Most Heart-Stopping Moments of 2023

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these are the most heart-stopping moments from 2023 in October a 7-year-old came face to face with the black bear while riding his scooter the bear approached the boy without panicking the boy stared the animal down until the bear stopped in his tracks then out of nowhere a neighbor appeared with his arms raised he fearlessly approached the animal and engaged the Bear in a game of Hide and Seek the neighbor pursued the bear from behind the car until the animal finally got spooked and ran away how so quiet in here how did I Alexi rays and Nathan Reeves from Houston Texas were lucky to safely walk away from this crash they caught on tape in March yeah we're chill everyone holy oh my God what the just happened D how I in May it was absolute Terri error when a passenger opened an airplane door mid-flight 194 passengers were on board the plane was 600 ft off the ground minutes from Landing in South Korea when it happened Les Trent explains Witnesses say the passenger was sitting next to the emergency door he apparently showed no signs that anything was wrong when he suddenly removed a plastic cover pulled a lever and the door slid open afterwards nine people were treated at the hospital for breathing difficulties I said I see him I see him in July Heroes raced to save a man who' just fallen off the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit Michigan to Canada Spencer Baker fell 150 ft into the Detroit River a family nearby saw it all happen and went looking for help you see somebody yeah he right there somebody just Bridge he was working on the bridge we heard really loud banging on our side door and people yelling that somebody had fallen from the bridge they were pointing to help us they're like there he is there there he is I see him get him get him get him right there they got him they got him he really wasn't swimming he was just bobbing in the river and he had no life jacket and once we got him out we put a blanket on him and just reassured him he just kept asking why was he wet and and what happened to him over and over again I said you fell off a bridge yeah he's breathing I remember falling and I was just thinking that this is it man my life's over I'm never going to get to see my daughter again the people that really deserve the credit were those folks in the park that saw him fall and and did something these friends were enjoying the Fourth of July when a truck pulled up and someone threw a firework directly at them it blew up the first time and then it did that big spark at the very end which of course scared all of us once I got a clear sight of this large firework I had about a split second before it popped off and then truly blew up this woman grabbed her leg after getting burnt you okay hey you okay I went and helped with the kids that were there make sure that they were okay in March a New Jersey house exploded with six firefighters inside the house literally lifted off the foundation and came back down it was like The Wizard of Oz miraculously all six of the firefighters survived where you guys at where's the baby where you guys at in June officers saved the day when a little girl was unresponsive after falling into a swimming pool come on come on they searched for signs of life and patted her back there you go come on come on come on there you go baby come on baby I got to beat she's her heartbe after 40 seconds Medics took over we were just seconds away from where the call was at right place right time come on baby in February this this car went Airborne on a Georgia Highway as police responded to an accident they witnessed a wild crash on the other side of the road a car slammed into the back of a tow truck and flew through the [Applause] air it soared about 120 ft before hitting another car when it landed the 21-year-old driver survived but had severe injuries in March a teenager was spotted driving over 100 mph before this frightening crash police in England say the 19-year-old Joy Ride could have taken lives the driver swerved dangerously between lanes as police pursued his vehicle a swerve at the wrong time sent the car slamming into a 29 ton truck fortunately the truck driver and the police officer only had minor injuries the 19-year-old was in a coma for 4 days following the Collision in April ail a school bus driver began feeling faint she fanned herself with her hat then called Headquarters I'm feeling really busy I have to pull over before she could pull over she lost Consciousness that's when the seventh grader Dylan Reeves jumped into action he ran forward grabbed the wheel and stomped the bus with 60 students someone call 9111 in January a pickup truck crashed into the lobby of a police station in Colorado surveillance video showed the silver Chevrolet Silverado driving to the front of the police station and then plowing through shattering glass and sending debris everywhere an officer held out his gun pointing it at the driver he stepped out of the truck with his arms up and was ordered to the ground then police swarmed and arrested him in February a puppy leaped out of a moving car on a busy Los Angeles freeway right into speeding traffic Jim morray explains the dog's owner says Sophie was in the front seat of his Tesla when he rolled down the window to let in some air that's when he says the dog suddenly leaped out of the car Sophie's owner Ryan Kramer and his family pulled over to the side of the road the camera on their Tesla recorded them as they looked for her then they returned to their car carrying Sophie I see her on the side and unfortunately a gentleman behind me had stopped also and put on his blinkers and kind of slowed down traffic Sophie suffered a fractured hip from her jump but was otherwise a okay oh my God in March Fierce wind blasted this apartment building then suddenly a couch is through a couch it almost hit that guy right there the couch flew off a balcony of another building and it landed right on the San Francisco street when I saw fall to the floor there's a guy standing I don't know 10 ft away or 15 ft away maybe um that that became really surreal in January this couple ran for their lives as an intense tornado Tado whipped around them they didn't know whether to stay or seek shelter outside their RV baby come on come they decided it was too dangerous inside their vehicle the woman grabbed their two dogs and ran right into the tornado and into a watery ditch Ali Chapman posted after the disaster as you can see we're safe we're standing we're good oh my gosh in February a witness took down a flee drunk driver you kill somebody the suspect had just blown through a red light in a Dallas suburb slamming headon into a family of four stay right there you see what you did the driver was killed and his wife and their two sons were badly injured there's a car accident a Jeep out into an Impala several other Good Samaritans came to the rescue in June a guy hiking on a narrow Trail in Oregon heard a faint cry for help in the distance he raced toward the sound and found a young woman holding on to her mom who had just slipped down the trail oh thank you sorry I I got her by the foot he grabbed her other foot Mom it's going to be okay mom was willing to sacrifice herself fearing she would pull her daughter over the edge no you're not going anywhere we got you you got to hold on both feet I can I only have one arm okay I'm sorry Mom oh I'm pulling you up I'm sorry I'm pulling you up Mom let him help let your feet go down let let your feet go down I am give me your other arm thank you I'm going to try to get under your armpit here ready I'm going to give you a big hoist here one two three oh my God it was a dire situation by the time I got to her I mean her daughter having one arm was definitely at a disadvantage to hang on to her but she did an awesome job I was definitely in the right place the right time in April Tyler Morel was delivering a large pepperoni pizza to a customer when a speeding car suddenly skidded onto a lawn across the street oh so then I hear the Screech and that's what catches my attention the suspected car thief tried to make a run for it that's when Tyler made a split-second decision I was on the sidewalk so right here I hit him right and he goes flying probably the coolest thing I've ever done in my life in October M gunman got a nasty surprise from a Seattle homeowner they pushed against the door and tried to kick it in but they weren't prepared for what happened when the door gave way one Invader hits the deck as the homeowner fires through the outer glass door all three suspects take off running in February two powerful earthquakes struck turkey in Syria this reporter was doing a live shot when a strong Aftershock hit he fled with everyone and when the cameraman turned around you could see what a close call it was then the reporter ran back to help a family emerging from the debris he grabbed a child in his arms and tried to comfort her this is Inside Edition digital
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 4,055,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ie offbeat, offbeat, Texas, south korea, michigan, canada, oregon, europe, Inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie animal kingdom, travel, airplane, texas, heart stopping, bridge, podcast, black bear, turkey, syria, earthquake, accident, crash, animal encounter
Id: l6lXgiabiY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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