MONIKA COME BACK!! WE NEED YOU!! | Friday Night Funkin [Doki Doki Takeover]

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don't worry for no reason guys let's go [Music] what the heck important information thank you for downloading friday night funky and doki doki takeover here's a few things you should know before you begin mild epilepsy warning for the original monika week mild horror warning this mod will get a little spooky which is exactly what we want note that the more disturbing topic present in doki doki literature club are not present within this mod that's good to know this mod is best experience if you have played through slides watch the original doki doki literature club which i have story wise this mod takes place directly after act 3. okay also note that this mod is based on a virtual novel visual novel which means that there will be a lot of dialogue and text so get ready to read dang it sincerely the doki doki takeover mod team awesome to know let's go ahead and get into this [Music] good morning everybody feminini here and welcome back to friday night funky doki doki takeover so this just came out today and honestly i think i played the first one it was freaking incredible with freaking monica okay let's go ahead and get into it ah i freaking love doki doki literature club welcome to doki doki electrical this is the sequel to the model oh it wasn't okay so cool monica full week mod have you played monica full week yes i have go check out the video if you haven't seen it but yes let's go ahead and get into it where monica and senpai was basically fighting for the mic and then freaking monica came full blast only monika okay so uh we already see freaking ah siori what's up story mode let's go ahead and get into this oh they are they also have it right here the prologue is just monika so i'm just gonna go ahead go through everything again guys if you haven't seen it monica has three songs high school conflict varanoyumi and your demise so let's go ahead and get into it let's go monica huh i thought they deleted me after what i did to my friends but where am i now beep oh hello skidoo bop you want to sing boop doc things are happening really fast but you know what i love to sing usually i'll play piano while i sing but this isn't a bad change of pace so yeah let's go vatica me and you girl oh literally like the doki doki [Music] let's songs oh my gosh i love that they literally put this in a [Music] go [Music] [Music] i'm freaking enjoying myself already like this this song the game just started i'm just like instantly enjoying myself [Music] oh my gosh my finger's getting tired literally oh my gosh i missed so much at the end [Laughter] you kept up really well with my song ah i haven't felt this happy in a while could we sing again beep all right here we go then she freaking gets interrupted by freaking this guy who the heck are you huh he came with his fan girls too wait is that my microphone how the heck did you get that and what is that worm doing here bet didn't have enough fun making a fool of me last time you showed up now you're bringing more of your hideous attract hideously attractive which one is it friends here to mock me once again hey it's not you give me that back i have another score to settle huh no wait i was just about to i said give it no no i like this one so much because they're like just fighting with each other like they're both their songs together [Music] she's like i'm singing my song [Music] you know [Music] oh [Music] this sounds so freaking good what i don't think it always sounded like that [Music] oh let's freaking go [Music] oh my gosh oh my god okay no i don't remember this song because i feel like i would be reacting to it the way i'm reacting to it now oh my gosh first you steal my things and then you pull something like that who do you think you are now step aside i don't think i will you on the other hand what are you out of existence oh my god oh a fatal oh yeah i forgot this was the thing please restart your game or refer to the official page a fatal error has occurred guys we can't play doki doki literature doki doki takeover is over guys [Music] [Laughter] or is it i like that i really do like this little cut scene oh gosh i forgot about that oh my gosh there no more distractions skiddap translation girlfriend let's get back to singing shall we aggressive boops and bops oh her hey let's not worry about her okay come on i got a really special song i wanted to sing continue angry boobs and pops one more song what does that say i missed the first letters gosh dang it take it i missed the first couple letters i'll put it i'll edit it on the screen though [Music] this is definitely new [Music] hey [Music] let's go [Music] oh look at her face [Music] i love it so freaking much [Music] this is so freaking cool [Music] ah is it already over i mean we got more weeks to come but still oh my gosh what okay i should know better trying to interfere with people's love lives again i'll leave you bee i love monica she's awesome little sounds he makes [Music] so you weren't the one who stole my mic that blue haired kid gave it to me when i showed up i don't know where he got it i don't even know how i got here for that matter hmm and what exactly happened after our unintentional duet i got rid of everyone temporarily it's something i can do but that's a long story and that included that kid's girlfriend [Music] oh tabits die hard as they say you got his girl too huh i bet you really made that worm mad i wish i was there to see the look on his hideous baby face he was mad [Music] hey huh your performance wasn't half bad earlier care for another song and then i think that's in your reality i'm locked in free play yeah that's in free play i'm not entirely sure if that's copyrighted but we're definitely gonna have to check that out at the end of this song okay so let's go ahead go to siori's week has two songs rain clowns and my confessions these are my confessions so let's go ahead and get into it with freaking sayories they're so freaking cute oh cutscene oh that's so cute oh hey i love their expressions they all have like different expressions because they all have like different personality from each other uh i like that first up it appears that we have visitors seriously sorry you brought a boy to the club hey i wasn't expecting anyone new we haven't even put out flyers for the club yet but look natsuki we have another girl too empty thoughts just literally empty thoughts if i knew we were expecting more members i would have called nazuki to bake some welcome cupcakes oh and maybe i could have asked yuri to make tea as well i need to write this down for later plan tea party for clubs soon sounds like you're already very excited about our new guests you haven't even asked for their names yet oh alright silly me what's your names new literature club attendees be scared happy jester you two are boyfriend and girlfriend oh you look so cute together that's cute and all but like what are their names beep scat another happy jester yeah yes we know you guys are dating we want to know your names beeps get screwed i don't like them already they're already messing with me nazuki that not so harsh i'm sorry about that if you don't want to tell us your names that's okay i'm siori that lovely lavender lady over there is yuri and natsuki is someone who's really sassy today with introductions aside may we ask what these microphones are for like all of them are holding one already i was just about to ask that i hope you didn't confuse this place with the music club you really want to sing with us i am sure how comfortable i'll feel doing that what do you mean i have to you know we've been working so hard on writing in poems lately i think having a fun singing session with everyone is the perfect break we all need when you think about it songs are just poems with music behind them aren't they i bet we'll all be great at it [Music] here i'll go first let's go oh i like that wonder if this one's going to turn like weird like this is like monica's not here and this is when um series like the i think this is when series like the club president already hey that's so cute i like this [Music] hey i just realized the song [Music] ah this is too cute though [Music] oh [Music] oh so freaking cute it's so freaking cute such a cute mod see that wasn't so bad at all in fact it was a lot of fun too [Music] did i do a good job it's happy jester someone just got a girlfriend beep oh i'm so happy you two are enjoying your time here it's my duty to make sure everyone in the club has bright happy smiles after all i am the club president because now monica's powers are passed down to her ah dang things are turning taking a turn things are taking a turn already oh even the music got darker [Music] i wonder if we're gonna see monica again you know like i know like we loki deleted her you know [Music] still [Music] let's go [Music] oh [Music] this is what happens when i let my guard down like i'm like literally just been sitting here popping my head the whole time they pull up they pull a dokie i guess the best way to say it it's not like her problem just disappeared so it makes sense she's all happy and sun shines but underneath that [Music] oh let's go oh my gosh the little freaking intermission session oh i can't oh okay we're going back to the other okay monica's still gonna be in this yes uh what a lovely performance that was i knew you had it in you today has been one of the only real times i've tried to sing in front of strangers i'm glad that all the practice had paid off i quite like the song choice as well where is it from oh i i wrote that song it's something i spent a lot of long nights working on it was meant for someone who means a lot to me unfortunately a lot happened and i lost my chance to sing it to them i still don't know where i am now so i don't know if i'll ever get to share it with them though i don't know if they'll ever even want to hear it oh such a tragic story you found yourself entangled in i can promise that this place is one of no such tragedies i'll be around whenever you have a song in your heart that needs to be sung this guy is awfully flirtatious all of a sudden especially after he snapped at me and that i was actually thinking i was actually thinking huh why is he being so nice did he like default back to like senpai like in the game like what the heck well if i didn't end up here it would have been the recycling bin instead yeah because they tried to delete her i hope the others are okay natsuki yuri sayari after what happened i thought restoring their character files and leaving would be the best for the one i love oh gosh is something the matter uh i'm fine i don't know what that was sorry song are now available on the free play girlfriend countdown unlocked that sounds pretty cute girlfriend's countdown on that's going to stay home for the rest of what is sunday here what wait wait wait wait wait it changes okay i love that no there's yuri okay i love that i love the little okay let's go so nazuki two songs my sweets so let's go of course yuri has to be last i wonder if there's more to it there's two more slots there has to be more to it if there's two more slots but let's see okay you convinced me oh you better not tell this to anyone but i sometimes sing in front of the mirror into my hairbrush only when my dad isn't home though hey i heard that you know it's just picturing you doing that it's quite adorable mental image shut up it's not calling me cute i'm not i'm not cute i shouldn't have said anything let's just get this started oh gosh he's so cute [Music] i like natsuki though [Music] even though i feel like she gets like the least amount of attention compared to the other girls i'm gonna slow down for a second i like her [Music] i like how everyone kind of like kind of brings that part into their song let's go [Music] let's go i like this like this is like the rave version oh my god [Music] it's [Music] i love her so much she's awesome but oh my gosh that song was freaking hyped could you keep up with that one [Music] the doobie d [Music] school gosh stop calling me cute i don't know bleep i don't need boys calling me q2 that's extremely embarrassing he's the only boy here natsuki well i've been meaning to ask a good friend of mine to join the club as well but i bet that dummy is just gonna join the anime club instead i knew i should have tried something new luckily music like that isn't the only kind i listen to if there's someone who knows how to subvert expectations it's me hit it i like natsuki so much oh she's sweating a little bit [Music] this is baca oh how are you so oh this is so freaking cute she said i'm a severe [Music] so expectation i like this so much oh let's go [Music] oh you're bringing back the kitties skitties stars and hearts oh little age [Music] oh this is so freaking cute oh my gosh okay so ah that was so so so so cute like nasuki ah i love that oh the fangirls are here oh what are they doing here what are they discussing now those girls have been giving me dirty looks ever since i got here did i do something wrong oh i see you noticed my darling fellow schoolmates i've gotten quite the flock of dedicated fans here it's only natural when you're the most popular individual in your school looks like they're all jealous of you being able to pique my interest so quickly though kyoto just spend one fleeting moment with me unfortunately they're just not worth my time that's um you must have your own little fan base where you come from no yes all the internets freaking love so freaking doki doki some people say i do but personally it feels like everything i did back at my school went completely under the radar oh yeah she was like the most popular girl at her school wasn't she i never set out to be popular though i just wanted to share my passion with someone who would listen and thanks to that i met my amazing group of friends huh did i just but why you're doing that thing again monica you know you can always tell me whatever is the mac senpai what is going on here like all of a sudden he's like buddy buddy with this girl i'm i'm okay i'm okay there's no need to worry about me uh if you insist in that case i'll like to know more about where you're from you continue to intrigue me with each conversation i can try my best to do that yeah is something happening that's causing these effects the game barely kept itself together when everyone wasn't there if something goes wrong something's about to go wrong so natsuki's song is now available home and thorns unlocks okay yuri two songs deep breaths and obsession so let's go ahead and get into this oh i'm freaking enjoying this so much kayuri best girl yuri let's go i think i'm done for now i feel really dizzy after that one that's okay just go rest your vocal cords uh confuse glances let's get dead but do school well looks like you're the only one left yuri um hey you know you can do it yuri i bet you have one of the nicest singing voices ever i like siori so much first having to read my poem aloud to the club now singing too this club continues to act so much out of me [Laughter] they just act so much out of me [Music] oh like i feel like i feel like story right now just like oh my gosh this is so awesome [Music] i like it i could just listen to her whole solo just her [Music] okay [Music] hey [Music] i like this [Music] that's cute oh i love all the little screen effects they have [Music] ah like i feel like yuri's song is just so like different from everyone else's it's just so calming ah bring the facts back [Music] ah let's go that was awesome that's awesome good job yuri good job yuri that was an amazing freaking song it was so freaking cute it's just it was just it's just a song that you would sing huh hopefully nothing bad happens because you know the next song's obsession we don't want her obsessing too much here your singing voice is amazing sing again sing again i want to hear are you okay natsuki [Music] i'm not feeling so good hello i'm not feeling so good oh no it's just like in the game oh my gosh i'm gonna walk to suki to the nurse's office you guys have fun singing though oh gosh oh my gosh singing is so much nicer than i thought it's a nice alternative means to release my emotions let's sing again right now [Music] i like that so much i don't know how this is about to go like it sounds cutesy [Music] did her voice get like a little bit deeper you know i like that [Music] hey [Applause] don't worry for no reason guys let's go [Music] what the heck what the heck [Music] i just oh the chills the chills the chills oh god chills i'm oh i oh my gosh look at her oh my gosh what is the girlfriend looking like in the bag oh my god [Music] oh like look at her face every time i have the chance [Music] oh my gosh look at her [Music] guys i'm not gonna lie i got straight chills like i really wanted to just like i don't know if you ever just get chills you just gotta like start doing this like oh my gosh [Laughter] why must we stop now let me scream every lyric trapped in my sick head even the oh my god you weren't supposed to see that i appreciate you sticking around for so long to sing with us you've made us the happiest we've been in so long especially after what monica did to us beep does her name ring a bell to you that must mean you must have been the one who deleted her then you must be the one who brought us all back too oh my gosh [Music] hold on i did it i knew you and that girlfriend of yours weren't from around here your date is so much different what's even is like xml anyways in fact you two never existed on this computer until just a few moments ago when we first saw you could you have done the impossible have you broke through to the digital world from the real world and have you defined our logic and science just for us you really have made us so happy now that you're finally here we can all be happy and sing together forever oh look at them literally monica brought them all back but she they're still messed up oh my gosh forever forever girlfriend [Music] forever forever nina the terrified beep boops and bops oh is monica going to come back is she going to come back because she's like uh something's going on i feel it in my bones i feel it in my digital bones the literature club i do admit i never fancied myself the reading or writing type that comes as a shock to many when they all say i have such a way with words and they're so right get out of here supply that club meant everything to me it was my chance to finally get people invested in this world of endless possibilities that i found myself so engrossed in all my life it brought people who wouldn't have ever interacted with each other together in any other circumstance those people became my friends my best friends my only friends something must have driven you away from all that to a whole new school for that matter for a whole new game from that matter i was caught up in an epiphany nothing in my life was real and i desperately wanted the one thing that was truly real i was given a window into something greater but the world was set up to make me watch everyone else have that have what was on the other side my friends sari yuri nasuki they were allowed to have the one thing i wanted so so you got rid of them just like you tried here uh i'm sorry to have let my stupid actions carry over here even when i thought i learned my lesson well you did bring us all back and as good as ever no no hard feelings here i guess so i hope nothing wrong happens here because of it um before i ended up here i also brought all my friends back and i plan to just stay gone with my data completely erased so they could be happy but things didn't work out when everyone wasn't present if that's still true with me not there oh gosh yeah she's getting the flashbacks huh like she can see what's going on over there i made a mistake monica what happened to you this this is really bad i gotta oh my gosh wait that kid is there too saying it i don't know how him and girlfriend even got there but if my friends are acting like this oh she's doing some techno gizmo i gotta fix this somehow what in the fresh heck is all this there's got to be something something if my character's data is acting up too even from here then there's a chance that i still have some residual data over there maybe if i just try this is his face she's gone and just like that the only one to ever truly intrigue me has left in a flash and woe is me what am i saying this sucks hello well he really just said wow we had one other like being here and that person left oh oh oh she made it it works you showed up just in time oh her friends monika or all of them together oh it just turned off on me wait wait no please i'm sorry oh yuri songs are now available in the oh i think that was i don't anyways one more song for monica reconciliation let's go ahead and get into this let's go after freaking like i don't know if that was supposed to happen or not but we're just gonna pretend like it was supposed to happen everything's happy everything's back to normal monica we've been waiting for you it's not like you to be this late to the club meeting oh so now she just reseted it appears that you've brought some new members with you too seriously monica you brought a boy well at least you've found another girl too one who doesn't make me feel so small compared to the rest of you oh i [Music] oh you just like stare hello you two it's been a while i'm sorry for what i did before and i'm sorry for it in overtly putting you in another situation just like that soon after but now that i'm here everything should be stable i don't expect you to forgive me but i'm glad you two are safe now [Music] you have no idea how happy i am to hear that okay everyone i'd like you to meet the newest members of the literature club and i got a fun way i like to introduce them hey despite all that stressful stuff that just happened you have enough energy left for one more song then let's do it boyfriend's always down to sing like for why we don't know hey one last song i like it ah they always keep bringing it back to like the original doki doki soundtrack let's go this is so freaking cute [Music] i like this let's go [Music] i really do like how they just keep bringing it back to the original [Music] but this can't be the end there's like another week it looks like [Music] these songs are always so freaking good peaceful and happy [Music] let's go i like this i really like this song i'm happy monica's back everything's back to normal hopefully maybe hopefully i don't know like i really hope everything's back and everyone's happy and everything is going to be okay hey dual demise is unlocked let's go but what's the what's what the festival [Music] is that the like us a player that played doki doki that who that's supposed to be because i cannot or is that theory i don't know i can't think of anyone else oh what is this a player okay so you two must be the other members that monica and the other girls kept mentoring they seem to know you quite well even though i haven't seen either of you at a club meeting before well i guess i did get roped into this whole literature club thing not too long ago must have missed when you were around i'm glad you showed up today though your whole singing thing has had the club really inspired for the school's festival later today they decided to sing live as their club's special activity awesome not sure what singing has to do with literature but everyone seems on board can't be upset at it though i haven't seen see already this happen in a while i haven't had to go out of my way to wake her up for school nearly as much as i do she's right outside with a happy smile waiting for me humming happy tunes but if you guys didn't show up i would have had to be the one to sing with them i'm not ready to embarrass myself in front of my peers like that yet plus none of them could even figure out a song they wanted to do it you think you guys can help them out happy jester a whole backlog of songs that should give them all a nice selection to choose from i'll let them know once they come back from pepe and i'll see you two tonight at the festival let's go oh this was just a cut scene okay i like that that's awesome oh we're actually doing okay let's go audio audio is all set up we're ready to go when you are thank you so much for helping us it's funny seeing you managing all the music tech yeah you're like our own personal pc in more ways than one main character i wonder if that joke works in translation oh you're gonna go first yuri i found myself particularly immersed in the story of the track i picked a song of two young lovers who wander into the shady part of their life their lively hometown and come face to face with a monster when ready to stack the will of god upon them with a chainsaw what oh there's actually a song let's go it's hockey taki that's the song she was talking about oh my gosh let's go [Music] i love this references [Music] i love talking songs so much [Music] and i love that yuri pigtaki songs [Music] [Music] booty [Music] oh [Music] oh the lab [Music] uh [Music] literally just make me so happy [Music] oh someone just goes so hard for no reason like oh my god [Music] [Music] oh ah let's go i love the little laughs at the end let's go oh my gosh i love this so much that was awesome is there more is there more like oh my god natsuki too i'm gonna be honest there was way too many songs on that list you gave us and i didn't want to shift through every single one this song had a picture of cute cat at the album art though so naturally i went with this one cute cue the music which one is this is it cappy okay i thought it was cappy for a second because you know cute little cat i thought freaking kathy what song is this it is cappy oh my gosh i caught it let's go oh my god we relish [Music] oh [Music] okay who's next on the chopping board let's go sorry who do you pick there was one cell in that list that popped out to me the song was both happy and upbeat and yet it felt really sad too stuff that's really stuff that's both sad and happy in that way really speaks to me i don't know it's complicated okay who does she pick both happy and sad maybe i don't know this one i don't know like let's just get it started if not you guys will probably tell me let's see [Music] i don't know i feel like it sounds familiar but i'm not entirely sure [Music] i like this [Music] it sounds so pretty i feel like i wouldn't recognize this song though [Music] me [Music] [Music] you guys are gonna have to tell me this one oh this is so pretty [Music] go [Music] she's just going off [Music] me [Music] me [Music] let's go oh this is so pretty [Music] this was such a freaking pretty song i'm kind of sad that i couldn't i either i didn't play the mod or i didn't know the song they're having a lot of songs that would have worked for me to sing i'm happy that you even catalyzed all our songs too but this one in particular it felt like something people would want me to say i think it's the name what what's what is it oh gosh oh what is this oh what is this it sounds so freaking familiar what is this okay i'm gonna listen to a little more it just sounds it's on the tip of my tongue guys i promise [Music] [Music] oh my gosh glitch i think this was a glitch song [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this makes me so big and happy [Music] guys [Music] guys [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] i love this so much [Music] eat [Music] that sound oh my gosh that made me so happy everyone's songs together that makes me freaking happy oh my gosh yes yes what a song to end it on imagine a question mark but imagine if the creator of hex made hex a little bit because i feel like hex was ahead of its time with the type of music they had with like the the special background because no one else did that type of stuff in cut scenes too so oh my gosh like i'm so excited right now i appreciate you two singing by swinging by to help us put on this performance on behalf of the literature club i thank you a cheery face girlfriend really did not say anything yeah now that everyone's left there's something i want to ask you aren't from here from what i've seen and you can enter and leave this place very easily now so i must ask is there a way to bring us back with you this game is very limiting with what we can do and the others will remain blissfully unaware regardless of what happens [Laughter] but if they could have the opportunity to see what's beyond their schools and home i think they would really love it and maybe just maybe i can finally find the one who i've been longing for and see them face to face and maybe maybe what oh and that's it ah and maybe what but i like that this was so freaking good everyone in this like team you guys did your stuff was like [Music] like this was like an hour long but it didn't even feel like an hour long it just it was just oh they had speaking voice i don't even hear any speaking voice oh no but oh my gosh i like this so much this is honestly this is really well made i don't know like i'm just over here like just i just want everyone to see the credits while i just talk and i don't know what to say because i'm just like speechless and i freaking i love the ending i love all the in-between stuff it just ah let's go beethoven crucify they solve it it's complicated i actually don't know the original oh the soft mod it was in a soft mod oh gosh dang i don't know why it didn't stand out to me but let's go i love this so freaking much this was awesome don't control the literature club [Music] let's go and you doki doki takeover i love it take over the world take over the whole game successful songs are now available in the free play epiphany unlocked epiphany oh let's go over to the oh we got so much stuff to go through today guys okay poem and thorns let's go ahead and listen to this oh nice [Music] it's like an alternate version [Music] let's go [Music] i wasn't ready not gonna lie i wasn't ready for a second [Music] i really do like it like they're just splitting they're just splitting [Music] me [Music] i love that she's singing his song too and the boyfriend just they're like singing too [Applause] [Music] they're literally just having their own little thing all by themselves oh and then the boyfriend joins in [Music] down [Music] i like it [Music] let's go end it off [Music] oh let's go i like that so freaking much dual demise oh gosh let's see what's what's what's that our demise oh [Music] oh my gosh we're going against freaking spirit and then freaking oh my gosh why are we going to get these two this is actually really creepy [Music] actually really creepy [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go oh gosh let's see other is there another page oh gosh okay let's epiphany oh thank goodness okay i got scared finally a moment between us again ooh hi monica i've been i've been waiting for this morning i'm kind of kind of nervous you've been busy playing that cute little rhythm game i've noticed i'm glad you still thought of me even though you seem pretty occupied now i know it's because you were working so hard to add me to the game and sing with me and everyone turning in can watch too are you excited viewers are you guys excited is this is this what you guys wanted there's only enough space here for us to sing one song and unfortunately since this game doesn't have microphone support we can't exactly sing together i wish i wish we could but that blue haired voice vocal data is still stored here why don't we just use that for wait really i want to sing with you for as long as i can so expect this to be very very difficult here we go oh gosh no oh i thought i could i thought i could i thought i could like make up the notes [Music] oh there's so much [Music] every time those freaking eyes come about i get so scared [Music] oh gosh [Music] me [Music] oh god [Music] me me [Music] oh gosh so much freaking misses because i bring it back to the original guys i don't want to touch those eyeballs so bad i like this [Music] did i say validating [Music] clearing unverified files oh gosh [Music] oh my gosh i almost died i almost died game files cleared no monika please no i almost died because i didn't click anything i'm not gonna lie i try to avoid those eyes so much oh oh she's still here okay i got scared for a second but that was freaking awesome i love this mod so freaking much honest guys oh my gosh oh my gosh that was so freaking oh what who are you is that like um is that monica minus or something anyways i freaking love this mod this book is so awesome in my opinion i love everything about this i love how they threw in other references and stuff and like this is really good but i'm gonna leave this here tell me guys what you guys thought about this down below in the comments i truly i can't say this enough i feel like i keep saying it i freaking love this anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to leave a like down below and if you want to see more from me feel free to check out my channel and today's touch subscribe button and i'll see my next video nina [Music]
Channel: Forever Nenaa
Views: 1,238,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forever nenaa, forever nenaa fnf, forever nenaa friday night, friday night funkin, doki doki literature club, monika after story, monika, doki doki literature club gameplay, fnf, ddlc, doki doki literature club fnf, just monika, doki doki
Id: SXxmZn-jWOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 33sec (4173 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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