Modify STL in Fusion 360

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hello and welcome to my channel in this video I will show you how to modify an existing STL file in fusion 360 I just downloaded a very cool board an extruder from Thingiverse it's called a3 data and I have a board and connector which is too large for this original design so I need to modify this extruder design a little bit let's do that so first you have to save the file as always let's call it 3 remix next we will insert that STL file I just downloaded from Thingiverse so click insert insert mash and find the file here is my STL file click open now here you have to select the unit STL files do not store any units so it's not defined how large the model will be in the physical world therefore we have to guess here what was the unit then they design this and we just guess millimeters but later on with your 35 this is true or not click OK now here we have the mesh model and in fusion 360 we like to edit B wrap model so we have to convert this to a B wrap but if you select this mesh body and right click from the menu you cannot find the convert to be wrap and it's because the history capture is on so we have to switch this off so right-click the project in the browser and the very bottom there is do not capture design history click that click continue and now we don't have any history capture anymore go to the browser right click the mesh body and you will find this mesh to be that now click OK [Music] and it will create a new body but here it says that in the original STL file there are too many faces so if we convert it as it is we may run into performance issues so it's a good idea to reduce the number of faces first so let's cancel this all right so let's go to mesh menu select the body from the browser and click modify in the modify select reduce it's the second in the list now we have the reduce dialogue here the reduce type is adaptive which is good because adaptive is trying to reduce less where there are more details like here and reduce more where we have flat surfaces the density you can change so if I click the preview it will show how many faces we will have so it's good to have a look at the more tensed areas if I change the density decrease this we will lose detail but we will have less faces if I increase the density we will have more faces and more details the original was 0 25 so I will keep that and click OK alright now we have less faces in our model we right click again on the browser and select mesh to be wrap click okay now it goes to without any warning and we have this body 1 which is a boundary representation it's not a mesh anymore at this point we can switch on the history to capture so right click the project capture design history ok so now we are capturing the history and we can come back to this anytime all right so let's verify if this is the right size so the holes on this model should be 3 millimeters so what i will do i align to the top view zoom in and use the measure tool from the inspect menu click measure and select one of these points here and another one on the other side all right so it says two point nine nine seven millimeters which is about correct so we don't need to modify the dimensions of this model it has the right size okay next I will show you what I want to modify so I will use the orbit tool and this is the hole where I should put my borden connector so that filament will come from this side goes towards this side and gets out here so I will connect my photon here and I need to make this hole bigger and there's also a pump so you see that this is extended a bit I need to remove that pump because later on I will extend this this hole here it's not deep enough for me so I want to extend this a little bit with a pipe you will see later on so first what I will do is just to cut off this bomb for that I will use offset plane you can do it in many different ways but I this is how I will do it now so I will create an offset plane I select any of these surfaces here and I leave the distance to zero so this plane will be on this surface I click OK alright now I will select the body no not the mesh body but the body and click modify split body alright body is already selected so I need to select the splitting rule I will click on the plane it shows that they do cut click OK [Music] all right now we have body too as well and if I hide body tool then you see that what part we are cutting off okay this is good so we also hide the construction okay let's come to the front view zoom in I will create a sketch create new sketch and we will align it to this surface click OK and now we are editing the sketch so this is the hole where the filament comes out I want to align everything to this hole so it zoom in a little bit more okay and I will put a circle I don't know where the center is so I'm just guessing now and we can see that the hole is two millimeters so I have type two millimeters click okay and you see it's not completely aligned so we will zoom in a bit more hit and for move tap the circle and use this rectangle here grab it and you can grab it in any direction so I will align it on top of the hole now it covers everything fine click OK almost so I will do a little bit more movement maybe so again same thing it's very tiny movement probably doesn't matter okay yep now we have the circle for the hole we can hide bodies all right and we will edit the sketch so I will need a nine millimeter hole so I will click the circle I will use the same center point and make this nine millimeters okay and I want a two millimeters wall around this so I will use this offset tool click this circle type two millimeters okay I've zoomed out a little bit so you can see all right so we have this large circle smaller one and this one is for the filament oh we can finish the sketch okay zoomed out and we can pull back the body alright so I will move a little bit around okay as you can see this whole will hang out from this box so we will need to put a little platform below it so that's what I will do first I will extrude so Heath II and I will select everything that hangs out this part and this part I will start from the bottom here from this surface so I will select start from object and select this bottom surface here and I will go downwards two millimeters so minus two here and it will be join okay so now we will have the platform on the beach I will cut now the hole so I will put back the sketch I did do another extrusion select the inner part this this so everything that is inside and we will start this time from this plane here and we will go down until the bottom so for the extent select to object and again select this bottom right and we will do a cut so the start is this top surface the extent is the bottom and we will cut click OK alright so now we have the hole as we like it it's the same depth but it's bigger now I will build back the war here until this platform so again extrude we will select the whole part of it if you start from the top plane so from object selected top and then extend to object select the bottom and it will be a joint click OK alright so now if you look around we have this bigger hole but as I mentioned before it's not deep enough for me so I will do a little pipe using the wall part of the circle so another extrusion I will select this and the outer part as well and I want this time five millimeters outwards it's a join click OK alright so now we have the bigger hole and my Bowden connector will fit to this hole and it's perfectly aligned with the filament hole and the next thing that I would do is to print this and measure everything so if it fits or not if it doesn't fit if this hole is too big or too small too large or too small then I can modify the sketch and it will adapt the model accordingly so you can also make a little bit of editing the model if you don't like for example you can add feel that and stuff like that but I won't do that you get the idea so let's save for work click Save you can give some version descriptor I just leave it as it is click OK and then we could save our body as an STL file so I will rename this acts through their remix right click save as STL then click OK and then just select the folder where you want to save it click Save now you have a new STR 5 bit of modifications that you just ate I hope you enjoyed it and it will help out with your project thanks for watching and see you next time bye
Channel: Istvan Beszteri
Views: 10,821
Rating: 4.8653846 out of 5
Keywords: STL, Modify, Fusion 360, Edit
Id: ONnbW9DCH0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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