Filthy Rich Arab Wants to Date Your Daughter

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Scuse me what do you want with my daughter? Like before I touch za papaya fruit I want to get your blessing. you understand? EXCUSE ME? I I already saved you a seat on ze private jet. I rilly- Did Did Jenny tell you she's Uh, yeah. hello, Milly. Who am I speaking with? Uh Uh th- Uh-uh th- Zis is Abdo Kaboubie. I ackshually I - I got yeur your information. I, I uhhhh I met your daughter a little while agoe and I wanted to invite you to come to my kebab shop Kebab shop.. Where is it at? Uh it's it's here in in Torunto. I just opened it up in the in ze new shobbing center Sooo where is- Tell me where your shop is Uhh yeah- Would you like me to make you a reservation? reservation? I will Habitbe ze whole store. It's on EHHH uh *** STREET *** Street... w- yeah Give me the address and I'll let you know and I'll talk to my daughter And then you know I'll let you know. Okey. Byutiful. You know what? I'm going to send you a byoutiful invitashun wiz uh- a wiz a $200 voucher © So zat's where you can go sit dowen and enjoy yourself Uh and and le- let me I I will Let me talk to Jenny and then I will see if she's willing to Maybe we can, uh Maybe we can eh uh and come to visit you, OK? okey? I know she's not too far away right? No no no. If you're on *** Street in Toronto... you can't fly a new jet to come to see me. Yeh yeh but my store uh uhhgh habibti basically I have a kebab shop oaround uhhuh Canada I have 15 locations in America locations and tell me give me the and I have five locations in Dubai GIVE ME THE ADDRESS Give me the address and we'll come if you said it's on *** Street. What's the address on *** Street? Yeh. Okee but will you come wiz her or or wizzout her? Because I would love to to brhg- Uh cuz if we could all togotogezer to Habi- I will come with her. I WILL COME WITH HER Eggcellent becuz I What's my What's my daughter's name? Uhh Uhhhhh JENNY Jenny... Yeah. Roight. Roight. So I I just wanted to reach out ah and and git to know you bettehr to say hello and I would to say hellu and I would love to send you First I have I have to speak to my daughter because I know my daughter is not... the type of person... It's- In my country it's traditional to call and and talk to the muzzer first right, to say like ah, you kno BEFORE THE SHAWARMA I don't understand. I don't My daughter is not like that so I don't know.. Yeyeah. I I I Just, you know before I put the lamb on the skewer wanted to talk to you about it first. I wanted to talk to you about it first. Scuse me WHAT- What do you want with my daughter? I - I want to ask You know... How - how do you say? Like before I touch I want to get your blessing. You understand? Wait a minute. MY DAUGHTER? Yeh yeh uh JENNY I don't understand Tha- This- This is not This is not like my daughter AT ALL. Dyh- I I just want her to uhghg be able to grab my and help around in the shop. I I I just want to basically- Yeah yeeahhh begaau My d Mai da My daugr EXCUSE ME? Well.. I I uh sorry if it sounds like uh too strong but reely I- I I feel like in this last uhhhg dese last uhh you knowwuh week a- week and a half w w we and she's so sweet. She's so smart. So how ummmm How long have you been talking to her? Uhhh We We we've been talking now for ONE TWO UH 11 DAYS so far So wae wait a minute. Which country are you from? but I was working in Dubai. HMMM. I will talk to my daughter. Uhh Uh My name is Abdo Kaboubie and and ze reason why I open sho many kebab shop is because my last name is Campbell be, because my last name is KABOUB-IE C CE CED CEDO I don't uhhhh Abdu Cedobi Kebab shop is in *** Street? Yeah yeah right Roight. So it's it's on it's on *** Street. We actually just bought anuzzer location. location. It was uhhh I believe it was Indian but we bought it because it has a kitchen, but we bought it because it has a kitchen, it has alza supplies It’s uhh on *** Street now so we we’re ze new owners Yeh but what's the addr- What's the- What's the address on *** Street? Yeah it's it's uh But ughhhhh But But But make sure you youuu uhh wait becauzyh and I want to make sure you get ze voucher. $ voucher $ So if you come maybe uh a Freiday or Munday of next week it will be beautiful and we'll have ze Hmm.. Okay I'll I'll I'll talk to my daughter. Okey. Okae. UHH Uh sank y- Sank you so much and I hope you have a a blessed day oke habibti sank you so much. Okay... Yeah. Uh And And And I can't wait to finally meet her and her by by a fruit. really it's been on my mind since the whole week. uhh ze whole week. Okee Alright Okay. she explained her mom perfectly. Let's hurry up and call Jenny right now before her mom does because she needs to record the conversation stat. before her mom does because needs to record the conversation stat. she needs to record the conversation Wait who who's Is this the mom calling? 416 THAT’S HER? Oh my God. Okay -I gotta pick up- I gotta pick up. All right. Ha Halloo? Helloo? OH MY GOD- SHE WAS JUST TESTING THE NUMBER *gasp* The mom just called me back just to gauge and test the number. to gauge and test the number. Okay, so... her mom called me back and then hung up the second I pick up pretty much to just confirm if my number’s real or not. I tried calling her back two times voicemail twice. So... in a bit we're going to call back and hopefully wrap this up HILARIOUSLY because I can tell that her mom is a character. Hello? Hello I am so excited. Honestly I'm I'm very happy to hear you're, like described, the way you described your mom was seriously Like just EXACTLY what you said Like the second she heard my voice second you heard my voice Like the second she heard my voice second you heard my voice and started realizing that I was a Middle Eastern guy. a Middle Eastern guy. She was just asking like 21 questions I think those ideas are BRILLIANT because it's like Heheh God... I love that you're down to pull off this like silly prank with your mom it’s going to be Hello? THIS GUY CALLED ME.. He said his name is... ABOO KADOBI OH Abdo yeah yeah I've been talking to him on umm on on Plenty of Fish. Remember when I I opened up my Plenty of Fish accounts like a couple of weeks ago? account like a couple weeks ago? Yeah... It's like a dating website. It's one of Its one of the more you know like common... dating websites..? And so, you know, I was you know.. YOU KNOW sending some mes- and he seems HE SEEMS you know we were talking you know... for a while and I and I thought, y’know Like you like HE’S EGYPTIAN AND he has a very Egyptian accent- Did you talk to him- like TALK? Ihg- Uhm.. no.. I haven't talked to him on the phone before. Okee so he does NOT SPEAK ENGLISH VERY WELL Y- Why? Like did you get like a bad vibe? Cuz he seems pretty nice in messages? in the messages.. Yeah, He seems pretty nice in his messages for But he’s ehh FOR ME... like that fromuhhh from Egypt and he he said Hewasbornin Egypt he grew up in Cairo What-? BEFORE HE TOUCH THE FISH HE WANTS TO.... He wants to he wants my approvalll THEY TAKE GIRLS AND TO THOSE PLACES as as ummm TALIBAN WIVES Ohhh EI I don't tr- I do not trust him AT ALL What does he look like? Yeah he well I don't like like he had like on his likemm one or two pictures but he looked you know like pretty you know FIT.. Does he look more um, UM TALIBANISH? like dose kind of Middle Eastern? No He looked you know like like a normal... like a normal guy. Like he didn't have you know like like the or anything he just looked He’s from Egypt. He He He lives in the States and he come here. THAT’S HOW THEY TRAFFIC PEOPLE Yeah I heard about stuff like that. Hello? YEUH HELLO MILLY good goo- I think it’s a bad idea for Jenny to go out with you. Well uhhh How can I.... just try to show you that I'm a You know, just gjvd- Where do you live? Do you live in Toronto? Uyh yah well I I've been traveling back and forths remember I I told you about ze ehh I opened it? And how long, how long are you staying in Toronto for? for? Will be uhh I beez here for at least uyhhhh two months just trying to get zis off ze ground and then we might have to fly back for the wedding. zen uhh we might have to fly back for ze wedding That's it. No NO. Well I I should UH- UH I would not allow that. I WOULD NOT ALLOW THAT I I showed her a picture of my beloved toys and she seems very interested. baradise and she sheems very interested. What is the BRADICE? Sorry my Inglish My baradise Like you know LIKEEEE eeeEEEE euhh zis uh island is isn't this a a wurd? Oh my God. Yeah. but but y- you you know how Richard Branson has like a island? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like the Arab I I have island too. Oh my God I don't think that's a good idea at all for my daughter. no.. Uh I am happy to invite you to my baradise too NO no. I think you should just leave her alone. Okee well I-I’m I'm trying to offer her uh She LOVES working. She loves her job. and I understand that a lot of these things just you know, you people just take MAKE THEM THEIR SLAVE and all that kind of thing. I don't want that for Jenny. I I already saved you a seat ukay? I I reely I I saved you a seat It It I'm gonna yeur name on on ze back seat saying Please don't don't DON’T Ehbecuz I will NOT be going. W- We have such a byutiful femily. zat will love to meet her. OH Look look look Zere is enuff habibti WH- WH- WHAT- Uh UH You know what? Just LEAVE my daughter alone. Please JUST LEAVE HER ALONE... She doesn't need somebody who have three wives already. have three wives already. Well Uhh Oh I can I can already tell she will be my favorete. She’s ze yungest right, so she will be my favorite She gu- And then what happens as she get older you're gonna find another favorite. You're gonna find another favorite Well Did Did Did Jenny tell you she's PREGNANT? Uh Uh SCUSE ME? No but- like euh she uhhhh In In my country you know when when a-after you know you should get married. Like yu want to, you kno uhhhhh What? Well she she told you right? NO NO.. Um Well THIS IS CRAZY okay? This is so crazy. No no NO She- she's- Uh You know what? I can't if she is pregnant I can't do anything about this. I'm I'm going to turn your daughter into a princess. roight? like I’m gonna show her- SHE’S ALREADY SHE’S ALREADY SHE’S ALREADY SHE’S ALREADY MY PRINCESS O- yeah but she But yuy SHE’S ALREADY MY PRINCESS Forget it Listen my daughter... I've been singing it all night Just thinking about roig- ugh No Nope NOPE Well, y’know she tole me she she always dreamed about being a housewife with less less responsibilities Zat's why I sought zat maybe maybe.. would work. maybe it would work out NO No I know she's independent She's very independent I'm sorry but no. Please leave my daughter alone. Okay? GOODBYE Goodbye. Uhh Okey I I hope yueur yeur not upset wit me I I just wanted to reach out to you to - to s- Shuld I- Can I apologising? Can I apologising? I just thought that she needs a man to make her decisions for her. I just thought that she needs a man to make her decisions for her. I just thought that she needs a man to make her decisions for her. right? So that's why I'm calling to helping. Hel-? Heheh Hey Jennn! Uhh YEAH hello Millie. How are yu? IT’S JENNY’S NUMBER SHOWED UP Yeah yeah we're togezzer. we're togezzer. We're on ze jet. I just wanted to see if I just wanted to see if like I just want to give her a taste of my I just want to give her a taste of my MY BARADISE for two, shree days ARE YOU WITH HER? YEAH Yeah of course. Flight crew, please prepare for takeoff OH MY GOD WHERE IS SHE? Ww We were just sitting here and so comfortable. We're just sitting here and so comfortable. on the jet. on the jet. Uh, we're we're right now, and I wanted just to see and I wanted just to see like YEH YEAH we're just hanging out. Like I wuwoo I wanted to give her a taste of my paradise for 23 days. I wanted to give her a taste of my paradise for 23 days. I wanted to give her a taste of my paradise for 23 days. baradise for two, sree days. and zen let her decide for herself. and zen let her decide for herself. What do you sink? Do u want to come wiz us? I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK HOME Oh my Gaw.. Oh my goshhh. Why? Why? Why? Wha? Whoiy? But how can I make you comforetable? I do not wjsjhs THAT'S MY BIGGEST NIGHTMARE AND SHE KNOWS But yeu’re breaking my heart Like, what do you mean? what do you mean? Like uh uhhhh but what is your biggest nightmare? but what is your biggest nightmare? but what is your biggest nightmare? but what is your biggest nightmare? It's okee WHAT’S GOING ON WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW IS MY BIGGEST NIGHTMARE Her taking off like that with somebody someone I don't know she doesn't even know someone I don't know YOU DON’T EBEN KNOW HER She doesn't even know you. Jenny is NOT THAT KIND OF A She's level-headed. I don't think she would just take off with somebody like that. with somebody like that. SHE'S TOO SMART FOR THAT SHE’S A GENIUS but What did you do? Did you Nouh tsk NO I I We We were We been talking on facetime so much. and I sent her a few I sent her a few uh, bwuhhh and she sent me some Bictures and we Well I I have a car. come pick you up because h zey’re ready to leev s- zey’re ready to leev s- Zat's the jet. Zey turned on ze engine. Flight crew, please prepare for departure Oh my God. Oh uh UH look uh Ze Ze Ze STEWARDESS is about to tell us to our phones right? So zat's why I wanted to uh uh just tell you... uh y- Can I tell yu uhh... Can I tell yu uhh... uhh... I have to tell you somesing VERY IMBORTANT IT’S ZE MOST IMPORDANT IT'S ZE MOST IMBORTANT uHH LISTEN ZIS WHOEL SING IT’S JUST Uh It initially set up by Jenny... None of this is actually true. I wanted to tell you I wanted to tell you as soon as possible: I'm not actually a Middle Eastern man who's interested in your daughter. who's interested in your daughter. I'm a voice actor and comedian. OH MY GODDDD I'm gonna Your daughter reached out to me and gave me a wealth of information about how loving and and gave me a wealth of information about how overprotective you are and how your worst nightmare is for her to meet a guy... And not actually get to know him properly before taking the next step. before taking the next step so that's why I called you those couple times. OH MY GOSHH pretending to be the crazy Middle Eastern guy I want to take her back to my I want to take her back to my OH MY GOSHHHHH OHHHH MY GOSH You- I know that the idea of your daughter hopping on a jet to like be.. seemingly kidnapped to Dubai must have been very heart wrenching. But I wanted to- I wanted to tell you as soon as possible that this is all. I wanted to tell you as soon as possible that this is all... I have a headache. OH MY- I’M You know what? When I see that girl? She is gonna be in TROUBLE She- ad- She ad- She adores you and described you to a T. She's like my mom- if she hears I met some guy like in a very short time frame... and I wanted to get married or he was super interested would be SO WORRIED but I- I wanted to make sure we didn't take it I wanted to make sure we didn't take it I wanted to make sure we didn't take it I wanted to make sure we didn't take it That's why I ended it today. I will never bother you again. The Middle Eastern man is not gonna call you release The man does not. call you... The Middle Eastern man is s- Middle Eastern man does He does not exist. Uh- Abdo does not exist No, so that's the good news. that's the good news. So I uh I think I think your daughter is still happily single and just super busy with work. happily SINGLE and just I know she's like a lawyer or a paralegal a lawyer or a paralegal so DON’T WORRY She's all- She's all good. Okey Alright. Thank you. Okay YOU’RE AMAZING Thank you SO so much for your time today and I apologize again I HOPE YOU’RE NOT MAD AT ME but thank you again. Okey BYE Hee Alright, take care buhbye I think those were TEARS of JOY that Abdo didn’t exist MAN it's really a shame I never got to taste ZA papaya fruit Eyy chill, dawg you got like THREE OTHER WIVES Yeah, yeah, whatever. I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to to catch our future videos.
Channel: Ownage Pranks
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Keywords: Funny video, Ownage pranks, Ownagepranks, Ownage, Prank calls, prank call, Ownage pranks abdo, Abdo, Ownage pranks arab, Rich arabs, Abdo pranks, Pranks, Prank, Owang pranks, Prank calls funny, Try not to laugh, Funny, Hilarious, Funny ha ha, Funny prank, Funniest pranks, Funny prank 2022, Comedy, Humor, Joke, Pranking mom, Pranks on mom, Hilarious mom pranks, Prank on mom, Pranking moms, Date your daughter prank, Can I date your daughter?, Dating daughters, bad boyfiends
Id: 7bMp-023Lnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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