WHAT IF MONIKA COULDN'T SAVE THEM... | Friday Night Funkin' [Doki Doki Takeover BAD ENDING]

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like makes me forget that this is like the bad ending you know let's go [Music] reports and information welcome to a bad ending an official alternate ending to friday funk and doki doki takeover this mod features the following strong horror content flashing lights we do not recommend playing this mod if any of these cause discomfort we also recommend that you have played doki doki takeover beforehand this is an alternate ending after all but we can't stop you good luck guys we have already played the first one and if you guys are do not like flashing lights or strong horror content click out now but as for me i'm go ahead and continue let's go good morning everybody barbara nina here and welcome back to friday night funkin this time doki doki takeover bad ending oh like i'm i'm actually kind of like scared about what's about to happen because like they said there's like heart elements in it and it's like oh my gosh well let's go i'm hyped because i remember the doki doki takeover was actually really good so i can't wait to see i made a mistake monica i gotta fix this okay oh gosh that kid is there too boyfriend damn it oh yeah she even got there slowly all the memories are slowly coming back to me now okay this is really bad yeah it is really bad not gonna lie my character data is acting up too uh-huh even from here monica cannot be located digital data over there come on you got this monika if you just what did you try attempting to transfer data and like last time it was a happy ending but now this is the bad ending so of course she got denied oh god that didn't work yeah and let's see what happens if it doesn't end up working well and there's no happy ending oh okay hey we're just getting right into it like makes me forget that this is like the bad ending you know oh look at the eye in the background let's go [Music] oh my what even like a girlfriend oh my gosh even boyfriend's going through something you know when boyfriend is going through something it's never good oh my gosh sayori [Music] oh my gosh can we just keep it like this guys can we just keep it happy you know this is nice oh no oh no not again no please i don't like this i don't like this world we go back to being happy there's no reason to oh i can tell this is like the warm-up song though oh guys [Music] oh the drums are kicking in guys oh it's going faster oh my gosh look at sayori oh my god [Music] oh wasn't sure if i was supposed to press that at first [Music] oh my gosh oh rest my fingers look at look at them oh my gosh [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh my god things going back to normal oh my gosh i don't like this i don't like this at all can we like can we flip the switch please go back to being happy [Music] like this the drums are freaking going hard though not gonna lie guys oh gosh [Music] oh they're getting closer and closer oh no why are we getting closer and closer i don't know if i like that oh it backed up cool but this is the end of the song oh just kidding [Music] man that's crazy oh that's crazy oh my gosh maybe i should have warmed up before playing this i haven't played writing [ __ ] in a couple of uh days so oh my gosh that was crazy that was so freaking crazy what's next oh my gosh i gotta whoa what's going to come out the closet oh siri oh please please no oh yuri is that yuri do i even want to see what you look like right now i don't think i even want you to turn the lights off just keep the lights off please i don't think i want to see what's there oh my gosh [Music] can we just keep the vibe here please it's not bad we can just keep it here we can just chill out yeah oh no oh gosh i knew it i knew it oh just keep the lights off man oh yuri's here [Music] hey i like how i'm just vibing out and a girlfriend's over there breaking her neck the whole time oh no oh no they're now they're about to start putting at their eyeballs everywhere [Music] oh my gosh two eyeballs come on [Music] keep those eyeballs on your face please this is so cool i love this [Music] [Music] ah little girl oh no her eye came back [Music] as long as her eyes stay at the top i don't even look at the top so keep your eyeballs at the top please what the freak is going on in the background it's where's girlfriend i just see like something red there yeah it's her eyeball the thing i saw that was red is her eyeball [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh no oh just oh okay we got this [Music] oh i like that i don't like that [Music] oh my gosh seriously [Music] goodness gracious girl oh my gosh i love that last final face oh the way she was just in the camera in a front and personal and then she went down her eyes literally rolling back with a crazy smile oh my gosh i love this so much my eyeballs keeps like drying out when i like do the long versions but i love this natsuki hey natsuki we chilling with you next what's up my girl of course girlfriend's here oh i like how everything's like cutesy when it comes to natsuki because she actually likes cute stuff how is everything about to go bad though i wonder ah it's already turning it's already turning oh even the cats went mad she didn't even have a face dang [Music] like the way she came close to the boyfriend like hey [Music] i love that the little ripples [Music] what's up let's go you gotta love the original song [Music] girlfriend she just fell her head just fell and what's going on with boyfriend i like how they're singing together right now [Music] let's go oh my gosh [Music] oh my fingers are hurting me oh my gosh okay everyone's coming in [Music] hey is all the girls about to come in here get in on this last song let's go hey yeah you're easier too let's go all the girls show up for this final number i don't know if that's a good thing for me or not but let's go [Music] one last final thing oh that's the final thing it really is bad end guys they they said they said it was gonna be bad ending oh my gosh it really was a bad ending i'm sad i'm sad now like literally the whole ride was like one huge roller coaster now i'm sad now i'm sad that okay hold on uh-huh maybe this wait monica you got this come on monica there has to be a way i know this is a bad ending but stay determined for a hopeful ending everything's working oh no i mean it's called ben and nina i don't know why i'm still trying to believe that it's gonna be good ending oh no monika and then she just sees that end screen she was just watching the whole time i think oh my fault oh no no they're all terminated including boyfriend and girlfriend they're all terminated that's it bad ending and that's literally it that's actually just it it's just like okay yup that's it oh i like that and it shows all their songs oh i like that okay wait um let me uh die okay i'm gonna just let them die oh gosh look at his skull i think he's just regular yeah the music okay don't stop [Music] anyways definitely let me know what you guys thought about this mod down below but as for now that's gonna be it for me thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to leave a like down below anybody see more from me feel free to my channel and subscribe subscribe button that's my next video nina [Music] foreign
Channel: Forever Nenaa
Views: 328,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doki doki takeover, fnf doki doki takeover, doki doki takeover bad ending, doki doki literature club, fnf, doki doki takeover bad ending trailer, friday night funkin, doki doki, ddlc, friday night funkin', fnf doki doki literature club, friday night funkin mods, sayori, fnf monika, monika, friday night funkin monika, fnf just monika, monika full week, fnf doki doki take over, forever nenaa, forever nenaa fnf, forever nenaa friday night, forever nenaa gameplay
Id: dHO0p0x7vhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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