Monday Night Meatloaf 150

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[Music] thank you welcome back to Ox tools I'm Tom so for those new to the channel this is an episode of meatloaf and that's a mixed bag of shop related and Engineering related subjects put together into a single video there's usually something for everybody shop related so on this one we got uh some flea market finds um some Craigslist buys that I made um we had a northern California meet and greet of metal workers and machinist types down at Morgan Hill which was pretty cool um we've got the uh Bar Z industrial um summer bash coming up in June and uh for those of you that don't know this is a chance to meet uh YouTubers and uh and fans and um um and we have all kinds of tools and Raffles and actually swap meet uh it's it's pretty a pretty nice event I go every year and this is a stanzan Koski down in Southern California so uh I'll put some stuff in the in the description so that you can check it out and sign up if you want to go um and then oh we got the uh Hickory Dickory Dock the uh the results of the uh the different handle treatments for Hammer handle treatments we've got the uh Loctite and the linseed oil and the antifreeze and we've got some some test results from that so uh and you know it's probably some little surprises in there so let's get cracking I think this is gonna be a good one so we're ready to do some final testing on these um um handle treatments um and these are the uh Hickory dowels that we put in antifreeze linseed oil and turpentine and then Loctite 290. um so these have had the chance to absorb for a week uh dry for uh actually uh more two weeks now at this point and um what we want to do at this point is evaluate these samples to see how well they've done so what's the criteria um good question um so absorption and then any change in the structure of the wood would be the criteria that I'd be uh interested in did it get harder did it stay the same um did it swell or expand or um so there's some things that we can do we have a control sample that's unmolested here and then three samples that were treated differently taken out of the same dowel in fact you know just adjacent to this so you know we can say that these are you know approximately equal so anyway uh I'm kind of I'm kind of excited because I've kind of been examining these because uh there's kind of some unexpected results which is always what's cool about uh doing this kind of testing is you go in with these kind of preconceived ideas this will work this is always work etc things like that and I was like oh whoa that's weird and lots of interesting Journeys begin with that statement as a oh that's strange and uh and then you start kind of digging into it and taking a look at it so let's look a little closer I got uh some evaluated tests kind of set up that we can do on these and um see uh See what's happened to them so let's check it out so the first characteristic that I checked uh is the diameter so and the way I've laid it out here is I've had characteristics that control Loctite 290 linseed oil and antifreeze just kind of in the order that I've got them laid out here so what I did was since this wasn't um so I marked one end of each one and the marked end is the end that was in air when it was in the in the liquid okay or in each of the liquids so what I'm doing is I'm measuring the diameter at the distal and proximal ends right to see if there's any change in the diameter um so you know so there's some variation in in the wooden dowel right and you see that here in the in the control one end is one inch zero zero three the other end is one inch zero zero seven um so that's the control sample and then um so let's take a look at the uh here's the Loctite 290 and there's the a end I marked it um and then we see that it's you know it appears that it's swollen a little bit it's slightly larger than the control but uniform relative uniform end to end right okay so that's kind of nice so it's swelled up a little bit I think we can conclude that reasonably well so then we get the linseed oil here excuse me that's um now this one absorbed all the material which is not surprising this was the lowest viscosity here uh you know it had a solvent carrier basically the turpentine um and um so we got one inch zero zero five on one end and one in zero zero two five on the other end so you know based on what we're seeing with the control sample diameter and the lensity oil diameter I'm going to say that that really didn't change diameter much okay we'd have to do a lot more testing to make a conclusion about that but uh uh you know a hard conclusion so it looks like it didn't change so now the uh the interesting one here is the antifreeze um so and and you can see in the sample here and this is the end that was in the liquid this was the end that was in air it really only absorbed you know approximately halfway of the doubt but when I picked it up the other day it was kind of surprising and I noticed that this end that was in the liquid after it had dried had flared and you can see that in the numbers here so that's how it is um so 18006 which is kind of expected because that's what the the control diameter and we didn't absorb into that area so that sort of makes sense but the other end look at that one inch thirty three thousands now I took uh just so you know I took two Dimensions um uh parallel with with the end grain and at 90 degrees to the end grain just so you know how I did those measurements I took too many two measurements and then I averaged those measurements so uh uh but that's uh kind of remarkable in fact you can even see it let's see I don't know if it'll come up on the camera yeah it's kind of hard to see on the camera but there's a slight flaring at this end actually I rolled them on the table uh on a flat plate and this one uh you know started to take a little turn because that end is a little bit bigger right which is kind of interesting so anyway that's kind of cool uh so volume absorbed absorbed it was six milliliters to start uh this one you know is about half this is zero was left or you know six was absorbed and this this some of this is evaporated in the week two weeks that it's been sitting here so but it was it was more than that so I'll just call it two so I'll fill those in and then what we'll do next is we'll do some uh I got a way to do some kind of hardness tests uh on this to see if there's any change in hardness so we'll do that next so let me go over the uh the test setup with you guys here so what I got a little Arbor press here and um um I made a little arm here that we can put our scale so we can pull with a known Force so that'll all be relatively uniform sample to sample and then what I have oops where's my tweezers okay I gotta get my tweezers um I got a quarter inch ball in there uh steel ball hardened and what we're going to do is we're going to uh we'll do a minor load to kind of seat the ball and so that we have a uniform seat and then what we'll do is we'll pull a major load and then what we're going to be looking for is uh penetration into the sample so they'll all be zeroed after the minor load and we'll apply the major load and then we'll see uh uh relative penetration so it should give us a clue about hardness I'll do two tests on each end uh 90 degrees to one another to um see if there's any differences depending on which way you're coming at the grain so we'll do one end grain and then side grain so but I'm set up for side grain right now so we'll do those first and then we'll do uh we'll do end grained both ends end green okay all right so I'm gonna just so that there's no uh diameter change here I mean this control sample is pretty easy to tell apart from all the other ones so um so we'll do one at each end here so let me get uh I gotta capture this ball here so we don't lose that like that okay I could see it I gotta go get it so having dropped plenty of things uh uh the Natural Instinct now is to just freeze and um and watch for movement on the floor all right let me get this the dummy one out here all right what we'll do so that we're on the a end put the ball in and there's a little uh there's a hole in the end of the ram make sure I'm centered up yeah it looks pretty good okay let's see you see the indicator all right so actually at this point it doesn't really matter uh we're not going to measure uh um we're not going to measure penetration until we do the major load so actually let me uh roll this around oh I want to have some some way to uh I'm looking at the end grain so that I can I don't want to be too close to the edge either so I'm kind of so the grain is running this way the way my fingers are in this in this particular case um and just for fun we're just going to zero this up and see what kind of penetration we get at five pounds okay so with five pound uh minor load and 10 pound major load I think is what we're gonna do here I get a very carefully creep up on five three four [Music] a uh okay there it was 5.04 was the peak that I saw there and as you can see it's uh fifteen thousandths of uh of penetration which is kind of interesting okay so now let's do this we'll zero the indicator okay and so we're not moving anything so now I'm going to apply the major load here which is 10 pounds eight nine okay 10.02 okay and this is actually kind of expected because um the initial penetration uh it's an infinitely small contact Point theoretically right but as we push it in um the force is a curve right because more and more of the ball is being pressed into the material right so that's why we do this initial you know this is how our normal metal hardness tests are done or plastic hardness tests too um a minor load and then a major load right so now all right let me record this before I Bozo this and forget it so um this is uh um side and this is the control so what did we get we got uh 11 and a half um let's see I'm just going to Mark parallel uh 11.5 mil okay all right and then I'll do I'll repeat this at 90 degrees I'm probably not going to film all this because it's pretty uh pretty well you know what we'll do some of the I'll film at least one segment uh off each of the samples just so you guys can see that otherwise it's a lot of uh uh kind of boring video me fumbling around with balls all right so we're getting ready to do the uh uh this is the Loctite 290 here that we're doing and uh we're gonna do the a in first parallel to the end grain okay get set up here dang it ball is I should probably make a little a little holder for it oh okay there we go hey I magnetized it now it's uh it's staying in the end of the end of the thing all right let's get our scale in here turn that on so this is our minor load here five pounds I'll do that first I'm gonna hit that one right on Tenth out all right so we don't we we don't use that reading all right so re zero now we're going to go to our major load here six six seven eight and come on ten okay and we got about ten and a half foul there all right 10.5 okay and then if I'm lucky oh yes and I love it all right and we'll go okay and just for fun we'll see right okay minor load three four five okay that's pretty pretty much the same all right let's do major and eight nine okay and we got about tenth out there at 90 degrees okay okay I'll do the other end and then I'll come back on the next sample all right I got the linseed oil and turpentine sample in now we're set up uh parallel to the Grain and we're gonna do our minor and major loads here [Music] all right then I'll flip it around and do the other end and uh oh and then do the next sample all right so we got the uh antifreeze sample this time and uh this is the end that was not in the juice so I'm going to show the full one here because this end should you know be equivalent to the control actually because it doesn't have any antifreeze in it but the more interesting end is the end that did absorb so I want to be sure to show that um do a minor [Music] [Music] and call that 11. okay all right and now let me set up and do and we'll do end grain and uh and then we'll look at our numbers all right so we're set up on our uh our end grain now and I got the control sample in um so we're gonna do the same thing a five pound minor load and a 10 pound major load and [Applause] I'm just gonna do one in each end um instead of a bunch of spots on on each on each end so all right it's definitely a lot less penetration that was a minor load and I noticed that the penetration was quite a bit less than uh the side which sort of makes sense okay oh yeah definitely less there what is that wiped out okay control let's see and five mil okay and I say Mill I don't mean millimeter I mean Mill is in thousands of an inch um it's a interchangeable term with thousands of an inch they use it to measure uh um I did the 10 yeah I did the 10. I got it don't lose strike here Mr Wizard okay okay it's gonna stay yay okay approximately the center all right um they use it for measuring um film thicknesses and things like that you know like a plastic sheet and stuff like that so it also means a thousands of an inch for those wanting to know why I'm using that word all right so this is the uh linseed oil here so give a little close-up on the ball okay loading or five okay zero go for our 10. I don't know if you I don't think you're gonna be able to see much there but I was getting tired of that camera angle all right that was 10. and it's about five thousand that one too that was a and yeah okay [Music] get it in the center I'll give her a little wiggulator okay here we go uh if reset indicator that last little bit is really hard all right that's five and a half whoops sorry okay sorry there all right so this is the antifreeze um two or five pretty boring video huh all right I mean you can't see some of these displacements very easily but if I just show you the test results nobody's gonna believe me right you know how that works coming okay so that's right now that was the uh a and the air end okay here's the end that was in the antifreeze [Applause] a little bit all right all right [Applause] okay all right that was a bit more huh uh I'm gonna call that eight because uh about three quarters all right well that's uh that's the only one that was significantly different so okay let's look at the let's look at our test numbers here so here's the data uh cleaned up a little bit um and we got um uh characteristic our control our Loctite our linseed oil and our antifreeze samples and the first one is diameter and this was each end uh and a and then in opposite um and this is a reminder and a um was the end that was in air in fact let me put that the put that there and so the control um there's a little variation end to end and then the Loctite um uh this is and this is post treatment okay so these are post treatment um it grew a little bit on average okay and linseed oil um yeah not a lot of change noted the biggest change and the big surprise was in the antifreeze so um it changed considerably so it's a clear winner on uh diameter change and then um this is liquid volume absorbed and we started with six milliliters uh obviously the control didn't have any this sucked up about four mils this sucked up all of it six mils and this sucked up the smallest amount the antifreeze at three mils okay so uh volume of material needed is lowest with the antifreeze and the largest change in diameter so so far so good and then we get into uh uh end grain penetration here this is with the ball and um so the control uh penetration was about five thousandths of an inch or Mills five mils and uh either end and um about the same I don't know how good our resolution is with uh with this particular test here because these are these are have some similarities although when we get here you'll see that there's a difference so I don't know the average is the same between these two uh the major difference here is uh there was much more penetration in the end that was in liquid so the antifreeze tends to soften the material the wood and we'll see that a little further down too um so it had the greatest uh end grain penetration um good or bad I don't know the wood's softer after being treated with the antifreeze and then side Grand Side Green penetration and this is also a hardness test here here's our control with an average of 10 mils penetration uh 10 mils 10 mils uh 11 mils so once again a little bit softer um and although interestingly enough the end that was in the um in air uh not in the liquid uh had a high penetration number so maybe it's just a soft spot in the green I don't know so I you know I don't know what we can conclude from that but if you average all those out uh overall the highest hardness is the Loctite and the lowest hardness is the antifreeze um the uh so and then we got cost here loctite's the most expensive linseed next it's a two component mixture it's 50 50 linseed and turpentine and the antifreeze is probably the cheapest uh out of all of them and it uses the least amount so draw what conclusions you want from this um I uh personally am trying the uh the Loctite myself it produces the highest hardness so uh to me that means uh the the head's not going to move around and um it's locked in there in the woods hard uh how much harder is arguable right and uh kind of minimal um linseed smells the best and uh it penetrates the quickest um this is a Time proven method here so certainly valid and the antifreeze is the big surprise here uh that it's a reasonable um uh solution to the to the problem um it's kind of I don't know it's a it's a gruesome color and uh um and you know you get if you dunk your whole Hammerhead in there you got to clean it up uh I don't know so uh use the results for what you will uh it was kind of a fun test and um um and you know I had some fun doing it I hope you guys enjoyed uh enjoyed the testing all right so this first one is um uh we had this uh uh Northern California kind of machinist uh meet and greet and I don't know this is like the third or fourth fourth one I think that we've done in Northern California and uh you know machinists get together um and we do a swap meet usually there's some it's usually food and we just get together and kind of hang out and uh it's usually at a shop so we get to check out somebody else's shop and um and then talk about tools and and nerd stuff anyway um uh Chuck uh Bommarito from outside screwball he uh gave me these squares and these came from uh Kurt armbrust up in Menlo Park uh California and uh he was passing them along to uh uh me and um uh Randy Richard yes of Randy Richard in the shop if you don't know of him anyway uh I got them both now so screw Randy I guess so no just kidding so Randy uh let me know in the comments which one you want I have a couple of these and uh if you need a big one or a small one let me know and uh I'll bring it down to the uh The Bash or whatever mail it to you uh if you let me know which one uh which one of these you want anyway Kurt thank you so much uh this is a nice little treat it's always fun to have somebody walk up to you and hand you a tool and uh and uh and off you go so anyway thanks Kurt all right this next one's pretty cool uh this comes from um a buddy of mine uh Joe way at the Sierra specialty Otto he's an auto head anyway uh he knows that I like uh uh machine uh data tags and name plates and stuff like that so he sent me a little uh a little selection here which is great and these are these are like heavy heavy duty ones here off of uh uh you know power boxes or Motors or whatever which uh I forgot what this oh this is off of a Cincinnati Mill here I don't know if they're all yeah okay these may all be off of uh the Cincinnati Mill here and then he also sent me uh some um 7 16s bolts which I didn't I don't have too many of because I'm not a car guy and but he is a car guy and he had a big bucket of bolts that he bought at the swap meet so he uh he sent me some so anyway go check out Joe at uh www.joeway uh Dot online and um show him some love and Joe thank you so much for uh the machine plates and I collect them and then I uh then I mount them on um I'm on them on backer boards uh when I get enough to uh uh make it make it worth my time so uh so I'm getting pretty close I think to doing another another oops another show board there and um anyway thanks a lot Joe these are cool I appreciate the uh appreciate the thought thank you so this next uh this next lot of tools is uh these are flea market finds and there's a little itty bitty flea market up near um um what is it Diamond Springs um which is kind of near Placerville uh that we go to once in a while a bunch of bugs in here um anyway I went there and uh the guy had a actually it's two different people here um so this was won by and this is the second buy uh this was three bucks and this was four bucks I think so uh it was it was Priced Right now I always I don't know about you guys but um this is like the 10 millimeter wrench story right I always buy 9 16s wrench one wrenches when I uh when I see them and this is a Thorson and it's a little shorty which is kind of nice and then this is a Proto uh Flex head here and it just barely turns here and uh this will clean up pretty nice I think and um um I don't know if you've never tried these These are pretty good actually uh um you can you can turn them like this you can reach into areas and turn them and then uh you know they kind of behave like a box wrench too and uh so they're kind of nice like that so um and then this this caught my eye just because boy I think it's I get some mosquitoes in here today for some reason um this thing caught my eye just because of its patina and um now I use I like buying tapered shapes because you know they're a pain in the neck to make and when you need an alignment pin you know sometimes you need one that a long tape or sometimes you need a short one whatever and you always hate stopping to make what you need right so if I see these for cheap and this was cheap uh you should just pick them up and throw them in the throw them in the Chisel and punch drawer so I should probably show you my chisel and punch drawer at some point because I got a pretty good uh pretty good collection this is a dasco which is a modern brand and then here's so this this saw some love here um um hammer love and um you know I like tools to show their use but this is one situation where um yeah okay it looks cool and somebody used the heck out of this and it's a nice patina but you don't want to have punches in this kind of condition here in particular when they start cracking like that and you know you laugh because you see this in the the high school textbooks is oh always grind your chisels and punches right and it's no baloney because if you've ever been hit by a piece of this stuff and I have and a lot of folks out there have been hit by and it's it's literally shrapnel it's hardened steel and when it fractures it's sharp and when you know you think about when you're hitting this with a hammer the forces the concentrated forces are pretty high so it comes off pretty hard and pretty fast and it's sharp so I'll I'll dress that up and put a a taper on it so that it's uh that it's happy again but it is kind of kind of fun to look at it and uh see that somebody used the heck out of that thing there so uh anyway that's that um and then we got a couple interesting things this is a and this is a stare at caught my eye here and it's a um it's a stud for a combination square and occasionally these get screwed up uh they get bent or they just wear or whatever in fact this one's got a little a little kick to it from excessive tightening or whatever um but you know I have a few spares of these and uh this caught my eye because it was a stare at right and uh you know it's nice to have a spare that's got a spring and a nut and the whole nine yards there and that's the little indexing um the little indexing uh uh tit right there so that it locks it in and what that does is when you put the blade in once the index Notch is in right the blade slides in easy it's not cocked when you put the when you put the blade in anyway that's what that's about that's that um this guy here this caught my eye because uh and I have no idea what it was used for but my first thought was some kind of watchmaking tool here and it's actually sharp so you know somebody's probably using it as a as a cutting tool or a scraper of some sort but I thought my first thought was oh it's a it's a watchmaking tool and it's used to uh to pry the backs off of uh off of cases or something like that that was my thought uh but you know that's a romantic thought I guess it's probably you know this is pretty crude looking too um but I like the handle and I like the shortness of it so uh uh it's going to be my uh my watchmakers a case popper scraper there so yeah no Maker's Mark on it and then this this is actually a nice little stare at um uh depth uh it's a depth protractor and it has the original blade in it which is cool and uh and it's got the little window uh which is nice and then this one is cool because in fact this is better than the one I have actually so I'm going to upgrade my uh my little depth thing is if you lift it over then you can actually use it like a protractor for some uh for some uh actually it's got an index mark on it uh for some common angles right and uh which is kind of nice if you're gonna buy one of these this is probably the one to buy although I don't know if they sell this model with the uh with the protractor back anymore I'm not positive I haven't looked in the uh in the stair catalog this is a number 236 I think yeah 236 it looks like um and um anyway like I said it's better than the one I have and I'll clean it up a little bit and put my old one in the trade pile and uh um you know and and uh go from there anyway some flea market fights so this next one is a uh this is a Craigslist fine um you know I'm looking at Craigslist pretty regularly and this thing popped up there's actually a couple of them a couple of them on there right now for pretty good prices and what this is is a this is a dynamometer it's a crane scale uh and this one is a 20 000 pound maximum capacity 100 pound increments and the way this works is it's got a it's got a bar inside it basically kind of a a U-shaped bar right um and there's a um a measuring device between the two arms of the bar right so when you load the scale up that U spreads a little bit okay and uh and this dial is calibrated to read that spread and you know it's in the elastic range of the material so basically it's a pretty linear line right so uh anyway that's how they make these things now this one this is a big boy and you can see it's got uh it's got big Shackles on the back here actually maybe we'll uh pop the back off and have a look at the inside but there's the uh there's the bar you can see the bar right there and here's the cutout you can just see the edge of the cut out there I'm going to pop this cover off and we'll take a look at the inside there and see the guts of this thing um but uh 50 bucks so uh um now if you bought one of these new yeah you know there are thousands and um now do I need this yeah I have one of these that goes up to ten thousand um but I didn't have a twenty thousand so I guess I needed it right but 50 bucks it's a pretty good price so you know I met the guy [Applause] met the guy out in Pinole and uh look at it hey looks good boom give the money I'm done it's like a three minute uh a three minute transaction so uh but let me uh let me pop this out of here and then uh we'll uh um open the back up and you guys can have a look at the inside and uh and see what's in there well hopefully these aren't going to be oh yeah seized up or whatever so um we actually we have a lot of these at work um this is kind of the diff old school de facto uh crane scale oh yeah and um you can see down in there see the works here um so here's our u-shape our u-shaped bar that's the main load carrying element of the of the thing and what happens is is and you can see the one side of the mechanism is is one side of the mechanism is anchored to this side and the other side is anchored to this here and and then what happens is is these spread slightly let's go let's go in there what is that it doesn't it doesn't look proper uh maybe it is maybe that's the uh oh I wonder if that's an overload hmm oh I know I'm nerding out here sorry guys um anyway uh so this this this beam here this beam bends under under load and uh and this measures you know the bending of that beam and it's calibrated in pounds it happens to be calibrated in pounds so I was going to build one of these on the channel just for fun but uh then I found this uh my twenty dollar uh you know uh crane scale and I said yeah I don't think so I'm not going to build one for twenty dollars and uh um anyway it's kind of fun um and uh they're quite simple um but because they're kind of a calibrated instrument and the people that build these have to maintain uh standards and records and things like that they they get kind of expensive if you have to buy one that's traceable so um anyway uh some sometimes these are called dynamometers and sometimes they're called crane scales if you're shopping on eBay if you're looking and the other one is um proving Rings uh but proving rings are a little different than uh than these and they have a a different measuring system that's uh that's used on anyway Craigslist so that's another Craigslist score here um what we got here is some ladder levelers and I've been wanting some of these for my my big extension ladder because living up here in the Hills the uh the ground around the house is not necessarily level where you want to put the uh where you want to put the ladder right anyway this is one of those items that's like stupidly expensive um you know to order online or buy at Home Depot or Lowe's or uh McMaster or whatever right and uh so I kind of like made do without them which is not the safest thing to do right and because these are very simple and uh and quite effective actually um anyway guy had some uh out in Vallejo uh listed on Craigslist and uh I connected with him and uh and these are Louisville and um um in the bag with all the Fasteners the bag is still sealed all the all the bits are there and 30 bucks now these are 130 I think or 140 uh uh you know if you buy them full retail or whatever right so uh oh oh dear what do we got here yeah it's still got the though made in China for Louisville uh ladders um but you know they look they look proper and they look correct and um so I'll Mount them up to my ladder but uh um you know like I said before I kind of keep my eye peeled on Craigslist for you know stuff like this and I got a master list of junk I'm looking for right uh uh all the way down to ladder levelers and um you know who knows what else is on the list right and um so deals can be had and yes sometimes you got to drive a little bit and uh but uh you get to meet interesting people and you help them a little bit because I want to get rid of something and you help yourself because uh you get something for uh um you know a reasonable price right so 30 bucks yeah I'm pretty happy and uh you know a 20 minute drive or whatever and uh um hey I'm good so I'm feeling good anyway this next one's a test here and um um I saw I don't remember where I saw this I might have seen it on Instagram or or a YouTube I I don't know what but this is a this is a steel cutting blade okay that fits you know one of these a skill saw and um um now what's interesting about this it's not just a carbide it's a cermet okay and uh for machinists to know about sermats these are um reinforced uh carbides basically and they have little whiskers of uh um I don't know what in them but they are incredibly tough and um So Much More Much tougher than uh normal C2 C4 carbide grades and um so uh from an impact resistance standpoint this is superior to carbide um now the weak Link in all this is this braised joint here right and um and um so you know the impact of this thing slamming into steel or whatever so the teeth will hold up um you know will they stay in the uh will they stay in the in the blade itself anyway we're going to try it um these were uh it was on sale actually 34 bucks at uh at Home Depot in particular and uh Lowe's didn't have these so um I had to get this at uh at Home Depot but we're gonna try cutting some um I got some uh some half inch steel plate here that uh uh was was sheared and uh so this sheared Edge is kind of rolled over so we're just going to take a trim cut off of that to kind of clean it up as a test here and then see what kind of finish we get and how the thing behaves and uh you know how violent it is uh with uh using this tool here so uh cross your fingers okay I think I'm ready I got a guide here um I've got the depth Set uh you know at about an inch or so this is half inch steel and uh Worm Drive skill saw I don't know all right let's try it eyes and ears let's get set um I'll try to remember to adjust the sound level of the clip okay now we got a result that was interesting I knocked out my my lighting circuit here but first impression is cutting like cream cheese let me go reset a breaker and connect up to a different breaker so the the breaker that I was plugged into happens to be on my lighting circuit so it's already got some load on it and the saw must must have been drawing a fair amount what is the uh yeah this is a 13 amp sauce so plus the load I could see getting over the uh the chips uh the chips look pretty good um and there's not a lot of Sparks which is nice so let's finish this cut then we'll look at the uh the cut quality there's a little bit of heat in the uh in the off cut piece but so far so good let me put my uh ear stuff back in contact [Applause] and jeez look at that that cut quality is pretty impressive I have to say that uh um I'm pretty impressed now let's uh let's examine the blade and see how our teeth held up for that uh that cut yeah these are uh these are looking pretty good and the way they got it set up okay what's going on with that one there okay so it's a different geometry every couple of teeth the the profile is such that it's actually a very strong shape it's kind of got a radius to it I'm not sure if you can see that or not um and then this tooth looks like it's a little lower uh so it kind of gets a uh uh the first hit is on a rounded tooth and then the next hit is uh a tooth that looks like it's a little lower to me um so that it kind of gets a roughing and a finishing pass in one shot there but uh I'm not seeing any uh knocked off with that particular pass so how long does it last who knows uh depends how hard or you know how uh abusive you are on it but uh I would call I would give this kind of thumbs up it's pretty good and this is your uh Diablo uh steel demon and this particular one's a seven and a quarter they have the smaller ones if you have so how this performs on a cordless uh uh uh that might be a good uh good follow-up test for this a smaller diameter and a cordless cordless saw but uh on this one that's got buckets of power uh this this cut was uh was cream cheese the feed pressure was uh was pretty low okay that's about all I got for today and be sure to check out uh um the uh barzi summer bash there's a link in the description so you can go check it out uh and see what it's about and uh if you want to beat some of your favorite YouTubers a lot of them show up well not a lot a few of them show up and we have a big Swap Meet the tools and materials and all kinds of stuff for sale and then the other one is uh the NorCal meet and greet uh if you want to get on that mailing list uh get in touch with uh Uncle Chuck there's a link in the description if you would like to host one of those be sure to tell them and we'll put you on the on the host list so a host basically opens their shop up and uh has some parking areas and for folks to show up and set up some tables and um uh and have some guests over so anyway check it out in the description hope you like the episode and see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 21,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine work, Toolmaking, Mechanical design, meet and greet, dynomometer, Chatillion, Diablo blade, flea market tools, Craigslist, Hammer handles, Steel demon
Id: KUKYsGbmrJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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