Modified Monopoly Framing - Easier + Cheaper Method

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on the build show today we're talking framing i've got a detail for you on how to really jump the performance of your house but do it on a tight budget today's build show all about modified monopoly framing let's get going [Music] all right so we've talked about monopoly framing in the past and this is actually a concept i stole from joe stiebrick and i did my very first house in this style which actually i called perfect wall that's what joe calls it i did several years ago it was an amazing house it actually was fine home buildings house of the year in like 2017 but that house very modern no overhangs we're building on a tight budget my house i wanted to use the same concept but i wanted to do it in more traditional look so if you look at my house during framing if you saw any of those videos my zip system sheathing actually touched my zip system roofing meaning all of my traditionally hand-cut rafters when they hit the wall we cut them and so no rafter tails were sticking out and then later i added tails on top of the roof with some exterior insulation now that's a great way to go it's it's absolutely bomber when it comes to an air sealing to continuous exterior insulation it's really the best way to go but it's frankly pretty expensive to do that i spent a lot of time on the framers labor not a ton of money on materials but mainly labor so this house traditionally framed traditional roof trusses we were going to block out the areas in between the rafters as they poked out in this back of the house we did that and i've done that a lot over the years to make a to start making a conditioned attic meaning the attic space is part of the air-conditioned space of the house so we're slab on grade here there's no basement that means that my attic's going to have a lot of ductwork to heat and cool the house so we would spray and i've done this a lot over the years open cell or even better closed cell foam at the at the ceiling line and then we would use those bird blocks that are solid blocked there as a backer for the spray foam however it's not great when it comes to air sealing spray foam works as an air sealant but it's not really its main job its main job is insulation and oh by the way you get some air tightness benefits but i've seen lots of spray foam pull away from the framing and not be perfectly airtight so a way to do that bird blocking better would be to come in and use a caulking mirror either use zip system liquid flash or maybe some big stretch or lexel to caulk that first and then spray foam it so we'd be more airtight however if you look at that detail there's miles of cracks along there that would need to be caulked and then spray found on the other hand my buddy scott true when i visited him a builder out in bastrop took the monopoly framing concept and did something that i loved and that's what we did here okay so now what i want to show you is we use zip system sheathing on the soffit of this small porch and we use it on all the overhangs of the house genius idea by scott so that now i can use still traditional trusses really traditional framing and not have to do anything differently but now i don't have to rely on the spray foam for air tightness i can either use liquid flash or tape for air tightness in the face of the zip sheathing is my air barrier on the outside of the house and this works great as an air barrier so if we come to the inside now you're going to notice where i have these trusses we ran the zip system sheathing up to hit the bottom of the truss and these are raised heel trusses or energy trusses and let me come up on the ladder and i'm going to use my gopro to kind of show you what i'm looking at here okay so what you're seeing here this is the top of the sheeting and then you can see this comes up to the trusses right here this is a raised heel or an energy heel truss and then if i put this light up in here this right here is the back side of that zip system sheathing this down here is my sub fascia and that sub fascia has a tape joint between here and the sub fascia to tighten that up and then this root sheathing here this is zip system roof sheathing this is taped to the sub fascia right here as well so now we're nice and air tight and if i take this light away you can see i don't have any light coming through that space whatsoever we're nice and tight in there so now my spray foam contractor when he comes is going to fill this cavity with spray foam now we probably could also use let's say dense pack cellulose in there and maybe transition to rock wool in these cavities this roof's actually a pretty straightforward roof i've seen my buddy travis brungart do that that certainly could be an option or in this house where budget really is an issue and we have a couple of tricky framing details with a dormer that would make traditional bats at this roofline harder we're going to go with open cell spray foam so we're going to reuse 10 inches of open cell spray foam at the roof line now this whole attic is conditioned we're dealing with air tightness with the zip system sheathing on the outside and we didn't have to do anything different i love this idea super thankful for scott for showing me this out on the job site and if you look at the gable walls you're going to notice that the zip system sheathing on this gable here and the two gables upstairs went up and then we put the barge rafters on after the fact in other words the the overhang framing went on after the sheathing so with just a little bit of variance on the framers part we're able to get a very airtight shell now i don't have windows in yet we can't do a blower or test but once we get our windows on we can do a blower or test at this point before spray foam comes and i don't need to rely on that spray foam for air tightness now back here where those rafters poke through those are traditional hand cut rafters i've got a porch on the back of the house so we did bird block that off i need to decide what are we going to do we're going to get there with a ladder and those that's probably what we'll do so we have a double seal with both spray foam and caulking but if i would have had the entire house like that that could have been two or three days of a guy with a cocking gun messing with all those details and by doing it this way so much easier i'm relying on the zip for air tightness guys i'll have a link in the description for all my other videos where i talked about monopoly framing or what i used to call perfect wall framing which is joe stieber coin name i also call that the 500 year house that's what joe calls it so this is a great detail and i think you really should check this out or consider this for your houses as well if you're not currently a subscriber guys hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every tuesday and every friday follow me on tick tock or instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 106,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: sYDT17A6Cr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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