Molly Makes Coconut Grilled Chicken, Steak and Shrimp | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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hello boys and girls today we're gonna make spicy coconut grilled chicken thighs which is a recipe that I created with the intent of creating a very simple all-purpose summer marinade that could really be applied to any protein I'm going to take you through the steps of making it it's very simple and then I'll show you how we can apply it to shrimp grilled chicken thighs and strip steak skirt steak why can't I get that right at skirt steak the thing that makes this marinade so delicious is that it's super super punchy and therefore requires only 15 minutes of marinating time to really impart a lot of flavor so if you want to let a bang for your buck in a minute go hard on the flavor if you don't have a lot of time to marinate that said you could keep chicken shrimp or steak in this marinade for up to three or four hours and it will only get better with time I'm gonna grate three inches of fresh ginger into my marinating Bowl and you'll notice that I didn't peel the ginger because I never peel ginger because I don't understand why people peel ginger someone just decided one day like got to take the peel off and then everyone started wasting their time with the spoon when really you could just eat it and you would never know it was there unless it's really old and knobbly in which case you shouldn't be using it anyway three inches is a lot of ginger but like I said we're making a super puffy marinade that feels good lightly smashing with the side of a knife five garlic cloves 1 2 3 4 and then we grate those boys right in there if you don't have a microplane you could throw this all in a food processor or a blender actually for that matter or a nutribullet or you could use a garlic press I guess I hate them hate garlic presses five of those in the guy oh I'm gonna put these in the compost because we can compost now you guys want to come to the compost let's go you know what I'm gonna do everyone a favor and I'm gonna get rid of everyone someone post there's Morocco's coffee grinds do you guys have any compostables can I take that for you [Music] right this way because Gabby our Test Kitchen manager did a great thing and badger the building enough that they finally allowed us to have a compost so this is new and fabulous oh all right you're welcome so I'm going to juice both of these I'm looking for about a quarter cup of lime juice this is an extremely juicy boy I mean you barely even have to it's just look at that just over 1/4 cup we'll call it 1/4 cup whisking together the lime juice the grated ginger and the grated garlic I'm gonna add 1/4 cup of this chili garlic sauce which is called sambal oelek it's basically a very spicy garlicky chili paste so that's gonna bring a lot of heat 2 tablespoons of light brown sugar for a little bit of sweetness a whole tablespoon of salt and then 3/4 of a cup of full fat coconut milk whiskey whisk and then in goes two pounds of boneless skinless chicken thighs a great cut of chicken for the grill because having no skin on them means that they will not flare up cause fires burn the skin won't curl up these pups are going in for about 15 minutes or longer and then we'll preheat the grill clean up a little and head over no one tells me anything in the meantime these chicken thighs have marinated and I forgot to put the vegetable oil and because I was too busy gossiping with Andy so I'm streaming in just a couple tablespoons of oil because otherwise they will stick to the grill and then I also happen to have some skirt steak not strip steak in the same marinade something funny happened and some shrimps and the marinade also shrimp doesn't need to marinade as long as the chicken or the steak just to demonstrate the versatility of this marinade we're gonna cook all of them let me see if I can bring this entire board over I'm super strong [Music] okay just whatever you do don't turn the burners on computer the cutting board on there now I'm pulling them out of the marinade transferring them to a baking sheet and then I'm going to cook down the rest of the marinade that's left we're going to be glazing with that later on I've got a plan okay let me take them all out I don't want to cross-contaminate all of these different proteins so we're gonna actually reduce all the marinade separately but we'll do some of that off-camera so you don't have to watch three different marinades reduce anyway on the recipe page there were some comments about Salmonella and food poisoning related to this recipe and I would just like to say that as long as you make sure to cook down the marinade which means bring it to a boil which killed any bacteria that might be in the marinade from the raw chicken there's no way that you're going to get sick so don't worry about it and I'm very sorry for the people who did get food poisoning but I think it was unrelated personally does that sound sincere anyway seriously truthfully you're not gonna get sick from this because we're going to boil this and it's gonna kill any bacteria cook your marinade folks it's the biggest takeaway of the day what this is also gonna do is concentrate all of the flavors and thicken it a bit so that it's more of a glaze when it goes onto the chicken after the chickens been grill we're gonna baste with it and so kind of get lacquered in this shiny bright orange zippy zingy [Music] this reduces for two to three minutes oh we lost a camera zippy and zingy those are good words for food that I never use feel like people always say tangy no one says a zippy or Zini oh we're boiling anybody care to take a look why not so we're boiling killing all that bad stuff you can see this is turning bright orange and it's thickening a bit I'm gonna let it go a little bit further but not too much because it's also gonna continue to cook as it's being based it on to the shrimp the chicken and the steak on the ground okay I feel good about this we can also just leave this on the grill kind of nearby like right here and then here we go we'll do a little chicken zone over here this grill is preheated to medium in the chicken zone and I'm not gonna cross contaminate with the steak either this is the order of the tongs chicken sake shrimp get these things out of here if you like I'm like in service on the line and it's a little bit hectic chicken steak shrimp I'm a professional chicken take shrimp chicken sake trip okay I'm just so nervous that's looking pretty nice we give that a flip okay there's a lot of fat in this steak now I'm brushing with this reduced steak marinade chicken ready that guy slipped so now I'm basting chicken with chicken we're glazing be generous with it this stuff is delicious shrimps going on because they take two to three minutes and I feel like we're two to three minutes out on the chicken and of course we're gonna be basing those with their own marinade steak is ready to come off the grill we're gonna have a nice mixed grilled platter over here I'm gonna give these chickens one more base they've been cooking for probably five six minutes maybe give them another three or four shrimp shrimp cooked super super fast so the best way to get good color on them is to leave them for the longest period of time a couple of minutes on one side and then just kind of kiss them on the other side you're never really gonna get good charred grill marks all over shrimp without it overcooking so choose a side all right chicken did you guys think I wasn't going to be able to do this hectic a little bit hectic a little confusing it was there's our little chicken pile with our chicken tongs gonna give these guys a little sliparooni they will turn opaque when they are done and really it's like three minutes there's nothing worse than overcooked shrimp that's for sure and they're gonna keep cooking as they rest another minute and then we'll pull all those off and have a little surf and turf a spicy coconut surf and turf you know what I love while I'm grilling a beer on ice beer on ice a little bit of lemon juice and a little bit of simple syrup nothing more refreshing than that except for maybe water they love water as we know it tend to have a ferocious thirst today I'm just ferociously hot it's hot in here okay you guys are done voila three different applications of the spicy coconut marinade I'm gonna cut them up flip this around looking for the grain which very clearly on a skirt steak goes one direction you can see all the muscle fibers running this way which means I'm gonna cut across the grain like this so that's not chewy that looks yummy and delicious like something I want to eat wow it's so tender the marinade really really tenderizes the meat if you could taste this you would know that but I guess you'll just have to make it oh my god it feels so good in my fingers I just have to eat this wow that's a spicy boy Morocco yeah I think you're gonna want to get in on this I'm just like feeling this steak right now fly-in firm Doug just a quick note he's nugget okay and then the final finishing touch here some nice sprigs of fresh cilantro to brighten it up after spending all that time and the marinade and on the grill something fresh and herbal it's nice to get like nice big long luscious and then some limes for people to squeeze as they go so that's a double whammy look at that big old mix grill that's a mix girl if I've ever seen one yourself a lettuce there's something special about the way the way it gets concentrated and creamy stays saucy and juicy yeah when you especially when you cook it down like when you cook it down makes every some steak oh oh you'll have some sake I feel like the meat is so tender after spending just I don't know one hour in the marinade it's blank it definitely is a kick to it yeah there's a lot of Sun ball in here sorry I didn't get I didn't get knives it's like very I would never want to punish you oh yeah and he's like in trouble I live for that with all the time and they just told me I'm the Tonya Harding of the kitchen Oh Fred's not really Krista and he was like I bet you're like out there just like slaying people think oh I am NOT I'm a sweet sweet girl
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,316,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molly, test kitchen, grilled shrimp, grilled chicken, grilled steak, from the test kitchen, molly baz, molly makes, molly bon appetit, molly makes chicken, molly makes steak, molly makes shrimp, molly coconut grilled chicken, how to, how to chicken, how to steak, how to shrimp, how to make coconut chicken, coconut chicken, coconut steak, coconut shrimp, grill chicken, grilling ckicken, grill steak, grilling steak, grill shrimp, grilling shrimp, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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