It Takes Me 4 Hours To Put On My Makeup

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hey I'm Emma please like And subscribe I was born to Indian parents in New Jersey but we moved to New York when I was a kid I wouldn't say my family was rich but we did get by without trouble my dad was an accountant and my mom was a makeup artist I loved watching Mom put on makeup but I never understood why people wanted to put makeup on themselves mom why do you put makeup on people because they want to look pretty honey pretty I thought it was all like face painting to be a clown like why would having your cheeks and nose so red makes someone look pretty when you grow up and try it on you're gonna love it my life seemed perfect I got good grades had tons of friends at school and was loved by teachers but when I turned 14 everything turned upside down I had just returned from India after spending an amazing summer vacation with Grandma and it was time for me to start high school I was pretty excited for it but this excitement didn't last long because High School wasn't exactly exactly like I'd imagine I thought it would be fine as long as I didn't make eye contact but things didn't go my way in the first week of school I was fixing my favorite lucky bracelet on my wrist when I walked into someone's back and heard a scream right after oh no it was Becca our school's self-proclaimed queen bee she was one of those I hate drama but I start drama kind of people ah my phone look what you did you freak I am so sorry I didn't see you oh save it you didn't see me are you blind that was a brand new iPhone now you'll get me a new one got it but why would I last time I checked phones weren't allowed inside school so I guess it's your fault you brought it in the first place but hey we can both go talk to the principal if you want to I can explain how I bumped into you and you can explain why you have a phone so what's it gonna be Rebecca don't you dare ex smart with me Hugh messed with the wrong girl heard that one before bye-bye just as I walked away Becca pushed me I wasn't gonna let the witch get away with it so I turned and slapped Becca straight across the face the next thing I knew we got into a nasty fight and in the process Becca broke my bracelet it was at that moment that I felt my heart stop like I swallowed a frog I wanted to scream cry and throw up at the same time I fell to the ground and started pulling my hair no no no this can't be happening this is my favorite bracelet grandma made it for me this is the last gift she gave me really I did you a favor ugh it was so ugly I could feel everyone's eyes glued to me but I couldn't care less or stop then suddenly everything went black I had woken up in the nurse's room and found out that I had a panic attack my parents were informed about what happened and they were so worried about me I took a week off and I heard that Becca was suspended for a week for starting the fight during this time I felt so anxious but one day when I saw Mom working I noticed that the step-by-step process of applying makeup looked soothing I observed mom and then I started applying minimal makeup whenever I was anxious I just felt the whole process helped my mind to slow down and focus on something I told you you would love putting on makeup you look wonderful who knew you were this talented learned from the best a few days later Becca and I walked into school on the same day she was out for revenge for her suspension she filled my locker with wigs and whatnot I didn't want to react because I knew that would start a fight I just wanted to get away from all of this so I told my parents how I needed to change schools but they couldn't because of some Financial issues so the only solution I could think of for my problem was to get suspended my first attempt to get suspended was during class I had put a fart cushion under the teacher's chair so that every time he sat down it would sound like he farted but some guy took the credit for it to look cool for pulling off a prank like that he was suspended instead bummer I had even played loud metal music through the intercom during class and made sure I got caught but it didn't work all I got was detention I wasn't even suspended as if my prayers had been answered during summer vacation I got the best news ever we were moving back to New Jersey dad had gotten an amazing job that paid well talk about great timing mom and dad had also told me that they already enrolled me at the new school since I didn't have any friends in the new city I usually stayed home and made Instant Videos of my makeup soon I gained tons of followers and people loved the looks I created one evening mom made me go out because I was in my room all the time I decided to go for a movie by myself but as I entered the cinema Hall I saw the one person I didn't want to cross paths with Becca just as the lights were dimming I noticed her and her friend sitting three rows behind me I immediately crouched down and crawled to my seat and in doing so I dropped the entire bucket of popcorn on someone a boy oh I am so sorry hey are you all right is something wrong someone bothering you sort of oh okay I got you don't worry then I felt him put his cap on my head I watched the movie peacefully thanks to the stranger who introduced himself as Damian we exchanged numbers and I found out that we go to the same school he told me he would wait for me at the school Gates on the first day and I agreed we were the last ones to leave the cinema Hall I had to be sure Becca was gone a couple of days later I started school and at the gate I saw Damien waiting for me he showed me around the school and as we walked through the halls I felt all eyes on me and it made me feel very conscious remember Emma keep your head down and stay out of trouble you know someone was assigned to show you around the school actually my friend Natalie but I'm so glad she got caught up with some other work and asked me to help her out well it was nice to have Damien show me around cause the guy sure was handsome just as we reached our class A girl entered and looked so excited guys I have amazing news wait for it the principal has agreed to let students write and direct a play all by themselves yay oh who do we have here wait you must be Emma sorry I didn't meet you earlier that's fine so drama club sounds cool yeah thanks to me if it were for this nerd we would have nothing except for the math club oh my God Natalie you're the greatest aren't you drama clubs well they are boring oh no they're not even though they seemed like Rivals it turned out that they were buddies in fact they had known each other since they were babies because of their families Natalie and I started becoming good friends we would talk about everything under the sun and one day I noticed that she kept scratching her Palms and the skin was peeling off so I immediately took her hand and applied my hand cream on her palms and then I went on a rant about how she should take care of herself or it would start to hurt one afternoon when I went to the cafeteria I saw her looking at my Instagram page you're extremely talented you know can you all of a sudden I looked up and saw Natalie's face going pale Natalie are you okay she just pointed at her throat and I figured she was choking I ran to her side and helped her immediately Emma oh my God you saved my life thank you so much oh no I did what I had to are you feeling better I owe you one my Lifesaver when Damien returned from his cousin's place a week later he was pretty surprised to hear about the choking incident wow protecting my friend when I'm not around thanks a lot Emma she's my friend too now gotta go I have to go to this comic book store Nook and then home no way you go to Nook we'll love that place no we adore that place don't we Natalie it's just fine Damien Damien and I continued to visit Nook every day after school Natalie would join us sometimes it was fun one evening when it was just Damien and I I could feel him looking at me is your comic book that boring that you're looking everywhere but the book no it's just I wanted to tell you something tell me what I like you Emma what I like like you actually I kind of liked you that time when you were hiding next to me at the movies it was the first for me really you know what I think I have liked you too since that day he smiled wide and pulled me in for a kiss the next day I told Natalie everything and she was so happy for me that evening while we were hanging out at Nook Natalie announced she was selected to write and direct the play at school and that it was about something that meant a lot to her OMG I am so happy for you Nat I'm excited too but also a little nervous you'll promise to be there right of course we wouldn't miss it for the world I was pretty excited for the play and I even post about it on my insta to get as many people to show up for her directorial debut on the day of the play the school auditorium was packed Natalie came on stage and thanked everyone for showing up and said that the play was based on true events and means a lot to her the place showed the main character getting amazing grades but it wasn't enough for her parents the stress she went through and how how that caused her to have a problem where she scratched her Palms to the point it would hurt her as the play continued I saw a scene all too familiar the main character snaps one day and starts screaming and pulling on her hair in a fit of rage as she cries I froze and felt Goosebumps all over my body that was me the fight with Becca I started shaking like a leaf in my seat and felt my cheeks get wet great I was crying too I tried to calm my nerves but nothing was helping Emma Emma are you all right I couldn't talk I just shook out of fear I was having a full-blown panic attack I stood up abruptly and all of a sudden everything went into slow motion as I tripped and fell while trying to get out of the hall I felt so embarrassed and knew everyone was looking at me I couldn't help it and ended up vomiting OMG what is happening I needed to get away from the place and ran out of the auto Auditorium while Damien followed he made sure I reached home safely and then kept visiting me every day since I just couldn't show the world my face after that Auditorium incident but Damien kept insisting I go to school again Damien it's easier said than done you have no idea what happened to me at my previous school then tell me I want to know what's bothering you and I did I poured my heart to Damien as he hugged me and told me that everything was going to be all right still I had just one question on my mind what if Natalie knew about that incident she couldn't could she so I gathered all my courage and went to school I needed to know who the play was about but just as Natalie saw me she came running to me and hugged me I am so sorry I didn't know you had anxiety how are you feeling now I think I should be the one apologizing I ruined your play I myself didn't think what happened in the play would trigger my anxiety why didn't you tell me about it sooner I was I was embarrassed about it it makes me look weak and I don't want to be seen that way do you know that the play was actually about me and my life what yeah and you want to know how it ends it ends with me getting better and finally stopping the violent scratching on my arms and you know how that was possible because of you what do you mean because of me you remember when you applied the hand cream and took care of my bruised Palm from that day on I noticed how being around you and Damien helped me out so much you always encouraged everything I did and were rays of sunshine literally you have no idea how much your kindness and care towards me helped me and I will always be grateful to you for it I was shocked and had tears in my eyes that night I played Natalie's words on Loop in my head and I knew what I had to do I sat down and started a live video on Instagram hi everyone how are you doing this video is gonna be a little different this time I will be removing my makeup up instead of putting it on and I'm doing this to thank someone who hurt me not physically though but in doing so you made me all the more stronger I talked about my insecurities and my panic attacks I told the world how I was not embarrassed about it and how I wanted to learn to better myself in the end I just want to say remember you are amazing no matter what bye little did I know that my video would go viral people began sharing their stories as well and tagged me in their videos I was proud of myself that I didn't let my weakness convince me that I didn't have strength I walked into school the next day hand in hand with Damien and Natalie next to me with my head held high I hadn't realized it until then that I had amazing friends and parents and I didn't need to be embarrassed about my attacks or anxiety they were parts of me and I am who I am because of them
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 12,828,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CCUrGob_krA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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