Top 15 Police Chases Caught on Camera by COPS: 'You Almost Killed Me!'

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[Music] we just had a subject uh run the intersection at uh one of our busy intersections ran the red light he's at a high rate of speed I'm trying to catch up to him now now going to be going northbound on Juniper from Randall he's weaving through uh the roadway you can see he's probably going to be DUI [Music] left going to be going westbound Merill from Jennifer West looks like it's going to be occupied one [Music] time and still going westbound just R the stop sign at orander [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] West go go go go go get out of the car get out of the car get out of the car get out of the car get out of the car get out of the car what am I doing get out of the car the car's rolling car where am I doing I got your back hands behind your back put your hands behind your back I got it I got stop resisting I got his left arm stop resisting good job guys [Music] Senor get up drunk yeah he's drunk [Music] you searching pretty good you know what I didn't search the front of them hey how come you didn't stop I don't want it you didn't want to stop no okay so what okay okay okay what you been arrested before yes a lot of times okay sit down okay hey don't push me sit down okay don't push me okay sit down don't P me I could do sit down okay don't P me this sit down get your feet in the car get your feet in the car you want to talk to my lawyer right okay I'll talk to your lawyer okay you can do that all right okay we're going to take him back to the station right now and force blood on him he's already refused to do any uh filled sobriety tests he's being extremely uncooperative he told me that he's been arrested for driving Under the Influence several times and he's actually on felony any probation for prior driving Under the Influence Louise are you okay you feeling all right what happened I'm okay you okay what happened okay how come you didn't stop when I tried to pull you over I pulled over you pulled over okay how come you didn't pull over right away oh that depends how I feel that depends on how you feel did you feel like you didn't want to pull over okay were you trying to go to your house okay sit there and relax for a second okay I will all right we're going to uh do a blood draw now you want to get out of the car get some fresh air sit down right here okay relax just get out look all right sir I need your she's going to draw blood from him see what his blood alcohol content is this is not fair I don't think it's a fair okay you know what I mean relax you think it's a fair I don't think it's fair still okay thank you no problem I mean I'm an animal okay keep your on sure he's going to be transported to West Valley Detention Center for the charges of driving Under the Influence 23152 A and B and also uh vehicle section 2800 felony evading right now we're in pursuit of a assult with a deadly weapon suspect we monitored the Sacramento Police Department who put out a call of a guy that had solded somebody with a pole we found the suspect vehicle on the freeway and now we're in pursuit of it oh they did I smell rubber I smell rubber I think it did work or yeah he may have hit a TX strip so we uh the suspect that we've been chasing may have hit at one of the spike strips that one of the uh agencies put out that's all right is this a cone yeah he did his front right tire and back rear tires out 66 David his tires are coming apart this should be terminating here really soon we're coming up to I think pedrick Road 66 David related to CHP that his tires have already come apart we're starting to pick up some CHP units they haven't caught up yet but they're uh close he's going on three good tires and one bad one we're westbound 80 speeds are down to 80 and we're passing pedric we're just waiting for his tires to come apart and him to just slow down to the point where we can uh use the uh Pursuit immobilization technique where we spin them out to get them to stop this Pursuit 66 David we've handed the pursuit off to CHP so right now we've uh handed the pursuit off to CHP 66 David we're slowing down to 60 looks like this is going to be terminating here really soon we're at pit School Road 66 David we're down to 50 still westbound on 80 chp's going to do it do the pursuit move okay come on easy I got I'm getting the rifle get out of the car with your hands up there I'll take it step out of the car Face Forward Face Forward lift your jacket up I got I got it okay interlace your F take it off take it off just take it off and set it on the ground turn around interlace your fingers behind your head walk backwards right now walk backwards keep walking keep walking bring over here mik keep walking stop okay it's all good scared that's it ride your run for like 50 mil sir I didn't I didn't run for M I just got scared what were you doing when the cops were behind you what were you thinking I was scared of what what are you scared of I don't want to go to jail are you on parole or probation I'm on parole sir okay have you ever been involved in a police pursuit before no sir the first time it's crazy huh scary that's some scary stuff I'm just glad that no one got hurt I'm just glad you didn't Mash into anybody I didn't hurt myself or I didn't hurt no one I'm glad that too that was good un least your car didn't get jacked up at all either yeah my girl she actually really needs that man she car yeah we well we actually bought it there's nothing wrong with it it has like a little paint when they did the spin maneuver on you so it's not it's not all jacked up hey do us a favor never run from the cops again next time we still run from the cop still scary all right all right man good luck watch your feet over there at one of the motels off of matsie him and his girl got into a disagreement because he was wanting her to go out and prostitute she wasn't want to do it so he actually took an ashtray and smashed her face in and she got some bleeding and cut he caus some injuries to her yeah now I heard also he's W for a robbery yeah part of that is uh he took her cell phone okay so yeah so the the 245 you saw with the deadly weapon and then the taking of the cell phone okay they had the spike strips out on the freeway looks like he only got one of them uh one of his tires the uh right front uh had he not got this tire that we'd be still driving you know on the way to the Bay Area still of this guy he didn't get hurt and he didn't get us either so that's great yeah so he's going to jail for violating his parole and uh the pursuit and then whatever the Sacramento Police Department books him on for the suspected robbery and assault with the deadly weapon about 5 seven minutes ago there was an 8 tail on the radio about a Honda that run a portal Patrol checkpoint all right looks like the vehicle is stopping he is stopped looks like they may still be back on the vehicle understand they spiked Patrol the subject in the vehicle been telling border patrol agents to shoot him to shoot him oh he is going again ADV that vehicle went through the checkpoint he refused to stop for border patrol uh he went through the spikes he just not stopping for the mle all we know is he ran the checkpoint and they spiked him he should be running low on his tires if they spiked him did he turn [Music] around P UPS pulled away from the vehicle 234 copy and 234 back he's uh looks like he may me Stu and he's running on the rims right now apparently this guy went through a checkpoint secondary starts throwing dope out and then took off his car is pretty much disabled but he's still continuing to go looks like he made he's going to spend he's going to get stuck here pretty quick I think he's doing about two or threes I'm surprised he's still going he's in he's on [Music] [Music] theer in foot pursuit south of I8 into the desert 104 may have something in his hand drop the knife [Music] someone call 1015 I got it excellent job excellent job Hey sir get a vehicle on South 104 trying to get out he's in custody what's your bad on man give me some light dud I want your bad number right now man I want your bad number right now watch dude you twist him for no reason man all right now I want that dude's badge number hey man you know you I want you down I remember your hey you know you just put your life in danger plus all and everyone else I know you don't care I don't care I hope I die I don't give I'll do time in the pin so you're just ready to put everyone's life in danger because cuz of some unknown reason you're a little just so you know you're a little bitch yeah all right we're going to help you up here okay you ready to get up on your feet going to roll you to towards us you ready come up to your butt what's his name hey what's your name man Joe Joe what Joel all right now did he throw dope out yeah he was throwing bags all the way down for the first like six or eight miles okay I don't know what he was throwing out all right I couldn't tell I called it baggies look like little bags but with this one tonight right oh smaller stuff then yeah nothing no bricks I couldn't find the knife my will he said he had a three 3 and 1/2 in knife well it's in the I think it's actually on the canal that was running North and South why'd you run hey I stopped I stopped cuz I got tired man I put my hands in there I put them behind my back I put my feet up near why you stop at the checkpoint maybe I was scared you're not on any kind of drugs right now yeah I'm pretty much sober right now I'm pretty much wearing off the booze and I wish show was but oh well but I'm just I'm really tired man I really want to go to sleep yeah yeah but well life's rough can't have what you want vehicle in front of is supposed to be stolen five they're trying to duck Onie I've been two traveling west on E 11th passenger showing his hands like he's trying to get out of the truck West on E1 East on 10th back towards Central passenger just tried to baell North on Fair View there on ML [Music] King he's about to bail driver's going to bail get [Music] ready five we're rolling towards Central Avenue I believe the vehicle's [Music] dead I've got a unit behind me we're on Central we're at flin Street right now he's trying to get it crank passenger trying to bail East on Flynn Street five you got some units headed towards mcau get them up on mcau Flynn's going to turn into [Music] mcau North on O'Neal passengers just [Music] bailed stand by vehicle stopping he's reaching for something show me your hands show me get on the ground Taser Taser Taser get on the ground man stay on the ground roll over in your back roll over in your back please don't do no more please I beg you f we got both units in custody oh God start 20 one unit's been T give me your hands you got to be aggressive not being aggressive man just doing it the way I'm supposed to please don't be aggressive sir being aggressive stay just like you are you running CU truck stolen no it don't good belongs to your girlfriend your girlfriend reported stolen Lan are you suspended revoked unlicensed expired what are you man what are you looks like I'm screwed well yeah that you are but I'm talking about your license well you're in possession of a stolen vehicle that's all that matters and you ran from me that it's not cool so what's wrong with your driver's license suspended revoked expired unlicensed what are you suspended where you suspended for running in front of us what we got I was in uh the uh what were youall throwing out the windows I didn't throw nothing out what was he throwing out the window I have sir I swear to God I don't know him he told me he was going to go get a 12-pack and was going to stop off and next be and that's what we did okay and we got back in the truck and the next thing I know the police were behind us and he said well I'm not going to jail I'm going to run I said well let me out I don't want no part of this and I threw my hands out the window the whole time you do understand that you are being charged for the narcotics that you were found with what less than half a joint half a joint and a little bit of marijuana well that's all good well that's why it happens man out west I just give you a ticket well go back out west I'm a nice guy okay well you are a nice guy I ain't going to argue that for one minute all right understand something Russell it's not a good thing to run I'm sure you know that's a felony and I'm charging you with it okay Char charging you with possession of stolen vehicle felony evasion evading arrest DUI hard on me like that I'm not being hard on you I'm just letting you know for future effort I'm trying to help you out in the future when you start to run from me and I'm telling you to stop I'm telling you get down on the ground whatever it's not a good thing to run don't do that you crash into the house your car is actually into the garage it's in the garage why didn't you respond to my command underneath the trailer you ever been arrested before I have an extensive criminal Rec we're arriving on a call of a suspicious vehicle possibly a drunk driver evidently the driver got nervous and bailed from the car after crashing we're about to arrive right here right now and uh see if we can't locate this guy the person reporting said he kept hitting curbs and swiping side to side on the road you can see there some damage to the vehicle from where he hit a curb or something and uh he actually made contact with the house here we got the air unit Here trailer that I'm looking at is in my light there that's affirmative the air unit thinks he might be hiding underneath this trailer here metro police show me your hands how you doing control one joint 34 code red hey I see you laying under if you do not extend your hands out and crawl out I'm going to release the dog on you hey sound off or you going to get the dog released on you come out hands out stay on your face stay on your face stop right there [Music] any weapons on you any knives any needles roll over to your side come on up use yourself bounce use your knee bounce yourself come up come on can you please let my wife pick up my car and my your car is going your car ain't going nowhere you crashed into a house come on out here to the patrol car one George 34 Code 4 lift the red I crash into a car a house yeah you actually crashed into the house can you let her pick up my bank card please how much you had to drink tonight a lot a lot yes I was to pick up my back pleas where am I hey dude I open up that gate and look down he's all crowded under there just you ever been arrested before I have an extensive criminal record okay yeah well just give me the most serious thing the felonies kidnapping kidnapping yeah is the most serious thing you've been arrested before any uh stolen vehicles anything like that okay you have any warrants for your arrest right now yes how much have you had to drink tonight like about at least an 18 pack an 18 pack yes okay wow I'm with you okay so did you how come you ran did you run because you have you had warrants or did you run because you're drunk little bit of both a little bit of both okay all right well you know you could have hurt somebody crash into the house you know if I how bad did I crash into uh it could have been worse you actually you did some damage to the your car is actually into the garage it's in the garage and then you're running in the backyard and the one neighbor almost shot you okay you know the neighbor yells at you hey you know you know shoot him to you know his wife's yelling shoot him all right cuz he's got some guy running in his backyard you know so uh it could have been a lot worse right now right now you're being charged with uh you know duy and and misdemeanor hit and run okay no neither one of those are felonies did I hit somebody shit well you hit the you hit the house besides did I hit any H people no you didn't hit you didn't hurt any people but you hit the house you could have hurt some people is what I'm trying to tell you and when I shine a light on you why why weren't you listening to me why didn't you respond to my command I was falling asleep officer you were falling asleep yeah I was drunk underneath the trailer so you're saying so you're saying you didn't hear me I was falling asleep officer cuz I almost released a dog on you and if I released a dog on you it tore you up I know I know and once the dog goes under that trailer and gets you I know I know all right okay what else youve been arrested for DUI you said yeah I have a warrant I all right any other felonies other than a kidnapping okay was that with your uh your wife and and kid is that what the kidnapping involved yeah okay no no no no no not with my wife a kid or nothing nothing like that something different yeah girlfriend or something drug dealer oh drug dealer you kidnapped a drug dealer yeah wow I don't know a lot of people have been in jail for kidnapping a drug dealer right now we're going to a uh unoccupied suspicious vehicle resident's calling saying that uh she thinks that someone's abandoned a possibly stolen vehicle behind her apartment complex we're looking for a uh a blue green Mustang all right looks like we found it control 3 14 uh located the vehicle looks unoccupied well doesn't look like there's anybody in it right now so uh we're probably just going to get out make sure it's not stolen and if it is take a report hey turn off the car right now please turn off the car control 14 code [Music] red control 3 14 uh the guy almost uh ran me over trying to get away TR pl's going to be 068 [Music] 14 [Music] cop control through in 14 vehicle is going to be a green Mustang occupied one time in HMA uh looks like he's 20s wearing a black shirt we're now eastbound on Twain passing rad crest round plan passing C3 cop at this time possibly uh attempted battery with a deadly weapon I was uh opening the vehicle door and uh he was hiding from me he turned it on real quick and threw it in reverse and uh almost cut me between two vehicles his hood just opened we're now eastbound on Spencer passing Twain his hood just open he can't see where he's going TW now passing Ottawa still on Spencer eastbound or Northbound should be Northbound Ma Northbound Spencer passing Cherokee Northbound Spencer copy his uh his hood is still flipped up in front of his windshield uh he's probably just driving looking out the window right now so he's copy a unit behind me he's making a U-turn he just 401 he's spinning [Applause] outop he made heing slow unit down get cussy now I'm sorry my heart my heart my heart I'm sorry stop resisting relax relax listen to me we're going to explain everything to you in a minute okay wait wow get okay all right let's get him up get him in a cage car come on EX location s in the car get medical on their way is it double locked for someone having driven a hood covering his windshield and then into two cars there surprisingly little damage I can't tell you how glad I am that that you guys are fine there's a kid in your car and everything and you know that's uh that's really all that matters right so we'll try and get you on your way in a minute okay thank you hi Ricky how you feeling feeling good you all right yeah I'm feeling better what were you thinking when uh when he first saw us when he walked up you staring right at me and you looked a little scared what were you thinking was like thinking I don't remember that part sir I'm not lying to you okay are you saying you didn't know the vehicle was stolen no I didn't know the vehicle was stolen sir how could you not I don't even remember being in the vehicle the ignition is torn open and you have priors for stealing Vehicles yeah it's correct I stole do you think original person would believe that you didn't know it was stolen I didn't know it I've never stolen A Car in my life I take one look at that know it's stolen the ignition's ripped apart you need a screwdriver to start it I don't know what happened they said I was fighting okay that I was tripping or something like that and I fell as they knock I don't know I F they gave me a drink and after that I fell the floor I don't believe that Ricky okay sir you can if you're scared it's okay you I apologize sir if you don't believe me please forgive me okay right now you're being charged with possession of his stol vehicle felony evading the other major thing that the felony that's going to stick with you today is assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon okay when did I install you the car is a deadly weapon Ricky no but I didn't 2,000 lb deadly weapon okay and you almost ran me over and killed me you almost SED me between two cars today remember that what okay that's I apologize sir okay well I'm I'm going to tell you what the chares were I apologize I don't remember anything like that sir I don't even I never even seen you anywhere okay all right Ricky I think that's enough for now all right I'll talk to you again later one of our units just got behind a vehicle apparently this vehicle's connected to a homicide um he just Hit the Lights try to stop it the vehicle's refusing to stop and we're going to assist with the Chase come on come on go he's bailing he's bailing he's ba there's no way there's no way to get out of Here's nowh To Go bracelet roll put your hands behind you put your hands behind you quit resisting quit resisting not not you got him I got him search him good I didn't see him throw anything threw something out what's going over there that's bunch of guys running over there for something 9123 suspects and C we need somebody to check the ground right at the corner of I got a wallet hey man you got any weapons on you sir you got any dope on you what' you throw out yes no he's saying no rolling this way his front come here why why you running I got a war sir you got a w I know here I'll take that that's my roommate why you running what kind of wart you got I got it War for what for uh P to appear for failure to appear for what well see they have been telling me that y'all was looking for me like I shot my partner I ain't shot my you shot your partner my partner the dude that owns his truck got shot I in my house oh and they think you did it that's what uh they kill him I he's in critical condition he got hit in the head and somewhere El that door was open all the way down D he could throw out anyway though I didn't have anything to throw out I open the door any one of these two have anything so you ran cuz you got a war and then they said that y'all was trying to y'all was looking for me thinking that I I killed my partner I didn't do that you didn't do that but you know but you know who didck yes sir okay I know exactly who did he left me the truck and you ran today cuz you have a warn out of forbin County for f up here warning I thought what was the case for um speeding you ran for traic that's not the real reason I'm tell real reason is because you think you think the police you shot your friend but if you didn't shoot your friend then you shouldn't have ran well sir um if I if I shot my friend I knew the police were looking for me I'd run that's probably why you ran right huh that's probably why you ran what cuz I did it cuz you because you did it no sir well then why'd you run for a speed for a speeding ticket you stay right there sir for speeding ticket you're going to run for a speeding ticket a speeding I I was scared sir I'm I'm being honest I was scared all right seat man I know I didn't know I didn't know what I got I got his wallet hopefully it's in here somewhere hey you got nothing in here buddy I don't I didn't have anything why carry a wallet with nothing in it I got I just got robbed if you if you are all right have a seat have a seat we'll work it out just just sit tight for a second let me make some phone calls he's got a uh Municipal warn out of forbin County for speeding that's why he said he ran and I know I'm like well I thought for sure we got the shooter but then now that we're speaking I remember I that's right that's right I remember I remember them talking about that this morning okay back I spoke to homicide and apparently they already know the suspect guy by name of JN and this guy he's not involved man he he he's roommates with the guy that that got shot and um he knows what happened knows who did it and he just ran cuz he was scared he didn't go to jail for that speeding ticket allegedly my guess is he had he had dope in that um that brown paper sack but whatever ever um but yeah they already know who the homicide suspect is guy my name with John and um so um we'll just do this a regular toe and regular evading in a vehicle case okay all right let's do it all right hey everybody LA and crimes Jesse Weber here I think it's pretty obvious from how Wild Cops Reloaded is that the world isn't always the safest place well that is why I wanted to highlight our partner and proud sponsor of Cops Reloaded Morgan and Morgan you know from watching this show one of the most unsettling things in life is if you get hurt you don't know what to do you don't know where to turn well Morgan and Morgan is actually the largest injury law firm in America I mean three million people call them every year they have completely modernized the process to make it super easy for their clients how well you submit your claim you sign contracts you upload documents to talk to your whole legal Team all on your phone that's it an attorney is going to review your case in just eight clicks that is incredible to think about how quickly you can submit a claim and have them fight for you and in terms of price you only pay them if you win there's no upfront fee so if you're injured you can submit a claim at Cops Reloaded or by dialing pound law that's pound 529 on your phone we're on our way right now to a person with a weapon assault called trouble unknown we don't really know what's going on there's a male and a plaid shirt jumping people's fences uh he's possibly armed with a knife we don't really have any information right now this guy apparently is on drugs we're going to contact him see what his deal is this guy's waned to get on the ground lay down lay down on the ground lay on the ground right now roll over put your arms out now won't let me go put your arms out now put your arms out now I can't breath hit him again let What's your deal today man I saw this guy on the flyer he might be wanted think he is what's your name man Mike what Mike what you got any idea on you today no I think so no let's Pat him down any weapons on you pleas oh man just relax roll over what's your problem today man I know my bike you hopped up on something no what are you using S Walk my face What's your deal man I'm okay that hurt man who did that to me this guy actually came up to me I was just standing out here I just seen him walking on the street uh hit his arms all up like this and he's walking on the street staggering talking to the sky he was uh looked like he was skyh methampetamine or some kind of drugs and he threatened he came up to me and he threaten kill me and and this guy actually heard him from down the block what exactly did he say he said I'll kill you and then he ran up to me and tried swinging on me about two times I had to back up and I actually had to run backwards okay did you feel like he was uh going to carry out that threat today oh yeah absolutely oh yeah okay you definitely felt threatened I felt definitely threatened by this guy he's pretty big dude he's got a lot of rings on he could what I saw I was outside playing in my yard or my street uhhuh and I saw him this guy right here over here at his house and this guy right here L on the ground I saw him uh walking up and down here pacing up and down threatening people walking as he walking by what exactly did he say he goes I'm going to shoot you with a gun okay all right okay you guys sit tight for one second okay fony harassment too fony harassment dope okay obstructing got a transport car coming okay oh where's the dope at yeah you blocked him didn't you no I appreciate it thanks you have a good all right you have a good day Man 30t Apart you got any needles on you off the car got any needles on you like that man what are you guys doing you're under arrest I already told you that why am I under arrested man it's looking like you're under arrest now for my bik my bike so come and get it today very non-compliant Dave he tried uh making it over this fence as we were trying to get to him this guy blocked him from getting over his fence and that's when we grabbed him we need photos of him for anything before we uh put him in you know there's there's no marks from the taser on the back of his neck okay so he's under arrest for obstructing the meth okay so he's going to go to jail for that as well good [Music] deal driver step out of the vehicle hands in the air face away from me that's very funny we on our way to uh one of the industrial businesses in Rialto apparently there's some people there uh stealing copper wire which has kind of been an epidemic lately here in the in rasur is that it this has got to be come here come here okay Pursuit Pursuit 45 I'm in pursuit of the vehicle uh eastbound Rialto from [Music] Cactus he just blew the stop at lilac southbound lilac fir i s I'm loading the copper into it he's going to foot bail stand by [Music] put your hands up put them up close the leave it right there you [Music] understand driver step out of the vehicle hands in the air face away from me that's very funny side step to the left walk backwards walk backwards stop side step one step to your left who's got cuffs I got C okay walk backwards stop drop down to your knees cross your feet put your hands behind your head do not move go ahead the other guy's hiding over in the drainage ditch over under a piece of plywood now so uh 40 King the helicopters got him what were you doing with all that copper wire man I just found it thing in the street right let me let me let me clue you in on something real quick okay when you guys were in the yard of that business no listen to me you're on camera there's a closed circuit TV Camera in there and they were watching you remotely so stop stop I'm not on count I was loading well it was you and your partner that we now have in custody and I saw you loading it into your car yeah I was loading so what explanation do you have for that no I seen you laying on the they've got your car on the video they've got the whole thing you're what do you have to say about that I wasn't on the video I'm telling you you are on the video okay I'm telling you I was never in the yard go ahead start yeah fir Copper's pretty valuable nowadays so that's the big thing that is to a steel copper even if you find a guy with a backpack full or a suitcase full of the stuff uh unless you have a a confirmed burglary somewhere you never know who it belongs to because it's not it's not easily identifiable luckily we we were able to get this on video so we know who this belongs to uh they just caught the other guy just south of here yeah that's him this a guy yeah that's him yeah follow the helicopter I knew this uhas driveway back here I thought he had something white on his jacket but it could have just been the white t-shirt that I saw he just took this uh driveway all the way back here uhhuh he was hiding I heard him say I heard 40 King say there was he was made himself into a piece of plywood or something yeah that little plywood right there hey look up at me man what's going on what were you guys guys doing in that yard I wasn't trying to mess around the yard man but you were in the yard we got you on video being in the yard how do you think we wound up there what are you crying for man I'm hungry dude did you say you're hungry is that what he said we'll work on getting you a meal dude but stop the madness man okay David yeah slide over here for just a little bit let me let me talk to you they got you on video right down to the logo on the back of your shirt okay you were in the yard you had the car you were driving the car you were on the other side of the fence and your partner was helping you get the wire okay there's no sense in lying I'm not lying when the cuz the video is going to show everything you're going to prison for a long time nobody handed me nothing you're on the video okay but uh nobody ever handed me nothing okay you're going to be charged with Grand Theft burglary and theft with priors okay we're on route to a robbery that just occurred at the dut shop down the street here the suspect is in a gray Chevrolet extended C truck occupied by a black male so okay he's going to run he's running you have yeah we're westbound we're southbound going to go back westbound he's got to go westbound okay he's westbound y'all hang out on Harrisburg he's in the neighborhood here we're going to go back to 79th they're currently with on air no sir we're not on Harrisburg we're in the neighborhood1 George Southbound on 78 get kanine and fox this is going to be the robbery suspect he's going to go back on 80th uh southbound 8th you got just saturate the unit he's putting his hands out he's talking on a cell phone all right hold on it looks like he's going to stop on 8th felony stop felony stop on stand by turn your turn the truck off stay Carrie back up back up turn the truck off and step out turn the truck off turn the truck off and step out of the vehicle turn the truck off and step out of the vehicle face down on the ground now face down do not move you hear me do not move clear the truck clear the truck get all right cover all right cover and handcuff all right calm down everybody 11 h11 11 h11 suspect in custody under control going to PE up on three all right one 2 3 can I just call my we we'll work on a minute man do what this officer tells you right here okay on the truck man what you running for huh why'd you run why'd you run you like Dunkin Donuts or what why'd you run man you know why I ran man tell me why you ran I'm not s okay still in probation right now you are it's him take back yeah man it's me I'm not going to lie it's me okay all right that's right man rob no he robbed Dunkin Donuts while ago I don't know about theck I took the cash register man okay okay okay I'm hey I'm communicating with my officers all right I'll let you talk in just a minute I'm trying to get everything situated all I apologize he did a robbery Dunkin Donut I don't know about the truck y'all hold off on the truck the money is supposed to be in the center console Hey man can you P talk there tell Mom I'm getting the rested please man can you take him take it down there you can take it down there okay you me take mine off there or you want to leave mine we'll do it over leave mine till we get up there Sor you said the that he did hijack the the Dunkin Donuts he said all the money was in the center console we've got a big W of money in the console we're going to wait and photograph it for evidence so also we we're going to need this hat because he had the Hat on during the robbery okay the the money we're getting out of the console is all in in separate denominations all the ones all the fives all the tens and 20s are together together like it just came out of a cash register drawer which is the mo for the robbery he took all the money out of the cash register so that's really important to note plus it looks like he took all the change we're going to bag everything up for proper evidence he's even got roll coins in there that I'm sure were in the drawer you going to take them back over there ID him yes I think that's what they're fixing to do right now did you have a weapon no it was a strong arm robbery just went in and uh pushed the the clerk back and opened the register and took all the money hey Joseph I appreciate you uh pulling over I appreciate you cooperating with us uh like I said what I told you we'll talk uh to the DA and and the detectives on the deal you didn't hurt anybody so uh I I say we're going to get you processed in as quick as we can all right hey right now we just got dispatched to a uh domestic dispute where the husband is ramming his wife's vehicle while driving on Foothill Boulevard Paul 10 we're uh in Pursuit both vehicles eastbound Foothill approaching cactus apprach cactus okay the uh Jeep's yielding we got both vehicles yielding in front of Carl Jr get on the ground get on the ground Taser Taser Taser why weren't you listening it's like to move your with that stuff what are you guys doing go to the ground you go to the ground why are you chasing that car why are you chasing that car it's a long story but okay well give it to me it's all right it's cool it's cool why are you chasing them it's a long story sir but I'm cool you got me that's it's no it's not cool what happened give me the story about what happened uh she's my wife uhhuh and we have problems okay and today just got out of control so why are you chasing her putting all of us at risk here you can kill people I know I'm sorry sir I'm sorry why are you chasing her that hurt why are you chasing her huh it got just it just got out of control sir I I mean I don't want what was the fight about this is like uh a 10-year-old fight 10y old fight yeah yeah they today just blew up let's go can you Len up a little bit just a little bit no step in there watch your head you're going to go in with your butt first put your foot in why does she think the husband was trying to Ram him she's not sure why he's had a bad temper in the past he's been violent change the house the house the house this came out as a uh Vehicles chasing each other it looks like his ex-wife called in because he's chasing her in this and uh rammed her car we got some damage to his front end here there's some heavy damage to her car she's saying the car was in good condition prior to the incident so I mean obviously he he did some extreme ramming to her vehicle she's saying this is where he came up and started pounding on our windshield obviously he was pretty angry where were you sitting in the car in the back seat how many times did he Ram you guys I don't know it was like so many times I don't I didn't even keep count was it like a high rate of speed or were you guys yes he hit us like four times he we smashed into cars pull lights everything he wanted to die or something cuz we almost flipped over and everything he didn't stop he was on the phone with his daughter I don't know he just wanted to kill I guess I don't know where did this all start I don't know an argument with my mom I guess what happened did he punch the front windshield is that how that bro he just came up and started punching on it he just got his car he started screaming stuff at us and just started punching her telling that she was going to kill my mom me and the the other girl and well what all what all he saying he was going to kill you your mom everybody he's going to kill everybody in the car hey lean out here and talk to me yes all right they're telling us that you're calling them and while you're calling them you're telling them I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill your mom and I'm not going to stop till you're They're All Dead tell me I mean this is your one chance come clean why are you saying whatever they want to say is is my fault well did you call them and tell them that not that but whatever they say is my fault I'll take the blame they were scared out of their mind I know I know they were SC your daughter's over there crying I know know your ex-wife's crying they're all they were all telling us we thought we were going to die that you hit them 20 times not 20 times come on did you see their car yeah sir is that my car okay well did you see what you did to it sir if they're saying that I tried to kill them did I called to train them that I was going to kill them I know I didn't say that but if they want to blame me for that I'll take the punish punishment and just I mean right now sir like if you want to CH in the head it wouldn't matter for me well you're going to jail yeah I know sir you know what you're going to jail for I know you're going to jail for attempted murder oh this truck was driving a high rate of speed kind of Reckless we're just going to stop it here and make sure it's not stolen look at this guy doing a deal right here on the spike this guy on the spike do get the guy on the bike get down turn off the car turn it off get out turn over put your hands behind your back put behind your back watch out watch out out his put your hands behind you back behind your back get your other hand back here man get your other hand back here sear good you act right dude all right come on one two three my pants come on everybody all right check them down why'd you run it's got turn up I ain't got no huh I ain't got no then why'd you run huh what you got on you oh you sold him some weed no we saw you selling with him I call Mom give her keys man hey buddy talk to me man talk to me why'd you run huh so when we approached him we saw him making hand to hand with the driver in the car Hardy no I went and then when we got out on him of course you guys were pulling up at that time and then he he tried to make it stuff so way to chase him down good guys way to go hey man what were we doing with this guy he I just know him from Jack In The Box Jack in the Box which Jack in the Box down the street what's his name I don't know you don't know him how then how do you know him I just know him for walking at Jack Bo speaking to him yes sir what were you guys talking about I was just saying what you been up to you know he didn't say the we that's my we that's your we when you're going to jail for possession the easy yes right and also the crackle cane that you threw down a thr no crack you didn't throw deck locks down huh so all those five officers running behind you that saw you throw that box down was XP right up in there I a had no but you said you didn't have anything when I first pulled it out until I pulled it out and then you said oh yeah I got ax on me I forgot sir you forgot it yes sir I ain't got no dope on me well you didn't have it on you cuz you threw it down I ain't never had no d a nobody see me nothing all I had was the ex pill my all you had was the X pill huh all right you know why you're going to jail seriously For What from what he just told marijuana you're going to jail for what marijuana possession of marijuana right were you in boot camp recently no sir cuz you said sir no sir and usually I was just in jail I was just in I thought I was RA sir okay what did you just get out of jail for uh I I just got out of jail for a marijuana marijuana yes so how long did you do for your last case my last case uh I got uh they just gave me conviction I did like 30 days they gave you 30 days how much was it it was uh I I I can't remember so why would you risk driving around with marijuana on your possession knowing that it's probably going to get towed when you get arrested just being stupid sir huh just being stupid just being stupid I was just going you think it's that marijuana that maybe clouds your judgment sometimes when you smoke it yes sir all right just hold on thank you sir all right Bud get your hands up now get them on the dashboard right now I don't know why he's running probably scared you the way he was driving huh all right 979 traffic 99 guys x-ray Nora x-ray will be on 65 and Tolman we're going to stop this car here we uh the registered owner of the car and they're not quite pulling over yet registered owner has a uh felony warrant and it looks like we're going to probably be in pursued here 9 uh 979 uh this driver is failing to yield we're going westbound Duke from 65 it's a black Ford Excursion and we're going to be in Pursuit westbound Duke no traffic on the road um traffic charges at this point there's two occupants the passenger a white male eastbound eastbound I think Coleman here on a gravel road they just bailed down here all right uh 979 let's go ahead and get a perimeter uh we'll go 52nd to 56 Get Your Hands Up Now get them on the dashboard right now now don't move white them out keep your eyes on the front passeng I'll get the guy in the back every passenger put your hands I can see them put them up on top of your head lace your fingers together hey stny yeah come on out what's up I got her I got her I got her I got her okay you have anything on you it's going to poke me needles knife sharp objects no who's who's driving what's his name bo Michael hey who's driving that car man good J at 979 we got uh two in custody here at the car there's a uh name associated with the vehicle named Michael sounds like it might be the guy who ran what was he saying when he was driving he just said oh I'm going to jail okay all right where that's all he was saying yeah and then he just took off I I really honestly I don't know why he's running probably scared the the way he was driving huh all right have a seat in the yeah I do but I ma'am ma'am stand back stand back I know I know I know just stand back keep your hands straight up in the air l or Michael straight up in the air and keep walking towards us we're not going to hurt you just just come on out turn around just follow Direction man put your hands behind your head and fingers put your hands behind your head and your fingers come back come back I got it you wasn't coming out nobody else is in there Michael you got anything on it's going to poke me no you got a warm man I got warm well how about for not stopping for the police in what in your car I wasn't driving no car yeah you were man I wasn't dude you drove right by us I wasn't driving no car did you see this 82 in Duke you drove right by us I wasn't at 82 in Duke yeah huh Andie they're saying I I wasn't a you tell them I was here well dude really yeah really I wasn't driving no car no I'm not that's cuz the people in the car already told us you were driving really how do you think we ended up here dude I don't even know but no all right we're going to walk down here to a police car all right all right come on out this way all right is that the guy that was driving huh you don't want to go to jail for hindering prosecution do you I'm not shaking my head no yeah you are okay I'm not looking at her is that him okay thank you who was the dude driving the car her her dude Mike Mike what did he say to you guys when he took off man he just I he said uh what I do what I do uh I'm going to jail and I was like pull over you know all right sit tight hey Michael so what happened tonight man I just wanted to get home you just wanted to get home did you know you had a warrant I don't live there yeah I don't live there I'm homeless but you don't live there is that like a girlfriend or something okay I apologize I just I don't know what to say it's I need apologize to my boyfriend people make mistakes good luck to you Ma got a vehicle off on us going down towards fifth Joey just toss a gun out man you see it you did all this we're trying to catch up to a vehicle for uh excessive 10 on the Windows loud music do traffic [Applause] stop 3784 Mery we got a vehicle taking off on us we're going down Robinson he just made a right turn onto terce Street it's a silver older Chevy Lumina one black male driver inside just made a left onto uh bur Burrows and the left on the dunk car coming back to Robinson he just made it right on the Robinson going down towards fifth Joey just toss a gun out man you see it still going down towards fifth rate of speed is right now we're going 40 m hour he just turned on the Fifth Avenue going inbound going inbound on Fifth continuing inbound on Fifth we're getting ready to uh approach uh katrick here all right he's pulling over here we got him stopped on Fifth Avenue shut your car off car off shut your car off put your hands up keep them up unlock your car shut it off shut off I don't step out here slide over here you got what on you marijuana cough them up turn around scuff them up scff them up for some reason you want to stop for us sir I didn't want to go to jail for us sir that's it for what I got marijuana in my pocket you had more marijuana we're going to go back and get what you just thre now's the time to talk to me man Sor I don't end nothing some weed in my pocket you didn't just run cuz you had weed sir we're going to go back and get what you got then your attorney's going to be talking to me and begging me for deals but there ain't going to be no deals to go back and get that gun you just threw you hear me I don't have no gun sir you don't have no gun I just got marijuana in my pocket you just got marijuana in your pocket you just did all this for marijuana in your pocket I don't want to go to jail sir I'm scared I just got off work make that left there let's go up Joe let's let them watch him let's go up and get what he got all right we're going to stay here and watch us you guys mind watching him for a second we'll go back up and ret trace the steps is C in by a child if it's going to be Aus or not pass a firearm outside this alley up here is it D Bar I said the cater H right here right there there's his gun told you there's his magazine [Applause] we go back and talk to him see if we can get the uh story why through the gun out the core you want to talk to him yes read him his rights slide down here man what I tell you got to talk to me man it's your last chance to talk to us cuz after this you go to the jail I want to know where you got the gun from and if it's stolen getting charge with the vofa get in charge with fleeing and looting get in charg with the marijuana reckless driving and if you're a convicted felon you're going to get 6105 and you're going to be sitting downtown for a while let's go you had your chance remember get away from the car get away from the car hands out and there's you know police everywhere I'm like you running from somebody I heard the gunshots we're in the area on a shots fired call this guy he's leaving at a high rate of speed there's a good chance he's going to have something to do with the shots fir [Music] Northbound past uh 25th stop sign x-ray Charles x-ray x-ray Charles x-ray we're south on Fountain there one black male no two black male occupants it's a gray Chevy Capri fordor 21st and Yale 21st and Yale is our location we're going westbound on 21st from Yale heading back towards Hillside I've got three deep now three deep uh all black males get away from the car get away from the car get away from the car hands out 143 we stopped 2347 2347 we're doing a fony car stop hey hold on hey driver driver get out of the car walk backwards towards my voice down on your knees hands behind your head put your hands behind your [Music] head next occupant craw out the driver you chill out man spread your legs spread chill out chill I'm stop resisting I'm sorry down on your knees I don't want anything to happen get down on your knees hey man hey chill out chill out chill out chill out I'm cool I'm cool stay down okay I'm down sir stop resisting I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to resist you me your thing I lay on the ground all day stay down I'm on the ground car clear clear got cracked dumped out of the FR pass SE one of the suspects probably the front seat passenger dumped a big bag of after our car chase here so what we do is we photograph the tag photograph the vehicle where the vehicle pulled into so that we we can document everything and articulate it if the case goes to trial I'm just trying to see why my husband is being detained and all that okay I called in a check shots call when I'm in the area looking for the check shots mhm this vehicle came around the corner so fast pass that its entire rear end spun around at 180° and then went Northbound on Erie at a very high rate of speed directly past my patrol car okay I turned around I attempted to initiate a traffic stop for a simple move in violation find out why are you driving so fast are you the victim of something is somebody shooting at you are you running from somebody I heard the gunshots he failed to stop yeah I we were in car like okay I get a phone call with your husband and there's you know police everywhere and I'm like what fin let I need you can't this my it's me I'm it okay when I decide whether I need to take your husband to jail or not I can let you know or I will make sure an officer lets you know okay okay I will make sure that I don't leave without providing you with the information that you need to know that's all I need to know they this came for no reason we didn't even do nothing are you are you serious with that dude I wasn't even are you serious with that I pulled you out of the driver's seat you stuck your hands out the driver's window and they pulled you out of the driver's seat you pulled into the driveway and you're going to stand there and look me in the eye and say you weren't driving are you AB are you so are you serious with that you're seriously going to tell me that you're going to go to jail for possession of crack cocaine and felony oad in a loot
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 20,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: SakTkUjIXn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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