How Sigmund Freud Led me to Islam | Revert Story of Abdul Malik | Metamorphosis EP 3 #islam

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I was willing to be a fake Muslim just to live inside that system and we had our English lesson there everyone had to write their all-day Hero on a piece of paper and lucky me the teacher pulled out Jesus the class started laughing the next stage I became atheist how did that happen I was very much against feminism you woman you're all stupid that's what you used to see yeah I used to say that to them there is some equivalence that the prophet salallahu mentioned between the modern way of describing the internal workings of our mind or from the perspective of sequence for the father of modern psychology he dedicated his entire life on this subject he did not have ten thousands he had maybe twenty thousand thirty thousand patients in his lifetime they made mistakes they corrected and they were dedicated on no other topic than this and they came up with this description of our inner workings and rasulullah did not study psychology he did not have patience he did not dedicate his whole time and he didn't correct he said it one time and it was right you think you're so intelligent but if you were wrong with that point on God then you will be the most stupidest person [Music] foreign as a German guy and I was born in Heidelberg and grew up there in a smaller Village around it and then moved to Munich around my 20th year and lived there for a couple of years before ending up in Kuwait hamdullah so tell me about your childhood and your lifestyle I had a very nice childhood without TV without computer games I lived in a smaller Village right next to the forest so it was any weekly program to have multi-hours of walk in the forest me and my small brother and my mom on the weekends with my dad so how was faith in regards to your life at that time pretty much everyone in my generation was atheist but we were a small group of doctors in that area and coming from a dedicated family because that is not something usual so for example in my whole class level we were like 140 students in that level there were two or three more from dedicated Christians and none of them was proactive as I was and we had our English lesson there the topic of the session was an all-day hero so under the term all-day hero everyone had to ride their all-day Hero on a piece of paper and put it in like a small box and then the teacher would choose one and read it out and lucky me the teacher pulled out Jesus the class basically started laughing and I stood up yeah and you all are fools and you don't know what you're doing it's like it's like yeah I was dedicated where did this dedication came from since elementary school the others they went out into big break and started playing football and stuff I would stand alone in the player and I had a routine praying the thing there is no reflecting back like I said I did not pray to anyone except my Creator I prayed to my Creator and then there was like the Steep connection I needed that I wanted that and I needed that the next part of my way to Islam is actually that I became atheist which is how did that happen so what happens is have you heard of the double effect if we have 1 000 viewers for this video and every single person shared that video to someone 2000 will become 4 8 16 32 64 256 512 1 million View Ahmed foreign the one who directs you to the good action is the same as the one who does the action itself so subscribe to the channel and click the Bell icon and make sure you share this video now let's go back to watching the video so what happens is and that group of Baptists around the age of 14 and I I went into these lessons and they are focusing a lot on Jesus basically their message is you don't pray to anyone except for Jesus not your creator I mean they would not say it in these words of course because in the end they say both is the same and I started praying to Jesus and this feeling vanished and it will just vanish into nothing really I was dedicated part of the group and within maybe two weeks it was gone and I never visited them again I was just out of it it came in a time where puberty started and social pressure for my weird views grew in the friend cycle you know they became active with girls internet was there and they played computer games that my parents would not have approved of and I cannot say that I lost my faith and God I became basically agnostic but I did not go back to worshiping my creator I just let's try the other stuff one big point was alcohol in Germany alcohol is you can drink beer starting from 16. part of culture oh part of the culture man it's the culture unfortunately yeah I'm coming from a small village and there is the choking about that then in the small villages all they do is drink and really all they do is yeah with teenage especially in the young men they have this habit of showing their strength by who can consume more also because you're still too afraid to approach women as an adult so you just drink and hope for finding the courage to do so for me personally when when you talk about where I was as in connection with God and what I felt there the alcohol opened up things to say that I would not have the courage before to say I needed around two years until I would openly feel safe enough in my own illusion to openly say that I'm an atheist and feeling the hypocrisy and the intoxicating feeling of making yourself something that you are not really that you are not and that made me an atheist yeah that really made me an atheist and a proud atheist so tell me about your life and like before sorry to interrupt that like before I was again outgoing with it I stood up for it you know I and I would start arguing with Christians to put them down in their belief to to like how stupid they are to believe that what were your views about Islam at that stage in your life well I didn't have much information to be honest although I was actively proclaiming that the hijab is just a political sign like I bend them all from wearing hijab and I mean I was not not um per se against Islam I had very little understanding for the for what are actually the religious rules and I just applied my own thinking on it so how did you hear about Islam I had a very good Turkish friend who was with me in high school his name is Burak in case you're watching um so the Nazis pronouncer relay and I went there with a couple of friends to stand against the Nazis on the way back in the train there are a couple of youngsters from the Turkish who and he tried to get into beef with us for whom did I stand up against the Nazis they wouldn't attack me they would attack you guys why do I stand against them potentially being beaten up by them then I on the way home potentially getting beaten up by you anyway that's not how it how it should work so I had this question okay where are these problems coming from right and um actually Burak pointed out some Hadith some sayings from the prophet salallahu sallam about how to deal with people how to deal with the neighbors Etc and like I said what I did know about Islam was they have a book right Quran same like Bible same like Torah okay but I never heard about Hadith the actual saying the actual saying of the Prophet accurately transmitted throughout the the Millennia so that is that was something very new for me I I haven't heard about that before and there is nothing like that in Christianity and I started researching and I found a translation of riado solihin in German language and it gave me some concept of life that piqued my interest in this specific time frame I was interested in social studies and how Society is constructed and I held certain very conservative views although I was atheist at that time for example I was very much against feminism well I was very happy to reap the benefits of feminism for me as a man and I would say you're all are stupid you woman you're all stupid that's what you used to see yeah I used to say that and I used to say that to them and say okay you want this I will not hold open the door I think you want it this way fine you in the end will be crying alone this is not us man I really had a disgust feeling towards that whole topic how how family is like dissolving in the west yeah the collective yeah of society yeah the collective way of society yeah my dream always my my my ideal life always was to marry and to stay married without divorce like I saw from my parents the most beautiful way subhanallah to have such a deep connection with your spouse the full and full complete Trust knowing someone inside out like you know no one else so I saw that from my parents and I wanted that but with 19 20 years like right when I finished high school I had the full confidence and saying I will never marry anyone because there is no one to marry it's all broken generation nobody will hold my view on relationship there's nobody worth marrying but when I read Rialto solihin the religion of Allah constructs a society that I would be very happy to join I was willing to be Muslim a fake Muslim just to live inside that system I saw that system as the most healthiest system traditional I didn't find anything better than this so I will live with this right even if I'm not believing in God and give you the answers and in terms of gender equality and things like that honestly I reached the point I said okay I will be Muslim to marry a Muslim without believing in God and that was before I actually found God again but like I will just be Muslim be Muslim to be able to marry a Muslim because this is the type of woman that I want why is that what what values do a Muslim woman carries that attracted you before Islam you were perceiving the woman as quote unquote sorry to say stupid yeah and then what attracted you more about Islam it's not it's not that I feel the individual is stupid just to to clarify that but the the concept that the West is constructing there the group of people who is the most vulnerable children and then women emotionally it's just the case within feminism and the the feministic ruled world now you have a lot of men who are made weak right that's true but the group of people who was the most unhappy is one it is it's like that and there are studies about this I would say Abdul Malik it's safe to say that the preservation of The Unbroken chain of narrations to the prophets Hadith alongside with the Islamic perspective on perceiving gender differences and the values of of a woman versus the values of them of the man and the relationship between them those are the things that started to attract you into Islam well um I can give more examples on on how a Hadith were the key point that brought me to to Islam subhanallah after I became Muslim was like half a year after I have already been Muslim that I first touched the Quran and read it like except for what I needed for prayer obviously but then really going into Quran took me a while I was so stuck into and it's not not bad to be stuck there but you know I was so focused on Hadith sumala some things on the way to becoming Muslim where yeah the the entry point was definitely this whole construction about society and there was more than just the point of how family works and the the role of the wife the role of the husband there was more also how kids are filled and it's not a very child-friendly environment in in the west The Next Step was I was there is some Hadith that let me back to psychology there is some equivalence that the prophet saws mentioned between the modern way of describing the the internal workings of our mind of our personality from the perspective of Sigmund Freud the father of modern psychology and Islam there is the uncle the Neffs the Kalb and the Roar you have these different instances and in modern Psychology from Sigmund Freud's perspective you have different internal instances as well the it the over I the I and you can relate them to what rasula's Assam said pretty much one to one okay you have the Neffs it's the instance that just provides motivational energy to pursue the core urges right so then the unfiltered core urges before anything is filtered out then you have the next instance for example the Kalb who is like the moral instance which in psychological term from sequence void is the over eye which is constructed interestingly from your social surroundings according to to Sigmund Freud which is exactly the same as in Islam because the Kalb is we don't say it's constructed but its moral views can be changed like the over eye the Sigmund Freud describes and it's the moral instance the urge from the it from the nef's comes and is then monitored by the moral instance saying oh that is not a good urge you should not do that right something feels right or wrong based on the status of your help of your heart or the over eye and sequence for its terms it's it's the same system and I can't go into more details but I will cut it short here the thing that at that point Yani caught my attention is that secret or it was a scholar who dedicated his entire life on this subject he did not have ten thousands he had maybe twenty thousand thirty thousand patients in his lifetime that he studied on and he dedicated his whole time on that and he wrote books and he made mistakes and he revised his field and wrote stuff again and he discussed with other Scholars of that time you know that it was a higher time of modern psychology I mentioned Alfred Adler that my parents follow he was in the same time and his views Sigmund Freud's views were corrected from his daughter she followed up after him and later on her views were corrected and like the modern psychology is still based on his views but it went through Corrections subhanallah and things changed and you know but the core thing is they made mistakes they corrected and they were dedicated on no other topic than this and they came up with this description of our inner workings that fit that fits 100 with the Hadith well a good part of it there are differences when you go into the details but the broader picture is correct did not study psychology he did not have patience he did not dedicate his whole time right and he didn't correct he said it one time and it was right that was one of the strong strikes against my overall inflated ego okay one moment one moment you think you're so intelligent but if you are wrong with that point on God then you will be the most stupidest person that's like started the thought on you better check that point again wow after that stage where I started thinking again about God and like questioning my atheism I went back to the start to Christianity I was still living with my parents I started discussing with them about religion and in these discussions I took the point of view as a Muslim and that is how they became aware that I'm thinking about that direction and I directly got some feedback especially from my mom I love my mom she's a little bit energetic and her direct feedback was if you become Muslim you're not my son you will go out well I know my mom and it did not involve me my channel I I know that this is just words uh I have great great relationship until now alhamdulillah but I discussed a lot with my father he quoted something from the Bible and the meaning of the one who knocks the door the door will be open for him if you really really come to God asking for him he will reveal himself then he will show you the way and um I thought okay I will make a test I will pray one time to Jesus and ask him for guidance and then I will one time ask for you know ask my creator for for guidance and I'll see what happens and I was about to do that and then I stopped and the realization came if there is God and I don't know the exact way and the only thing I can do is only ask God because any step further would be maybe a fatal mistake of worshiping against someone else but if I only ask God only God will answer and this is the the core thing between Islam and Christianity and one of the core discussion points that I had with my parents on the day of judgment I as a Muslim will come forth in front of God and I have not worshiped anyone beside him you are taking the Gamble to worship something additional that with your words you are forming out still the same Etc you are in the danger not me I'm safe you think God will punish me for not worshiping anyone else than him I will come clean from any worship aside beside him I will have only worshiped them you have the extra step that you will need to be sure if it's right or not so I went into the bathroom took my first wudu and I prayed to uraka if there is a moment where I would say and that was when you had really convert Islam it would have been that that moment so how did it feel when you did the tuna Cabra here I'm stubborn I'm stubborn it still was not that I fully accepted everything it felt right definitely felt right and it was not the last tour I got that day but I still had trouble with some issues for example the status of my parents on the day of judgment because I feel them as very very good people they freely give from their money or the poor and they are not harmful to anyone Etc I could not understand how how would their status be that point taught me like the absolute corn basis of tawheed because they're not good with God doesn't matter what you do subhanallah if you want one-on-one connection how you treat your creator is wrong doesn't matter what else he does your parents and a couple of days later I was alone at home the door building and I opened and it was a missionary he approached me I would like to talk about Jesus with you I'm not interested I'm Muslim but you're a German right here you're in German yeah I'm German I'm a new Muslim have a nice day I close the door and then I stood there for a second and like okay yeah actually I'm a Muslim how did you take your shahada by myself in my in my room I was starting to listen a lot to lectures from Daya who were active at that time in Germany we took shahada online yeah you can say so I mean I learned about the the al-Qaeda a lot and learned about tahit at some point I took the shahada what are the challenges that you faced after accepting Islam in my direct surroundings there were a couple of people who were pretty openly against Islam I had some connections to someone who was going into the Nazi Direction I had on the other side friends and Orthodox Christian Egyptian who was not very well towards towards Islam as a topic although in the same group there was this Turkish guy but like religion was off the table we just didn't discuss it I started praying in in high school but I went out of the building into like a small Forest right there off the small walkway I went between the trees yeah and also within my family I didn't Proclaim it first my mom got the right hunch why in the bathroom is always wet you go there you're two minutes in and the whole sink is wet are you washing for prayer and she stopped cooking pork so like I said before you are not my son you're out if you're a Muslim but only words she actually stopped cook she started supporting your decision or respecting that respect and she knows me very well she knows that I'm not doing it 50 so she could have cooked pork as much as she wants she knew I would not eat it so she stopped cooking it I how was life after Islam after accepting the sun compared to [Music] atheism compared to your life before that and the party and having fun as much as in teenage years there was a pull towards that as much you feel emptiness when you have it it's not fulfilling it's a constant Chase of something that in the end you don't have for example when you drink alcohol you'll have a rush of endomorphins the first time you drink it already the second time is not even 50 of that and the third time you're not feeling any endomorphins no matter how much alcohol you drink after that like honestly it got disgusting I I wasn't discussed by myself at some point we have this uh specifically in this group of friends or in this surrounding in this Village we are known for the amount of alcohol we drink and it's like you you meet up to drink that's the topic of the evening like where do we go to drink and then what sometimes it's just you drink until in the next morning you don't remember what you did that's fun that's fulfilling it's just stupid it's really just animalistically stupid there's there's no benefit for you there's no real fun it's it's not always had the emptiness yeah there is a certain emptiness yeah that you continuously Chase to to fight you know you continuously Chase to avoid emptiness or find something that would fill it up uh with the next party with the name it's not that you don't have fun at all of course there are points that you have fun with but overall as something that I realized after I became Muslim and then years later you know catching up on some friends and noticing that they're basically the same like they have been in the late teens they're like 25 26 27 I'm married I have multiple kids they're still going to party acting like 18 year old you know what I mean it's not fulfilling the emptiness you had how did Islam assisted The Emptiness after accepting Islam well there was none no what can I say there's none you have a personal life for me it was like coming home basically as a child in second grade third grade I started reading the Bible until I was in fifth or sixth grade I had read it multiple times for me it was like coming home I always loved the old testimony more than the new one it's also something strange made before but specifically some chapters about Abraham and has multiple wives and like I this this picture of this old man with this beard and a clan of family family and holding together in in the surrounding as well being dependent on one another and I mean this just this picture uh called me and going back to Islam was really going back home where I came from from the feeling and yeah so there was not much of emptiness I I enjoyed the ibad I went fully into it I was lucky that you know alhamdulillah Allah made it this way I converted right at the end of my high school so I had a lot of free time for a couple of months and subhanallah actually I was quick and marrying alhamdulillah uh just three or four months after I finished my high school I married alhamdulillah so my life was not boring I had enough to do then alhamdulillah so what are some advices you would give to non-muslims there's a couple of things that I would say from my own experience number one don't wait for a magic moment for an angel coming down and proclaiming you should be Muslim now stick to what you have seen understood as truth and don't let it go what is clearly an Undisputed Truth there is one God and he created everything don't let go of that and if you come to a topic that you don't understand don't be shy to leave that topic without leaving what you have already found as truth because you will hit some topics that are controversial that you don't fully understand where there's maybe a lack of information or lack of perspective it will come and you can ask God for that the second Point never be shy and never be slow in asking God for continuous guidance yes correct Allah yeah and you should feel this question should not be empty words in the end if you really want to come to God leave the decision what is right for God it's not your decision it's his decision you want to serve him he will lead you there if you really want to serve him raise your hands and ask him for guidance raise your hands and ask him for the correct way if you really feel that without any preconditions what you would like to have your only condition is to be with him he will lead you definitely and the last point the point about science and the consensus of society and the last like Century big thinkers in the West continuously push this point you know that we don't need a God and there is like an an overall feeling of of stupidity if you really cling on to that that thought it's not the natural Viewpoint that there is a God and please explain why there is not it's now flipped right if you really hold the few that there is a God then please explain something might not be right you know the other thing is of course that we are in an age of information there's a lot of information for everyone and not well defined belief cannot hold itself against science and you know the problem is that Christianity does not offer much in that regard so did science play a big role in terms of moving people away from Christianity you you have this very I mean this is basically the the Viewpoint or the the the point for any Christian now in the west that they have to combine the scientific senses consensus with their belief right for them they they need to figure out a way to do that you know Islam has answers for you there you don't need to try to construct anything for the basic Christian in the west there is this challenge to say yeah I accept everything that the scientists say and I will make it fit somehow the other thing is that Christianity has a lack of clear defined points of belief what you're actually believing in you see when you're discussing about Christianity and you go into the deep discussions most of them are lost in words that have no meaning that that are not transporting a real concept he is three but one but one but three can you cannot separate him but you should separate him you know what I mean it's words and they say it's a mystery yeah it's it's words and the back up from whatever does not make senses you just have to believe it and you will feel the belief you know it becomes emotional rather than and it just accept it soon you feel will feel it's right but the this is the problem you have that in contrast I mean in ages before where there is not this strong consensus in science and the strong spread of the certain logical patterns how to analyze how to now we are taught this way in school we are taught to critically think so the natural thing to do when you are coming from a religious background is you start dissecting your the things that we're taught in in religious contexts and you go there with the scientific methods you have learned if there is no substance logical and structural and substance in what you have as your belief well don't hold up then you are in the end you're just saying Aya I just have to believe I still want to believe so I just believe so there's a need of belief so they just fill it up with the the closest answer they have to to them um yeah when you when you say that most of them are atheists then I mean if you go deep into it but most people don't you know and most people they don't go deep into what they should be they go through their daily lives and science is not only the constants but whenever they look into it it makes sense so that's the answer for them but if you go deep into it then of course you will reach a level of analysis and science where any scientists of that specific field will say until here if you want to go deeper we have to research more we did not see the answers until now right so there is a bottom line of where where they reach and they well they would say we have not yet reached further but in the end that is also in the end I believe the closer you look to the creation you will find God in the detail you will see that there cannot be any other way than that God has created everything there is no contradiction in what science finds and there being a God if you look close enough all the big scientists and basically every field from biology to physics to psychology you always find these two groups the one saying there is no God and we have not discovered the full truth but we will keep looking and the other group there is a God and we are only discovering what he has created these are the two groups there's no scientists in any field who says we have found the truth and there is no God there is none because in no field they have reached there there is none like that and whatever field you go the maximum they can say and they are saying is we need to search more we need to discover more we will find yet another layer of depth that will explain the layer before it so don't be afraid from claims from someone who thinks he knows science that there is no God look into this topic and you will discover God in the very detail thank you brother Abdul Malik I was happy and my my pleasure to be here I'm the land to share my historian in the hopes that would help people that are on the way inshallah tala to be our brothers and sisters
Channel: idodawah
Views: 655,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: german, islam, christianity, munich, sigmundfreud, abdulmalik, ido, idodawah, dawah, shahadah, revertstory, revert, sigmund freud
Id: ahmCDp-Q82w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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