COMMAND YOUR MORNING | Call Unto Jesus- Pastor T. Mwangi

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[Music] my name is pastor t muangi and welcome to command your morning i know you're just getting up from your bed preparing to do different things and i want to invite you for this a time so that we can glorify the lord hear from the lord and also command our mourning let's begin with the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you we give you glory and we give you all the honor thank you o lord for yet another week and thank you oh god for watching over us please serving us and protecting us thank you lord for this platform that we can speak to the nation and speak to different people all over the world or further as we align our day and as we align our mourning lord we declare that our conversation will be guided of you and we declare that every prayer every petition every declaration lord will be implemented in the realms of the spirit have your spirit of god speak to us as a father will speak to his own and it is in jesus name that i do pray and believe and so today i want to look at a scripture in the book of mark chapter number 4 from 35 mark chapter number 4 from 35 and the bible says on the same day when the evening was come he said unto them let us pass over and to the other side and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and they were also with him other little ships and there arose great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the in the part of the sheep asleep on a pillow and they awake him and they said unto him master caress thou not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the winds and said unto the sea peace and be still and the wind seized and there was a great cow and he said unto them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith and they feared existingly and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey him this is the scripture in the book of mark chapter number four from verse 35 all the way to 41 and we are looking at the narrative and for the sailors that understand the laws of sailing you need to understand that you don't sail during the evening hour neither do you sail during the night hour and when i'm looking at this scripture many things begin to open up in my life the first thing is that jesus comes and look at the disciples and tells them let us go to the other side let us go to the other side so the first thing we get is that this journey did not originate from their disciples this journey originated from jesus himself he's the one that pioneered the one that began and the one that initiated the journey and most of the times when we look at our life we always declare that god is alpha omega in the greek rendering you don't have the word and because the name alpha omega is is a is a name that describes god in his eternal dimension and when we introduce the name and we kill the level of eternity and so the lord is alpha omega he's the one that begins and the one that ends he's the one that starts and the one that ends and when i look at this journey this journey head and owner and this journey had a beginning the second thing i look at is that god called them out of the multitude you can never walk with the god and walk with the lord and journey with the lord while you are still in the multitude because the idea of the multitude sometimes will compromise the voice of the father the bible declares and says that one day abraham had the voice of god and he was told to go and sacrifice his son isaac at the mountains of moriah but when they came to the feet of the mountain the bible is very clear that abraham left the servants because the servants will not understand the dealings of a son who belongs to the father they will have interrupted the worship and the instruction given unto abraham and one of the things is that you must be separated from the crowd god does not deal with men in the crowd god will always take you out from the crowd but god will lift you up to affect the crowds god will take you out of the crowd but it's gonna lift you up to affect the crowd so he calls the disciples out and he says let us go and to the other side there are other vessels there are other vessels but the lord chose a specific vessel the kingdom of god can never lack an option so he selects this particular vessel and they join him in and they begin the journey but the amazing part is that the owner of the journey was asleep the one that called for the journey was asleep and the bible declares that as they got into the middle of the lake or the middle of the sea the winds were strange and the storms were tough now for those that understand the concept of sailing the time to sail is not always the dark hour you don't sail at night because in those days they relied on the sun for navigation they didn't have the modern day technology so they relied on the sun for navigation and they relied on the wind for direction and also motion and at this particular time the lord calls them and the lord initiates a journey at the night hour and they need to launch out at the night hour the lord understands the systems and the seasons of life but the seasons of life don't limit the lord so they may be limiting to us but they don't limit the lord at any cost and so i want to speak to somebody that the lord called you and you feel like it's the night hour you feel like nothing there is no visibility you don't even understand where you're going don't allow the honor of the journey to be asleep as you are drowning the bible says there was the the sea became tempest and and and there was the winds the storms were very strong the winds were very strong and at this particular time they decided to take the journey with their own arms they decided to use their muscles to fix the journey they decided to apply their intelligence they decided to use the market modules they did all these things trying to fix the journey i want to remind you the owner of the journey is asleep while you are perishing when you look at your bible and a good bible student you will understand that every boat encounter every encounter that took place in the boat was an encounter for the lord to minister to the disciples there are many miracles that the lord performed but every boat encounter was an encounter for the lord to minister to the disciples and to reveal himself unto them and some of us we are in the boat but is such an opportunity for the lord to reveal himself and for you to know god because the boat encounter is an encounter for disciples the bible says that the winds the winds were strong and also the the waves were strong now i said that the winds dictated the direction and also the motion so the moment you have strong winds ideally it means direction is affected motion is affected and at this particular time then wherever you are supposed to land in is also compromised it is at this hour that they discovered the nature was against them and that they had no power to control the journey but they went and called jesus and they went and asked the master don't you mind that we are perishing how can you be asleep and we are perishing and even as we begin this new week i want to tell you hand over the wheels to the owner of the journey there is the one who gifted you and gave you the business idea there is the one who called you and anointed you and gave you that concept where you entered in employment there is the one you called upon and you opened that door where you entered whatever you wake up to do whatever you are doing i want to believe you labored in prayer you called upon the name of the lord and you sensed this is god launching me out but the problem is sometimes in life we take charge of the wheels we abandon jesus and we take charge of the wheels and the moment we take charge of the wheels it means that now the battle has shifted we have no capacity to deal with the winds we have no capacity to deal with the storms but guess what the owner of the journey was asleep he knew that he's not a sinking god he knew that no amount of storm could bring him down and the people were journeying with a man that they didn't understand who he was could you be a believer possibly born again walking in the path of life and you don't understand your partner because the bible says with god all things are possible you may have the best business partners but i want to tell you there is another partner his name is god and the bible says with him all things not some things but all things are possible they were with that partner the partner that has the ability of impossibilities but they did not understand the quality of the partner that they had there are many believers working in the journey of faith but they don't understand whom they rent to they don't understand the power the authority that is in our lord jesus christ and the bible declares that they went and called him remember they never called him jesus they said rabbi master don't you ma don't you worry that we are perishing and the psychology of this man they called him as a human resource they called him because there was trouble because when you read the end of this verse the bible says they looked at him and they marveled and asked who is this meaning that they never called him out of revelation but even in their call the fact that they acknowledge there is a man in this vessel that has not yet given his input was sufficient enough to see the authority of the savior and the bible says he rebuked the winds and commanded the storms to be still the winds the winds what do the winds represent anything that rises against your life to cause your pathway of navigation to be compromised listen to me there are three things in this life there is the power of destination there is the power of direction and there is the power of motion there are three things that are very keen there is the power of destination there is the power of direction and there is the power of motion the paradox here is you could be moving very fast in the wrong direction meaning that speed we in the wrong direction is accidental the second thing that you ought to understand it is one thing to know the direction and the other thing to know the destination but you have no motion mobility is compromised there are many people whose mobility was rubbed away they know the path they know the destination but something happened in life and they are seated there and they cannot move and there are also people who know the direction and they know the destination and they have the right speed and these are the people that are headed in there in the right place and remember your battles in life will always arise either there will be winds to take you out of your direction there will be winds to challenge your motion speed in the wrong direction is accidental i rather walk slowly but headed in the right direction and this is exactly what the winds were doing not only according to physics there can never be storms if there are no winds it is the intensity of the wind hitting the surface of the sea that causes storms so remember the disciples were dealing with the storms but the problem was not the storm the problem was the wind the wind was taking the vessel contrary the wind also caused the storms i remember one day as i was beginning in life i used to live in this small room and there were many cobwebs and every saturday as i was doing my cleaning i used to take away the cobwebs and one day the lord just told me deal with the spider and the cobwebs will be no more look for the spider and there are many people in life dealing with the storms of life but not the root cause of the storm may the lord give you insight may the lord give you intelligence anyone that has been fighting paul said we don't just throw our fist in the air but we aim at a specific target i want to declare this week every win that is contrary to your life may the lord arise and rebuke it in the name of jesus and the bible says that the lord arose and he rebuked the winds and then he said to the sea shalom of the waters shalom be still he rebuilt the winds you cannot rebuke anything that does not have a demonic force when you go deeper in theology we believe that this is the marine force the power of the marine trying to attack the vessel of the messiah because we have the prince of the air we have the land spirit and we have the marine spirit and we also believe that this is what we call the east wind it is always considered as the wind of destruction and this is a win that was contrary to their journey there are many wins that are contrary to our journeys there are many demonic winds that come against our journeys but as we are rising this week we are declaring that no contrary wind will arise against you in the journey of life now look at this jesus rises and he commands the winds and he says to this see be still he says to the sea be still and then the disciples look one after the other and they say who is this who is this could it be that you are following jesus and you've never known who he is because this was the question that they were asking one another but i blessed the lord because there was another second opportunity remember all the bought miracles was an opportunity for jesus to reveal himself to the disciples the bible says again one day he sent them by the evening hour and he said unto them let's go to the other side but this time he never joined them and jesus went for prayer and at around the fourth watch which is around 4 00 a.m in the morning he saw them in the midst of the sea and they were almost drowning in the book of matthew the scripture declared he came walking on the sea peter saw him and said if that is you lord command me to walk on this just you have walked and the bible declares that he walked with under i mean he walked on the sea but jesus got into the vessel and when he got in that vessel the bible is very clear that they worshipped him they bowed down and they worshipped him they knew who he was they understood who he was at this particular time there was no doubt it is my prayer that this week you will understand who you are working with and who is by your side you will understand the quality and the caliber of pattern that you have the same god who delivered them out of egypt and walked them this is the same god that we serve i want to believe that i'm speaking to somebody this is not the time to sit down in depression this is not the time to throw away the towel the one that called you the one that began a good work in you is faithful enough to finish it and bring it to completion the one that began the journey just look back at the faithfulness of the master look at the many battles he has helped you to get look at the many victories he has given you yes i know you are not where you want to be but i want to believe you're not where you used to be look at the success over your life yes things may look like they're crumbling down but i want you to remember the one that is in your vessel is not a sinking god the one that is in you is not a sinking father this is not the time to quit it's the time to face yourself face your fears and say i know whom i have believed in i know whom i've placed my trust in i refuse to quit i refuse to surrender i am stepping out this week with the evidence and the hope that the king of glory being my partner i cannot drown for the name of jesus i thank you thank you for everyone that is watching me as we begin this new week oh god we declare every week every wind that is contrary to our lives let it be terminated right now every storms of life let them come to a place of stillness i declare to somebody now may your sea be still and make the wings of life now let them be rebuked and let them cease every demonic queen every wave of darkness every interference we declare it has no power for your life we secure the doors and the gates of this man with this weak oh god this week is blessed we declare this week we are moving in divine possibilities we declare nothing can stop our journey we are going to the other side we are getting to the other side where the lord you have ordained for us we are entering in that area let every barrier be lifted up let every every oppression and every attack let them be lifted up let every arrow of the enemy let the balls of the enemy be broken we declare we will stand in zion and declare your goodness in the land of the living i declare this week you shall testify this is the week of supernatural this is the week of divine intervention this is the week of supernatural results this is the week to see the lord fight your battles and i want to declare before the end of the week you will stand on zion and the goodness of the lord in the land of the living may the lord give you a new song and may the lord wipe all your tears step out and manifest in jesus mighty name hallelujah [Music] [Music] you
Channel: KTN Home
Views: 6,114
Rating: 4.9741936 out of 5
Keywords: Kenya, Kenya News, KTN Kenya, KTN News Kenya, KTN Home, Citizen TV Kenya, Citizen Kenya, NTV Kenya, NTV News
Id: wTkY3sXu3Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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