Monday 12 baby raccoons cooling off at the Diner

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there it's on record there's mama one mama yes and there's the babies look at those babies oh there's Tina yeah Tina little tiny one I'm looking there they're hungry I can tell they're sleeping all day in the heat oh there's one behind the gate how you doing Gina what you doing little girl what is it no you can't have that no hold on she give you a hot dog there you go yeah yeah we just had my buddy Ron's wife Barb uh showed up today for a visit tonight and uh I had a friend of mine that uh a very good friend of mine he he dropped on a birthday cake for me which I thought was nice so we had uh we had that after supper I cooked a hamburger helper with uh come on Bandit I forgot to put mushrooms in it don't matter did it it's all eight now huh yep yep you want to sit down huh do you want to sit down I I like to keep this on the okay so we can do the close-ups on the camera I'll come sit in a minute hey Tina there you go more they banned it you made it up the other side there you go buddy yeah if you couldn't get up hello they're getting better aren't they yeah hey crabby you ready for another one could be a baby girl and we had a growler saying that we're making the babies too fat come from anyway huh no you think you're stupid no and I know some people don't like to hear that but I mean well it is true like you should see some of the comments that we get I mean it's that our moderators are so good and by the way thank you moderators for really taking care of the the idiot the nut job over the weekend that was posting like five and six comments and they were just raging yeah oh my gosh yeah it was but it scares me to think that these people went to school somewhere no they're not educated enough or Not educated period they can't even spell and a lot of people think that we are in the states and we're not no no uh oh yeah we're being reported to uh fish and game completely different trees so yeah we're not in the United States no fish and game has nothing to do with Canada yeah and then reporting this to the local police yeah licky there right there look at how tiny let's see that yeah good girl you don't mean it yeah and they all like to get on the steps she's losing the the fur she is she's only got a couple of breaks left yeah you're Bubba did you see that yes what was that don't know there who made that noise you going in the water yeah anyway uh my buddy that came to visit me today thank you very much for the cake and uh we enjoyed your visit immensely we needed a lot and then I enjoyed Barb I tried to talk Barb into coming out here out here wouldn't do it no no she didn't want to do it her husband wouldn't do it and she's not gonna do it uh he tried to get him to do it for years didn't you no he said I'll season through the door yeah but the fella visited me today he's the guy that put the stuff up on my roof so I wouldn't lose my chimney every year in the snow he was a good girl you're been a good Mama this year I had to hold on to his feet while he was up there so we wouldn't fall down listen at that little bird sounds big and she cute not very big no she's no bigger than a minute no you've got some red in you you do you got red like Furby throw another one over in the pool here he goes he got it you sure did that's Bubba yeah and there's there's only two adults here those three Bandit um and um I gotta look at the face that's either a Trixie or that Sammy I can't figure out which one that one is right now he knows where it is he knows where it is they're starting to take him yeah isn't that good oh we got the that's Trixie the dots on them Trixie it's nice that we got the uh there it's nice that we got the we got daylight yeah yeah you want to sit yeah I want to say new tricks that red thing down there we're going to talk about that's when I throw the scraps of different things on so we don't have a bit of plate out here yeah he wants another one there you go he likes getting them out of the pool yeah so looky there yeah that get in there I'm going in to find out the little tails on them like a little puppy you're crabby hey girl oh yeah they're getting under it aren't they yeah you ready for another one there you go I'm gonna have a drink the seeds this one is too it's gonna get it right oh they didn't even go for the Vienna sausage again that makes two years in a row yeah they went straight to Hot Dogs well we'll put them the rest of them open and they can eat they'll eat them after yeah I feel you back there on my foot yes I do you're crabby come here crabby [Music] that's it come here you got it they banned it yeah I want something to grab my leg my legs I didn't know what it was oh grab my grab my ankle I feel like you're in a movie where somebody's gonna grab you and pull you down into a hole yeah one that we were just talking about horror movies yeah too deep corn here she got it oh my God she's small yeah we're having the big drink well that's mommy yeah she's been really good the last couple weeks you got to give her credit and they're getting lots of water yep as hot as it's been yeah I know everybody says oh it's what what did I see on the in Death Valley today it was 133 degrees Fahrenheit yeah um but I know it's hot in other places we're having exceptionally warm weather here actually it was it's 70 7. 79 right now yeah and it's and it's 89 in Atlanta 87 87 yeah they don't mind the water no look at them going after hey Bandit here you go oh she's leaving crabby crabby yeah she's gonna take a break taking one of the baby's weather oh is she taking one of them with her yeah he'll be back no I'll be back we'll come back to the midnight Buffet of seeds and dry food I'll tell you what's really good is go down the river get some minnows and throw the minnows in there they'll grab them and eat them you won't let me go down forever yeah I didn't say you can't go down the river no you did well not that way all the trees are down you have to go down to the bridge snap that on my hand you go down to the bridge and there's a place to walk down to the river okay I'm good don't get Dominique take me down there that's what uh the easier places up into the Springville graveyard if you drive right to us I have no idea where you're talking about no let me show you just open the gates and drive right on in what you doing over there stormy he's having a blast look at him demand it I can't keep hot dogs in that thing here have you got the camera on it yeah and it's on us and uh pull pull look at her she's got such a tiny little tail or Tina oh Tina yeah she's in the corner she's still growing you can right there no there she is oh there I thought that was her there you go Trixie I haven't heard from our uh rooftop child he hasn't come down no he's not up there this one was able to reach in and get the hot dog out oh well that's good you want to get another one there you go I like the black in there this one and they're so gentle sweet babies your Bandit can I be got you one yes what you think it's gonna do did you see him yeah yeah he did he dipped he dipped that one dipped oh that's what we're doing wrong throwing hot dogs at them wasn't it yeah they said they said we don't they we don't like it that y'all were tossing hot dogs to the babies well the babies don't know all of them don't know to grab no they're not used to you yet so they it'll be another week or so and they'll be I don't mean it's just look at that one leaning over the pool and eating yeah there you go hey Lucy oh you brought a baby you brought a baby yeah the baby got a hot dog you brought your baby with you we're gonna get mad and I'm throwing them in the pool all right it's your channel you do what you want to do yeah it's my channel uh I do this because they do this in the river down there when they go after the little minnows and stuff see they're not used to taking it yet out of your hand oh there's some more coming hey Mama hey Lucy come on go see here you get it yeah you okay behind it a big bum on them yeah but he does this that doesn't have a tail because he got it chewed off in the spring oh I have a hard time getting up there we go you all right yeah yeah look at that Landing right in front of us foreign [Applause] ER one down there and the pool is full and we got lifeguards here he's going to do a cannonball in there in there yeah I may go sit in it wait yeah good view of the pool oh look more common more babies you know look at that little more babies look at them [Music] come on there's Mama down there with another one so that's three babies come on Mama bring them all up must be buddy she's got three is she unless it's scooter oh the other little one found a hot dog of the trail well there's the other one coming come on Mama what are you doing dropping them off to be babysat oh there's another one coming there on this Trail come on oh there's another one with baby behind look at that hahaha what you doing bring them all up lots of room the other one's staying down at the woods there I'll get over here out of the road getting crowd now we're getting the crowd now I'll get a couple Throw Down The Mamas she's down there with a baby she wouldn't give the baby the hot dog I think the baby found one oh yeah I threw it at him no it's just starting to fill up here now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven little ones so far listen to that chewing aren't they precious yeah the other one's still eating this isn't chomping he thought that the fire in him don't he yeah he thought they were going to take his hot dog oh my God there's more little ones down there without some more there two little ones or two big ones yes what you doing there [Music] he says I'm going over here by myself I'm overall running for the woods huh yeah that's Sandy Sammy's gonna stay on the step another one foreign there we go hey baby girl come here we must baby don't do dare rev let us [Music] hello how you doing thank you they all run again all the ones that were down there are gone yeah you got a bunch on the steps come on come on come on up come on there's lots of food ah there's lots of food come on up all you got to do is lift his head up over there you'll see them I'll get some marshmallows they're leaving are they don't shake that yeah you lost four well they all come up the other way that breeze feels good huh the breeze yeah my goodness that one has to be one of Lucy's or trixies because it sits just like the mama hello what you got what was that all about I think the wind is giving them a little bit of upright too foreign I'll throw some down there grass you coming up hey Lucy the old lights are going off and on out there foreign foreign still more babies coming huh well that's the teenagers the teenagers hot dog there you found one I see you you're doing a Furby did you say that yeah laughs they don't know what they want they don't know what they want it's a little black fella stormy you're just a baby you know that you're only a baby with the little black eyes yes you are just babies I kill you who's in that water who's in the water splashing you is it huh what do you eat oh look at this pushed him out of the pool look at this honey huh there's one after your ankle yeah I see that yeah the teenager pushed him out of the pool a mommy a baby calling for a mama what you doing Sammy you come back look at that Sammy came back yeah go push that one he's bigger you don't want to push her she's bigger than you are as we're gonna be gonna do some wrestling you playing with my feet are you playing with my feet little one told him what part didn't he oh sweetie you chewing on my feet are you cheating on my feet where are you and I have to fix that light every day I know they climb and they also had the the thing that charges the lights flips down look at all of them watching the trees yeah I feel you on my foot he said Dave what are y'all doing over there another baby coming is that a big one or a baby I can't see it's a baby yeah her [Music] I can growl too Sammy's not good Sammy's not gonna take any crap he's taking over the pool yeah that's a good girl Sammy you get what you need baby girl you've been putting up with a lot who touched me who touched me on the back well there's nothing going up in the roost oh he's coming over to you it's cookie what you doing girl it's a good girl yes she is that's the little ones hero you're reading the whole bucket look I see oh he got a hot dog out of it that's what happened yeah yeah Jesus I'm in the bucket put me out there's wrestling going on down here between the gates huh see them what are y'all doing I see him you're watching we've got a show going on over there in the corner one two three four five six seven raccoons in that little corner I'm out of food all I've got left is this grab that hot dog between your legs Sarah give it to Buddy up in there there you go there you go baby girl that'll keep her busy I'm getting soaked here they're splashing me with the water what are y'all doing I'm I'm out of food baby girl yeah there's one there hang on hang on hang on hang on she's pulling on me hang on Baby well you like no here it is hang on I'm getting it she's hungry yeah all right I'm gonna collect this off and this will be going up in the on the YouTube you want to get her some more I'm gonna go all righty baby
Channel: James Blackwood - Raccoon Whisperer
Views: 24,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raccoon whisperer, james blackwood, raccoon, deer, wildlife, mobbed by raccoons, canada life, feeding wildlife, cat, rescue cat
Id: YlegFqW4m-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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