Automations and Forms Tutorial (Intermediate)

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hey in today's video we're gonna be talking about automations and forms on so this is a way to get things to streamline as far as the automations and saving yourself time but also the forms is how you can create an easy way for people to kind of give ideas to the company or be able to change things on the fly or give feedback so what we're looking at here is the suggestion box here i created this by going to add and then this is a board right here so this is a board within this workspace here and you can see that i have implemented suggestions and suggestions down here so we want to start with is a form so if i want to rename this one i'm going to call this the suggestion form but i'm going to show you how i created this form and what it looks like so this right here is the suggestion box right here let me finish renaming this so the way that you would create one of these is you can go to add view and then what you do is you'd click on form so this will look very similar to google forms so why don't we go to this example form right here this is suggestion box etc any one of these things if you don't want it shown on the form itself you'd hide the question you can hide questions requesters etc but this one's just an example form so let me go to the suggestions form of what we're actually going to use so you can see that this one i'm hiding that i do want them to put the date in what suggestions do you have to improve our business systems and processes uh who's submitting this suggestion uh and then you can add new questions here as well so if you want to you know pick a date range phone email country whatever it may be you want short long text all these things are possibilities inside of here so once you have the form ready you can share it it can be a shareable link or it can be an embed so why don't we take a look at what this form actually looks like so in the form right here it opens up and you can put in the date let's say it's january 1st and it's 1920 a long time ago that this form is being put in what suggestions do you have for the business i'm going to put in a suggestion that everybody wears green on tuesdays and then i'm going to put in that this came from eric worrell which is me submit so now what happens here is once you submit this it should automatically create a an item in your suggestions down here so if we just give this a moment this is gonna pop in usually what i found is it takes about five to ten seconds for these things to show up so uh let's see if we can figure this out and see how long it takes for this to show up okay so now we have this everybody should wear green on tuesdays so the status there isn't one yet right but what you can do is create automations so why don't we take a look at some of the automations that i've already created and we'll work on other automations as well so this particular automation here very simple it's just when status changes to done move item to implemented suggestions so the way that you can create these is let's say you want to create a new item or automation in that particular case i went to status change because that was the category and then i found that actually pre-made template right here when status changes to something move item to group so if i was creating this one status and then we can go down here status changes to done then move item to and i want it to implemented suggestions so i just wanted to show you what that looks like so this is kind of nice because it just kind of saves you some steps so i have a couple other automations that i want to set up as well so why don't we change this to done and what you'll see is that this should automatically move into implemented suggestions which it just did all right so everybody should wear green on tuesdays and then another automation that i have set up is one for email so when an item is moved to implemented suggestions send an email to the board subscribers now if you click on the actual email this is where you can actually include tags in here so it's going to actually address that person let them know that this is being implemented and this is something that you want set up and this is actually going to go to all board subscribers in this particular case and the reason for that is i want to encourage people to let them know that if they're using the suggestion box that it's actually being addressed like these are different changes that are coming about because you're giving us suggestions for the business so now if i take a look at my email you can see that i have an automation here and you can see that the subject line is already on here everybody should wear uh green on tuesdays and then here it says thank you for your suggestion i just wanted to say thank you for suggestion and let you know that it's been implemented we appreciate you sharing your ideas here's your suggestion for reference everybody should wear green on tuesdays so why don't we take a look just so you can see this again back and forth so taking a look at this this is where you can kind of start to troubleshoot it before you send these things out to everybody you can see that the the name of the person did not go in there so why don't we go back and see what we missed right here so if we take a look at this coming through you can see the requester was me so what i want to do is i want to go back to this automation and then instead of changing it to um instead of it saying this i'm going to have this switched up a little bit okay so why don't we try this out now because what this should do is implement the requester's name in there so now what should happen is in this email whoever requested it is gonna see their name in there and it's gonna show up that this idea has been implemented and that we're thankful for it so let's try this again we're gonna update this and again i'm gonna go back to our suggestion form here and i'm going to share the form and here's the link here and while i just open this up again and today we go february 2nd and 1924 we should ring a bell every time we make a sale all right and then this time i'm going to say this came from deb chico so i'm going to submit the form and then going back to our forms here we're going to go to the main table here uh so i'm going to click refresh here i've found that if you refresh the page things do come in a little bit faster sometimes it takes like 10 15 seconds for something to show up so a quick issue that i realized here is the suggestion did show up but it went into the implemented suggestions group at the top so i think the reason for this is that the forum automatically is going to the top group so what i'm going to do is just switch the location of these groups so i'm going to put the suggestions at the top and implemented suggestions i'm going to pull to the bottom and see if that fixes things why don't we try this again really fast yep so here we can see it the suggestion right here uh incoming form answer and if i want to edit this i can always make this you know ring a bell [Music] and then as it should happen right here if i decide that this is going to be something that we are actually doing and it's done this is something implemented at this point you can see that it drops down into the implemented suggestions right here ring a bell and then we should get an email that fires out again and let's take a look at that email is revised so just like that you can see the automation uh devchica she is getting credit for having a great idea and letting her know and the entire team that is subscribed to this board that the idea has been implemented we appreciate sharing the idea and that we are now going to be ringing a bell every single time we have a sale on the sales floor now what i would suggest if you're just getting started with be sure to watch my tutorial and walk through right here and if you are curious how it compares to asana i have a review of monday versus sauna beneath that as well all right guys i'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Buyers Guide
Views: 323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forms, automations
Id: NX8SlMz89SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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