Molto Mario Full Episode: Sugo di Razza

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hello my name is Mario Batali and this is multi Mario I'm here with my good friends juliet brooke and omar and we're talking about the beautiful Cucina a brute says a witch they're a beautiful unbelievable coastline along the of course east coast when you're in the Adriatic Sea and the dishes that we're gonna make today are based on a town called Posada a beautiful town in the middle of a brute so where's the moon's own roots I'm so glad you asked Rousseau is right here on the eastern coast here's Puglia here's pescado right here here's Lazio Rome is Abruzzo is right here along the edge there it's at the top of it is something called they'll get on SAS d'Italia which is this beautiful kind of mountainous forest region and it just kind of dives straight down into the sea very much like if you were in California if you're in Santa Barbara it kind of goes up that quickly just like that and it's absolutely beautiful we're talking about recipes from the town of Posada and the dish that the name of the show we're going to call is called sugilite Anza which is actually the ragout of skate wing that they loved so much and it's all served all over the south but most particularly Abruzzo and it's almost brother province that of Lazio which is where Rome is a lot of these dishes that you'll find in the average stay is a cooking particularly the seafood dishes although through an entirely different Coast one on the Adriatic and one of the Mediterranean they have a very similar kind of feel and similar taste to them the first dish we're gonna make those called panic Walla Walla which is an egg bread made with potatoes and it's not at all something you would see in Rome this is almost very specific to a broad zone almost very specific to the town of Pescara and when you talk about the variations in bread and culture and spaghetti and everything it changes not only from region to region but from town to town within regions and that's why this is such an interesting bread and it's a beautiful first course and it's not traditionally the serve a first course with just bread but this one's liven up with a little sauce made from a groomy or the citrus fruits and you're gonna see how simple and delicious it is now the first thing we did is we took a potato we peeled it we cut it into pieces and we just boiled it and this is not an al dente potato this is a potato that's been cooked all the way through and while it's still warm we're going to pass it through our food meal now food meals you can buy this is the best kind it's a solid piece of metal not just a little handheld one the size of the hole you can vary because you can buy if four different kind of blades doesn't wear that's on the bottom this one's relatively rough cut pretty thick because we really want to kind of seal that potato when we're finally making the soup the way we use exactly like you're right so we just call it a simple keynote and you just pass it through like so and it just mushes right through and this is exactly the same kind of technique that you was used if you were making your key or anything else where you want everything to be nicely ground and not mashed if you were to match this up with your fork you might start to create kind of that starchy stickiness which is something we definitely don't want to happen so now we take the potato out and we're going to toss it right back into our we're gonna put it right on the board here for a second while we create the well method that we're gonna make our bread so now we'll take about four and a half five cups of flour and before we get to this point careful to Snowy over there guys it'll be all right the key the key to making bread the key to understanding it is making sure that you understand that it's really better to add more of the dry angry I'm more wet ingredients than dry ingredients then if the recipe what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually hold back about half a cup of whatever dry ingredient that we're actually using and I'll make it look more like a half a cup because it's a lot easier to knead things into it that's a lot easier to add dry ingredients to a wet ball than to try to dry out I mean try to liquefy a really dry ball so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take eggs and this is an egg bread to which we're going to add these potatoes so I'm going to throw the potatoes in first right in with the well we're going to take eight eggs which are going to make up literally 50% of our liquid portion of this bread and then over here I have basic dry active yeast I've activated it with warm water you have to be careful with the temperature of the water you want to make sure that it's not too much over 120 or not too much below 70 if it's below 70 it just never happens and if it's below 120 it could tend to cook it exact numbers I'm not sure about so follow it up with your technology but if it's a hot tap waters about all's you need to do I've allowed that when it happens is it immediately starts to come alive you can see it's bubbling and making all that kind of a beautiful tangy smell and what we're gonna do now is just take the yolks the eggs and mix the whole thing together just like so now before I get too much further we're adding another flavoring we're using a little bit of melted pig fat that's right lard and it's absolutely delicious and we're just going to put it in there just like that and this is very traditional this doesn't mean trying to lighten it up for the American palates this is the way they really make it so now I'm also going to take about a pinch of salt and we're going to stir that through until it starts to form what looks a little bit like a dough and now the whole trick to bread is understanding that it's the kneading process that makes the whole thing that much funner so we're gonna dump the whole thing out without any fear whatsoever and start to bring it together now what kneading and yeast do are absolutely essential they both have to work together what yeast does is it gives whatever's in there the opportunity to take a breath and they're always talking about the way yeast expands is because yeast when it starts to act actually creates carbon dioxide it starts to breathe that out especially when it's reacting with heat now what kneading does is kneading brings it together and with the flour you're developing something this concept called gluten gluten is this idea that the protein in the wheat actually stretches into these long little strands long thin strands and what they are once it cooks is they're allow they're what allows this bread to hold its actual breath that it's been given by the yeast so the kneading is probably the single most important process of the whole thing and what you'll do is you'll just need it need it and need it and need it and you really want to knead it for about 10 or 15 minutes so that it comes together becomes very nicely homogeneous as well as having stretched out that gluten that's why you really give it that puss like that because you're really stretching the gluten which is eventually going to hold on to that breath so what you'll do once you get it on the kneaded like so as you put it in a warm place that is to say in the kitchen not in a really really hot place not over the stove but near the stove you want it to be about 75 to 80 degrees and the reason that you do that is so that it will eventually start to rise the rising is a double axe it will rise once and then it'll rise again so we put this in we put a piece of plastic over just like this we've the bowl just a little bit so that it won't stick and then after about an hour it looks like this and then you put that's it exactly then we'll do is we'll punch it down we'll take a little bit of this flour here and just kind of dust our board pull it out like this and this beautiful simple dough now we'll become two loaves we're going to cut it in half like that and to create a loaf you do something that looks a little bit like a fold we take the bread like so and you just on the back of it just kind of keep pulling it around and pulling it around until it forms a beautiful round ball like that and now what that means is it had I left it just like that it would grow out and be kind of an inconsistent and weirdly shaped thing since I want it to be round we're going to go like that then to put it in the oven to bake it you just grab a sheet pan or a cookie sheet toss it on it with a little extra virgin olive oil and then throw them right on like that now at this point you can put whatever little design you want on the top we usually keep it simple but I'm imagining two designs we're gonna see how they come out when they come out of the oven so basically you just pop it in the oven you cook it at about 375 400 for 15 to 20 minutes if you wanted to put it on a pizza stone you could that would certainly change the flavor a little bit but we're just leaving it on like that when we come back I'll show you how we bring the sauce together bring the whole thing together is this beautiful simple antipasto from the influence of the town called pescado they're in Abruzzo so please stay with us welcome back now we're going to make a quick little sauce by taking sugar and citrus juice to create an almost gastrique II kind of a thing which is going to be a caramel I've taken a cup of one and a half cups of sugar I've taken a cup of grapefruit juice I'd say half cup of grapefruit juice and a little bit of orange juice and we're going to reduce that down with the tiniest splash of white wine red wine vinegar and create a very interesting sauce that's going to really be the kind of crowning glory of this very simple bread it's gonna be relatively thin it's gonna be light but it's gonna have all of that intense citrus flavor that we love so much now the bread of course looks like this when it comes out and as I imagined it it added some in the initials B and L better one Leo my two boys Oh who would have figured now the trick to this is you the family that's a total family so now the next thing we're going to do while our sauce is just sitting here cooking away is we're gonna take a little bit of a grapefruit and we're gonna do what they like to call supreme that is to say we're gonna cut it just like so actually let's use this one we cut the skin off and the pith at the same time by removing the top just like so and then coming around this side doing the same thing will allow our bread to rest and then just cutting inside the actual peel all the way down we leave just perfectly cut segments that have virtually no skin whatsoever in them and that's what makes them so done good now I can tell just by listening to it one of the most important things about good cooking is the auditory component you can hear that sauce starting to change texture altogether that's exactly what we wanted to do and eventually it's going to bubble up like this we're going to drop the heat just a little bit then it's going to go back down and then it's gonna become silent because the sugar is taking over and start to become caramel now to continue this this is an interesting thing and this is probably served at a late mid end a late morning med Enda that is to say kind of a between meals snack and we're going to serve it with just a little bit of a beautiful cheese in which fact this cheese bread and fruit sauce thing all comes together and becomes a beautiful little pie innately patate in the style of cascada so that's as simple as it gets I'm going to take the sauce which is now just coming down perfectly we're gonna move our grapefruits over just a little bit and then we'll cut straight across the top and you can tell it has a very interesting crumb this bread because the eggs have given an incredible kind of a sweetness and it's just steaming and hot perfect and there you go you just lay it on like so one two three and four then over the top of that a few of these segments sings but the crust sounds exactly like what you want yeah and then you'll just take this very kind of light glazy caramel and just pour it over that I'm not done yet guys and then to finish it off a little Chi know what kind of cheese again this is a beautiful cheese called scamorza it's the same cheese as a mozzarella but it's been allowed to kind of dry over a little bit of a hearth what they'll do is I'll make mozzarella then they'll tie up the ones that they want to make it scamorza and they'll just hang them over the hearth and let them to dry or kind of smoked and aged for 10 to 15 days then they're ready to go and you eat it go ahead guys passing around the most famous covers that comes from a town called V's andouille which is in the mountains above pescado behind it now the next dish is a classic that you're familiar with if you've ever been to Rome they often enough serve it with different kinds of pasta buon appetito by the way but this one we're gonna make with a hard dry pasta and some broccoli now broccoli we're going to just cut into some segments relatively roughly we're not looking them to look like florets and we're going to toss them in the water the main ingredient the main event of this whole dish is something called ROTC and ROTC is a skate wing if you've ever seen a skate in the sea if you're ever been the Caribbean are all over all over the Mediterranean they have them they look like giant floating ears and they're soft and they just look like these beautiful kind of winging things my ears don't get that brown but they could if I was in the Sun too long and what when you buy it you just buy the wing it's just the outer fins of it and it's got this beautiful kind of fibrin and gelatinous texture to it and it's absolutely great and what you'll do is you'll have your fishmonger clean it for you and what he'll do is he'll just he or she will just scrape it off and in the middle here there's almost kind of like this comb of gelatinous fibrin texture and on both sides you'll have a skin and the way you remove the skin is just by pulling it away like so and just scraping it along like that now you don't want to eat the skin by any means but you do want to remove it and the way to do it is you just get underneath it like so and you just scrape it along like that and remove it like so then pull it away like that and then on the inside you have that beautiful flesh so what you want to do is scrape it along like that come along scraping there all the way and then just remove the flesh in pieces like so from the skin and it's going to fall apart so we don't ever even break it up or chop it up it's going to fall apart all by itself now to make the sauce we're going to actually use the cooking liquid of the broccoli to be actually the broth itself so it's very very simple we're going to take about six cloves of garlic which are this is a very aggressive amount of garlic for most of a bruit so but in this particular seafood dish we love it because it's really the only aromatic involved we have the broccoli the broccoli water and the pasta as well as a little bit of chilies and olive oil and that's really kind of the cleanliness of this whole dish we're going to take our garlic we're going to add about four of these beautiful simple chilies we're going to take some broccoli that's just been cooked and again this isn't something that's served al dente the broccolis by omean is gonna be completely hammered we're gonna drain the broccoli well while it's draining we're gonna take our skate piece toss it in right in the middle and around that we're just gonna throw our broccoli now this broccoli isn't gonna be out then take and it's not even to be green by the time we're done what we are gonna do however is add our linguine and we're gonna in a very unusual move break our linguine right here into the half toss it in the pasta water weird cuz you're gonna see when we come up that's the tradition of the dish I'm gonna season that that's a little bit and then I'm going to actually spoon in a little bit of the pasta water to start hastening the cooking of the sauce when we come back I'll show you how we bring this dish together and we'll get down with a little PDA income talk show as our main course so stay with us hey welcome back now all's I did since we were gone is just allow this to sizzle away and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to keep adding every now and then a little spoon of the pasta cooking water at the end I'm gonna take some chopped pureed tomatoes canned peeled tomatoes and we're gonna add even just a little bit more because this dish is really almost a soup in fact at this point now the broccoli is tender the skate has fallen apart what we're gonna do when we remove our pasta is we're gonna actually use some of that draining water to make this even just a little bit wetter then I'm gonna drain it all well toss it in like so and then we take it to the plate now of course the whole game here at the last second add a little bit of fresh parsley a touch of hot chili flakes and bring it all to the plate and this is a very wet soupy pasta which is why we'd kind of broken up those noodles back I'm gonna add just a little bit more water just like so and I'm gonna add just a little bit more water than because it is really wetter than most other pastas it's really almost like a zoop bun and then the way you serve it is with that beautiful spoon like so a little Chili's up over the top and there you have it zuly that's a la linguini just like they make in Pescara buon appetito of course with that we'll use a local white wine hmm a simple contra graver which works so perfectly even you should watch this doesn't it very wet like that I used a classic Roman as well now the next dish is very simple it's all based on complete perfection of product and it's a slight variation that I've taken it's called clean out cut Tojo and traditionally cooking in car coaches something that they love to do in this in anywhere on the coast in Italy because it's really kind of creating the environment to steam and perfectly cook a fish now the first thing you do is you get your card culture which in this case is just parchment paper what you want to do is start to create your dish now at this point it's entirely up to you and in fact some of the things here are not traditional to actually piss cotta but the whole ideology isn't the whole idea of this fish is so we're going to continue as if in the imaginary world of multi barrio we're going to take a little bit of salt and we're going to season our fish the most important ingredient in this dish is of course not the variety of fish but the freshness of fish you want to get whatever is fresh you want to look for small fishes but we're out that you could find and you couldn't find these little beautiful rouget or red mullet then by all means get the trap because the better the quality of the fish the better the dish is going to be so what we're gonna do is we're gonna lay our fish are the mullet hard to find these aren't actually very hard to find at all I always have no trouble finding them so what I'm gonna do besides before I put the fish down is I'm gonna take a little bit of julienned carrots and these are all vegetables that are cut into julienne because we want them to cook in the same time as the fish they're gonna build something that's just a little bit still crunchy but that's what makes them so good so before you put the fish down always put something instead in its place underneath and then the rest is entirely up to you now this is an autumn variation on this dish I'm going to take a little bit of urban pocket inside the cavity of the first one of each fish and then over the top you could put anything in this case we're going to use a little bit of chard very thinly sliced a little bit of radish or turnip for that matter a little bit of acorn squash but again you could use anything and if it was the summer and it was tomatoes and peppers and eggplant the whole idea is really personalizing the every dish that you see it's not to follow blindly a recipe but it's to understand conceptually the idea of a recipe behind it and then take it and make it your own way and that's really kind of the difference when you're talking Italy about what makes really good cooks or really good dishes Italian home cooks who learned the same ragu Bolognese from the same mom the two sisters will make it differently because in in in the Italian ideal you really appreciate the personal touch of the cook much more so than the basis of the recipe or the idea behind that recipe so as I said two different daughters from the same mom would entirely different regular ball music and they might even while at the table kind of talk badly about the other ones ragu because now I can't believe she put the porcini in there and they'll both claim to have learned it exactly as mama used to make it exactly so then in this case you could put scallions leeks ginger and soy sauce in here like the Chinese do and still claim it to be your own dish the idea being that it's technically the simplest thing you could possibly do and then important thing in this case is to make sure that you have parchment paper but you could just as easily use foil and then most important thing other than that is that you have a really incendiary hot oven because you want to cook this as quickly as you can so now we've got the artichokes in there now I'm going to take just a little bit of black olive paste and I'm just going to kind of lay it in the center and when it's done I'm going to kind of stir that around on top of that I'm going to put a little bit more of these some parsnips totally non Italian a little bit more extra virgin olive oil and then just a touch of wine to kind of create that perfect steaming environment and what you're going to get out of all of these vegetables is there's a complex kind of steam room that's gonna give it all the best flavor that you can have possibly have from this tend to fold it up you just fold it as if you're doing single folds over like so around around around around around then when you get to the end you flip it like that and you give it a quick little spin like that then over the top a little bit of extra virgin olive oil so that the parchment kind of retains even a little bit more of its absolute air tightness and then right into the oven this will take about 12 to 15 minutes depending on the thickness of your fish when we come back I'll show you exactly how we get it out we season it up with just a couple more ingredients so please oh yeah baby how's that huh who's delivering the mail today how that's what I want to know now you bring it to the table like that and if you were gonna take a couple of extra seconds right when it came out of the oven you'd want to immediately pierce that and it would take you the few seconds to get if your kitchens a long way from your dining room we save past the left wing of the library down there because what'll happen is it if it sits there for even like a minute it will start to immediately collapse but if you cut it then you reduce the pressure difference from inside to outside now to serve it you bring it to the table like that and you just serve cut it open like so you can see it's got everything in it the only way to finish something is perfect like that is just to drizzle it with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and a touch of chilies then you bring everyone's plate out and that's the way it goes I want to thank you guys for being here you made a heck of a lot of fun I hate that I want to thank you guys for being here and I hope to see you on the next molto Mario
Channel: Molto Fan
Views: 121,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario batali, food network, molto mario, pasta, skate, cooking show
Id: sgvxJaGxFwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2016
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