Triple Clamp Pivot

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[Music] thank you welcome back to Ox tools I'm Tom so I mentioned in the Meatloaf uh I don't know a week or two ago that I had this uh um this is actually a steering pivot for a motorcycle for one of the kiddos at work Josh and he asked me if I would help him out and I said yeah sure no problem and uh so what he needs is another one of these that's just a little longer so he's adapting a um oh boy uh well I'll give you I don't I don't remember the motorcycle but he's putting a um a Kawasaki uh triple clamps and forks on a uh American-made uh mini bike so uh anyway the the steering pivot this is the triple clamp uh pivot uh he needs a new one so we're gonna make him a new one and I got some steel over there I measured it up I got a chicken sketch I think we're ready to go let's check it out foreign this is a KLX frame KLX 110 frame and a cx65 suspension that we're trying to graph together and there's this Josh is trying to graph together so basically you know it's a hollow axle that's got a couple of bearing journals and then a couple of lock nuts here to keep it all together anyway it needs a little bit longer I've made a a little uh chicken sketch already so uh with all the new the New Dimensions on it and I don't know if uh any of anybody else does this but when I when I do lathe Parts a lot of times what I'll do is I'll Dimension them this way and you see that I have a Z's this is a z-axis here in this case um I have a zero here and then the overall length here instead of dimensioning the journals uh back and forth uh and there's a couple of things there's a little reminders that that little flange is 118 thick that I need to check that um and um I don't know what else anyway the only thing that's a little bit weird is these transitions here and we want to use a tool that has a radius on it this is fairly thin wall so although all the you know the major stress is kind of at the journal areas there so this just keeps the spacing so it's I wouldn't say it's a highly stressed part in particular but we still want to kind of simulate a little radius in there just so there's not a you know a sharp intersection but anyway uh let's go over to the lathe um we'll have some actual Machining content on Ox tools how do you like that it's been a while huh huh only took me two weeks but uh I I still remember how to use a forgot I guess oops monster wizard let's see these can uh see that it's got a little bump in it there's probably a scratch on the shaft so what we got here this is a 1144 stress proof uh it's actually if you guys haven't tried this uh it's really nice stuff uh machines really well and um the condition that it comes in that you buy it this came from McMaster Carr um the condition that it comes in is over a hundred thousand PSI uh yield strength so it's it's pretty strong and machines beautifully you get nice finishes on it and you can just kind of use it as is if you have something that's not a um what I would call a wear part you know where there's things sliding on it and whatnot so anyway let's get started on this all right first thing we'll just face the ends here or this end anyway give us a nice um what I want [Music] is a real nice flat uh starting place for the drill and um you'll see that I'm gonna actually this uh we're drilling all the way through this so um It's actually kind of a deep hole so uh we gotta uh give ourselves the uh the uh the best chance of uh drilling nice and straight and meeting nicely in the middle because we're going to be drilling it from both ends at least that's my my current plan look at the chips how that breaks on that 1144. it's just really sweet material [Music] to work with so uh when I worked at the for Thrasher magazine they made all the uh you know the Venture and independent trucks were all uh um the axles that are pressed into the aluminum castings are all 1144 stress proof the screw machine guys love it a chip break you know they don't have these big [Music] the uh you know kind of hair balls of chips okay so what I'm gonna do is this is still this is still undersized from um from what we're what we're going to be drilling through slow it down what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm gonna bull I'm gonna bore the uh the front end of this until It just fits the drill so we get it's so it's kind of it'll behave like a gun drill then right it'll uh um [Applause] yeah I mean look at this look at those Ships coming up okay so I want you know maybe a diameter and a half something like that actually let's just go in until we just touch the uh bottom of that hole yep okay all right so looks like we can safely go about 700 deep without smacking the uh the bottom of that board this is calibrate the uh Z and then speed lever is going the wrong way uh now I got a uh whoops nice uh a nice carnivore started there just want to get enough to get a 776. all right let's set the dro this isn't a Precision hole yet um okay and then I forgot what my my drill diameter is let's measure that so I got the 796. that's kind of what we're looking for so let me get a little closer to that 80 right now go to the bottom good okay so that should be it should be 800. thereabouts okay so that's 8-0 um excuse me seven oh yeah these read backwards hint right seven twenty five seven eighty oh okay I can't do it 780. great all right try that we got and the idea is back it up a little more is the drill should just all right I think we want just a little bit more so to see the idea is it's going to Pilot on the lands of the drill and um and give it a nice steady steady Freddy uh uh start there and and see what I mean about the chips with that 1144 I mean uh it's pretty nice all right so we're pretty close here [Music] all right let's try that see if we got it oh yeah that's just what I want right there okay minimal wiggle pretty good fit okay and then now that drill you know gets its best chance to start straight that we can give it and uh and then when we come from the other side we'll do the same thing and hopefully those two holes don't do that [Music] good [Applause] more drill you have down the hole the more careful you got to be so um we'll probably uh heck less the deeper we go here clear the chips Lube down there [Applause] all right okay good and then what I want to do while I got this in because I just want to uh I want to you know I board the ID right and so that's concentric with the axis and you see that what I want to do is just turn a little band uh what I'm going to call a pickup band on this just so I have a a true surface [Music] that's uh that I know is uh real concentric with that bore right and um yeah you know what I think I'm gonna go all the way to the truck actually because uh because I can't the last thing I want to do on this end before I take it out of the Chuck is I want to cut a 60 degree included angle uh seat on that I'm expecting to have to um put a center in this so I want this uh a center seat to be cut and uh and actually real nice [Music] that's probably all I need so that's all um uh concentric with the bore and the OD that I've cut and I'll do the same on the other end too once I'm there all right now we're gonna knock this thing off the length okay that's our overall length eight inch 345 I'm gonna go a little longer um notice how I calibrated the important side of this the tool I'm not gonna make it three all right let's give it a few a few thousandths more just so we got a little bit of room to uh to work with there all right all right let's see if we can part this off and uh [Music] so as I get close here I'll see the um the shafts start wobbling but I'm just gripping it gently here and oink comes right up so you can't you can't influence it with your hand but you can keep it steady it's called a manual steady rest I think we're pretty close at this point [Music] [Music] there we go through well uh I guess I want to look down the board it's pretty good from here all right forgive the handheld but let's see if we can get a a good shot down there so trying to get on the wall there a little bit so you can see but I call that pretty good pretty good matchup side to side so let's move on so this line is my first relief I'm just gonna work up to that for a minute [Music] [Music] working on digging out this Center section here this bearing relief now and uh let's keep going here and this tool has got a nice radius in it so I think it will work fine for uh no stress Riser there at that intersection we're going to cut threads now and uh this is a one inch 14 on the end of this and what I did was I measured it with the pitch diameter using my uh my little Starrett uh thread mic and these are actually uh kind of nice there's a several of them this one happens to be 14 to 20 pitch and that dictates the uh the space between the uh the Anvil surfaces there but so it covers a pretty good range in zero to one inch so these are kind of nice uh the interchangeable tip uh you know are more versatile uh a single micrometer but the tips are are kind of scarily expensive so these can be had on eBay um you know for relatively reasonable prices and I think it's it's either two or three of them that covers you know pretty much the range that uh that you would want to cover so anyway we're going to use this to measure our pitch diameter as we cut the thread here and I put a little little witness Mark there so I know what my stopping point looks like so right now I'm gonna calibrate the tool against this diameter which I happen to know the which is 0.994 and I'll calibrate the tool tip on that and then I'm just going to use straight in feet on this particular thread here so hey Pro tip put it in gear okay let's get a little uh a little Marquee on there so I should have used my I got two black sharpies in my apron right now and I usually have a blue and a black all right let's use that and this is just a help me calibrate the tool point [Music] all right pretty good so nine okay all right and then what we're gonna do I'm gonna come out and go back to our uh 0.999 4 um four and then uh we're gonna make sure that uh that we got the thread pitch right and um [Music] let's get that out of there you know so one thing I didn't bring over here is the thread pitch gauge well good thing I checked because I forgot to ship one lever and that happens and that's exactly why you uh while you check let's do that again I also got a blue Sharpie which if you guys don't already know this the the blue Sharpies are the king of sharpies they uh they they last longer they stay wetter than the black Sharpies and um they're just they're just better okay so let's go back to our 9994 uh actually I'm gonna go a little bit more just to uh [Music] sure I can make a good scratch and then five four three two one here we go make a nice line oh yeah that looks pretty good now my instinct set of it looked fine uh previously so let's see here and this is just a bozo check it's so easy to you know you know getting set up okay that looks fine um you're getting set up to thread and you know you got a lot in your mind and your levers and getting things in order and all that and um um and you forget to move one lever or or something like that right good thing I looked at the camera it was the uh the flashing red light of Doom for videographers the uh the dreaded uh uh battery uh getting ready to die uh [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] all right it's getting close now so I have one so uh 9 48 on the pitch here and then we'll uh run that one a little measured after this quick there well so we should be in there um according to my calculations we should be in the pitch diameter range at this point but I want to make it the same as the sample which was kind of at the uh the lower end okay nine for four eight nine four eight [Applause] you know what let's run a couple of spring passes um that's what we'll do and we'll polish it a little bit and take another measurements uh you know what I'm gonna try the nuts on this right now that's what I'm gonna do [Music] put that out of the way back this out so this should go on and she does okay feels pretty good so I'm stopping and I'm just gonna top those threads a little bit I'll measure the OD of those because they're pretty sharp right now and then do a little lead in and then um and work all right yeah a little dirty still okay um so let me uh actually before I take it out of the machine I just want to make sure my uh so I went in I put a little champ for actually looks like I need a little bit more there uh the center was pretty close to that I went in with a 45 tool and this went down to the minor diameter of the thread and uh chamfered this uh this Leading Edge a little bit um so what was I looking for oh uh foreign pretty good okay so that's a one inch one inch diameter ring gauge okay so now the last bit is to flip this around and finish the uh the top or I guess that would be the bottom that's going to be the bottom the witness line is my uh my stop point and I'll measure that in a minute I just want to create a a shoulder big enough to measure actually use this tool this thing's working really good his shoulder there let's see if I can sneak in there with the old calipers so 125 let's see let's zero that I think okay so it's 125 and what am I looking for one eighteen okay so let's make that all right this is uh gonna be the end here [Music] all right love your uncle [Music] sister in my kilometer all right perfect all right I think we're done a little bit of Scotch Brite and a little cleaning and uh I think we're we'll call it done okay well we muddled our way through that and uh actually have some Machining content for aux tools so been a while but uh anyway caught my interest keto at work needed a little bit of help and Josh thanks for a a interesting little project and uh you owe me some pictures of the uh of the completed deal so that's nice fit there and nice fit there so should go right into your bearings this one um it fits this front part and it's it's pretty loose actually honestly too loose for Machinist Tendencies and this starts but when we get into the chowdered area here uh where something got hot there um it's uh it's not happy and then your old nuts will work on the new shaft put those on for you protect the threads and um if I did everything right um Let's Line those ends up yep supposed to be a half inch longer and it looks like it's a half inch longer so uh I hope you said half anyway thanks for watching guys and um um looks like I still remember how to do some things but uh uh it's yet to be seen see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 30,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machine work, Toolmaking, Mechanical design, Lathe, shaft machining, 1144 Stressproof, Kawasaki KLX, Cobra CX65, Monarch lathe
Id: lRnrbdUDTes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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