do for the weather frequencies you just hit that and you're good oh hey I got one that wasn't set so if I right-click on that and go to properties that makes things a lot easier that's the way you should do it and there you go skip so now they're all in skip and then further down is usually where I put the different frequencies for dispatch and then followed up by gmrs and FRS for a sense of time and space I just blew out the FRS GMR's channels but you can add those back in pretty easily okay so that's kind of what you would do if you wanted to listen to a local line-of-sight police fire public works is always recommended again looking at radio reference and in fact I can just pull that up here and show you we should be able to see Public Works already so utilities go on down there so you've got power AT&T water service let's see more water service department of water power Pasadena Water and Power tons of frequencies those are things you might want to consider monitoring because in an emergency in a true disaster type situation those will likely be active so those are my recommendations for what to listen to when you are thinking about getting a scanner or thinking about programming a Baofeng or other amateur radio for what you should listen to make sure you don't transmit don't transmit when you're on those frequencies though okay let's check the chat thanks everybody again for watching eight hundred and fifty four people at least on my my reading yeah that's that's insane so thanks very much I appreciate that this is all because you're stuck at home and you're stuck with me but I guess there's plenty of other things you could be doing with your time you could be watching Minecraft Let's Plays for instance but thank you for thinking about boosting up your radio proficiency that I think that's important Kraig Porter asks in a super chat thank you hi from South Linden found you through field craft survival and was just getting started when Kuroda hit yeah I know I actually texted Mike a couple of days ago and said man the timing of those videos was really apropos he's like dude tell me about it it's crazy now studying for the technician exam probably gonna get the ft3 dr thanks for all you do dude Craig thank you so much that is uh that was so much fun being able to get out there I flew out there right as things started to turn my why was actually asking me a couple of days beforehand she's like are you sure you want to go she's like I know you want to go but do you think it's gonna be safe and I was like yeah I I think I I think I do I think I think it's gonna be a lot of fun and I think the informations gonna be good and I'm really glad I did because some of you probably were able to get out there and get a radio at least or get some kind of idea of what to be doing that that wasn't thinking about it beforehand so I think that's good I'm a little concerned that people might be spending a lot of money on things that are like scalper prices right now you shouldn't pay $80 for a uv5 our Bao Fang you should not get a different radio for $80 you should definitely buy a yaesu ft 4x instead or a yeah a su ft 6 5 or a Yaesu ft60 which is a fantastic radio so please consider that but okay so that's kind of what I'll say about the line-of-sight stuff so what are we gonna talk about well I also want to talk about the disaster shortwave radio frequencies which the link is in the description for this as well you can find this at nat - comm dot org shortwave freak HTML now you can just simply have you know pull up your shortwave radio here right and we can just type in that frequency what is the first one what's gonna be one that's actually gonna work there won't be anything really on it but you know we'll pull it up seven four to eight and these are upper sideband so yeah you could just pull those up and listen they do have activity not a lot of activity during an emergency you're gonna see way more activity Joe Markowitz thanks for making me less ignorant okay man no problem no problem happy to help okay so shortwave that works fine if you're going to go down that route with a more traditional shortwave radio a physical unit you might want to get one of those real antennas like I had on the field craft videos which is just a long wire that you connect to the aerial I've had videos talking about my portable shortwave radios and I like that real up antenna the single sideband see crane sky wave comes with a real antenna which i think is really good for those type of antennas it's just a long wire and get that stretched out as far as you can that'll help however if you had the wherewithal if you were bugging in then you might want to consider a SDR what does it mean when you say the left or right side of the radio left or right side of the rock humper asked me what does it mean when you say the left or right side of the radio I'm not sure sure what I meant by that did I say that I don't know if I'm an upper sideband or lower sideband dual band single sideband single sideband that's probably what it was so there's an upper and lower sideband in fact I can probably demonstrate this and I'll just flip this over right now to it so let's pull up SDR uno Ligety blam oh I've got to plug my USB back in lose my camera whoa what happened oh my whoa I'm gonna lose my mind you set things up before stream right you do all this work and I do I really do I try and take a lot of time to get this stuff going and I save everything while I'm doing it just so I don't mess anything up and I can just pull it up quickly and this app has these workspaces and all my workspaces are gone it just sacked all my workspaces they're all gone what an absolute nightmare it got rid of everything wow that is very frustrating that is very frustrating anyway I'm gonna do the let's move all the things back to where I wanted them game because this thing sacked it man that pisses me off so well I'm doing this I'll tell you this is an SDR this is a this is what's controlling that little black box that I just pointed out earlier and what it allows you to do is just basically feed the RF directly into your computer and it does the heavy lifting of doing the demodulation and all the other fun stuff that it needs to do and then you can convert it into am/fm you know whatever this is actually supposed to go on out of the way like that sure whatever doesn't matter now because I lost all the stuff that I had set up so this is fantastic gotta love doing it live guys I got a love dude you got a love doing it life all right I also need to get all my memory back cuz it lost all that so I haven't where is it ooh no memories there they are okay it was gonna be a real short part of the hf if we had to do this by hand I'd be pissed all right so what we're looking at is basically a GUI representation of like an HF radio with this I can listen to shortwave frequencies this is a receiver it's not a transmitter that little black box is about $100 I did a review of one that's $200 it's like the big brother of this hundred dollar cheap one that I have and cheap is probably an accurate term it's on the cheaper side let's see somebody asks a question about an SDR antenna yes I would recommend a n fed half wave antenna for receiving those seem to do pretty well from my experience oh wait is that why no did it just dump it again it just dumped it again what is wrong with this thing it just crashed on me and now it's gonna do that not good publicity there it is is it smart now did it did it remember good enough that's fine we'll move on there's a frequency readout here on the top you start the unit by actually having to click play if I can move this over my help no it doesn't help okay you going back up there all right let's get things let's get this started this is taking too long all right so the waterfall is the color sheet that's sliding down and let's bump the volume up a little bit so you can hear this [Applause] that's the white Newsradio for Lindsay [Music] Cecilia all right so all this activity is ham radio stuff [Music] [Music] you get the idea there's contest going on we're looking at the 40 meter frequency space right now we're not gonna monitor that necessarily for an emergency although and definitely be talking about what's going on what I ended up doing this guy for a second what I ended up doing was I created a list of all the FEMA frequencies that you see here and these are they're basically referred to as Foxtrot than the number and they use both upper sideband and lower sideband but my understanding is it's mostly upper sideband everything that I've ever heard was upper sideband excuse me and they also use what's called a le which is a digital voice mode over HF that can also exchange messages but instead of like having a shortwave box like you know if you like sitting down with a radio a physical radio and scanning through the frequencies a more power to you go ahead and do that but for those of you that don't there is a software here that you can use and you can just click through the frequencies very quickly like that so let me bump this up a little bit [Music] so I'm just clicking down my memory list [Music] hold on No I'm changing antennas with you modern ham thanks for the awesome quarantine entertainment cheers buddy for quarantine entertainment thank you for watching I appreciate it Andrea Andrea Salgado I just bought a used ft1 dr for 180 is that a good price I would say it's I would say it's a push/pull for the seller and the buyer I think that that's both parties were probably satisfied with that if I was on urine I'd probably be okay with that a bargain price would be $100 I'd say I would also ask him you came with any accessories that make a good day the problem that you may find with the radios like that one is as they get older the battery start to degrade depend on how heavy it was used the battery could be on the end of its life which so I'm just hopping through here to see if you can hear anything I don't think we will but then we can talk about this [Music] [Music] so I was asking lower the radio news I could do that but then you might miss they were senior staff which again this escape HF [Music] [Applause] [Music] so even though we are in a state of emergency there's not a lot of free premium ticket everything right here is likely to 40 meter band that's all this activity you're seeing that's just above 40 meters okay so those are the frequencies for that stop hearing that WWV Bell Fang also has three meters Kron is Norway currency oh thank you very much that goes way back to the beginning of the chat I appreciate that Tim okay good all right so then that's I use this for monitoring HF frequencies a lot because it's very easy to jump around and like I said I just made this list that allows me to jump through the whole thing and using the SDR play going back to this again I'm on this memory if I just go to the scanner config hit the memory button hit play it'll just start jumping through and scanning constantly until I find something and then it will stop now a bit of a bit harder right because a lot of the signals could potentially be it's down deep into the noise it barely audible so you could be losing some things by just standing but at the same time it's not really that big of a deal if you're not around and maybe potentially record stuff so this is generally what I use to listen I use the secret when I mount about I like that the most for those situations that's my personal I carry that even if I'm carrying my kx2 by the way if I'm on travel or whatever I definitely use that so while this is scan it's probably a little bit the UV 5r is a it's the high point of radio yes I would I would agree with that comment where did it go there it is okay so what are some of the other frequencies so you have the fema frequencies the American Red Cross has disaster relief frequencies that they run and then you have federal and local state agencies which these are gonna be I'm always I'm always hesitant to tell people like oh yeah these frequencies are gonna be perfect because you don't really know if they're gonna use these posted channels which they may not right it's really an up to your situation if you happen to live in an area that has hurricanes or in an area like California that has wildfires or an area that has earthquakes although that's a bit less of a thing that that we plan for because we don't know when it's gonna happen there are nets for those actual frequency nets that that hop-on on amateur radio I definitely recommend if you do live in one of those areas so if you're looking for frequencies to monitor and you live in one of those areas look up hurricane watch nets for whatever state you're in or whatever you know part of the country you're in and you can get the frequencies there as well let's see air force global hf mars emergency system that is on 40 meters and up US Navy again this link is in the description so make sure you pull this up and you can you can take a look at this I don't miss these are gonna be based off of your receive capability but some of these are like India Egypt Algeria your mileage will vary on picking those up but if you're watching me from some other part of the world yeah these might be good emergency frequencies for you so we're going worldwide with the ham radio crash course and then let's see what was the other one I wanted to mention you must Navy Mars yeah so do have the Mars we got that ok alright let's do a quick the US Army has an emergency frequency on Mars yes it's on Mars buddy it takes 28 minutes to get let's see what's going on in the chat you know radio is an interesting thing these when when people asked like what frequency should I monitor right like this example like emergency frequencies I can just give you the list right ideally it'd be great if I could you know flip the camera on and happenstance we find a frequency although that's very unlikely because we still have our mobile phone backbone we still have lots of different means of communication currently it's not to say those frequencies aren't used they are those FEMA frequencies in particular in particular you should you should listen to and lastly I threw this into the description as well this is not me this is the PowerPoint slide we actually talked about this a year ago and this is specifically for Community Emergency Response Teams you can you can read the whole thing I think it's a good read but if you scroll down here I wanted to to remind people where is it that's the command structure by the way those FEMA classes regardless of your feelings of the government those female classes are free to take online you should look into them if I call in can I talk about NOAA and the emergency alert system Evan yeah absolutely man yeah let me let me flip over but by the way I did mention you should have NOAA frequencies in your bow fan radio you should program those I put that into the video that I did not too long ago so hopefully you'll you've already seen that two-way radios I was hoping they put it's been a while since I looked at this we looked at this last year amateur radio gets mentioned they don't have interoperability frequencies though so it's still a good read if you're interested oh there you go I like that the phonetic alphabet guys I said alphabet thanks that's great wonderful what was the last thing oh yeah this is just a show-off II thing I didn't know who sent me this and Dawn take it easy man but I wanted to show it off again so let me you might have seen it already sitting there somebody sent me this and I found this to be fascinating if you can find yourself a homeland security interoperability guide this thing is awesome now it's old it was 2011 but there are frequencies in here night and I tabbed a couple of them so you have non-federal come on buddy are you focusing I can't tell there we go non-federal VHF national interoperability channels on the high band pretty cool enhance enhance Jeremiah Granberg ass what about CB absolutely man yeah no I'm the with your scanners I'm sorry yeah I didn't mention that good point with your scanners you can absolutely load CB channels why is it not enhancing enhance buddy let's just get real done with it until it works how do we trick it beforehand there it is so that's VHF low band see how low that goes how low does it go okay God here we go it's cheap webcams man there it is nope all right well I'm gonna throw these into the end of the river but there's also a list if I remember correctly tactical narrowband so yeah if you can find one of these I highly highly highly recommend it non-federal UHF natural interoperability 700 megahertz interoperability channels non-federal 800 incidence response different frequencies now a lot of these may have changed cuz again this is from 2011 but this is a fascinating little handbook to get I thought this was a pretty pretty awesome thing so I can't remember who sent it to me it was last year but I thank you for that I actually do keep this on me just in case because why would they change it right like what are they really gonna change - it doesn't make a lot of sense to like change over to something else so anyway alright let's flip it over to the calls let's take some calls right now so if you're interested to get up in here and ask a question where's McCall ends there it is maybe there it is and we can talk about stuff doesn't matter just call in you can talk about ham radio talk about whatever come for a conference muted unmuted should be good there's Evan Evan go for it buddy I hear you haven't no no I don't hear ya you're unmuted hey can you hear me yeah man go for it okay all right yeah so I thought I would talk about no I've been actually doing tons of Noah stuff lately with the yes stuff and ya know was definitely a place to monitor for you know and the emergency stuff because not only after like they've sent out an alert for something they they keep repeating it even if you missed it mm-hmm for those that are watching too if you didn't watch my video shame on you but if you want to do you had a bow thing you go radio import from day do I'm sorry I always do that import from stock config and the NOAA frequencies are right there weather alert and those are gonna be some of those are gonna work and some won't work in your area but just select all of them to start out and when you know they don't work then you can omit them but hey Val things are light and portable if you end up traveling you want to have the capability to listen to any of them as some frequencies will fade and others will come in what do you think about that Evan any other comments on that speech you just click on the map like it is for radio reference its slash n WR / maps and it's a really really good site cool Hey look at that I'll post that note so NW r /s re /n WR /malabarismo it's great perfect man yeah I actually I was I so I have like an EAS like encoder decoder system here for the house to really alerts to our amateur radio repeater system nice and I was looking to monitor multiple stations into commercial thing I got off a TV station for their EAS systems but essentially I built a VHF ground plane antenna and I can actually listen to you I I think five of them up in my area wow man no you're like hold I can only get one you're two for two for like good comments on calling in I appreciate that man takes very good all right any anything else you wanted to mention um I think that's it you know I was just going to talk a bit about the Noah stuff since I've been doing a ton with that and making videos about that too oh yeah yeah go ahead mention your channel okay Evan it's evan van der snoop it's here i can post in chat but yeah it's Evan van der Steve mule and it's just a little green icon yeah that's the easiest way to remember you as that icon yeah yeah drop it in the chat and we'll grab it before yeah I put it in there oh yeah there you go I don't see it maybe it got nerfed one of the admins will probably cry Andrey pop it yeah there it is I don't see it hmm okay then you're on youtube right let me pull that up yep I can spill yeah I've been posting a bit about the EAS system I got a whole rack set up from monitoring it on my server rack it's been pretty cool what was it Vander VA nde our space sto EP st what LEP sto ep am i doing that right oh yeah there it is Oh Stoke got it okay there you are get it subs up a bit let's break you get to people your 500 subs man you're not too far away from a thousand that's awesome right on yeah all right all right thanks you having seating around again yeah what's that you can see the rack down on the bottom one the ham radio saying you can see that rack behind me and um now cool oh yeah the eos relay oh nice okay everybody go check out his Els relay station good call alright well thanks again Evan appreciate you calling in yeah totally Josh take it easy game by the way it's definitely definitely nice to have during this quarantine hahaha thank you for watching I appreciate it right take it easy right here all right thanks Evan another good another good tip from Evan I call her new color what is your name yeah this is Claire wz9 now calling in I know you're mentioning something about a half wavelength and that antenna if I had to use an antenna antenna when it came towards receiving what length would you recommend in regard for using that it depends on how low you want to go down the frequency space if you want to like get way down to low low frequency stuff you're gonna need a lot of wire probably over a hundred feet what you know what I mean do you see where I'm going with it it's like the the further yellow frequency space you want to go you're gonna require more wire and that'll just be go ahead sorry yeah maybe about 200 feet to get to 80 oh no you know so you'll hit 80 no problem remember that most the time when you're when you're putting up a wire antenna a lot of it is for transmitting on the receiving side you just want to make sure that the receiver has a good balance with the with the antenna and an enfant seems to do pretty well for receiving antennas I have experienced I don't really have a hard recommendation on the particular length I know that I have a 127 foot radiating element on an end fed halfway been fed that I use on my SDR and that seems to do okay it kind of can get noisy though but I'm I guess I have the advantage that I have three different antennas four different antennas that I can switch to depending on the time of day that seems to help so yeah that's kind of tricky since I do live in an HOA if you live in an HOA there are receiving loops that you can buy specifically for shortwave listening so if you go to if you google swl receiving loop and look for the ones that are for shortwave they sell some that are for broadcast a.m. and then they also sell some that are for shortwave I would look at an s WL receiving loop if you're interested in that for a shortwave receiver alrighty thanks for that yeah all right very good all right take it easy thanks for calling in is this n6k V yes it is how you doing man what's up I'm moving up the climate fall right on and I guess I'm in the process I'm just waiting for everything to get through and whatnot but I have a stupid question with chirp huh I just picked up a UV you know five hour x3 the tribe and yes and I was using it and what the problem I was having is when I tried download it downloaded it they cloned the frequencies I had to list but it keeps coming up with an error and it came up with errors on several of my other bowel things that I have you know what Ivan it just says it communications you know it doesn't match who said something doesn't match and you know it's been driving me up the wood you know have you ever been able to download from Radio yeah I've been able to download from Radio but if I'm using a different same bowel thing but a different radio itself you know I have like three of them and I'm cloning you know I want to download the same frequencies in it it just it just you know it just gives me an every downloaded but it keeps giving me an error and and whatnot so you're saying you have wait so any of the are any of these radios programmed yeah they're all program like I just programmed the the tribe band but I didn't put any 220 frequencies in there yet but I just ruin the like how do you say a cold blood war sir my other one you know like you're not really gonna be able to take the the tribe and or image file and throw it into the duel banders most likely chirp may complain about that but I mean you're gonna have to be more specific and give me more error to go on I need to know more on whatever I don't have I have two computers that have a an old FX 8350 and then I get a horizon system and sure I had an old version of chirp on that and it was working but the new one had given me the problem when was the last time you dated chirp on the new one the new computer did I just updated it which you know a good table are you using I'm using a genuine Bao Fang way table does it say Bao thing on it yeah ah all right we figured it out I got it from Radio oddity nah nah you're gonna need the FTDI chip you need an FTDI programming cable so going back to what I said in the beginning of the stream if you're watching the video right now you need an FTDI capable programming cable it needs to be something that has a legit FTDI chip otherwise it's it's probably it's so oh okay all right now now we're getting there you switch computers so the old computer worked in the new one didn't ya what was the old computer what and what operating system it was oh it was running ten the oh no 10 both systems running Windows 10 right now the most current so since you already have the cable you can try going to mcclure let me let me pull it up so a lot of people have asked me this to mcclure because i guess it's not a name that you normally radio nikla radio information and this is a great website OOP let me throw that over here buh-buh-buh actually let me do it this way be a little cleaner that looks a little cleaner so Mick Lord calm see they all these different stuff covers all these different radios covers cables and software here's your USB programming cables and software what you need to know about the difference is this is probably the cable you have this generic Balvin cable does that look right oh no I have mine has a big you know it has a PCB on the USB end of it so like to zoom in it it's from Radio oddity I presume they wouldn't send me a fake one you know with the chip okay I guess it worked before - and you're sure that the you're sure that oh you know what yeah but Zack he's saying that he can't so are you - okay let me let me go back even a step further you're downloading from the tribe and radio modifying the programming and then trying to reload back to the same Pro the same radio yeah I added frequencies and whatnot for like climate falls and everything like that what I didn't have in there originally and when I downloaded them but it keeps coming up with this communications error you know it's saying and I I don't remember exactly but it said it gave me a serial number the serial number is not correct and whatnot I don't know if okay the radio so I'm not I gotta focus you like a laser beam you downloaded from the radio and it completed or it did not complete and error it out just so it completed you see the list of frequencies and says error yeah okay cuz an error have you tried to just make the whatever changes you wanted to to that programming file and re-upload it to the radio yeah and what happens when you do that I I would get the community you know that it says I don't exactly remember the the error but it was a communication system number or something like that is not a chairman a number but all the frequencies are in there it works it transmits on the two meter and 440 repeaters that I have well fully but you can't load the new update to the radio no no it does that's what I'm saying it I had an older version of chirp and it worked fine and what I don't know what her problem it okay there's a couple of things you change computers so it could be your how your USB is handling the cable and the baud rate for that serial connection you'd have to go into the properties of the device manager for the computer in fact you have the two computers plug the cable in in your device manager right click it and go to properties and see if the values match the new computer if they don't match make them the same the second is interoperability between dual-band radios and and tri-band radios is gonna be a problem with chirp it's not gonna like it so if you're using a image that you saved from the past and you're trying to jam those into the tribe and ER it's probably not gonna like that you're probably gonna have to go completely fresh is that what you're doing yeah that's probably why but are you trying to take the dual-band image and put it into the tribe and ER yeah oh yeah that's not gonna work okay alright alright yeah that's not good oh it cloned it yes but it only copied over the VHF UHF frequencies right yeah yeah it only copied the u8 the VHF UHF frequencies because you took your dual band image you tried to add tri-band on it upload it to your tribe and ER but that image for a serial number type of a dual band radio and when you tried to clone it to the tribe and radio chirp said well this is for a dual band radio I'm not gonna send the tribe and memory channels so you need to completely start over with the tribe and ER is my recommendation yeah you know I guess or export the whole thing to CSV export it out as a CSV file you download from the tribe and import the CSV into the tribe and program and then she make your changes and then re-upload it you got to get away from the old radio with its serial crime and that'll that'll straighten you out I picked up this and for I think it was like 45 bucks or something like that and whatnot I thought that was a pretty good deal you know yeah I got it from Radio oddity you know and it was a nice a nice great nice little radio I mean I have an empty 3dr and I haven't had seat 65 and stuff like that so uh I mean I got my I got radios up the ying-yang me too buddy yeah well I I just I just up this is I just upgraded my whole ham Shack but I can't do anything because I have no antennas I just got an empty 8 9 91 AAA and an FC 891 but nothing nothing nothing - I got an inheritance I got nothing that's why I'm buying the house you know I've been a ham for 40 years oldi am on the cmr stuff and everything like that is driving me up the wall I'm or nothing yeah well keep at it or join the discord or send me a message on facebook if you don't get through it and we'll try and sort it out but I got another caller and then I got another question I got an answer and I'll try and help you out offline all right thanks a lot Josh I appreciate it all right and 6kb thanks for baby take it easy you're welcome all right we've got one more caller but I did get a super chat with a very specific question they asked and this is for max yaesu 818 with an amplifier or a nine nine one Yaesu 991 that is a very specific answer I've never seen an answer quite a question quite like that I'm guessing the amplifier is 100 watts output I'm guessing it's qrp radio for me and I'm guessing I'm probably unless you're like a die-hard qrp portable person I would go with the 991 I guess if we're talking about right off the shelf if okay if we're talking about off the shelf 818 the 818 is not worth the price tag that they're charging for it anymore it's just simply not and then if you factor in an amp which my understanding if you get an amp for at 818 for a qrp radio those are mostly gonna be like 20 watt amps it's not necessary gonna be a hundred watt amp that's almost the price of a ninety nine one nine nine one is a pretty feature-packed radio I'm not the biggest fan of its screen there's some things I don't like about it but it's still a good radio it's up to you that's personal preference for me I'd rather go nine nine one that's me alright let's see you got another caller here is this Aidan AE v AE w mo W Mike Oscar with you Mike Oscar whisky alright how's it going okay I got I don't know if you went over it I only got an insulated parts of the stream scanning with an rtl-sdr and uni chunker it works amazingly I did not and the reason okay so let me ask you a question are you using two identical rtl-sdr dongles nope it works with one as long as your bandwidth as well enough in your study oh so you're just using one and I can monitor my city's traffic Perth I I have done a great disservice I should have I should have done that I will add that right now I don't have a second would but I'm assuming that I'll get blown out because we do have a lot of activity yeah it's it's better for smaller City it's like Christmas where there's less traffic less cruises yeah ah okay Artie is your area is it unit trunk er yes I'm using unis trunk er I literally just have to use unit from her just none of its digital either except for the control channel oh okay yeah so unit trucker so what are you interfacing with they're using a Raspberry Pi or a Windows PC a Windows PC because there's very PI doesn't like it oh really okay yeah you need to get some program that doesn't exist anymore to run it on the Raspberry Pi so that sounds like Amber you yep there's some I and some Intel emulator thing or not Intel but you know the general architecture makes CPUs follow mm-hmm that you have to run on the Raspberry Pi and the cheaper slow and basically barely runs unit Rucker I bet and you can't buy it anymore okay all right so unit shrunk er for those are there watching unit Rucker is an application that basically as its Aidan right I said it correctly its Aidan yeah yeah so Aidan is using unit trunk ER to interface to an RTL SDR dongle which is kind of like my SDR play it's just smaller and the SDR dongles the little guys they actually work better on the VHF UHF frequencies anyway that's kind of where they should be and he's saying you can do it with one it was always my understanding you had to have two one for the control channel and then one for everything else but he says if it's if there's not enough traffic it's smart enough that it can jump back and forth so that's pretty good yeah it's less said if there's enough traffic it's more of how close together are the frequencies because in my city the frequencies are pretty close together okay I see interesting all right cuz either way with two only monitor one at a time yeah that's very true that's true yeah okay Hayden yeah good idea on that one well things are winding it up yeah yeah are you dumping discord okay yeah well yeah okay I I think I know when rtl-sdr Dunkel is I always have some of them kicking around here it works with pretty much any FDR okay cool yeah hop into discord semi um I don't know we'll go tonight cuz we gotta do the after chat but um let's figure so I can totally help you in the after chat because I plan to be there too okay well we'll see if the if people want to talk about that then we will that would be good cool all right yeah I know specifically how to do it with an rtl-sdr you haven't tried anything else just cuz the archaeology ours but I had money for yeah I understand it works flawlessly for me um also if you're if your city uses like 25 or something like that instead of analog edocs you can pipe the audio from uni Shanker into d SD plus and then it'll deep well not decrypt but decode i guess technically that digital mode for you interesting hey 6d m Dennis thank you very much for the super chat I appreciate it okay oh I appreciate that uh yeah good Colin okay also I finally got digital set up thanks to my Elmer so good HRC C link oh not like like at the FT 8 FL digi yeah ok gotcha cool right I've messed around ok 31 of it and I quite enjoy it are there still a lot of people out there for PS k 31 it's kind of quiet these days not a lot of people but the people who are on it or great they're like diehard I'll live and die I'll die on this PS k 31 Hill yeah I don't like I don't like ft 8 that much because you just don't get to talk to people yeah well I mean you you are talking to them you're talking to them via chat right and it does it automatically and it's very boring to me so I much preferred mode where you can have a cute though all right I got you well hop on HRC see link is we've got digital voice alright I got another caller here I eat in I'll let you go thanks for the input I appreciate that very good 7/3 alright we got a new caller will wrap on this one what time is it yeah we'll wrap hey new caller what's your name hi my name is Sean Sean how's it going in I'm doing alright so um my question is about DMR I got a TYT md380 I thought I was getting a really good deal because it was 75 dollars but then when it showed up I realized it wasn't dual-band it's just uh you ain't Jeff and now I'm thinking about getting a zoom spot to see if I can get up on your brand meister chat group okay and i need i'm not sure if once i get the zoom spot if i can connect to your brand message group through UHF or do I need to have just the DMR part is find enough yeah so with the with our talk group you would use your hotspot on UHF so you'd set the frequency for the hotspot to UHF and then you would point the DMR side of the hotspot to our talk group no I take that back you just set up the DMR side to that frequency on your radio you'd program the radio for the HR CC talk group so the radio would need to be programmed to have a contact which is your hotspot and that's what I call it I call it hotspot I usually make a zone called like home zone and the home zone you put your hotspot contact in there and then in that you would link your talk group for HR CC got it okay thank you cool is that that it yeah that was it all right man you're close then we'll talk to you soon then on the HR CC link all right John take it easy thank you all right so we've got a super chat from Cletus Kasady Thank You Man very much appreciate the super chat thank you he says new to ham waiting to test Thanks thanks to come flu just wanted to thank you and fieldcraft for starting me on the path yeah right on I again I had a great time hanging out with those guys and it was a lot of fun and it's it's really nice to be able to kind of reach more firearm enthusiasts and Preppers in a lot of cases with ham radio and mike has an amazing channel that that he's built based off of his expertise in that area so I was honored that he thought of me as a subject matter expert in the field of radio and and had me out for that it was a lot of fun those guys are awesome it was too short of a time just way too short so I hope we can do that again in the future so all right that's uh yeah it's 6:30 we're gonna throw this over to the discord after chat I think so anybody who has questions or anything in the chat room that we're doing right now with with the live stream let's hop on over to discord the link is in the description reminder to everybody to the giveaways that I'm gonna set up that will do next Saturday you're gonna need to be on discord anyway to get access to it so you might as well just log in and again it's it's free and it's safer than Facebook and it's nothing like Facebook so if you're worried about that kind of stuff it's a good place to be very radio focus but we have channels that aren't related to radio at all so got a little bit for everybody somebody just attempted to call in but then oh well okay I guess we got one more caller new caller what's your what's your name John Kirk oh man bigger hey man you right now from work I just I just wanted to call in and say man you're doing a good job and everything you're doing is awesome you know I'll watch your stuff anyway yeah all the fans of stuff listen man - is that guy I've known for a few years and anytime I got a question it's an attack when he gets back to me yeah Kirk Kirk and I have been friends for a long time met through the all the gunshots we used to do in the past but so yeah very cool man how you doing now things yeah I'm doing great you know just dealing with the whole karana thing at work just hanging out at work I'm a kid getting off in about 25 minutes so I think you were live like when you see what Josh is doing hey man I appreciate you calling and I'm glad I'm glad you did we haven't talked in a long time so that's good to hear your voice always went away but keep doing your thing man we'll talk all right all right buddy all right you stay safe as I'm coughing sorry take it easy man see it man be gurke I haven't talked to that guy in a long time well that was good I'll wrap it up with that all right we're closing down the the callin here so I appreciate everybody who tried to call in and we'll do this again next time because you know I don't know that things are gonna change that much with the coronavirus and whatnot but okay so next week is the patron picks episode so I have a patreon they support my channel they allow me to do a lot of things I do and have done basically for the last two years much of the the building of the channel has been via the support of not just you watching which I appreciate but largely through the elected choice of the patrons allowing me to you know keep it going and so I try to do a newsletter and some other things special for for the different levels there but next week is the patron picks episode the first weekend of every month I'd allow them to pick the topic and I believe I believe next week is gonna be on you know what I'll just I'll just pull it up here man I'll just pull it up so we'll see we'll see it we'll see it live patron picks for April is all it the dead heat did it end oh it ended ooh that means I get to decide I think I get to decide tiebreaker goes to me actually I'll probably I'll probably host a swap so it's let's see can you see that yeah there you go it now we got that covered up so it's either gonna be shack design build your first Shack or ham Shack convenience items and tools so I'll make a quick post on that as a poll for the patrons to decide what the final one will be it's actually gonna be either designing your Shack or ham Shack tools so there it is that's pretty cool okay good so we'll we'll have that for next week so hopefully your may be interested in that all right so let's flip her over we're gonna say our a dues and thank you to patreon so say my big thank you to the producers Jason Brown Jason Siebert David dancer oh I always do this I get started and I never have the slides up because I need to flip the slide now day David dancer Danny Miller Wesley Magyar barbash Rock Evan Hartman mark fields Brad Snyder Dennis Tunder Dale Gannett Garrett Larsen 86'd M Dennis the wyoming ham Randall Hensley Dennis Mickelson Michael hunt George guy eenie Andy Kenny Miyamoto Ron Thorson Ken Hall Shawn bales kj7 ITX urge or Geshe fish Rob Zahra jizz Devan be hedge Mark chase Raymond cracker Geraldo Kelso Rob k8 BCR Lee Harold Michael Kearney Steve Barker Corey Sheldon Brad nadao Steven hunt Connor Aube Carol Mike marusan Mike here Lee Harold Carpenter the brew crew my my brew is is empty so thank you appreciate that appreciate thanks wife my wife who's been in the chat trolling me I think for kidding me a beer Stephen hunter justinrowe Stephen cardew's Richard Smith Hercules Casey one lzr John flowers Steve bland Ford Michael Calley Matthew Tom Wright Michael Michael mccurdy good game ham radio David Gerald Simon deeds like beards that's right Nicholas Dube Michael I afraid okay Dean oof I love that callsign Jason Jenkins John gents Zell Jen Zell correct me if I'm saying that wrong Jason ray Jase Raven field Massey Maddie Daniel Sullivan Michael hunt Jason leg Jonathan Williams and eke a lead on Riley just Robert the grimace herb Brazelton James turma tar tar Tamela good William hustler Ryan McDonald Richard Swartz and Michael brennick all right very good guys we had a crazy high record number of people in the stream today I that definitely was humbling I'm you know you're stuck at home I'm sorry about that but I'm hopefully this was a bit entertaining and helpful post in the comments below send me a direct message if there's something you think I should talk about I always welcome live stream topics I have standalone video review topics until the cows come home I could stop working and just keep working on just making little standalone videos my 12 minute you know 20 minute videos but stream topics always love stream topics oh if you can come up with a good hour long talk let me know anyway I'm Josh ki6 na z thank you so much for watching give me a thumbs up if you haven't hit that notification bell so you get reminded - I saw some people that said they were making it late cuz they forgot it's okay no no offense taken but hit the reminder and you'll you'll get it so anyway I am Josh ki6 na z thanks again I'll
Channel: Ham Radio Crash Course
Views: 123,611
Rating: 4.838604 out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, hoshnasi, introduction to ham radio, ham radio basics, amateur radio, amateur radio antenna, ham radio antenna, operating HF, hf radio antenna, ham radio review, emergency radio, ham radio crash course, raspberry pi ham radio, ham radio digital mode, raspberry pi emcomm, ham radio emcomm, vhf uhf packet radio, ham radio packet radio, aprs
Id: ay1DGMFtFqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 24sec (5784 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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