Moist Meter | Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

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this episode of moist Mater brought to you by godslap issue 2. go to to order your copy now initiating moisture welcome to the moist meter today we're taking a look at Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania you can probably hear the Jubilation in my voice I'm very excited to talk about this in fact it might even be spoilers on how I feel about the film entirely board this is one of the few Marvel movies that actually has pretty sub-optimal reception I think it has like a 48 on Rotten Tomatoes not that I put any real stock into Rotten Tomatoes scores considering they continue to give big mouth 100 every season it's an absolute mockery of reviews to be honest but it's just one of those rare instances where even Marvel fans are like yeah this is kind of underwhelming in mid which it is I guess I can't say the movie's bad per se Ant-Man and the WASP is bad that is still perhaps the weakest MCU film in my opinion this isn't as bad as Ant-Man and the WASP it is better than that but it's not good either it exists in that unbearable Purgatory where it's neither bad nor good and it's just on that line of being boring like I walked out of the theater and then I played basketball and completely forgot I'd ever even watched the movie in the first place I had to be reminded that I saw it like recalling anything thing meaningful that happens in this film is like trying to remember a mediocre dream there's only one thing that actually shines in Ant-Man the wasp quantumania and its Kang Kang the Conqueror is a very cool character and he is very cool in this film but he's really the only one everything that happens here just feels so flat and Bland it tries to follow the Marvel formula to the point where it almost becomes like a parody of itself it's constantly shoehorning really lazy jokes that don't hit the mark constantly and speaking of jokes let's talk about Modoc he's not really a villain in this movie he's just a punching bag for people to laugh at he's not menacing he's not intimidating he does nothing except get literally made fun of by every character in the film that's his whole role he's just this embarrassing presence that they constantly poke fun at like and I he looks like too like the CGI on him is awful I saw post comparing Modoc from this movie to George Lopez as Mr Electric in 2005's Sharkboy and Lava Girl and George Lopez as Mr Electric looks better like modak here is awful genuinely horrible I don't know a whole lot about Modoc I don't know if he's supposed to just be like this this sponge that just absorbs insults from characters forever but I feel like it was supposed to be like the right-hand man to Kang that was you know this expert killer villain but he's not here he does nothing except get made fun of I've said this before and it's applicable here as well if the characters aren't taking anything seriously if everything about the situations they're in is played off as a joke then why are the spectators supposed to care at that point it's just kind of a sitcom this movie is supposed to be the kickoff for phase five I believe and man what a weak start this is the equivalent of like starting a basketball game and scoring on your own hoop like this is just kind of lame honestly I also would like to talk about the visuals quickly because I really like the quantumania style of just like goofy wacky happening like a lot of the tech is all Oozy and gooey it's a pilot a a weird technological ship you have to double fist the controls and then steer the goo like I like that kind of but there's a lot of times in this film where it was just noticeably bad and it's not because the VFX Department isn't talented it's because they're clearly overworked there's a lot of fatigue in the VFX Department because of how much they're constantly having to churn out I feel like I believe over the last few years you can see a real steady decline in the quality of the visuals like need I remind you of Thor love and thunder when they're like transmitting that kid's face and it looks like an actual Power Rangers moment like there is very clear signs that the VFX team just needs a little more time to flush it out better so it looks better because God damn that it does happen quite a few times in this film it's not nearly as bad as like in Thor 11 Thunder with the scene I mentioned but there are moments where I was like if that did not look very good but overall I appreciate the style they were going for and now let's get to the story here I'm not going to be getting into spoilers though I would really like to to help illustrate my major complaints with the narrative here but I'll just give like the general broad Strokes so after being sucked into the quantum realm the team gets split up and Scott and his daughter end up meeting some of the quantum locals and they are worthless the locals are fighting back against Kang but they have no real role to play in this film other than to serve as cannon fodder for Kang to murder to show that he's not a nice guy they don't do anything the further the plot there's like a whole breakout moment with like one of the leaders of the resistance but that leads to nothing all they do is like Rush Kang to die they're just entirely useless to to the plot of the film and really the heroes don't have too much of a struggle pretty much all of their plans go really really well like almost perfect up until the very end but everything's just super easy up until then really and then I can't get into spoilers there's a lot I want to say but a lot of it's spoiler related overall I just felt the whole movie was super weak for a lot of different reasons both from its visuals is especially from its narrative and the directions that it goes or the directions it doesn't go where it should have where it made a lot of sense to like there's just a lot of choices they've made here that make this a really weak kickoff for phase five there's one other thing I'd like to mention all of the action scenes in this movie except for the end and even a little bit at the end to be honest has like this shaky cam effect which is nauseating they did a really awful job with a lot of the action sequences I'm just gonna say it like they keep killing these Kang henchmen and killing's the wrong word basically they just one tap them with punches it's not even like actual choreographed action at all until the very end but they keep one tapping all of the Kang henchmen or one tapping them with a spear that blows them up and what happens is like as the impact's coming the camera will like jolt around and shake a little bit and it looks horrible I don't know how they regressed on action filming like mcu's been doing a decent job over the last few years of like actually showing you action when it's happening this one took it 15 Steps back I thought most of the action of this film was really poorly done so yeah anyway plugging Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania into the moist meter I'm giving it a 50 it's not a bad movie but it's not a good one either which ends up making it even more miserable I'd prefer if the movie was just like enjoyably bad like stupid silly bad as opposed to just being stuck in between decent and bad it just became forgettable and mediocre and yeah that's really about it godslap is a comic book series we've been working on for a couple years now it's a hyper violent over-the-top sci-fi story about the beauty and destruction that slaps can cause issue twos out right now would make a wonderful Christmas gift so make sure to check it out at right now we also have three variant covers that are in stock but the second those sell out those variant covers will never be restocked so definitely make sure to pick up a copy today
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,456,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Q5Yh7WW6xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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