"MOGUL MOVES" ft. Ludwig - OfflineTV Podcast #7

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i'm special yeah you're special let's go i'm gonna ask you do so hey wanna go rock climb this week no okay we'll work on it we'll work on it all right uh welcome to the seventh ever offline tv podcast i am disguised toast and today i am joined by ludwig hello ludwig how's it going toast happy to be here there's a cat on the set with us yeah listeners it's just kind of meandering yeah so me is just uh making a mess of the table right now but ludwig is a super famous superstar twitch streamer youtube extraordinaire and chess prodigy and i'm very uh glad you could be here with me today so la tell me i didn't hear about you until last year but you're gonna do me like that last year you know 2019 i had a couple hits you surely heard of like like what you laugh you lose um you laugh you lose a hundred dollars you lose a thousand if you laugh are these youtube videos these are youtube videos that you might have you might you probably didn't see them then no i haven't okay sure but apparently uh you came to like an offline tv party like two three years ago oh dude i forgot about that yeah i went to a new year's party mm-hmm uh i forget even how i got in i think it was through tafikans okay and he had invited me he looked insane he was wearing boot-cut jeans with yeezys i roasted him the whole night but i was at this offline tv party it must have been new years 2018 and i was i was i was 200 viewer andy you guys were playing smash came in washed you guys waxed the group nobody stood a chance except for taffo son of a [ __ ] uh and then that was that was it i think i showed lily a dance move she followed me on twitter i said pog champ um did you you said pogchamp out loud oh yeah i've had brain rot since 2018. okay yeah and that was that was it was a good time it was a good time couple embarrassing embarrassing things happened there though i was like i was trying to say hi to pokey mm-hmm just like cat like breezily casually you know it's so casual right and then she was in a deep conversation with bjergsen and tafo said hey pokey ludwig's trying to say hi to you and i ran out the house um and that was that was new year's 2018. wow great great first impression yeah so back then you were like 200 viewer andy just about but i would say over the course of the last year you really uh became uh a household name on twitch i think uh was it was it uh chess would you say that uh kind of gave you some notoriety or did you start doing something before that i did a twitch jeopardy with schlatt and call me carson uh redacted he's back now right uh and it went well and i was up to like a 5k 6k andy and then pogchamps hit they invited me and not a funny soul on that broadcast so every time in between breaks they would just show me in front of a hundred thousand people and i was farming lsf clips and then right after pogchamps i was a 10k andy and never looked back wow and then our omega's hit and moga's hit and let me tell you toast you can say this confidently now there weren't more than five people who could rub together two brain cells in every lobby i mean i felt like it was i was coasting through those lobbies mm-hmm you feel like you know a little disappointed uh that's where we first met yeah in august yeah it was in august times yeah i remember being uh very impressed by your play and i sent you a message on twitter saying uh wow you're pretty good at among us well good at keeping multi-stream open but yeah [Laughter] how's your experience doing the whole among the sarah because you're like more of a variety kind of guy and there's this game where it's like oh there's 10 people cloud lobbies what was your perspective on the whole thing uh it was good i was like damn all i have to do is play this game and i get viewers because before i was like man i have to develop a content idea and then execute that and form it into a good youtube video and then try to bring the youtube viewers over to twitch and then it was like ah just play among us and then you just get like 20k 25k viewers like that's crazy all right so i did it for a while and then i i have this thing where i don't like doing something too much so i quit uh and i didn't play for like a little bit and then i went back uh because i like my viewers were going down you know and i thought it'd be easy again and it wasn't like it was still popping off but it's like a top had formed and it was like oh no this is the toast sikuno valkyrie game now you know you can go in and be a good supporting cast okay but you can't you can't be top dog anymore and i was like that's it it taught me a bit but i i got invited to most lobbies you know because i was down to throw i think it's what it came down to right did it feel like a lot of attention was just centered around like the most popular participants maybe no i i think i mean like for viewers for sure but i think there's always like moments to be funny and shine and you know i will say one time i remember there was like a lobby of nine there's one spot open and me in corpse before corpse was you know corn husband as he is today tried to message to get in we message at the same time oh on mine it said i had message first i screenshotted it sent it on his it said he had sent it first okay and i got in over corpse that would never happen today but back in the day eat chick corps i [ __ ] owned you like you got owned okay uh you mentioned like making youtube content uh i look at your youtube channel it's very interesting how you do it it's all essentially twitch like it happens on your stream first right and then your editor cuts it up and then puts it on youtube is that how it works you have two full-time editors and they just pull what i do on twitch because the way i stream is based around a video like i stream with the intent to make a video from it sometimes sometimes i don't like today i played crab game it's not a video it's just me playing crab game right but other times i'll be like all right boys we got 10k buy whatever you want on ebay and then we'll open it up which is like it's a stream but very clearly this can be cut up into a youtube video there's expositions or stakes there's an ending so that's that's how i stream so they've been around two years now they'll just pull it and edit it cool uh so you have your own podcast ludwig how do you run that one the yard the yard oh it was so sick okay cause i took all of my clout and then i went to my roommates and i said let's do a podcast and they're talented they all work you know beyond the summit yes they all worked there and i've poached all of them almost from beyond the summit to work for me and uh and for the podcast i was like you know i'm gonna give you a deadline of a month make the set make the podcast make the format make the patreon and let's do it and all i did was like the marketing of just guiding my viewers to it but i mean i think they're really i think they're all funny and i think we're funny together so i it was an instant hit it did way better than i expected i think it's like a top 10 podcast on patreon oh wow which is sick so it's tight the goal was to just make my friends rich and it's it's working so far so you're trying to like create a way for them to participate in content and get paid for it right yeah and like like it's there like they earned it you know i mean like they do the work they show up you know instead of just like me being rich and because no one wants to be like you know here's money um you know like everyone wants to earn it in some fashion even if you're mr beast's friend you still earn it in some fashion uh so you know i think my goal is for them to be rich and you know maybe we'll get there if the podcast doesn't die or if i don't say the n-word we could do it right now toast we could kill the pod we could kill our pod and this pod funny you should mention that uh we had a shoot uh two days ago oh yeah and i also said not not the n word but like the words the n word okay classic so now i'm not sure i'm not sure if we decided on cutting all of that out from that video and we're still deciding yeah we're still the same cool yeah worst case we move over to signal together all right we have a great time over there billy billy doesn't know what we've done yet well i mean one of my fears is like if i ever get like super popular is that people just start digging up stuff it's like i remember that thing he said like even this like what we just said like yeah like i think they would use this as an example of something oh wow that's a problem with this person right yeah maybe maybe i don't know i always think if you're just like pretty genuine open honest like most people get it some people won't you know like i've i've been flamed a bit i quoted you know prezzo no twitter guy okay he edits for cold ones uh and he tweeted out one time because he just tweets nonsense schlatt is the only good racist there's a tweet of his okay got like 80 000 likes very popular tweet and in a stream i'd said because i something revolved shot i said schlatt's the only good racist pause as said by prezzo on twitter immediately a few people were like flaming me on twitter and i was like whatever they don't get it doesn't matter it's just obviously a reference but my friend from high school evan texts me when he's at a party in new mexico four weeks later and he says bro what's this about you being racist and i'm like what he's like i'm at this party and people are saying that you're saying like there's good racists and i'm like okay this is going to be way too long to explain but that's not it's not how i would phrase that interaction but it is crazy some people will only know you for the negative things you've done right um like some people only know you for the positive things you've done so it is inevitable you should probably avoid negative things do you ever feel like you have to get ahead of these things because when you first saw it on twitter you probably just wrote it off as just people misreading the situation or missing the context but it seems like people kept talking and talking eventually your friend in new mexico heard about it and then like there's this narrative that oh yeah you said race there are good races yeah yeah i mean like get ahead of it it's like i don't know i'm not trying to do like a whole pr thing i think it's weird you know like i can pull up tweets and be like hey guys it's not what i meant but then if people are like you pull up the tweet and then you're doxxing someone on a you know if it's a public twitter account because i've you know 200 times the following so it's it's all kind of weird and not very set in stone but i don't know i just do my best to be honest and genuine and some people won't [ __ ] with me but that's fine i think i'm just going to do my thing have you been in your fair share of beef you had a beef with that phase guy right aiden ross not face not face not faze he lives at the faze house god so it's a simple slip up but he's not phased but i did have beef with him i think we're cool now i facetimed him we were supposed to hang out actually uh doing an irl stream with hassan but he showed up too late because i had to go to another to another shoot so i didn't get to meet him we're still probably gonna meet at some point we're cool now but that that was bad like it was good it was really funny because he was kind of roasting me in the poggers community and um i was with literally every large streamer at chitcon so we were having like a good time of it and you know clowning on keemstar as you do but the outcome of it was not worth it because it was like so many dms of people being like you know i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you and i'm gonna like you know sexually assault your girlfriend and i was like [ __ ] dude these are online influencers just doing stupid twitter beef but people get really involved yeah you actually did you message the principal of like someone who messaged you or something yeah yeah it's a dude who sent a death threat and he had his high school jersey on and i was like because i love ignoring all dms i almost read none of them but uh i had read this one because i was looking through because i you know i still get like sponsor dms on like instagram i guess i worked with slim jim so they just dm me and so i uh i saw this and i saw his jersey i found his school from his jersey in his following list super easy to do and then i found his printable and then i screenshotted it and i sent it to him and uh you know he [ __ ] himself a bit he was like dude that's not me man i didn't think you'd read it he did 80 million ways to backtrack and i never sent an email to his principal and i never sent the dms that he had sent me you know because surely there's some disciplinary action uh for what he said it was really vulgar but uh you know he's like a like a dumb ass 16 year old and hopefully he is a little less of a dumb ass when he's 17 18 and on yeah when you called him out he just immediately took it all back said oh you know i didn't mean that that's most people like 99 of people if they flame you and you reply will back down you know it's usually like they're just shouting at a wall and make that makes them feel good about themselves maybe right but most of the time i don't reply this is just like one where i was like hey you can't say [ __ ] like that yeah it's it's weird being streamers because the barrier between us and our audience is so low like they can oh they can like flame us yellow does say things to us and they're always surprised when we actually like specifically respond from my experience like i get my fair share of com negative comments and every time i called out the reaction is pretty much the same where they either apologize right away or they double down and flame you even harder yeah and it kind of just makes you not want to engage sometimes when they double down it's just like what's the point so much easier to just talk at an audience than to an individual yeah that's 100 right and it breaks people like you know william osman just dropped a video talking about negative comments and i think it's like genuinely broken him a bit and made him want to upload less frequently because he gets like a lot of just like hate comments and he's just like making fun videos crazy inventions or whatever and you know the thing that i do is i'm able to just shut off like that part of my brain that like cares or reads it so i just i just don't do those things like it can be inconvenient in other ways like aid and ross when we had beef i would get um mass flagged mass reported on like tick tock so all my videos would get banned like that's annoying but like it's still people get over it after a few weeks and uh like day to day there's almost like there's negative [ __ ] about me all the time but i don't read it i just you know people don't [ __ ] with me i think it's fine got it so by the way what makes you interesting to me you're involved in pretty much every streamer circle i would say you're the most uh what's the word he gets around he gets around a little salute around these parts all right it's not a hole i'm not trying to be in right like the austin crew even like some of the minecraft kids like you would play games with yeah and of course here at otv we also enjoy your presence so think about me you don't want too much ludwig so i got to spread myself around you know if i was only hanging out with you guys you'd be like there's a lot of big [ __ ] all right but i come around every two weeks i start saying some crazy [ __ ] you gotta like what a wig and then you're like you know like i do the same thing and then i bounce around another group bing bang but i kind of like it that way it also allows me to do things like the kickball thing where you know no one else i think is organizing unless it's like twitch directly right like for a twitchcon thing getting otv 100 thieves and then like the austin streamers in a room together i don't think yeah that's that's common so i enjoy i enjoy this power i wield this is something you want to pursue cause you're not a traditional streamer streamer you don't play a lot of games you don't grind your hours you have like specific content you have shows like mogul money are those things or things you want to pursue yeah yeah ideally all of my content is like really well planned out and there's a lot of like highly produced shows not necessarily game shows i feel like streamers are pigeonholing themselves because they're like we gotta do a game show and every stream is doing a game show so but other higher quality things i don't know i've been thinking like maybe a late night show how does that format work on live and then using the relationships i have to you know get the people that i like hanging out with involved in those shows and that was what i tested with with mogul money i was like how how about i mix and match these people and then bring them in mogul money and then see how they work together uh and it's been great it's been like i've been super happy with it um and i don't i don't know why i seem to get along with all these people i think a bit of it i like i think you know like you know when you hang out with a new group you can kind of like see that and feel out the vibe and be like okay this group's like a little less raunchy like this group's limits are here i'm pretty quick at picking that up which sometimes i get roasted for because i remember i would do like a bunch of otv among us and they'd be like oh soft ludwig you know because it'd be softer and by soft it's mostly like saying [ __ ] on cycumno stream and then farming a little w um but i was like it's like i just i like making everyone comfortable in a group and i think that's like my main power as a human got it what would you say is the difference between our group and other streamers then like how do you change your behavior when you hang out with like otv yeah i think it's like there's a bigger reaction any time i say dumb [ __ ] so if i just walk around saying like like yvonne like sugma balls or like saikuno i'm singing the [ __ ] [ __ ] marijuana song i got a way bigger reaction than if i were to do that on xqc stream and then they're like oh pepper paynes so it's like you know it's just kind of like feeling out what audience is like and part of it is also just accepting that you're not main character in the group but you can be like a sick supportive character you know because like when i'm with otv i'm usually not main character but i'm just like funny side character you know and same thing with like austin group and it's just figuring out how you fit there do you want to be a main character it sucks i think do you okay do you think you're funnier in other people's stream than your own yeah there's a lot of pressure when it's on your stream because it's your viewers and also you kind of feel a little i feel a little stressed knowing that so much of my friends being here on my stream for me that i feel the pressure of i need to be really funny when it's on someone else's streams like i can just be myself it doesn't matter how funny i am it's not my stream right yeah yeah that's exactly right so i like being on other people's stream i don't like when i have to worry about okay what are the viewers at is everyone having a good time who's in this are the viewers having a good time is the show running according to plan is this going to end early enough and instead i'm like i'm just gonna [ __ ] around and have fun and that's all i have to do that's my only job so i can focus on it more so i'm fine with that do you look at your viewers when you stream your account yeah constantly you have it like open yeah i have a wide open what do you not no that's gonna stress you out and make you second guess everything i agree but i also think it's a good barometer because how else am i supposed to know if people are liking something or not liking something like if 5 000 people leave my stream it's not an accident right so i want to know what i did right before that so i can see why that happened did i switch games did i stop doing a certain thing did i start doing something so i think it's like good info sometimes i will say if i'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] the bed in viewers then i'll just i'll hide it um but most of the time i'm like yeah i'll rock it got it like i'm sure it feels like exciting when that number's going up but when i was streaming and that number's going down i just get less and less motivated because i feel like oh i'm not on and i'm like having anxiety like i need to be funnier maybe that's the problem i just need to be funnier but i i hide my viewer account and the number one trigger for me is when i'm hiding it and someone comments on it hey why do you only have x amount of viewers and it's like well that defeats the whole purpose of me hiding the view account if you're gonna just say it out loud yeah usually when they say it out loud it's either really high or really low and when it's really low you just feel terrible yeah that is it feels bad man yeah um so i'm really surprised you have it open yeah i think i think it helps me like i played super auto pets today and viewership was like pretty plateaued and like but i like a good number at like 20k so i'm like oh people like this game and if i had booted up like fortnite and then played that and i didn't have it open i'm sure it would tank to like 15 14k and i would like to know that because then i would stop that's like what would make me stop playing the game yeah because i don't want to play a game that people aren't trying to watch i don't play games for fun on stream usually you just play for content yeah almost always like crap game today like crab game and they could also be fun like i think having fun is content but you know if it was up to me i might be playing the entire story of final fantasy 10 because i love that game but like damn would that would that believe that's a tough one but some yeah some streamers are okay with that nowadays ninja i think is a great example of someone who just streams his final fantasy mmo uh-huh to not even he so he played final fantasy 10 for a day 1500 viewers didn't pick it up again and i was like bummer because i always watch people when they play that game because i love it and he quit on it but yeah he does most of the time just play whatever he wants i think he's been trending a little bit more towards uh trying to uptick his momentum i don't know if you saw his big youtube change uh i heard he's trying to get back into fortnite he's getting back into fortnite live and then he's also been doing irl videos on youtube that are like produced by some group and it's like a film like hey we're trying 20 burgers oh like youtube content like youtube content rather than just pull it from the stream and it's whatever he's playing huh youtube come on with ninja what do you think that will do i don't think he'll do well i think i think his uh ships just sailed a bit i don't know i don't think he captured the momentum but like i don't know i don't know what his goals are he's super rich so it's like whatever makes him happy i think at this point and that's that's probably a win for him yeah do you think he's i'm someone who's kind of like been through the ups and downs but ninja has been through like the really highs and he came back to twitch just said [ __ ] i'm gonna stream what i want stream league of legends for like a good while as well and i'm sure all his audience like where's fortnite where's fortnite where's my give us fortnite but now he's getting back into fortnite and it makes me think like is he trying to you know chase that high again get that drive or did he just really miss fortnite i'm sure there's a little both i i don't think he like despises it i don't think he'd do it to himself because it's probably just not worth it but i'm sure there's also like hey let's do well or i don't know maybe he signed a two-year contract when mixed around it and wants to make the numbers be higher for another one there's like a bunch of possibilities what it could be um but i'm just shocked he didn't pivot into something that's not him as a personality and an influencer you know yeah i think like pivoting into something where you don't have to personally be successful but you have like a different business that can be successful is like the smarter move because like fame and live streaming and youtube's like very fickle right so it's like you know like like a pokey management company i'm working on a bidet i was i'm trying to be the bidet guy yeah you were talking about this six months ago it's a long process and let me tell you do you know about the ports toast i do not know about let me tell you about the ports they're backed up right now my good sir oh yeah incoming from china not very good all right takes like a few months all right for them boats to get unloaded so my bidets are slowed down i probably won't get until q1 q2 maybe but i've been working on that is there anything special about your bidets uh there's okay so i have a i've i've one that's going to be 50 bucks and then i've one that's gonna be 500 and that one's i mean it's like it does everything that a bidet could do to you um will i hear your voice when i use it i could program that but i won't for your sake uh because i don't want it to be like it'll be my bidet but it's it's not going to be like the ludwig bidet i want to be like the my pillow guy without the racism for bidets so is there any part of your branding on it it's just like a completely almost a separate project from europe totally separate you don't have to like cause it i i would imagine it's like okay you have a guest over mm-hmm there's [ __ ] in your toilet right you're like oh my god you should try the bidet when you're in there you've never tried one they're like okay dope and it's like bloodwig's bidet and it's my face and they're like what it and then you have to explain like okay so like you know twitch okay it's a ninja and then you have to go through the whole process and explain who i am first it's like no it's just it's the bidet this is what you should use to wash your butthole is my thought and that's bigger than me yeah it's a bidet do you use a bidet no i don't i'm gonna change your life bro i'm always worried that the pressure would be so high that it splashes the particles everywhere so there's there's a there's a gauge on it some the gauge is like it's like a faulty sink where even like the lowest is like an absolute ass blaster but i'll get you the 500 one and that has a soft setting yeah and it's heated water i also have hemorrhoids so i'm very sensitive down there you can do heated low sensitive water okay it's like it's like the dream and that would clean it perfectly i think it's the hemorrhoid dream honestly like i recommended for hemorrhoid andes uh going back to we were talking about ninja switching off hemorrhoids already yeah yeah okay all right geez i thought there was a segment it's written down by broden here the hemorrhoids yeah we'll move on um where are you in your career are you do you feel like you're just starting your grind your climb or do you feel like you're kind of plateauing chilling i think i'm just started i think like mogul money as a concept is a great idea and i think i can do more live streams like that like a lot more like i want to do something like mobile money weekly or bi-weekly and that you know that that always does well like viewership live and then also like on vodados gets a million views so some like that's that's my end goal uh i think i had like a huge peak with like subathon right but that's like that's it's like own thing and like i feel fine about that and i don't think about like i don't consider that very real in terms of like this was my viewership because it's like a one-time thing yeah that's not replicable and i also don't think my content was good during the subathon like there's no day in the cyberthon i'd be like dude day 26 you gotta rewatch that it's like what me [ __ ] for five minutes then sleeping for eight hours with my mods talking and then playing mario so it's like i'm not particularly proud of any of that and i just wanna make things that i'm proud of and i don't think i'm done doing that how was your mental health do you want the self-ass to stream 30 days straight without a break yeah it was chill i've actually had a couple streamers reach out interested in doing subathons or in the middle of them and be like man how'd you do it and i don't know if i like my brains wired wrong but i had a blast like i i think i could have done it for two months um if it wouldn't ruin my relationship forever you know it but like i missed like hanging out with friends and missing out with my girlfriend but it's like i don't know it was just fun i always described it like uh i lived east coast there would be power outages from ice storms for like a week and you'd all go to like a friend's house who has a generator for like six seven eight days so you could use running water and stuff and i would love waking up at the friend's house for that whole week and like playing like you know batman arkham asylum or smash or whatever and that's exactly what it was like except it was just waking up with like twitch chat like all excited that i woke up um so it was it was fun it was really fun i don't think i could do it if i didn't have an end point like that's the weird part is the ambiguity of how long it'll go all right so once i said a month i was like wow months is easy i'm curious what's your like how big is team ludwig so we're hiring a bunch we have like three new people but i have two companies at the moment it's like my main company um mogul moves which is all like the the stream stuff the youtube stuff and that's like five six people and then i have um like at the merch company where it's like i do my merch and my friend's merch and that's like probably another five six it's probably like ten people total across both yeah ten people on your team yeah for like the merch company to run and then everything else yeah that's crazy most streamers just have a personal assistant at most and like an editor and an editor yeah yeah yeah i think the overhead of most people's crazy i was talking to a couple youtubers and they're like yeah i'm just sitting on a few million and i'm like that's fascinating like i spend already this year i've spent a million dollars on overhead and that's just like employee salaries and stuff like that and it'll probably double in a year or two um and that's not including like spending sixteen thousand dollars on a wax figure of jackie chan which is what i have to do for stream so but i don't know that's what i like you know because i feel like i'm fine do you ever have to explain anything to your accountant no cause slime deals with all that but i have to explain it to slime and sometimes it'll be like come on dude but most of the time he's like yeah that's fine the pokemon that got out of hand he was like did you spend a pokemon it's like 100k and he was like dude like it's cars and i was like i like the cards so that i went a little overboard there but i think pokemon week was cool so i'm happy with it did you think you got 100k worth of returns on that not from the cards directly absolutely not i'm still waiting to make a video because i unboxed the 20 000 first edition fossil set okay and then i got every single card in it graded okay and then i want to try to sell them all yeah still getting graded it's been eight months it'll happen soon but when i sell all those i'll be able to see i think the actual return will be 5k for the 20 000 box the returning content probably equals it out close i i mean that's what i say in my head it's probably not but yeah i always wonder how mr beast does it because the amount he spends in his videos is millions like he can spend up to a million dollars oh he loses money on most videos really he loses money but very proudly like very like he'll be like man i spent 2 million to make that and he'll say that like like jovially like because he's like that's that's cool i i made something happen by like swinging money around and it was a cool project and he recoups the money through like gaming and react channel which are much lower overhead and then similar profits because they're able to upload at a higher rate yeah uh it's insane when you look at his gaming react videos it the numbers on it is like 15 16 million and his main channel is like 30 million so about half x7 is gaming channel he's playing minecraft with his three buddies and like just yelling at everything like very very like minecraft youtube content it's not really high brow high effort but he can do like 10 of those and not even break a sweat whereas like going out buying an island filming it with a whole crew like months of planning would yield just slightly more returns on that yeah and i think you should view those as basically like a marketing effort because the gaming videos don't get 15 mil if the island video is not getting 50 mil so like you need the island video for the the gaming channel to be able to be as big as it is and for people to care about mr beast and you know the gaming channel i will say like the react channels just reacting but the gaming channel like he'll do forty five thousand dollar squid game in minecraft right so he'll like still put money up but he'll make it all back because he gets so many views what's your opinion on platform deals platform deals yeah with streamers uh in what sense like like between the because uh recently what was it nick marks resigned with twitch nick mercury with twitch left for youtube tim lupo left for youtube anyone else uh doc got forced out nick a30 switched back from youtube to twitch which i think is the first person to do that to be like a youtube streamer then go to twitch um but i think it's good i think it's like every time there's a sick deal i'm like that makes it better for every other streamer and like there was a period right after mixer got the big guys then they didn't grow much right the quarterly numbers came back and it's like they were up barely anything and it's like oh they blew 100 mil easy that i was like oh like these deals are going to suck uh and they did they did for a while and that's like you know every streamer's already a millionaire but i'd like to see them still thrive um and you know like there's nothing better than getting a deal from a multi-billion dollar corp so i don't know i think the two platforms like youtube and twitch have been like getting more into it recently are you forgetting about someone and who could forget about facebook gaming facebook i mean facebook um you want to speak to that uh well facebook facebook is facebook uh they've been picking up a lot of uh gta streamers i think like three of them left twitch to stream on facebook now so i think their strategy is trying to capture like that gta rp audience yeah focus on that which isn't a bad strat if you can get everyone or if you could just get like the server somehow oh that's possible but i i think the one thing i don't like about platform deals is i feel like some people take the deal to coast and it's kind of like what happens in tech companies where they're just resting investing basically like they'll say microsoft if you work here two years you get you know a thousand microsoft stock right so then they just are chilling until that date and then they'll quit happens all the time and i feel like platform deals can be the same way where it's like okay hey we paid you out you just have to stream these amount of hours and then they're like all right clocking into work and they don't put much effort and creativity into making cool things and then that makes me sad because i'd like for people to do better and make better stuff so that can like elevate the platform and also like me to like make cooler stuff mm-hmm um do you think anyone has left twitch yet that like went to stream on youtube that went to stream on facebook that would have done it if youtube or facebook didn't offer them a big contract because charlie moist critical recently tweeted like uh youtube is on the up and up twitch doesn't have the monopoly it thinks it does um which is kind of true but i think until a big streamer chooses to stream on either youtube or facebook without like a pile of money that's when like people will take notice but so far it seems like the only times people have left is a very nice competing offer you're right maybe but it's also that just that's a righteous play because you can only switch if your deal ends like if you switch to youtube you can only do that if your deal with twitch ended right but if your deal which ended why not just get the contract like if you're planning on going to youtube they would pay you probably if you're like a big streamer so you would only be doing it out of like self-righteousness which i think is probably dumb just get the deal and then use the capital to make cool stuff and i also think charlie's wrong about that i think that we'll see where things shake up i think twitch is kind of lazy with the products they release it seems like every product is just sucking the life out of viewers for more and more money yeah did you see that uh was it paid boost to promote your channel paid boosts yeah it's just part of their whole strategy to like be more profitable and get more money from the current viewer base and the only reason they've like tripled in size in the past 18 months 24 months is because of covid kobe doesn't hit like i think they're struggling much more but they they banked it with kovid and then all their products bits gifted leaderboards hype trains boost streams is all just getting more money from the viewers rather than getting smaller streamers noticed or getting more viewers onto the website as a whole because like the best strategy for growing on twitch is still growing on youtube tick tock or another platform right it's weird when streamers think hey if i want to be a twitch streamer i gotta start on twitch i gotta fire out i gotta sign up make a twitch channel make a name for myself when it's literally the worst option to become a twitch streamer is to stream on twitch first you have to do something else where you have to become famous first i think it's pretty not like easy easy but like on tick tock and youtube the algorithm is so much better like if you make half decent content it will be noticed because there's a lot of bad content out there so that when someone does make something good a lot of people will pick up on it yeah yeah so no i so i had this theory that for youtube everyone asks like what would you do if you started over is it luck based is really what it comes down to and i am of the opinion that like there is a luck aspect but i think it's also largely skill in creating good content and like marketing it well with good titles and thumbnails called mr beast he said the same thing so i gave myself like a challenge i made a new youtube channel zero subs none of my face on it not a lot to use my face or my voice i used like a fiverr guy and i had um a whole video made and like i just kind of whipped it together and my goal was just to get a couple thousand views and i got i think like 3 000 in less than a day wow which is like you know you're not gonna live off that but if you're getting three thousand views in your first video and a hundred plus subscribers you release a few more of those like the ball starts rolling right no and that doesn't happen on twitch no shot you could make like a 50 000 last person leaves a circle probably no one to find it i mean maybe if they scroll far enough on just chatting and then like it picks up a bit but there's no shot it would get the attention that it deserves and that it would get on youtube or tick tock yeah it's just it just doesn't make sense like if you have no following because people physically can't find what you're doing like it's all ordered by viewer size so they have to scroll all the way down and this unfortunately creates this atmosphere of uh some people call it cloud chasing networking whatever you want to call it but one strategy is just meeting the right people playing with the right people another one is just farming lsf which lsf for those listening is a subreddit which is essentially the hub of all torch streamers anything a twitch streamer does that's interesting goes on there but the problem with the subreddit is that a lot of twitch streamers kind of treat it as their own personal subreddit and they read it on stream and they will kinda you can't outright say hey go upload my clips but when you're reacting to a clip and you're laughing or you're like angry at it and all your viewers get angry because you know they're your fans and they go and talk [ __ ] or like uploaded downloaded whatever it just creates this echo chamber of if you looked at lsf you think there's only 10 twitch streamers yeah no it's a 100 just like tmz of twitch and they're very it feels like more than ever like younger and larger and like recently i love mizzy it's like super focused on like who he's talking to who he might be having sex with it's like it's like damn they're like theorycrafting and i don't i don't think it's all of lsf like i think most people are like hey i finished work what happened on twitch today yeah but now what they're getting served is like here's the t on your streamer and it's like damn this is just like baby drama alert right um and so you know i profit from it vastly i think in the past year there was some stat and i was like the sixth most posted streamer and i am not the sixth biggest dreamer so you know i i've farmed that um and i got some viewers from it from pogchamps but it's definitely not the greatest growth mechanism and it's crazy that that is a growth mechanism and that's not like lss fall that's more twitch's fault for not having other ones yeah i saw yesterday the number one post was a twitter picture by sodapoppin like he flooded his bathtub yeah and that was number one yeah yeah it's a funny twitter video but what the hell does that have to do with live streaming and you know how are you supposed to get on lsf if you're not an austin streamer or you know select few la streamers yeah it's uh it's very uh it's very hard to uh break into twitch streaming and like get into the right crowd the stat that was messed up was the leak you know the lead came out yeah the money earnings leak yeah i was like how much every streamer made over the past two years and it was like i can't remember the exact number but the amount of people who are making over like minimum wage was in i i don't know for i don't remember if it was hundreds or thousands it was either like 500 or like 2 000 something like that but it's it's astronomically low for how many people stream right because there's like four million people who will try streaming every month and you're talking like point 1.01 people who can make a living off of it which is crazy that's crazy low yeah uh and i used to think that twitch was like a great platform to try to do content creation full-time because you'll get more money for your size but i don't i don't know if that's the case anymore because um i feel like there's way more people who are able to make minimum wage percentage-wise even on like youtube but i don't know i don't know how the numbers shake up have you ever gone to those directories and just keep scrolling down and down and down seeing what kind of people are streaming to one or zero viewers yeah yeah i'll i'll go nuts on russian just chatting and i'll watch some like they just watch naruto have you ever heard of russian dubs no they're terrible they have it so bad in russia so it'll be the japanese version you know it'll be naruto uzumaki naruto and then loudly over it will be a russian guy going sasuke and it's just both audios they can't isolate it because they don't they don't get that and they'll just watch it freely on twitch and uh that's probably my most guilty pleasure content and they don't get in trouble do they no no because twitch twitch doesn't have youtube's content awareness so it'd be like a human doing it and then it's like they could be wrong so they never ever file copyright claims unless they are specifically told to do so um so you can get away i mean like i used to tell my friend i won't say who but huge an anime he was like a 100 viewer andy i was like just watch anime on stream just do it you probably won't get banned because these companies are not keeping track they don't care like there's way bigger problems of their content getting stolen so just watch it on stream react to it live instead of doing like watch parties you'll get way more viewers and you'll grow and if you do get banned you'll already have grown and you'll the band will go away in a few days mm-hmm and i always think getting banned on twitch is great marketing great pr because get everyone talking about it uh if it's for a good reason yeah like if you're stomping out a cat and you get banned yeah that's pretty bad but i always like welcome being banned for something stupid because it's just if you have the high ground and you get banned everyone would sympathize with you and you know when you come back you get even more viewers no one respects copyright holders no one cares no one cares about sexual content all right unless it's a woman profiting off of it you're good baby uh future plans we were talking about this in the living room upstairs you mentioned wanting to buy some houses i'm shopping a couple i i like where i currently am at but you know you know i it's speculative at the moment but i like the idea of like living near my friends and being able to hang out with my friends but it's also weird to be 30 and then still having roommates right so you know how do you solve that and it's like living close by them so that's that's my goal we'll see it's very speculative at the moment because i did buy my house so i'm kind of i'm locked to that for at least a little bit but i'd like to at some point yeah yeah and i like that because i also want to buy like houses and a cul-de-sac essentially it's just a neighborhood of streamers you know how like those vine people they had like a vine street and they all lived there yeah but like a streamer street yeah we all take up a house essentially it's hard to do here in la because just how much capital you need they're doing it already in austin you know like ms kiev lives next to s-van and i think he has another house that's gonna take god knows how long to make because the the housing crisis but eventually they'll have like a decent enough amount of houses that they'll have a few streamers living there um and it would be sick to do that in la because i think the main problem is like there's a lot of streamers in la they don't collab offline that much because it's like a 30-45 minute trek going anywhere yep so having a street would be cool with all the problems that would surely come from it but the drama would only add views yeah drama we've shied away from drama for the most part i remember when i first started streaming and i had like a shipping era where people shipped me with the girls i interacted with because i'm coming to america you know yeah this kid from canada only plays hearthstone all day nerd didn't know how to talk to girls the hearthstone bad boy used to call you exactly and i come to california and now there's you know cute girls that i'm interacting with so people started shipping and it didn't really hit me at the time but back then i think i was peaking 30k viewers during this era but i didn't think that much of it now when i think oh my god a 30k viewer stream that that's a popping streak 30k back then was like what xqc is now yeah it was the top but when it was when i was going through it's just like oh this this is kind of cool you know people paying attention and it the views were nice and it's like a rush but after it happened it's just i don't know it was a weird feeling because i felt like i was on a reality tv show almost yeah i remember that because i was mostly a viewer i was not like interacting with any big streamers at all but i remember a lot of people had the feeling like who weren't otv viewers but nuvo tv you know people who would hang out in an lsf crowd be like you know all they do is ship they're like ship baiting relationship baiting all that uh and i think there's like a period of that and it ended pretty hard i think the final nail in it was you know well i guess they're redacted true true um but are you happy that's kind of over now cause it doesn't feel like that happens much um hmm and for what it's worth that still happens like that shipping stuff it's happening with like ms kiff and austin people now right um interestingly enough but lsf is okay with that because it's their favorite streamers doing it i know you know what i think it's just lsf's younger i think back in the day it was like an older crowd of people because like reddit's generally older and then now it's like there's one plus million people on that reddit like there's a bunch of zoomers it's like high schoolers mostly you know like i think otv's audience because otv's old in like internet years they're like getting older you know what i mean like there's still a large young audience but you know i don't know i don't know if that's something i guess you deal with maybe in like your subreddits like otv subreddits are they like still shipping is that something that still happens frequently uh no they kind of did a 180 after everyone kind of shut it down to a point where any implication just gets you instantly downvoted right even if it's just actually like a pretty reasonable discussion yeah they're picking up on something if you mention anything like that people kind of jump on you for it they'll be like that's against their boundaries guys yeah like they would speak for us uh which is a better thing than the opposite i imagine although maybe worse for viewership and marketing yeah i i like it's good content like stuff like it's like reality tv well they won't date kind of stuff um i love dating shows you so watch this one called are you the one it was like where they all filled out a quiz and it would show your soulmate be like 10 boys and 10 girls and they had to pair with their soul mate and then every episode it would be like that's your soul mate or no and by the end of it they all needed to find it after like 10 episodes and they'd get like a million bucks and it was sick but you know it's weirder when it's also your real life forever in your job i think that's what makes it so intriguing to watch because it's very real it's like this is real real it's not on a tv show like like uh when maya miss kiff was being shipped together uh-huh it's like it actually happened and everyone was like really invested in their relationship as viewers yeah or when i went through mine it's like it was a real thing we dated for two years so i think that's what makes it so appealing when you see a streamer go through it's like wow these random people that i watch an internet can actually get together be in a relationship and i'm watching it all from the sidelines it's uh i probably would never go through that again you do secret relationship yeah sometimes i i do things like what's the craziest thing you can do and my thought was you get a house and fill up with four girls and you live in that house and they're all single they're all single they're all and they're cute and they're cute uh-huh and then it's just this constant like oh what's what's going on like yeah who is he gonna choose you know what this is this is called playboy actually toast hugh hefner did this for quite a while um and it ends with you being 85 and having sex with young women so it's not a bad path but i think with that one there's this implication of you know why did a girl sleep with hugh hefner i think hugh daddy just treated him right and also probably it set them for life in some way i imagine not well the viewers won't like that because the viewers want like genuine relationships yeah so you do that and then every month you have a different guy come over and he lives at the house you know so it's like hassan month it's like oh what's happen what happens when when hassan enters the arena you know and then you and then you do that that's the title right there the arena the arena and then you know and you're fighting with love are the girls the same am i competing with you you rotate every season but you change the guys every month oh just basically your house is the bachelor but with two guys or it's just you and it's the bachelor and you just have different girls and then like chat pic like votes off the girls at the same time what kind of girl would want to go on a show like that one who's looking for maybe 2 000 viewers you know the same guys that would go on the opposite version pokey in a house five guys right i can tell you five guys off top of my head who jump in that house take the viewer boost and then try to betroth pokey mane it so you know there's people out there man all right we're not above it us laymen okay we're just trying to get somewhere in the world um i i think a show like that well not sure but like i said like that would be really popular on twitch it would be wildly popular i think the optics around treating humans that poorly is kind of weird and so you would have to deal with a lot of backlash of that and i also i imagine the people who don't have the thing in their head to say like maybe this is a bad idea are also good at making content i imagine they're bad so i don't think you'll ever get the right mixture of like that little bit of psychopath but then also like funny and good at content to make it actually happen but maybe you do maybe you do i don't know it's something that you can only do when you're young yeah like when you're old and you put together a house and fill it up with female streamers and you live with it that's kind of creepy yeah there's a cut off it's probably 35 you know but yeah at the end of the day you can also just keep increasing the age of the people you invite and then it's all you know you could be 55 bringing 45 year old honeys to the crib call it the milf arena all right big dog fighting these mamas um yeah uh well they would these mills be streaming because part of the part appeal is that they're streamers are you streaming at 455 at 45 do you go live no probably 35 is right you cut off hard cold turkey 36 you don't go live i like this thing i would would have found something more fulfilling than streaming by 35 but you're not like we'll do this for the month like one my one a month like the you know [Music] rayne wilson type beat streamer streaming is it's like it's a grind you gotta keep up i can't imagine like streaming whenever just so because you feel like it you're either a streamer yeah that's true you don't stream you're either all in or not at all yeah or tommy in it the three yeah i think you're probably right i don't think i'm streaming that late either i'm already getting roasted i was doing i have this new youtube channel where i do advice stuff i get like emails from viewers one of the guys it wasn't even advice i read the whole [ __ ] thing out of pocket he was like yo watch you all the time man so glad i can talk to you here now my sister always calls me cringe for watching you and i had this exact conversation he has quotes and stuff he's like so i said hey why don't you watch ludwig and then she replied he just feels like an old boomer trying to fit in with young kids weird and cringe and then he was like fair enough and then that was the end of the email i was like what is my takeaway here so i'm 26 and already getting that flack 36. yeah 26 is considered boomer in this day and age because of i feel like it's a lot of minecraft viewers and they're like super young and 26 is boomer to them whereas like when we were growing up we were the ones calling the older generation boomers but now we're getting called boomers and it's only been i sort of got three years since that was happening yeah literally three to five years and that's it and it's switched yeah it's it's at the end of the day all tommy and its fault yeah speaking of of your questions we also do a viewer segment here a little viewer segment all right and uh since you're such an expert on advice giving make sure you can uh help this guy out hit me with it from white lotus these are from our subreddit threat what's something you want to talk about slash get nerdy about but feel like you can't because it's off-brand or not good content for you i think i don't know if you feel the same as a streamer you talk so much 120 60 70 hours a month you don't really hold back on something you're super passionate about and i you know i i also got a podcast so it's like if there's something i wouldn't talk about on stream i also am trying constantly to find stuff on the podcast to talk about so i don't know if i have something super nerdy that i don't feel like talking about but maybe something off brand is um my hobby of popping uh an edible and then watching anime and you know i would love to get into all the anime i've watched but it's like one spoilers two weebs get out and three like such a tired thing to talk about so probably that anime yeah do you remember the things you watch when you take an edible so okay so i don't i like if i really like if i like the show i will never get high ever and watch it but sometimes like i had this thought and this is why i started taking edibles and it's like not that frequently it's like you know a couple times a month or something but i'll watch like uh i watched spirited away i watched the rest of the giveaway movies after but i watched bearded away first right watch it when i was young and i was like damn all these other ghibli movies blow compared to spirited away because they all feel like a random part of a story that is incomplete in some fashion few exceptions princess mononoke others but like kiki's delivery service that girl didn't do [ __ ] she delivered three packages and then i was like i did it i was like [ __ ] you do all right so i i was so sad feeling that i had already watched the best thing the studio will make so now if there's like a really good movie sometimes i'll pop an edible i'll watch it and then occasionally i'll be like i don't remember [ __ ] all that happened and i get to re-watch it which is one of the great things that people always think is like if you could re-watch one movie once what would it be and that's the secret to do it okay do drugs is what i'm trying to tell you white lotus thanks for asking uh for me things nerdy but i feel it it's hard for me to talk about things that are a little older like when i talk about investments uh yeah investments pop culture from like the 90s like even talk about like um stuff like dave chappelle eddie murphy uh-huh nowadays i swear it my audience half of them won't get it anymore yeah you it'd actually be a great stream though if you hop on and you just watch the stand-up sets you know but maybe then some don't age well then it's like oh this is cringe right so yeah that's that is hard i agree and then investing stuff interesting stuff i mean there's a pocket of people who would love to hear that and i think that goes with like everything there's always a pocket of people who would love to hear that and then there's other people who's like you know shut up millionaire we don't care um so it's it's like a 50 50. yeah i like talking about like things i'm really familiar with or grew up with but because the audience is so wide and young i can't just default to talking about like very general stuff even like comic book stuff uh marvel movies for example like i would only stick with like the avengers i want to talk about the comic book characters because i feel like people just don't understand and there's just that okay okay streamer whatever you say you know just go react to some content essentially so i find it hard to share my passions with the internet because at the end of the day not a lot of people care that much specifically about con like certain things so it's just better to play video games react to youtube videos stuff like that yeah i think i think to an extent you're right so in your heart you're like ren and stimpy but out of your mouth you're like squib game hey that's crazy yeah that's great well guys it's like scrim game yeah yeah like specific spongebob episodes that like if you understand yo that's he's [ __ ] hilarious yeah like i i vibe with that but um that's gonna be such a small segment of the audience that it's not worth it it's always actually good to throw those out there if you have like a like maybe like a like a drive-by reference rather than like uh hey let's sit down and chat about that episode but if you do like a drive-by my roommate slime loves doing this he'll do the most obscure references because some people pick up on it and then they'll love you forever because they're like i also love that somewhat obscure thing right so you can you can connect um if you do that you know like if you say like hybrid animals like 15 people will get what that means but they'll be like okay now i'm with this guy what's hybrid animal bad for the earth that's what i'll tell you we'll get into it off okay it's not a podcast it's going to get deep okay uh next question second question kira queen how do you make friends in your adult years and maintain friendships as i grew older my friends and i grew apart i've met new friends but it's hard to recapture the closeness i felt with my old friends do you make new friends i think i do it depends what you define as friendship i think they're definitely not as deep as older friendships because a lot of them are like based around streaming and that's like fickle in its own right if i stopped streaming like would i still talk to a lot of people you talked about this and i don't know what that answer is so i don't know if i like trust it as much and a lot of it is like mutual admiration you know like i like the guys at trash taste and you know they like me but is that friendship will it be friendship if we hang out i don't know right but the one thing i always have is super smash brothers melee which is like it's like a worldwide community and even without my like platform audience or whatever i felt comfortable four years ago that i could be in any city like major city in the world and i'd like know somebody there that likes this game and i could like be friends with them yeah so that's that's what i have so that's that's what i do is like be in some community and then that's where you gain friendships i don't know about you have you made any friends in the last couple of years that wasn't because of streaming or streaming related like just some random person you met at like in a like uh yeah this week oh i went rock climbing a few days ago i've been going pretty often just doing bouldering and i met this guy named jacob who's just like a monkey on the wall he's just like swimming through air and we just shot the [ __ ] a bit and i don't think you know who the [ __ ] i was because i can usually tell and then he's like yo we're going outdoor climbing if you want to come and i was like yeah and it's like you know it's a very casual thing but oh you just agree to go climbing with this person you met yeah because he's a really good climber wow you can't like if you're gonna be like a creepy guy who's gonna hurt you and you spend six months no sorry four years getting that kind of climbing you've earned it you know like kidnap me please and then show me how to do a v7 um but that's that's like you not that much though i will say most of it's like through streaming um mutual admiration and those type of things have you made friends um yeah but all of it was through streaming like being a content creator like everyone here are my friends but i've only met them because i was a streamer i've can't remember the last time i became friends with anyone that wasn't related in the streaming space go rock climbing i don't wanna make friends with rock climbers they're good people a bit smelly admittedly like smashers but they get by i think my thing is i would want them to kind of know who i am is the thing why i have because uh i have insecurities and by knowing that they know who i am i feel more confident in myself mmm you can be toast yeah not disguised yes exactly like write that down they will have at least some level of like this guy's not weird or like this guy's cool because he's famous or whatever yeah yeah i think that that can make some sense i i like striking up conversation if i feel like there's a tension to create a conversation like i'll break that quickly so like i've come into situations much more frequently recently through rock climbing before it was melee where i will be next to someone who i don't know and like occasionally i'll start a conversation and they'll be like oh yeah i'm the [ __ ] weirdo all right whatever all right you know but i i can i can see that i can get that to answer your question though kira i would say a community like rock climbing like melee or like being a fan of something like i don't know if you've seen it but there's a bunch of people who have created what i will think is lifelong friendships from my community as a viewer like they're both viewers they watch me they started talking in pre-chat they hang out a bunch they get on discord calls they play games together they're not friends now they're like real friends um and like they won't be friends of my [ __ ] ass but they'll be friends with each other you know and that's sight too that's pretty cool yeah yeah it's um definitely hard to make friends and uh especially if you're someone who don't go out or who don't say yes to a lot of things like a lot of people ask me to do stuff and one thing i noticed is my default answer is always no is it hey really yeah do you wanna go drinking i'm lucky then i asked your ass to do something you're like for you ludwig anything yeah for you and i read that and i'm like i don't know if this guy says that everything's does he does he say no to a lot of people yes i'm special yeah you're special let's go i'm gonna ask you do so hey you want to go rock climb this week no okay we'll work on it we'll work on it maybe next year if it's content i'll do it um that's kind of how like i see social interactions sure for some reason no i think that's fair i don't hang out with streamers offline fully a lot like [ __ ] camp obviously but that's because there was the online aspect right if they're like hey let's do a weekend getaway no streams i still might do it because that sounds kind of [ __ ] fun but most of the time like hassan will be like dude let's go out and it's like i don't do that what do you want from me okay i stay inside relax right hey get you think i'm good looking i'm gonna play video games so i'm i'm with you in that aspect yeah um streamers don't really hang out just to hang out for the most part unless they are like already really close friends live together but i don't hit up like anyone outside of the bubble it's like hey you wanna chill and it sounds nice but i always feel like it's kind of it almost feels weird that you're hanging out without any purpose yeah i think i think there's like i like it in a sense because it's like hey what's this dude like offline you know like i um i had a coincidental lunch with michael we had both been booked for the same time slot for a podcast because they just screwed it up right and i was like you know let's just get lunch together and like they'd like i had a third guy and it's like we'll do i'll let him do the two-hour podcast we'll get lunch so we hung out for a couple hours uh unplanned and it was like it was super nice and it's like i don't think i would know who michael is without that uh if we had only ever done like stream together and it was just him going like dig dig build build and like whatever minecraft server were on right yeah like michael's very different from his online persona like in person he's very like articulate but uh you would have never known that if you didn't randomly run into him yeah and he just says he's allergic to stuff he just says that yeah like like haphazardly it's not true he just said like can't be allergic to the door michael you go you just ask me to open it if you want um so yeah uh really hard to make friends listen to ludwig find some common ground community community okay otherwise known as tribes tribes theory look it up find your tribe and uh remember that we'll be answering your questions every week leave your questions in the sub reddit thread are we gonna hit this of course we can never miss that this is this is if there's one thing we must hit on everything can i leak this i'm looking at this paper and it says shang chi segment okay i don't go around a lot of pot actually i do go on a lot of podcasts i got my pockets every week sometimes like five times six times a month never had a shang chi segment right so i'm excited to hit me with it what's the shang chi segment the shank cheese segment it's chiang chi time everybody oh yeah we rodent we're getting uh we're getting jingle for that right the shanky segment um it's essentially a weekly update about my goal to being shanky too oh okay talk to me what's happened nothing at all okay why does it say updates then can we yeah well i mean that's not what it is nothing happening is also an update in itself i wouldn't say that it's like oh did you start on that project oh no it's like well now i know you didn't start on the project yet but like if you had a package you were waiting for and then fedex sent you an update and it's like we haven't done anything would you be like okay thanks fedex you'd be like you'd be like you wouldn't have that expectation sure okay yeah no it's a good point nothing's happened yet um you're acting you've been practicing some acting hit me with can you hit me with a line what like what role do you see yourself as um well realistically just himself no no wow i knew and he needs to be canceled sure for that to happen okay which which you know simulu big supporter but if he gets cancelled i'm gunning for his are there baristas in it could you be a barista ah okay so what kind of role would you want to play could you would you want to be like let's say you got offered a role in a marvel movie you were talking to bell boy okay you should know okay god damn i i love a small talking roll i may open a door right efficiently have a good day shang i call him that we're close that'd be like my line let's just okay i'll be shang chi you'll be a barista okay okay let's do it hey can i get a coffee yeah [ __ ] yeah okay you know what i'm not i'm not sold necessarily if i was at starbucks and they said yeah i'd be like like what like what are you but you know we're close we're getting there update of the day toast acting skills plus one uh we've been doing some skits for uh our offline tv videos um but that's about all the acting i've done and we've been trying to get aquafina oh on the podcast she's in shanghai too she isn't changing so i like her last week we said we made contact and this week the update is they haven't replied yet and probably won't until 2022. well they replied and said more like 2022. oh okay that's a good that's not a no have you tried reaching out to her directly does she follow any streamer uh i'm gonna look if i feel like she's too famous for that now right oh she's just a human all right humans like stuff they don't have to be that you know i'm gonna check does aquafina follow me okay maybe she likes um my yeah let's check out her following list does she have a okay she's following 950 people that's not that much you know the last time she used that that account was 29. okay that's the problem she's not she's an instagram andy yeah she uh is she active on instagram uh she's just an actress now and not yeah oh yeah oh she's big on insta two milly follows 1300 people yo that's that's a bad sign wanna hang out sometime oh that's a weird i don't know how to intro this i'll just say yell keep it breezy all right i'm going to try my best man i said yo that's the update of the week ludwig involved on the chase to get toast and chiang chi do you have any dreams of being in a movie i think so but my aspirations would be like let's make a movie then you know you make a movie let me tell you tell us you're in it okay because you made it as a oh would you be like the main character because you have you seen influencer movies oh yeah baby logan paul on that plane right nothing better than that uh i have i would i would say that's not my goal and if i felt like i was not capable of fulfilling a role i would not try to fulfill it and uh and i'm comfortable not being the main guy you know like we talked about so but i can still be in it right serving up some coffees or whatever you did a good job acting in that uh coinbase commercial i thought that was really well done um corn base yeah yeah that's been fun we have a few more of those coming probably going to do sketches more often 2022 that are all sponsored so you know build build a little resume a little here a little there maybe slight myself or spot myself in a little movie we'll see figure it out if i was if among us came out a year earlier i'm in free guy that's all i'm saying all right and if you ever make a movie can i be in it 100 thank you need a barista only one guy for the job you ain't giving me the barista bro well bell boys taken all right um that wraps it up thank you so much lud for uh coming on this podcast i really appreciate it hell yeah i know you live really far away and i know that because when you asked me to do uh was it mogul money and i was like oh you told me this guy told me oh yeah it's in l.a i'm like oh i live in l.a l.a county yeah and i look at the time to travel it was one hour i'm like that's you want to get someone to do something you say yo first they have to reply to yo then you tell them what you want then they'll reply because they were already there then you tell them after they said yes where it is okay it's the three-step ludwig plan bit of scams here and there still worked out great great app yeah it worked 2.6 mil on youtube can't get mad at that yeah i can't remember because you also come that far when we do our shoots i'm like look if he's traveling this far to do our shoots i can travel the same distance we're selfless lovers so i would be so good in the milf house together no no i'm gonna be the only guy in the middle of house you can't just consider no no there's only room for one dude all right uh thank you all so much for watching uh please check out ludwig's content you guys can find him on youtube ludwig twitch ludwig it's all about wicks right i'm just a lotta wig yeah there's not that many ludwigs to compete with not at all beethoven he dropped a new track recently so that's kind of biting my flow because he's gonna hurt that seo huh it hurts it a bit but i'm vibing out here thank you all so much for watching and we'll see you next week bye everyone
Channel: OfflineTV Podcast
Views: 833,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, OTV, Offline TV, OfflineTV Podcast, OTV Podcast, Podcast, Pokimane, Poki, Lilypichu, Lily, DisguisedToast, Toast, Scarra, twitch, streaming, streamers, games, michael, michael reeves, Ludwig, The Yard, Yard Podcast, Mogul Money, Mogul Moves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 28sec (4768 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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