Metal Stud Framing Lesson.

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my name is rigor Ramirez I'm an instructor at UBC a job for instructor its apprenticeship pre-apprenticeship program here at we would race in Jack for Seder in not in due time okay my course title will be interior assistance any lesson title that I'm going to be teaching you guys will be on metal starts raining okay money get for this lesson after the lesson the student will be able to frame a metal stud wall recognizing different materials used be able to cut in thin metal studs within 1/16 of an inch accuracy and fasten them to the other metal studs in a safe and productive manner using the correct hand power tools and also set properly fasteners ok time it'll take it probably about 15 minutes or so we don't want to go into too long the equipment that we need okay very important we kind of need to go over the the equipment that we need for this lesson we need a measuring tape okay what we have here okay we have a framing hatchet we will need the framing hatchet okay we will need our C type for cramped we need our clamp to be able to secure the stuff in fine point marker these are fine point marker connect a sharpie poreless a screwdriver this is our poor little screwdriver this is what we're going to be using to secure the the studs and fasten it 3/8 5/8 20 gauge crank this is for track okay they will come also disturbed so there's a difference and I'm going to go a little bit more into detail ok the material we have our self drilling screws 7/16 this would be our screws that we need to use for this ax for this lesson in our level we call this a torpedo level it is which for this kind of miniature wall this will do the job we meet on that's all we need right now okay so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna show you I'm going to demonstrate first of all I'm going to demonstrate the materials that we need to use for this project and there's a difference okay this one it's called track it's a three to five middle start track it's it's three to five eighths on the back side and then we have a flange of about an inch and a quarter and this is our exact this is a guy okay and then we have our metal studs they have already been pre-cut and how do we distinguish the piece of track from the stub okay yeah the hole the stud will always have a hole in it okay so this there so and I'm gonna show you why it needs to have a hole very important okay so we already know we have a track and then we have our study we already have the pieces free card and I'm now I'm gonna show you how to do a miniature wall it's only gonna be 30 inches long and it's gonna be about two foot high because we already pre pre thought of study before we move into more of the studs I wanted to show you something here some of the typical cuts we use in the metal stud industry these are our ears and you know I labeled them and and you will see eventually how they're being used okay so there's one cat ears we have our shoe and this is what we call a shoe in the metal stud industry time this is what you know what we have a pattern right here this will be our tongue okay and then what we have here it's a splice okay splice that was like in okay but I'll show you that that was you okay so I'm gonna start that right now our framing process we have a piece of track you know we have to do normally you will see two lines has not done that on the bottom of the floor if we were framing this let's say on a bedroom in your house we would have snap some lines with chalk line but in this case all I'm gonna do is secure it right to the right to the table that we're using here and we want to use the same fastener let's come down with our cordless do the inch first and then we go we're gonna go in the middle put a cup in there and then just to secure it I'm gonna use a couple little longer screws we don't want it to fall in the process of framing it because I'm gonna need some kind of power you always want to do the screws on the sander now safety wise when we're framing metal studs we always want to wear gloves very very important so you don't cut we will always have sharp corners and this protects your hands from not being from not getting fat you also need your safety glasses car hats very important to have them at all times okay now I have my wall the bottom track I have it in place what I'm gonna do I'm gonna be framing and opening here such as a window in this case we can call it a window or it can be a door but I'm gonna show you guys how to do it okay so before we do anything I'm gonna use my measuring tape and then my sharpie or fine point marker and I'm going to identify my Center the law I have 28 inches I thought it was 30 we only have up and then we're going to make the marking here to identify her stainer center of the wall okay one we have identified that I have these will be our headers or our opening and they are 14 14 and a half inches so what we do we think half of 14 and a half inches seven and a quarter inches and we're gonna go both sides 7 and 1/4 and then our 14 and a half inches altogether so we mark our center to identify it now I'm ready to install this stuff very first thing I want to do is do me in okay we have our stuff and then the way to fit it in you put it on the center by hand okay you always line up the hole lined it so the bottom piece it's on the bottom side you don't want it like this metal starts he'll have a top and down okay in this case that's her bottom you Center it and then you twisted okay once you have it on the end all you need to do and see it's putting pressure already you have your c-clamp you clamp it then you peel out the other side as well which we're gonna do but before we do that we want to make sure we have a plumb and you know it's level I can see that that it's level then we have one hand all we need to do is grab our screws [Music] the other side and then once they've installed and secured you can remove your your c-clamp your same thing I want to make sure I'm lining up my fault and I go right through the end right through the very end of the wall those are the very stats very first types I want to check your plumbness hey we are from again we're good slap the other side grab your cordless couple screws [Music] one side then the other side once we have the two sides secure remove your sequence now we're going to install the top track okay again they be pre tap okay all we need to do is place them a little bit do the other side and we already have pretty much our wall said it's not secure but we're gonna secure it right now here again what I'm gonna do with the tape measure measure one side okay we have twenty four and a quarter in fasten it clamp it clunk the other side okay and we can do this at the same time now before you do the other side we want to make sure it's level so we put our level here on the top it's a little bit and we want to double check make sure we have the same distance on the bottom check the bottom and then we're gonna check our top it's twenty eight and a quarter inches double check we're good again check your level make sure it didn't move clamp it and then you can clamp the other side okay now we have our four sides are ready to go Ava driver screws and make sure you put braces here detective it will move it up it's a miniature wall so we want to make sure we don't push too much in it okay okay now once we have done our inside we remove all over time they've been secured take all of them six month our level and now we want to do the inside today to do the inside now to get a menu you hold the starting an angle you fold it and then you're gonna put it right within our marking remember that what we started take we cover our theme and this is where I use the hatchet hatchet monofin line it up we have our bottom the other side so what we'll do we'll clamp the two sides at two starts so we this is what we need quite a few c-clamp because they they're needed okay so again we do that we do that to side the front then we go in the back okay we have all the bottom secured now we're gonna do the top but before we do the top we need to make sure our star starts our level if we want to check this one as well we are good the end is good but this one is it's okay we're good take clamp it once you have use your level you can clamp the static this is what C clamps are very it up front put pressure in it and then we'll do the back okay same thing here and we want to double check you want to make sure whatever we have at the bottom we want to make sure we have up the top okay okay it's good her again we want to make sure we are level now what I'm going to do here they signify sub doors a little bigger you know what trying to get stream and opening so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna market you know you see your measuring tape and your Sharpie your fine for marker okay well go up and mark one side only this case I'm gonna mark a teenagers up and this one you notice I'm not doing any kind of marking because we need to level it off so we can start it's gonna face up this is where the years come in place this is why the haters need to have the years we stall it again find our barking clamp it and then before we do the other side we want to make sure that we are level you can set your level here in one whole level we are ready to plant okay so now we're level across we have our two sides and we're gonna screw the front okay now remove that then we want to make sure we're also level the opposite way what I mean it's oppressed and then we're gonna clamp now that it's clamped in place and there's our wall we were wanting to do a window all we really needed to do is Mark paper marking depending on the size of the window and then we would fit our Gator just like this and that will give you a window so we have a door and obviously these needs to be cut off if it was the door but to do a window are we need to do is install a bottom header we wouldn't want to go into that but I just want to show you something else this piece of this is what we call cold roll running and this is why I was telling you that it's important to have the holes in place on a structure wall with some wall I don't have drywall on both sides we want to lighten up the holes for this reason this was here in that secures this is what metal studs have Falls not only for this reason but we also to run plumbing to run electrical that's that's what it used to run out this is what the metal starts here holds enemy okay so that has been our framing okay now we're gonna get into obviously we frame the opening we started with the inside the two-inch start then our opening or Hayter and now that we see how the walls put together the screwdriver we went all over the materials that we needed now I'm going to review with you you know what happened in this lesson okay so if anybody can tell me that tool you know some of the tools that we use yes what else can anybody else tell me yes so framing hatchet it's important so we can you know move the studs when we need it the water pipe at the beginning it's important to check the wall type they start this one is three and five-eighths like I told you at the when we started the lesson now can someone tell me the difference between a piece of track and a piece of stuff so which one has a hole what is called as the stud so this is a three five eight metal stud and we can see it also the Travis yeah excellent now tell me which one what is this called the there's two sides remember one is the okay but we have the horse side our side and then what is this called on this soft soft side and then what is used to plumb the wall I mean what what kind of tool do we need a level right why do we have to check for make sure everything is plumbed yeah I mean when you frame a wall in your in your house a bedroom you don't want the wall to be leaning right okay this is a this is what we wanted to make sure it's nice and plumb we always want to see all the walls the building we never want to see a tilted building right so we are that's why it's important for the walls to be plumbed as well so I would remember to you know to expect you know what type metal studs they come on three or five eight six inch eight inch many different sizes so that's what we want it's important to check your wall type you're opening the size of the opening and and the always check your your fasteners make sure that every connection we have a what skull is true or a fastener for any of the connections we make me want to make sure we always have let screw attached otherwise the walls gonna fall so any other questions you might have tonight today you know good yes anytime I mean we yeah but but this is the basic didn't kill you you know panel 3a walling we obviously I wanted to do as you know simple as possible this is why I came up with framing a miniature wall so I thank you very much for your for helping me out with this project and and it's part of my training as well that I need to do and thank you for showing interest and I hope you learn something that will help you you know down the future okay thanks [Applause]
Channel: rigo ramirez
Views: 336,685
Rating: 4.7186813 out of 5
Id: bc49VyAeo-U
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Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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