Children of Freedom, Part 2: How to Really Live

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good morning church family we are so excited to spend today with you thank you so much for joining us whether you're in the room or watching online uh we're just grateful to have you we're here coming at you front of house you know me and gina we're on the production team you might not see us normally we're kind of hiding behind you know we don't like being in the spotlight but here we are i think he likes being maybe a little too much you know they stick me behind the camera you know it's like here we are but normally we're on the production team we're back here we're in back of house we're pushing buttons shout out to all our all our volunteers that make this happen kev we good we get on audio are you kidding me no yeah we're so grateful that you um took time to join us today if this is your first time maybe being here or watching online we just want to welcome you and say thank you and we do have a special gift just for you so if you want to head to the website it's life changers staying right now lower third life connect we would love to send that gift to you and just connect with you here where you're from get to know how we can help you get involved um so yeah tell us there's so many ways what else is happening yeah yeah but so let's say you're not your first time here maybe you've been a few times but you're like dang like i want to be on their team like whatever whatever's happening all right you know what whatever whatever team's a little bit better camera team i you know i think i think we know that anyway if you want to get involved on either one of our teams yes anyway we'd love to have you seriously we'd love to have you there's so many positions that's what's amazing about production whether you like tech or you've never touched a computer in your life or you're more outgoing or introverted creative whatever there's a place for you anyway yeah any team really not just our teams but i mean our teams are pretty good yeah it's a little special not gonna lie but if you want to get involved there's the link on the screen again same thing backslash connect go there backsplash backslash i don't know whatever it is you'll see it there all the information is on the website to get you connected and part of the team we'd love to have you seriously there's even a zoom class or not zoom class zoom session for training exactly so if you want some like face-to-face contact and just tell them caleb and gina sent you and they'll get you hooked up but we'd love to have you on the team yes we would love that and um we're gonna go ahead and get ready to jump into worship so again um just get excited get ready get pumped it's gonna be great amazing ready camera three here we go everyone check yep good let's roll it here we go baby hello everybody and welcome to life changers church we are so glad that you're with us today what a great day it's gonna be and we're going to start off the day declaring full of faith that god is alive and he's moving and he's working and he's turning all things into good for our good and so we stand on that today we believe that so let's declare this new song as we say come alive so come on [Music] this is a house of worship [Music] this is a place of praise where we proclaim your name [Music] this is a house of healing [Music] you have the final say you have the final say we should come alive with the name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus this is the house of miracles we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is the house of miracles [Music] there's resurrection [Music] your kingdom triumphs over [Music] the house of miracles we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i still believe you're speaking god i believe you're working all thanks for good [Music] [Music] god [Music] this is the house of miracles [Music] every day [Music] this is the feet of jesus [Music] we believe [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles holy holy holy our gosh on the throne so firm is his foundation no power and he shall reign [Music] forever [Music] through time his truth revealed while kings may pass like shadows our god is and he shall reign [Music] forever [Music] yes [Music] forever he shall reign forever [Music] exalted this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] my soul [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever i love to worship the lamb upon the throne i know you do as well and as we continue to worship him before we give to the lord i just want to pray for you and i want to believe with you that we as we're worshiping the lamb upon the throne that we can go boldly to him and receive whatever it is we need perhaps you need healing today perhaps you need to break through today whatever it is you need let's go to god together let's go to him together and let's believe for your need to be met whatever it is heavenly father i thank you that you are the healer healing flows from your throne wisdom flows from your throne breakthroughs flow from your throne deliverance flows from your throne answers flow from your throne we thank you father that whatever it is that each person needs right now i thank you father that you will supply all their need according to your riches and glory by christ jesus to our lamb jesus the lamb upon the throne right now receive right where you're watching receive your healing just say i receive it receive your breakthrough receive your answer just we receive it by faith that means we believe we receive it before we see it we believe first before we even see it i believe it i receive it and i thank god for it for you in jesus name amen now let's get ready to honor our great king and our heavenly father give the honor for the honor is due and i got a word for you right after this hey life changers thank you for worshiping with us wasn't that an awesome worship time that we just had with the lord and now i get the privilege and the opportunity to talk about two of my favorite subjects which is tithing and giving i just love this about our heavenly father he gave us a way to store things in heaven where we know that they are absolutely secure you know it tells us in matthew chapter 6 verse 19 through 21 to not store our treasures here on earth where moth thieves can steal it and where rust can get to it but store it in a place where nothing can touch it and i'm going to tell you that's what i do with my tithe if you don't know what tithe is it's just ten percent of everything you make you give it to god god takes that ten percent man and he protects the ninety percent and then offerings is anything above that the part i love about offerings is that you always see a return on your money everybody wants to see a return under money but i'll tell you what the greatest return is the bible tells us to put our heart where our treasure is because our treasure is where our heart is and what more can you treasure than souls and when you treasure souls when you give to god what you're doing is that you're expanding and allowing this amazing ministry to reach other people and what it's happening that those souls they go to your credit so i encourage you that through your giving through giving your tithes and your offerings you know that you are a part of this ministry every soul that gets won every single soul through this ministry you're a part of that and i'll tell you what that makes me feel great because i know my money is going to a cause that's going to follow me not only for the rest of my life here but through eternity so i want to ask you now if you would partner with us in giving and partner with us in living because if you remember last time what i told you if you're not giving you're not living so let's go ahead and do that so i want to start you off with a prayer and we're going to go ahead and offer that up to god father thank you so much that we get this privilege and honor to give to you we get this privilege and honor to be a part of what this ministry is doing to reach the loss father god to completely fill your kingdom in heaven father god with every soul that comes our way thank you for the amazing love that they have always shown and i thank you that through our giving we're able to be part of that hey listen there's going to be on your screen you're going to see a code you can scan that code and that would actually lead you right to our website you can text to give you could mail it in if you'd like every which way that you can give we've got a way to make that happen for you and so uh we're just excited about what god's doing thank you for partnering with us i believe that god is going to give you back a hundred fold for what you sow into this ministry and right now we get the privilege and the honor to turn this over to our pastor who's going to bring us an amazing word pastor gregory dickow will be with you right now thanks again well thank you again for being a part of this special church family that we get to call home we get to call life changers and we get to say about each other we're family and really i began talking to you last week about children of freedom being children of freedom because we've been adopted by the father and our verse that we started out with was romans chapter 8 verse 15 and i want to pick up there because it's always been about family to god it's always been about family he is creating the greatest family that has ever existed and we get to be a part of that we are the sons and daughters we are the children of freedom because we're the children of god and he says here in romans chapter 8 verse 15 for you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons or as children as sons and daughters by which we cry out abba father one translation says by which we cry out father our father father our father such a beautiful verse you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you've received the spirit of adoption of children by whom we cry father our father and i want you to hear this the spirit of adoption is what delivers us from the spirit of fear the spirit of adoption is what delivers us from the spirit of rejection the spirit of adoption is what delivers us from the spirit of bondage to fear to rejection to insecurity to inferiority even to anger which is the fruit of fear you see when you realize you've been adopted when you realize you're a part of the royal family of god it liberates you from life rejecting you when you get rejected by life it doesn't hurt you it doesn't affect you it doesn't it doesn't penetrate your heart or your soul because your shield of faith in god being your father is more powerful than all the fiery darts of inferiority that come against us all the fiery darts of rejection all the fiery darts of insecurity all the fiery darts that the devil tries to throw our way the shield of faith is the shield of god's faithfulness trusting that our father will always be faithful to us and i want to talk about the what it means to be children of freedom and i want to talk about how to live fearlessly because children of freedom children of freedom leave live fearlessly children of freedom live fearlessly and i want to show you a couple verses that will help you to understand this because fear is and as i said all fear is rooted in the fear of rejection and you can't put a price tag on fearless living and today you're going to experience fearless living and the only thing that fear does in our lives is it paralyzes us it stops our progress satan loves to stop your progress through fear stop you living boldly because of fear and where does fear come from the fear that we're going to be rejected or the fear that we're going to be judged and we already know that god will never reject us and god will never judge us as the world will be judged because we've accepted jesus christ as savior and lord and we talked about judgment for several weeks so we can live fearlessly in the face of the world's rejection the world's comparison traps the world's worries and fears and anxieties how to truly live fearlessly is what i want you to get out of this and how to truly live as children of freedom and remember that fear is the path to bad decisions fear is always the path to the dark side like yoda said remember he said fear is the path to the dark side fear leads to anger anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering yoda said it's a great quote i love it fear hinders us from becoming the people that god intended for us to be so children of freedom we can live freely fearlessly we can live free from fear without fear dominating us without the bondage of rejection and anger and insecurity inferiority and crippling anxiety you know you can live this way totally fearlessly first john 4 16 says and we have come to know it and believe the love which god has for us for god is love and the one who abides in love abides in god and god abides in him notice what he says there we have come to know and have believed the love which god has for us knowing it and believing it knowing god's love that he has for us and believing god's love that he has for us delivers us from fear verse 17 goes on to say from the literal standard version in this love has been perfected with us that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because even as he is so are we in this world verse 18 goes on to say and i like this in the new living translation he says such love has no fear such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear if we are afraid it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love it's not about you loving more that delivers you from fear but it's believing and experiencing his perfect love for you that delivers you from fear his love is perfect because it never ends his love is perfect because it's unconditional his love is perfect because it matures you his love is perfect because it's complete in christ his love is perfect because it's demonstrated with action his love is perfect because it makes you whole his love is perfect because it never ends his love is perfect because it's unconditional it's unstoppable and it will heal you everywhere you're hurting and everywhere you're suffering and everywhere there's fear and everywhere there's pain his perfect love casts it out expels all fear i love that verse i love it in the aramaic bible in plain english there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear is by suspicion but he who fears has not grown up in love what are we doing in this life we're here to grow up in love we're here to grow up in the love of god we're here to this is what grows us up this is what matures us is the love that god has for us this is what empowers us to be able to to free others and to see others set free and to reach others with the gospel now there's several points that i want to make about what how children of freedom live we're children of freedom remember because in galatians chapter 4 verse 6 but because you are children god has sent the spirit of his son into your hearts i want you to see this galatians 4 6 because you are children his children god's children god has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts where we cry father our father or abba father verse 7 now you are no longer a slave say that now i am no longer a slave but i am god's own child i love how he says it in the new living translation now say that out loud say now i am no longer a slave we're just speaking this verse is what activates the power of this verse speaking it out loud i want you to say that say now i am no longer a slave but i'm god's own child and since i'm his child god has made me his heir his heir to the promises his heir to the inheritance and verse 7 says in the ce version i love this as well you are no longer slaves sang about that last sunday we're living it out this sunday you are no longer slaves you are god's children and you will not be given and you will be given what he has promised you are no longer slaves you are god's children and you will be given what he has promised and so that's why i want to talk and continue to talk about what it means to be children of freedom it means number one children of freedom live fearlessly number two write these down this will change your life and i'll go through them relatively quickly number one children of freedom live fearlessly we live fearlessly we know we're accepted we know we're loved we know we're chosen so we can live without fear we know god will never reject us psalm 94 verse 14 says the lord will not reject his people he will not abandon his special possession we can be free from the fear of rejection abandonment or just being average he said we're his special possession it's beautiful number one children of freedom live fearlessly number two children of freedom ask boldly i want you to think about this this is who you are children of freedom live fearlessly number two children of freedom ask boldly we get to ask boldly not just asking for anything but asking boldly according to his promises there's seven thousand of them we can go and ask boldly i love what hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 says therefore that we can come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in our time of need i love what he says in first john 5 verse 14. listen to this watch this first john 5 14. he says and this is the confidence that we have before him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we've asked of him he said this is the confidence this is the confidence that we can ask boldly watch this ephesians 3 20. passion translation watch this never doubt god's mighty power to work in you and to accomplish all this he will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request your most unbelievable dream and exceed your wildest imagination he will out do them all for his miraculous power constantly energizes you boy this is why you should ask boldly this is why we should ask big this is why we should ask without condition we should ask without limits we should ask without worry without fear that somehow god's going to be mad because we're asking for too much nothing could be too much when the god of the god of love who calls us his children says he will do infinitely beyond all that we can ask or think what does it say he'll do exceeding abundantly above and beyond it's you think god's trying to get a message to us think of all the adjectives that he's using to describe this to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think and in this translation it says he'll he'll he'll accomplish it all he will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request your most unbelievable dream and exceed your wildest imagination so you know what here's what i here's what i take from that let's have some great requests let's make some great requests to god like our whole family salvation like our whole family's healing like the blessing of god upon all the loved ones that you have like we can ask for anything we can request big he said he said he will infinitely achieve more than your greatest request your most unbelievable dream and exceed your wildest imagination so we we need to have some unbelievable dreams we need to have start with some believable ones man just ask start asking for that start dreaming bigger than you did yesterday and keep dreaming bigger and keep believing bigger and keep imagining better because that's how god does things it gets better and better all the time this is how children of freedom live children of freedom live fearlessly children of freedom ask boldly that's what children of freedom do that's how children of freedom live this is you and me we're these children of freedom and we get to ask boldly above and beyond infinitely beyond wow i love these thoughts that god gives us he will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request your most unbelievable dream and your wildest imagination reimagining the church is one of my dreams reimagining that the church can really be love that the church can really experience revival that the church can really reach the hurting rather than shame the hurting that the church can become a family to anyone and everyone who wants to get adopted by god because all are welcome everybody no matter what you've been through you come through those doors with whatever life that was dealt to you and you will be transformed by the love of god and the goodness of god and the power of god let's ask boldly let's ask boldly let's ask for god to deliver us from all anxiety let's ask god to meet all of our needs and our family's needs according to his riches and glory like let's ask boldly you want your if your life is boring ask god for a wildly a wildly above and beyond life that you could have never imagined ask god for some adventure he'll give it to you it might not be what you thought it was going to be but it'll be better than anything you could come up with god will do infinitely beyond all that you can ask or think so ask boldly this is how children of freedom live number one children of freedom live fearlessly number two children of freedom ask boldly number three children of freedom receive freely children of freedom receive freely why do we receive freely why do we live fearlessly we live fearlessly because perfect love casts out fear how can we ask boldly because we know who we're asking how can we receive freely because we know who has promised receive freely john 16 23 jesus says and in that day you will ask me nothing truly i say to you if you ask the father for anything in my name he will give it to you he will give it to you truly i truly truly if one as if one truly wasn't enough coming from the mouth of jesus one truly would have been enough but he gives us two truly truly truly verily verily for by king jimmy fans out there verily verily i say to you if you ask the father for anything in my name he will give it to you whoo until now he says you've asked for nothing in my name ask and you will receive stop right there for a second ask and you will receive children of freedom receive freely children of freedom receive freely because they know the one who has promised children of freedom receive freely number three number four we're getting through these now these are fun this is gonna set you up for victory all the days of your life number four children of freedom walk joyfully because they know who's listening they walk joyfully because they know who's listening children of freedom live fearlessly because perfect love casts out fear children of freedom ask boldly because they know who they're praying to children of freedom receive freely because they know who made the promise and children of freedom walk joyfully because they know who's listening look at verse 24 again in john 16. it's right in the same verse as receiving freely he says in verse 24 until now you've asked for nothing in my name ask and you will receive watch this up until now you've asked for nothing in my name ask jesus says to us until now you've asked for nothing in mind ask and you will receive so that your joy may be made full you see where joy comes from it doesn't come from just some spiritual feeling it's not just some spiritual feeling that some people have jesus said joy comes from knowing that when we ask the father in his name he wants us to receive ask and you will receive so your joy may be made full like i don't know if if if too many christians actually believe this verse because either they're not asking and receiving so their joy isn't full or they're not asking at all and so their joy isn't made full or they don't actually believe that our joy being made full was god's idea this is jesus idea no preacher made this up we we're not that smart we're not smart enough but listen he said ask and you will receive so that your joy will be made full so your joy will be made full i think there's another place in scripture where it says i say these things unto you so that your joy would be made full there's there's other places the bible talks about jesus promises that we can live in joy i say these things to you that your joy may be made full i think he says it in john chapter 15 john 16 4 i've spoken to you so that when the hour comes he said you that you remember that i told you these things i did not say to you at the beginning because i was with you that's just a bonus verse it doesn't have anything to do with anything i'm saying but here's the here's the great news the bible says that if we ask in his name we can receive and our joy will be made full wow i love that promise we can walk joyfully you know god doesn't want you to live without joy joy is the fruit of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is love and then joy the first thing that comes as a result of god's love is joy the thing that makes us the happiest in life is love love makes us most happy and most joyful and god loves us with making us his children he loves us by making us his kids making us children of freedom and children of freedom can ask look at what he says again in verse 24 children of freedom can ask and receive that our joy will be made full this is god's idea for you to be happy this is god's idea for you to have joy i know a lot of christians squabble over there's a difference between happiness and joy joy is from the lord and happiness is based on circumstances they're the same thing to me and they're they're mentioned in scripture just about the same amount if not more happy there's more verses about happiness in the bible maybe than there are even about joy but it's this it's happiness it doesn't have to be based on circumstances the bible says happy is the man that does not condemn himself happy is the man that knows his sins are forgiven happy is the man who's who's god is the lord like there are a lot of places in scripture that the bible talks about that make us happy that's god's idea but here we can walk children of freedom walk joyfully we're not walking in depression we have a heavenly father we're not walking in anxiety we have a heavenly father we're not walking in fear we have a heavenly father we're not walking condemned we have a heavenly father we're not walking afraid we have a heavenly father we're not walking without certainty and assurance that we're going to heaven because our father in heaven is waiting for us there somebody's got to shout amen or something out there and let me know shout amen to me right now by typing it in in bold i want to hear from you come on online family this is the greatest thing we could ever have is be children of god and i call it children of freedom we're the sons and daughters of god and therefore we live fearlessly we're the sons and daughters of god therefore we can ask boldly we're the sons and daughters of god therefore we can receive freely we're the sons and daughters of god therefore we can live and move and walk joyfully love the promises of god number five kind of ties it back to the first one earlier but there's the second one but number five children of freedom behave confidently we behave confidently not arrogantly arrogance is when you think that you're better than somebody else because of something when really we're all equal in christ no matter who we are no matter where we're from no matter what we've been through we're all joint heirs we're family you know in a healthy family the the kids celebrate each other in a healthy family the spouses celebrate each other they enjoy each other they are happy when each other succeed in a healthy family all the children are happy for other for each other when they succeed they're not jealous because we're family why would we be jealous of our brother or sister being blessed because we know we have the same father that they have we can live and behave confidently this is what children of freedom do we behave confidently we're not insecure we're not inferior we don't live in inferiority we don't have to live with that complex anymore we don't live in with insecurity we don't have to live with that complex anymore we can have boldness we can have confidence because we know where to go when we're worried we know where to go when we're afraid we know where to go when we have a need back to hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 let us therefore come boldly i like what i think is in the new american standard he said let us therefore come with confidence to the throne of grace let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace we sang about that throne today it's the throne of grace and the lamb is upon the throne aren't you glad that it's not a throne of judgment it's a throne of grace it's not a throne of punishment it's a throne of grace it's not a throne of the wrath of god it's the throne of grace and we can receive mercy every time and find grace to help i just want to be clear about this when can we go with confidence to the throne of grace when can we receive mercy and find grace to help us oh it's found in those last four words of the verse in time of need so if you have a financial need that's the time of need go to the throne of grace with confidence you have an emotional need you have a need go to the throne of grace with confidence you have a physical need you have a need it's a time of need go with confidence to the throne of grace you have a relationship need it's a need god promises help in time and need go confidently to the throne of grace we can behave confidently in our lives we can relate to god confidently in our lives because we know the blood of jesus gives us confidence to go before our god stand in his presence without fear without condemnation without guilt without shame i love what he says in hebrews 10 19 we can come to the holy place by the blood of jesus we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of jesus we don't have confidence to enter the holy place because of our holiness we have confidence to enter the holy place because of the holiness of the blood of jesus we have his holiness the blood of jesus the blood of jesus gives us confidence to go boldly to the holy place to the throne of grace to the holy place i love we get to go to the throne of grace we get to go to the holy place we get to go and seek his face and what a day that's going to be when we see his face without this earthly limitation that limits us now still can go to him anytime boldly anytime to the holy place any time to the throne of grace let's go and meet his beautiful face number six children of freedom number one live fearlessly children of freedom number two ask boldly children of freedom number three receive freely children of freedom number four walk joyfully children of freedom number five behave confidently children of freedom number six children of freedom get up quickly when they've fallen because they know who they are they're the righteousness of god children of freedom get up quickly when they fall children of freedom get up quickly when they fall we all fall but children of freedom we get up quickly we're not staying down we're not going to beat ourselves up we're not going to beat other people up we're not going to blame god we're not going to be mad at god we're not going to quit we're not going to give up because we're children of freedom and we have the freedom to get up quickly when we fall look at what he says in proverbs chapter 24 verse 16. it says a righteous man falls seven times but he rises again another translation says a righteous man falls but he gets up again he rises again it doesn't matter how many times he's using the name the word seven he's using the number seven because seven speaks of the number of perfection and if you gotta fall seven times he's like look you can fall seven times and rise again get up again why are we righteous by the way this means you're going to keep getting up until you're mature and when you fall if you're still if you still fall when you when you mature you can get up again because you're not fully matured yet none of us are at perfection yet none of us are fully matured yet so we're still falling sometimes but the righteous look at this in the i think the new american standard wherever it is a righteous man well who's the righteous man the bible says through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness we reign in life the bible says in second corinthians chapter 5 21 he became sin for us that we would become the righteousness of god in him it's not talking about a righteous man that never does anything wrong he's talking about a righteous man falling so clearly he's not a righteous man because he never does anything wrong otherwise he wouldn't have fallen think about that in proverbs 24 16 a righteous man falls a righteous man falls so obviously he's talking about a righteous man that is not still standing up he's fallen in some way so he's not talking about people who never do anything wrong that's not what righteousness means it means when you know that you're the righteousness of god in christ you can keep getting up when you fall but get up quickly he said we get up quickly we get up fast because we're not living in condemnation we're not living in guilt we're not being defined by our fall we're not being defined by our mistakes we're not being defined by our failures because the righteous man gets up because children of freedom get up quickly children of freedom rise up quickly yeah that's you that's me number number seven children of freedom choose wisely children of freedom choose wisely because they know that god is smarter and we have the mind of christ we can choose wisely not because we're afraid of what god will do to us if we choose foolishly or if we choose unwisely we're not choosing wisely because we're afraid of what might happen to us god will never stop loving us he'll never leave us or forsake us but we get to choose wisely because we know a better way god's way is a better way we know how to choose wisely because the bible says in first corinthians 2 16 we have the mind of christ we have the mind of christ we've not been given the spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind to make right choice to make wise choices so let me go through these again for you real quick children of freedom live fearlessly number one number two children of freedom ask boldly they live fearlessly because perfect love casts out fear we have the perfect love that god has towards us number two children of freedom ask boldly because they know who they're praying to number three children of freedom receive freely because they know who promised number four children of freedom walk joyfully because they know who's listening number five children of freedom behave confidently because they know where to go when they have a need number six children of freedom get up quickly because they know they're the righteousness of god in christ and number seven children of freedom choose wisely because they know they have the mind of christ and they have the power to make wise decisions well you're a child of freedom say that out loud i'm a child of freedom say that right where you are i say i'm a son or daughter of freedom i live fearlessly say that i live i ask boldly say that i ask boldly i receive freely declare that i receive freely come on everybody say it i receive freely number four i walk joyfully say that i walk joyfully i behave confidently say that i behave confidently i get up quickly say i get up quickly and i choose wisely say that i choose wisely wow that's you that's me that's us that's what god always intended we're part of his family we're the sons and daughters of freedom sons and daughters of freedom yeah now if you're not a son or daughter of god yet you can be you're one word away his name is jesus he died for your sins he rose from the dead all you got to do is just pray and receive him today maybe you need this for a loved one maybe you have a loved one that needs to be saved believe with me for them right now believe for our loved ones believe for those that are watching that aren't saved believe for the harvest of souls it's the greatest thing in this world we could ever do is win people to jesus because there is a heaven and there is a hell and jesus has made a way for us to escape the punishment and the judgment of our sin and to be able to spend eternity with our heavenly father who's waiting for us pray this out loud just say this heavenly father right where you're watching i believe jesus died for my sins pray that i believe jesus died for my sins i believe he rose from the dead i believe the blood of jesus say that i believe the blood of jesus cleanses me from all my sin and from this moment forward i'm a child of god say that from this moment forward i'm a child of god and say that from this moment everybody say that i'm a child of freedom i'm a child of god and i'm a child of freedom can you say that today hallelujah congratulations you are children of freedom and so am i and we're in this together because we are family i got my brothers and my sisters with me come on sister sledge love you guys thanks for connecting with us today and i can't wait to see on moments on wednesday and bring a friend with you on sunday online or in person love you guys god bless well hey thank you guys so much for joining us today what incredible word from pastor what incredible worship experience just the whole thing was amazing so thank you for taking time out of your day to be a part of this service with us um but hey let's say you missed the first few minutes maybe you came in a little late i've done it before um you can go to the youtube channel life changers or gregory dick out and you can watch the whole service there so if you want to re-watch it or you miss some things it's all there for totally and if you want to maybe take this into your week if you're into podcasts you can listen anytime in your car while you're driving or at work um it's always there check out the gregory dick podcast uh yeah it's awesome way to just be encouraged throughout the week so yeah and again if you're interested in maybe volunteering um joining a team make sure to check out there's plenty of ways that you can get involved so we'd love to have you and yeah thank you so much for joining us today seriously you guys are the best we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Life Changers International Church
Views: 1,210
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: life changers church, life changers international church, gregory dickow, Easter, easter service, easter 2021, easter live, easter church service, live easter services online, live easter, easter livestream, church easter service, live easter service, easter live 2021, live easter service 2021, resurrection sunday service, resurrection songs for easter, resurrection sunday live, watch easter online, watch easter service online, watch resurrection sunday
Id: wxNYId-reco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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