Mom Warns Other About Dangers of Swimming In Quarries After Son Died

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it's a great American summer pastime teams jumping into the inviting waters of a quarry thousands of quarries exist across the USA in the 1979 movie Breaking Away it was the local hangout this quarry whole is mine that way in Adam Sandler's grown-ups to shiva chigan you gonna make his jump but there's something important you need to know about quarries they can be death traps this is 19 year old Jonathan bash jumping into Martin's Creek quarry in Pennsylvania he looked like he was having a great time but then tragedy struck John decided he wanted to swim across the water within five minutes they said Jonathan screamed for help and he came up three times and he went back down John's mom Sally still can't believe her son is gone she's kept his room exactly as it was on the day he died the year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks the shirt he was wearing when he went down then Sally found out that her son was the second young man to die in the quarry that year something was very wrong she decided now she's on a crusade to tell the world about the dangers of swimming in quarries at this quarry in Wisconsin most people associate quarry dangers with this jumping into water from a high position scenes like this are all over YouTube but there's also the danger of what lies beneath debris like abandoned construction equipment that's a bulldozer we found other dangers at this quarry in New Jersey where the water can go from 2 feet deep to 60 feet deep with no warning inside addition producer Alicia powers got a demonstration the quarry is so dangerous she had to be attached to safety equipment all right are you sure you're gonna be able to get me out look she's in water up to her waist then the big drop there's also the extreme temperatures to consider quarry water can't get too cold just below the warm surface you were on the surface on a 95 degree day in the Sun and within seconds you're now in 45 degree water then there's this most quarries are in remote locations so you may not get speedy assistance to find yourself in an emergency so while it looks like fun and a great way to be beat twice before you you
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 20,506,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quarry polution, quarry junk, tragic death, screaming for help, dangers of swimming, swimming dangers, summer passtime, drowning, pennsylvania, Death, breaking away, swim, anniversary, martin's creek quarry, swmming in a quarry, jonathan baksh, death traps, quarry death, inside_edition, quarry water temperature, scream, quarry diving, summer, alicia powers, quarries
Id: mupBATAz5mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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