Moms React To Try Not To Cry Challenge (Mother’s Day 2020)

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- (Romelle) Mom! - He can't believe it! Oh my god. - That was dirty. (laughs) Okay, I can't let 'em fall, because I did my makeup so good today. (laughs) - We don't have any more videos, but we got one last message for you. - (laughs) - Hi, Mom. ♪ (rock intro) ♪ - So, first off, Happy Mother's Day. - Thank you. - Since we have a bunch of moms in today, we actually wanted to do a special challenge that we did last year for Mother's Day. - Oh, okay! That sounds fun. - This is going to be a Try Not To Cry Challenge. - Oh my god. You monsters. No, no, no, no, no. - This is brought to you by our Try Not To Channel, where we normally do all of our Try Not To content, so if you haven't subscribed there, we upload four videos a week on that channel. - Where's the Kleenex? You didn't tell me. (laughs) I didn't get a box of Kleenex ready! - After every video, whether it made you cry or not, we're gonna have you rate it on a scale from one to five based on how emotional you think it was. - (laughs) Oh my god! You're gonna kill me! - I'm gonna do horrible! I already know. I feel like I need to go get paper towels or something. ♪ (soft piano music) ♪ - Just the music alone. - Okay, yeah. These are the ones that usually get me when they're totally... manipulating your emotions. - These kids are dealing with bullying probably. - Aww. - (laughs) That was pre-COVID haircut though, right? Yeah, she did okay. - Aww. - Losing already! - Aww. Aww, the Olympics! - (crowd cheering) - Wow. - See, this is what I tell my kids. Things are gonna get easier. - Oh, I probably should've brought Kleenex. (chuckles) - That was dirty. (laughs) Okay, I can't let 'em fall, because I did my makeup so good today. (laughs) - On a scale from one to five, with five being the highest, how emotional do you think that video was? - That one, I would say a two. - It was sweet. Let me give it a-- I'll give it a three. - Given the genre we're in, maybe a two. - I would say it's a three. - That was, I would say, a three. - I'll say a four. - Probably a four. - I'm gonna go with a gosh darn five. Man, come on. You're killing me here. I thought you were gonna send me food, so I could eat. I guess thanks for making me cry. - (reporter) It was a double surprise for Mijoy Harris. Her two boys both go to IDEA Walzem, one in third grade and the other... - Oh, no. - (reporter) sixth grade. - Oh my god. These always get me. Oh, these are beautiful. - (Xavier) Oh! Mommy! - (students cheering and clapping) - Oh my god! That was so sweet. - (teacher) Come on, surprise! Come on in! - (children gasping) - (Romelle) Mom! - (children) What? - (Romelle) Mom! Mom! - (Mijoy) Hi, baby. - (Romelle) Mom! - He can't believe it! Oh my god. - (reporter) Harris is a chief petty officer for the US Navy, and she was deployed for 10 months. - Awww, that's so heartfelt. - (reporter) ...her son in tears to see her return home. - Okay, I'm almost in tears, 'cause he's in tears! - (Romelle) I've never been away from my mother for so long, and I just don't know how to say it. I miss her so mu-- I missed her so much. - Awww! - (Mijoy) ...people that are deployed or overseas is just to pray and just be thankful for what you have and talk to your family members as much as possible. And most importantly, just appreciate the time that you do have with them. - I can't even talk. (chuckles) It's just to see the reactions of the kids and how much they missed their mom or dads. - Those get me every time. I mean, it's just so hard to be away from your kids. I'm gonna stick with a three. - That's really a one for me. I think I can focus on the joy in that one. - I'm gonna throw that in a solid two and a half, three. - I've got to give that a high five. - I'll put that as a three. - That was definitely a five. Probably like a 10. - I will put it at five. - I got teary, but I didn't really lose it. That's about a three. - (Forrest) Why are you dying, Mama? - (Mrs. Gump) It's my time. - Oh! (laughs) - (Mrs. Gump) It's just my time. Oh, now. - Oh, no. (laughs) It got me already. - (Mrs. Gump) Don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. - They're both such good actors. - (Mrs. Gump) I did the best I could. - (Forrest) You did good, Mama. - (Mrs. Gump) Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you. - Aww. - (Forrest and Sharon) What's my destiny, Mama? - That's the toughest thing. - So, now I look like a monster for not crying at that. - I love that she loves her son no matter what and just, you know, gives him so much independence. I think that she's an amazing mom. Even though that's not real, it's still a five. It's really good. (laughs) - I can deathbed scenes and sickness. When we were saying what gets me, that gets me. Yeah, that's a five for me. - I've seen it so much that it's not sad to me anymore. I'm gonna give it a one. - That was a two. - I would do it a three. I would rate it three. - That's probably more like a two. - Five! Five, baby! - I'll put it at like a... probably a one. I think the way-- how her tone was and how calm she was and all that, it wasn't as devastating, like he came in and found her, you know, passed away or something. They had a full-blown conversation. - (woman) And I hope you have your Poligrip, because I have your mints and I have your underwear. - (gasps) Oh, yeah! - "My mom saying goodbye to my grandma for the last time, because she has coronavirus." Oh, man. - (woman) the whole world. Always the best mama. I love you. - Yeah, this one's a five. - (woman) ...says hi too, all right? All right. Love you, Mom. You have a good night, okay? All right, Ma. Talk to you tomorrow. Love you. Good night. Thanks, Becca. - Shut up. Stop it. This is terrible. - (woman) I love you. Okay. Bye. And Francesca loves you too. Okay. She's waiting in the car. Francesca. Always in the car. (chuckles) - There's so many people in that situation now too. - (woman) Good night. Thanks, Becca. Thank you. Good night. - Goodbye. They said it all by themselves. All by themselves. - I've been with people who have taken their last breath. It's hard, but there's a lot of love in the room too. And we all desire human contact, and we don't even have that now. I'm gonna go with a four. (ding) That was... That's... oh, it's awful. - It didn't really stir a lot of emotions for me. I mean, I guess seeing the one girl there who seemed to be emoting was certainly impactful, but it wasn't an overwhelming thing. - I mean, I can't really rank that. (ding) It's awesome that you all are showing that kind of thing. - I guess just in the scheme of the world right now, I would give that probably a five. - It's a five. - That would be a four. - Ah, that's hard. That's a five. One of the hardest things I've heard these days also is not just people having to go through that, but also what's going on to allow people to say goodbye through a phone or a video. It's just heartbreaking. - Oh! What?! - (woman speaking Korean) - (girl speaking Korean) - Oh my god. - (woman crying) - Okay, no! - Oh my god. - Oh, she's trying to hold her tears. - You can tell it feels so real to her with the virtual reality. - That's pretty hard to watch. That, I can't really rank. But-- I just can't. - I can't even imagine. I can't. I would be destroyed. - One of the reasons this genre hits me so hard is my own mom died when I was 10. I really wished that she were here, and I could ask her questions or even a hologram, where she recorded something. So, I would love to be able to do that when the technology's available for, you know, commoners like me. - We don't have any more videos, but we got one last message for you. - (laughs) - Hi, Mom. - (laughs) Hey! - (in "English" accent) Cheers, gov! - (laughs) - I just wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. - Aww, I miss you so much. - Oh my god. Oh my god. (laughs) - Hi, Mommy. - Hi, Mommy! - Wait a minute! - I love you, Mommy! - Ohhh! - They're monsters. (laughs) - I just wanna say I love you so much. You've always been so supportive of me. And even more than that, even when I don't believe in myself, you believe in me, and that means the world to me. I love you. - (choked up) I love you too. - I know I don't show it enough, but I appreciate everything you do for me all the time. - I want to say thank you for being literally the BEST mom in the entire frickin' world. If I didn't have her-- and no offense to my dad-- if he was helping me with everything, I would not make it out alive. - (laughs) - A lot of it that I have to say, I can't really put it into words, because we would literally be here all day. But I just want to let you know that I love you and you mean the world to me, and you are the best mom ever. - I know it's hard right now, because we're far away from each other, but we just really wanted you to know how much we love you and how much we appreciate everything that you do for us, because I mean, you deserve all the praise in the world. - We're here, and we're gonna be here, and we love you, and we're gonna love you forever. - I love you guys. - You're amazing. You're the best mom. - Thank you. I love you, guys. - I wanna let you know that my life would be so much worse if you weren't in it and that really, truly you mean everything to me. One day doesn't even begin to represent how much time I should spend appreciating you. - Happy Mother's Day, Matka! - Thanks, honey! I love you so much. - Love you too. Love you so much. - All right. - All right. - Bye! Don't gooo! Don't gooo! - Obviously, this Mother's Day is much different than most for a lot of moms with some being alone at this time. So, is there a message that you have to any fellow moms out there to maybe help put a positive spin on today? - You guys get create with Zoom, FaceTime, whatever you can. I know the kids are not physically in front of you, but you could always call them and just see 'em face to face. - Just keep your head up and know that you're appreciated and loved for everything you do, and it's the little things that matter. It's not about what you give them. It's about the love that you give, and that's what they'll remember. - If your kid's not with you, then we did what we were supposed to do. We're supposed to teach our kids to be able to thrive on their own and be able to start taking care and, you know, leave the nest. You can't celebrate with them physically. Celebrate the fact that you done good. - Thanks for watching this episode of Moms React. - Hey, everyone. Lauren, producer here at FBE. Thank you guys so much for watching this episode. And we wanted to give a shoutout to all the moms out there and wish you a Happy Mother's Day with a little extra special shoutout to my mom, Jean. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode, and we'll see you next time. Bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,276,200
Rating: 4.9676647 out of 5
Keywords: mothers day, mother's day, mothers day 2020, mothers day ideas, heartwarming, heartwarming videos, try not to cry, try not to, moms try not to cry, soldier coming home, soldier coming home 2020, soldiers coming home, happy mothers day, mother reunited with daughter vr, mother reunited with daughter, try not to cry challenge, emotional, emotional videos, adults react, react, reaction, fbe, moms react, parents react, surprise, surprising mom
Id: koPSVBKzb_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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