Monday with Buddy & Babies

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uh well here we are repeat from last night and uh i don't see buddy so i got a guy up here in the roost here there you go come on buddy come on buddy yeah you move oh oh guess who [Applause] oh stop you're fighting this little ones that are fighting and i heard a big bang on my other deck and uh i was on the phone with my friend uh heather she made that sign the jim's diner sign anyway i went out here is my here there was my uh one of my chairs laying flat on the floor two babies knocked it over yes i know buddy here here yeah i'm glad he's back this is my uh stullerton high court high school t-shirt which is no more the school closed back about 15 years ago and so there's in here woody come here come on woody come on come on no he's not coming oh last night was crazy here yeah it was crazy not so bad tonight well just a minute buddy here there you go got it where's my boy there's my boy here you go i didn't do nothing with my ditch today but lazy but i'm going to get out there i gotta cut that tree trunk that's causing all the trouble and my roof's being done on wednesday morning they're going to do the whole house and they they're going to fix all this so we're going to have the roof and it's going to be brand new steel roof over this so they're going to save this i bought myself a new easy boy chair see this other little guy he's scared of me look he doesn't know who i am come here bud come here woody come on woody come on come here come on grab it where's my little voice my kiss where's my kiss kisses come here he's growling at him look he doesn't want that color to be up there here you go uh that guy in moncton uh he's doing the same thing i'm doing he got scratched he's just starting out anyone know we should have a tetanus shot i said yeah i didn't get the answer but yeah you should get that in the shot i had mine and the reason i got it is because these fellas you know actions do happen they don't need to because they don't know they're just you know they just want to be fed who's on my shoulder that's good to have him here two days in a row and last night he had cookies first time he had cookies i got hard-boiled eggs for them in there i did them up so they never had eggs before so i don't know how they're going to take them and i forgot to get some grapes today i was running around getting stuff about to solve a new lazy boy the one electric one so so the one that connors steals uh heather's gonna do it up for me and um she's gonna upholster because that's what she does and i'm gonna put had that one in the living room too as a spare but you know what connor's gonna do he's gonna take my new new watch is it ever fancy too and i push the button and everything you know you don't it's not like the lazy boy you don't have to uh you just push a button and everything goes it's all it's electric they said you want the one that stands you up i said yeah three thousand bucks i don't think so i'll stand up my own thank you yeah i'm not that far gone what are you doing here what look at this now okay here for the baby boy there he is just a minute look at this come here this is six pounds of hot dogs you know six pounds of hot dogs ah what do you got that one there you go bud here i just had a mosquito land on me i can't take that thing out here because uh these fellas grab at it and i don't want them get hurt there you go my god this thing this thing's going down i know i know buddy here he didn't want him over here say i am his and nobody else's and nobody's allowed around me only him he's grounded with that other one look at this there you go rascal here pepper has in here the last two days here some of these babies are um they're really big compared like they must have been born earlier here take it there here you go i got your bomb yes i do i got your bum what you got kisses where's my kiss come here give me a kiss give me a kiss didn't give me a kiss took it anyway yeah i'm gonna have to come up with two buckets the only way to do this i was in the soviets today and i get 12 pounds yeah so that's multiplied 12 pounds by seven and it tells you how many how many hot dogs how much the hot i get them for a dollar ninety seven a pound i hear a plane going overhead here you ready i'm gonna go cut some more you know that i'll take the eggs though shoot here here this fella wants special delivery here oh see they're not even picking them up they're not even hungry now i'll save one for buddy here and i washed this out i took soapy water i got one left for him no it's for him it's for you yes i want to go get some more move now wait wait wait wait i'll take some eggs out see what happens they never had eggs before and i'll make some hot dogs too for some hot dogs yeah we'll just put this here everybody can be seen wow ugh flying everywhere ugh oh here they are my best thing is to uh just to lay this down on the floor the cookies went flying on me all over the floor so this is what this looks like hard rolled eggs all cut up we'll move move yeah and he you know he had his taste of i want to put this down see what happens now they're going to eat those are they going to eat them oh fresh hard-boiled eggs oh he wants a cookie you want a coffee he never got cookies before here yeah he never got cookies before they don't know what to do with that no see they don't know what it is they'll eat it after all right oh oh they're going to eat it oh there they go here do another one here buddy here want another one there you go all right he never had cookies before i'm gonna aim that camera here woody here here here what do you got a cookie all right see but buddy never had cookies before until last night because he was never here so you want another one do you know what he's doing eat the icing that's it not eat my coffee i opened up the package of cookies and we're flying all over the floor here what do you want climbing up here you guys better eat them eggs that's all i can say we're just going to town there want another one are you throwing the cookies on the ground aren't you are you eating them what are you doing dude here they're fighting over the roast here are you eating the cookie you know what he's doing he's breaking the cookie apart eating the icing and throwing the cookie out in the ground what a little fart yeah well for god's sake bud what are you doing that for huh oh that's all right there's two down on the ground getting what he throws down here yeah just licking the icing off and then throwing them on the ground well what i'll do i'll go one step further i'll just give him the icing cart you're not eating the cookie buddy you're not eating a cookie you want the icing here i took one apart so the icing is going tear it off you got it get all the icing on it there you go oh my god we got two buddies here we got two of them oh stop you're fighting you like the coffee huh you like the coffee are you good boy what are you doing you a good boy buddy are you a good boy are you here's my boy what oh you don't drop it i'll get another thing of hot dogs that's my buddy that's my buddy look at that what a good boy what a good boy yes you were yes you were so so okay we'll bring the camera right over to him and now we'll bring it right over here look what i got just a minute just a minute oh turn wait a minute wait i turn this around so we can see what's going here oh my god well somebody wanted a close-up of him in iowa there it is that you guys get you had to you get all kinds of hot dogs here then go away buddy buddy that's my little buddy aren't ya yeah i got another one here hanging off my leg that's one i got one hanging off each leg yeah give me a kiss first give me a kiss thank you there you go now if i can get this down here there was one climbing up me here oh they come right up on my knee look at this look here see they're right up here with me all right get back to buddy again me and my buddy well these pants are going in the wash eat your cookies and your eggs buddy you still eat his mother told him to make sure he chooses food good so that he digests good oh we gotta we gotta film this fella here can you see that fella i'm gonna get your bum i'll get it i'll get it i'm gonna get it yes i will i'll get yours too yeah i get it i'll get it they don't know what to make of that they don't know what to make of that no oh we got another one coming here i got one sitting right on oh my god he's right beside me here here there we go buddies take a long time eating maybe i'll give them smaller pieces hey woody look what are you doing what are you doing huh where's he going oh he's going over there i got one right here though i got a baby yes i do i get a baby look i get a baby raccoon yes i do look at the baby raccoon yes he is i got another one climbing up my leg here go away here what do you think buddy you coming over you coming over buddy where's my buddy where is he where is he there he is this makes my night having him here with me yeah this makes my knight there goes the flag flapping i got another buddy here lo see and he doesn't mind me petting him huh oh yeah no you don't hey you're good babies that's why it's a good babies they're good babies there you go girl we're getting down the last two hot dogs here now will you guys stop well they're not fighting this wrestling well they stopped what is this you got kisses where's my kiss there you go i'm glad he's here tonight and last night i was out here until two o'clock in the morning i was just sitting on the swing there and i put some seeds down and some dry food and the babies were laying on their backs and having a great time they were having a great time there i got one left and i don't think he's gonna want it eat that egg don't be playing with it oh god i'm gonna have to hose this place down tomorrow what are you doing what are you doing huh see the other fella here what are you doing here do you want a hot dog do you want a hot dog look oh oh my god he's hurting me oh he's getting down now are you going are you leaving you don't know where you're gonna go there's too many raccoons around here huh come here yeah there he's away he's away for the night that's it for the hot dogs that's it for the hot dogs okay people i say all in all that was a good night all in all that was pretty good so what what listen i'll put some dry food out but you guys are done make meat wise i'm gonna go over and see these fellas over here there's the boys here's the boys there you are oh there's another one looking a nice close-up you don't get to see raccoons like this no in their natural habitat everybody's going to get a chance to say hi how you doing huh yeah you know what i should put out some seeds what it should do um that's what i'll do i'll put some seeds out i bought another 50 pound bag today all right uh they watch this door like a hawk every time i go in the house they want to see what jim is doing okay we're gonna put some seeds down all right just a minute watch your feet you've got to be very careful when you're walking because they won't move eh they don't move all right okay wait a minute put it right along there stop fighting there's all kinds here look here there [Applause] all right we'll just get a quick little shot of all these fellas having so buddies away so we got uh there's one there one two three four five six seven eight nine 11 12 13 14 was buddy well that's better than last night we had 21. yeah we had 21 here look at the eggs anyway they're eating them yeah so they'll stay here and they'll eat all them seeds it takes them a little while to eat tomorrow what are you doing huh what you're gonna bite my toes 14 14 all together right now 15. there's another one coming up the stairs come on up come on come on come on come on come on oh stop that my god them babies are vicious stop never seen the likes anyway tomorrow is my big day for blood work i'm getting the whole nine yards tomorrow get my inr check for my blood and uh my blood thinner getting iron checked and prostate and everything my annual everything blood work so i had to make an appointment because the cove it used to be it'll go before call but used to go over and just sit down and wait but now that covets here you have to make an appointment and i had to make it last week hadn't been for there for two months which is my fault there everybody settle down what do you think are you coming up that way come on come on up come on girl there you go come on up what a good girl yeah what you doing you're gonna have some seeds no seeds in there it's empty you want a piece of egg there's egg there there's no seeds it's empty yeah get some water i gotta dump some more water in that fish yep gonna redo the water all right people i'm saying good night i think this is the last one i don't want uh my moderators to be overworked they'll put three out last night so we'll just do the one tonight all right people good night from uh the raccoon whisper in churchville nova scotia in canada the east coast of canada not alaska nova scotia what are you doing you're taking it easy you're taking it easy aren't you yeah look at you just look at you all right are you getting any seeds girl huh here i'll put some out for you okay anyway people were signing off
Channel: James Blackwood - Raccoon Whisperer
Views: 623,750
Rating: 4.947185 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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