Mom-Daughter Duo Who Annihilated Their Family: The Staudte Killers

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you're um in the medical field I'm a nurse you're a nurse okay but I'm A cardiology nurse I know Hearts but yeah is it Stout stouty stouty [Music] okay you're the I just want to see you strike chist you are everything need love the one the one you ever have any suspicions about [Music] [Music] anything family is supposed to be there for you during the highs and lows of your life we have been following the stouty family for years now and tonight the details of they are people who you should be able to trust and really let your guard down with but as we know that isn't always the case a Asel a she is haunted so what happens when your family members turn against you in secret quietly plotting your death all while you are sitting across the hall in your bedroom scrolling on your phone thinking everything is just normal within your family it's hard to imagine right hard to imagine right to do you find yourself wondering how you wound up here this is a family that will truly haunt your nightmares this is dark chapters Springfield Missouri is a fairly large town with a population of 170,000 people but even with it being on the bigger side it still has all of the charm that the Midwest is known for it's also a college town home of Missouri State University now something many people in Springfield do is attend church on Sunday mornings which really should come as no surprise because Springfield is considered kind of like in the buck goal of the Bible Belt because of its Evangelical Christian Association and on one Easter Sunday on April 8th 2012 one member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church was not present in that congregation and it was 61-year-old Mark stouty you saw Mark that Friday before Easter right what was he like well at we were doing a recording session we never got the recording done because he was just so out of whack and I'm like Mark come on we're trying to do a recording here it didn't even click to him that we were trying to Court one thing struck me so out of place his skin color his skin was actually a a yellowish color something was wrong with he that was the last time I seen [Music] him now Mark and his family were regular church members at this location and his wife 50-year-old Diane was the church's organist now there was nothing seemingly too out of the ordinary about the stouty family Mark and Diane had a story typical to many married Midwestern couples Mark was from St Louis and Diane was from Springfield and the two of them met in 1984 at a bluegrass music festival they immediately bonded over their passion for music and they fell in love they got married on December 28th 1985 and then they decided to settle down in Diane's hometown of Springfield now when they got married Diane was already pregnant 3 months along with their first child and while it was never confirmed it was rumored that due to the quick arrival of their baby that's what led to such a fast wedding but either way Mark and Diane were excited to get married and create a future together sometimes everybody kind of reaches a a Tipping Point or a Breaking Point and it gets gets to where you know again like I said that maybe certain decisions are made that normally wouldn't be made for that I think you're aware of of why're just why we're here so the couple had their 26-year-old son named Shawn the following year on July 2nd 1986 and things were good for this new family so 2 years later they welcomed a baby girl named Sarah and then 2 years after that they had their third child Rachel the family grew quick but they were a happy bunch and then their family was completed 13 years later when Brianna was born what was mom and dad's relationship like they would fight a little did they fight a little bit were they close I think you think they were close but they did have disagreements and stuff in a while and your mom's a nurse right yeah Diane was trained as a nurse and she worked full-time in the health insurance industry she was the bread winner for this big family which brought on a lot of stress in the marriage every now and then Mark he would go out and bartend but his passion was really music and he was in a band called messing with Destiny and he was the singer and the guitarist but as most small town blues bands go Mark didn't exactly bring in the big bucks with these gigs that his band got it was more of a hobby so to speak so he primarily took care of raising all four of the kids but apparently that didn't really include doing much around the house and people who knew him actually kind of said that he was a little bit of a slob he took care of the kids but really nothing else not the dishes not the laundry nothing that really goes goes into keeping a house clean and together so this left Diane to pick up a lot of the slack now although three of their kids were adults at this point most of them still needed a lot of extra attention See 26-year-old Shawn was their oldest child and he was on the autism spectrum and lived at home with his family 24-year-old Sarah went to college but she ended up back at home to save money after graduating with a ton of student debt and 9-year-old Brianna had learning disabilities as well then there was 22-year-old Rachel and Rachel was considered Diane's Golden Child she was very close with her mom and she also helped out in the church's music program so they really bonded over everything together Rachel was the only sibling who really loved going to church and who even willingly went on a regular basis nobody else was very interested in it that Easter Sunday Mark's friends were worried when he wasn't at church but Diane said that he was fine he was just at home not feeling very well but in reality it wasn't just a matter of him being under the weather his bandm were noticing that Mark was not acting normal at all and on top of that his skin was yellow and his words were slurred and then the week leading up to that Easter Sunday their son Shawn posted a slew of bizarre Facebook posts about his dad's everchanging Behavior this started on April 1st 2012 when he said my dad is suffering from an incurable mental illness and is likely to die and Sean's post got increasingly more outlandish as the days went on so on a post on April 6 it read my father has changed from Panic aggressive and selfish to depressed and suicidal he took his car wallet and cell phone he said he would off himself rather than torment us I don't know if I will see him alive he no longer cares about himself he never truly listen to other people if he is dead I want to see him to make sure that he is dead so like I said this wasn't just a cold or being under the weather that Mark was dealing with there was something way more serious going on and seemingly mentally distressing that Mark was going through and all these people in Mark's life were very very worried about him something's just not sitting right so the next day before everyone knew it Diane posted to Facebook that Mark had actually passed away on Easter the night before she said for all my friends on Facebook this past Sunday evening mark my husband of 27 years reached his eternal home and she posted a Bible verse with it so this shocked everybody because just the day before Diane was telling people at church no no no he's just at home with a cold he's a little under the weather meanwhile the bandmates were like well he's kind of been weird for the last like week his skin was yellow his speech was slurred clearly something else is going on right and now she's announcing to the World Mark died the night before so what was really going on here so when Diane talked to police she told them that Mark hadn't been feeling well for the past week and that even though she tried to get him to go and see a doctor he didn't want to and to add even more suspicion to the situation Mark's body was found with a ring of blood around his mouth so what would have caused that Mark had a lot of weird friends well I don't know if I'd call him friends acquaintances he he would been Str and he was running around and he would smoke po and you know they were into drugs and all that but you know I've had friends who told me I should kick them out but I couldn't find myself kicking him out I was afraid he'd kill himself even with all his thoughts I still loved [Music] him now Mark wasn't known to live the healthiest of Lifestyles which included a pretty regular amount of alcohol and not the healthiest diet so his death wasn't actually investigated much because people just thought okay he was unhealthy he was sick leading up to the days he died his death must have been natural causes and that's what it was ruled at it was ruled to be natural causes so Mark's Body was cremated and his ashes were spread over Lake Springfield Diane ended up receiving $220,000 in life insurance from Mark's death and she decided to move her four children into a house a little bit bigger than the home that her and Mark had raised their family in now the new home was in the same town so there wasn't much of an upheaval for the family since it was a local move but still seemed a bit strange [Music] right things seem to be going as well as they could for the family in the months after Mark's death Diane and Rachel were continuing to play a large role in their Church's music Ministry and the family wasn't nearly as cramped as they were in their old house it was also back to school time for the youngest sibling Brianna but things quickly and drastically changed for the family on Sunday September 2nd 2012 just 5 months after Mark's very mysterious death how old was your brother um 26 his name was Sean Sean was he living at home had he been living at home all the time yeah so he's never moved out on his own at 26 what was wrong with him did he have some kind of physical abilities had um autism um he had a seizure disorder thing okay so he couldn't work I assume then he did do Springfield workshop for a time but he was having some like not behavioral problem but just some issue with co-workers and you just get frazzled easily overwhelmed was your mom pretty much the caregiver for him then I assume yeah police officers were called to the stouty residence because Shawn was found not breathing Diane had gone to church that morning without Shawn and when she got back around 12:30 p.m. she found him lying on the floor with a blanket over his stomach and no pulse so after the police arrived she told them that for the last few weeks Shawn was pretty sick it was almost as if he had the flu or something he had headaches nausea diarrhea body aches basically all of your typical flu like symptoms but she said that she didn't take him to the hospital because he was staying hydrated the entire time so she wasn't that worried she said the night before church she talked to Shawn and he said that he was sick so she checked on him throughout the night but still went to church that morning thinking he was just going to get it out of his system now it's interesting to note that when Mark was pretty sick Diane also still went to church not seeming that worried and now the exact same thing happened with her son is that a coincidence we all say where there's smoke there's fire right well here's another coincidence for you there was also a dried ring of blood around Sha's mouth now it's a little too close for comfort something ain't smelling right here two people in your family die the same ring of blood around their mouth same ill likee symptoms leading up to it what's really going on here so when he passed in like September or so what was the circumstances behind that was it a sudden thing or do you know that much about why he passed or did you hear the medical reasons behind it I remember he was throwing up how many days did he throw up less than a week okay and um like flu like symptoms or something those lines okay who was caring for him at that point when he was down Sick was a mom we were taking turns pretty much cuz Okay you and Mom yeah okay so he would think that it's suspicious enough right and that an investigation would happen well the medical examiner ruled Shawn's death death the result of Prior medical issues Diane had told the police that Shawn had a history of seizures and one being most recent just a few days before he died so Shawn's body was also cremated just like his father's and Diane once again took to Facebook again 2 days after he died to let her family and friends know about his death in this post she said to my Facebook friends and family it's been hard for me to come up with the right words but here it goes on Sunday my oldest child Shawn died although he had been sick lately we thought that he was getting better thank you to those who have called or messaged me please continue to pray for us during this time and while some of her posts afterwards on Facebook were scriptures which I guess is typical and understandable when somebody is in morning a lot of her stuff kind of just came off quite frankly bizarre it was a bizarre thing thing to post so soon after going through such a devastating loss for example just a week after Shawn's death she posted a meme about pie and then that same day she made a happy Monday post about coffee now it seems a little strange to me at least to be posting things like that so shortly after walking in to find her son dead months after she found her husband dead obviously life goes on and people do what others would maybe call strange things during grief but Diane's Behavior just seemed I don't know a little out there so after Shawn died Diane was left with just her and her three daughters and Rachel ended up moving into Shawn's bedroom Diane was busy as ever with her job her church duties and life in general and it just she kind of just seemed to continue to chug along and get back to normal and get the whole family and the new family of just the stouty women back into this new routine that was until June 9th 20 201 3 9 months after Shawn's death when Diane posted to Facebook once again this time asking for prayers for her daughter Sarah because Sarah was now in critical condition in the ICU now Sarah was 24 years old at that time and she went into the hospital with what do you know flu like symptoms sounds familiar right but the doctors on her case couldn't figure out what was wrong with her it turned out that her brain was bleeding and her kidneys were failing still doctors were stumped as to what was really going on with an otherwise healthy young woman so Sarah spent 10 days in the [Music] ICU she was finally able to walk again but still was stuck in the hospital while doctors were trying to figure out what was going on with her she was literally the sickest 24-year-old that the doctors had ever seen yet there were no indications as to why little did anyone know that someone had made an anonymous call to the Springfield Police Department and on that call they were saying that something seemed to be off with a family that he knew he said that two family members died from what looked to be the same suspicious and mysterious death and now another member of that same family is literally fighting for their life with the exact same symptoms and that tipster that police found out later just so happened to be Diane's Pastor Jeff iipp who Diane was pretty close with from the time when Mark died Jeff was really suspicious about everything he didn't think that Mark's death was natural in any way and then when things started happening with all of the kids his alarm Bells really started going off Springfield detective Neil mcus decided to look into the tip from Pastor Jeff and he went to the hospital that Sarah was staying at when he got there the doctor on Sarah's case told him that he thought one strong possibility that Sarah was dealing with was some type of Po poisoning the doctor said that Sarah wasn't going to make it and that she was literally on death's doorstep one of Sarah's nurses also spoke with the detective and told him that Diane was acting really bizarre especially being that her daughter was dying right before her eyes again kind of eerily similar to her unusual Facebook post right after Shawn's death it's almost as if she didn't really care like she was going in for a routine appointment not seeing how severe this really was and get this she also was talking to the staff about a vacation to Florida that she had coming up and she was even making jokes about Sarah's declining health I mean how sick is that all right is it Stout stouty stouty okay Diane was then called into question by Neil and he asked about the possibility of Sarah possibly harming herself by maybe ingesting poison of some type and when he asked Diane what type of cleaning product she had at home home her response was so strange and even included her laughing at one point what kind of cleaners do you think could have been that she would have what do I have I can't see her taking soap yuck um the general you know everyday cleaner I have some of that what what would that mean what's the name of it Lysol okay I know I have that but I don't could could you even hurt yourself from soap or Lysol do you know I'm not I have no clue okay I I don't even think about right I've just never heard of anything like that so I I haven't either it's but I I guess I don't know I guess if you took enough something would do something but I've never I don't know okay the detective go was on to talk about how they were planning on going through both her husband and Sha's autopsy again so that they could run more tests to see if there were any similarities or anything that was missed and they asked if there was anything nefarious that could come out of that new report and Diane played very koi about all of it she was then asked about the life insurance policy on her family members and I found her response kind of odd what was Mark's life insurance policy like uh he only had 20,000 that was it okay how about Sean Sean only had 15 what about Sarah Sarah only has 15 I believe Rachel and Rachel has 15 Briana has 15 okay and you were able to get the the money from Mar and Sean's correct okay it took a while but right and what did you do with with that money um with Marx we were able to move into a better neighborhood right how about Shan's with Shan's I haven't even right now it's still in savings because I haven't quite figured out what to do yet okay with some of it what were your plans some things are I'm thinking more of just paying off bills okay what about Sarah's if she passed what was gone I have no clue now I don't know I just thought that it was strange that she knew everybody's life insurance policy right off the top of her head and how she didn't even seem the least bit distraught about cashing out on them you think that when asked about Sarah she would say something like oh my gosh I certainly haven't thought about that and I hope I never even have to but Diane went on to talk about how she didn't really think much of Mark's death due to his lifestyle the detective then asked her about her marriage which she painted out to be pretty bad overall what was your guys marriage like [Music] um how can I say this we were still married but it was not what you call a good marriage had there been any infidelities on either side he has he has M so I'm guessing then just briefly T he wasn't the best husband probably not not not to society now what do you mean by not to he was running around and he would drink and smoke pot and so he wasn't a very good guy is what you're saying not yeah I know you know I've had friends who told me I should kick him out but I couldn't find myself kicking him out why not I was afraid he'd kill himself why is that though why would he kill himself oh he was bipolar too and even though things were bad and he wasn't a good husband and you said he wasn't good for society that you didn't want him to kill himself okay yeah even with all his faults I still loved him okay she said that when Mark was alive he didn't bring in the financial support that she had hoped for and instead he would just play music she also talked about how her son Shawn needed a lot of extra care due to his autism and then she discussed how Sarah basically didn't do anything but sleep all day and just hang out with her friends at night Diane wanted her to get a job but Sarah didn't prioritize that little did Diane know that Neil knew all along that the test results of both Mark and Shawn's autopsy had come back as a huge red flag he had just been trying to get Diane to give him the truth and admit to her role in all of it so Neil decided to go about a religious approach to all of this so that he could get Diane to confess to what he already knew knowing how much she values Rel so he was saying how he knows how important it is to her that he himself is also a man of God he talked about forgiveness is an important factor with all of this stuff and kind of just like starts to warm Diane up a bit so that she would tell a little bit more about the story let's talk about it because I think I think he you probably want to talk about it you need to talk about it cuz you know you when people you know do things it's always good to ask for forgiveness m you know that and often times the best way to ask for forgiveness is to to talk about it and give an explanation as to why things happen as far as Sarah is a difficult child to deal with I understand and I been kind of putting pressure on her to you know you need to get out and get a job your college bills are coming do I don't want to pay for them you know after a while you get tired of doing everything for your kids and it's like you need to step up and do it but as far as I don't know as far as did I do something to her I didn't do anything to her I mean I I guess I could have taken her to the ER sooner but I didn't know Diane still wasn't wanting to budge she was sticking to her guns that she had no idea how her daughter husband and son all got into the predicament that they did but again Neil was not having it he knew that she was hiding something so he took the understanding approach where he acted like a friend to her Dian here's the deal I'm here to try to help you out with all this cuz I know cuz I need all the help I I understand I understand I I really do and I know that this is I know because you're a good person I know that this is tearing you up that this is bothering you I truly understand that but I'm here to help you out because I know that you don't want because of you being a good person you don't want everybody out here when this all comes out you don't want them to to think of you as a bad evil type person because I know that that's not how you are but was that's why I'm here to try to help you out to give you the opportunity to to say cuz I think I know I think I know why and it's for some of the reasons we've already talked about if I think it's just pushed to the brink can't take it anymore you know you're doing all this stuff for everybody you're working all the time you're paying the bills you're doing this you're doing that you can't get help no jobs you got all this other stuff all these other burdens coming upon you where all of us get to a point where we just say you know enough is enough and I understand that I understand that but you've got to you got to help me figure out you got to tell me this stuff you got to tell me why that way we can get to that point that's way when it we can get it out there that you know what this isn't just about somebody that's bad and evil you you want people to know that it's that's not what it is he just gets the point D it's just it's just the breaking point all of us every one of us have it yeah that that's it's it's just as simple as that Diane just we all have that it just we get right there and then I mean all the burdens that you have have on you you know that I know that and that's what I'm giving you the chance Diane that's why we're here today is so you can tell me so you can tell me so we can get it all on the table it'll be that weight that'll be lifted off your shoulders cuz I know people that especially good people like yourself that walk around and carry this kind of stuff carry these kind of burdens um so many times just talking about it to get it out there and say here's the deal I did this because because I had all this going and then it'll just it'll be a relief to be able to talk about it to get it off your shoulders and then to help with the forgiveness and the healing process but you have to you have to do it that's why I'm here you have to sit down just like we're doing and talk about it and get it all out there I know you do know that I know I know I know you're afraid of going to jail but that's that you shouldn't even be thinking about that right now I know but that's how my mind works I understand I understand but let's put that out of your mind cuz you shouldn't even be thinking about that I understand you're afraid to go to jail we're not going to think about that because that's got nothing to do with it now is your chance to to tell us why and and to show some remorse and ask for forgiveness and that way I can go to these other people and say yeah she made some mistakes and that was it so tell me about it Diane there's a lot of arguments and to put it really short and sweet I knew they were drinking antifreeze and I was so mad at them I didn't want to take him in I delayed who out there really is willingly drinking anti-freeze especially three people in all different ages in one family now apparently drinking antifreeze is something that alcoholics are sometimes known to do but that's typically when they have very limited resources it's also something people do as a means to end their lives but neither Mark nor his family had limited resources and even if they didn't have a lot of money I definitely don't think they were getting to the point of needing to drink antifreeze not to mention that Mark was known to drink regularly so he was already getting those needs met with actual alcohol and Shawn and Sarah weren't alcoholics I'm not necessarily sure that they even drank at all so something here just was not adding up and like I said Neil already knew that antifreeze was the culprit because when both Mark and Sean's autopsies were looked into a second time ethylene glycol was present in each of them which is a raw component of antifreeze and it's often overlooked during autopsies unless the medical examiner knows to look for it so Neil could see right through Diane's bullshit the math was not math in here and he knew it you knew that they were drinking to freeze you knew that they didn't we both know that you knew Diane that they were drinking antifreeze because you were giving it to them and I didn't know what else to do I really didn't I understand were you just at just like we talked were you just at the breaking point yeah I didn't know what else to do finally Neil had his admission of guilt that he needed to have Diane arrested so as he was running down exactly what happened Diane's body language completely shifted again this all got started you're saying Mark is the first one there's nobody before Mark not in your past life or not okay Mark's the first one and it just got started you said you hated his guts and I just couldn't take it couldn't take it anymore and so you did some research on the internet about anifree poisoning you were aware of you know the taste and things of that nature like you said then you ordered some antifreeze and then you you gave it to him for a few few days before it finally started to kick in and work okay and then with with Sean you said you just again we talked about he just became such a Pest and bothering you always interfering things of that nature and um you said it took a couple days right a couple before it started to kick in on him and then with Sarah you talked about you know she she wasn't getting a job and then she had these student loans and you were going to end up having to pay for him she wasn't working and you said you guys argued a lot was there anything else more or is that pretty much that's pretty much and you just had had it with her as well okay and then you said it took about 4 days before it started to work on her okay and there's that you didn't use anything just antifreeze there's nothing else at all okay a few hours after Diane was arrested it was time for the authorities to let her other daughter Rachel know about what her mom had done to her dad brother and sister all while keeping the investigation going now Rachel and her mom were very close remember best friends actually Diane favored Rachel for unknown reasons one could assume maybe because Rachel had a passion for music just like her mom did and she must have kind of seen more of herself in Rachel than her other kids during the questioning with Neil Diane didn't have anything negative to say about Rachel unlike her other kids and even her husband who she loathed Diane would often showcase Rachel on her Facebook too far more than her other kids in fact her son was actually nowhere to be found on her page at all she considered Rachel to be musically gifted and someone that she could confide in and Rachel felt the same way about her mom so I'm sure you may be thinking how shocked she must have been learning about who her mom really was and what she had done but before the detective told her about what he knew regarding her mom he asked Rachel about what life at home had been like since her dad and brother passed and how her mom viewed taking care of her brother while he was still alive and Rachel said that her mom took her brother's death extra hard and considered herself pretty much a failure as a mother and Rachel painted quite a different picture of her brother than what her mom did being that she referred to her own son as being worse than a pest at one point but Rachel said that her brother was actually pretty easygoing and basically only needed a few comic books to stay happy and that overall he wasn't much of a burden to the family but on the other hand Rachel seemed to be more bothered by her sister Sarah she said that her sister basically just goofed off and didn't even try when it came to getting a job she also kind of poked fun at the fact that Sarah got a degree in French at Missouri state that past fall and how she was going to have a really tough time finding a French job in Springfield Rachel also didn't seem very distraught that her sister was just about to die only a couple of days prior so the detective finally told Rachel about what her mother had done with the anti-freeze and Rachel seemed kind of shocked but not really all that reactive so I brought your mom in today and talked to her and um after talking to her for a while she um she finally told us what she had been doing um she had been giving your father uh small doses of an of antifreeze in his drink um over several period over several day period um same thing with your brother and uh same thing with your sister Sarah um I know it's very difficult and obviously we don't think that you or your sister had any knowledge obviously of that um your mom is is um obviously she's torn up over the whole thing and and mentally she's she's beat herself up over it I'm sure every day and like you even said she she's emotional wreck at home um her reasonings for doing this to your father basically was that um just had enough of him he was as she described it just not carrying his way not being a good father not being a good husband um you know there was some infidelity stuff going on in there there was some drug use going on in there and she finally just got to the point where she couldn't deal with him any longer and then unfortunately um after that it that that kind same type scenario kind of is the reason she describes for for giving she started giving your brother um antifreeze in Coke in soda over a couple day period um and then unfortunately um your sister same situation giving her anny freeze over a two or three day period um small bits of it at a time in her in her in her drinks in her coke uh basically she says because wouldn't get a job wasn't doing anything um felt like she was going down the same path as brother and dad and was just going to be this complete burden to her and the family and um that's basically the reason that's that's what she's getting us is her reason for doing this um I know that's a lot to take in right now Rachel that's a ton to take in and I don't by any means think you know anything about it or were involved mom tells us that you and you didn't have any idea at all um I assume that's the case right did you even have any suspicions that mom was doing anything I mean I know on the back of your mind you said you didn't like to think about it but these things you know yours were kind of just all of a sudden deaths just take some time and God it's a lot of process I don't even know how you how you actually process that to be honest with you Rachel but once the detective stepped out of the room Rachel broke down pleading to God about what what she had just been told you God investigators combed through the stouty home finding various pieces of evidence such as anti-freeze in the garage but then they stumbled onto something pretty shocking Rachel's journal and a bone chilling entry from her diary that was dated on June 13th 2011 around a year before Mark's death now in this entry it said I wish sometimes I could avoid the future and keep looking to the Past it's sad when I realize how my father will pass on in the next 2 months and how my brother Shawn will move on shortly after and yet it's really helpful I'm being warned so I have more time to prepare and cope also I get to have Dad's car when he's gone it'll be tough getting used to the changes but everything will work out uh how disturbing and twisted is that she was excited to get her dad's car after he was going to be killed and die and she's glad that she had time to prepare I mean what is even happening and how are you you know do you have a crystal ball how do you predict the future how do you know both your dad and your brother are about to die in the next year like make it make sense so the next day after Rachel was told about her mother she was called back in to speak with Neil about the investigation now Rachel had no idea that the detective knew about her creepy ass journal entry so he wanted to ease into that as much as he could so that he could just kind of like squeeze as much information out of her as possible and not allow her to claim innocence to the diary entry so he asked about the kind of drinks that her dad and her brother liked knowing of course that Diane had admitted to spiking her husband's Gatorade and her son's Coke over the course of several days and for both her dad and her brother Rachel listed about every other drink on the planet except the drinks that were used Rachel acted a lot like her mom during the questioning too acting like she had no idea what had been going on she said that it was her decision to take Sarah to the hospital because at that point Sarah was lying on the bathroom floor not moving or talking Neil asked if there was any indication prior to her dad dying that he would die and she said no only that her mom had talked about how if he kept up with the smoking and the alcohol he probably wouldn't make it to 80 or 90 years old but otherwise she didn't know of him having any sort of terminal health condition whatsoever so when Neil had gotten Rachel to a point where there was no way for her to deny what he found in the journal he decided that it was time to present her with it but what would her excuse be upon being confronted well apparently it it was a dream do you recognize this yeah I remember this okay what is that little Journal thing a journal thing whose Journal mine your Journal so you wrote this then is what you're telling me okay you remember right this then is what you're saying okay take a look at this is that your same Journal that we were just talking about that you were writing there was a dream that I had had that they would die but this is your Journal yeah you wrote this and you remember writing it yeah okay at first Rachel acted as if she had been having reoccurring dreams about her parents dying she said that she told her mom about them and that in her dreams their death would be quick and that they would be in heaven very very fast but then all of the sudden she says that she didn't know when her mom bought antifreeze but that she knew that she was spiking her dad's drings so then Neil asked Rachel if the mother daughter Duo came up with a plan together or if this was all her mom's idea and Rachel claimed that it was her mom's idea and that she herself was pretty uncomfortable with all of it Rachel whose idea was this mom brought it up then we discussed but so you and Mom are close enough you guys are just like we talked about earlier you guys are best you know close enough friends and you know mother daughter that you guys have a tight enough bond that you got could discuss this MH and she was the one to bring it up yeah what' she say to you um basically went through different options um was trying to find things that wouldn't be traceable or at least would be hard to trace if you didn't know what you were looking for um I remember her searching online though I remember talking about different drinks that it could mix with and you couldn't detect taste um what kind of searches did she do for that lot of Google search a lot of um I don't know how specifically she does plant related but she mentioned once how to kill characters like if you're writing stories you could actually look up something like that and she'd get ideas from it um did you guys do these searches together no she' happened to mention it so she told you that she was doing these searches yeah so tell me what would she talk about what would she say about this website that she'd found on like how to kill characters and then she was mentioning like cyanide was a popular one and oh gosh can't remember what else but similar things um she mentioned once insulin like to see if she could shoot somebody with insulin cuz if you have too much it would do something I can't remember but so when she told you this what did you say other than it was disturbing and kind of creepy um don't know I was quite uncomfortable with it I mean well obviously Rachel you guys got to the point where something was agreed upon when was that and I want you to be truthful with me I've been pretty nice with you but I want you to be truthful about everything because we're done with with um anything else we're getting we're just talking about the truth about what happened we're here so we're going to deal with it okay okay did you have a dream about them dying or is that a madeup story I did actually but it was weird with really weird symbology but we did discuss it as well you and your mother yeah okay so you have a dream about this you discuss it with your mother and then that's when the talks get started is am I correct is that when the talks get started of finding some way to poison them yeah okay and why did you and by poisoning them the intent was to kill them is that correct okay now Neil was a pretty Kick-Ass detective I'm just going to say because he clearly knew exactly what to say and do to make a person feel comfortable enough to just like spill their guts so then he asked her Point Blank why they did it and up to that point she had kept to the the original story that it wasn't her doing but without even realizing it she answered in a way that proved that she was far more guilty than she was trying to play why did you guys want to kill them my dad when he gets angry he was very hard to deal with he would throw things he would be very unreasonable with the weirdest things like the fact I wanted a job and he couldn't get one or just really stupid things and really I was a bit scared of him but I don't know I couldn't really see him ever like doing anything to help us he was always just blowing money he would always be out of the house wouldn't really help around the house Sean I accepted that she wanted him gone but I really didn't think he was necessary God and I really actually wasn't aware that she was getting Sarah I knew about Sean I knew about Dad but I didn't know she was going to go ahead with Sarah she didn't tell me anything after that Neil went on to ask her about her computer searches and at first she claimed that she didn't search anything relating to the situation but he told her that she needed to be truthful and that it was going to come out one way or another which led Rachel to reveal more was it discussed that they would you guys would kill your dad first and then Sean or how was it going to go dad and then sea dad and then Shawn and you said you guys did research on the internet on types of poisons that could not be detectable if you weren't looking for them or they would be difficult to find and you talked about poisonous plants and cyanide what else oh jeez I didn't think specifically there was much else cuz mainly she was looking for poison she she was looking for poison mhm on these internet searches Google searches did you do any searches no we have your computer what are we going to find on your computer you need to be honest about everything okay I don't I want to sit here and and be decent with you you got to tell me everything though okay we're going to find it it's better for you to this is your chance Rachel some mistakes were made obviously you guys didn't make the best decisions but we're here now and now is the time to deal with it because there's stuff that we already know there's stuff that we're going to know there's stuff we need to know and we need to get this all done right now okay what kind of searches did you do death related in general death related in general specifically I can't remember but if you pull up the thing I'll remember cuz I can't remember specifically okay but in death in general I mean what does that mean how to kill someone how to kill someone okay so when you're looking up how to kill someone what what did you come up with um oh jeez Tylenol Suffocation I can't remember exactly there's a lot of browsing um you did these searches from your laptop your your laptop CU I know there were several over there that these were on your laptop that you did these searches m is that yes yeah okay and you said they were Google searches mhm what would you type into Google um trying to remember how mostly things to started with a how to how to kill someone how to um there are probably specific ones on like plants um night shave or L I can't remember jeez both Diane and Rachel had been searching all different types of ways to kill someone on their shared laptop such as herbs that cause Strokes where to purchase ratp poisoning and essential oils that can lead to death I mean you name it the Google was Googling and apparently they didn't mourn the loss of Mark for long because they also looked up lethal doses for adults weighing 48 kg shortly after he died which by the way was just 1 kilogram different from what Shawn Wade when he died Rachel went on to say that in their old house where Mark died her mom would hide the antifreeze in a turkey baster under the kitchen sink where she would then slowly administer a couple inches or so in his drink every day but she wasn't sure where it was hidden in their new house when it came to Shawn and Sarah and even though I feel like she basically admitted guilt earlier when she didn't deny involvement it wasn't until Neil asked how many times she spiked the drinks that Rachel finally admitted guilt so when the anree gets there how how do you guys go about administering it let's see Mom would I think she got some containers that she would like do like I don't know if it was turkey baster or what not but to take it from one container into another container hide it in the house and then once you would buy drinks would doctor them and when you say doctor the drinks what do you mean by that pour out a good like two inches or so and then fill it with the antifreeze yeah so where did she hide the antifreeze you said it was she hid it in the house okay so where in the where in the house did she hide it well I know in the old house she had it under the sink but in a turkey Bas or you said yeah I'm not sure where she would have it in the new one cuz the only thing that was under the sink in the new house was cat food so I don't know where you don't know where she was keeping putting it no did you ever see the antifreeze the bottles of it you never saw the old house I did not in the new house because there was a bottle of antifreeze right out in the open in the garage for anybody and their brother to see at your house okay you're saying you never saw that [Music] bottle I wasn't aware of it there but okay so you're saying that at the old house you knew she kept it in a turkey baster under the sink and when she would quote is when she was doctoring the drinks she would pour some of the drink out and then she would put the antifreeze in the drink and then give it to your father mhm how often did you do that um once only once how many times did you do it Rachel three four times it was a tradeoff she was do it then I would and what would you put the antifreeze in what kind of drinks Coke you put it in Coke mhm and what' your mom put it in Gatorade how often did you do this like once a day once a day for how long um several weeks several weeks how much would you put in not much just like um say you have like that size of coke bottle that much okay would you do it once a day and your mother do it once a day or would you do it once a day how would that I mean how would that work out whoever was there so whoever was there so it could have been done multiple times a day yeah did it happen multiple times a day probably yes at first she said it happened once a day but she eventually admitted to doing it twice every day filling the coke bottle up about 2 in with antifreeze once in the morning and once at night and that her mom would also do it in the afternoon I mean sick sick sick sick sick she said that her sister Sarah was in on the discussion of poisoning their father but that she did not knowingly give him any of the drinks rather her mom would give her a spiked drink and say Hey give this to your dad again with Sarah having no idea that it was actually spiked she said they went through five bottles in total of antifreeze when killing her dad which that detail went against what her mom said her mom had said that she only would put in a few teaspoons or so in his drink but Rachel said that towards the very end of her dad's life her mom was literally filling up the Coke bottles halfway with antifreeze which is roughly 36 teaspoons of antifreeze okay guys Rachel then finally admitted after a lot of probing that she also spiked her sister's drinks after that she was then taken into custody the following day after more evidence was found Neil spoke with her again and asked why they decided to take Sarah to the hospital instead of just letting her die at home and Rachel's response literally left me speechless where would you guys keep the an freeze mom would keep moving it around but if I asked her for it she would get me some in a small container so I could use it okay did you guys ever use anything else besides antifreeze I know I didn't I don't know if Mom did or not okay so but from what you understand it was you guys were only using the antifreeze yeah okay what I knew okay let me ask this why did you guys cuz I've spoken to your mom about this and I'd like to know why you guys eventually took you know when Sarah got so bad I know you guys said you thought that she was pretty much dead but why did you take her to the hospital I didn't want another one to die in the house and why is that cuz houses are nasty after somebody's died in it okay what does that mean what do you mean what do you mean by that I get a lot of nightmares like after Shawn died I moved into his room and it was awful awful awful in there I kept feeling things in there I just didn't want that again okay so you didn't want her to die in the house and you guys it explained to me why you waited to the point you did to bring her to the hospital was it just just like you said you just didn't want her to die in the house did you did you want her to die in the hospital instead yeah okay your mom had said something to me about you guys didn't want her to die in the house because of kind of a ghost experience is that kind of what you're talking about when you say you get these feelings yeah and you didn't want that again no okay were you surprised when you found out that Sarah was going to live very very surprised and how what did you think about that then whenever you found that out bit surprised but then just like okay so she's going to live had you and your mom talked about what was going to happen since she was going to live we're thinking about places we could like put our like housing things depending on how bad brain damage was um were there any more discussions of finishing finishing raw didn't really get to never never got to those discussions although we did talk about the likelihood of her still dying I mean like if something just happened like I don't know bleed out or something medical okay so you guys were still talking about the potential for her dying yeah were you guys going to do anything to help help that process along I'd be more content to just whatever happens happens I don't know but honestly after reading her diary her response really isn't that surprising Rachel wrote in her journal the day after her brother died saying yet I feel your gaze linger over me I close my eyes and try not to think of the ghosts of copper and bleach on my tongue I try not to think of shuddery breaths or how easily a soul evaporates leaving nothing behind but a hollow husk curled up on the floor eyes vacant and dull arms extended but what were you reaching for I mean I got to tell you these journal entries are just like giving me the chip pills so Neil went on to ask her about a new journal entry that was found after she got arrested that was in her purse the journal entry talked about feeling bad about what she did to her sister and the pain that she put her through but Rachel's response was more self-centered rather than guilt let me ask you um while we're on the topic of Journal stuff I guess you know after we arrested you when we had to search your purse you know we found your new journal entry some of the stuff that you'd written in there and I've got some of that talking about how you felt you know kind of bad um about Sarah's pain because you helped basically put her in the position she was and um so did you feel bad then cuz you you wrote that you felt a little bit bad about knowing that you helped put her in that much pain so did you feel kind of bad about that or it's harder when you're watching in the ER she would scream out I don't like screaming okay so that that was harder it would have just been easier for you if she just would have died and not having to see all that yeah okay and then you wrote a little p poem at the end of that do you remember that how did that poem go I read about the nurses a little bit right and it's like make you feel stupid mhhm you remember at the very end of that writing what you wrote about then he brought up a poem that she put at the end of the entry which read once upon a time there was six and now there are three only the quiet ones are left my mom my little sister and me and she admitted to writing that while her sister was still alive on the ICU floor now she then went on to say that she would only have regretted taking her to the hospital sooner had it been a little less painful for Sarah but that either way she still wanted her to die and essentially was shocked and disappointed that she didn't then after some more conversation and probing questions Rachel admitted that her and her mom's plan was to kill her little sister Brianna last and when asked why they did it all Rachel said that the reason behind her dad's murder was for peace her brother was due to him being annoying Sarah was nosy and Brianna was because Rachel knew she wouldn't have been able to take care of her because she couldn't even take care of herself and she assumed that her mom wanted Brianna dead because she considered her a burden I know it's crazy this was a lot for me to even process because they just talk about it so casual so Cavalier I mean it's very difficult to wrap your mind around I mean how could someone feel this way about their family let alone a mom and daughter teaming up the way that Diane and Rachel did and for what peace I think the craziest thing about all of it okay well maybe not the craziest thing because SP said this whole case is crazy but during the interrogation Rachel talked about how she and her mom never talked about what would happen if they got caught Rachel said that she only worried about possibly ending up on a crime show if she ever went to court there was a literally zero remorse whatsoever from her about the deaths that she helped cause so Rachel and Diane were both arrested after their confessions and they were charged with one count of assault for Sarah and two counts of first-degree murder for Mark and Shawn and sadly Brianna was put into foster care because she no longer had any parents or family to take care of her now the next thing was for Neil to figure out whether or not Sarah had any sort of knowledge of the anti-freeze plan and if she played an active role in her dad and her brother deaths it seemed unlikely that Sarah knew being that she herself was poisoned but he still had to look into it I mean had she known what was going on she probably would have known the warning signs and what the drinks looked like that she needed to avoid that were in the refrigerator not to mention that Rachel lied quite a bit throughout her investigation to try to get out of things so I don't know if she was really telling the truth about her sister's involvement maybe this was just another way that she was trying to act like a vile monster I don't know trying to throw her sister under the bus after attempting to kill her who knows but Neil decided he needed to speak with Sarah about what had been going on now at that point Sarah was recovering but she was far from any type of full recovery if ever again she was literally having to relearn how to walk how to talk and how to do basic life things all over again she suffered a great deal of neurological damage as well as critical organ damage so going into the situation Neil knew that speaking with her and getting down to the truth was not going to be easy and he had to tread very lightly so when Neil went to talk to Sarah she seemed really out of it which after spending almost 2 weeks in the ICU from antifreeze that's pretty understandable but when Neil started talking to her it was pretty clear that she wasn't in the best state of mind to give clear answers it seemed like Sarah was in a haze her jumbled answers were not due to her trying to figure out a lie or how to get herself out of the situation like her mom and sisters did she was clearly suffering from neurological effects after being poisoned by her family brain damage from antifreeze is very serious and often times permanent it can cause overall decreased mental functioning blindness memory issues and a ton of more awful symptoms it's also been known to be very similar to Parkinson's disease Neil asked Sarah about the possibility that her sister and mom told him that she was involved too but again Sarah's response was so vague and jumbled together I mean Sarah did know enough to remember reading about what was going on in a journal but I'm not sure when she read the journal it could have been more recently after her dad and brother died I don't know to me Sarah seemed so out of it because of the effects of Antifreeze but even so it didn't seem like she played any part in the actual spiking of her dad and brother's drink so Rachel was the first one to face the music at the pre-trial hearing on May 5th 2015 and for someone awaiting her life or death fate she seemed pretty relaxed even laughing at one point but when it came time to stand before the judge that's when she began to cry as she entered a plea agreement where she pled guilty to her two second deegree murder charges and one charge of armed criminal action and one count a first-degree assault the prosecutor on the case Dan Patterson not only reiterated what happened but he also read to the judge the poem that she wrote while her sister was deathly ill but still alive the one that said only The Quiet Ones will be left my mother my little sister and me so being that there was no denying what was already on record Rachel entered the plea deal to avoid being sentenced to death instead she agreed to serve two back-to-back life sentences on top of two back-to-back 20-year sentences At first she had been charged with two counts of first-degree murder but because she was admitting her guilt and was willing to give testimony against her mom if her case ever went to trial her first-degree charges were dropped to second degree charges another agreement with her plea deal was that Rachel claimed that she actually didn't want to harm her brother and sister she only did it because her mom wanted want her to do it just a few months after Rachel's hearing on July 30th 2015 it was Diane's turn to enter the courtroom but this time it wasn't as simple as it was for Rachel who basically just was in and out Diane's attorney tried to block key evidence from going to trial such as her interview with Neil where one of the first things she said was will I need a lawyer her team also tried to eliminate the search warrant that was used to search her home and find things such as the anti-freeze bottle and Rachel's Journal Diane's attorney felt that during the interview Diane had asked for a lawyer at least twice but Neil who testified that day in court said that actually Diane never asked for a lawyer but rather just asked if she needed one she didn't demand to have one so her attorney also played one of the clips of the interview where Diane wasn't admitting what she did and omitted the other parts where she admitted her guilt and when Neil was asked to give a summary of his interview with Diane he said she's telling me she poisoned her family it doesn't get much more clear than that so simple Crystal Clear black white open shut case all the analogies all the cliches all the things soil's second interview with Diane after she was arrested and put in jail was also brought up and he was pressed by her attorney over whether or not she asked for a lawyer and was denied in the interview Diane said one question I do have is when do I get to have a lawyer I'm willing to talk to you but I need to get a lawyer so after asking for clarification from Diane Neil asked you are still willing to talk with me without a lawyer and Diane and Neil continued their conversation Diane's attorney tried to push Neil on why he didn't get Diana lawyer since she kept bringing it up but Neil said because he clarified it with her several times and she continued talking so basically it seemed like she was okay with this Arrangement so he continued talking and she didn't stop him then finally it was Diane's turn to get her fate handed to her the states plan was to try and get the death sentence for her because there was enough incriminating evidence that could have easily qualified her for capital punishment I mean she admitted to it all and she said how she did it and her reason for doing it and all of those things and how it was for more peace in her life so I mean clearly again the evidence is there she was a monster and her and her team knew that the evidence was pretty compelling which led Diane to entering an Alfred plea and this was on January 21st 2016 now this basically says that she acknowledges that there was enough evidence for her to be convicted without admitting guilt Sarah gave a victim impact statement at court and in this she said I forgive mom for what she did to me not only did she take away my dad and brother she also took away my livelihood and my Independence I prefer to be a Survivor than a victim now similar to her daughter Rachel because Diane pleaded guilty she thought out of the possibility of a death sentence and agreed to carry out three life sentences with no possibility of parole Sarah was relieved with her mother's outcome and she said that she did forgive her mom saying I'm a Christian and I believe forgiveness is the only way to go so although Rachel had entered a plea deal the year prior her sentencing wasn't until March of 2016 now during which she apologized to her sister Sarah with a very lengthy letter that she read part of it which said I'm sorry I couldn't find the courage to stand up for what was right to go for help to protect you and our siblings your suffering could have been prevented and I hate myself for not being there for you I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me well Rachel ended up being sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 42 and 1/2 years Diane was officially given her life sentence without the possibility of pearl in 2018 as for Sarah unfortunately she will never be able to fully recover from what her mother and sister did to her she will live in an assisted Care Facility forever due to the long-term effects that she sustained from the antifreeze Sarah feels pretty alone and angry with her mom and sister that knew that came a bit late for Sarah still she's learned to accept her new reality living in an assisted Care Facility more alone than ever do you still consider them family not anymore consider them as killers who hate me you're angry felt like I want to slap both calling them BW wordss and it was never able to be proven whether or not Sarah was involved in any of the killings regarding her brother and her dad but in a more recent 2022 interview she talked about how she knew about the killings after finding her mom's Journal where Diane wrote about all three of them dying Sarah said when she confronted her mom about it her mom said not to worry that she wouldn't die and that she shouldn't be reading her journal anyway but according to Neil there is really no real way to know for sure about Sarah's involvement or lack of involvement with the murders due to again the long-term effects of Antifreeze on Facebook Sarah wrote that she has PTSD because of everything that she went through which honestly doesn't surprise me in the least now I wasn't able to find a ton of updates on Brianna at the time when everything went down she was placed into foster care so she would be an adult now and hopefully she has been able to find ways to cope with everything that she went through and can still have a relationship with her sister Sarah at the very least Diane actually though did a very big interview with ABC's 2020 last year while she was in prison and she talked about her children fondly which was a far cry from the way she was talking about them almost a decade earlier with the detective even referring to one of her children as a pest if you remember she talked about how raising her kids were the good old days saying that that time of her life was a really good time for her she went on to say that although her husband started out as a pretty good guy he eventually turned to drinking and she alluded to him possibly getting involved in drugs due to a friend group that he was hanging out with not his band maides but apparently another group of friends that seemed to live like a fast lifestyle according to Diane but Diane claimed that she was essentially innocent in her husband's death saying and I quote I said what I was going to say I'm saying there's more to that than what people know Mark was with some very dangerous people people have disappeared I was told in jail that Mark had been greenlighted I'm saying somebody probably came in and gave him something now the term green lighted basically means when someone has a hit out on them but the thing is back in 2013 and even in the years after that Diane never mentioned anything about the people that her husband was hanging out with bad people who would be considered dangerous and would put a hit out on him and not for nothing but like what's the likelihood that somebody put a hit out on him and it was the same method of murder that you were using on your son and tried to use with your daughter she was also asked about how she felt about the fact that Sarah was still going through the aftermath of all of her Antics with the antifreeze and all of that and was very hurt by her own mom and Diane said to that I'm sorry for what she went through but you know I'm sorry for what everybody goes through I'm sorry for what I've had to go through I mean again Diane was clearly heartless about trying to kill her own daughter and even said that she wouldn't rule out herself possibly being poisoned which Yes you heard that right Diane went from fullon admitting what she did into her family back in 2013 to now acting like she had no part in it and maybe she was even poisoned which police said that there was absolutely zero evidence of that happening she said she couldn't say whether or not she was guilty and that she only confessed back in 2013 to save her family because they were being threatened but by who you might ask well all she would say was that somebody was threatening them when she was told that a lot of people would say that her explanation didn't make a lot of sense she said that a lot of things don't make sense and as if that wasn't all completely psycho enough for you Diane completely flipped the switch and said that her son actually did it to himself and that he left a note behind Authority said that there was no truth in that either so she's just like grasping at straws especially because if there was any truth to it Diane would have said that during her initial interrogation she seemed to have no problem disparaging her son so why would that be any different back then when they were first asking her about it it makes no sense math ain't math make it makes sense so then Diane was given a little update on how Sarah was doing and to say that my jaw dropped when I heard what she had to say is an absolute understatement just watch this what about Sarah Sarah is now living in a group home she's been L injured this is a fairly recent picture of Sarah she's gained weight really that's what she notices now the thing is I think that people want to see some sort of remorse or shred of humanity from someone like Diane but when you're dealing with a legitimate psychopath and very possible narcissist you aren't going to get much she made the entire interview about herself this case is beyond shocking in more ways than one and the most mindblowing part of it all is that Diane and Rachel if they had stopped after Mark and possibly even after Shawn had died they would be walking free today nobody would suspect anything the initial autopsies for both men missed the anti-freeze completely so if they wouldn't have gone after Sarah they would be free women just working their jobs attending church running the music program Rachel could have even had a family of our own at this point but because they continued their sick and twisted plan to have peace from their family they got caught I guess their plan did work out because they do have peace from the rest of their family just not exactly in the way that they had planned they get to sit and rot in prison for many many years to come but honestly it's stomach churning to think that had Sarah not have made it they would have admittedly went after Brianna next and it's also sad to think that that's something that Brianna has probably had to come to terms with over the years as well and it's tragic to think that Sarah's dreams and the plans that she had for her life ended the moment that they placed that first tablespoon of anti-freeze in her drink Sarah had plans to use her French degree that she had worked so hard for abroad and now she's unable to fulfill those dreams now she wants to do something to help other people who have been poisoned such as a support group perhaps it's also horrible that Mark and Shawn's lives were brutally cut short by the people who were supposed to love them the most I'm so curious as to why Diane involved Rachel back when she first thought about killing her husband Diane was fully capable of carrying out the plan by herself it's not like it required any heavy lifting so I've read that a lot of people think that Diane and Rachel had a severely toxic codependent relationship and that's not only why Diane went to Rachel but why Rachel went along with it without question and just did whatever her mom asked her to do either way it's so twisted and makes me wonder if Rachel ever wondered if her mom would eventually turn on her I mean she fully planned on wiping everybody else out so what would stop stop her from doing the same to Rachel I guess Rachel knew that she was her mother's Golden Child and I don't know just hoped for the best I mean this case was crazy guys and I can't believe that Diane admitted verbatim to spiking the drinks and is now acting like she played no part in any of it and was possibly a victim herself it is so so infuriating I also don't buy that Rachel felt forced or like she had to go along with it she was fully capable of doing the right thing but chose not to and for what her dad's car her brother's bedroom I mean really her and her mom seem like two peas in a pod and both lack any sort of empathy or emotion even when Rachel publicly apologized to Sarah she cried but not really because just like during her interrogation there were no actual tears I am curious to know what you guys think of it all though do you think that Rachel should be given the same amount of blame as Diane and do you think that there was more to the motive than Diane claimed do you think that she would have moved on to outside of the family had she not gotten caught or was this just a woman who was sick of her family I don't know make it Mak sense it is wild so thank you guys for tuning in I know that this one was a doozy like I said but I am curious to know your thoughts and what the real motive was here and why the mom and daughter Duo would think that this would be a good plan a good idea I don't know it my head's spinning Rachel says that you were poisoning and killing your own family that you might have even poisoned Briana before it was all over no no were you going to to no how are we supposed to believe that I don't know what is the truth Diane the truth is truth there
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 30,159
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: TI2MKs9BYc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 49sec (5149 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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