Laughable Revert Story: Aussie Embraces Islam with Subtitles | Ruben Became Abu Bakr

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my dog died which I was particularly upset about I love that dog and sadly um I had a friend pass away he had cancer and I watched him slowly um die over the period of about eight months I think at that stage I started to think to myself everyone kept on telling me that God loved me and I kept on thinking God killed my dog he doesn't love me I'm going to find out for myself what the real truth is the truth for myself anyway as an Aussie first thing I'm going to think of is go to a church everybody was singing so much I couldn't believe it I didn't know any of the words that anyone was singing I didn't know any of the notes to hit or whatever I felt pretty stupid beautiful teachings in the Bible um but I wasn't didn't find what I was looking for um and I was working alongside um a Hindu and one of the things that I kept on asking him is you know talk to me about all these Gods I don't understand how come you have to have all these Gods I said but seriously bro what's the deal with the guy with the Elephant Head come on you know he's got a few arms he's got an elephant head come on what's going on there you've got Lion's heads Tiger's heads Eagle heads they're all so much better than the elephant's head why did he pick that one and he didn't find it very funny I also investigated Judaism um um but again after I kept on asking questions I just didn't find what I was looking for then I looked into Buddhism now I really liked Buddhism I thought this was great you get to relax you're welcome this is not so much a religion of God but just a good way to live it's a nice way to live and I said look I've investigated all the religions and I can't find what I'm looking for and he said to me what have you investigated and I said oh look I've investigated Christianity I've investigated this this ISM this all the isms he goes well what about Islam and I went Islam okay M they're terrorists I'm not going to investigate Islam they're crazy no way you know but lo and behold alhamdulillah I found myself walking into Preston mosque one day I was very nervous parking my car in the car park I thought it might explode I walked straight across the prayer rug with my shoes on I walked straight past the brother praying as he went into sujud I almost stepped on his head I had no idea right I walk across and I stopped Abu Hamza came out of a door that's the brother who just introduced us before some and I thought this is it I'm about to die and we used to sit down and we talk about the different sort of questions that I had and the things that I wanted to know about Islam they were very hospitable I kept on getting cups of tea biscuits now no other religious sect had done this for me I was quite impressed um I'm not sure I don't want to offend anyone again but as an Australian if you offer someone a cup of tea and they say no you go okay these guys wouldn't take no for an answer would you like a cup of tea bro no no thanks bro are you sure no no no I'm right are you sure bro I'll go get one no no I'm right bro no no I'm getting one anyway look I I'll just get you one right no wor I'll get you one all right man I'll take the tea you know Subhan Allah um when I was sitting down with the brothers from the mosque when I would say listen I've got a I don't understand this what about this they would never just answer from their opinion they would always pick up the Quran they would open it up and it would be like they're like human indexes they were just bang page 142 read this and I would read it and I would go wow that's beautiful and I would say look you know where's all this part about killing people and blowing up cars and I don't see that is it somewhere towards the back that I haven't read it yet you know I can't find it first impressions when I walked in with it these guys were were terrorists and I found nothing but the opposite I found that they were the most hospitable caring nice people I mean these are guys that would say you need to lift home cuz they saw my car um do you need a panel beer do you need a new motor um and they I remember speaking to them and they said look Islam is not just a religion for for yourself it's also a religion based on a whole social community so alhamdulillah I started realizing that Islam is not just about each individual it's also about a community I also ask questions about the hij and why couldn't I wear it but once you start actually looking inside the religion working as a whole unit as in implementing every step of the way it starts to make sense and it started to make sense and I stopped and I thought to myself look this is the time tonight Allah and me we're going to have a bit of a conversation we're going to you know we're going to bond all I need from you Allah is just Just A Sign just a little sign um look nothing too major just maybe a bolt of lightning bolt of lightning for you man come on you created the Earth this is just a bolt of lightning it'll be easy so I sat there and I went okay go and I swear to you nothing happened absolutely nothing I was really disappointed I said Allah this is your chance I'm here I'm asking you where's my sign you know come on I'll give you another chance maybe you were busy you know it's night time here it's busy out the other side of the world maybe I could just get a bit of a creek in the floor you know maybe I could hear a car backfire something that I'll know it's for me but no one else will know just between you and me again I said go I'm waiting and I waited I think I waited about a minute and that felt like a long time at the time and nothing happened absolutely nothing happened and I was really disappointed I thought I'm like on this Cliff I'm on the edge of a cliff I'm about to jump into Islam and and I just haven't been pushed I haven't taken that little leap so I turned I turned the Quran I opened turned to the next page where I'd finished off Subhan Allah the very next verse that I read for those of you who ask for signs have we not shown you enough already look around you at the sky the Stars land the oceans these are the signs for the people of knowledge Subhan Allah straight away my whole world changed I was staring at the Quran I was just in shock I couldn't believe that I'd been so arrogant to ask for my own specific sign when the signs had been around me all the time there's a Creator because there's a creation so I closed the Quran I had the best night's sleep I got to tell you I went straight to the mosque the next day Abu Hamza was there again I said Abu Hamza this is what's happened to me he said that's it you become a Muslim today there's no mking around with AB Hamza guys don't worry about all that y so but when I walked into the mosque the people just started pouring in and I went Subhan Allah look at this religion you know I've been to churches where there's you know 20 people 30 people 50 people there was about a th000 people that night and I thought this is amazing this religion is truly the religion of of choice and then I found out it was the the first night of Ramadan said now you've got to make sure head that we need Witnesses you got to say these words I said can't you just let me do it in English has you you seen the guys out there man they've all got beards down here they're massive I get these words wrong I'm I'm a dead man again you know he goes now you have to say them and and trust me bro you know trust me and I did and alhamdulillah I did I stood up in front of all the brothers and I I to be honest with you I was looking across this sea of beards I was I was mesmerized I started to say the words and all the fear went out of my body and out of my heart and I felt like a shower had been turned on and my whole body had been flush clean and it trust me I needed to be flush clean I was standing up there all the brothers started yelling outbar I thought I'd done something wrong and they started coming towards me and I thought oh no I'm pretty sure I said what he said and they started hugging me and kissing me now I had never been hugged and kissed by that many men in my life but I felt the Brotherhood straight away I could see people had tears in their eyes and and Subhan Allah I had tears in my eyes and I sat there with people and I I spoke to people I didn't even know I'd never met before in my life and they were talking to me as though I'd known them for for 30 years and it was that day that point in that moment that I realized I had more Brothers more sisters than I could ever have imagined and good brothers and sisters not bad ones I'm talking good ones Subhan Allah I sat there maybe I don't know I can't remember how long just talking to people they were asking me questions I went home with such a beautiful feeling because I knew at that stage that I had a clean slate haven't felt the feeling that I'm talking about I I sincerely hope it happens to you at one stage in your life I I encourage you to investigate all the religions and particularly Islam I would say that one of my favorite verses I'll end with this verse is a particular verse that says let there be no compulsion in religion because the truth stands clear from error Salam alaykum
Channel: The Quran Motivation
Views: 352,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aussie, Funny revert story, Gaza, Hijab, Hinduism, Mufti menk, Palestine, Revert story, Revert to islam, Reverted muslim, convert to islam, gaza strip, hijab styles, hijab tutorial, hijabi, hinduism documentary, hinduism explained, hinduism facts, islam, islamic reminder, israel, israel gaza, israel palestine, muslim, muslim tiktok, muslims, my revert story, my revert story to islam, palestine and israel, revert story to islam, reverted muslims, try not to laugh
Id: Q9jKGjX0dMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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