[VR휴먼다큐멘터리 - 너를 만났다] 세상 떠난 딸과 VR로 재회한 모녀 | "엄마 안 울게. 그리워하지 않고 더 사랑할게" (ENG/SPA subbed)

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- Where are you? - Mom! - Mom! - Mom, where were you? - I was always.... - I was always.... - Did you think about me? - I do, everyday... - I miss you a lot mom - Mom missed you too - My Na yeon.... - Na yeon.... - Na yeon, how have you been? - Mom missed you so much - Na yeon.... you are doing well, right? - My pretty Na yeon - I want to hug you - I missed you so much, Na yeon - Mom, do I look pretty? I do right? - You are so pretty, my Na yeon - I want to touch you, just once Sometimes I talk to the sky, or wave my hands I'm that crazy person that says hi to the sky - Mom, I'm cold - Why, Why? are you cold? - Mom, put your hands like this - Like this? - Mom, you like holding my hand right? -Yes, I would like to - But if you do this, you go up to the sky. - Na yeon, you are wearing sandals that you like - Mom, are you scared? - No I'm not scared - Ta da~ Let me show you a pretty house - It's twilight - My mom is here today, say hi~ - Hi - Mom take a seat here - Here? - Hurry! - Ok, Ok - Mom let's sing the birthday song with me - Yes - One, two, three, four - Put the candles - Six, seven - Wow it's so pretty - Cheese~ - The face is a little different - Let's sing a birthday song - Happy Birthday to you~ - Happy Birthday, to my dear Nayeon - I think it's called honey filled rice cake? Round and about this size - They come in different colors green, pink and white - Na yeon wanted to eat those so bad She wanted to eat so many things besides the rice cake - But we couldn't do that for her - Happy Birthday to you - You have to make a wish - Please, make dad stop smoking - I hope my older brother and sister get along and I wish for So jung's to not be sick - And... Hmm... - Please don't make my mom cry - One, Two, Three~ (*Seaweed soup is Korean birthday soup) - Your seaweed soup is the best for me, mom - Yes, you used to like my seaweed soup - And you still like it... - Mom! Mom! The potato flower bloomed! - She was over there - Mom! Come over here! - Here! - See? Mom? I'm not sick anymore -Yes, you shouldn't be sick - You can't be sick - Mom, are you sad? - Don't cry mommy - I won't, I won't cry - I won't miss you, I will just love you a lot - I will love you more - Mom, I wrote a letter for you - Really? - Do you want me to read it? - Yes - Mom, we will always be together right? - Yes - If we meet again, let's play a lot - Sure - I will always remember you Mom - Thank you - Na yeon, Mom loves you so much - No matter where you are, I will look for you Na yeon - I still have things to do.. but when I'm done I will be with you Na yeon - Then we will be fine together, I love you Na yeon - I'm sleepy Mom - Mom, stay by my side - Mom, Good bye - Mom, I love you - I love you too - Good bye
Channel: MBClife
Views: 35,735,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MBC, 다큐하우스, 다큐, 다큐멘터리, documentary, 교양, 지식, 정보, VR, Nayeon
Id: uflTK8c4w0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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