He (ﷺ) SUFFERED for YOU All His LIFE! - The Last Words of Prophet Muhammad@yaqeeninstituteofficial

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is there a moment when the messenger of Allah was almost killed did the prophet ever make jokes or was he always a very serious person how did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him die and what was his last words the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam was taking punches was getting spit at was being hit with shoes there was noad to receive the prophet wasam after that trip there was no Abu Talib to say I'll protect you from the people of Mecca now it's enough you've been hurt by these people so long all of the rejection meca is done is done what good is left in these people and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that maybe from their children there will be those who say every stone that hid him in hid him for me that the prophet still had faith in in in humanity and his um to to grow out of that then it becomes very very very different as we thank you so much for hosting us at y campus in Dallas Welcome to My Side exactly welcome to Texas aldah we have some questions about our Prophet our beloved Prophet today and I want to start by the first one I once heard a saying that the prophets are the ones who suffer the most in this world we hear that the prophet Alat also suffered great calamities which period do you think was the heaviest one for him Subhan Allah when it comes to the prophet sallallah Al wasallam indeed he suffered in every way and he had a share of every prophet's suffering before him and so that's why the stories of the prophets before him affected him so deeply like if you think about s yuam the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was the most beloved Son of Mecca and then he was thrown away by his brothers and then he was taken by another land after estrangement as a leader and then he came back and he forgave his brothers when was slandered the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was slandered despite his Purity and Allah subhana wa taala absolved him from that slander don't be like those who hurt so the prophet wasallam had a share of every prophet's trials before him but as was touching his body with the fever and he said it's so hot Subhan Allah like how can any human being bear the the heat of the fever the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that is because I have two rewards so double the reward double the test his most difficult trial though is not the one that was physical see asked the prophet wasallam if was the worst day of his life why because his teeth were knocked out the blood was all over his face he lost his companions in in in martyrdom and shahada and the battlefield it was a very difficult day and he said no it was the year of grief when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was alone and he is walking away from a people and they're not even acknowledging him before they stoned him before they spit at him before they punched him he had a lot of hopes in them he thought that this was going to be the answer to his dream and you know when you have high hopes and expectations the hurt and the pain of disappointment is more they wouldn't even talk to him they were they were talking about him as if he's not in the room and that's the most hurtful thing for you when people talk about you as if you're not even in the room say who is this man and I'm not going to talk to him they mocked him and then they lined up the two rows of the people the hoodlums and the children of T to Stone him to spit at him to beat him alaih wasallam for a span of over 20 km the prophet Salli wasallam was taking punches was getting spit out was being hit with shoes and you can imagine that he remembers the things that were said to him that never got recorded in the books of because only he heard those insults and then he said I found myself completely alone you know in this in the strange garden and that's where the Prophet s makes his famous duas but you know what's amazing Subhan Allah two things number one there is no to receive the prophet wasallam after that trip there was no abuali to say I'll protect you from the people of and that's why he lost and that was compounded by the pain of humiliation of Oppression from the people of T and with that Subhan Allah with that the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam made Dua the entire night at and we don't have access to those duas because no one was with him alh wasam except was around but we don't know how beautiful how painful how powerful those du were and he told that was the worst day of his lifei was everything that he experienced that was the worst day some of the scholars say it combined the pain of rejection at saf with his initial call with the pain of the hits at in one place in sah alh wasallam Subhan Allah jam comes to the prophet s alaihi wasallam and the blood is still fresh on his body the insults are still fresh and jam introduces the angel who moves the mountains to the prophet s alaihi wasallam and says I can Crush all of these people between that's not just the people of T by the way it's also the people of Mecca so everyone between those two mountains meaning it's enough you've been hurt by these people so long all of the rejection meca is done is done what good is left in these people and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that maybe from their children there will be those who say took the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam on the night journey of after that difficult Journey so Subhan Allah after being rejected by the people and stoned by the people he's welcomed in the heavens and all of the prophets are talking to him and the angels are talking to him and there's a moment on that night that always gives me shivers the prophet s saw us he saw his so imagine he looked out and he saw one um and he said is this my um andam said no he turns him and he shows him an um that was twice as big that was much bigger bigger than the B is he says this is your Muhammad sallam so looked out at that um in that um there are descendants from T descendants from meca and then people from all over the world all generations that speak different languages and look different but they're all United byuh and he was looking at us sallam and you wonder you know at times did the prophet Salli wasallam see me did the prophet Salli wasallam recognize me did I stand out to the prophet Salli wasallam may Allah make it as such that if we didn't we'll never know here but we will know we ask Allah that when we meet him at the K at his H at the K inshallah that the prophet s be excited to see us as we're excited to see him sallallahu alai wasallam when he brought Islam almost all of his tribe rejected him didn't they try to assassinate him is there a moment when the messenger of Allah was almost killed so the prophet Salli was was almost killed multiple times um you know when you have a beast like Abu jahal he's the of this um Abu jahal was the first one to normalize the shedding of the Muslim blood in the Haram and outside the Haram shedding the blood of the Muslims and he wanted the prophet s Deb and there were times that he contemplated it and he even thought about crushing the prophet s in his and Abu J was a huge man the size of his body was huge physically a large man and the prophet said if he does it then Jam would have killed him if he would have tried to do what he said he was going to do that day jel would have taken him at that moment but there's the attempt on the prophet Salli wasallam that obviously takes place during the hij and a is not someone who's just physically oppressive he's also someone who's psychologically oppressive you look today at the of the world in Israel and what they are doing Netanyahu is a pharaoh he's not just playing physical games but also the psychological games and tactics right and so Abu jahal came up with this idea of having multiple tribes right and and the Elders of quray had this idea of having multiple tribes to kill the prophet sallai wasallam so that they could spread the blame amongst them so that no one group could be blamed and Allah save the prophet sallam on that day they intended to kill the prophet Salli wasallam on bad they intended to kill the prophet sallam on the one man who was killed by the hand of the Prophet sallai wasallam there's only one human being the prophet ever killed with his hand and the prophet sallam said the worst person is someone who kills his Prophet or his Prophet kills him and in his um there's only one person he ever killed and it was who swore that on that day of I would not survive if he survives meaning one of us is going to die and the Prophet Salli wasallam threw a spear at him as he was charging that just nicked him at the side of the neck and it wasn't even a severe wound and he started to say muhamad wasam that Prophet killed me the prophet killed me and they said no it's just a light wound and Subhan Allah the wound was infected and he died from it the one man the prophet wasam Mercy to the world ever killed with his hand sallam but they tried to kill him they wanted to kill him in it was a genocide attempt in right to circulate Medina from all directions and to to force them into a tight spot and then to S sacrifice them all to their Idols they wanted so many times even atat some of them were still plotting to kill the prophet Ali wasallam so multiple assassination attempts but with that look at the tul of the Prophet wasallam look at his trust when there was a noise that would be heard outside of Medina if you ran to the outskirts of Medina before anyone else got there the bravest people of this they would see wasam on his horse with his sword un sheath protecting the people of Medina so the Prophet Salli was not afraid because he had trust in Allah subhana wa T he knew that his life and his death were all in the hands of Allah subhana wa tala so he's not worried about that says when the battle used to become tough we used to get behind the prophet in the battle but the prophet s would not kill he would disarm and he would fight forward but he wouldn't kill sallu alhi wasallam except for for the oath that he took to kill the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam did the prophet ever make jokes or was he always a very serious person this is one of the most amazing things about the character of the Prophet Salli wasallam if someone buries six of his seven children two of his Wives has lost his father before he was born then his mother then his grandfather then his uncle has lost and seen him shredded to Pieces has lost all these people around him has been oppressed this way you would think this person would be a jaded person but the prophet s wasallam was he would always smile and make other people smile and he would always laugh and make other people laugh but the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam had a dignified laughter when he would laugh s alaihi wasallam it was a wider smile so he could see the back of his teeth so it wasn't like an audible obnoxious laugh it was a dignified laugh and the believer's laugh as says is a dignified laugh it's not a laugh of of heedlessness because the prophet's heart was always attached to allaha so the laughter is also prophetic but he was always smiling Sall alaihi wasallam and he was always laughing but his laughter was dignified and his jokes were pure sallallahu alaihi wasallam and there's something deeply profound about that that the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam would not lie he would not um taunt he would not mock usually our jokes come at the expense of the other person when the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam joked with you he made you feel better about yourself you know when we joke we put each other down the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam would make a joke that would make you feel great about yourself so he he wouldn't give you a bad nickname he'd give you a good nickname he wouldn't mock your appearance he would make you feel good about your appearance he wouldn't say something bad about your tribe he'd say something good about your tribe the prophet s was made jokes that made people feel more honored which is very rare and he didn't debase himself by lying cuz lying debases yourself so he didn't do that but the thing that amazes me especially right now with everything happening in razza you know someone say how can you smile how can you smile when everything H is happening Ina right now and the reality and around the world the reality is that the prophet s wasam smiled during the worst of times s because the prophet always had perspective all of those people that have been killed inaz are sh are Martyrs they're enjoying a Transcendent life that is far greater than this life and those that are left behind We Trust Allah subh We Trust Allah with them as we trust Allah with us so do we cry we cry the prophet used to cry for his um but he'd also smile at his um that's the beautiful mix here he smiled at you and then he cried for you when he didam he even smiled at those people in Mecca to hopefully bring them to Islam to soften their hearts and then he cried making Dua for them to be guided so the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam had an intention a Nia you know we always talk about intention he had a Nia for smiling and he had a for crying actions are but by intentions and so we should smile for Allah we should cry for Allah we should smile to alleviate pain and we should cry out of pain for our umah all at the same time one of my favorite jokes of the Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam because I've seen many of the companion that he joked with s Ali wasallam is a joke with a man named zah zah was a young man with low self-esteem and he didn't look very good and he knew he didn't look very good and he didn't come from a powerful tribe and he didn't have a lot of money so he used to look down on himself so when he'd come into the Gathering the prophet s would always notice him and the prophet s wasallam would uplift him and the prophet sallai would say zah is our man in the desert like zah is watching things for us like he's giving him severe importance sallallahu alaihi wasallam but the most beautiful joke is when the prophet wasam finds Z in the marketplace and you know think about how we walk past the poor we walk past the custodians we walk past the people that are doing that type of work we don't even say Salam to them as if they're not even Muslims as if they're not even there human beings for the prophet to notice in that Society with all of the people you can imagine rushing towards him at all times for him to notice Z and then to say let me go make a joke with him and he goes behind zah and he picks him up and he starts saying who's going to purchase the slave who's going to purchase the slave and Z initially thinks that it's just someone then he realizes you know the the grip of the Prophet Salli wasallam so he says once I realized it was the messenger of Allah I just let myself go who would who would not want the prophet to be embracing them right so when he's doing that he makes a comment and he says who would want to buy me anyway imagine how Loy thinks of himself like even if I was a slave no one would purchase me for anything the prophet s wasallam says to him and you can imagine like a loving father a loving brother but you're Priceless in the of Allah you have no idea your worth in the sight of Allah imagine how zah came to the marketplace that day and how he went home he went to the marketplace thinking he has no worth he left the marketplace being told by the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam that his worth is too much to be Quantified by the creation that in the site of Allah he's worth so much and the prophet Sall alhi wasallam was the opposite of every bad quality in the Quran and he was the manifestation of every good quality in the Quran so when Allah says don't mock people don't be Little People the prophet Sall alhi wasallam hated mockery and the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam was on an exalted standard of character and he wanted to bring everyone to a higher level of so the time when his leg showed right and they were so skinny and some of theah laughed at how skinny his legs were the prophet said why are you laughing look how skinny his legs are he says those two legs are the size of on the day of judgment can you imagine a man walking around with with legs the size of and being placed in the Misan the scale of Good Deeds with as his likes so the prophet s wasallam hated mockery and most of our jokes inail mockery and the prophet sallam never humiliated he always honored and our jokes should also be jokes that honor people not jokes that degrade people if you were given one minute in a Super Bowl commercial to tell millions of people about prophet Muhammed what would you tell them I would tell them that there is a man the last prophet the beautiful last brick of a structure of prophet Hood made up of thousands of beautiful bricks including Noah and Jesus and Moses and Abraham and David peace be upon them all and the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as that final beautiful brick of the structure the missing brick of the structure he's a child of ishma peace be upon Him is and he calls you to everything that those prophets called to but he also has a scripture that is completely unaltered the Divine word of God himself and his example which is the most perfect manifestation of that perfect word is documented perfectly as a road map for all of us to get to know the god of Moses the god of Jesus the god of Abraham the god of Muhammad may Allah send his peace and blessings upon them all and you should get to know him so that you can know your purpose in life beautiful commercial will you pay for the Super Bowl [Laughter] commercial the prophet Muhammad wasam was also inviting Jews and Christians to Islam and we know that the coming of his the coming of Muhammad peace be upon Him is written in the Holy books as well why did the Christian and Jewish Scholars of that I'm not believe in him it's often not about the religion itself it's about what makes people approach religion in the first place and so if someone was seeking the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and seeking the purity of the message of Abraham ibraim then when they saw the prophet they got excited and if someone was seeking an authority in religion or seeking some sort of access to power or Desires in religion rather than true purpose and sincerity of God then anything that undermines that is is going to immediately be isolated and then thrown out of the religion even if it's the prophet of Allah himself and so you look at the example of two men abdah who was the chief Rabbi of Medina when he heard about the prophet Salli wasallam he immediately went and inquired he saw his face he said I knew that that's not the face of a liar and he heard him speak and the prophet s was said spread peace and feed the people and pray at night while other people are sleeping and establish Lish your ties of kinship you'll enter Paradise in peace and he heard the message of the Prophet Salli wasallam and he said that's him and he immediately embraced the prophet sallam the most learned Rabbi in Medina on the other hand who was also claiming to be waiting for the prophet sallai wasallam as soon as he heard that the prophet s alaihi wasallam had come and he realized that this would mean bad thing for his power bad news for his power then said he is my enemy as long as he lives and I am his enemy as long as I live I will fight him till the end so it wasn't about the Purity Allah says they know him as much as they know their own children does anyone not recognize their children they recognized him right away but the difference between Nashi and abisinia Who Bore witness that Not only was he the prophet of Allah and naash is a learned Christian scholar whose eyes swelled with tears and who sent a message to the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam and said if I could come to you and Carry Your Shoes I would but I have a responsibility here in abua the difference between him and her in Rome was not the lack of recognition it was the willingness to sacrifice on one hand and the lack of willingness to sacrifice on the other hand they both knew he was him sallallahu alaihi wasallam and so what I say to people is that look if you're really seeking the faith of Abraham the message of Jesus the message of Moses the message of Muhammad the message of the prophets May Allah's peace and blessings be upon them all then it is upon you to seriously inquire into who he was peace and blessings be upon him into the claims to prophethood into to the proofs and evidences that he presented and do so with an open mind and an open heart and it is very hard to study the the proofs and character of the Prophet Muhammad s alaihi wasallam and walk away and say yeah he's just an ordinary man or a false prophet it would be very very very hard near impossible for any sincere Inquirer to come away with that type of a conclusion did did the messenger of Allah ever get angry if he was angry what was it about so the description of the Prophet s wasallam is that he never got angry for himself he only got angry when Allah's law was transgressed upon or Allah's sacred creation was transgressed upon and so it was transgression that angered the prophet Salli wasallam and not even transgression against him so he's always very willing to overlook things against him sallallahu alaihi wasallam but if you exploited in front of him another person then you'd see the anger of the Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam and if you transgressed the law of Allah subhana T even though he's the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam then you would see his anger but because because his anger sallallahu alaihi wasallam was for the right reasons it never came out in the wrong ways so if it's anger for Allah then you're not going to curse and be egotistical and beat your chest you're going to show your anger with dignity as well with perspective as well I give people this example says I never saw the prophet angrier Than This Moment it's when she said about because the prophet s would mention Khadijah so much Anda got jealous even though she never met Khadijah right she was too young and she never met Khadijah so one day she said hasn't Allah given you someone better than the old toothless woman of qur talking about khad these are our mothers fighting and she said the prophet was so angry right she saw his face turned red she saw his hair standand s alhi wasallam like how dare you right now there are two ways that the prophet could have reacted he could have degraded or honored which one did he choose he said I swear by Allah that Allah did not give me better than her she believed in me when no one else believed in me she spent on me when other people withheld from me she supported me when no one else would support me and Allah gave me children through her and he did not give me children through other than her she's the mother of my children so the angriest the prophet s alai wasallam is and he's responding to the one who provoked the anger and the prophet s did not curse Prophet Salli wasallam did not hit the prophet Salli wasallam did not degrade because his anger was not for him it was for Allah subhana wa tala and in this case that meant defending khad who was not in the room at the time if he had the opportunity to watch just one of his days when when he was alive which day would that be there are so many days so many days I wish I could be with him but um they're kind of two things for me it's like either when the prophet s wasallam was very sad so I think of the Prophet sallam burying and the pain that he felt receiving in the ground and the prophet s wasallam was with her and he didn't pray janaz there there was no janaza it was in Ramadan there was no fasting never prayed the five daily prayers she died before theat were obligated upon the Su and so on the one hand like I'd want to be with the prophet Salli wasallam on that day but more than that I think to like I think of fat mea the conquest of Mecca they say you know you really see the character of a man when he's on top when he has power I would have Lov to be riding a horse next to the prophet s alaihi wasallam doing ta with him standing next to him when he stood on Safa again this time not rejected but this time with hundreds of thousand or over 100 thousand people following him sallallahu alaihi wasallam seeing that Allah's promise came true being able to celebrate that with him I think that's what recently I've just been thinking about that Day of Victory so a day of great pain or a day of great Victory those two things are the things that are there and I know I'm giving you more days but I also think about Ramadan like imagine 27th night with the prophet sallam or last 10 nights with the prophet sallam like the state of his heart it's always pure and beautiful but like can you imagine if if People's IM rubs off and like being in the companionship of the righteous rubs off on you can you imagine being with the prophet s in the last 10 nights of Ramadan I can't even imagine what it would be like I can't imagine being with him alhi wasallam outside of the last 10 nights of Ramadan I really can't imagine how beautiful it would be to be in his companionship in the last 10 nights of Ramadan sahu alaihi wasallam and maybe catch a ra of with him or two ra of with him or pray witht it with him or uh listen to him read the Quran or read the Quran with him s alaihi wasallam those last and nights of Ramadan or from a seasonal perspective there's a moment every every Ramadan where like I'm like Ya Allah it would have been beautiful right so may Allah give us that that moment with him in so there is this incident that I I really am affected to the most maybe in terms of the Dignity of a Believer was there an incident that the prophet emphasized it in his lifetime you know when he was saluting the CA and you know yeah so it's actually Subhan Allah very interesting because the prophet wasallam in the in the farewell you know most of the became because of because you have to see the prophet Sall and believe in him to be a companion most people met the prophet wasallam that would be considered s on with on that one and Achieve that status and his messages sallallahu alaihi wasallam are very clear now the prophet sallai wasallam used to warn do not go back to being kuf to being disbelievers striking at each other's necks again right so he's warning sallallahu alaihi wasallam division in the and that day as the prophet Salli wasallam is making on the of the Prophet addresses the CA and he says how beautiful are you how pure are you how sacred are you but with all of that by the one in whose hand is my soul the sanctity of the believer his wealth his blood his honor is more than yours can you imagine being a new Muslim you're coming out of tribalism and you're seeing the prophet s alaihi wasallam Elevate the sanctity of the believer to that level so don't you dare go back to to striking each other's necks and killing one another and fighting one another because the message ofed the Oneness of God unifies and it allows us to melt our differences through that Transcendent cause of that overtakes it all all of you grab on to the Rope of Allah the Rope of Allah is the Quran transcends all of our differences so oh of Muhammad s alaihi wasallam do not go back to fighting each other the way that you used to before this religion came if the only thing the religion has become to you is another tool for division and ego and agenda and cult and tribe then you're failing to internalize it properly this Dean is not a tool for you this Dean is a way by which Allah unites an umah and makes us one and so that's the message of the Prophet sallai wasallam the Dignity of the believer can you imagine if we saw someone attacking the Kaa what it would provoke in the of Muhammad Ali wasallam you're seeing the Kaa being destroyed every day in Gaza every single day on your screen you're seeing it be destroyed in Gaza that's should provoke something in each and every single one of us that's the honor of a Believer the blood of a Believer the property of a Believer just being taken away right in front of us all the time may Allah forgive us for our incapacity and allow us to do more for our brothers and sisters how did the prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him die and what was his last words the prophet sallam died of a sickness when he was 63 years old and his last words were spoken in the lap of his wife when the had become severe and the angel Gabriel had entered upon him and the prophet s wasallam said rather I choose the highest companion because he was given the choice between living amongst his people here or going to the highest companion and he chose the highest companion and he recited verses and words to that extent and so his last words were words of glory and words of longing to be with the Lord who sent him here in the first place that's question question if Allah grants you jna inshah and you see the prophet for the first time what would you want to say to [Music] him I remember interviewing people I got to ask the [Music] question I would I would just thank him for everything he bore for us s wasallam everything he endured for us like you know like when you think about if if you start to think about you know every rock that hit him every insult he did that for me right someone took a beating for you why did he have to lose and lose his reputation in Mecca for those days and suffer all of that what kept the prophet s wasallam going except his sincerity to his Lord and his sincerity to the people that he was calling back to his Lord so I would just thank him sallallahu alaihi wasallam for all that he bore for us and and you know if you start thinking about things differently like look that every stone that hit him in hid him for me that the prophet still had faith in in in humanity and his um to to grow out of that then it becomes very very very different [Music] so may Allah reward you and I hope it was worth it when you hear all the Salat coming towards you and you see the the size of your um coming to you lovingly on the day of judgment for your sincere answers inshah we really thank you and we hope to meet our beloved prophet bless [Music] you
Channel: Towards Eternity
Views: 113,753
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Keywords: islam, muslim, towards etenity
Id: pKtvTu7MdA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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