Old Iron Tidbits #8 New Welding Table, Kubota Wheel Mod

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welcome to Old Iron Machine Works um this video is gonna be showing a few uh things that I put together to help out in the shop um and some of them uh first time they'll be used is on a couple more Kubota wheel modifications on this particular tractor they want to turn it into a row crop tractor which means that they need 60 inch centers and the wheels right now are at 55 in centers so basically I need to move the rims out two and a half inches so I started in the lab and interrupted Cuts were a little much um for how well I thought it was secured in the Chuck so I decided to go to the Super spacer and ordered a machine the welds out in order to maintain the Integrity of the wheel I do not like to machine into the rim I try to go as close to the rim as I can and then physically bust the centers out and then just do a little light grinding on the rim before I uh weld the centers back in these rims will be flipped over in order to put the valve stems on the outside which works out nice because by the time you get flipped over and then move out it'll put the welds real close to the original spot the wheels I did before these that I showed in a video I had really thick centers and I was able to take a block and physically just drive on it with a big Sledgehammer the braking moves these aren't the case these are just uh press centers so I was gonna need something in order to help physically uh get them apart so if you follow any of my older videos I picked up this big plate at a scrap yard a few years ago and I figured it was time to put it together this particular plate basically 48 inch by 31 inch by 2 and 3 8 inch thick plate weighs just under a thousand pounds somewhere between 950 and a thousand and it has 310 three quarter inch tapped holes for those that follow my channel you know I love to repurpose certain pieces of equipment whenever I can into something more useful in quite some time ago I did some horse trading and part of the trade was an old big table saw right here a Whitney 177 it sat outside for who knows how long the table was drilled and modified and I knew I would never put it back to a table saw but I knew that the base would come in handy someday and I decided to use the base for my new Welding Table and I was told that the saw was it running saw before it got put out so um I make the assumption that the motor is going to be fine here you can see where they drilled the table in order to bust it bust it out and the old table just ended up going to the scrap yard but the motor I have a plan for the motor and the mount I have a 1917 Oliver 16 inch Joiner that I would like to re-adapt another motor to it and I'm kind of thinking you know that this may be a fun project down the road to adapt to you and I can use the mount modify the mount but anyway we'll see right now I'm just kind of gutting everything just to the bare face and here it is just part of the amount that held the motor and a lot of it can just be machined off of it where all I have left is just a dovetail portion you're just kind of showing some of this stuff can be actually cut off and totally removed okay we now have the base totally stripped and it has beautiful nice machine flat surfaces uh in order for the top the made up to and the base alone comes in at about 550 pounds so here we have the the table at about 9.50 so the combination of the base and the table was right at 1500 pounds so right now I found two holes on the table that lined up with the two corner holes bolt holes and I just put a couple half inch bolts in in order just to hold it for right now uh because I kind of need to use it on the wheel project and then later on I'll kind of Center it up where the holes are and then drill and tap from the bottom you know to Anchor the base to the table now this was one of the best parts of this base for me anyway is my skinny pallet jack happens to fit it perfect so for moving around a 1500 pound table um you know it just makes it real Handy to move it wherever I need it and what I'm thinking is on the end of the the side of the base where the motor was either hand clamps or maybe build a drawer that kind of slides out just to keep some Hardware in and here I'm just knocking off some of the top surface of the rust just to give me something you know flat enough to do the rims and then eventually I don't know if I'll ever have a ground Precision or not you know for a Welding Table I probably wouldn't need to do that here my thoughts were in order to get the centers broke out there's four holes already existing in the rim and I found four holes in the table top that fit the holes so I'll set the rim on and then I'll drill some holes in another 5 8 thick plate which is showed right here and that way when I drop it onto Center and bolt it down tight when I beat on it that thick 5 8 plates keeping all the centers you know fairly uh fairly true and not letting me uh you know Bend one corner in you know um while I'm hitting on it foreign now these rims are pretty flexible I could keep tightening and tightening until I actually bent the rims permanently and that's what I did not want to do so I just put a nice load on it and it just took the hammer you know and it just kind of worked it to break it loose [Music] foreign thank you [Music] here I'm just grinding that edge off you know getting it flat and prepared for the for the new weld [Music] oh yeah and here I just grind until the old weld is disappears eventually I'm going to have to run a tap through all 310 holes but for right now I'm just picking the one hole that I could put a three-quarter rod for clamping the rim up here [Music] in order to get my spacing correct what I needed I found this sole pipe flange and I didn't have to take uh remove much off at all to give me uh the correct thickness so this will uh go down on the table before the rim center goes on the table here I'm flipping it over and I know my Chuck runs nice and true so I want to machine both surfaces to where I know they're parallel to try to eliminate any kind of wobble when I'm done welding the wheel though thank you [Music] foreign right here you can see this light wobble these are not precision machine centers they're just stamped and I want to simulate it like it was bolted up on the Hub before I weld it to the or tack it to the rims so what I'm doing here is just dropping a sleeve on and then I'll put an old puller across the top so when I clamp everything down to the table I know the bolt pattern Where It Bolts to the hub you know it's going to run about as true as I can get it [Music] oh foreign here I got all the surfaces that need to be prepped for welding I'm done and ready to start assembling these wheel centers have four areas that'll have a continuous Weld and right there on each end of those is we're all tack them so there'll be eight tacks basically holding the rim to the center before I take them out and do the final welding and here I'm just doing a little measuring make sure that I got my spacing right make sure I got my uh plus two and a half inches uh per wheel [Music] okay on the morning I was getting ready to start welding these up I happen to pop on the Craigslist and I've been wanting to find a Millermatic 200 welding machine for quite some time at a reasonable price and three hours previous when a guy posted it he had this Millermatic 200. and I used a Millermatic 200 at work and it's just been an awesome machine and he had this machine posted I thought at a ridiculous low price he hadn't a machine listed for 375 dollars and if I rounded it up to 400 you would throw in this Bender that was bolted behind the barn so some of the things it came with was an ownership tank which I'll swap out and I'll go uh full size tank on the machine came with uh you know plenty of dust that seems to knock off pretty good also came with a couple boxes of wire and he said not long ago he put a rad door pro gun on it and just the gun costs way more than I paid for everything and it came with some consumables that went with the gun you could tell it hasn't been used much just sitting in a barn just kind of showing some tarnish it came with uh the different sets of Wheels also came with a nice heavy duty extension cord that box I had to uh go bigger screws they were all stripped out and the wires were all frayed so I had to shorten everything up and then put a new mail in on and here I did about three little sample runs to where I thought I had the machine set where I could uh try it out on its first job and here I got the rims tacked up ready to weld them and here are the first four real welds with the new welding machine and one thing I did do my welding positioner has a ground that goes right to it but I wasn't really sure how good of a ground I was getting through the chuck and I definitely didn't want to have to start grinding a booger weld out because I didn't have a good ground so here you can see I just kind of ground a little spot on the rim and then put the ground cord right to the rim just to make sure I had a good ground [Music] [Music] [Music] here they're ready just uh for a little light grinding and I'll apply some primer and then my parts done they got a guy at the tractor dealership that'll uh take care of painting them the Kubota orange now in those clips it almost looks like two different color orange uh Wheels the only difference is when the Sun's shining down on the wheels my iPhone definitely picks it up it's a different orange is like the color you're looking at right here but they are the same same rim foreign and here's a clip of the rims painted the tires mounted and then back on the tractor and now they have a 60 inch Center to Center pattern to match the back sheer once we get past range I am definitely going to start tearing in to my house and do some improvements on my house and I have a big deck that's going to get rebuilt and underneath the deck will be enclosed and the space will be added to my existing shop so I've been moving stuff into storage and while I was hauling this load to storage I ran across some guy wandering around under three of us the bridge with a sign work for food so I thought I would uh give them a try and uh put them to work to my surprise he ended up being uh quite handy as a worker and definitely you could tell he had some experience uh with tools well I want to give a big thank you to Chuck over at outside screwball again for putting together another great meet and greet had a great time and a gentleman that hosted it at his house just had an incredible display as you can see in this short video I thought I had a few items but no comparison foreign hey Tom what's in your pocket bud what's in your pocket [Laughter] the owner of all this has a company that is sheet metal and all the things you see up on the ceiling all the different ductwork fittings is what the what they manufactured and here are some of the stuff that I picked up for my shop from the swap meet a couple old machine Machinery handbooks I think they were like a dollar a piece I'm more of an opportunist buyer uh these old Proto wrenches you can see they practically brand new and they were ridiculously cheap you know so I uh I threw him in the pile here's an old stirrit planer gauge I think the original price on that they were asking like twenty dollars for the gentleman that put on um the event actually had several tables with a bunch of tools up and towards the end he set out a big box of sawzalls Milwaukee drills and he wanted ten dollars for the drills and fifteen dollars for the sawzalls I bought the exact same Proto puller as this back in the early 80s when I was working on tractors and I still keep it at work and I thought you know when I seen that on the table I thought it would be pretty nice for home and in uh this Mac angle grinder was I thought real cheap also so grabbed it and then of course I tend to uh collect some old stuff if I think it looks neat or whatever I'll pick it up and I just thought that this particular wrench was kind of interesting now this is the one that I thought was really cool um don't know how old a patent date is but you know it's got to be one of the first multi-tools ever made kind of got your wrench your pliers your screwdriver your wire cutters I thought it was uh pretty neat this year I bought this whole tray of drill bits and then the white clear the clear tub to the right there was three Reams in there that had some rust on them and I think I gave like five dollars for all those and down in the bottom there's a nice carbide countersink that's probably can't buy that for five bucks and all the drill bits are actually in a really nice shape just a little bit of surface rust on some of them this is probably my favorite item that I picked up at the swap meet and it's a Herman Schmidt Precision vise and other than one little Nick in it just incredible shape at first you can even hardly move it you know the oil was just kind of dried up a little bit and was stuck but just worked it a couple times and um so anyway that's probably one of my favorite items from the swap meet and right there you can see where somebody kissed it with a stone um but otherwise very nice shape I got a fairly good collection of zero to one inch mics but this 106 102 mitsutoyo mic check hat from outside screwball and I thought it was very interesting I've never seen one of them like it before so I had to have it any unique thing about this is the spindle does not rotate you can see the portion rotating and in portion it's not that part the spindle and that part just slides straight back and forth and I thought that was very interesting the micrometer is a tenth of a thousandth it's got the uh veneer lines or each line represents a half a thousands anyway I just thought it was very interesting uh micrometer so I picked it up one thing that caught my eye too is how much larger the spindle was here I'm showing a comparison between a Starrett and you can just see the difference in the diameter and you can see it's got the tungsten carbide tips on both ends towards the end of the swap meet uh there was something that I never noticed it's a 13 to one gearbox reduction it's gonna have planetary gears on the inside and here you can see I checked up on the input and I'm just holding the output so in order to make it work you have to Anchor the main housing from turning and then here you'll see I'll just pull up in the lathe the stop so one of the bolts hits it you know and then you can see the actual gear reduction in it foreign looks like the output shaft does all the mounting of this unit and then all you need to do is just grab one of those bolts with a bracket just to keep it from uh from rotating and I actually have the perfect project in mind that I want to put it on the guy I bought it from said he took it apart everything looked great and he wanted like 10 bucks for it the project I have in mind for it is a very large turntable that I have been working on I haven't really showed any videos of it yet but it will be a big series of videos but anyway here you can see the 13 to 1 reduction that's going to be mounted on the input of another 30 to 1 gearbox and in that 30 to 1 gearbox comes out of the front goes comes out of the gearbox into this clutch and then that's a worm Drive and this is going to be this is actually the machine in its original form that was for woodworking and I will be converted it to metal working this picture already shows some of the modifications you can see where I have the pipe wrench or the pipe driver there which I don't think I'll use that anymore but anyway this is just a short little clip kind of a sneak peek of my very large rotary turntable that I've been working on [Music] as always I appreciate you taking the time to check out my video thanks for watching
Channel: Old Iron Machine Works
Views: 6,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welding Table Kubota wheels
Id: ikTxUUFD9Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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