MOMENTS | A Vision for Your Life, Part 2: Finding Your Why

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hey church fam welcome to moments i'm so excited to have this mid-week upbeat experience with you guys thank you for tuning in all over the place it is such a highlight to see where you're watching from some of you i know i'm sure are at work still or maybe you're eating for the first time today either way i'm so glad you're here we're gonna dive into content with pgd it's gonna totally encourage you it's absolutely right on time and there's so much i don't to give it away but i'm excited about being connected with you as you know it's who we are is to give living is giving and there are ways to give that are going to pop up on the screen if you feel encouraged and led tonight to be a part of that know that you're making an impact by connecting through your prayers and through this actual seed that you're planning tonight it's really helping us get this message out to so many corners of the world and you're a part of that i'm excited to be a part of something that's giving life giving energy and giving the word to others so thank you for your generosity thanks for keeping us going and for being a part of that um you're super awesome and special to us if you need anything at all let us know our online host team is loud in the chats tonight but i dare you to be louder than them okay let's affirm and come up with whatever words come to your mind of how this message from pgd is impacting you live in the moment i can't wait here we go it's gonna be great see you soon [Music] well welcome beautiful family thanks for joining me for moments we're building momentum for your everyday life momentum for your success momentum that moves you into god's purpose for your life further and further into god's purpose for your life and in fact today i want to talk about and kind of pick up where we left off from last time we were together for moments and i want to talk to you about having a vision for your life and i want to continue to see help you see the progress that you want to see and catapult you into your destiny into your purpose because your purpose can power you through anything your purpose can power you through pain your purpose can power you through through difficult people your purpose can yeah difficult pain difficult people difficult past so if you have had a difficult past if you deal with difficult people if you have some difficult pain your purpose will cancel all that out or power you through all of that and neutralize the power of those things in your life i think we're so caught up in our pain sometimes we're so caught up in our past sometimes we're so caught up with difficult people sometimes that we those things become distractions to the ultimate goal and the ultimate purpose in our life our why our reason for being here and i want to talk to you about finding your why in your life and business people have have used this this terminology but this is god's idea this all started with god to find out your why why are you here what is your purpose because um if i could just start with a bang with scripture in proverbs 29 18 it says um correct your son and he shall give you actually that's verse 17. it's not uh but do correct yourself do correct your children they will give you rest when you learn to um invest in your kids you will find rest okay that's another topic for another day but verse 18 where there is no vision the people perish that's the king james translation where there is no vision the people perish so get your bible out get your notebooks out tell people text people invite somebody if they want to find out how to power through their pain how to power through their difficult people how to power through their past a difficult past um this is the it's the place to do it you're going to make it you're going to get through it king james king jimmy version where there is no vision the people perish next version i want to share with you is the new american standard version now listen to this where there is no vision the people are unrestrained the people are unrestrained so we will have no restraint in our life no boundaries in our lives where we have no vision there will be no boundaries we won't set up boundaries we won't set up proper borders in our life and how to say no to certain things in our life without a vision even not just saying no to the bad things in life but saying no to even some good things in life that are a distraction towards a distraction from your purpose a distraction from your vision a distraction from it's not always bad things that we need to get out of our lives sometimes there's some good things that are the enemy of great in our lives and so we should take a look at those things as well but i love how he uses this translation i love how he uses this verse how the writer solomon puts this where there is no vision the people are unrestrained people need a vision or they will they will just have no structure in their life the new living translation proverbs 29 18 when people do not accept divine guidance they run wild they run wild uh like when kids are younger when i was young i ran wild i did crazy stuff i did i think there's some wild in us that's good and healthy you know to be to be willing to explore to be willing to discover to be willing to take risks there's nothing bad about that but to run wild means that you're you have no self-control you have no discipline you have no because you have no why you don't have a you don't have a discipline problem because discipline god created every one of us to be able to function in discipline and be able to have discipline in our lives it's a gift actually god he did not give us a spirit of fear it says in second timothy 1 7 but power love and a sound mind and that word sound mind is actually translated as discipline you actually have the discipline to get stuff done you just don't have your why to give for discipline to express itself that's really most people's problem it's not that they have a problem with a lack of discipline they have a prop a problem with the lack of their why so if somebody says um if somebody says well i just can't get disciplined to to exercise because i'm just not you know i i don't i don't have a vision for you know being in a bodybuilding contest or something like that but that's not the why that anybody should get healthy we should get healthy because we want to fulfill our lifelong purpose we want to avoid sickness and disease and we want to be there for our children our grandchildren maybe our great-grandchildren like we we if we could really understand the why it would it would power us to continue to stay at something rather than starting and stopping quitting because you don't like your weight so you get on these diets and we go back and forth with these diets losing weight should never be the ultimate goal the ultimate goal should be getting healthy because when you're healthy you can fulfill your purpose when you're healthy you can run the race with endurance that is set before you right so there's this is this is like a deeper level of of why we do things rather than just what we do there are certain things we know to do that are good things to do but we can't continue to do them unless we have a vision that powers us to do the necessary things to see that vision come to pass i love what the amplified bible says also in proverbs 29 18 where there is no vision no revelation of god and his word the people are unrestrained so we are designed you and i are designed in such a way that we will always move in the direction of what we see we're created to move in the direction of what we see we're not right now i'm i'm looking at you i'm moving in the direction i see you you see me i'm moving in the direction of i see you i'm moving in that direction i'm interested in you i'm interested in in equipping you empowering you um helping you discover what god's purpose for you is whatever we see is the is the direction our life is going to go in and that's what a vision is it's what you see in front of it's having um putting something in front of you that is your why why am i on this earth why am i living boy we have been distracted by of course the pandemic uh we we are distracted with politics we're distracted with with um all manner of problems in this world that if we didn't have uh televisions and and cell phones and access to everything going on in the world all at once we would probably live way more peaceful lives we would not saying that we should be ignorant of all this going on in the world but sometimes all that's going on in the world can become a distraction to what needs to be going on in between your ears and what needs to be going on that you need to be putting your strength and effort and energy into our strength and energy should not be put into arguing our political positions arguing about you know why why this is happening why that's happening we should be focused on what we're on this earth for i should be focused on what i'm on this earth for i can be aware of what's happening in the world but i can't be i can't let that distract the ultimate purpose that i've been put on this world for and what you've been put in this world for so you need the eye of an eagle to have a vision the eye of the eagle like in job chapter 39 in between verses 27 and 29 the ego builds his nest high atop a mountain high atop a tall rock from there the bible says it spies out the prey its eyes observe from afar so an eagle's eyes observe from a far distance an eagle knows exactly where he's going to swoop down and capture his prey because he sees him from afar he has a vision and we we need to have that like see from afar where is my life going where do i want my life to go because wherever you want your life to go that's where your energy should then be put in that direction when you have a vision for your life you will begin to you will you will find it easier to put restraint around your life when you have a vision for starting a business for example you'll you'll you'll make sure you wake up early you'll make sure you you know you pray over your business you'll make sure you study you'll make sure that you have the right budget like all of these things that we do in our lives when we have a vision come naturally to a vision so whatever that vision is and i'll get into some of that how do you find that and how you discover that but it's all about the why um remember here's the vision that i want to encourage everybody to have this is the vision i have for my life this is the vision that i've put together from studying other people studying the bible studying my own life my own soul and this is what i want in life i want to create the kind of person that i admire i want to create and carve my life into the kind of person that i admire so that i can give that person to the world so that i can be a blessing and benefit the people that i that are in this world so that i can i can be of good to them whether it's my wife my children my church my my friends my partners my the people that i do business with i want to be a benefit to the people in my life i want to become the person that i admire so that that person can be a blessing to this world and because really being in the service of others serving others is the only work is the only life worth living being in the service of others is the only life worth living we have so much admiration for people that their lives their profession is in a service industry for example our military we love our military we pray for our military we honor our military we support our military why because we know they're they're giving their lives or they are living their lives and in some cases giving their lives and we honor them for that and we pray for their families we pray for our fallen soldiers recently and our fallen soldiers that wherever wherever that happens but why do we honor them so much because they live their life in the service of others they potentially give their life in the service of others jesus said the greatest among you is the servant of all serving is not a stepping stone to greatness serving is greatness the greatest among you is that if you want to know who's the greatest it's those who serve those who live to serve those who desire to serve now we're sons and daughters of god but we are also we we gladly and joyfully or deliberately intentionally become servants to mankind because we're sons and daughters of god we don't live for mankind to serve us that's what uh worldly royalty worldly royalty kings and princes and queens and princesses that are actually truly in this earth royalty everybody else lives to serve royalty in in the world system but in god's system in god's kingdom we're the sons and daughters we're the kings and the priests we're the kings and the queens we're the princes and the princesses in christ we don't live other people don't live for the to serve us we live to serve them to see people become born again to see people fulfill their destiny to see people to know god to see people grow and make progress in their lives to see people find their why that's why we live we live my why is to help you find your why right now and um and that's that's god's calling for our lives to to be in the service of others so what is the vision that we want to create in our lives we want to create the person we admire most in every way and so that we can give that person to this world so that we can be a benefit to this world i used to say and still believe this with all my heart the greatest thing you can do in your life is to give the greatest thing you can do for this world is give this world people that are better than yourself we can do that with our children by giving our children to you know helping them become better people than we are and mike like i've said to you a hundred times a thousand times my kids already are better than me in so many ways so what i'm working on in my life right now is to be a better me to give so i've given the world my kids and me and grace have given the world our kids now we're going to now i want to give myself a better version of myself to this world i want to be a better pastor a better friend a better prayer warrior for you a better servant so that you can have more clarity about your vision for your life and your purpose for your life all right so you get that um so throughout scripture god's blessings are always used to serve others so for example the the scripture answers the questions why god when god gives us something he always gives us a why behind it as well so for example in genesis chapter 12 god says he would create he would make abraham a blessing he said i'm going to bless you so that you will be a blessing so the blessing is not the why getting the blessing is not the why being a blessing is the why this is why we are god wants to bless us of course because he loves us but also so that we can be a blessing so we see we're blessed to be a blessing in genesis chapter 12. we see in ephesians chapter 2 we're saved by grace through faith and that's not the gift of god or it's that is the gift of god not a result of works unless any man should boast for your his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works so we're saved by grace without our works without works we're saved by grace without works but we're saved so that we can do good works unto others so we're saved by grace but why so that we can have a relationship with god and so that we can do good to others we are able to we're created in christ jesus for good works we're saved by by grace for good purposes and for good works we're not saved by our good works but we're saved so that we can begin to do good works and bring the salvation to others and bring the goodness of god to others uh we also have in romans chapter 12 we have do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so we have god transforms us through renewing our mind but why then he goes on to say so that you may do the good acceptable and perfect will of god so notice the why behind why does god transform ours why does god transform us why do we renew our minds we renew our minds to think like god thinks to create the mindsets of christ jesus create the mindsets of humility and love and expectation and faith to create those mindsets so that we can do the will of god progressively the good the acceptable and the perfect will of god you see the progress there the good will of god the acceptable will of god and the perfect will of god it's progression 30 fold 60 fold 100 fold progression the first the blade then the head then the mature grain in the head mark chapter four progression uh forgetting what lies behind reaching to what lies ahead pressing on you see the progression in threes there's so many places in scripture where there's this pattern of three parts which is progressing us or moving us forward step by step you don't have to know everything about god's purpose for your life today you just need to take the next step somebody told me i know i'm saved by the grace of god but how do i like how do i find god's will for my life i said instead of trying to find all of god's will for your life just take the next step maybe the next step is to forgive somebody maybe the next step is to call somebody and encourage them maybe the next step is to get involved serving in the church serving in your spiritual family in your spiritual house um you don't have to figure it all out but as you go the bible says that jesus when the ten lepers when they said um master son of david have mercy on us it says that as they he told them go show yourselves to the priests before they were healed he told them go show yourselves to the priest the bible says as they went they were cleansed as they went they were cleansed so i want you to think about that as they went they were cleansed and i want to encourage you as you take the next step the next step for you may be get involved maybe the next step is send a message in the chats in the you know in the discussion online and just say i'm i'm ready to be used by god or i want to be used by god or i want to be more involved or whatever it is just take the next step and don't worry about all the steps that will become progressive but my point is there's always a why to what god gives us he gives us the blessing so that we can be a blessing he gives us love so that we can then love ourselves and love others he gives us wisdom so that we can help solve problems why ask for wisdom if you're not trying to solve problems in life if we're going to help other people we've got to be problem solvers and to be a problem solver you simply need to ask god for wisdom and he said in james chapter 1 verse 5 he will he he will he will give it to you generously he's generous god is so generous our heavenly father right wow so remember that to to create the life that you admire to create the life that is a blessing to others to create the life of serving others the greatest life of all in serving others it's we talked about last week how it takes pain it takes a price it takes purpose it takes perseverance it takes power it takes and creates progress and but we're really double clicking on purpose and the why behind it all and that's really why that's really what will help you maintain consistency when you feel like giving up in life when you feel like your life doesn't count when you feel like your life doesn't have much meaning well when you understand your why not just i want to have a business so that i can be rich it should be i want to have a business so that i can be a generous person i want to create a business that employs other people and serves other people and meets a need and solves a problem you see the difference between i just want a business so that i can be the boss and so that i have money that's the that is missing the whole why behind it all um the the the reason why i want to be successful in our church family to be successful is because i want people to become healthy human beings and discover their purpose in life and reach as many people as we can with the gospel before my race is over before my life is over so it's understanding the why it's so important the reason we get depressed is because well sometimes it's physical chemical imbalance but for most of us who maybe it's not a chemical imbalance it's just part of life we stay depressed when we are not living in our why we're forgetting why we're here we're forgetting what we're here for um because when you have a clear vision it motivates you but it doesn't stop there motivation can get you started with something but it can't help you to finish motivation gets you started but it won't help you run the race consistently and it'll be stop and go stop and go stop and go stop and go continually if you're just waiting to be motivated motivation helps get you started but when you have a vision it will cause you to prioritize your life so not only are you motivated because you have a vision but now you prioritize your life because you have a vision so now you prioritize the things that matter and if they feed into the vision they're going to be a part of your daily schedule and if they don't feed into the vision you you remove those from your daily life from your daily schedule if they don't if they don't serve the vision it's discovering that purpose that you're here for the why and then evaluating your life doing an inventory of your life and asking yourself is this activity serving the vision of my why why i'm here does this activity help me serve others does this activity help me get further down the road towards my why creating creating the person that i want to be creating the person i admire so that i can give that person to the world because serving others and being in the service of others there's is the only life worth living being in the service of others so if i'm doing something that doesn't in any way contribute to that i want to get that out of my life i don't need to spend time or money or energy on things that aren't serving the vision that is in my heart for my why my reason for being on this earth paul said i've seen a vision of heaven and i'd rather go there but i'm staying here i'm not going to die yet because of you he said because i'm here to serve you i'm not done with my race i'm not done with what i'm here to do to serve you you need me in this earth longer you need me in your life longer that's what paul was saying paul the apostle um so mark twain said something very powerful years ago great author he said the two most important days of your life are the day you're born and the day you discover why the day you were born and the day you find out why that's those are the two most important days of your life the day you're born and the day you find out why and that's a that's a journey but it's also we can narrow it down in our lives because um god shows us so much in his word the first thing that god ever did in every person's life that we see in scripture is when he encountered when any human being encountered god he always gave them a vision for their life when moses first met god god gave him a vision for his life when abraham first met god god gave abraham a vision for his life noah when he was walking with god god gave him a vision for his life build an ark uh noah abraham and moses and everybody else in the bible made a ton of mistakes but they knew their reason for living so they didn't let their mistakes disqualify them they didn't let their failures disqualify them god didn't let their failures disqualify them david failure after failure failure after failure mistake after mistake sin after sin in the old testament but when we see david in the new testament when he's mentioned in the new testament and referred to he's not one not one time is his sin mentioned in the new testament not one time why because god doesn't see him that way god god doesn't see you based on your sins those have been washed by the blood of jesus god has a purpose for you it says about david in acts chapter 13 david fulfilled the purpose of god for his generation he fulfilled the purpose of god for his generation who wants to fulfill the purpose of god for your generation i mean somebody wave at me somebody yell out amen somebody shout at me wherever you're watching somebody tell me that you want to fulfill you want to be like david fulfill the purpose of god for your generation god wants that for you i want that for you i want that for me and type it out in the comment box let me know talk to me communicate with me i'm i want to hear from you guys um why is this so important that the first thing god does in every person's life when they encounter him in the bible is he gives them a vision for their life because vision breaks the power of several things ready i'm going to give you a few things vision breaks the power of boredom in your life when you're bored and you feel useless vision breaks the power of boredom vision breaks the power of distraction having a vision for your life it breaks the power of being distracted constantly like i probably have had i don't want to confess that i have this but i probably have had a little add in my life at least the people that i work with and people that work with me probably think that i still do uh have uh i forget what were we talking about just kidding but that's the point i if even if i have even if i suffer from sometimes attention deficit disorder like everybody suffers from that in one way or another right um even if i have that i can still fulfill my purpose without allowing that to stop me because vision breaks the power of distraction so even though i might be easily distracted if i have a vision in front of me of where i'm going and why i'm going there i will not be [Music] distracted very long the distractions that come into my life will will not be they will not leave a permanent impact the distractions will come and go quite quickly rather than having a hold on me and bringing me into another addiction in my life or bringing me into another ditch in my life this is the power of vision vision breaks the power of depression as i mentioned earlier breaks the power of boredom it breaks the power of distraction it breaks the power of depression like you can't stay depressed when you're serving other people when you're helping somebody else and maybe that's where you just got to start you got to say okay who can i help where can i sign up to help hurting people suffering people and that's why god puts us in a church family everybody in the family has a chore everybody in the family has a part to play we're a part of the body you might be an ear i might be a a nose somebody else might be an elbow somebody else might be the fingers or hands like we're all a part of the body and the body serves itself to serve others you need to stay healthy or become healthy in your body physically so that you can use that body can carry you into serving others when your body is broken and when you are constantly dealing with sickness it's harder to serve other people vision breaks the power of depression vision breaks the power of laziness so a lot of times we just don't want to move forward because we allow laziness to get to creep into our life but look all of us could be completely lazy or all of us could be completely disciplined the difference is vision vision creates discipline and a lack of vision will ultimately create laziness it's not because you're just a lazy bum like rocky said to you know paulie you're just a lazy boom okay you guys didn't see that one coming but there you got one for free all right uh it's not because you're lazy it's not because you're bad it's not because you're the reason why you get so distracted so easily is because you're forgetting your why you either haven't identified it or you haven't um you you haven't focused on it okay vision breaks the power of fear like when you have a vision for something whatever's in the way of that would normally intimidate you or normally scare you or normally make you run but you're willing to fight through those things you're willing to fight through your fears for the sake of a vision the fulfilling of your why vision breaks the power of your past it's like if you have a vision of where and why you're going in the direction you're going you're no longer enslaved to your mistakes and you're no longer limited to your pain and limited to your past because you have a vision of where you're going and why i'm telling you it's that powerful so if my vision was just okay build a build a good church build build a decent church in the world then i would have already that's already finished that's already complete i've done that but the vision is so for the church to continue to be healthy and to serve others so that we can reach more people with the gospel of god's grace and his love so that people can have a relationship with god go to heaven one day and be happy on their journey taking others with them the whole time that's the why that we're here that i'm here and vision breaks the power of addiction some people think that they have an addiction and that's why they can't have a purpose but this really the opposite is because they don't have a purpose that they are enslaved to their addiction when you have a a why when you have when you put this first in your life i am gonna live my life if you would if you would take this and say man i'm gonna live my life to create the person in me that i admire the most in every way and give that person to this world because being in the service of others is the only life worth living if you would take that and adopt that as your life for this is my vision everything else has to filter itself through that everything else has to pass can't you you can't pass go and collect 200 in the game of monopoly unless you go around the board right you you have to pay you have to you have to pay to play in the in monopoly so if you pass go you collect 200 you got to receive you got to keep moving forward to have what you need to have you got to keep moving forward and you have to have a vision this vision for your life creating the person you admire and giving that person to the world and realizing that there is no better life than a life in service of others it's not getting my stuff so that i can be happy getting my house getting my job getting my money getting my career getting a person in my life getting a partner get that's that's not that's not purposeful enough that's not your why those are things that god can add to your life along the way but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things be added to you god gives us a vision right there seek the kingdom of god seek god's way of doing things and god's reason for doing things that's what it means to seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness vision breaks the power of addiction you you'll see addiction loses its power at least a good a good amount of it it loses its power when you have a vision of what kind of person you want to be i know people that have come out of jail and the whole time they were in jail they felt just victimized they felt like you know what's been done to me is wrong and there have been people that have been in jail for a crime that they never even committed and for some reason they were found guilty who can answer the why behind all that but here's what we can say the people that in prison that plan for their life outside of prison and discipline themselves for the vision that they'll ha they have of themselves outside of prison when they get out they will succeed people that don't people that are in there and they just see themselves the boy the the system beat me the system defeated me the system uh ruined me the system cheated me they'll get out and they'll just feel victimized the rest of their life and maybe end up back in jail but if you could realize that anybody whether you're in jail whether you've been through a divorce whether you've been abused whether you've been on drugs whether you've made the worst mistakes of your life whatever pain you've suffered will lose its power over you when you begin to move towards your why why are you here so why did you begin and i'll tell and then i'll say three more things and we'll we'll we'll pick this up next time but why are you here why are you created why are you breathing right now i'm gonna tell you the greatest reason that you're here right now on this earth no matter what anybody tells you is you are you began you were created you were formed by god because you were created to be loved you were created to be loved when you understand that it will awaken you you were created to be loved so that doesn't mean you go around demanding people love you you were created to be loved you were created to be adored you were created ultimately for that love to be awakened in you so that you could love god you were created to be loved by god so that you can love him back and in loving him back miracles happen in loving him back things happen for your life that will blow your mind in fact i'll read it to you um first corinthians chapter 2 watch this first corinthians 2 9 and what does the bible say it says as it is written what i what no i have seen yet what no ear has heard yet what no human mind has conceived yet all of the things that god has prepared for those who love him now to create the life that you admire so that you can give that life and give that person to this world to be of service of others to be in the service of others it starts with being loved knowing that you were created to be loved and to love be loved by god so that you can love yourself and you can love others to be loved and to be adored so that that ultimately awakens you to what you were truly created for which was to worship god oh now we're getting into something here and worship god doesn't just mean singing it can include that but that's not what worship is worship is surrendering worship is agreeing with god worship is surrendering your old way of thinking and adopting his way of thinking worshipping is loving the father adoring your creator discovering more of him so that you can discover more of what you're like made in his image discovering more of him so that you can reflect him to others more than you ever have in your life in um in matthew chapter 4 and luke chapter 4 remember jesus was tempted by the devil and what think about the last temptation in the by the devil in the wilderness it was to worship something he said the devil said if you bow down and worship me see all these kingdoms they're all they've all been given to me he he took them from adam and eve adam and eve gave them to him they've all been given god gave them to adam and eve adam and eve gave those kingdoms to the devil and now the devil offers them to jesus and says if you bow down and worship me i'll give you all these kingdoms now there is great miraculous power that comes from worshipping but we can never worship something smaller than god we were never created to worship something smaller than god that's when life gets perverted and twisted when there's anything smaller than god that we worship everybody's created to worship and to adore and surrender to something we're all created to do that but when you're worshiping success worshiping fame worshiping money when you're surrendering to that when you're surrendering to an addiction when you're surrendering you're worshiping that thing and you weren't created to worship something small those are all small things you weren't created to worship those things you were created to worship the biggest thing in the universe the greatest thing in the universe the thing most worthy of praise in the universe and that is god and when you do that everything else just seems to follow along and everything else just seems to be added into your life and then you become the person that you admire and you give yourself to the world in a way that is a blessing the best thing you can do in life right now is not be a burden to others but help remove burdens from others it starts with being adored by god so that you're no longer sucking life from other people needing love from other people constantly bowing to something else or someone else to get their approval and to get their love and to get their adoration you're delivered from that when you accept the adoration of god for you his love for you he adores you he loves you he's he's smiling at you and you get a hold of that then you breathe that back out to him you breathe it in from him you breathe it out to him and i'm telling you you will accidentally just by live and accidentally bump into the blessing of god you'll accidentally bump into the purpose of god you'll accidentally bump into the abundance of god you'll accident like you won't even be trying to get those things they'll just you'll keep running into those things and bumping into only good things because even when you go backwards sometimes because he loves you and you love him back you go backwards and guess what's waiting guess what you bump into when you go backwards goodness and mercy why because they're following you all the days of your life so any minute you go any step you take backward boom you're going to step into some goodness and mercy because it's always following you all the days of your life even the bad days all right that's exciting to me so how do we step into this what are the steps to discover our our why let me give you three and we'll close today and pray for you learn to listen to the voice of god number one you you you tune your ear into the right voice our ears are listening to so many other voices we need to tune in to the voice of god and the voice of god always starts as the voice of love the first thing we see jesus heard from the father recorded in the bible is when he got baptized coming up out of the waters of baptism he hears a voice and it says and god's voice says and other people heard it too you are my dearly loved son you bring me great joy you are my beloved son in you i'm well pleased we we've learned it that way but it's i love the new living translation you're my dearly loved son you bring me great joy we always come back to that why because that is your why being loved by the father is your why that produces all the other wise all the other reasons for your existence learn to listen to the voice of god you can't hear the voice of god unless you're filtering what you hear through the voice of love so anytime you hear something that you think is from god and it's condemning you it's it's judging you it's saying that it's mad at you that's a disguise that that's the devil disguising himself as god but that is never the voice of god god never speaks with guilt shame condemnation that's the devil's game the devil's in the shame game the devil's in the blame game the devil's in that that's always the voice of darkness the voice of accusation god's voice is never a voice that accuses his voice is always a voice that loves and that forgives and that directs and that guides and that encourages and that inspires that's the way god speaks he doesn't speak with fear through fear he doesn't motivate through fear he motivates through love love casts out fear god is love listen to the voice of god like learn to listen to the voice of god look at what the voice of god that god spoke to jesus out loud that is the clearest thing we could ever understand of what god is saying there's nothing that could be clearer about god's voice than what we we see witnessed in the bible that god's voice audibly spoke to jesus out loud and he heard it and only two times do we have the voice of god speaking out loud to jesus where we actually are witnesses of what the father says to jesus and both times it's the same thing you are my dearly loved son this is my beloved son listen to him the first time is you are my dearly loved son and i'm i'm pleased with you and i'm and i'm you you bring me great joy and the second time is this is my dearly loved son this is my dearly loved son listen to him pay attention to him wow the only two times the audible voice of god in the life of jesus that we hear his voice we see witnessed in the bible the voice of god could be audibly heard by jesus and the people around him both times his voice was love so when the voice is accusative that's the devil when it's love it's god somebody needs to shout about that number two if you want to interpret your why it starts with listening to the voice of god the voice of love number two by winning the battle of your heart to interpret god's why the reason you're here you have to win the battle of your heart meaning there is a fight for what is going to navigate and control your decision-making faculty your heart your mind your soul your emotions and we need to win that the battle of our heart by siding with what god says about us siding with depositing good seeds in our heart planting the right seeds the the purpose of god is found in the voice of god the purpose of god is found in a heart filled with the good things that god has to say about you and about others it says in luke 6 44 the good man brings good things out of the goods stored up in his heart if you want to do good into this world if you want to confer goodness to this world to your family to yourself to others fill your heart up with good treasure and then good things will come out of a heart filled with good good things will come out of your life because you're filling your heart with the good promises of god and the good things god says about you and you bring you end up bringing good things to the world because of the good that is stored up inside of your heart that's how you win the battle of your heart and number three start with what you were born to do and what were you born to do worship to be adored and to adore him back to be transformed by the renewing of your mind and that brings you in to god's purpose for your life i'm out of time here but i want to pray for you lord thank you for each person connected right now open their hearts open their eyes to their why open their eyes to your adoration open their eyes to your love open their eyes to your purpose lord and i know that you you have clearer purpose for each person and you will clarify it and bring clarity and wisdom i ask you for that and i ask that every person connected here will begin to have the assurance and feel the assurance that they are here on purpose they are here for purpose and they will fulfill their god-given purpose in jesus name now if you've never received jesus christ as your savior and lord can't let you go without giving you an opportunity to do that do you know that being born again is so simple to as many as received him to them he became they became sons of god they became children of god just by receiving jesus whoever believes on his name is saved believe with me right now if you're not sure you're going to heaven pray this heavenly father i believe in the name of jesus i believe jesus died for my sins say that out loud i believe jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead from this moment forward i'm a child of god it's that simple now we grow together as family and speaking of growing together in family as family there's a book on your screen that you can download anywhere in the world it's absolutely free it's my gift to you it's the next steps of what it means to have prayed what you just prayed to receive jesus as your savior now you can see these next steps get it absolutely free give it to somebody you care about or take get it for yourself and and the next step after that is we'll see you sunday in person or online can't wait to see you then god bless love you guys [Music] wow what an awesome time it was just now with pgd thank you so much for tuning in i hope you feel encouraged on how you can move forward in the vision that god has for your life and one of the ways that we can do that is staying connected through the week you know it's our midweek moments experience but we have sunday happening this coming weekend whether you're online or you're open to joining us in the room if you're in the local chicagoland area or meeting at both campuses you can come out or you can just tune in online as i mentioned and that means at any time you can watch if you want to share tonight's moment with someone that's on your mind someone in your life a friend family member you can do that um it'll be on our podcast it's also on our youtube channel subscribe and think of someone that you know needs this word tonight and send it their way and be bold it's going to be a great rest of your week i know it i'm so glad that you were with us thank you again there are so many ways you can be a part through serve through your give um through staying connected maybe just need to call someone our team is here to answer your call answer your email we are one family and i hope that you have the best rest of your night day wherever you're at in the world you're awesome have a great one see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Life Changers International Church
Views: 556
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: life changers church, life changers international church, gregory dickow, Easter, easter service, easter 2021, easter live, easter church service, live easter services online, live easter, easter livestream, church easter service, live easter service, easter live 2021, live easter service 2021, resurrection sunday service, resurrection songs for easter, resurrection sunday live, watch easter online, watch easter service online, watch resurrection sunday
Id: AFV_63D4Jfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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