Money Follow$ Ma$tery // Easy Money // Myron Golden Ph.D.

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but the people in their YouTube rooms out there in your living room in your bedroom in your kitchen in your dining room and all the rooms you're in and then here in the live room and also in the zoom room uh welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome glad to have you all of you here um today I'm going to talk to you about the fact that Money Follows mastery Money Follows mastery and it's so interesting that I I teach when I teach entrepreneurs about business um one of the things I teach is the purpose of learning and so most people mistakenly believe that the purpose of learning is knowing but the purpose of learning is not knowing the purpose of learning is mastery and I believe one of the reasons people find themselves frustrated I'm disillusioned overwhelmed is because they thought that because they passed tests and got good grades that automatically means they're prepared for life and you know when they find out that wasn't necessarily true when they get out there in life they're like oh wait wait wait wait wait time out they told me right if I did this if I studied hard got good grades and did all my homework like I graduate get a good job and work for 40 years and when I retired they'd take care of me for the rest of my life so so so so who Moved My Cheese foreign and so Money Follows Mastery what is Mastery Mastery so if you're if you're looking for a definition I I believe the best definition of Mastery is this Mastery is the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources and we've all seen Mastery we've all seen Mastery exhibited by people who've mastered their craft right they've mastered their assignment they've mastered their game they've mastered their Niche and it's really fascinating because when somebody is a master they can take something very very complicated and make it look effortlessly easy right um I was sharing with uh Carter yesterday like I'm a black belt martial arts right and I've broken like five concrete slabs on fire with my bare hands and I'm a golfer and golf is way more harder than Breaking five concrete slabs with your bare hand right but when you watch professional golfers it doesn't look that hard they make it look so easy you got people out there chopping up the golf course in all kinds of crazy ways right but they make it look easy because they've mastered it one component at a time so even before I get into the text this morning what I want to read to you today I want you to understand that Money Follows Mastery so number one we should all have the objective Mastery as an objective for our learning for our growing we should be seeking Mastery not just oh I learned it we think that because I I read a book about it well I learned it right they think that reading is knowing they think that hearing is knowing they think that watching is knowing um or is learning I'm sorry not knowing but they think that watching is learning they think the hearing is learning they think that reading is learning they think that listening is learning but really the purpose of learning is Mastery and I have not mastered it with which means I haven't learned it until I can execute it effortlessly without the use of conscious resources when I can execute it effortlessly without the use of conservation conscious resources I've mastered it and there are people like there are people and there are levels to mastery right I mean there's the Michael Jordan level in basketball right and then there's the other levels there's a Tiger Woods level in golf and then there are the other levels right so there are levels to Mastery and so the more you master your craft and the more you master creating a value that serves a broad array of people the more money you're going to make that's just that's real life so but one of the things that's that I've noticed as an entrepreneur I've noticed that that um you can't it's hard to be only good at one thing and be a solopreneur and make significant income it's hard it's it's hard to the point of being all of feeling impossible it's not impossible but it's hard to the point of feeling impossible why because like we have to master so many different things to have run a successful business that it feels like it's impossible right and so so there are a couple things we can do though in the arena of Mastery that will help us build a successful business so that so that money can follow our Mastery there are several things we can do and that we can take control over like how much wealth we are able to create in the businesses that we build so one of those is first of all we have to decide we have to decide so I'm going to write that word down we have to decide that we are going to seek mastery the prefix Day means of or from the suffix side means to cut so when I decide something I'm not choosing when I decide something to choose means pick one decide means cut yourself off from any other possibility and so when I decide that Mastery is going to be my objective when I decide that I've made a decision that very few people are willing to make Okay cool so let's say in order for me to build a successful business I have to I have to Master One lead generation to lead conversion three customer Ascension and four customer retention so let's say those are the four components of business that I need to master in order for me to build a successful business that makes a significant amount of money for it to support me and my family as well as the families of the people who work on my team right so that's my let's say that's my objective but let's say now these are the components but each one of these components it has they have sub levels right because if I'm going to generate leads that means I need to have an opt-in funnel that means I need to have a lead magnet that means I need to have an autoresponder and I need to know how all those things work so I need to like mastering this one thing is more than just mastering the words to be able to say lead generation right lead conversion well now I need to understand how I need to get better at my communication and I need to get better at communicating value and I need to get better at positioning I need to get better at pre-framing I need to get better at presenting and then I need to get better at closing right and then when I come down here I need to get better at creating um perceived value but I also need to get better at creating intrinsic value I need to get better at taking a product and turning it into an experience and then I need to get better at branding right so like but now I've got all these things I've got I got four things timeline and now I'm up to seven like I can't remember all those things so that's why I master one component at a time in any new discipline it doesn't matter if you're going to learn to play golf it doesn't matter if you're going to do martial arts I was so frustrated when I first started taking karate because when I first started it was like weeks and all we were allowed to do was like punches but what about the kicks that's the karate that's the I want to what about the kick part right and then you learn to start learning katas and then you like you spend like two months learning issue H form number one and you're doing the same things motion over and over for two months I'm like what is this um I don't remember who said this but somebody said I'm not afraid of the person who knows 10 000 kicks I'm afraid of the person who's practiced one kick ten thousand times Mastery Mastery is key are y'all tracking so Mastery is what again it's the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources y'all tracking okay so now I'm gonna read an amazing amazing passage and then we're going to get into how can you begin to develop Mastery in your business okay and what should you be mastering like what's what's the overarching mastery with all the little sub masteries under what's the overarching Mastery that I need to focus on so that I can build a successful business right according to biblical principles so here's what it says in Proverbs chapter eight by the way Proverbs was written by King Solomon King Solomon is the wisest wealthiest man who ever lived if King Solomon were alive today he'd be a multi-trillionaire so if you wrap your mind around a multi-trillionaire right because what's interesting is a million is a thousand thousand now when you say a million is a thousand thousand we've all had a thousand dollars before so a million a thousand thousand that doesn't seem like that much when you put it in those that perspective right millions of thousand thousand a billion is a thousand million oh snap now we're talking about it time out time out time out right a billion is a thousand million a trillion is a thousand billion like what does that even mean right and so if Solomon were alive today with the wealth he had back then he would be a multi-trillionaire why because God downloaded a business model into Solomon's mind that made him the wisest wealthiest man on Earth and guess what lays it out in great detail in the Bible if I have time I'll share some of some of that with you if I have time and if I don't have time I have a video on YouTube that you can go watch called how Solomon made me Rich okay because I literally built my business based on the business model of King Solomon okay y'all track it so here's what it says in Proverbs Proverbs chapter eight starting with verse 13 we're gonna read down to verse number 21. here's what it says it says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride arrogancy and the evil way and the frowered mouth do I hate counsel is mine and sound wisdom I am understanding I have strength by me me who wisdom and understanding King's Reign what does that tell me Well when I when I when I have wisdom and understanding that gives me Authority by me princes decree Justice by me Prince's Rule and Nobles even all the judges of the earth I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me so let me ask you a question is are wisdom and understanding hiding from us no they're not hanging forth they're looking for people who are looking for them here's but here's the problem most people can't be bothered why because one of the things I learned a couple of decades ago is that poor people primarily entertain themselves whereas rich people primarily educate themselves and when I say educate yourself I'm not talking about school when I'm not talking about college I'm talking about the books you read when you're done with both of those I'm talking about the classes you attend after you graduate I'm talking about the lessons you learned when most people think the learning has stopped okay on your tracking okay I love them love me and those who seek me early shall find me now watch what it says here's the good news wisdom and understanding never travel alone so let me ask you a question before I even go any further let me ask you this question does God desire for his people to be wise and knowledgeable and understanding yes okay so if God desires that he has to desire the byproducts so it's it's like one of the reasons one of the reasons that I see a lot of people in churches they don't do well in life is because they're walking around with all of these internal conflicting internal conflicting beliefs right well we I believe that God wants me to be poor but he also wants me to be wise I don't he doesn't want me to be a glutton and a drunkard and lazy but he does want me to be poor that doesn't none of that makes any sense the scripture says the Glutton and the drunkard should lie down together and drowsiness will clothe the man with Rags a little sleep a little Slumber a little folding in the hands of sleep so shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth and I want or your lack as an armed man it says you're like if you are lazy I'm not saying all poor people are lazy I am saying all lazy people are destined to be poor so if you want to increase your chances of not being poor don't be lazy none of us can afford people say I love sleep I don't I don't understand that how do you know you love sleep you don't even know you sleep when you sleep I'm unconscious when I'm asleep y'all you can come in you can come in it's it's fine so so like you know what I'm like I when I'm asleep you know what I know when I'm sleep I know when I woke up that I was dreaming when I was asleep but while I'm asleep I don't know nothing I am totally unaware of everything people say I love sleep I don't love sleep sleep is an enemy that wants to rob me like a bandit and I love it no okay anyway I do it because I have to but here's what it says I love them love me and they see me early she'll find me riches and honor are with me whoa whoa what happened wisdom and understanding said when I come I ain't coming by myself I got some partners my partners are riches and honor who your partners he said rich is an honor are with me yay durable riches and righteousness you can't have righteousness and riches can you okay and here's what people start thinking they start thinking yeah but Myron the Bible says it's easier for Camel to go through the eye of a needle than it's for a rich man to enter into heaven I know it says that so whatever that means whatever the meaning of that verse is it can't be something that contradicts this verse right because if it is now there's a problem because God can't lie and so if God said that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven guess what it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of the knee by the way how possible and by the way that's our literal camera literal camel and a literal needle let me ask you a question is it possible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle no it's not well yes it depends on how big the needle is there's one in every crowd true to you or both of them okay okay so she said it depends okay how big is your needle okay so so so so so like a camel is not going to go through the eye of a needle so whatever Jesus is talking about by the way if you want to know what he's talking about because I don't have time to teach it to you today I literally have a YouTube video where I'm teaching you that passage in context where I'm giving you the definitions of the words and by the way the key word in that verse is not a word that you would you'll learn when you watch a video because I'm not going to tell you what it is she's like like P all I'm saying is this the same God that put it's hard it's uh easier for a camera to go through the eye of a needle that is for a rich man to enter into heaven is the same God who used the word Rich the first time in the Bible to describe Abraham who is the friend of God so whatever it means it can't mean what you thought it mean it meant if you're afraid of making money it can't mean that it has to mean something else and if you want to know what it means go watch the other video on the camera on the eye of the needle okay okay I think it's called camel and needle but the thumbnail says um why a rich man can't enter Heaven that's what the thumbnail says if you want to go watch it if you want to know what it says so I just want you to see that wisdom and understanding when they come they got positives rich is an honor durable riches and righteousness so riches honor durable riches what is durable riches that last and righteousness are with wisdom understanding okay y'all tracking then it says my fruit is better than gold why because if you have gold you can lose the gold but if you have the wisdom you can get the gold back yay then fine gold and my revenue is better than Choice silver I lead in the way of righteousness wait a minute wisdom leads us in the way of righteousness so you don't have to be evil to create wealth and just because you've created wealth that doesn't mean you're evil and by the way I'm gonna say something else you don't have to give all your wealth away not to be evil in fact the same Bible that says that says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children so what does that mean that means Papa ain't supposed to be a rolling stone and when he loses all he leaves is alone am I telling the truth I mean that's a good that's a good vibe right Pablo Was a Rolling Stone right that sounds good but papa is supposed to be a Rolling Stone and when he leaves wherever he laid his hat was up and all he left when he all when he died all he left was alone no I'm not I want to leave my children I want to leave my children and my children's children starting from the place of abundance why because I never thought of this before until just now the word for father in Hebrew the word for father in Hebrew is ABBA now if we spell abba in English it's just a word when we write it it's just a sound when we say it but when we write the word Abba in Hebrew it's aleph thank you bait what is that that's it right there that's the whole thing right there what is that Olive represents what God and what is baked you already know what bait is you never you never thought of it but but you you've heard bait is Bethlehem so bait is House Bethlehem is the House of Bread right we say Bethlehem but in Hebrew it's actually baitlyn is bread right so bait is a house so what is Father father is God of the house what does that mean I'm god of the high so you don't do what I say I'm going to strike you with lightning no no no no no no it's the same thing God said to Abram in Genesis chapter 15 verse 1. fear not Abram I am your shield and your exceeding great reward what's the father's job protection provision so I'll tell you what all of them are protect like we're a father's supposed to protect his family like God protects his provide for his family like God provides for his where God's representation where God's representative in the house the father's job is to show the children what God looks like and we got way too many fathers out there misrepresenting God the provision of the protection house the provision of the house the progenitor of the house the provider of the house the promoter in the house the father is the one who tells the children who they are based on Whose they are so when they grow up they don't think they're not the people the people at their school told them they're not the people their teacher told them they're not the people their co-workers tell them they're not they're not so ingrained with the identity of the world or the my identity that they use to try to uh subvert that identity but they understand their identity because they got it from their father anyway y'all got me a little worked up there my fruit is better than gold yet and fine gold I lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of my past as judgment why why is God why is wisdom and understand doing all this here's what it says that I may lead I lead in the waiver righteousness in the midst of passive judgment that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance I will fill their treasure not I might I will that's as much as the that's a that's as much a Bible passage as John 3 16. why are we walking around acting like that ain't in the Bible oh you care about is money if there's anybody on the earth that all they care about ain't money is me oh you talk about is money no all you hear me talk about is money because that's the part of your life that's messed up that I'm trying to help you get fixed I talk about a whole lot of stuff other than money but you know what like I have been a senior pastor I've been an assistant pastor I've been a traveling Advantage I've been doing Ministry for years no not years decades decades never went to a prayer meeting where the main two categories of prayer requests weren't finances and health and the Bible has answers for both and we ignore the answers that God gave us for both and then ask him to fix the problem that we keep perpetually creating the story of the certain Samaritan y'all remember that story right they called the Good Samaritan but that's not what Jesus Jesus didn't say there was a good Samaritan Jesus said there was a certain Samaritan and the reason he said certain Samaritan because those that say Good Samaritan you're implying that the other Samaritans were bad and Jesus didn't say that there's a story about a certain smear there's a man who went down to Jericho he fell amongst these the thieves robbed him they wounded him they beat him up they took all his money and the priest went by the first religious person went by and they didn't do anything they went on they they turned their head the other way second release person went by they walked across the other Street and then a certain Samaritan came by that person you looked down on came by that person who had some means who you think is evil because they have money they came by you know what they did they put that man on his Beast you know what that means he had to have a beast you can't put somebody on a beach you don't have he went to the end and paid for the man to stay there and told the Innkeeper he had which means he had enough money to pay for somebody else's room and he told The Innkeeper if he stays longer than I paid you for and he owes you more when he's better you make sure you put that on my account I will pay you when I come back The Innkeeper said okay what does that mean he had good credit and a good reputation but we think Christians are supposed to be broke as a joke and ready to choke on the struggle Buster whole life stuck like chucking a pickup truck and then supposed to walk around I'm just I'm just waiting on the Lord Lord's waiting on you now we see clearly like like I ain't fuss with somebody because the report and I'm gonna tell you something I've been poor I'm a second or seven brothers my parents were hard working nobody taught them how money worked they grew up they grew up in a time of the United States of America when if you made it to an adulthood as a black person you did good and and yet and still they taught us how to work hard because they thought working hard was going to produce the results that we desired well it's certainly better than not working hard it'll make hard work will make you a better person but it is not a formula for success but being a better person is a formula for success how many y'all tracking and so wisdom and understanding but see you can't get you can't like wisdom has some prerequisites so I'm going to Define these words so we're talking we're talking about Mastery we're talking about money following mastery okay wisdom has some prerequisites first prerequisite of wisdom is ignorance congratulations you were born with it and so was I we were born we were all born into ignorance you didn't know your name your first name or your last name when you got here you didn't know your mama from your daddy you didn't know your brother from your cousin you didn't know your hand from your foot food from water hot from cold up from down you were like Sergeant Schultz I know nothing congratulations ignorance is a prerequisite for knowledge wisdom understanding and wisdom but guess what just because that's where you landed that don't mean that's where you're supposed to stay right ignorance what comes that by the way what is ignorance let me give you that too ignorance is the absence of Truth oh wisdom I mean ignorance is the absence of Truth that's why the first verse we read Proverbs 8 13 what do you say the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom what is what is by the way there's a difference between truth and facts see facts are sometimes true and they're sometimes just something that there's sometimes just a pin they're just opinions these so-called facts right but there's a difference between what's true and what's truth what's true is dynamic and it can change my name is Myron I'm here at my office right now later on today right now that's true but it's not truth why it's not truth because it can change it's not truth because it will change but it's true I mean I'll track it and so so so but what's truth can't change the sun rises in the East and sets and the West that don't change are y'all tracking there's 24 hours a day that don't change right so truth never changes it always stays the same so the ignorance is the absence of Truth two we have to go from a place of ignorance to a place of knowledge we have to go get some knowledge in our heads what is knowledge knowledge is the accumulation of Truth so now I'm accumulating truth I'm learning things I'm learning about things I'm getting like I learned my ABCs but I still can't read what's that I have knowledge but I have no understanding I'm y'all tracking I know my numbers but I still can't I still can't do addition and I can count but I can't do can't do math what's that that's knowledge knowledge is foundational to understanding it's a prerequisite and then three you have to add to your knowledge understanding what's understanding understanding is the assimilation of Truth what's the simulation of truth that means I comprehend the truth that I've collected here's the problem with a lot of Christians they have Bible knowledge and no Bible Understanding you know what it says you have no idea what it's saying can I get a witness we've been like we've we've been told what it says but we've not been taught what it means see the Lagos is the written word but the Rhema is the spoken it's the Rhema is what the word the logos word is saying it's what it means it's the revelation it's not just a proclamation so understanding so we got ignorance knowledge understanding then we can finally get to haha here it is wisdom what is wisdom wisdom is the application of Truth application of Truth now here's what's really interesting we start out here Gathering knowledge there are some lessons that knowledge can teach us that wisdom can't teach us because we don't have the knowledge yet but guess what even after we get knowledge there are some lessons we can't learn with just knowledge and understanding there are some lessons that only wisdom can teach us there are some lessons that can only be learned while you're doing the thing that you're learning can I get a witness sometimes like like people say well you attempt to teach people how to do better in life and what they say is well as soon as I understand everything I'll do something you don't get to do anything until you learn something I mean you don't get to learn anything until you do like like when it comes like when I know as soon as I know how it works you don't get to know how it works until you do something you have to tr like there's a certain level of trust in the present activity that produces the future outcome how many y'all tracking and so what we have to do is we have to develop mastery in three areas and we will produce wealth so I don't know if you've ever read any of Daniel priestley's book Daniel Priestley wrote key person of influence he also wrote over subscribed he also wrote 24 assets and he also wrote um the entrepreneur Revolution so one of the premises that Daniel Priestly says in his book in his writings is income follows follows assets and if you think about that if you look at the amount of income you're making it's going to be in direct proportion to the amount of assets you've accumulated now here's the problem some of you the only asset you have is a skill that your employer pays you for and so your asset is literally your asset is literally you being someone else's asset are you are y'all tracking so what you've got to do is you got to create some assets what's an asset well it's real estate that would be some asset like if you own a house and somebody else pays you to live there that's NASA you own an apartment building and a whole bunch of people pay you to live there that's even a better asset right if you own cars that you rent out on turo or hire car or what that's an asset right if it does not pay you it is not an asset guess what if you write a book and you sell that book it's an asset how many on tracking okay so income follows assets so where do I get assets from you get assets from mastery of do a Mastery of mindset Mastery of mindset what does that even mean master your mindset so what like if I'm gonna Master my mindset what is what what do I actually do what am I actually doing what I'm actually doing is I am starting with intention it's so fascinating I can talk to somebody I can talk to somebody I've never met before for five minutes and I can pretty much assess where they are financially just by what they talk about you know why because like I've talked to a lot of people who are successful successful financially is what I'm talking about and but in any in any area of life people who are successful obsess over intention and ignore distraction now I'm going to Define intention and I'm going to Define distraction intention is anything that you focus on that moves the needle in your favor see like somebody's complaining about the stuff that somebody on television did somebody is is like your your consumed with the life that somebody else is living because you agree with them or you disagree with them or you like them or you're a fan or you're a hater or whatever it doesn't matter whether that person wins or loses does not affect your life and you're obsessing over something that doesn't make your life better like that's the one of the common denominators of people who are live on a Struggle Bus they know what time the game's coming on and what time it ends and they talk about my team my team my team and none of them people on that team know your name and that team don't send you a check so it ain't your team you can be delusional and think it's your team but I want to see if they win they don't want to see you lose why do you care like it does not make sense for people who are living a nightmare turning on the electronic income reducer and watching other people live their dreams thank you don't you want to see them I don't want to see them I want to be them I don't want to watch other people live a good life while I'm struggling my daughter my daughter was the youngest right 16 we got a television why we're gonna watch other people live their dreams I'm living a nightmare I'm gonna figure this thing out and I'm not going to distract myself and anesthetize myself with people living fake lives in a movie or in a television show and my life ain't working and I don't want to see the game I don't want to know all the players names I don't want to know all their stats I don't care don't care if they're if they're if their name on the back of their Jersey doesn't say golden I don't care if they win lose or draw why it's a distraction in the slavery days slave masters on the weekends and holidays would give the slaves alcohol so they could anesthetized themselves so they could forget about how horrible their life was and now the people are free in their bodies they're making everybody Slaves by anesthetizing themselves with media and social media and stuff that doesn't make your life better so we just anesthetized ourselves in a different way so mindset is first of all intention and then so we have to we have to set Our intention and then we have to pay attention pay attention to what pay attention to intention pay attention to things that are going to make our lives better and ignore the things that won't ignore them you're going to ignore something you're so obsessed yeah I know so are you I'm just obsessed over making sure my family doesn't die in poverty I'm obsessing over the fact that making sure somebody in my family needs help if nobody else can help them I can help them I'm obsessing over the fact that when I meet somebody and they're hungry I don't have to I don't have to wonder if I can afford to buy them some food why because who is your neighbor Jesus said you saw me in prison you didn't visit me I was thirsty you didn't give me anything to drink I was hungry you didn't give me any food I was naked you didn't give me any clothes they said well when did we do all that and as much as you've done it unto the least of these who are the least of these when you when you can serve somebody who has nothing to offer you God says how you treat them is how you treat me so he set Our intention and then we pay attention and then we obtain instructions we need to find somebody who knows how to get to where we instruction how to get to where we desire to go and when we do that now our mindset we need to master our mindset and when we Master our mindset once we set Our intention once I set my intention I need to act as if anything other than that intention is impossible for me I don't I need to ignore distractions when they show up in the form of difficulties when they show up in the form of entertainment when they show up in form in the form of enemies I need to disregard distractions why because the only reason they exist is to distract you how many all trackings it's interesting it says in second Corinthians chapter 11. verse number three I fear lest by any means that as the serpent beguiled or tricked Eve so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicities in Christ well how's my mind going to be corrupted from the simplicities in Christ well however however Satan corrupted ease mine that's how you're going to corrupt your mind what does that tell us Satan does not need a new toolbox the one he's had for six thousand years is still working fine they might be a little rusty but they still work yeah y'all can come over this way the cameras are up here you're fine so so understand that that Satan is going to use the same methodologies on you that are used on they used on Eep so if I want to understand how Satan distracts me all I gotta do is go back and read the story in the Garden of Eden so what did Satan do in the Garden of Eden okay Garden of Eden the word Garden means enclosure so it was a protected place there's a protected place the word Eden means pleasure so the Garden of Eden was God's protected place of pleasure for man some people say okay and then so God said God Genesis chapter 2 verse 16 17 the Lord God command the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat of every tree freely eat which tree every tree how do you eat freely every tree of the garden you may freely eat these are trees by the way in case you're wondering what those are these are trees palm tree like uh plum trees and pear trees and pomegranate trees and walnut trees and avocado trees and pineapple trees and trees and more trees and cherry trees and mulberry trees and trees and trees and olive trees and almond trees and trees and more trees and more trees and then it says of every tree of the garden I may ask freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil but of the tree that is in the midst of the garden where thou shalt not eat of it for the day thou eat us thereof Thou shalt surely die so God said don't eat off of the tree with me now let me ask you a question every tree freely eat so he said he said every tree freely eat I want to ask you all a question now here we go every and freely are those are those abundance words or lack words that's abundant every and freely if everything was yours for free it don't get no more abundance than that that's about as abundant as we got right if you want if you want more abundance than that you're gonna have to check someplace else out because that's all we got here everything's free then he said but uh the tree how many is that one is one abundance or lack lack so God said have as much of the abundance as you want stay away from the lack [Laughter] wait a minute wait time out oh it gets it gets more better watch this Adam and Eve are down here in the garden and says now the serpent in Genesis 3 the serpent was more subtle than he beast of the field which the Lord God made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said watch what he says you shall not eat of every tree of the garden what do you do he added the word not and he took out the word freely why did he do that because Satan understood something we haven't learned to this very day words are not just a communication tool they are the window through which we see the world what does that mean that means when you change what you say it changes what you see how's that work well the Bible says that adultery is an abomination so guess what we did we changed the word from adultery to affair Affair sounds like a party maybe I should bring a gift invite some friends no right we change the language Affair doesn't sound nearly as terrible as adultery am I am I telling the truth God calls it drunkenness God calls the people who do it drunkards you know we go alcoholism it's a disease well either we're right or God's right I'm going to take his side say what are you saying man I'm saying when you change the words it changes the way you see it he's changing words to desensitize us are y'all attractive and so here's what Satan did he got Adam and Eve's attention off of all their abundance he got their attention off of all this abundance of trees that they had for free and he got them to pay attention to the one thing they lacked why did he do that because Satan understood something we don't understand where attention goes intention follows that's why we have to be very very discreet about what we give attention to because I give enough attention to it for a long enough period of time I will set my intention on it y'all tracking so what happens is we got they set their intention on the tree so he said I Fearless by any means that as serpent we got Eve through a subtlety so your mind shall be corrupted from the Simplicity that's in Christ so guess what guess what Adam and Eve had to do they had to walk past all of this abundance and ignore it to get to the only thing they lacked and when they got to the thing that they lacked they lost everything they had what do we learn from that Satan wants to distract us with discontentment because when he distracts us with discontentment and we stop being thankful for all the gifts we open every day we begin to lose the gifts we have think about it why do people really get divorced because one or more of those people stop being thankful for the other person got your attention off what you had what happens when you get your attention off what you have you start paying attention to what you don't have and when you get the thing you don't have then you lose the stuff you have wow so Satan is a master at distracting Us by getting us to focus on What's Missing so we lose what's there so my mindset has to be like when something comes against I have to trust God's word fear not Abram I'm your Shield I'm your exceeding great reward like I don't have to be afraid of what's happening around me because I know who's called me I know the one that created me for a purpose called me to that purpose and if I will prepare myself for that purpose he will establish me in that purpose and the things that are for me no one can take away from me and the things that are not for me no one can get to me all I have to do is yield Mastery of mindset when I have Mastery of mindset my intention is set I'm paying attention and then I obtain instruction to learn how to do the thing I don't know how to do yet like people say well I don't know how to and you can fill in the blank with it whatever you want to and they say that like that's a final judgment I don't know how to use a computer you didn't know how to walk when you got here but you didn't lay in the bed your whole life you figured it out right some things that you don't know how to do are just worth figuring out but if I'm gonna figure something out the first thing I have to do is I have to determine that it is figureoutable I will never face an obstacle that's bigger than me how do I know that the first thing God ever said to a human being be fruitful do multiply do replenish do subdue subdue what subdue mean that like all the rest of them sounded good be fruitful what's fruitful producing the outside based on what I put on the inside multiply what's multiply increase replenish what's that fill up the Earth and then subdue what's that mean trample down wait what does that have to do with it see God understands that entropy follows energy and disruption always follows intention and so when I set out to do something good the first thing that shows up is not a paycheck when I set out to start working out the first thing that shows up is not big muscles the first thing that shows up is sore muscles when I've been eating junk my whole life and I start eating right I don't feel better first I feel worse first if I've been if I've been hooked on drugs or alcohol or nicotine when I give it up I don't feel better initially I feel worse initially how are you on tracking and so we have to understand is we in order for us to be fruitful multiply replace the Earth we have to subdue it we have to step on the things that try to stop us why well because if I don't I'm gonna be stuck like chucking a pickup truck I have to step on the things to stop me now if God is telling me to trample things he's telling me to step on things here's what that means everything that tries to stop me is both smaller than me and beneath me so if he told me to step on it that means I can step on it you think you can stop me just because you're hard to learn you think I'm not going to learn new language just because you're hard to learn you think I'm not going to learn how to play that musical instrument just because it's hard to you've got to be confused with someone else I've made in the image of God I got it covered I will stomp you how many on tracking so what we have to do we have to do is we have to wrap our minds around the fact that we are who God says we are we can do what he says we can do and he created us for a purpose so mindset what's the next one I have to master my mindset then what I have to do the next one be I have to master my skill set what does that mean the word skill the word wisdom in the Bible is the word skill the word wisdom is the word skill do you have a call Carter do you need to do oh you're leaving you're getting ready to go okay cool um so the word the word skill the word wisdom in the Bible is the word skill let me on tracking so Mass like getting wisdom is literally what is wisdom the application of Truth what does that mean I'm doing something I have a skill so I'm going to master my skill set I'm going to master my skill set with practice and precision because like people say practice makes perfect not if you're practicing mistakes that don't precision and then what happens then I can finally get to the place where I have productivity oh I got it so skill set is like practice I got to do it am I going to do it again I'm not going to do it again they're not going to do it again they're not going to do it again and then I can start developing some Precision I can start refining my movements and then eventually I can be productive and then guess what happens when I start being productive now profits will begin to follow because what am I doing I'm producing things that serve other people I'm producing things that other people value more than they value the money they have in their pockets okay what happens next well actually what happens next is I need to go and get see my tool set and depending what kind of business you are that's going to determine your tool set so for some if you're a musician your tool set is an instrument if you're a filmmaker your tool set is a camera if you're a pilot your tool set is a plane but you have to get a tool set you apply your mindset and your skill set to your tool sets and what the tool sets give you they give you Leverage what is leverage leverage means a small input creates a multiplied output now I get it I'm telling you if you will become the person who can do the thing I remember I remember as a young man when I met the woman who would be my wife and when I met her today I met her I went back to my room and told my brother who was my roommate I said I met the girl today I'm going to marry she didn't go back to her room tell Auntie about it she would go marry me if my work cut out for me let me tell you and by the way I wasn't the Myron golden back in those days I was Myron who right and um and I I didn't have nice cars I didn't have nice clothes I didn't have pockets full of money I was broke as a joke two things going for me okay talk fairly good I could write poetry make you hurt yourself [Laughter] all right Kenny and and I said I said I said you know what I'm gonna write this girl a poem so I wrote this poem [Laughter] I wrote this poem called what will it take I was 21. it was 27 stanzas I ain't gonna give you all up y'all want to give you a little bit of it it went what will it take to win thine heart thou Ferris to the fair will it take a prince of princes or a valley at night to dare to win in one so beautiful as you might not require a nobleman a priest a king or someone even higher will it take to win the heart of one so kind and fair in youth it will probably take a rich man or handsome of a truth what will it take to win the heart of one so comely and Sublime must one be a sovereign ruler or a monarch in his prime none of these do I possess and yet I seek to win thine heart thou queen of Elegance above these Valiant men I'm not a prince of princes and I've never been a knight but if I had a chance to win your heart I think I might I'm not a nobleman I'm not a priest or King but to win your heart thou fairest I'd make the bells of Heaven ring since I don't know what it takes to win your heart so true please tell me what it takes to win and that's what I will do she said oh Myron I said his own now boy it's out let's go let's go and a whole bunch of poems later oh y'all thought it only took one no no no no no no no it wasn't that kind of party a whole bunch of poems like a whole bunch of promises later finally got her to say I do and nobody taught me the marriage man I'll tell you how the marriage math Works in case you're about to get married so you know how it works if you having a hard time taking care of one person financially it's twice as hard to take care of two people and I can remember my wife was was eight months pregnant with our first child and after making all these promises and write are all these poems our water and our electricity were both disconnected at the same time we moved across the country from Gary Indiana to Harrisburg Pennsylvania on a Greyhound bus shortly after that time I got a job driving a trash truck for 6.25 cents an hour hence the trash man to the Cashman book right got a job driving a trash truck and I can remember saying to my wife we can make 300 a week with some overtime babe we will be all right because our rent was 250. our car payment was 140. some food some utilities we got that was as big as my thinking was and I can remember struggling for years and then years turned into decades and I I worked on it but it wasn't working for me but it was still working I didn't make the mistake of thinking that because it wasn't working for me that it wasn't working because the scripture says all work works in all labor there is profit so when I'm working on something that isn't working for me it's still working it's just working on me and if I will let it work on me until I become the person for whom it can work eventually it will work for me so well that it will seem effortless but that's Mastery of mindset Mastery of skill set Mastery of tool set I can remember not so long ago after I after having already made millions of dollars I remember going through seven years of tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy after tragedy for seven years not for not for 15 minutes seven years and I can remember in 2014 right after we moved to Tampa on borrowed money after I had already been a millionaire and lost all my money and had to sell my house on a short sale and I didn't like my Mercedes didn't get repossessed it got me possessed I just took it back to him they didn't have to come get it I said where do you all want me to bring it right okay like I was I'm just telling y'all the whole story I was broke and then in 2014 I can remember sitting on my back patio after living on borrowed money for two years I can remember sitting on my back patio crying on my wife's shoulders nothing's working [Music] yeah the same one I wrote the poem to because I lost my mindset I no longer had Mastery I allowed circumstances to distract me from the Mastery of my mindset and it caused me to believe that my skill set was no longer useful and the tool sets that I had that worked in the past weren't working anymore and I'm like I don't know what to do but I stayed in the game and I got my mindset back right sharper my skill set again and got back out the door and started doing it again and now what in 2014 felt impossible in 2023 feels effortless because money follows mastery to become a master of your craft become a master of your Niche become a master of your assignment watch and see if the money doesn't follow all right my peeps thank you all for watching thank y'all for subscribing thank you all for liking and commenting and all the rest of the stuff you do I hope you all can feel the love see y'all next Wednesday by the grace of God in the meantime in between time peace out Cub Scouts foreign [Applause]
Channel: Myron Golden
Views: 196,031
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Id: 38SpmVwUOEE
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Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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