Rise of Timur - War against Toqtamish - MONGOL INVASIONS DOCUMENTARY

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The legacy of Chinggis Khaan influenced Asia for centuries Inspiring minor clans to become great conquerors, but none made a stronger claim to the great khans mantle than Timo This video will detail the beginning of the life of a man who professed to be restoring the Mongol Empire But washed away its remnants in a sea of blood Welcome to our video on the rise of timur and his war against toqtamish Thanks to Magellan TV for sponsoring this video. A lot of you already know Magellan TV or even have signed up to it But if you don't we will have you know that Magellan TV is a new type of documentary streaming membership Which has the richest and most varied history content available anywhere? Ancient modern current early modern war biography and even non-historical genres like science and crime Magellan TV will give you insight and knowledge about the topics. You're passionate about We recommend the documentary called Timor Mangal messenger Which was crucial in researching this documentary as it explained various aspects of mongol culture religion military organization and much more We also think that another Magellan TV documentary called the tomb of Genghis Khan is a must watch it sheds light on one of the most fascinating Archaeological mysteries you can stream Magellan from anywhere on any device without any ads and no limited access New programs are added on a weekly basis and many of them are available in 4k If you haven't signed up to Magellan yet support our Channel and do that at Magellan tv.com slash kings and Generals You will get a free one month membership. Trial thanks to Magellan for supporting our channel Timur was born into the Turco fide Mongol tribe of the ballas around 1335 near Samarkand Coinciding with the deaths of Ilkka and abu saeed and the Chegg attack khan tami Sheerin leaving both states in anarchy The o'conner dissolved into regional powers and puppet Khan's while the chagatai khanate divided into two the largely nomadic non-muslim morghulis tan in the East where H agate icon continued to rule and the mostly sedentary Islamic transoxiana in the West a Tacit Prince ruled in Transylvania until the usurpation of kazakh in 1347 a non chinga said of the nigga dairy tribe after Cassie Ganz murder in 1358 and the expulsion of his son by local Amir's The Taggart icon took look Timur saw this as a prime time to invade and appoint his son Ilyas as governor During these attacks the chief of the barlas fled before chagatai armies and timur around 25 years old Convinced to clerk timur to appoint him as the new chief. Thus began teemo's rise to power Raised with the 13 sedentary pers, oh is Lamech culture and the nomadic Turco Mongolian world? Timur had the hardiness of a nomadic warrior but with an eye for Persian culture allowing him to manipulate both The Chagga Tyree occupation of transoxiana lasted only briefly with chugalug team was death in 1363 Timur joined Cass against grandson amir hossein to push them back into McCulloch Stan During this fighting in the early 1360s Timor and Hussein's fortunes ebbed and flowed Forcing them at times to be little more than Raiders stealing for supplies while stealing a sheep Timor was struck by arrows in his right arm and leg leaving him with permanent injuries and a significant limp Thus he was called Timur Alang Timur the lame and hence Tamerlane by 1365 Timur and Hussein drove Ilyas and the Chagga ties from Transylvania Amir hussein restored the territory of his grandfather But soon alienated the local Lords through his own actions such as moving his capital to bulk outside. Transoxiana the ever ambitious and charismatic timur riled up the armies led a rebellion and Al stirred him leaving Timur master of transoxiana by 1370 as He was not a descendant of chingus timur could not take the title of khan So to legitimize his rule he appointed his own Taggart icon. So you'll get mich a descendant of Agata He married a chink acid princess allowing him to claim the title of good again son-in-law to the house of chingus Despite often living like a nomad Timur made Samarkand his capital and many captured scholars artisans and craftsmen were sent here over the following decades His position was consolidated over the 13 70s against local Amir's campaigning against the concur at Sufi dynasty of quar ISM and the new can of McGillis tan kamar Aldean dog let in this time He also took in a fugitive from the white horde toqtamish providing him shelter and support to seize the region by 1378 From that base talk to Mitch competed for control of the entire golden horde bringing him into conflict with mana the year after Timor took it upon himself to take qua resum raising again CH and conducting a massacre an escalation of violence from his earlier campaigns The core of teemo's armies throughout his career were the tribes of the Chakotay Carnot skilled horse archers and cavalry supplemented by subject people's Over time he replaced tribal leaders with his family and followers Keeping his army Almost constantly on campaign made it difficult for his generals to develop alternative power bases or conspire against him The key to timurid military success was timur himself Not just a phenomenal tactician Timur thoroughly prepared for each campaign and gathered all possible intelligence on the weakness of his enemies he led every campaign rarely delegating power keeping his troops loyal through the rich plunder and provinces loyal through fear With a puppet jacket icon and the next can of the Golden Horde his protege in 1381 Timur cast his eyes to the remnants of the Oh canít closest to Timo's borders were smaller powers in Khurasan and northeastern Iran which Timur turned into protectorates it was not until 1384 that timur prepared a proper invasion into iran pushing through miss and iran He allowed a local Ching acid Prince to retain the ill Khan's imperial title of padishah granting timur to puppet khan's Timur took two former ilkhanate capitals so Tanya and Tabriz The latter ruled by another ill carnage successor the jelly rates under Sultan Ahmed who fled before him? Returning to Samarkand in 1385 he immediately began his preparations for his next campaign in the three-year campaign beginning in 1386 timur drove deep into the west forcing Sultan Ahmed to flee modern Azerbaijan again then invading Georgia sacking to Blissey and Capturing the Georgian king and queen who were forced to convert to Islam the following year He attacked another ilkhanate successor. He Mirza farad's and took his fahad Timur had perhaps been unaware that toqtamish now Khan of the Golden Horde had in 1385 Established a treaty of friendship with Ahmad. Jellia Toxsa mesh considered the Caucasus and qua resum to be George its territory and both were now under teemo's thumb After Timur it forces withdrew from Azerbaijan toqtamish attacked in late 1386 taking Baku to brizz and neck Shaban in 1387 He swung around the caspian sea again and took Tashkent and Kashi Before besieging Bukhara and Deimos capital of Samarkand Once toqtamish withdrew tamari took quar ISM sacking again CH with a massacre to invoke those of Chinggis, Khaan Immediate for prizes against toqtamish were halted by rebellions in kuro-san and a retaliatory Campaign in McGillis turn against Kumar Alden who had allied with dr. Mesh Once dealt with Timor began extensive preparations for an invasion of the Golden Horde Spending months assembling a large army and supplies and set out unexpectedly early in January 1391 Anticipating that Teemo would cross the Earl river at Kirk ku Toqtamish ordered his army to gather there. But before he could gather his full force. He learned that Teemo had crossed further upriver Toqtamish retreated lest he be outflanked and his forces who arrives late were set upon by the Timur. It's Toxin Esch drew Teemo deeper into the steppe to starve his large army party sent out to forage were ambushed by talk domitius warriors and The Khan tried to burn the grasslands before teemo's army though the wet spring hampered this Knowing his starving men would soon be at their limit Timur sent mirza Omar Sheikh with 20,000 swift riders to overtake toqtamish and force him to battle Allowing the main force to catch up to the car The ploy worked and tox image was forced to draw up as the Condor chub River on June 18th 1391 The two massive armies arrayed themselves in large Crescent formations Both forces were largely horse archers light and heavy cavalry With Timur bringing infantry from his Central Asian cities and toqtamish infantry from the hordes urban centres Tim are strengthened his wings with units staggered behind them to protect against encirclement and Commanded the rearguard behind the center The golden horde struck first attacking across the entire front talks to mesh himself leading repeated charges However, some of TOC domitius flank commanders retreated either due to treachery or miscommunication with the Horde now Stretched thin timur ordered a counter-charge against TOC domitius left and center which broke and the rest retreated Victory was achieved bitch talk to me and much of his army had escaped deprived of a total victory Timur declared a nuke on of the golden horde Teemo coots look then returns to his realm plundering as he went In August 1392 Timur set out on his five-year campaign to seize the rest of iran he destroyed the muzaffer is taking lira stack Shiraz and his forehead and Brought his border to persian Iraq In August 1393 Timur set out suddenly and surprised sultan ahmad. Jellia in baghdad Ahmad only narrowly escaped fleeing to the Mamluk Sultanate and Baghdad was occupied without a struggle Timur stayed in the city only two months before withdrawing leaving a small garrison in Baghdad, which Ahmad expelled the next year in 1394 Timur was in the Caucasus Devastating Georgia and wintering near the border with the Golden Horde By then toqtamish has regained his strength and tried to organize an anti timur alliance Contacting the ottomans the Mamluks the carrion loop and the J Lyrids Timur could not allow such a coalition to form Watching teemo's movement talk to mesh placed his own army north of the Caucasus The two sent envoys to one another in a final diplomatic effort to no avail Timur marched into the step in the first months of 1395 This time he caught toqtamish along the Terek River in April The golden horde controlled the north bank of the closest ford Unwilling to storm it timur marched upstream with toqtamish mirroring him for three days on the third night the women and servants in Tamar's cannon donned armor and continued on while the main force swiftly doubled back in the darkness and crossed the now Unguarded Ford. It didn't take talked to mesh long to discover the ruse But it was too late teemo's army deployed on their site late on April 14th Anticipating a night attack timur ordered a moat dug around his camp Talk to mrs Forces skirmished along the edges of the moat playing instruments and shouting keeping teemo's army up with expectations of an assault But talked to Michelle to the main army back resting them on The morning of the 15th they formed up Again, they brought massive armies and timur increased the size of his rearguard in expectations of encirclement Toqtamish opened the battle. He's right falling upon teemo's left rear guard Timur ordered the left wing to assist and the golden hordes right retreated Eager to pressed the assault team was left pursued leaving the security of the main army and were drawn into a feigned retreat Surrounded the timid left was decimated Battle order was lost Timur retreated to the fortified camp with toqtamish troops in hot pursuit and they nearly captured the Amir With Timur himself now under threat his commanders acted promptly forcing wagons together in an impromptu stockade They held off the Horde long enough for the remainder of the army to form backup and by evening They had counter-attacked and force the Joads back until nightfall Separated them so ended the first day of battle Discipline and composure were re-established that night and the armies drew up early on the 16th tom tamesha's army again began the battle his left flank forcing back teemo's vanguard and Soon teemo's right was nearly overcome as well One commander orders large shields forced into the ground and from behind this barricade Team wars arches dismounted and shot at the approaching Tartars halting their advance Team will reinforced them with several units from his bodyguard repulsing the judges under this volley of arrows The second day ended much better than the first forty more but the old a mere new talk to Mitch had him matched That evening he made overtures to a discontented emir in talk to muscies camp act out Promising him rewards for promoting entry by morning Aktau had abandoned the battlefield Toqtamish was disheartened but determined and formed up again his left wing weaker with Actos absence toqtamish his center and flanks all attacks team our best team war had built up his forces on the right and Broke through the weakened Church it left Hard fighting continued in with toqtamish valiantly trying to save the left and prevent encirclement Which teemo had the better of the day Defeated took to mission had an orderly retreat planned sending one commander to the caucuses in an effort to harassed him Azrael This gave talks mission of time to escape while Tim or crushed this army However toqtamish could not rally another army leaving his cities isolated before the might of Timor All the economic centres of the golden horde from Haji Turk and Sarai Tanner and more were flattened by Timor over the course of 1395 and he carried their wealth back to Samarkand Moscow and the Russian cities avoided teemo's wrath but timur completed the destruction of the Overland trade routes begun in the 1330s Timur place timur could look back on the throne with his general at ago as the power behind him Instructed to ensure toqtamish who had fled to lithuania could never regain power Teemo's career though was just starting and in the next video. We will cover his destructive war against the delhi sultanate So make sure you are subscribed to our channel and have pressed the bell button We would like to express our gratitude to our patreon supporters ads channel members who make the creation of our videos possible Now you can also support us by buying our merchandise via the link in the description This is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 848,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Timur, Toqtamish, War, Mongols, Mongol invasions, tamerlane, timurlang, genghis, chinggis, chagatai, terek, kondurcha river, mamai, khan, golden horde, mongol empire, full documentary, animated documentary, kings and generals, history lesson, decisive battles, military history, documentary film, king and generals, world history, history documentary, animated historical documentary, history channel, ancient history, ankara, bayezid, ottomans, delhi, sack of delhi, timurids, akkoyunlu, ilkhanate
Id: y95sYUkQJuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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