Friday Night Funkin' Doki Doki Takeover Plus is here and its amazing

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foreign that's actually really cool what's up guys welcome to dude plus as you guys know Doki Doki literature Club got the Plus game we played it and obviously we played the uh I don't want to say the name of the game but read it the reason why I don't want to say the name of the game is because if I say too early in the video YouTube always thinks that I'm cursing and I'm not because of this word so they added a bunch of cool new stuff apparently let's check it out oh what's up sayori yeah I think every time we come to the menu it's like it changes a little bit mods so I probably not gonna complete it in one video but let's just uh I guess go through the story mode again all right this mod is a banger mod so let's do it oh my God hearing that is so crazy man bringing me back when week six uh came out it's week six right yeah or is it five I can't remember I thought they deleted me after what I did to my friends but where am I now oh hello ski dip I don't even care I'm not gonna read boyfriend's lines anymore you wanna sing I lied I just did it things are happening really fast but you know what I'd love to usually I play piano while I sing but this isn't a bad change of pace so yeah all right Monica let's freaking do it [Music] yeah I don't know if they redid all the music the Sprites oh okay wow all right you're just gonna spring it on me like that I wasn't prepared that's so cool I know exactly where that's from too wait oh God okay I swear I'm not that bad [Music] we just beat Ronald McDonald uh recently so we got this if I could be Ronald McDonald Monica's no issue [Music] oh oh okay there we go [Music] I always love that part of that song it's like when uh natsuki and Yuri are like arguing right usually [Music] they made Monica look really good for Sprites [Music] so I think we could also battle the main character which is like one of the newer things I want to try that I don't know if I can get to it though ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is she holding up this figure or is that the other finger I can't know you kept it really well with my song ah I haven't felt this happy in a while could we sing again all right here we go hey who are you oh yeah Senpai has gotta be Senpai right huh wait is that my microphone how the heck did you get that don't they like fall in love or something and what is that worm doing here didn't have enough fun making a fool with me last time you showed up now you're bringing more of your hideously attractive friends here to mock me once again hey it's not you give me that back I have another score to settle uh no wait I was just about to I said give it no can't Monica it's like do they got the same powers like but I know you may couldn't like delete them but it's just so I was not as cool how they how well they work together considering they're kind of the same thing [Music] well I guess that's not true I think Senpai is just like a demon right I don't remember this at all [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I guess there's also secrets in this mod I wonder what they meant by that I just watched the trailer [Music] that's that was really cool [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] not bad at all I got a double e I got a a first you steal my themes and then you pull something like that who do you think you are now step aside I don't think I will you on the other hand what are you see I told you oh okay all right okay I think I'm starting to remember this wait do I actually have to restart the game okay I don't think so [Music] oh here it goes girlfriend not found oh she's spooky yeah okay so I do remember that for sure there's no more distractions translation girlfriend let's get back to see me shall we aggressive beep bop noises oh her let's not worry about her okay come on we've got a very special song I've wanted to sing continuation of angry bebops uh one more song I immediately pressed the notes immediately [Music] okay I think I kind of remove this it's kind of like a remix of the um Senpai song [Music] oh I like this well I swear they updated this yeah oh here comes the death notes that sounds really good I just guessed [Music] this is so cool dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was close [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh I'm just trying to did I do it did I do it thank God I did on the first try God I don't wanna yeah because I remember some of these songs at least one of these songs was like really hard for me I don't even know if I ever actually passed it I should know better trying to interfere with people's love lives again I'll leave you be wait a minute wait wait wait so this is Plus [Music] am I supposed to treat it like the original so like can I just like press Escape wait what's this what's this what's this [Music] can I just press Escape oh I still I skipped I think I skipped a cutscene oh yeah okay so if you guys remember Doki Doki literature club plus there was the game and then there was like the menu you can go back into like The Meta menu you know what I mean so I wonder if we could do that with this if it's not Escape I really don't know what it is I mean exit to menu I don't know if that would work like that though I don't know if they went that deep with this hey all right we did it prologue songs are now available in free play menu okay so we left the sayori's all right hey this music's so good I don't know if they improved it or if I just don't remember it either way it's like so good dude all right so let's go back whoa who are you it's some kind of ninja yeah it's probably a mod I don't know but self-awareness on what does that mean I just want to save does anyone know what this is because I don't I've been keeping up with I have not been keeping up with mods for a while so you have to forgive me all right oh oh yeah we got a cutscene [Music] yeah like why is this here oh I could definitely click some I just skipped it why I think I skipped it I can't tell oh there's natsuki's cupcakes it appears that we have visitors seriously sayori you brought a boy to the club hey I wasn't expecting anyone new we haven't even put out flyers for the club yet but like natsuki we have another cool two empty thoughts if I knew we were expecting more members I would have asked natsuki to bake some welcome cupcakes oh and maybe I could have asked seriously as well I need to write this down for later plan tea party for clubs soon sounds like you're already very excited about your new guess you haven't even asked for their names yet all right uh silly me what are your names new literature Club attendees beep ski happy gesture YouTube or boyfriend and girlfriend oh yeah that's what that translates to uh you look cute together that's cute and all but like what are your names another happy gesture yes we know that you guys are dating we want to know your names I don't like them already uh they're already messing with me naski not so harsh I'm sorry about that if you want to tell us your names that's okay I'm sayori that lovely lavender lady over there is Yuri and natsuki is the one with that's really sassy today with introductions aside maybe we ask what these microphones are for I was just about to ask that I hope you didn't confuse this place with the music Club but boot d you're really you really want to sing with us I'm not sure how comfortable I feel doing that uh what do you mean I have to you know uh we've been working so hard at writing poems lately I think having a fun singing session with everyone is the perfect break we all need when you think about it songs are just poems with music behind them aren't they I bet we'd all be great at this here I'll go first thank you dude I want to click things I want to collect things oh I can't click anything yo I see that painting back there okay I gotta like pay attention to see if like our cursor ever comes back [Music] I just felt like I feel like there's got to be a secret like that here [Music] Nazi looks so mad [Music] hey like when you hit the notes and stuff like that you like all that other stuff looks really cool too like the scoring [Music] [Music] I thought it was gonna go [Music] foreign [Music] scary dude that kind of turned a little weird didn't it we got the manga in the background uh see that wasn't so hard at all in fact it was a lot of fun too hmm did I do a good job happy gesture oh I'm so happy you two are enjoying your time here it's my duty to make sure everyone in the club has a bright happy smiles after all I am the club president oh dang we're already doing this I don't I thought she did this at the end I guess we're just going right into that huh [Applause] [Music] hmm I remember this I remember this [Music] boyfriend's shoes are just dying ginormous enormous why what's his shoe size honestly [Music] hey I got I got that perfect all right remix [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was so cool [Music] bro you know what I really mods are just always so like good I mean this one in particular is just really amazing like just like high quality right I almost forget that the real game exists when are we ever gonna get more of that and I feel probably at this point I think the mods have surpassed the quality of the actual game you know does anyone else feel that I feel like they definitely did it's like the mods kind of took over this whole thing oh what's happening here what a lovely performance that was I knew you had it in you today has been one of the only real times I've tried to sing in front of a strangers I'm glad that all that practice has paid off I quite like the song Choice as well where's it from oh I wrote that song it's something I spend a lot of long nights working on it was meant for someone who meant a lot to me unfortunately A lot happened and lost my chance to sing it to them I still don't know where I am now so I don't know if I'll ever get to share it with them though I don't know if they even want to hear it such a tragic story you found yourself entangled in I could promise that this place is one of No Such tragedies I'll be around what do you have your song in your heart that needs to be sing this guy's awfully flirtatious all of a sudden especially after he snapped at me and that kid earlier well if I didn't end up here it would have been the recycling bin instead I hope the others are okay natsuki Yuri sayuri after what happened I thought restoring their character files and leaving uh what would be best for the club and for the ones I love it's something to matter I'm fine I don't know what that was sayori's songs are now available in free play and girlfriend countdown unlock well let's move on to natsuki yeah I don't yeah I definitely won't be able to finish this all in one video but uh I I I can't talk I like coming back okay you've convinced me oh you better not tell me this to anyone but I sometimes sitting in front of the mirror into my hair brush only when my dad isn't home though uh I heard that you know it's just picturing you doing that is quite the adorable mental image shut it you're calling me cute I'm not cute oh I shouldn't have said anything let's just get this started all right hey speaking of ddlc anyone else pick up the Monica uh figure you know I snatched that up real fast I was probably the first person to order it no that's not true at all but oh okay why dog hold up natsuki's bringing the Heat [Music] yeah I know they made like an Android of natsuki too they look pretty cool but I've never been a big fan of Android so I don't I don't really care about those [Music] can I do 100 [Music] go Nazi go Nazi [Music] thank you [Music] oh forget what I said about 100 [Music] . it's like perfect man could you keep up with that one didn't boo skis uh stop calling me cute how do they know the language I don't eat boys calling me Q2 that's extra embarrassing he's the only boy here natsuki well I've been meaning to ask a good friend of mine to join the club as well but I bet that dummy is just gonna join the anime club instead that's what I do but I wonder like at what point does the main character come in I knew I should have tried something new luckily music like that is the only kind I listen to if there's anyone who knows how to subvert expectations it's me hit it [Music] okay I sort of remember this [Music] oh it's so cute doesn't this turn into like a rock song oh yeah kinda yeah [Music] thank you I actually hit it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I missed one that's disappointing all right this workout this is where it goes crazy right it's always the last song it's always the last song that does it those ghosts have been giving me dirty looks ever since I got here did I do something wrong I actually noticed my darling fellow schoolmates I've gotten quite the flock of dedicated fans here it's only natural when you're the most popular individual in your school looks like they're all jealous of you being able to Peak my interest so quickly they've killed to just spin one fleeting moment with me unfortunately they're just not worth my time that's uh you must have your own little fan base where you come from no some people say I do but personally it feels like everything I did back at my school went completely under the radar I never set out to be popular though I just wanted to share my passions with everyone who wanted to listen or anyone and thanks to that I met my amazing group of friends oh did I just see but why you're doing that again Monica you know you can always tell me whatever's the matter I'm okay there's no need to worry about me and if you is if if you insist in that case I'd like to know more about where you're from you continue to Intrigue me with each conversation I could try my best to do that yeah there's something happening that's causing these effects the games barely kept itself together when everyone wasn't there it's it's if something goes wrong poems and Thorns unlocked are those little extra songs that weren't in here maybe I'm not exactly sure what happens after Yuri oh deep breath and Obsession I think I really like your resellings if I remember uh I think I'm done for now I feel really dizzy after that one that's okay go rest your vocal cords confuse glances uh well it looks like you're the only one left you already hey I know you can do it Yuri I bet you have one of the nicest singing voices ever uh first having to read my poems The Lodge of the club now singing too this club continues to ask so much of me didn't really do the whole thing that she usually does maybe we haven't got to that part yet [Music] [Music] foreign like breathing though but it just works for her I don't know why [Music] well I think they all breathe but I didn't word that very right but I think you get what I'm saying like all of her music has a very interesting characteristic [Music] they use a good voice for her oh [Music] this is a lot slower though [Music] thank you [Music] seriously though why is that painting back there oh don't you do it don't you do it you're seeing your voice is amazing think again I want to hear are you okay natsuki I'm not feeling so good oh oh there oh God I'm not feeling so good I'm gonna walk nasty to the nurse's office you guys having fun singing though my God kind of scary there uh singing is much nicer than I thought it's a nice alternative means to release my emotions oh yeah yeah so you can use a lot better than what you do Yuri let's sing again right now Obsession oh no it's got a pin next to it too what the heck I think they all do though I wasn't ready [Music] [Music] um [Music] this uh this one definitely changes doesn't it [Music] oh oh oh the Death Note oh God [Music] not the enemy okay I remember this oh brother that gave me the shivers [Music] oh God girlfriend's all freaking scary back there [Music] [Music] they did a very good job of capturing the essence of like how the game feels [Music] hey she going crazy over there [Music] [Music] nope nope no no we ain't hitting it yeah why must we stop now let me scream every lyric Trapped In my sick head you weren't supposed to see that I appreciate you sticking around for so long to sing with us you've made us the happiest we've been in so long especially after what Monica did to us does her name Rigo Bell that must mean you must have been the one who deleted her then you must have been the one who brought us all back too what what translation hold up I did it I I knew you and that girlfriend of yours weren't from around here your dad is so much different uh what's even an XML anyway in fact YouTube never existed in this computer and just until a few moments ago when we first saw you could you have done the impossible have you broke through the digital world from The Real World have you defied all logic and science just for us you really have made us happy now that you're finally here we can all be happy and sing together forever forever forever forever terrified noises yes boyfriend those are those are uh warranted for sure why does he have that question mark I can't click it though The Legend to admit I never fancied myself the reading of and writing type that comes off as a shock to Benny when they all say I have such a way with words and they're so right the club meant everything to me it was my chance to finally get people invested in this world of Endless Possibilities that I found myself so engrossed in all my life I brought people who wouldn't ever interact with each other in any other circumstance together those people became my friends my best friends my only friends something must have driven you away from all that to a whole new school for that matter I was caught up in an epiphany nothing in my life is real and I desperately wanted to wanted the one thing that was truly real I was given a window into something greater but the world was set up to make me watch everyone else have what was on the other side my friend sayori yurinoski they were allowed to have the one thing that I wanted so so you got rid of them just like you tried here huh I'm sorry to all that my stupid actions carry over here when I thought I'd learned my lesson well you did bring us back here as good as ever no uh no hard feelings here I guess so I hope nothing wrong happens here because of it before I ended up here I also brought all my friends back and I plan to just stay gone with my data completely erased so they could be happy but things didn't work right when everyone wasn't present if that's still true with me not there huh I made a mistake all right guys like she goes back to fix it right yeah this is really bad I got it wait that kid is there too I don't know how him and his girlfriend even got there but if my friends were acting like this I gotta fix this somehow What What In The Fresh chance there's got to be something right I've never heard that before I mean I probably read this before but I forgot it if my character dad is acting up to even from here then there's a chance that I still have some residual data over there maybe if I just try this oh God what'd you do and just like that the only one to ever truly intrigue me has left in a Flash well it was me what am I saying this sucks oh man I don't remember I don't remember this can I move do I click okay it works I didn't know if it was a cut scene I shouldn't I don't want to skip it Monica I like the fact that they shut down the game just like the real game it's amazing if I do miss obviously I'm not gonna play the whole thing but if I miss the secrets do tell me do tell me in the comment section down below full demise yeah I forgot to come back for the exercise too all right I'll try to get through most of it though we'll see we'll see look we've been waiting for you it's not like you to be this late to the club meeting and appears you brought some new members with you too or perhaps is this the new stuff maybe this is all the new stuff seriously Monica you brought a boy well at least you found another girl too you know what I'm gonna check just because I don't remember oh dang so yeah this is what the original would look like uh quite a big difference oh dang look this is what it used to look like right they totally upgraded it look at that you transformed well that's the same but like they upgraded the that whole animation man well at least you found another girl too one who doesn't make me feel so compared small compared to the rest of you oh I stare I love you too it's been a while I'm sorry for what I did before and I'm sorry for inadvertently putting you in another situation just like that soon after but now that I'm here everything should be stable I don't expect you to forgive me but I'm glad you two are safe now it's Gotta beep ah you have no idea how happy I am to hear that okay everyone I'd like to meet the newest member of the literature club and I've have I've got a fun way I'd like to introduce them hey despite all that stressful stuff that just happened you have enough energy uh left for the one for one more song then let's do it three two one reconciliation yeah so also we played the bad ending like fairly recently it was like five months ago or something like that I don't think that's related to this though could be wrong [Music] baby [Music] kitties [Music] [Music] monkeys [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] la la [Music] foreign I forgot what happens after this completely I think we go through the school festival and then then what I don't know I mean oh the MCE sounds like Sans what the heck you two must be the other members of Monica and the other girls keep mentioning they seem to know quite well even though I haven't I know you quite well even though I haven't seen either of you at the club meeting before well I guess I did get ripped in this whole literature Club thing not too long ago I must have missed uh when you were around I'm glad you showed up today though your whole singing thing has the club really inspired for the school festival later today they decided to sing live as our club's special activity not sure what seeking has to do with the literature but everyone's seen on board can't be upset at that though I haven't seen sayori this happy in a while I haven't had to go out of my way to wake her up for school nearly as much as I do she's right outside with a happy smile waiting for me humming Happy Tunes that's good but if you didn't show up I would have been uh the one to sing with him I'm not ready to embarrass myself in front of my peers like that yet plus none of them could even figure out a song they wanted to duet you think you guys could help them out yeah we'll sing I hope backlog of songs that should give them all the nice selection to choose from I'll let them know once they come back from prepping and I'll see you two later tonight at the festival yeah I want to get to all the secrets but man audio is all set up we're ready to go in Umar thank you so much for helping it's funny seeing you manage all that music tech you're like your own personal emcee and more wasted one I wonder if that joke Works in Translation oh you've got to go first Yuri I found myself particularly immersed in the story of the track I picked a song of two young lovers who wanted into wandered into Shady parts of their Lively Hometown and come face to face with the monster one ready to exact the will of God upon them with a chainsaw a chainsaw it's chainsaw man I remember this okay I definitely remember this one this this like ring a bell [Music] ah [Music] oh this is kind of hard [Music] thank you [Music] hahaha [Music] oh my poor combo [Music] foreign [Music] I can't remember did this mod the the before plush did that come out before Doki Doki Legend club plus came out I can't remember I'm gonna be honest there were way too many songs in that list you gave us I'm asking that because uh that was the first time we saw main character right because we got a drawing of them uh in like the files and stuff uh so yeah I was just wondering if they based it off that there are way too many songs in the list you gave us and I didn't want to sift through every single one this song had a picture of a cute cat as the album art though so naturally I went with that one cute the music [Music] oh wait yeah okay I think I got copyright claim for this long too uh yeah I bet I did yeah I literally left the comment I had to remove one of nasty songs because I got copyright claimed that sucks because that song was actually really good the first one was talking that list it popped out to me so don't blame don't blame me don't blame me blame the person that's copyright claiming songs for some reason the song was not both the song was both happy and upbeat and yet it felt really sad too stuff that's both sad and happy in that way really speaks to me I don't know it's complicated [Music] I do not remember this song at all [Music] it's complicated [Music] ooh she breaking up is she breaking the fire [Music] ding [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do do foreign [Music] [Music] did we get to the festival there were a lot of songs that would have worked for me to sing oh I forgot about Monica I'm happy that you even cataloged all of our songs too but this one in particular it felt like something people would want me to sing I think it's in the name or it's the name I don't remember that oh I remember this I remember this actually this one was really cool [Music] [Music] this one gets crazy Maybe [Music] through that transition [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not me I was wrong still it's still cool though [Music] thank you [Music] oh here we go [Music] I actually missed one or two or three [Music] [Music] oh that's cold I spilled that all over myself this is Monica's doing she she reached through my screen you saw it foreign why are you laughing why are you laughing Monica see what the heck's up with these like random like question marks and stuff I I don't know how to click it I just get that I just skipped that mirror mode and randomized notes have been unlocked no thank you Epiphany a lot what did I skip ah I didn't mean to do that oh who's this have I played this oh is oh it's not freaking really hard song yeah oh oh I'm glad you still thought of me even though you seemed pretty occupied now that I know that they were working so hard to add me to the game and sing with me and everyone's calling it can watch too are you excited viewers there's only one space here for us to sing one song and unfortunately since this game doesn't have microphone support we can't see them together but that blue here's vocal that is stored here why don't we use that for you I want to sing with you as long as I can so expect this to be very very difficult here we go oh [Music] yeah yeah I remember this very well oh my God that laugh scared me I thought someone was in my room dude I thought Monica was really in my room for a second [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I've only missed 85 that's not that much if I remember correctly I actually got to the very end of that song like I was like on the last note or something dumb like that and I didn't pass it it was the dumbest thing like I was that close Okay but that's not new that's not new stuff all right let's go for Encore I mean I guess we might as well few days since the festival Monica stands so this is definitely new then alone in the school's uh music room sorry I was looking to see if I was still recording the literature Club has been occupying this space a lot more since the recent uh Club inductees introduced them all to singing so much so that they often ended up using the room more than the actual music Club on occasions with her moment alone Monica reflects on everything that's happened recently it's uh unreal just how nice things have become I don't uh know what I did to deserve a second chance after everything I did before but I know I'll keep things right this time for my friends back when it was just me I left uh telling the one I love how I would have loved to have a rap artist join the one one day I didn't expect that to actually happen and for them to be the one to help save me and give me this extra chance I can't thank them enough Monica's reflection is interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the music room uh natsuki I'm surprised to see you here I expected you to and the others to be in classes oh yes is this kind of like their Side Story like um am I dumb was this already in the mine but I feel like it is like their Side Story right I told my teacher I was taking a bathroom break though but I actually left to go find you I've been thinking about stuff recently I wanted to come and talk to you about it I'm always all ears what's on your mind I feel like I can't keep up in what way I had that feeling deep down for a while even as far back as when it was just the four of us in the club now that the club has grown to seven members and with the singing on top of that I feel like I can't compete everyone feels so much better and refined at singing and I just can't stand out amongst all the voices this club is one of the best things that I've got going right now is uh as a comfortable place away from home but this feeling of being overshadowed and thinking I have to try so hard not being forgotten natsuki I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that you're honestly one of the most standout writers and singers in the whole club I don't think anybody can capture the Unique Style that you bring to everything you do and everyone knows it too the impression you leaving the club is too special to be forgotten and we've never once you to leave leave you out natsuki crosses her arms and looks away with an unsure expression I can prove it too here why don't we sing a quick song I can assure you that once you start getting into the flow you'll see what uh makes you so special yeah this is definitely new [Music] she just pops out with this freaking crazy song [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the music of this spot is like so good [Music] all right still can't move my mouse I've been trying [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what I'm talking about those fast notes alone make you stand out so much when you consider everything else as a whole uh bundle of stunning individuality that's uh that did help ease my mind you know what next time I see that boyfriend guy I'm gonna hit him with the fastest solo he's ever heard now that's how you do it I really appreciate the help Monica Monica helping everyone else I mean the Side Story is in ddlc plus was really good uh this is definitely give me those spills you know not too long after natsuki sir could leave another familiar face intern uh hopefully I'm not introdu intruding it intruding on anything but no worries I've been pissing around pacing uh passing time until our next club meeting this may be a little odd for me to say out of nowhere but thank you but for with all we've been doing in the club that discomfort I feel trying to commit to presenting what I do in front of others it's gradually subsiding the more we do things together as a club the writing singing and just talking all it's all giving me such a better alternative to releasing my emotions I'm so happy to hear that Yuri I've noticed you stepping out of your comfort zone a lot less of late a lot more of as of late and you're confident seeing voices always Pleasant to hear knowing that this club has been such a good place for self-improvement for you I could have uh I couldn't be happier to hear that Yuri breaks eye contact and looks away for just a second a shy small smile cropping up on her face I wanted to celebrate this person on my Milestone with something special I wrote my own song this is New Territory for my writing Powers prowess so I wanted to ask if you'd like to perform it with me here just a little bit of peer review before I show the others I'd be honored she's like I can't get nothing done around here my vocal cords are already warmed up [Music] [Music] [Music] you baby [Music] she's in the zone [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well you're already a natural song Smith I know the others will love to hear this Yuri looks away shyly uh I appreciate you giving me your time I'm going to rehearse it a bit more on my own before the next club meeting I'll see you then Monica and then say Yuri jumps through the window foreign well I knew this was coming ah we're not getting Yuri here already did I miss him oh no I had exciting news this year let me guess you got a new song sayori's uh so okay she was excited uh she her excited Demeter cools down becoming more solemn but still with a genuine smile on her face seeing how much good we've been doing it helps me give me a reason to get out of bed every morning knowing that we're able to accomplish this it's so hard for me to always keep those happy thoughts in mind but it's getting better bit by bit each day it makes me more grateful each day that we were able to start this club all the positive news and happiness from her friends this field Monica with an overwhelming state of determination that's what I should have said tears rolled up in Monica's eyes while she listened to sayori's words and a burst of melaconic uh melancholic happiness Monica walks over at Huck sayori I'm so proud of you sayura yeah so they're definitely marrying the side stories for sure sorry means so much to me that you're here with us to make this club the place it is it's helped so many people especially me thank you oh she's tearing up thank you uh thank you to Monica after a few moments past the girls break off their hug Monica wipes her tears and takes a deep breath this is going to be a big shift in tone but when the others came by earlier they sang a song with me it would make me so happy to to be able to do the same with you you don't need to tell me twice let's sing the disco ball comes out of nowhere Joyride [Music] it seems like a good credit song [Music] that's what she does [Music] foreign I like I like these new songs I think nasty is definitely my favorite [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me [Music] oh this is Baka back there I just realized that as the last notes of Monica Cyrus song fade Yuri and ask you walk back to the music room with the bashful Smiles on their faces ah did we miss a special performance you did we were just celebrating with a song with how great these have been how can you not unfortunately we have to cut the celebration short Yuri and I approached by the music Club president and they're gonna need uh back their rooms uh soon they must mean it's almost time for our own club meeting I do meeting I do feel bad that we keep using their space but the Acoustics in here are amazing perfect for sitting here just thinking out loud we got a little extra time before our club starts uh I have an idea let's all sing together let's do it all right let's do this this is uh longer than I thought it was gonna be [Music] this is really cool [Music] thank you [Music] ah [Music] I don't know what I was gonna say I just made that random noise [Music] I was gonna say oh this is such the perfect ending [Music] I love the Techno wish [Music] [Applause] we were all together now [Music] [Applause] happy birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all this time I would wait for a chance to be with you words [Music] intertwined through the dark my voice will be your like take a lead your Melody is all I need have no fear let the world feel our Harmony [Music] that was pretty dude that was pretty good I like that they should have had the words throughout the whole thing the literature Club girls concluded their song with a laughter and cheer the music room is the light with excitement and joy I can't believe we waited the songs all scene together I want to do this uh so much more often there's always plenty of extra time during club meetings to keep singing and I'm more than excited to sing some more with everyone we sound amazing together maybe next time we can get the other three to join us too I haven't seen any of them around do you think they'll show up for the club any today we'll have to see actually I just remember sayori didn't you have exciting news you wanted to share with us oh I do and thank you for reminding me you guys are gonna believe this but you know how my friend keeps refusing to sing with us I saw him in the club room with boyfriend and girlfriend and I couldn't have I could have sworn I heard them singing It's about time when you did I was gonna keep bullying That Dope until he did I'm surprised he stuck out not seeing you for so long you think we'll catch him in mid song If we sneak in right now let's go see the club oh so this is the week for uh the MC oh bro we already made it this far we might as well just freaking do it this deep voice uh a good thing I caught you guys uh the good time I heard from the others that you'll be leaving the club for a while after today we didn't exactly see each other much aside from the festival so I wanted to say goodbye just in case case and I was saying with my really deep voice I've also been meaning to ask you something too some advice to be specific I didn't expect you to I didn't expect to enjoy my time here in the club so much writing poems and helping set up these special events and just getting to know all the other club members is definitely something I needed otherwise I would have been stuck in my room every other day after being a neat as sayori would say joining the literature Club did come with some pretty nice extra benefit too I'm sure you've already noticed but this club is full of incredibly cute girls you already got yourself a girlfriend so I wanted to ask if you by chance have any advice for someone like me who may pursue pursue Romance it better be Monica because that ain't there ain't no other options seeing that seems like your response to every life problem yeah it definitely is girls aren't that simple you know plus I've been sold before I'm not gonna embarrass myself trying to sing in front of them stare no stop that intense Unbreaking eye contact fine I'll give us senior shots I can't believe stare Downs are all it takes to get me to do things though if it ends up like uh how how many joining the club turned out this could end up working out in the end can you give me some pointers at least yeah yeah he said an English word neat foreign [Music] with this deep freaking deep ass voice [Music] oh he's beautiful singing [Music] kind of sounds like Senpai a little bit a little bit a little bit lower though [Music] you got the spotlights [Music] and you don't sound half bad main character oh they stuck in [Music] the secondary's so excited [Music] everything [Music] they're like oh my God you sound awful they would never do that unless it turned into evil forms you know who knows I don't know where this is gonna go but it was a lot more fun than I thought didn't do half bad myself I think you did amazing thank you wait you were uh really holding out on us this long hmm uh you've we've been trying to get you to join us for ages how long have you been you guys been here we've been here for a while I can't believe you're so into it that you didn't even notice no you're singing your voice is just as naturally confident as your poem reading voice what is this poem reading voice what did I tell you Broski there's no way that's actually worked right oh dang are they gonna fall for him or what you and me a few days passed since boyfriend and girlfriends last visit to the club this is cool dude the literature Club returned to its original five members the days continued as normal was club meetings filled with stories sweet singing thanks for going well especially for a certain someone oh credits hey in front of the house this is it not I don't know it could be the main character it's been too long since we played the game [Music] I want to say it's sayori's though [Music] he's so confident to see you now [Music] sounds really cool [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mean to do that [Music] this is really cool like honestly very like creative what they've done here [Music] this is truly the anime ending [Music] so I wonder if the sound would have changed or is it just like the same song but in in different voices depending on which one you pick [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] literature Club take over plus the positivity of the club I gave everyone involved continue to nurture a stunning flower of friendship amongst the club members even outside the room a group was almost never seen apart from each other it time to see what you see what for now play normalcy awaited them until the Fire Nation attacked oh dang oh that's so cool dude that is so cool or so they thought oh they came back [Music] boyfriend and girlfriend seemingly appear out of thin air reach out to the group wanting them to follow one by one the group followed the two into the white light and what they thought would see next is did I read that right yo what the heck is this a nightclub uh where are we oh I've never visited the city before oh my what a lovely display of lights what how did we get here so fast and wasn't it still daytime a minute ago I also could have sworn we were all in uniform before too excited cheering boyfriend and girlfriend quickly turned to Monica and are very excited with very excited grins on their faces wait is this are we they actually did it they made it out of the game boyfriend gestured over to the nearby computer and is somehow a comprehensible language of beefs and Buffs boops told Monica that this was their gate in and out of the uh their home World whenever her and the others wanted to visit this was their ticket Monica quickly became choked up with emotion wait so they went out to the real world is that what happened oh dude I don't know what to say thank you thank you so much for everything a new world was out there for the literature Club to explore one of the crazy possibilities and somewhere somewhere out there there's someone very important to Monica I know you're out there there's so much I need to tell you so much you need to apologize for and I know Monica you don't have to say it all right now that I had this chance maybe you'll give me a chance to learn to love you in reality she's obviously talking to the person playing the game you know I bought your figure Monica what more do you want wow that was really cool I love what they did with that like totally blew my expectations out of the water for sure wait oh stay strong I thought I thought maybe I could move oh [Music] this is so cool dude [Music] you got this you know what this reminds you of Mario party like the stickers I don't know if that's what they were going for but that's cool [Music] I guess this can't discount Oh I thought I could move wait what I didn't mean to resize it [Music] groovy [Music] these are like really cool drawings [Music] [Applause] [Music] empty thoughts [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's singing it with her brush I want breakfast [Music] hey I did not think I'd be playing for two hours but here I am [Music] what is she squishing [Music] the cow that's the cow from her bed [Music] oh what's happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] I I hope they have more horror stuff though I always that's why I wanted more out of ddlc plus we didn't really like we got a slight Taste of horror stuff like obviously we know a lot of the there's like stuff going on behind the scenes right with the metaverse uh and stuff like that but like but then we also got that like creepy uh secret song too but I really wanted more creepy stuff but I don't know if I'll ever get more creepy stuff from the actual game be cool though if we did [Music] no she changed I can't believe how many things that they had like drawn for this I think they said it took a year to do this [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 85 breaks because I wasn't even paying attention I just want to look at the stickers what the heck is she holding what is holding a Friday night funkin mod by team foreign I actually don't know what that stands for you think I would have known thanks for playing bro good job good freaky job on the mod seriously good the protagonist songs are now available in free time or free play menu Side Story is unlocked enjoy a section of bonus songs with extra story and story mode wait those weren't the Side Stories costumes select a lot oh cool the protagonist Festival song has been unlocked all right what about them Secrets though all right by scrubs there's a lot more to do in this mod I will definitely make an episode too but that was really cool and hey look at that but if you know if you know more leave in the comments down below and yeah I'll subscribe to the next one bye now
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 142,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friday Night Funkin, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, FNF, fnf, Mod, ddlc, friday night funkin monika, fnf monika, doki doki, doki doki literature club, fnf just monika, monika full week, pico school, Sayori, just sayori, doki doki literature club plus, Doki Doki Takeover, Monika hd, fnf doki doki takeover plus, doki doki takeover plus, doki doki takeover fnf
Id: 6ZawJ2N4JfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 32sec (5372 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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