Servicing "Non Serviceable" Trailer Brakes

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foreign [Music] there's a slight problem with the brakes on this old trailer they don't exist at least not anymore the original brakes were non-serviceable there's no parts available the original parts are long gone so we don't have much to work with but I'll tell you a little secret if you have a welder there's no such thing as non-serviceable good these are clamp style or Dayton style wheels 14-5 tires some people call these mobile home axles or house trailer axles that's not necessarily true our real mobile home axle is like 10 feet wide these are these are only eight feet to the outside of the tires they're for real equipment trailer axles it's just kind of an old school way to do it these 14.5 tires are they're getting kind of hard to find but they can hold a lot of weight so these are eight by fourteen fives they're good for three thousand one hundred pounds each I know you can get nine by fourteen five I think you can also get ten by fourteen five these are dust cap pliers Snap-on part number gcp one zero don't know if they still make these or not these are pretty old handy little tool let's get our cotter pin pliers and it shouldn't be tight [Music] [Music] okay all bearings look good stub axle looks pretty decent so that's all that's left of the original brakes not much all right here's the plan we're going to cut off this old non-serviceable backing plate we'll clean up the axle tube and then we'll weld on oh no we'll weld on this new flange is that not going to be the right size oh they're supposed to be three inch standby yeah that's a three inch axle tube but uh that ain't a three inch flange dang it has a three inch axle flange has a two and three quarter inch bore son of a Diddly well whatever we'll proceed with the plan as planned and we'll just uh we'll have to adapt as we go okay all right step back [Music] okay it fits fantastic this is our new brake assembly if you're watching this from outside the US this is going to seem like some kind of weird alien technology but this is how we do it in the US these are electric brakes so it's a standard drum brake assembly with a lever kind of like a parking brake lever and attached to the lever is an electromagnet the magnet is controlled by an electronic brake controller inside the towing vehicle and today they they use solid state accelerometers but in the old days they had a pendulum and when you push the brakes in the tow vehicle it started to decelerate the pendulum would swing forward and the Pendulum was attached to a potentiometer or something and somehow the more it swung forward the more current it would send out to the electromagnet and the more current the more it wants to attract to this flat surface on the inside of the brake drum and then as it sticks to the drum it pulls the lever forward pushes the shoes out and you get your braking I don't know it's pretty complicated but it works fine and you know it's ubiquitous here they've been doing this since I think since the 1950s so you know pretty much every Towing vehicle here is already set up with a brake controller if you don't have one it's pretty easy to install one yeah okay so the problem is we have to figure out how to align these brackets on the axle so that we can attach the backing plate in the right spot so I've got the bearing put back in our hub just going to drop this backing plate in here and I gotta get the shoes kind of centered up here like so all right now [Music] drop this down in here okay now we have to space it up just a little bit because we don't want the backing plate to rub against the brake drum so I've got a stack of washers here just those in okay I think that's pretty good now what we need is a measurement from the back of the flange here to the bearing it appears to be right at two and a half inches so the trick is we need to space this flange two and a half inches from this face and we have to somehow hold it mostly Square now I was thinking about making a a fixture with some kind of a v block or maybe welding something together to slip over this shoulder clamp onto the flange but then I remembered that I have a 3D printer and yeah I just sketched up what I wanted and Drew it up in Fusion 360. sliced it put it on the 3D printer took about honestly took about 10 minutes to sketch it draw it slice it and set up the printer and then it took about five hours to print this thing but I mean who cares you don't have to do anything once it starts printing you just walk away in fact I let it print while I was sleeping and this should slip over stub fit right onto the flange like so huh pretty cool I'm getting a late start with 3D printing but I really like it when I was in college back in the early 2000s we had a 3D printer and back then they weren't even called 3D printers they were called stereo lithography machines and they were fantastically expensive we probably had one of maybe 10 in the state and it couldn't even print anything useful It could only print this it was basically like starch and it would dissolve in water and we used to use it for like testing airfoils and wind tunnels and stuff or just making like Foundry patterns but I mean they've come so far and the printers just keep getting cheaper and better quality so yeah if you're a person that likes to make things 3D printing is fantastic anyway fire up the welder and we'll tack that in place hopefully we can get all four of them tacked before our fixture starts to melt [Music] okay [Music] well that's a fun little welding job confined space out of position on a rusty axle tube I chose to just burn them in with some 6011 the welds aren't super pretty but we got good penetration they're not going anywhere [Applause] [Applause] all right huh it doesn't work what a shock last time I used this I got a comment that I should be stacking the bearings up to save time but it doesn't work that way so I packed that one just fine but not the other one [Music] it's our little bangs They don't take much grease okey-doke so I've cleaned up the inside of the drum the best I can it's pretty pitted here where the magnet attaches but I think it'll work just fine so we've got our packed bearing and our seal installed the seal is it's really just a dust shield I mean there's nothing I'm not very sealing about it let's see I'll pull that back out because we did it wrong give this thing a nice liberal coating of Grease I'll put it back on and we'll install our packed outer bearing oh what a greasy messy nightmare and we need our washer like so then the castle nut [Applause] okay now we'll take our torque wrench tighten it down good and tight [Music] and we'll back it off and then we'll just hand tighten it we've got a little I've got to knock a little rust chunk off that drum [Music] yeah hand tight only have to back it off just a little bit to get that in use our torque hammer okay all right there we go I think that's some kind of a gate from when they they poured this in a Foundry there is a left and a right backing plate the lever is on the opposite side they do work in Reverse but they don't work as well so we got to adjust them these are not self-adjusting so we have to reach in from the back side and turn the star wheel it's always an adventure and usually you end up turning it the wrong way the first time okay so we're locked up and back off a couple of clicks [Music] that sounds pretty good you want to drag just a just a little bit it's not really dragging it's just you know one of the shoes is is touching the drum [Music] that'll work if I didn't know any better I would swear that somebody did that that knew how it looks good I'm happy with it unfortunately we can't test them because I have to fix the wiring and just a cursory glance looks like that could be a whole video in and of itself yeah we don't even have enough wires there to do it so that's going to be a project but for now I think we're going to call it quits good thing my shirt has these extra holes in it because it is hot that's it servicing your non-serviceable brakes it's not too bad as long as you have a welder and a lathe a brake lathe a 3D printer a bunch of fancy measuring tools a bearing packer what could possibly go wrong well it's like this I'm sure they will hey hey dinner's ready cool
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 180,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zAV6SFUedR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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