MOMENTS | How to Enjoy the Process

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[Music] well welcome everyone to moments it's good to see you my name is rob this is my dad gregory dickow welcome dad so great to be here yeah it's good i love moments you guys come on strap yourself in we're going to have some fun and we're going to talk about things that are going to change your life forever absolutely and we have been talking about some really great things the last couple weeks and i just want to welcome everyone that's watching right now online live it is good to have you make sure to get in the chat and say hello say where you're watching from we love hearing from you um if you're watching this back later on the youtube channel or listening on the podcast we are so glad to have you make sure you hit subscribe on those platforms so that you get notified when we go live again or when we have a new episode out and um make sure also if you're on the podcast leave a review leave a five-star review if you're getting something out of this let us know because we also we love hearing from you we love hearing what's impacting you what you're getting out of this so go ahead on podcast whatever platform you're on drop a review we would love to hear from you uh dad let's get into some content tonight we've been talking about some really really cool stuff lately all kind of around um creating a vision for your life moments really is all about building momentum for your life and growing and developing as leaders and so part of becoming a leader or becoming anything you kind of have to have a target you kind of have to have something to aim for yeah and then you got to take steps to get there so that's kind of what we're what we're doing to be developed as leaders that's why we're here and we've been talking about vision we've been talking about perspective um and i know you got some stuff you want to get into tonight um very uh no my heart is filled with uh with positive vibes positive energy because there's there's there's enough negativity in this world we don't want to contribute to that like i believe we are on this earth to make a positive difference both spiritually and emotionally um relationally financially like what i want people to hear is how powerful that they are i really wanna i really want people to feel empowered i really want you to get this i want people to get a hold of whatever they need whatever we need in our lives we need to know that god has given us the power to to obtain to receive to develop whatever it is we need so throughout scripture we see both in the old testament and the new testament we're always asking god god what are you going to do about it but if we look in the scriptures we see god more than more often asking us what we're going to do about it that's great and um i think that we have to take responsibility for our lives and the outcome of our lives and learn how powerful we really are and learn how to walk in and and live in a practical way the authority that god has given us in this earth because if you go back all the way to the beginning in genesis chapter 1 when god created man in his own image in his likeness he said to adam and eve he said take dominion have dominion on this earth fill the earth rule the earth subdue the earth genesis chapter one fill the earth rule the earth subdue the earth like they were put as masters of the earth they were put as the leaders of the earth i don't like that word master as much but i like the fact that god gave them everything they needed to live a victorious powerful life there was nobody higher than them angels were under the authority of adam and eve demons were under the authority of adam and eve the earth was under the authority of adam and eve adam and eve were under the authority of adam and eve but they they they bought a lie they believe they they they they bought the the lie and they they drank the poison of you're not enough you don't have enough you need to do something more god has not given you enough god is not god is holding out on you because that's that's the real issue that they were given the power to rule over everything and the devil came along in the form of the serpent and said you don't you don't have that much power god in fact god doesn't want you to eat that from that tree because you'll be like him you'll really be powerful then but he doesn't want you to that's when it became tempting to her when she actually believed she wasn't enough when eve believed she wasn't enough when you believe you're not enough when i believe i'm not enough that's when i'm going to be tempted to do something to make me enough that's when i'm going to compromise and make decisions that betray my true self and and that put me in a a position where i'm looking to somebody else or something else to empower me because i don't believe i have the power and proverbs 16 32 tells us something very powerful about how powerful we are and it is and it says he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit better than one who captures a city this from from genesis chapter one to of i give you authority i give you dominion i give you power to rule the whole earth proverbs where he says if you can rule yourself you're better than one who can capture a whole city to second timothy that we've been given power love and a sound mind to luke chapter 10 verse 19 or 19 verse 10 where he says behold i give you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions we are we have acquiesced as humans we have acquiesced our power into some other hands so the government our employers somehow we've we've easily laid down our power and believed that we're not enough and i want to talk about that and how people can really get ahold of the fact that they are enough because god made them more than enough right right so once again we always kind of hit the foundation of identity yeah i feel that really is where we we tend to start because that's where everything starts so seeing yourself the right way yeah that sets us up to behave the right way and take the right steps so um that scripture that you brought up i it's really interesting i mean you've you've taught me that you've we've taught that in church you know for for a long time and that is such a pivotal scripture the proverbs one the uh yeah better is one that rules his own spirit i think when i typically think of that scripture what comes to my mind is self-control um like rule your spirit like be in control of your spirit and and keep yourself you know uh on on the right path but i feel like what you're hitting on is more so um ruling your spirit you know as if one who takes a city it's not just self-control but when you like i guess to the city example that that metaphor of like of running a city or owning a city capturing and then running a city you you don't just control it you want it to thrive so you take care of it you nurture it you cultivate health and so i think the way that i'm interpreting this scripture now is more along the lines it's not just self-control although that's a part of it because discipline is important and we that's that's vital but also um it's what are you investing in yourself to make your life flourish as if a city were as a city to would flourish yeah maybe i'm not explaining that right but that's kind of a different perspective on that scripture i think if you treated your life like it was a city like it was a nation yeah like if you if you treated it like it it needs government inside of it it needs nurturing inside of it needs nourishment it needs it needs everything that a society needs our life is our society is made up of individual lives coming together community it's a people the church is made up of individuals that are that have that are powerful and the and when we tap into this power like you're saying it's not just tapping into self-control but it's tapping into the fact that we are powerful people and god made us to be powerful and we need to harness to me ruling your own spirit speaks more of harnessing the power that's inside of you that's good because if you if you realize how powerful you really are you'd realize that's why god says it's better than having power over a city like one person has more power to do if they harness the power within them if they tap into and drill you know the oil that's inside of them if we really tapped into what's inside of us it would actually equal more power than if we had a whole city behind us so tapping into your power is what i want people to experience and investing in first before investing investigate like investigate how powerful you really are by scriptures understand that that you are well inside of your treasure inside of you there's greatness inside of you we go back to the woman that needed to get her to pay her bills to take care of her children so they weren't taken as slaves and what does she say to the prophet what am i supposed to do and he says wrong question what are you supposed to do right question what do you what do you have already what do you already have in your house that became the more important question then what am i supposed to do about the situation because when you understand what you have in your house that naturally tells you what you should do about your situation you should tap into the oil that you have and start pouring it into others so i really think that what's happening in the world today with obviously the pandemic that we've gone through different various stages of um with all of the government turmoil that's existed in the world the the terrorism and and the the financial situation all of these things are the devil is trying to use these things to to to disempower us or to get us to buy into a belief that we're waiting for somebody to set us free we're waiting for somebody to help us out of this problem we're waiting for somebody to deliver us and we need to realize we already have a deliverer we already have a savior and he has given us everything we need pertaining to life and godliness he's given us all things he's given us power love and a sound mind and i think getting back to what we started with when the pandemic hit was we're going to the other side and how are we going to go to the other side by taking inventory of what we already have and though that may sound like a broken record to some people that follow us and are part of our family here but there's really nothing new under the sun and that really will guide us in everything that we ever face every storm we ever face every problem we ever face everything that that looks scary and negative we're going to the other side of it because we have three things we have god's presence with us we have god's uh promise with us and we have god's power with us and um so it's it's it's the life of discovery of what we already have rather than a life of attaining something that we don't have that's right that's the revolutionary thinking that helped set me free that gave me hope that that made me realize i'm not i don't i'm not dependent on the state or the government or the people or my parents or my job or my business or my finances any of none of that i'm not dependent on any of that i have been given the power to [Music] unlock the secrets and the the capacity and the potential that's inside of me as a human being and you've been given that key to unlock that and you've been we've all been given a key to unlock that it's all right here like i said from genesis to revelation it's all about being given authority and then exercising that authority over our lives with our words with our choices with our seeds and um that's when life gets really exciting that's where life really builds momentum yeah that's awesome yeah so take inventory of what you have yeah um so that you from there you so don't don't focus on what you need to do but focus on what you have first focus on what you have yeah do you want to do you want to dig into that a little bit more or the those the three things that were that yeah mark chapter four those that don't know because yeah they've heard that before but yeah for those that are are new um in mark chapter four jesus tells the story about the kingdom of god in one verse he says in mark 4 26 the kingdom of god is like a man that plants seed in the ground and goes to bed at night then the seed sprouts up and grows by itself the farmer doesn't know how it grows he just knows that it grows and he goes to bed he can sleep because he planted the seed he needed to plant i think a lot of unrest and a lot of um weariness and a lot of um of of the suffering that we go through is because the thing that will give us rest is when we plant the seeds that god teaches us to plant so the farmer he didn't go to bed and sleep until he first planted the seed he planted the seed and then he went to bed at night because he knew the seed is going to do its work he knew the seed is going to do its job he knew he knew the seed was designed to grow by itself not by him staying up all night fasting and praying and hoping and wishing that the seed will open up but the seed does that all by itself all he needed to do was plant the seed so he so jesus tells us that in mark 4 26 then in mark chapter 4 verse 35 it says that jesus himself got into a boat with his disciples and he said let us go to the other side and the first thing he did when after he said let's go to the other side is he went to sleep so he going so they're on the boat crossing the sea and jesus is sleeping and a storm hits but what people fail to realize is what's happening in that storm what's happening in that story is exactly what jesus said in a man plants the kingdom of god is like a man that plants seed in the ground he goes to bed at night and the seed grows by itself so jesus planted his seed in the ground when he said we're going to the other side then jesus did what the farmer did he went to sleep and the seed was going to grow itself but the disciples were afraid and they didn't learn and they didn't understand that their words had power so they're bailing water out of the out of the boat and they're frantic and they're waking jesus up and they're saying you don't care about us it's all these thoughts that come to us and say god doesn't care about us when really he cared about us so much that he gave us seeds to sow he gave us words to speak he gave us authority to exercise he gave us prayers to pray he gave us angels to be dispatched like the idea that he doesn't care comes from the false belief system that somehow you're not equipped for what you're facing when you know you're equipped for what you're facing you stop getting bitter you stop getting mad you stop blaming people for what you for while you're going through what you're going through because you realize how powerful you already are and if you really knew how powerful you were people's the the things that people do to you and the storms that get thrown at you would lose their power if you awaken to your power those things may still be powerful but they're far less powerful than your power like we said last week to make the right choice when given a circumstance rather than giving that circumstance the power to control our emotions or to control what we the outcome of our life it's controlled by us and by the choices we make the words we speak and the inventory that we take about what we have so what did the disciples have in that boat they had the presence of god because jesus was in the boat with them they had the promise of god because jesus said we're going to the other side and they had the power of god to speak because death and life is in the power of the tongue their failure to take inventory of those things is what caused such emotional distress in their lives i would just like to pause for a second and just submit to people if you if you took a close look at what emotions you're struggling with right now fear anxiety depression worry whatever it is anger it's rooted in our failure to recognize how powerful we really are to recognize what we are carrying inside our human vessel and our failure to actually use what god already gave us yeah boom wow that's great it's great so um i guess for me i that what i'm thinking is we tend to with the in the that story of the disciples in the boat like we tend to be so focused on the outcome and then when when things when the outcome doesn't look like it's going the way that we want it to go we get distressed and and discouraged and distraught but that that principle of trusting the seed trusting and trusting what you have taking inventory and knowing what you have that keeps you grounded when the outcome isn't looking like where you want what you want it to look and so i think when we think about leadership we want to grow we want to accomplish things we want to become better people but doesn't always look like it's happening yeah and so i think for me that's just really encouraging to know like if you're planting the seeds if you're doing the things you know you need to do if you're sticking to god's promises you're relying on god's presence um like that and you're activating your power that's those are the things yeah and you can if you focus on those versus focusing on where you're at yeah and the outcome may not you may not i mean you may not see it yet right that's what seeds are right you don't just sit there waiting for the harvest you plant the seed you go to bed you trust the seeds doing its work and you cultivate it you go water it you you know prayer is like watering the seed the word the word of god is like the seed obviously it says jesus said it the word is the seed we plant god's word in our in our lives in our heart we use our words we speak god's word we're planting a seed we make up we pray a promise of god we're planting a seed we have to trust that the seed is powerful enough to take care of its growth without our worry without our anxiety without our meddling with it like it would if we just kept we we sow it we plant it and then we think maybe it's not working so we dig around it to see what's happening we're going to end up pulling it up and starting the whole process all over again and it will work even if you have to even if you failed you can start over again it will work but you have to let trust the process and that's probably i think what i've found after five or almost six decades on this earth is i'm actually finally at a place in my life where i'm enjoying the process like i'm not i don't need to have the final the final version i don't need to see the final take i don't need to be in the final chapter i'm enjoying the process what if you're reading a book or watching a movie and you're just like i cannot enjoy any of this until i see how it ends well that's taking all the fun out of out of the experience right yeah i have to see how it ends i have to make sure that it ends good rather than just enjoy like enjoying the present living in this moment and realizing you're in the middle of a process that you know works because it's scientifically proven seeds grow when planted in the right soil it's it's it's biblical it's provable it's scientific it's been demonstrated over thousands of years that as long as the earth remains there's seed there's time and there's harvest and sometimes we just think their seed and harvest and we miss that middle part of time yeah and we have to understand it takes time give yourself time give god time give your seed time give other people time and everything is going to turn out well yeah if we trust the process right yeah i like that i mean i love i love i love the concept um and so and i want to enjoy the process but what do i do like how do i enjoy the process when the process is hard and when things aren't going like i think that's just the the greatest struggle is like it sounds good but it's very difficult when you're in that moment and it's not going well it's not going the way you want it so what do you do how what do you do when you're in the the hardest part that that time mean time in the meantime what what do you do to that will help you be able to enjoy the process be able to enjoy that journey of getting to the destination rather than just like that's me i want to finish and then i'll feel better about things i want to get through this and then once it's once i'm through it then i'll be able to like but it never ends so that's my struggle so how do how do i get into that place where while it's not complete while it's not finished while i'm not where i want to be or this thing this project isn't where i needed to be where these people aren't you know like what what do i do in the meantime to help me enjoy i think that's a great question i i two things come to my mind first of all one of them is i need to look back at previous wins in my life like if i can go back to a time when i planted a seed let's say i planted financial seed over time and i've gotten more of a harvest of money over time so i i can actually pinpoint a time of of giving and being generous and planting financial seeds i can remember a time when at early in that stage in my life and it wasn't it didn't look like it was working but now when i look back i know exactly that it worked and i am living in the fruits of it now and so it's so much easier for me now to plant seed and just using finances as an example because it's true with any any aspect of our lives just as that one example now i have zero doubt that whatever seeds i sow today are for my future harvest right now i'm eating the harvest of years and years of previous seed so i think number one what do you do in the meantime you look back at some of your wins i look back at some times when i prayed for the sick and they died but then i look at some time that's probably not a win in that case it's a real serious loss actually but but i remember saying you know what jesus still said to lay hands on the sick and even though this person i went and prayed for didn't make it i didn't cause that person to die they were already dying i just didn't interject my faith in time to overtake whatever was happening in their life i didn't interject the promises of god in time enough to for that person's harvest to come more but when i look back at sometimes when i've been sick and i've prayed and i've believed god's promise that by his stripes i'm healed and then i look at i did recover i did get better that's a win that i look back at which gives me motivation and encouragement to continue to plant those seeds so that's the first thing is look at your look at your wins because they give you encouragement to gate to gain more wins based on the same process and the second thing i would say is that we have to um we have to see the bigger picture like the bigger picture is at the end of the day love loving people receiving love giving love is what always life boils down to and so i may not be seeing the results that i want to see so what do i do in the meantime i do the thing that never fails and that's love because love never fails so if while i'm waiting for my harvest while i'm waiting for my breakthrough i'm mad at you yelling at you come on robert get more videos out there on instagram get more films done get more testimony and you know start just you know expecting more out of you because i'm insecure about the process i that's gonna just cause nothing but um division and pain and and uh planting the bad seeds of our future relationship so instead i'm going to celebrate you and the people in my life i'm going to love you and the people in my life nothing's going to interrupt that because that never fails maybe some of my seeds that i planted are going to fail maybe some of them didn't get the right water they needed but love never fails and so that's what i do in the meantime that's what i've learned to do in the meantime wasn't that way took me maybe till the pandemic started where i actually started maybe loving the way that i that i feel like i'm capable of yeah maybe it was before that but i think it was right around that time i don't know that there was just a calm that came over me when the pandemic started and that's when i started hearing the voice of god even clearer and that's when god spoke to me and said we're going to the other side tell everybody we're going to the other side that was the first thing we talked about in march or april when all this happened in 2020 we're going to the other side people we're going to the other side what do we have to get to the other side we have god's presence we have god's promise we have god's power so we're going to the other side that's what god spoke to me and that made me that gave me peace and it gave me an environment in my within myself an environment in my soul it gave me space in my soul to love because now i'm just trusting the process that we're going to the other side so what do i do in the meantime i'm going to love people i'm going to encourage people i'm going to give them hope i'm going to give them confidence and i also believe that this promise that that crystallized for me a few years ago kept coming up during 2020 and 2021 and it was this david said i would have despaired unless i believe psalm 27 13 i would have despaired unless i believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of living what do you do about your emotions in the meantime between seed time and harvest you realize that you're gonna fail emotionally unless you believe that you're gonna see the goodness of god like i literally believe i'm gonna see the goodness of god today somehow some way i'm gonna see god's goodness and that removes the toxic emotions that are in my soul when i don't believe that i'll see his goodness that's great that's awesome i think the way that i'm processing this is um there's some things that we are in control of and there's some things that god's in control of but the problem is we sometimes get those mixtures that's well we are sometimes victimized by well god you didn't do this for me or you haven't done this or you're not figuring this out and there's actually so many things that we can do and i love those two examples that you gave one which is like look back on the wins right so we should get in the habit of documenting the wins for ourselves and maybe come up with a process for yourself if you're a journalist or whatever just writing down gratitude good things yeah so you can go back to the wins um and then what was the second one it was love yeah you can love somebody you can show love in some way and so those are the things that you can take control of and i love that because that's a challenge to me of like stop being a victim to the situation what are the things that i can do but then there is a part of the situation that god can do and that is he handles the results he has the harvest we sow the seeds he handles the harvest and so that's right that's that third step this is how i'm seeing it it's like those two steps are what i can do i can uh count the wins count all the good things that god's done and then i can show love in some way and then the third thing is i trust that god's going to do what he can do and he handles the results he has the increase that's perfect those three steps yeah will work in every person's life about anything in their life because it says in first corinthians 3 verse 6 paul said i planted seed apollos watered seed but god gave the increase like we do the planting we do the watering god does the increasing yeah and that's the other thing he spoke to me during another one of the other things that i feel like god spoke to me during the pandemic's first view the inception over the beginning of it was believe me for increase yeah everything was shutting down nobody was certain about anything in march of 2020 and i'm worried i'm nervous i'm anxious about the people our members what's gonna happen we've never shut the church down before we've never closed our doors before we've never done any of that before and in the middle of my like anxious moment and anxious hours and it really wasn't more than that it was hours at the most because god's voice seems to always be the breakthrough that i need in my personal life to move me out of the mental space that i've stuck myself in and got stuck in and in the midst of my anxiety over that and over people god told me believe me for increase like i remember being in our board room around the table i was just standing there and i was just thinking about wow this is all happening so fast and everything's shut down and everything's we don't know when this is going to end and god said believe me for increase you can decrease all by yourself but with me you're going to increase yeah and i knew that that was a word from god not just for me not for our church only but for each of the people in our church that god is going to bring increase to their lives and we need to trust him um as we do what we have control over like you said yeah yeah god will do what he has control over and like you said sometimes we do have that backwards because god spoke to ezekiel showed him the dry bones and said can these bones live ezekiel and ezekiel said i don't know lord only you know that and god said to ezekiel no you say to those bones arise you say to those bones live like you speak life over you tell them the lord said you tell them what i said like we got to start telling things what god said about the situation rather than letting those things tell us what they think about the situation god said you're going to live god said bones come together god said breathe life into you so that's what i'm doing and you have to obey god and um that's what changed ezekiel's life that's what caused this rattling of bones to come together if he would have waited for god to do something it would have never happened and that's what the lesson god was teaching him was use the power i already gave you yeah use the power i already gave you use the power i already gave you use the power god says use the power he already gave you use the power he already gave you that's what he's telling us awesome that's awesome so uh as we wrap up i always like to take this into application and we're kind of hitting on that right now so the way that i would distill this down into okay what where do i go from here what do i do first thing is look at the winds look at what god has done look at what god has brought you through look back and see the good that has happened the good things that have happened so take note of them when they happen and then look back on them when you need to yeah and then number two show love do what god does yeah be operating in the in the in the we are made in the image of god we are made to love like god so let me let me operate in the way that i was designed which is to show love and then third trust god with the results let him have faith and expectation for what he can do so the way that i look at it it's it's look at what god did it's do what god would do and then it's expect god watch what god will do yeah that's really good and i think that's kind of the framework that we have for how do we enjoy this process what do we do in the meantime when we're waiting and so i would encourage everyone to to go from here and start looking at the winds write down maybe a win from this week a win from today or three wins if you can think of them that's what we like to do on the team here yeah we like to talk about the wins and then who is someone that you can show love to and you can do that tomorrow when you get get to work there's plenty of people you're going to be engaging with or you can do it right now on social media there's hundreds and thousands of people you can engage with so who can i show love to uh and you can do show it to yourself absolutely absolutely that's good that's good yeah give yourself some grace yep we all need it we all need it and then let's expect god to do something amazing and bring us through and it all start that whole process of those three steps that you just gave starts with plant your seed plant the seed of the harvest you want in your life plant the seed and then those three things will guide you while you're waiting for that seed to grow because it will grow it it's going to do what it was designed to do everything in nature does what god designed it to do and that's what seeds do so be encouraged everybody and you know you may be watching today and you're like i i'm hearing you but i'm really struggling with my relationship with god well if you don't have a relationship with god now is the perfect time to start one and he's he's building a great family god wants you in the family he is waiting for you to join the family of god you are you don't have you can't be good enough there's not enough good you can do there's not enough holiness you can be you just have to trust and accept the free gift of salvation and i want i want to pray with you right now just take a moment right where you are if you'd like to be sure you're going to heaven when you die that's we're all going somewhere when we die i want to go to heaven i'm going there because of jesus not because of me and you can too just pray this to say heavenly father just pray that heavenly father i invite jesus christ into my life as my savior and lord say that out loud i believe jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead and from this moment forward i'm a child of god that's it it's that simple all of heaven is applauding you right now if you prayed that prayer all the angels are celebrating all of heaven is celebrating and your heavenly father is waiting for you in heaven and that's where we're going to go one day when this life is over so if you did pray that prayer let us know let me i'd love to hear from you i have a gift for you it's absolutely free you should see it on your screen the power of a new life you can download it anywhere in the world and do it right now congratulations awesome love that and love all of you thank you so much for joining us for moments tonight and remember to subscribe to the youtube channel the gregory decal youtube channel and the gregory dick podcast all this content is there you can share these episodes and you can get notified when a new one drops so we love having you part of this family we're gonna be back sunday can't wait it's gonna be a good time so we love you all be blessed have an amazing rest of your week and we will see you sunday right back here god bless well thank you for joining us i hope your spirit and your heart and your encouragement is up and i hope you know that god has so much in store for you this week thank you so much for being a part of this opportunity that we had together tonight i hope you're relaxed and i hope you know that you have family here that's for you and with you supporting you throughout the rest of your week and one of the ways that we do that is we love to celebrate all the special wins that are happening in your life and we love to add our faith to those of you who are believing for something specific so there's a link that's going to pop up on your screen and it's just a page that you can drop in your prayer requests you can write up the areas that you want us to celebrate with you maybe a dude job promotion or a new friendship you've made or maybe a new initiative or a goal that you've reached and we're here to support it and so feel free to visit that page let us know how we can add our faith to yours and enjoy life with you even further and sunday we're going to be back and so i'm excited invite someone to tune in online with you or to join us in the room if you're in the chicagoland area we have two campuses that are open at our 10 30 a.m service or you can experience all of our other service times online so there's lots of ways you can be a part so i'm excited have a great rest of your week and feel free to share tonight's message with someone that you know will be encouraged have a great rest of your day talk to you soon [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Life Changers International Church
Views: 469
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: life changers church, life changers international church, gregory dickow, Easter, easter service, easter 2021, easter live, easter church service, live easter services online, live easter, easter livestream, church easter service, live easter service, easter live 2021, live easter service 2021, resurrection sunday service, resurrection songs for easter, resurrection sunday live, watch easter online, watch easter service online, watch resurrection sunday
Id: F6Ccn8HhrtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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