Mongol Invasions - Mamluk-Ilkhanate Wars DOCUMENTARY

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[Music] the defeat of the Mongols at angelarts in 1260 was not the end of the war between the Mongols and the Mamluks and over the next 50 years they tried repeatedly to avenge their losses only to be halted by the Mamluks valiant resistance in this video we will look at the efforts by the Mongol ill Carnot to bring their horses to the Nile further conflicts with the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and the battles of Elbe Stan and Homs shout-out to conquerors blade for sponsoring this video conquerors blade is a tactical MMORPG strategy hybrid and it's free to play on PC the game is set in a vast open medieval world and tasks players to create a warlord to build and command an army of 55 diverse units and to create an empire a new line of Units called sons of the steppes inspired by the Mongols will be added to the game on December 19th alongside a new battle pass a new set of challenges scores of seasoned exclusive nomadic themed cosmetics three new battlefields matchmaking improvements a ranking system npc houses player titles and much more new players who register vara link will receive 10 free gifts including a gold helmet 3 unit XP cards 3 heroics B cards and three who are arrow launchers to devastate enemy defenses and you will get the gifts immediately after the registration is complete to support our channel and receive these gifts register a new account via the link in the description good luck on the battlefield with the death of mon coeur in 1259 the mongol empire was irrevocably broken while Hulagu and his successor stayed on good terms with his brother Kublai Hulagu was the independent ruler of a vast domain stretching from modern Turkey to the a mudanya known as the Oh Carnot hill aguz cousins in the golden horde checkity Carnot and the naked Aries were almost immediately antagonistic to the ill kans who found themselves defending their distant frontiers from all three in addition to internal revolts for the ill Khan's the Mamluks were but one frontier amongst several one they could only turn to when the threat from the other Carnot's was low for the Mamluks their border with the Oh Carnot along the Euphrates River was of the utmost importance in the aftermath of angelarts the mamluk sultan kut'rs was assassinated by the energetic favors of immense ambition and drive Baybars understood clearly the danger the mongols posed and set up his entire kingdom to defend against them he expanded the Mamluk regiments encouraging good relations with the Golden Horde genuis and Byzantine Empire to keep up the flow of Turkic slave soldiers from the steppe he established a sophisticated intelligence network to inform him on the ill Carnot and spread misinformation within it supported by a system of signal towers messenger pigeons improved roads bridges and relay stations to rapidly send messages frontier fortifications like Albuera and al Rapa on the Euphrates were strengthened and Baybars would immediately march from Cairo when the Mongols raided his swift reaction keps border officials loyal feeling their sultan would soon be there to assist them or to punish defections Garrison's withdrew and regrouped at designated locations during invasions facing the mongols with united forces or awaiting the sultan baybars cultivated relations with Bedouin nomads across Syria who provided valuable auxiliaries and intelligence and he kept them from aligned with the Mongols finally he strengthened his position domestically controlling the economy and appointing caliphs to legitimize himself presenting himself as the defender of Islam baybars prepared his entire kingdom for Mongol attacks it was a highly effective system the O'Connor - struggled against but demanded great personal ability on the part of the monarch after Angela in September 1260 a Mongol force of around 6,000 returned to Syria that December under Bader this force was defeated by the combined Garrison's of Homs Hama and Aleppo near the grave of Khalid bin Alwaleed aided by thick fog and the timely flanking of the local Bedouins this first battle of homes where the Mamluks were outnumbered by the Mongols strengthened the feeling that the Mongols were not invincible while demonstrating the importance of unified defence rather than having Garrison's hiding behind city walls it was also the last major Mongol offensive into Syria in the 12 60s Villa gue spent the following years fighting with burqa Khan of the golden horde over the valuable territory of modern Azerbaijan which Berger believed belonged to the house of Jyothi in February 12 65 Hulagu was succeeded by his son Ibaka who was distracted by Jochen attacks and the realities of setting up a new empire Baybars used this period to turn to the isolated Crusader strongholds from February to April 1265 Baybars conquered Caesarea - our servant Galilee and raided Silesia in 1268 he took Antioch and in 1272 71 when Ibaka was dealing with Chang a tiered and Nega dairy invasions in the Far East Bay bars took fortresses like crack to chapelier and maan for and plans to attack Tripoli Theo Khan's vassal Villiger and his successors sent letters to the kings and Pope's of Europe encouraging them to take up a crusade against the Mamluks and together defeat them but this almost always fell on deaf ears Louis the ninth Crusades had resulted in utter debacle as tuners in 1270 which dampened whatever minor enthusiasm for a crusade was left in Europe an exception was the arrival of the English air the future head with the first at akka in May 12 71 with a small force and Ibaka sent an army under Sam Agha the Mongol command in room to assist him however sama guards force withdrew with the arrival of Baybars Edwards troops performed poorly on their own minor raids and set sail for England in September 12 72 taking part in sama gas raid was mu in Aladeen Suleiman better known as / Vener / vana was the dominant figure of the rump state of the seljuqs of room the seljuk sultanate us rather third was a young boy so perfe acted as co governor with Sam Agha forming a stable relationship but when Ibaka appointed his younger brother Ajay / Vinod chafed under the increased financial burden and supervision and asked a backer to recall his brother claiming Ajay was in cooperation with Baybars a backer promised to recall him but delayed in his frustration hervana reached out to Baybars the Sultan's curiosity was piqued but he didn't commit by the time his response reached / veena in 1274 Ajay and Samia had been replaced by token Oyen and / veena didn't respond under token uyan mongol pressure was even greater in Anatolia and perviness powers were limited in November 1275 the Mongols besieged Albuera but Baybars had learned of it in advance allegedly due to contacts with piranhas at the same time with or without perviness support a group of the seljuq Amir's met with Baybars in july 1276 urging him to attack judging there was enough support in room for him he agreed mobilizing his army overwinter 1276 and setting out in february 12 77 as Baybars spared up the Levantine coast hervana lost control of room as various Turkmen rebelled and a new Mongol army under two Diwan cracked down on the Emir's who had contacted Beiber's in Syria he sent a diversionary force from Aleppo over the Euphrates while his main army entered Anatolia in late April after pushing off a Mongol advance force of 3000 in the taurus mountains news reached Baybars that two to one was camped close by on a plane near the town of Elba Stan he set out for them the armies meeting on the 15th of April 1277 to diwan's army was about fourteen thousand strong divided into 11 contingents of 1000 consisting mostly of Turkic heavy cavalry fighting in a style similar to the Mongols with a 12 contingent of 3,000 Georgians an army of similar size under / Verner made up of Rumi troops were stationed nearby Verster Diwan distrusted them and kept them away from his lines Tara went scouts had failed to judge the size of the Mamluk army which he believed to be smaller and not led by baybars in reality the Mamluks outnumbered the mongols by a few thousand as the Mamluks entered the plain as the narrow end they were unable to properly form up and their center was positioned before their left wing the Mongol left flank began the battle sending arrows into the Mamluk standard-bearers in the center before charging them the Mamluk center buckled and at the charge and the more exposed Mamluk left wing was similarly pounded by the Mongol right the situation was critical for the man looks likely at this stage their bedouin irregulars fled Baybars forced in his reserve the garrison of Hamor to reinforce his left and succeeded in pushing back the Mongols a brief respite allowed the Mamluks to better deploy their lines and counter-attack the Mongols fought fiercely but the greater numbers of the Mamluks made the difference gradually forced back over the course of the day their horses exhausted and unable to access remounts the Mongols dismounted signaling that they were fighting to the death with great struggle the Mamluks defeated them and killed their commanders the seljuq army took little part in the battle and dispersed hervana escaped but his son was captured by Baybars who the next day marched for Kayseri reaching it on April 20th Babar's ordered piranhas and the seljuk sultanate in but piranhas held out in his own castle both realized that baybars would not be able to hold his position deep in enemy territory with supplies running low while the rest of his kingdom was unprotected and a furious ibaka rallied his army five days after entering kayseri Baybars was enroute back to syria and though his Vanguard deserted to the Mongols by June he was in Damascus ibaka arrived in Anatolia too late to catch Baybars and in his fury was only narrowly persuaded out of massacring everything between case airy and Asura while the summer heat kept him from invading Syria he was able to catch Pervin er though and put him to death thus ended one of Baybars his most skillfully executed campaigns lightning quick and devastating it created a terrible mess for the ol Carnot it was a great shock when the line of Egypt suddenly died at the beginning of July 12 77 shortly after his return baybars had hopes to establish a dynasty but his sons were deposed from the throne and one of his Mamluks Cala one finally became the Sultan in November 12 79 though this was not uncontested this was a golden opportunity for Rebecca who put together an army under his inexperienced brother monka temer who raided Syria in November 1280 with a contingent of the Knights Hospitaller and the vassals of Theo Carnot King lay on the third of Armenian Silesia and count for him on to the seventh of Tripoli in September 12 81 monka temer returned again with forty to fifty thousand Mongols Armenians and eleven the third Georgians Franks and troops from the Seljuk room ibaka initially followed with another army but an attack by the golden horde at derbent forced him to hold back the Mongol invasion provided a common enemy to unite the Mamluk factions fighting for power and under Caliburn they advanced reinforced by Syrian Garrison's and Bedouins they've reached homes a few days before the Mongols in late October giving their troops a chance to dig in and rest on the plane north of the city while making their preparations as a Mongol defector informed them of monka temos plans most of the Mongol army was to be placed in the center with the right wing also being strong intending to overpower the Mamluk left and center where the Sultan's banners would be Cala when reinforced his left wing and positioned himself on a hill behind the vanguard to oversee the battle and act as a reserve the exact Mamluk numbers are unknown but they were probably slightly less than that of monka temos army marching through the night the Mongols arrived early on the 29th of October it was a massive front over 24 kilometers in length due to the size of both armies the wings of both forces being so far apart had little knowledge of what was occurring on the other side while tired from the night march the Mongols were eager the battle was initiated with the Mongol right under Allen AK charging for the Mamluk left and part of their Center crumpled and routed under the onslaught Allen AK continued his pursuit and here monkey temos experience and the scale of the battlefield began to show proper communication with the command were seemingly absent Allen AK pursued the fleeing Mamluks off the battlefield and as far as the lake of homes where they dismounted to rest evidently anticipating the rest of the army would soon arrive a similar charge by the Mongol left wing lacks the numbers of the Mongol right so the Mamluk right and center were able to hold and counter-attack Calla wounds actual role in this counterattack isn't clear some sources have him personally lead the attack while in others he kept his position hidden not even raising his banners so as to avoid Mongol arrows the Mamluks pushed back the Mongol right and the Bedouins came around to hit the Mongol flank the Mongol right fell back to the center which under monk her temer was being held in reserve in the resulting confusion perhaps thrown by his horse monka temer was injured and unable to command most of the Mongols then dismounted to make a final stand around the Prince and ultimately routed under the Mamluk assault the Mamluks chased the fleeing Mongols right to the border with the yoke on it many drowning in the Euphrates or dying in the desert so deadly was this route that Mamluk authors said more Mongols were killed in flight than in the actual battle Caliburn and a small guard remained on the battlefield they were forced to hide their banners and stay silent when the Mongol right-wing finally returned too late to turn the tide it seems they were able to make an orderly retreat back into the yoke Arnot a backer was furious at this loss and intended to return the next year but died in April 12 82 Ibaka's successors were not blessed with his same longevity or stability and until 1295 the o Carnot's or a succession of short-lived monarchs and infighting internal revolts and renewed attacks by the Golden Horde for the time being the immediate Mongol threat to the Mamluks had ended and Calhoun turned to the remaining Frankish strongholds all possible beachheads for European armies coming to assist the yoke hands cilicia was pillaged the remaining inland Crusader strongholds were taken and in April 12 89 the Mongols vassal Tripoli fell after the death of Rebecca's son argan Khan in March 1291 the Mamluks used the resulting distraction in the Oh Carnot to take the final major Frankish City in the Holy Land akka leaving them with but a few minor holdings which fell in the following years so ended 200 years of crusader kingdoms with Sultan Al Khalil assassination in 1293 the Mamluks entered a period of political instability over the Sultanate in comparison 1295 saw the beginning of the reign of the powerful gazan Khan son of Argan gazon was not the first Muslim milk on but by his reign a majority of the Mongols within the Oh Carnot had converted and made the O'Connor an Islamic state while ghazan was a Muslim this did not change el carnage policy - the man looks in the summer of 1299 a Mamluk raid into the Oh Carnot sacked mardan desecrating a mosque during Ramadan Gazan was thus able to easily obtain a fatwa against the man looks for this presenting himself not as an invader but a holy warrior coming to avenge atrocities against Islam which would encourage dissent among Mamluk ranks by December $12.99 Kazon and his army of Mongols Georgians and Armenians under their king head him the second had crossed the Euphrates Gaza and bypassed Aleppo and Hammer and encamped on the edge of the Syrian desert where he learned that the Mamluks were gathering at Homs where they had defeated mon coeur temer 18 years prior rather than falling into that trap Gazan chose to outflank them crossing the Syrian desert and coming out onto a stream some 16 kilometers north of Homs on the 22nd of December to the Mamluks it appeared that Gazan was retreating and they advanced out of their favorable position to pursue in a reverse of the Second Battle of Homs now the Mamluks were forced to cross the desert exhausting themselves to reach Gaza and early the next morning while his own troops rested quenched their thirst and formed up crucially the oken Adame was under the firm control of Gaza and his commander could look sharp while the young al Nazir Mohammed could not control his senior Amir on the morning of December 23rd $12.99 the Mamluks found Gazans army was torn up gazon commanded the center his general coach Luke Shah commanded the right and heta was on the left could look showers beating of war drums made the Mamluks believe Gaza to be located there on the right and to him they charged forcing the Mongol right back gas and air to the counter-attack against them and could look Shah rallied what forces he could and rejoined his kin from 11:00 a.m. until nightfall the battle raged but finally the Mamluks broke and fled Gaza and pursued them past Homs before in camping not wishing to be drawn into a false retreat in the dark Tom's surrendered without a fight and Gazan took the Sultan's treasure next Gaza and marched on to Damascus which also surrendered without a fight though its Citadel held out it seems almost the entire Mamluk garrison of Syria had retreated perhaps recalled to defend the capital Mongol raiding parties were making it as far as Gaza with one source reporting they even entered Jerusalem and the Sultanate seemed poised to fall but on February 5th 1300 ghazan withdrew from Damascus returning to the O Carnot curtain Luke Shah had been left to take the Citadel of Damascus but he soon followed the conned by the end of May the Mamluks had retaken Syria exactly why Ghassan withdrew is unclear possibly reports of a Nega dairy invasion in the east of his realm demanded his attention or he feared there would not be sufficient pasturage for his large army to make the trip to egypt whichever the reason gazon had lost the greatest chance to destroy the Mamluks gazan did cross the Euphrates at the end of december 1300 reaching as far as Aleppo but heavy rains rendered military operations untenable in 1303 gazan ordered could look Shah back into Syria but he was defeated at Marg al-safa near Damascus in April gas Anne's death the next year at only 34 years old prevented his next assault his brother and successor older too ordered the final ilkhanate attack on the Sultanate an embarrassing effort in winter 1312 which saw the army retreat not from the Royal man looks but the stiff resistance of ordinary towns folk older - son abu sa'id ultimately organised peace with the Mamluks in the early 13 20s but the ol carnage did not long outlive this treaty abuse iods death in 1335 without an air saw the O'Connor - torn apart by regional commanders the July raids turbinates mirza farad's and in Jewett's among others who appointed their own puppet cons for the Mamluks they were unable to take advantage of the O'Connor's disintegration as when Al Nasser Mohammed died in 1341 they entered their own period of anarchy in Anatolia the power vacuum from the collapse of the Oh Carnot left the peninsula as a collection of minor Bey links including one ruled by the warlord or Gazi the seat from which the mighty Ottoman Empire would spring all of these states soon found themselves affected by a new onslaught arising from the fragmented realm of the Chagga tea its temer but that is a video for another day so make sure you are subscribed to our channel and have pressed the bell button we would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters and channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise by the link in the description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 815,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genghis khan, kublai khan, yuan dynasty, mongol empire, mongolian empire, mongol history, kings and generals, full documentary, history lesson, documentary film, world history, animated documentary, decisive battles, ancient history, ain jalut, batu, subutai, legnica, khwarezm, japan, bach dang river, delhi sultanate, chagatai khanate, mongolian history, kili, khilji, mamluks, baibars, hulagu, qutuz, elbistan, seljuk, crusader, georgia, armenia, ilkhanate
Id: _QiPISsBo5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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