Money & Girls, Nothing Would Make Me Happy! - Heartbreaking Revert Story

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money and women and alcohol power I used to have a Godlike complex I used to think I was better than people honestly I I used to think nothing can touch me I used to think I had some sort of significance the older I get the higher the levels got and the more I'd get I could have all the money in the world I'd have 10 women around me I'd have a big pile of cash behind me nothing would make me happy I had a failed relationship she wanted me to stop um going to the clubs and drinking and you know and I and I'd kept going there and I'd kept going there very selfish she'd left me I'd lost my son my father passed away I'd lost my father I'd lost everything I got Avengers 2 movies coming out next week we like Marvel he loves Marvel I feel like he knew that he was going to die and like he told me he told me yeah you know and life suddenly changed from like being with my dad then going through that doing all this I ended up becoming homeless and I ended up stealing no ID no job I couldn't like progress so I'm homeless outside Birmingham I've got a little turtleneck on you know I've wrapped the turtleneck over my head it's like winter I'm freezing i' I've managed to like get the whole turtleneck over my whole body and I'm shivering man a man called musen he had approached me and he was seeing me on the floor and said what's up I said bro please just leave me alone said leave me alone you know he said uh come stay with me and I said why why why and he says fall Allah Allah and he says fall Allah Allah and that was the first time in my life that from the bottom of their heart someone you know wanted to help me because just wanted what was best for me like why me was very [Music] happy asalam alikum brother Ibrahim as toity we are very happy to have you with us I want to start by asking who is ibraim f can tell us briefly about your life my name is ibraim fat formerly known as Joseph Johnson I was born a Christian in the northwest of United Kingdom in Blackpool growing up I was U always getting into trouble I got kicked out of high school I never went to college had drink party smoke take drugs I was very very lost very lost I reverted to Islam in 2018 and just generally just become a better person a better father a better human being and alhamdulilla that's how it all started so how was your life in regards to Faith what was your belief as a kid I was a Christian got baptized my Holy Communion my confirmation and you know I did believe in God even as a kid I've always believed in God I was never God-fearing when I was a Christian but I believed in God I believed in the prophets but um growing up I never believed in um that Jesus was a messiah so even through school I had doubts even through High School So it' Gone in one year and out the other so the things that didn't make sense to me like in Christianity was um G Jesus being a God I did not believe in this I was practicing when I was a child growing up yeah we go to church on a Sunday so Christians only go to church on a Sunday and they go for themselves Sunday mass and you know you go there and you go go back home you know there's not much uh discipline in Christianity you know pray once a week then go back most people just sin and then go back on the on the weekend you know go back on the Sunday most them believe that he will forgive you for anything no matter what you do and you'll go to heaven is very how was your you know teenage years the teenage years for me was quite quite hard because uh growing up I thought these things would make me happy going out partying drinking girls when I got to the age of 18 I was absolutely calamiti by um money and women and alcohol power I used to have a Godlike complex and I used to think I was better than people honestly I I used to think nothing can touch me I used to think I had some sort of significance and it was very very wrong I I really hated who I was I used to think these things would make me happy because I couldn't be happy nothing made me happy in this world I was never happy I could have all the money in the world I'd have 10 women around me I'd have a big pile of cash behind me I'm not happy nothing would be happy nothing would make me happy no matter what I done and the older I get the higher the levels got and the the more I'd get and the more I wouldn't be happy so you know it got even worse because I thought if this can't make me happy nothing's going to make me happy and I was miserable I was absolutely miserable I was lost I had no guidance I would drink myself to death on the night no one's there for me when I was down and out and no one was truly there for me as a friend you know they'd only want me to go down with them we'll all go down together and what I used to think was a friend it was not a friend at all I know that now I I have a son I had a failed relationship she wanted me to stop um going to the clubs and drinking and you know and I and I kept going there and and i' kept going there very selfish she'd left me I'd lost my son my father passed away I'd lost my father I'd lost everything you know my father made me happy my son made me happy and I used to think all these materialistic things will make me happy can you take us to those moments where you lost your dad how how did it happen as towards eternity we need your support we are a charity organization that aims to spread the message of Islam to the entire world in eight languages with your support you can help people convert to Islam give up Haram start praying wear hijab learn to read the Quran and so on by donating just $1 a day you can have your share in all these Good Deeds inshallah donate to towards eternity and don't let this Ramadan pass without making a difference can you take us to those moments where you lost your dad how how did it happen so uh my father passed away when I was 20 years old you know just died suddenly was my best friend I was at my um girlfriend's house at the time and um yeah I was at my girlfriend's house and my son was around about two months old and my my dad was at his house my sister lives there she'd rang me up saying like dad's collapse he had a stroke half of his face wasn't working so half of his face is you know is like drooping down I know she was really really worried I didn't think nothing of it my dad used to go in in and out of the hospital all the time he had diabetes and he didn't used to look after himself like sometimes misses injections I thought nothing of it and um I'd gone to the hospital he gone to the hospital he had injected him with um an you know to make him pass out and AE I just remember him comeing we all the sisters and brothers came there's loads there like six of us and then he got us in a room and he was just like I don't know how to tell you this my mom died to the same thing and I go what you what are you on about father had a brain hemorrhage I remember just everyone just crying straight away and I it took me it took me a while to process what happened you know and um he was on on the hospital bed and I remember that night like all all my sisters all my sisters had like work the next day and um they'd gone homes cuz I had children and I was just left in the hospital man you know on my own and um I was just walking around the hospital all night in circles you know and I stayed in the bed with him you know and I just looked at him but the last time and I sometimes I regret doing that [Music] because I'm staying with him and sometimes when I look back as well I just get like images images of his face you know so I thought I was doing a good thing by staying with him all night and then but I think like I tortured myself that that 24 hour was felt like a year and he died the next morning he flatlined yeah he was conscious no the last time I seen him conscious he rang me two weeks before we fell out and he rang me up saying I love you you know that and I said yeah yeah yeah and he said I just want you to know that I love you so much I said what are you on about and he's just like saying I'm proud of you I'm proud of you you know I'm proud of my grandson and they go sh up what you want about I go Avengers 2 movie is coming out next week we like Marvel he loves Marvel I feel like he knew that he was going to die and like he told me told me yeah he knew he was going to die without any symptoms or signs he he felt that he felt it he felt it he felt it I think he might have gone to the doctors a few weeks before and like he knew he just didn't want to tell us you know I wasn't ready I wasn't ready for the world you know when he left I wasn't in my head I was like 20 but I was still like 16 in my head at the time you know I did really struggle after we left I didn't know how to live I didn't know how to do the mortgage the rent that's why I say like I go out with my friends and I'd get into trouble and i' do other things you know I end up becoming homeless um I ended up stealing not off the shops or people but asum brothers and sisters we realize that 80% of our audience including this video are not subscribed to our Channel as you know we are a nonprofit organization and advertisements are disabled on our videos towards eternity is not just a YouTube channel but also a med here we try to educate ourselves and the youth Islamic league so the only reason we are asking for this is to spread the truth it may seem like a small act but inshallah it will help us reach millions of people now let's click the like and the Subscribe buttons and let's together walk towards eternity you know I did really struggle after we left I didn't know how to live I didn't know how to do the mortgage the rent that's why I say like I go out with my friends and I'd get into trouble and I'd do other things you know I end up becoming homeless um I ended up stealing not off the shops or people but you know I'd go to like places like hars or something like that where it's not going to affect anyone only a millionaire I didn't have a passport I didn't have a bank account at the time and I had no ID in my own government country so I was stuck in the system no ID no job I couldn't like progress and I didn't have money to get uh a bank account I mean I have bank account to get money at the time so I had to do these things I didn't want to do and they put me in a hostel and hosts where um they put people who's like got no place to live or jail levers well I remember they put me in William Booth and um whole city well why did you have to leave your house didn't you because it was a mortgage um the house was mortgag and um you know it got sold off really and he when he died I ended up in debt we actually end up in £5,000 in debt all of us but had money to the thingy so we had to pay it so your your home was sold sold it was sold you became homeless as as an entire family my family um they have their own homes I live with my dad and had boyfriends and children and you know ego Pride I'm not going to go intervene I didn't want to jump in with my sister so I chose to just just help try and help myself they end up chucking me into Willy Booth it's a bad place and they end up just getting passed around hostle to hostle you know and then that's when I started to go decline downhill because I started spending time with you know just some different kind of people you know and my life suddenly changed from like being with my dad then going through that doing all this then eventually I'd start going to the clubs because I want to get out of there and get a bank account and get some ID which I did so I didn't even really used to drink I did start drinking um a lot a lot when my dad passed away because I was I was sick and tired being sick and tired like you know I I was hurting and it got progressively worse and then other things came into in as well you know started to go partying doing other things starting on to the club that's what I mean I started to him you know I don't like to say it but I mean you know I started to do other things than drinking that's all I would say when he was in the club did you ever sleep on the streets yeah yeah I did and how was that experience not nice man not nice um so black pool's my local Town yeah I'm from Cleveland and there's no hostiles for like people who are homeless cuz quite a nice area so I found myself being homeless like full on and then my my my government my Council they wouldn't like help me accommodate me so I to moved to Birmingham so in Birmingham was even worse I go to the Willie booth in Birmingham the hostel and Washington core and it's a different ball game in Birmingham you know the the big lions the guys that they're not some of them are not very nice get myself out of this hostel I just stayed outside McDonald's I just don't want to be around that thought I've I've been around people like that that's in the past I'm not doing it anymore and I want to help myself so I'm homeless outside Birmingham I've got a little turtleneck on you know I've wrapped the turtleneck over my head it's like winter I'm freezing I've managed to like get the whole turtleneck over my whole body and I'm shivering man you know I've got my head on concrete the bottom of my spines hurting in the morning aching aching and I was outside um McDonald's in the bull ring birming Camp a man called musen he had approached me Pakistani U Muslim and he was seen me on the floor and um he said what's up I said bro please just leave me alone said leave me alone you know and he said no no no no no no no no no I said you don't you shouldn't be here he looked at me he said what what what are you doing and then I tell him the story about like my father you know about the house and uh alhamdulillah he said um come stay with me and I said I don't really know you I said he said they I said you can have your own house said I've got a house we do a we we help a load of homeless people there's there's a houses and they put like people in need in each room there's an empty one with no one in there and he'd let me stay in it and I said why why why and he says for Allah Allah and when he said that it made me smile and I didn't understand at the time because people I've been around in my life they'll never do anything unless they get something in return they'll never do anything of the kindness of their own back you know just it was very very nice and that was the first time in my life that from the bottom of their heart someone you know wanted to help me because they just wanted what was best for me then what happened that you took further steps towards Islam yeah so um I didn't know much about Islam um I studed Constantinople in um in high school my brother Mosen he didn't mention Islam for about a month when I was there people say was groomed which means he was pressured and manipulated into joining Islam well people think you've been in jail you know it's it's very wrong but um the Brotherhood they just started picking me up building me back up and just building me up as a as a human being not about anything about the Quran they didn't mention it once I swear they didn't mention it once and they just builded me back up getting me back in the gym and just you know I was at this point when he found me you know I was very always very mentally strong but I was shattered I was broken I was in bits so we getting me in the gym just boosting my confidence really and then the brothers start taking me out slowly and birmingam I was going down hodg hill hansworth and all the brothers like they know me and I'm not even a Muslim yet and they're calling me brother they giving me hugs it's like I've got a family and maral it was amazing it was beautiful all my life I've just wanted a hug man you know and then I found that in Islam and the Brotherhood you know really drew me to Islam I never felt the brotherhood like a within the Muslim Community I never trusted any of my friends you know my friends would always try do dirty on me don't get me wrong Muslims are not perfect but you know the majority the God-fearing ones we started talking about religion and I love debates religious theosophical I love having debates which is beyond human comp comprehension whatever it may be we're talking about Christianity we're talking about religion it's like R our own little speaker corner and um starts to tell me to watch Ali dawa and Ham ham Muhammed hijab I'm trying to tell them why the Bible's authentic and I can't say anything and you know alhamdulillah I cannot say anything you know I you were trying to defend the Bible I wasn't trying to defend it but I mean they was trying to like put the the Quran on me I mean at that time you know and I tried to come up with some sort of Defense because at the time I was still a Christian but I couldn't say anything I agreed with everything that they said before Islam I did not know that we believe in the same God I did not know we believe in the same prophets really I thought they would believe in something else and when I started to watch the da everything started to make sense to me and you know and martial it was such beautiful feeling that we believe in the same prophets I was very surprised and shocked like how is this kept secret from me my whole life how do I not know this and I'd been liting my whole life W i' been liting my whole life you know from so social media and propaganda and listening to what the people are saying I was very ignorant and very misguided and I start to make my own mind up and you know I found truth in the Quran for one reason one reason only this is where I found the truth in the Quran where I could say right this is authentic it's the truth half as memorization if someone tried to change the Quran the Muslim will know you ask one Christian to start reciting Pages you know of the Bible you know they won't be able to do it so the love and the passion the true Protectors of the word of God through the ha and the haa you know and for me for me personally it was the ha you know that give me proof that these people have so much love for this word this book they'll memorize it and dedicate the life to it you know and for me that was a big big authenticity I started to meet other brothers and I started to watch Da and then I started to go to learn go to pray in the mashid and learn to pray before becom Muslim before becoming Muslim I wanted to like experience and see like you know I was interested you don't have to be Muslims to go into a mashid anyone's welcome you can be Christian you anyone's allowed in it's fine and U I just wanted to go see I was very nervous the first time I went into the mashed I was scared I was nervous because I was afraid that they was not going to accept me and when I went in there people come and hug me and kiss my head and they just hug me they say Sal you know were you hesitant about your looks that they want I was at first with the tattoos because obviously I'd heard that in in Islam the tattoos are not allowed I was thinking how am I going to be accepted as a Muslim it's going to be hard for me I was thinking the Muslim might make it hard for me but it was not true at all straight away they say Al Allah subhana wa tala is the most forgiven doesn't matter what you do before if you revert to Islam you're like newborn baby brand new Clean Slate all sins forgiven I met a lot of men who was ex drug dealers ex uh criminals ex- murderers and they' come out and they repented and turn back to God and these were born Muslims and W these guys were so passionate to me uh you know I have a big passion I listen to them through mutual understanding you know in the UK we all come from the same place a lot of us and these men who have reformed their lives through Islam that's what appealed to me as well I've seen people go through Rehabilitation mental counseling so many times I've seen people try these forms of Rehabilitation whether it be mental health whether it be drugs addiction none of it works my personal experience is Islam is the only proven for form of Rehabilitation that I've seen to change a man to bring him out of a dark place like that and change him from the heart genuine and just fill it with love and and alhamdulillah and I've never seen that before and these you know mar mar i' never saiden that it impressed me massively at this time I'm watching Dr Zakir Nik I'm wearing my T PE I've got the ju on I'm not even turn to a Muslim yet and I'm listening to M you know I'm listening to everything alhamdulillah and I say boss yeah Zakaria I said I want to do the shahada I want to become a Muslim and then you decided to take shahada and then you call your they take my shahada I go to I remember it like yesterday I go to green lay mashid in Birmingham I choose mus son to take the shahad with me because he loved me like a brother and and you like I'm his prodige he's teaching me the things that his dad's teaching him he's teaching me about Islam and the Quran and I love him he's part of my Dean so I gone in there and I swear to God W he when I was in the Christian church when my dad died after I'd done all these um bad things and I say the bad I tried to repent and like you know oh God help me put me in a situation where I can get out of this and do some good and I tried to repent and say confession I'd gone to confession once and telling my confessions to some man in a box next to me and I thought this is not right this is not right I did not feel forgiven by God I did not feel God I didn't feel that God answered my prayers and when I do my sh and Muhammad and you know I felt forgiven I felt Solace when I when I did that I felt newborn I felt Rejoice like a newborn baby Mah M and I have so much love and all the brothers you know they come hug me but most of all I truly truly truly felt forgiven and that is what I was searching for and I felt forgiven where I could start a new slate where my pastor is not going to creep up behind me and torture me you know torment me you know because aldah Allah most forgiving most merciful how was your fam's and your close circles reaction for your reversion at first my mom ranged me my sister ranged me they thought I was going to become a terrorist she didn't understand it so At first she wasn't supportive not in a negative way my my sister as well but now they're all W they're all like pushing me my mom saying how proud she is of me I'm much love that's all I've ever wanted you don't know how nice it is like for your mother to say she's proud of you and family want to be with you you know so alhamdulillah through Islam and the Quran I've got my family back and my family loved me how did people react to your tattoos after tattoos after you became a Muslim so it's mixed opinions you know a lot of people Alim very good um perception they've got a good understanding of the Quran and the attributes of Allah subhana wa tala alham is the judge nobody can judge but sometimes when I go to umra you get the aunties and I go Auntie I'm I'm sorry you get the uncles and they go but you know U yeah some of the aunties and the uncles they do that but when I tell them I'm a Rea they go mar mar but I say look you shouldn't do that though if it was a Bor Muslim he made a mistake come on said Al was it difficult for you to give up your old bad habits after becoming a Muslim do you think a person who wants to become a Muslim should not do so unless he or she is willing to give up everything bad in their life and so for like revers or non practicing Muslims who was thinking coming back to the dean take it baby steps don't think about things like this you know you'll learn as you go along you know you're you're rewarded double for trying so yes 100% And for me personally a big big lifestyle change it took a couple of years it took a couple of years and to uh adjust to you know doing things sooner music there's a lot of little things there's a lot of little little little things okay but don't be too hard on yourself you know just do it from the intentions and slowly by slowly little by little you'll get there there's different levels of M MIM believer so it depends where you want to be everyone's got a rank you know everyone it can be easy it can be easy you can make Salah five times a day and you can go do your thing and alhamdulillah you can say oh I've done loads of Good Deeds inshallah I go to Jenna one of my friends tell me that you will none of us are going to Jenna based on Good Deeds but Allah subhana T's mercy and you know the more that we fall in love with the prophet Muhammad sallallah wasam you know the more better people we become in time but that comes in time so all I will say even if you have tattoos Islam is for everybody it's reserved for the people who need it doesn't matter where you're from no matter what you've done in the past even if you're drinking doing just make pray and say and in time if you really want jna and you're taking it you know Islam is not a joke so when we're making Salah and then more we study the Quran you will fall in love and you will want to do this for Allah so don't worry even if you're drinking I'm sure slowly Allah will guide us inshallah have you ever experienced an extraordinary event where you felt that you had a special connection with Allah um one of the extraordinary events was um um last year I was very very alone I was in Hall City i' moved to Hull and um I started going to the the mosque in um in Hull and then I made a video just saying like I'm a Muslim on Tik Tok about a year ago now nine months ago and then I remember just waking up and getting like 100,000 followers on Tik Tok and then it went viral and and I felt so much love my World opened like so much love from that um and I was still afraid that people wasn't going to accept me and um you know and I also wanted to like try and I was very passionate about Islam I wanted to try and um show other people as well that Islam's peaceful since I've come online you know I had thousands of people blessing me about the tattoos and not just um it's just G me more more more strength and you know more solace in the heart and since then I've had over a thousand people mail me saying that they took the Shah Hardo because you know because I've made the video and I've shown them that Islam's peaceful and then they seeing it live and direct it's helped them it's helped them since I first made that video over a thousand people across my medias have messaged me who are non-muslim who have took shahada or have bought the Quran and studying Islam they wanted me to try and teach them so I've guided them to these servers revert servers I want Allah subhana wa tala to save them and if I can have any part to play to try and be there for them inshah I'm there so you have been to umra many times but when you went to umra for the first time what was the thing that affected you the most and why when I went to mash Al so many people in one area all Races all colors every single country and I knew this was the answer the people were here for the pilgrimage for Allah not like the Vatican the people were there to see the pope oros or it was there for God these are true Pious Believers and then it was a cure an answer for racism it's world peace and that was the big moment for me Islam is a cure for everything it's an answer to every problem it's a Guide to Life it's a way of life I remember my brother anas I love him he's from dagistan he used to call me from from meca the Swiss Hotel and start calling me and show me the Caba this is the Caba I make du for you I'm going to perform um for you I just remember he took me to Medina first so we did like the Hijra in Reverse we went to Mas naui but we did our intentions in in Medina and then D all all the way and just that car Journey I'll never forget that you know going to all these places you know going to like all the pit stops and stuff and you just like talk about just tell me how to do the supplications and you know and it was very special like that first time I felt like why me was very [Music] happy what was your purpose your in your life before Islam and what is it after Islam you know what my purpose before Islam I was um I didn't have one didn't have a goal I didn't know where I was going in life I didn't even know what to do when I woke up I didn't know how to be I didn't know how to think I didn't know how to be around people I'd woke up I was so lost I didn't know what to do you know I was very very very lost very lost but now inshah I want to slowly get rid of the tattoos it's going to take time and I've been traveling so when I go back to Indonesia I'm going to be settled I get them lasered I want to be I want to be a h i want to recite Quran I want to be an IM one day and I want to give da I want to give da with Ali da with a so I'm going to uh study inshah and may I go to speak his corner and give da I I want to be a half I love the Quran when I first made Tik Tok uh my brothers theams from Saudi uh so many places Iraq they come on my live and they recite Quran to me to make me fall in love with the Quran to show the beauty you know and they slowly start reciting to me and I'd fall in love s of yin and I I start to read all the suras and Surah YF and I'd start read the Quran anyway but I mean I start to fall in love with the Quran that's a different story you know [Music] insh
Channel: Towards Eternity
Views: 485,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, towards etenity
Id: kimFYxWNcaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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