Sykkuno Ruined My Gameshow | Mogul Money

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welcome to mogul money and here's your host ludwig [Music] [Applause] like there's an audience clap right like it's just you threesome you kind of got something you really feel like it's better in that case we don't clap well no because it's just stopping i was hoping it'd be like thundering welcome to mogul money everybody it is the finale of mogul money i hope you guys enjoyed our first five episodes because we're here for the sixth and we're here for the final you might have noticed a replacement by the way welcome foosley instead of valkyrie new streamer of the year i figured out that ray was streaming the year last year so i was like get that [ __ ] out of here it's 20 21. [Music] you might notice some categories have um stayed over we did you cater the categories to the contestants you you know what you'll see in a in a little moment um but but first hey how are you feeling leslie welcome oh oh uh uh good luck i'm great it's weird there's no twitch shout out right now youtube chat you're good there's also you're right there's no twitch chat there's no tweet there's no chance congratulations everyone who managed to find this youtube live stream welcome back to my second live stream on youtube very cool camera's looking at us if it has the red dot on it it's live oh so you just um so it's follow him around it's just you can turn and now this one's changing it's changing this one no it's the high one yeah oh this one well they're they're switching it on purpose yeah now they're just messing with you anyway how are you feeling about your chances here um i'm feeling good i'm i'm decent at trivia well i thought i i have been i've done some 100 thieves trivia and i do really well in those capital new hampshire cycuno welcome to the show now what's up verified brainiac people say you have the highest level of education of anyone to have ever appeared in mogul money truck doesn't help with and and stream in general because it's smart trivia usually that's just you know i just do trivia as a hobby a guy just you know i just know some things i don't even do it as a hobby you know i think you have a good chance of winning here today i i really need a win today because ludwig didn't pay for my hotel or flight and i told him all right i told him don't worry i'll pay for it with the prize money if i win i was getting to it it's like you know what like my account has to go through oh no it's the prize money you'll pay for net 75. i'll just win weeks and it'll it'll get there connor though connery pant welcome yeah no i had the same joke as psychu know that i'd wait you don't pay for anything it wasn't a joke right but i was going to play it was a good joke it's a good fit oh my god you didn't pay for my stuff it really didn't happen anyway guys thank you so much for coming on and uh and it's the finale so i hope it's a good one i hope we have some great answers the past three shows actually i think over half the contestants have been in the negative by the end so so let's hope that today you guys will remain in the positive anyway let's see what happens if you win mobile money let's roll the prizes first place will receive five thousand dollars for hotels a lot of money second place will receive a custom mogul moves bidet heated customers [Applause] aaa batteries that's what we're really used to those are you could look like they're going to explode well you could harvest the energy anyway that's that's what we're playing for here today now the thing about mogul money is i wanted to develop like a unique show like with its own little twist right so it starts with a trivia board then it has a double trivia board all right all right and there's going to be daily monthly multipliers inside those boards multi-multipliers what we call them so let's let's just start off with our first trivia board let's take a look at the categories and see what we're working with today we're getting right into it we're just going to do all the categories look we'll get into it common bonds i'll explain that one yeah i'll tell you three things you have to tell me which combines them all the common bonds i know that buying bonds doesn't make much money now covalent bonds in chemistry what did you guys study like connor what's your bond thing friendship oh he's been watching anime oh god category 2 these are tailored towards them that means i'm in a disadvantage this is actually no this is canadian geography why didn't it say canadian none of us are canadian well that's how you say canadian geography it's not no you just see thank god you know well thank god for the sub it was a typo i forgot the letter e it's all my material just out the window no it's don't worry man it's so unfortunate ray couldn't make it thanks for watching hopefully you're watching that home remedy i kept mine in boxes uh-huh yes this is going to be all about different languages people speak ah very good in our final category spot the impasta fungus this one's good this one's actually my favorite category i've ever seen i'm gonna tell you three italian words two are a type of pasta and one is a mafia term and you have to tell me which is which and when i say mafia i mean like probably maybe the mob oh my god okay and that's it and so this is it this is your board basically you have these five categories one to five hundred if you get it right you get the points if you get it wrong you lose the points first to buzz in gets the answer if you're right you get the next guess at what point do we lose points if you get it wrong yeah yeah so what if we hit the buzzer but we don't actually say anything that's wrong that counts as wrong yeah you probably don't want to hit it i wouldn't hit the buzzer then okay uh and the way we pick who picks the first one is whoever is the cutest so cykuno gets to go first oh we should start with an easy one self reflect a hundred self reflect for a hundred remember do not buzz till i'm finished reading the question and i'm a slow reader i'm allowed to read it before you you can i mean if you want if you'd like yeah you could but you can't this product that allows an individual to view a reflection of themselves was modernized in uh as an invention in 1835 through early ones uh the early ones have been found as far back as 6000 bce leslie what is a mirror you're bored now you get to pick any category any point amount like choose a hard one if you have guts we did easy first 500 500 common bonds for a hundred wait what common bonds for 100 i'm going to tell you three things i want to tell you tell me the word that combines them all baseball cricket vampire one word that combines all three of those baseball blank cricket blank vampire blank you know something that could combine all three like something i would be involved with all three of those like wood yeah like wood can you explain how that works with a vampire baseball crickets you have a wooden stick to hit it and a vampire wooden stake a white i respect that it is incorrect it is incorrect oh god but you know it was not a bad guess uh-huh um anyone else connor what is a weekend weekend what like no wait please walk me through this well we got a weekend baseball a weekend of cricket and then vampire weekend all the the music the only one that made sense is vampire weekend what's a weekend of cricket well you play cricket over the weekend look we all have 100 points like sort of that's that's incorrect i'm going to try leslie's strategic sound just not saying anything yeah leslie did you want to try this one you have to you chose it you have to i'm trying you could buzz in no but if i buzz in then i have [Music] sports two of them are sports vampires blood but oh what is blood what you can you can bleed from playing the first two and vampires twice but not feel bad playing the first lead playing baseball and cricket i don't know it's better than weekends hey this was this one this is a learning this was a learning example for everybody in chat and everybody here that is incorrect the correct answer what is bats you use a baseball bat in my vampires it was close it was actually i think uh the best answer i heard um but i think i don't this cricket even use a word i don't know if it probably does use a wood bed anyway that was that look that was just some teaching example you guys lost nothing for that as a group goes back to me right he goes back to he gets big she's a spicy one three hundred more like a oh hey hey hey for 300 only around a three hour drive north from seattle this city is sometimes called hollywood north what city vancouver cycuno you did buzz in and just just hey look everyone gets one just remember form of a question what is the vamp vancouver that was not yeah that is correct it is vancouver vancouver and it's very expensive which means it's the hollywood well if you have a game like sponsor you get a nice place there i heard what oh yeah oh you're born here you're bored well oh you're right um let's see spot the impasta for 500. remember i'm going to tell you three italian words you tell me the one that is the impasta fogli the olivo leslie one in three chants right which one is the term relating to the mob not a pasta that is incorrect oh dang all right well now that it's a two chance sakura has only a 50 chance to get it wrong let's see i believe a foggly might be a pasta so i'm gonna go with uh wha what's the uomo you're going with umo mm-hmm what is uomo that is correct [Applause] [Music] yeah the other two were pastas inuomo is a man of honor it's another word for a made man in the mob so when you become a maid man you are an uomo dorne okay anyway it is now your board taikuna well 500s are working uh it's hablamos for 500 also hablamod for 500 let's take a look tell me what language this streamer speaks buster he's a streamer he's a streamer category is going to be all streamers you have to tell me which language they speak primarily so if i chose that and i nobody buzzes in what nothing happens you just well guys come on we gotta at least guest for the content are you trying to pressure people into guessing this guess the other one first you're at 700 man i mean i am at 700 but i could just you could all just agree to know he's what's a portuguese that is incorrect nuggets okay i had a hunch leslie you gotta guess now what is french that is incorrect yes what if it's just english what if it's just think it's connor it might just be english english i wanted to say i'm not no okay i'm not gonna guess he's standing up i'm gonna get two oh wait leslie you're pretty far down actually you literally won't lose to leslie at least go for it right now what is english that is so wrong so incredibly wrong the correct answer what is russian this is a russian streamer of guests yeah so just so you guys know top two move on to quick money so so it's so you know hey there's a there's a race here there's a race for talk to you then okay you're in you're in the best spot and it is still your board leslie which one do you want me to pick i want you to come common bonds for 400. common bonds for 500. what okay three words tell me the one that combines them all crow salad and candy crow salad in candy how do you combine them all crow salad candy uh this was a bit of a tricky one let's see give you another five ten seconds here it's a salad work that's candy bar just by queen eating i guess you're you're you're cheating no i can hear you whisper you're saying it out loud what are you all right guys time is i don't want to ask it anyone want to take it for funsies guys um bowl it was fun guys well the crow is really throwing me off here because the salad is a bowl in a mixing bowl candy bowl bowls tomatoes you're just combining words and being like candy could be in a bowl okay it could be candy bar candy bar salad bar salad bar and a cream [Music] when you train at the higher level the lower ones are easier same with the opposite okay oh that's true we have so many it is still your board cicuna how was it oh really because leslie unless you choose again 100. for 500. what is this city guys the largest city in the capital of manitoba this city is sometimes called the gateway to the west can we get uh what's up manitoba where is manitoba what is it west to east canada what's the gateway west it's like kind of if you like it doesn't help i don't know so it's like 20 minutes from northern lions in like a little bit see if there was no penalty for guessing wrong i would guess here but because i'm sounding so bad i i want this one's too hard this is just the buzzer none of us are canadian north right this is north north north north dakota so like up there right north dakota yeah this is northern dakota so they call it oh this is above north dakota i guess i don't that's canada man i don't think that's the right direction you guys have a i don't think the general direction but it doesn't help me with the name of the city if we hear it we'll be like oh we all know that city 100 really really a thousand percent okay well what is it i have a crazed guest but i don't all right you guys aren't gonna do it i'm gonna i'm gonna time's up quebec correct answer what is winnipeg okay thank god i didn't i would have never heard that i didn't know that record time ran out we all know what we have to do here right there's only one left turns out it's sakura's board reflect for 500. when i'm done reading it over with this process in which someone examines their own thoughts and feelings is called blank what is introspection that is correct holy what oh god i don't know i just know a lot about reflect i had 200 200 for self-reflection let's do that we'll self-reflect he knows i'll do it 200 let's see it i got to be ready this part of the mind represents a sense of self-esteem or self-importance ludwig has a very large one ego oof no it was p what oh no it is wait you go ego that is correct you gave it away with the last line what was that other thing you said no don't worry about that it's your board it is your board you said that a little fast though huh we all knew but like you could have spent a little time being like what is like what is that maybe you know i mean you deserve because you're a good guy you're bored i said you're bored all right so the 300 reflect self-reflect by the way 100 this species of ape known for its distinctive red fur was the first to be officially tested with a mirror test originally created to test self-awareness in animals what is an orangutan leslie that is corrupt oh god she's really cheesy [Applause] alpha fraction 4 400. what the heck would you say i don't even know what she said oh okay let's finish ourselves no thyself is a principle famously attributed towards this early greek philosopher and has been a subject of deep philosophical discussion who is socrates leslie that is correct i didn't even know what i was trying to answer how did you know that one though she's the first philosopher that came to me like the only philosopher yeah oh god they're catching up yes okay great job you are killing it and it is still your board run the show what you want 400 400 for eh for 200. and for 200 let's take a look the largest city in quebec known for its hockey team the canadians why didn't you do canadian why did you do this the largest city in canada how you spell canadian cities there's no way that's how you spell that's how you spell this there's no way the canadians are spelled like that the maple leafs why do they do that thank you so true so true thank you by the way red is a color that is more what i said is more relevant to the to the largest city in quebec is quebec on the right side quebec is on the right yeah it's the home of streamer xqc who's quebecois the largest city in quebec bilingual city they speak french and english they also have a hockey team they're canadians they have one major city this is this is bad but the second you said the second you said x was from there i was like wait a minute you connected the dots is he from montreal no he's like from some city i think i i have no idea but that's what i would have he's such a juicer he's such a juicer he's such a juice you're bored where you going oh oh um conor what do you think would be um i'm going to be honest i hate most of these um really i feel like i say we just we juice out the canadian ones because we're going to get those all wrong right juice them juice four hundred this juicer yeah i'm thinking about all right after 400 this is the capital canada keep it simple stupid capital of a country yeah first sister country of course we know that one right here capital of canada yeah like capital who doesn't wait i did not buzz in i did it oh oh connor what is wait what was when we said first he says on the website uh vancouver what is toronto that it's definitely i'm pretty sure it's alberta okay leslie you need the points go forward um toronto you're saying things randomly leslie you're basically saying like boston minnesota france did i say the capital any point you said cities and then you also said total territories that's what i kind of know when i doubled down alberta is a territory double down do you want to double down can i do it again yeah can we double that can we have them double down i think it's i know but it's conor [ __ ] eats pants that's right connor yeah okay you can double down you can double down what is alberta please probably please wrong please oh no no it's so incorrect it's not even a city oh no i'm sorry i thought that was right i was pretty confident that i said can we get like a flashback i said that's a territory not even a city he literally gave away that's not a city that's not a city it's not not even a city i don't know anything about it it's like a state do i get points if i can sing the canadian national anthem yeah please okay canada so far our home and native players so flat taking the life out of canada that could account for something in this category uh it gives you a i am so sorry to all the canadians who are watching you got a point the correct answer was ottawa what capital is ottawa umpire empire i don't want to do this anymore am i right oh my god yeah hey all right where are you going a hundred we're getting you who the largest city in canada home to the raptors of the nba toronto toronto that is love that you switch it to the form of question it is toronto six six six oh drizzy drake is from there oh i'm barely holding on ah it's still you're like you're in the lead by so much we're both negative well connor's got a bigger number just gonna say it's like who goes to the bank and he's like 100k and he's like barely according to his friend you switched to absolutely that's actually me and gta yeah i'm stressed out uh where are you taking us it's your board here man no you're right i feel like i've been choosing too much you you need some points what do you think you can get here i don't think my help is going to help anybody i think you can do spot the impasta 400 400 again three words two are pastas one is a mob term spot the mob turn and it's our daily double oh oh my god this is no it's a monthly multiplier we could catch up [ __ ] i'm sorry what can we just redo it can we pull can we go back out and just redo it why what what which one did you want to go to cycuno spot the impasta 400 okay let's take a look at that one i guess it's our monthly multiplier [Music] some daily no way for the monthly multiplier you are the only one that gets to answer saikuno that is your award you can wager as many points as you have or you can wager up to a thousand if you want it's up to you major 700 again you're you have to answer so you will lose all the points if you get it wrong yeah wow son of a [ __ ] you're so cool all right what could go wrong three words tell me the mob here it is i'm going pidgeotto because it sounds like a pokemon no way that's the name of a pasta this hurts my feeling so much that's correct what i knew i knew it i know they would never they would never name a bird pokemon after a pasta young man it's like a new hire think of it like a pledge for the mob uh and to to get into the frat you gotta hang out so it would never be bird after it i wonder if it's cause like you know it's the second evolution that's that's crazy i don't know that would make sense maybe it's 100 percent really they sound really similar oh my god 14. that was fluent i know because i'm but foosley fusilli yeah it's not even your name wait do i choose again it is you actually yes please i i keep choosing we need uh this guy let's do something easy spot the impasta 100 oh one hundred here we go finally gotta pass three words tell me the one that is the impasta capo dianchanena cavatapi i know some italian cozy esteem okay my uncle taught me this swear to my mother wait what she's a beautiful woman what does that mean my uncle told me you say it when something's bad this is harder than the one i just had does anyone jump in is there any buzzers this is the hardest one yet i have no idea there's no way cavities oh there's no way so there's only one reason why this would be a hundred is because it should be an easy pattern cappaletti and cavatapi lenny and toppy both and in like two letters and then an i so that must mean those are pastas which means what is a cappuccino what i was thinking the first three letters are cap that's correct but nothing you said made sense that adds up okay which is right this is why math teachers make people show work it's cause people like you he's right i'm so thrown off but i think you're a genius now is a a cappo you might have heard that term like toast yeah he's the kappa it's the captain so i believe her points went up they did they did really yeah it was only a hundred points negative two nine nine that's still negative after this year you know it felt like it should have been 500. well it wasn't okay it was hard though oh it's my board hmm obama's for 400. i've 400. which language does this streamer speak goal what is brazilian that is incorrect poop nuggets oh god careful there language two more connor leslie he's nominated for streamer of the year that's true that's how i know him oh yeah i keep uploading you don't know who he is twitter i don't check twitter french french that was a great great preamble into super [ __ ] wrong incredibly incorrect you made it sound like you knew what you were talking about connor you got this i was just all right can i guess one more time oh man would you like to double down double down that means i lose twice yeah you would go to just the same as 1 000. see what it's like take it go what is portuguese that is correct oh my god you said brazilian oh yeah it's like saying i speak american i knew it's similar to it i feel like brazilians speak portuguese it's yeah it's slightly different slightly yeah so i just had to hurt me hurt me to take away those points i want you to know but that's the camera i'm holding on i went from i went down and then i went back exactly where i was yeah you did nothing but at the same time you did so much it was so that's your stream of the year thank you so much it is your board again yeah 300 oblamos 300 what language does this streamer speak or on play i want i want to guess the same thing but what if i'm wrong i think it's right go with your gut my gut says it might be wrong this time and don't do that conor i think you guessed this one i don't know anything i'm pretty sure is that good the brazilian doesn't count as a language no portuguese no no man i said go with your gut you said that you're good for another one all right the spanish the spanish say it in question that's correct oh thank god think of a question oh god next time you know it's your second question it's your it's your life oh right right right but that is correct or implied does speak spanish i actually switched it it was ebuy but i switched it because oh my god my points i'm barely holding on but it's a little too obvious your guys is bored uh sakuna common bonds 400. three words tell me the one that combines them all let's take a peek we are bad at this category permit spider genital hermit spider genital things that combine all three what genitals permit crab spider crab genital crabs oh my god wait wait what i i did everything that is correct yeah great answer wait that's it yeah i did everything spider crabs i'm not going to ask what part are you confused by it's surely not the genitals right it's kind of the general part uh crabs that's the disease taking all the work from someone else you truly are reactionary i was on that wavelength i was really close i was about to get it i think you did great for what it's worth you're in the positive now yes oh and it's also your board common bonds for 300. all right you're the master of this category common bonds 303 words what combines them all here it is boston book inch glow what are you guys thinking talk out loud really quick you got this okay i have one guest [Music] i was thinking that too i just didn't know if an inchworm was a real thing connor you're back in this game i didn't know a glowworm different i still went for it that's fine and that's the thing it's two for three is pretty good you know what i mean yeah yeah the two categories on the right i hate with my whole beings i'm gonna go with common bonds for 200. okay weird abuse duck dollar buffalo bill uh what is a bill that is correct [Music] [Applause] wow fun fact by the way the buffalo bills have the record for the most super bowls attended in a row four also the record for the most lost in a row also four wow you're bored like uno uh the the impasta 300. all right spot the and pasta two pastas one mob term here they are soldato what is soldato that is correct how did you know uh this guy i met on gta named benji and his rap song has soldato in it oh my god that's random it it does it means soldier yep it's one of the soldiers of like a mob army you'd send out some soldatos to take care of interesting so you're boring your seikuna oh right uh impasta 200. all right final one let's clean it up [Applause] the first one and got it wrong which is why i started saying uh you have a point though and that means something i'm in the positive i'll take it unfortunately you guys cannot answer because i didn't leave feels the response but um but congratulations leslie on i was really hoping that like more like among us references instead of just italian you really just wanted me to be like what do you call the imposter and then you go i don't know what to expect like i feel like something like who's that pokemon with our custom among us characters dude with a little hat and a mustache in the shadow of it we have to guess it's no free advertising uh what this is i'm advertising our names are here well i mean for like for others no not for you guys i would like to just mention this is fun all right so do i just choose again this is this is who's board i think it's leslie is it it's connor's definitely not mine it's connor oh i feel like i'm choosing too much leslie choose leslie's 200 200 200. 200. the streamer speaks what language sardoche what is french that is correct he is a french speaking streamer and a slightly worse chess player than me you know i i don't want to be that dude who calls it early i'm almost 100. obama's 100. that's true that's right obama 100. final one what language does this streamer speak tim the tatman hmm [Music] what is english that is correct why are you saying it like yugi moto whipping out his dark magician oh god what is english all right well down in defense mode sorry we're just gonna we'll glaze past it all right guys well that's the end of trivia board one we have a second trivia board coming up with double the points you know so if you're in the negative you can go all the way up if you're in the bottom you can go all the way down there's also a multi multiplier hidden then we'll do our final trivia but all that will be right after the break we'll see you guys in a little bit enjoy yourselves [Applause] [Music] can you like talk to nick for me yeah why what what i just been hanging out with them lately and sometimes they'll just like make fun of my chest hole no one's around have like a coke and i'll just put it in my chest and it'll be like hold that for me and like it falls and hits the floor and i just have like no i'm being serious he does that you laugh you get neutered like and then yeah like you laugh you you sniff the tube i don't know how it works better idea clifford the big red hog what i feel like if i do a skincare routine it plays if you were bald you would never be as successful as you are now if you have hair are you successful yeah my hair on your head yeah i would still have viewers if i was bald no you would not yeah people like me because i'm witty and i'm bilingual yes so am i no you're not yes i am oh yeah what language you speak american sign language prove it thank you everyone knows that cat that was kind of impressive father you know what poop is huh it's pretty much the same one yeah it's just like a different color yeah just want to take that home let's go wait don't you get in trouble for playing music not in this car not in this car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey how's it going guys welcome back to mobile money it's your host lovely guy and i'm back here once again on that youtube live stream going on what's going on guys you uh you edited my image and you ruined my oh my you look like a demon i do you did connor and me both so dirty in that how did i do you dirty i'm basically cropped out i mean you're at it i mean i'm basically like mike wazowski yeah mike wazowski he's cool i would prefer to be like mike wazowski than be a demon kind of really i think you did i thought you were devious bro i thought you went demon mode this is ruining my image i'm supposed to be cutesy minecraft boy this is like this is a little too edgy for you a little too hard i'm going family friendly now actually what actually i've changed my brand i decided right here swear oh sorry i didn't mean to push it it's not like me mogul money trivia board 2 guys the trivia points double and by the way if you saw that video i'm on youtube now all right let's take a look all the points are doubled for this one and uh we can we can have a little mix-up of the order first category before and after i'll explain that one terribly disney sec what oh sorry i was hoping for disney a manifesto oh you were like saying it hoping that disney would pop up oh no name's the same second category third category is words and yeah i mean this is it this is i feel like i'm at a lunch school table in middle school it's gonna be no it is not at all yeah category four game of the year and our final category is disney oh no who's that pokemon hog come on who's that pogamon that's right let's uh let's go through them real quick just a little recap re reduce reuse recycle uh the the all the categories top to bottom so who's that pokemon you're gonna see an emote you need to tell me what the emote is you're just gonna see a silhouetted version okay it pops up you buzz immediately you don't wait for me to say anything tell me the emojis game of the year all these answers are going to be games of years throughout time words and among us this one this one's the one people get confused on i need you to tell me the answer and the answer has to be a word that you can use with the letters in among us specifically among us okay so you know like um sus actually wouldn't even work because there's only one s there's an example anyway hopefully that's that works and then names the same i'm going to tell you two people's names yet to tell me the the name that combines them and before and after is hard uh anyway what was names the same i just got two names like like uh john and kate and then you'll be like buzz like plus eight oh that was a terrible example but okay you'll get it okay you'll get like auger and beethoven ludwig bang got it got it all right you know pants and all right anyway it's your board connor because you are on the last or comeback mechanic mario party you've been joking well i'm gonna hope that who's that pokemon is who's that pokemon not blobs because you're on youtube now they're literally yeah yeah of course of course that makes so much sense you're on youtube if you type kappa in youtube it comes up with a moon emoji yeah they had it six years ago they just have a moon that it's just a moon that floats around i don't know what that is about i'm gonna go with eight hundred for who's that one all right home man he's cousin when you know it here it is what is that emote connor what is not like this connor that's correct no let me explain this is this is gonna be horrible that looks like a weird thing with an elephant nose it's because like i just see the emotes now so i don't really hover the names anymore so i've forgotten a lot of emojis so i think this category is a hole for you oh man he's already caught up leslie anyway shout out to bennett w the face of not like this connor this is your comeback by the way let's say 600 and who's that pokemon oh no he's going to clap us in this category here it is 600 leslie leslie smile what is smile that is correct you could have done you could have been like frowned i could have i could have debated that's true but but smile was more popular i didn't trust you so i didn't vote dude i don't know what you would have done leslie you're bored who's oh actually uh run the whole section just why not run the whole section everyone's getting run around the whole section leslie okay fine just do it a thousand thousand do it smoke weedless later a thousand all right a thousand heroes god she did it i don't know who's that pokemon what is it i i know it but i don't actually know the code for i've just seen people use it lately tell me what it looks like you guessed it no i'm not going to say that leslie might use your bronies just go for it i see the turkey under if i know like half of it can i get like something i'll give you a point a single point okay well it's partly debated but it's the turkey one i give you a single point for that wow how did the fact that you knew that and i don't think you guys are gonna get it no correct answer what is gebasted that's funny that's all that's a comedy i can't believe that's me i get bored you're bored you got that right kind of you know um i'll do 400 pokemon oh no pogamon for 400. here it is connor what is uh easy that's correct oh my god he's too good thank you guys [Music] [Applause] this this is actually the only one i knew chat when you were singing the canadian national anthem even if it wasn't actually no they weren't because well i run the chat replay extension will come out shortly it's still being approved here oh you don't have the extension yet no so for now that all they do is type extension in chat and then everyone's like youtube chat sucks and i'm like yeah no [ __ ] they're typing extension all day you could type something else chat occasionally like pog champ is like is this live is this live leslie you're bored all right uh let's go words in among us for 400. just to test out the category yeah let's just test it i like that i like that again it has to be in the letters there this super smash bros melee professional is recently ranked number one of all time and is considered by many fans to be the goat who is mango connor let's go i don't know anything about super smash bros it's okay oh my god look at that board i've gotten zero points the entire time you noticing connor caught up to you i knew it was mango okay he just got ripped uh reactions no i just knew i know of mango what do you what do you mean how long have you been subbed she just said no i'm not a fan no no no no i i'm like i can't say i like i watched his streams and i know he was on like c9 and stuff and um he played plays fox well he did like a long time ago i played super auto pets with him once true that's all i got all right it is never worth it connor you're still doing great here um it's so stressful we'll do uh wards and among us for 200 all right let's make it a little even more challenging most negative adverbs and determiners in english derive from this two-letter word negative two-letter word connor what is un no no no it's wrong oh i guess it's not a word a word on can be on something no i said you in oh that no also no nope that was wrong that is an adverb what is an adverb um oh oh it's like what's a determiner what's a determiner i don't know guys i'm gonna it's like uh run derive streams of dumb as hell guys didn't know that is correct it was not it was not [Applause] and that's why they word him to be confusing or sometimes wrong that was so confusing still you're bored though connor i'll do before and after for eight hundred okay before we pop it up i need like an example of this this one determines who's gonna believe well before a before and after is basically gonna be two two clues right it's gonna be two i'm stressed out it's gonna be two clues and i need you guys to give me the answer to both clues and they will often combine so an example of a good before and after is like this guy has um this guy is a famous composer who is deaf and also got the most subs ever and then the answer would be like like beethoven ludwig agreement you know what i mean can they not just be ludwig no because beethoven's the guy who's the favorite composer i don't know oh so you have to say both of them so yeah they're related yes yes but we'll we'll play through it it'll be great examples i'm sure it'll make sense who is beethoven and who is ludwig or like who is beethoven ludwig and i'll walk you through it it'll be so easy and breezy and beautiful cover girl let's take a look 800 this popular christmas song about a young boy in his drum is an american sitcom following the everyday life of corey matthews leslie what is little drummer boy corey in the house i mean sorry sorry sir um please point me swirled you already said [Music] i don't get it five more three i just i don't want to lose 800 points okay connor well she said it she kind of did should i should we not count it do you want to be i'll be yeah you're going to be respectful all right time is out because i'm going to be honest i was going to say corey in the house me too yeah he's not an actor he's a character on the show boy meets world i know so the correct answer was what is little drummer boy meets world and that's before and after is the clues always have a word that combines okay so little drummer boy meets world oh my god so you said little drummer boy corey in the house which is actually kyle massey yes who is christopher massey's different yeah yeah i guess i don't know that's probably true anyway um i've got a nasty stuff but you get it now though i get it and that's then that's worth something okay who who picked that i didn't conor um we'll do game of the year for 600 game of the year for 600 here it is game informers 1997 game of the year was this jrpg produced by square for the playstation where the protagonist cloud attempts to stop shinra corporation from draining the planet's livestream defeat severoth what is kingdom hearts what [ __ ] final fantasy thanks for watching guys you already said kingdom hearts oh my god the only thing worse is she said super smash brothers ultimate what is that final fantasy vii that is correct connor wait i didn't push because i was in shock that that's true i'm so sorry i'm so sorry it was one or the other oh god i mix them up like you said it so emphatically you were not even like concerned at all that it could be wrong wait can i get my points uh yeah connor that is correct we'll throw you throw some points there thanks guys thank you and connor with that you are within 100 points of first place top two get to move on there is still a final trivia question with a thousand points you could wager because you're in the negative to come back and there's a whole bunch of thousands on that oh yeah yeah this is anyone's game yeah you shouldn't even be worried i'm not working conor two board i'll do uh names the same for 800. names the same for 800. here it is two names tell me the one that combines them fisher marbles jenna what is jenna correct she is jenna fisher from the office jenna marbles oh never saw the office oh yes makes a lot more sense you're bored here name's the same for a thousand names the same a thousand big one mcavoy earl jones what is james leslie is back who are these people what is this i actually don't know who james james earl jones is he is the voice of darth vader and the voice of what's up james mcavoy is an actor oh james mcavoy come on oh the guy who played scar from lion king oh the other one yes oh the other 15 you're in the lead now insane i've gotten zero points on there's a whole board none the only one i actually knew was game of the year and then you were in shock i will say leslie it might be the greatest buzzer you've ever had why because you're just so good she's good at it yeah it's a reaction the problem is what's the problem true um it's your board it's crazy you say that but i'm in the lead so true she is in the lead hey let the haters weep exactly but you're literally one of the haters let me weep i suppose all right name's the same 600. name's the same for 600 here it is two names tell me the one that combines it wence davidson who pete what is p p mario kart d.i pete wentz yes the singer no fall out boy pete davidson for smashing him lost oh god this is kind of my category 400. you're running this category this is like conor of pokemon doth swank connor who is hillary that is correct how do people know all these i knew this is not my category this is just not my category um it's okay i'll do words and among us for 800 words and among us for 800 this word is a british slang for kiss british slang for kiss must be spelled with the words in among us uh [Music] snog how do you know that you dirty dog harry potter are you snogging behind the locust i i saw in harry potter this guy snogs no you're bored king words in among us a thousand chad he's killing it 1000 this is our monthly multiplier sikuno you can wager as many points as you would like you will lose everything you wager if you're incorrect you will gain the same amount if you are correct what do you want to do 2 300. [Music] you have to go all in every time right i mean what's the point with the words in among us you're the only one that can answer show us the clue first name of the chess goat and my good friend magnus what is a magnus that is correct i actually watched i watched him because i was in one chess tournament against quackity and i watched him in hikaru to try and learn and i learned absolutely nothing the least helpful thing you could have done it's like watching an f1 racer to learn how to yeah i i can't learn anything but uh but that's correct me with this would you have known that would you have known magnus yeah i would have known good job magnus hey killing it by the way he's right now in the middle of the world chess championship against jan nepo and and doing pretty well he's drawn all four games so far i believe five games but you know nine more games to go you got a magnus we believe you're such a fanboy no we're just good friends it's like a good fan and stuff you did like a yeah he's like a fan of mine exactly thank you for free yes that's how i would sound like i reach out and he ignores me and i constantly want to hang out it's your board secuno oh right uh well i'm feeling pretty safe game of the year a thousand huh what eurogamer's 2008 game of the year was this playstation 3 platformer where the player controls sac boy to progress through online user created levels sakuno what is littlebigplanet that is correct i was gonna say great big world thank god oh my god thank you it had a good soundtrack one of the best soundtracks i think you're getting those points like it's crazy 800. get so many points i've never seen someone so many points it's amazing wait really the game developers choice awards 2004 game of the year was a sequel set nearly 20 years after the events of the original game where the players must join a resistance movement to defeat the alien oppressors of earth the combine i'm just gonna put my buzzard down because i don't want to accidentally hit it 2004 game of the year sequel is that the covenant or the combat yeah are you sure about the the combine no i guess that no that one i'm pretty sure yeah it's talking about halo do you think i'm talking about halo all right guys time is up the correct answer what is half-life two oh that's a pc game that's for me never i don't think you played that one here i don't know don't you you can't just connor if you don't know something you can't just say game that's for nerds oh that's canada that's foreign i think i was too young when it came out i was like i don't even know if i knew how to use a keyboard yet yeah no you you you definitely i was nine i wouldn't you don't know you use a keyboard i don't know here it is time magazine's 2006 game of the year was a sports game that came bundled with its console and sold over 82 million copies to become the fourth selling uh highest selling game of all time what is it connor that's right he's gonna say fifa i don't know i'm just i'm doing like word association i'm a gamer no you're not if i wasn't a gamer would i be nominated for content creator they are the game awards yeah the content creator they're not gamer of the year right there's this it used to be trending gamer then they changed it did it yeah so that leslie could be involved all right you go 100 above me and now you're talking [ __ ] connor i'm feeling good he is the best i'm feeling good the third place terry talking what's going on okay go go go faster all right we'll take game of the year for 200. game of the year let's clean it up the game awards 2017 game of the year was this action adventure game for the nintendo switch where link fights to save the land from the calamity can't say it before what is breath of the wild because you yeah i'm the vip and squid game i'm chilling last this is like a quick game this is my irl i'm gonna title this video lock it in that is correct great answer there what's up connor like down there she's she's dancing on you right now getting danced on the latency on the left podium is just a little off it seems it is farther away it is a little farther away the pink yeah i feel like we're doing so well like all the other no you guys are always like all negative and stuff we play normally with big idiots yeah you're right i would say chance morris collectively has the iq of like a baboon i saw him eat a banana with a peel on like a baboon similar activity that monkey's partaking i've never tried it maybe it's not that bad we almost threw up so oh you're bored here leslie before and after for 600. you guys know how it works now uh little drummer boy meets world you remember drummer boy this famous singer-songwriter was the front man for queen and is an astrological phenomenon where a planet appears to reverse its orbit often being blamed in astrology for misfortune what is connor freddie mercury retrograde that is correct okay now what a guest mercury's good that's actually actually that's cool because i now know what that means yeah i never knew what that meant until now mercury's in retrograde it means it's is that a real thing does it spin the other way it just spins the other way sometimes yeah how does that happen how did yeah what it seems like it's like an illusion right i think like in super monkey ball when you're going really fast and you're actually starting to look like you're slowing down it looks like yeah yeah i get it i'm a gamer you're bored here connor uh let's take uh before and after for 400. let's make it a little easier here this all-star team of dc superheroes is the most popular esport in south korea connor what is justice league of legends that is correct [Music] and with that conor has a firm lead above foosley that's right and it is your board i'll do uh words and among us for 600. goddammit connor are you do you want a small one no this is fine to repeatedly complain or criticize often with the intention of getting someone to do something they avoid that sounds really like you're nagging someone but i don't know for sure wait come on what come on you could have picked one it could be wrong it could be wrong correct [Applause] know what he's doing he has so many more points than you guys that he's just playing puppeteer he actually can't lose he's just puppeteer right now he actually could lose because at the end of the final trivia you can wager as many points as you have and if you guys wagered all your points right now you'd have more than him so he is in troubled territories and it is your board leslie name the same 200. final one let's clean up the category sandler savage at connor who's adam i spam too fast adam sandler adam savage one a thespian the other blow stuff up you're bored let's do 200 before a thousand yeah the last one is the spiciest right all right here it is this american playwright famously known for writing the musical hammock hamilton is a prolific actor best known for roles in the television series drake and josh and icarly can i think do you have five songs have a few seconds probably i see his face in my head um i follow him on twitter too need an answer his name just break it up what's the answer for the second part okay for the second part a prolific act of both notes oh miranda oh my god that helps me with the first part miranda cosmetics and then it's miranda five four three he's so iconic too i'm honestly offended by my uh the fact that i it's it's um can i get the very first letter out of time connor uh lindman lin manuel miranda cosgrove yes he's right who is such a person i'm sorry lin bedwell that's correct yes you're in the lead again this is our final question okay how does this category work again this category works like you just did on the last one i know but um a lot of the pressure is getting to me you just so like okay there you knew the second part you could have been like miranda cosgrove and then been like wait miranda like oh wait lynne miranda wait this is the same category before and after okay okay all right and you want these thousand points because then you would be ahead of conor by a hundred you would connor you have to understand connor also wants these points yeah it's like i will just say the answers i'm going to fight for the question a little slower um right after this we're going to do our final trivia let's take a look before and after this biographical film about frank abingal living a life of a con artist on the run from the fbi is a hit song from disney's the lion king detailing simba and nala's budding romance i'm just gonna put my buzzer down leonardo dicaprio and came out in 2002. you guys have a few seconds remaining yeah i got uh this is a thousand point question for a reason frank abagnale living a life of con artistry on the run abignale it's actually frank abignale jr if that helps and who is in it tom hanks and leonardo dicaprio do you know what the song is can you feel yeah i know the song can doesn't help much what ends with can can tuna can that would be a crazy title time's up guys we have to call it correct answer great movie by the way if you're like i keep scrolling i can't find anything catch me if you can you feel the love tonight but i still don't know what that is it's just about it's literally as described it's a really good movie though tom hanks leonardo dicaprio early leo great stuff check it out on netflix and that wraps up our second trivia board let's roll through it in third place we have foosley with 2 701 points second place we have connor eats pants with 3 601 and in first we have cycuno with 5 600 butts it is time for final trivia it's over the way this works you guys can wager as many points as you have you have one question you will answer and everything will be on the line top two move on first place actually gets in a a a what do you call it like a like a like a like a power-up a bonus what do you call that without selling a gamer advance advantage that's a word right they get an advantage first place will get to go first in quick money that's an advantage so anyway i will stop stalling that is the situation we are dealing with now let me tell you guys the category history this is uh this is my worst subject category is history guys pull up your phones you're going to message in the chat labeled with your name not the general chat the chat labeled with your name how many points you would like to wager in this history final trivia remember top two move on you get it wrong you lose the points you get it right you get the points really think about this so we're typing the points first type is just the points you can what like i put in a number but i'm rethinking it yeah you could not enhance you can just you take your time while we do this shout out by the way to coinbase as always the sponsor of this stream thank you coinbase for making the swap over to youtube hope you guys are enjoying the broadcast you can go to for ten dollars in bitcoin free when you sign up all right you guys have your wagers put in we're not going to reveal them now we are going to ask the question you guys have about a minute to think about it you're going to put it in the same chat with your name make sure it's not general with your name in it no googling no shenanigans we have eight cameras above you we have four sensors we have three radars don't oh oh pretend i mean we have a guy who like he's tall and like he could probably see over here anyway let's take a look at our final question here it is in 1914 this european heir to the throne was assassinated by a bosnian terrorist an act that lit the fuse to a great war good luck i'm in [Music] classic history question feel free to play along at home thank you by the way everyone for watching here on youtube one of the highest viewed mogul monies appreciate that guys we'll have a video uploaded right at the end of this broadcast that you can check out at mogul mail we'll ship you over there i can't change the points anymore cannot do that that makes it sound like you know the answer that makes sense i think the opposite actually makes it sound like she's a cookie you think you know me connor but you don't all right i have an answer i'm a huge apartheid leslie finn i'm watching all the time oh god i know he knows he's like reverse connor's in my head i know that i don't know um are all your answers in mine's in no one's gonna see the answers we put right no thank you very much for putting in the answers and thank you for bearing with me for the first couple trivia boards here it is the final trivia question to make it to quick money we're gonna start with you leslie first up we're gonna take a look at your answer don't look at it don't can i explain oh yeah explain explain let's take a look you put napoleon but apartheid i know that he gave the us the statue of liberty as a gift that was the only history factor and what the fact was in my head i could not think of anything else but that's what i'm saying i know jfk was assassinated so i put him in it has nothing to do and then they he convinced them to come back then they shipped them off again they exiled them how many points did you wager let's check that out oh she had the all in right logically she had to all it what you could have put one yeah because conor could have gone wrong oh that's true you are at zero points cycuno perhaps you wagered all your points and it's a draw and we go to a tiebreaker let's see you put in the answer bob all right please say you went through this i i don't know the answer is incorrect bob's bob's wrong um you aged one point maybe that's a nickname let's see how much you wagered wagered a hundred your genius not much wagered a hundred i figured i'd get it wrong when i saw history so you are down a hundred percent camel leaves us to conor connor what did you put in archduke franz ferdinand connor that is correct [Applause] how do you know that history was like the only somewhat entertaining subject the archduke franz ferdinand we still do not know who assassinated him to light off this drama throughout history let's take a look how much did he wager 600 600 a classy 600 that won't be enough for first but it's enough to push him on a quick money congratulations connor congratulations cycuno you two are moving on a quick money leslie you got destroyed but thank you so much for coming on i mean she did what she had to do guys hearts in chat for leslie we're gonna go to a quick break we'll be back with quick money shout out to leslie please check her out on all her socials she's trending on twitter i know she's a celebrity these days thanks guys [Music] all this land behind me mine now passed down to me for my daddy but it's not just me mommy's here too and i gotta take care of her it's hard work i was six when i found out i take over the farm it's been long days and early mornings i look forward to going home drinking a cold beer watching the big game and using this new app i found called corn base it's coin base huh coin base coin base not corn base i said corn base yeah that's funny that's funny coin base you should make that okay all right from the top go again go again yeah there are long days and yeah those early mornings i look forward to going home drinking a cold beer watching the big game and using corn base every what's wrong so it's you keep saying corn base no no every time so it's not that it's called coinbase coinbase and you know that's what you just got to say because just say coinbase what it's called what it's called okay yeah you good yeah all right that's great that's great okay the long days wear on me it's why i like going home drinking a cold beer watching the big game and using corn base cut what maybe maybe it's like a visual thing right you keep saying corn base right and here see nothing to do with corn right okay letter c sure okay but you know no but i got you i'm sorry about that i'm sorry about that coinbase and that's it coinbase can we do coinbase corn base coinbase coinbase good you got it i got i'm gonna lose it we gotta go okay i'm gonna lose a coin base coinbase corn base it's the greatest god is it like a joke no no sir like you're messing around or something like that i'm a farmer not an actor okay because all you need to say is one word and we've been here for six hours okay we want to get out of the [ __ ] want to go home to our family get out of where you're getting out it's called coinbase not corn base [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's up oh i got to hang out with cycuno before miz kim eat [ __ ] mizzy [ __ ] anyway how you doing doing great welcome back to mogul money everybody it's the final final part of the show quick money where we separate the 5k from the buddha it's like who knows i'm going to ask you five questions you need to answer these questions as quickly as possible you have 30 seconds total basically i surveyed 100 youtube chatters i asked some general questions and you need to tell me what is the most likely popular response okay make enough sense you know for example like what's your favorite fruit what would you say uh the the kiwis but i wouldn't say that because not everyone's gonna say that kiwi apple there you go there you go is your favorite fruit of kiwi that's probably peaches actually okay i like kiwis pretty close too all right wait what well no don't worry about it uh that's pretty much it i got five questions for you we're gonna rapid fire through them if you get more points than connor at the end you win 5k if you get less you get a bidet and that's pretty much the whole show custom custom custom and muggle moves it says it's actually like i don't want to leak too much here but it's it's even more custom than that they showed a picture wait it's more than the picture no it's [ __ ] it's heated it has its own light it rises when you walk into the room okay it rises when you walk in the yeah i made a custom so like the i i dubbed over so like when it when you're done it's like thanks for pissing oh it's my voice okay that was a big [ __ ] you took anyway let's get to it are you ready yep 30 seconds on the board we all good does it pop up on the screen or you just read it i'm going to read it out to you okay it'll start the timer after i finish reading the first question you can say skip if you'd like here's your first question what happens if i skip we'll just go back to it at the end so like if you were like struggling with one complete the phrase first blank first base who is the hardest person to get a gift for uh myself name a food or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold coffee name and adjective cool what is your favorite holiday song the the the the christmas something secret holiday song jingle bells jingle bells no that's good that's good it's good okay you're close to the time there on that last one oh god i think you did pretty well i don't think i did very well you don't know okay we'll see we'll see we'll pull it up in just a moment here i think i think you're selling yourself short that's that's some hard ones i snuck that in there name and adjective is actually like the hardest question we've ever asked that's the one with the most replies we've ever had the largest variants so we'll see how it goes i think cool was a pretty good answer consumed you said coffee i think that one's pretty good that's pretty good are you ready to pull these up here oh your mom's a [ __ ] what okay sorry they said they need a few moments um okay anyway anyway that's that's about it here uh anyway how have you had a good time yeah it's been fun okay let's let's take a look a little worried about these answers i i don't think i did you go first though which gives you an advantage because if he says something you said he has to go again so let's take a look the first question was complete the phrase first blank no you said first base like baseball like baseball makes a lot of sense survey said eight points 10 or 15 answers so this is this is decent trust second one who's the hardest person to get a gift for you said myself this one is true but i don't know if it's a good this is hashtag deep right here okay let's take a look at like a zero okay survey said it's true but it's not true um who's the hardest person to gift it's yourself and you deserve gifts third one name a fruit or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold you said coffee this is this is the one i have confidence on well you should because it was the number one answer how many is that 26. oh that's a lot that's huge that's more than the rest combined times three name and adjective you said cool [Music] survey said seven okay okay it's 44 and then you said what is your favorite holiday song i panicked chose on this one it sounds like you just thought of a holiday yeah i just thought i'd like christmas people like christmas and then that was a long time there's no way you're in the car going jingle bells yeah yeah yeah yeah all right you said jingle bells survey sales right maybe one maybe two how come it's not changing six that's not not terrible not terrible and you've got one number one answer let's see look it's gonna be harder for the person in second you guarantee yourself a bidet but there's a real chance for first place let's bring in connor eats pants all right you can sit on the couch with leslie bring you back at the very end thank you seikuno pretty good i think pretty good thanks connor hello he did decent okay but i want you to know this is the hardest quick money we've ever had okay truly the most difficult questions and so it's gonna be a little tough on you okay especially because you're going second the way it works i'm gonna ask you five questions you stand right here by the way i'm gonna ask you five questions total you have 30 seconds to answer them if you answer something saikuno said you're going to hear this noise that means you have to go again so you if you run out of time you don't get to guess you got to go quick quick quick yeah time will start after the first question you have any concerns nothing nope no concerns ready to jump into it i'm all in all right let's do it connor quick money for 5 000 complete the phrase first blank first kiss who's the hardest person to get a gift for your mom name a food or drink that can be consumed either hot or cold coffee try again water aim and adjective big what is your favorite holiday song rudolph thornton's reindeer told you it was hard right yeah name and adjective you're like what yeah there's many adjectives well i think you did pretty well you think yeah i know as a fact you got one of the one of the better answers okay in there and uh and so we'll see how you did um for this sakura if you want to come up this is the grand reveal you can see right here connor you can go to your original marker hardest person to get a gift for was your mom you said first kiss name a fruit or drink you said water that one's the one i think i'm the shakiest on yeah cause yeah i mean you can't i couldn't think of anything i just i i was focusing on drink because i thought coffee yeah i'm sorry yeah consumed is a very specific choice of word yeah anyway let's take a look here's the reveal cykuno got 50 points so your big number is 51 that will push you on 49 or less you're out 50 we've never had that happen but it would be kind of funny okay first one up we asked complete the phrase first blank you said first kiss [Music] survey said 13 points [Applause] by the way number one answer first place first place something lesley wouldn't really get oh come on oh she's catching strange that's all yeah well you know it's coming up yeah yeah next year who is the hardest person to get a gift for you said your mom i assume you weren't talking about mine just like proverbial york survey said 20 points that was the number two answer the number one answer was your dad oh they're a little pickier moms are a little more open about what they want and it's hard to get mine yes they have food or drinks that can be consumed hot or cold you said water people drink hot water they're weird survey said i'll take six oh man he has to do so bad on these next ones number one answer was coffee so no got that i feel like big is going to give me points i i will get you enough we'll put you over i feel like rudolph is better than jingle bells i any adjective this was the question with the most answers possible of any mobile money there's over 20. you said big feel that hey big survey said just enough to put you over to 5 000 number one answer was pog pog of course the classic term from chatters rudolph the red novel's reindeer got you one point so you barely thought okay it was within two points oh my god it was for myself anyway the number one answer all i want for christmas is you and all you guys need to do is subscribe while you're here thanks for hanging out i appreciate it i hope you guys enjoyed the show thank you cycuno thank you connor thank you bruce lee you can follow them all she's here she's here too the camera's going away you guys can see her thanks for watching guys [Music] promotional consideration provided by coinbase you
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Id: IdcTrZleu2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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